HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0066362_Correspondence_19960708NPDES DOCIMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NC0066362 Benson Apartments WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: July 8, 1996 This docnmeat is priated cox' reuse paper - igzzore azzy coatezzt on the rev -erase aside State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Steve W. Tedder, Chairman July 8, 1996 Nathan Benson Benson Apartments 145 Brookside Camp Road Hendersonville, N C 28792 Avt;..A LDEEHNJF Subject: Classification of Water Pollution Control Systems Benson Apartments Permit No. NC0066362 Henderson County Dear Mr. Benson: In accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 90A-37, the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission is required to classify all water pollution control systems. The Rating Scale for Classification of Wastewater Treatment Facilities, found at 15A NCAC 8C .0002, was adopted by the Commission to classify wastewate treatment facilities. The rating scale assigns points to each component of the treatment process. The classification of a facility is determined by the total number of points for all components of the treatment process. The classification of the subject facility was reviewed at the request of the Asheville Regional Office. A copy of the rating sheet is attached. The Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission hereby classifies the subject facility as indicated below: FACILITY NAME PERMIT NUMBER CLASSIFICATION Benson Apartments NC0066362 Grade II As required by 15A NCAC 8A .0202 and your permit, you must designate an Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) of the appropriate type and grade for the subject facility. Your facility requires a Grade II or higher Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator. Our records indicate George Fryar, Grade I has been designated as ORC of this facility. This operator is not qualified to continue acting as the ORC of this facility. If our records are not accurate, or a change in the ORC is required due to this reclassification, please complete and return the enclosed form by August 15, 1996. Failure to designate a properly certified operator and back-up operator by the above date constitutes a violation of the permit issued for this facility. Water Pollution Control System �� Voice 919 733-0026 FAX 919 733 1338 Operators Certification Commission vow An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Redur4 Reuse Recycle 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper If you have any questions concerning this classification or the designation of an ORC, please contact Barry Huneycutt or Dwight Lancaster at the number listed below. Sincerely, Ronald E. Ferrell, Supervisor Technical Assistance and Certification Group Enclosures cc: Permits and Engineering Central Files Asheville Regional Office .ATING SCALE FOR CLASSIFICATION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEMS Name of Facility: J 5 Owner or Contact Person: ihi-r%, _1 Mailing Address: I S . i k9X$'be County: f f L/17c7 5v;r-/ Present Classification: T NPDES Per. No. NC00 G6.3 Rated by: Th1- WWI -re Reviewed by: cd-of, Rl , se 'L' u , ,tJC 28-P9'Z Telephone: `70 u - gqi- 5-49 ' New Facility Existing Facility X Nondisc. • ORC: l Check Classification(s): Subsurface Wastewater Classification: (Circle One) I Per. No.WQ • , Health Dept.Per No. Telephone: "2:;14-S/-6J-or Date: /-.-f r� Health Dept. Regional Office Central Office Grade - Spray irrigation ll! IV Telephone: Telephone: Toil- zdi-6 iO ' Telephone: c G7 2-1'6'' elephone: Land Application Total Points: tN.EL i T PFCCFSSFS ANDAFLATFD CONITRO1 FOt_IIPMENT WtJICH ARE AN INTFFRALTART OF Iyn11$113iAL PRoo11CTpN SHAI 1 NOT BE CONSIDERED WASTE TREATMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF CLASSIFICATION. ALSO SEPTIC TANK SYS.113AS CONSISTING MIN OF SEPTIC TAi+ AND GRAVITY NiTRtF)CATION LINES ARE EXEMPT FROM CI AWIFICATION, SUBSURFACE CLASSIF1CAT1CN (check all units that apply) 1. septic tanks 2. pump tanks 3. siphon or pump -dosing systems 4. sand filters 5. grease Irap/interceptor 6. oiVwater separators 7. gravity subsurface treatment and disposal: 8. pressure subsurface treatment and disposal: SPRAY IRRIGATION CLASSIFICATION (check all units That apply) 1, preliminary treatment (delinitlon no. 32 ) 2. lagoons 3. septic tanks 4. pump tanks 5. pumps 6, sand filters 7. grease trap/interceptor e. oil/water separators 9_ disinfection 10. chemical addition for nutrient/algae control 11. spray irrigation of wastewater in addition to the • above classillcations, pretreatment of wastewater In excess of these components shall be rated using the point rating system and will require an operator with an appropriate dual certification. LAND APPLICATION/RESIDUALS CLASSIFICATION (Applies only to permit holder) 1. Land application of biosolids. residuals or contaminated soils on a designated site. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY CLASSIFICATION The following systems shall be assigned a Class I classification, tiniest the flow Is of a significant quantity or the technology is unusually complex, to require consideration by the Commission on a case -by -case basis: (Check 11 Appropriate) 1. Oil/water Separator Systems consisting only of physical separation, pumps and disposal; 2. Septic Tank/Sand Filter Systems consisting only of septic tanks, dosing apparatus, pumps,sand filters, disinfection and direct discharge; 3. Lagoon Systems consisting only of preliminary treatment, lagoons, pumps, disinfection, necessary chemical treatment for algae or nutrient control, and direct discharge; 4. Closed -loop Recyde Systems; 5. Groundwater Remediatlon Systems consisting only of oiVwater separators, pumps, air -stripping, carbon adsorption, disinfection and disposal; 6. Aquacullure operations with discharge to surface waters; 7. Water Plant sludge handling and back -wash wafer treatment; 8. Seafood processing consisting of screening and disposal. 9. Single-family discharging systems. with lho exception of Aerobic Treatment Units. will be classified if permitted alter July 1. 1993 or if upon Inspection by the Division. it is found that the system is not being adequately operated or maintained. Such systems will bo notified of the classification or reclassification by the Commission, In writing. • The following scale is used for rating wastewater treatmellt tt1,r....c.,. POt1{I S ITEM 4 ( I ) industrial Protroalmont Units or Industrial Pretroalment Program (soe dolinttlon No. 33) lig lacilitios for DESIGN FLOW OF PLANT IN gpd (not applicable to non-oontamhandn inatod cooing waters. sludge onlyol es (2) wator purification plants. totally closod cycle s stoms(soe definition No. II). and facilities consisting •Item (4)(d)or atoms (4)(d) and (l1}(d)) 2 o - 20.000 20.001 - 50.000 4 50.001 s. _100.000 ar 100.001 =_ 250.000 .................. 500,000 ..••..••••.••5 axlmum o! 000.000.............................................. loam ..».».»».»3 1.000.001 • d. int addhlonal !or each 200.000 gpd apachy up 0 2.000.001 (and up) rate 1 Po Design Flow (gpd) 1 (3) PRELIMINARY UNITS/PROCESSES (soe dolirtitlon No.32) (a) Bar Screens ,,,,,, (b) Mochanlcai Screons. Slade Scroons or Comminuting Dovkos».»....»-»..... (c) Gilt nontovaJ or or (d) Mocitartical or Aerated Grt fiorrsoval (o) Flow Measuring Device 2 or 2 (1) instrumented Flow Moasurerrtent 2 (9) Preaeratlon Equalization """'z (h) (nlluert< Flow Eq .......•...». 2 (i) Grease or Oil Separators -Gravity......•••••»• Mechanical $ Dissolved Air Flotation (I) • Prechlorinatbn (a) Septic Tank (see dellnitlon No. 43).....».»...... .... "' 2 (4) PRtMARYTIIEATMEW lNRSPROCtSSES (b) imholf Tank. » (c) Primary C1artlle!s .5 (d) Settling Ponds or Selling TanksInorganic (sludge purification plants. sand. gravel. sto�tminima operations except recreational such as gem or gold mining) SECONDA(iYTRE.ATMENT UiNI S�P�ES (5) (a) Carbonaceous Stage System. ».. (l) Aeration -High Purity Oxygen DiffusedAir System )»...»...» ..................»..................»... Mechanical Air System (fixed. floating or rotor .3 Sludge fleaeraifon (II) . Tridding falter ....». High (late...»».-....• Standard Rate — ••-••»...'.... »— Packed Tower ka1 Filter .•».� Biological Aerated Filter or Aerated B1olo9»».»»»•.....»»............»'»»».»»».»». Q (ill} 1 (Iv) Aerated Lagoons (v) Rotating Biological Contactors ». 1 (v1) Sand Fillers -Intermittent biological 3 Recirculating biological (vil) Stabilization Lagoons (vltl) lotion (ix) Single stage system for combined carbonaceous �o lstr removal m of BO ave to ban n addition to hems us remov nhrltkalbn (see dollnhbn No. 12)( (5)(a)(1) through (5)(a)(v111). utilizing die extended aeration procoss (see dollnhbn No.3a) utilizing other than the extended aeration process (x) Nutrlenl addtlons to enhance BOO removal (xl) Biological Culture ('Super Bugs')addhbn (b) Nitrogenous Stage .2 (I) Aeration - High Purity Oxygen System.»....»...» Dlltused Alr System Mechanical Alr System (fixed. floating or rotor) .....»...». Separate Sludge Roaerallon (Ii) Trickling Filter -High Rate Standard Bate ». Packed Tower (I11) Biological Aerated Filter or Aerated Biological Flher.»».»...»....... (Iv) Rotating Biological Contactors (v) Sand Fitter . Intermittent biological Recirculating biological (5) 7 rr (vl) Ct.Zrlller TERTIARY on ADVANCED TREATMENT wrrS,prt CESSES (a) Activated Carbon Beds - regeneration whhoul carbon with carbon regeneration (b) Powdorod or Granular Activated Carbon Food - without carbon regonoratlon with carbon regeneration 5 (c) Air stripping (d) Donhrtllcation Prows; (e) Eleclrodlalysls (i) Foam Separation (g) ton Exchange see dotlnhlat No. 22b) (not applicable for sand. gravel. clone (h) Land Application ol 'floated Elution( and other similar mining operations) by high rate infiltration (I) Mlcroscroenc (1) PhosphOroue Removal by Biological Processes (Soo dollnhbn No. 26) ( Polishing ids - without aeration with aeration • Yhe following .scale is used (or rating wastewater treatment facilities: (circle appropriate points) POINTS (3) (4) (5) (6) TEEM industrial Prptroalmort Units or industrial Protrnatment Program (sou dotlnttbn No. 33) 4 DESIGN FLOW OF PLANT IN gpd (not applicable to non -contaminated cooing wators. sludge handling facilities for water purillcation plants. totally closed cycle syslems(soe dolinitlon No. 11). and facilities consisting only of Item (4)(d) or Items (4)(d) and (11)(d)) 0 - 20.000 20.001 - 50.000 3 50.001 - 100.000 100.001 - 250.000 4 4 250.001 • 500.000 .8 500,001 • 1.000,000 i 0 1.000.001 - 2.000.000 2.000.001 (and up) rate 1 point additional for each 200.000 gpd capachy up to a maximum of .._._..._30 Design Flow (gpd) PRELIMINARY UNITS/PROCESSES (see doflnitlon No.32) 1 (a) Bar Screens or (b) Mechanical Screons. Static Screams or Comminuting Dovkos (c) Grit nontoval 2 2 or (d) Mod tanlcal or Aerated Gil Removai (a) Flow Measuring Device (1) Instrumented Flow Measurement j or 22 proaerallon 2 (h) Influort Flow Equalization 2 (1) Groase or 011 Separators - Gravity. . Mechanical .8 Dlssatvod Air Flotation 5 • Prochlorination PFUMARY TREATMENT UNiTS/PFlOCFSSES 2 (a) Septic Tank (see delinition No. 43) .5 (b) lmholl Tank 5 (c) Primary Clarflers (d) Settling Ponds or Settling Tanks for inorganic Nontoxic Materials (sludge handling tacllhles for water purification plaits, sand. gravel. atone. and other mining operations except recreational activhles such as gem 2 or gold mining) SECONDARY TREATMENT LtliTStPlIDCESSES (a) Carbonaceous Stage (I) Aeralbn-High Purity Oxygen System Diffused Air System MechanicalAir System (fixed. floating or rotor)_....................................................._..._... Separate Sludge neaerallon 2 (11) Tridding 1Tker ... 7 High Rata .5 Standard Rate 5 Packed Tower (IIi) Biological Aerated Fitter or Aerated Biological Filler...................—.....•.•._.....»....—....„•••_•10 (Iv) Aerated lagoons 10 (v) Rotating Biological Contactors 10 (vl) Sand Fillers -intermittent biological...... 2 ReclrculatIng biological .3 (vll) Stabilization Lagoons (vlll) ciarvbr (Ix) Single stage system lor cornbinod carbonacoous removal of BOO and nitrogenous remov nhthicatlon (see dellnhlon No. 12)(Polnts for Mt hem have to be in addition to hems (5)(a)(I) through (5)(a)(vlll). utilizing the extended aeration process (soo dolfnhlon No.3a) utilizing other than the extended aeration process......_...... 8 (x) Nutrient additions to enhance BOO removal 5 (xl) Biological Culture ('Super Bugs')addhlon. (b) Nitrogenous Stage .20 (I) Aeration - High Purity Oxygen System..................-....- .................................._............. Dttlusod Air Syslom 10 Mechanical Air System (Ilxod. !foaling or rotor) • .••••-•••.8 Separate Sludge neaerallon .3 (II) Trickling Filter -High Rale .... 7 Standard Rate 5 Packed Tower 5 (III) Biological Aerated Flher or Aerated Biological Fitter 10 (Iv) notating Bioiogical Contactors 10 (v) Sand Filter - Intermhlont biological ••••••--•••• 2 Recirculating biological (vI) golfer 5 TERTIARY On ADVANCED TREATMENT UJi15/PRDCESSES (a) Activated Carbon Bads - ... .5 without carbon regeneration 15 with carbon regonoratton (b) Powdorod or Granular Activated Carbon Feed- 5 without carbon regonorallon 15 with carbon regeneration (c) Alr stripping .5 (d) Donitrtticallon Process 10 (e) Electrvdlalysls .5 (I) Foam Separation 5 (g) Ion Exchange 5 (h) Land Application of Treated Ellluort (coo dotlnhlorl No. 22b) (not applicable lor sand. gravel. alone and other similar mining operation') by high rale infiltration 4 (I) Mlcroscroons .5 (I) Phosphorous Romoval by 0lologlcal Procossos (Soo darinhbn No. 26) 20 (k) Pollshing xis - without aorallon 2 with aeration .5 (7) (8) ',.J .. i,..? . (I) Post Aeration • cascado 2 o 0 dtllusod or mochanical (m) flavors° Osmosis 5 5 (n) Sand or Mixed -Media Filtors - tow rate 2 Idgit rate 5 (o) Troatmont processes tor removal ismoval of metal or cyanide �,15 (p) treatment processes for removal of toxic materials other than metal or cyanide SWOGE TREA114ENr 10 (a) Sludgo Olgosllon Tank - Hoatod (anaoroblc) 5 Aorvbic Unhoatod (anaoroblc) (b) Sludgo Stabilization (chomlcal or thermal) 52 5 (c) Sludge Orytng Beds - Gravity S Vacuum Asslstod 5 (d) Sludge Elultlatlon 5 (e) Sludge Conditioner (chemical or thermal) 5 (I) Sludge Thickenor (gravity) (g) Dissolved Air notation Unit (not applicable to a unit rated as (3)(1)1 2 5 8 (h) Sludge Gas Utilization (Including gas storage) .5 (I) Sludge Holding Tank - Aeratod .5 Non-aoratod ---•10 (j) Sludgo tnclnoralor (not Including activated carbon regeneration) 10 k Vacuum Filler. Contritugo. or Filter Press or other similar dewatertng dovices RESIDUALS UTILIZATiON/DISPOSAL (including incinerated ash) 2 (a) Lansee definition 22a) (b) Land d Application ftcatlon (surface and subsurface) (s ee by contracting to a land application operator or landfill operator who holds the land application permit or landfill permit .....-•G (c) Dedicated Landlill(burlai) by the permiltee of the wastewater treatment facility (a)teChlorination (b) Dechtorination 5 (d) (c)Ozone 5 dRadiation CHEMICAL ADDITION SYSTEM(S) ( see definition No. ) (not app cable to is chemical additions rated as hem (3)0). (5)(a)(xl). (6)(a). (6)(b). (7)(b). (7)(e). S List 5 5 5 (11) MISCBJ.ANEOUS UNITS/PROCESSES (a) Molding Ponds. talning nitrogen Tanks o or phosr p orusPondscompofor u compounds In amounts significantly greatort hanrois common operations g4 for domestic wastewater (b) Ellluent now Equalization (not applicable to storage basins which aro Inherent In land application systems (c) Stage Discharge (not applicable to storage basins Inherent In land application systems) •••- (d) Pumps (e) Stand -By Power Supply (I) Thermal Pollution Control Device TOTAL POINTS c ASS1FrATiON Class I ,..._545.`,polnts Class 1I 26-50.....13bints 51-65 Points Class I 66•Up Points Crass N ... Facilities having a rating of one through lour points. Inclusive. do not require a certified operator. Facilities having an activated sludge process wil be assigned a minimum ctasslllcatla of Class If. Facilities having treatment processes for the removal 01 metal or cyanide will be assigned a minimum classification of Class II. Facilities having treatment processes for the biological removal of phosphorus will be aselgnod a minimum classification of Class III. .0004 DEFINITIONS The following doltnitions shall appiyy throughout this Subchapter. (1)me hod ill Calton Burial A piryslc from mIwo to method allons perlminuteupoor organic material andfrom may be either uptioeforfluent; downtow carbon° beds. used Carbonthis may or method will have a flow rale varying from two to e g d g p may not be regenerated on the wastewater Ireatmortt plant she: (2) /totaled Lagoons. A basin in which all solids are maintained In suspension and by whkli biological oxidation or organic matter Is reduced through artificially accelerated transfer of oxygon on a flow through bass. (3) Aeration. A process of bringing about Intimate contact between alr or high purity oxygon In a 1lqutd by spraying. agitation or ditluslan;(3a) Extended Y g. g Aeration. An activated sludge process utilizing a minimum hydraulic detention time of 18 hours. . (4) Agrkuhurally managed she. Any she on which a crop Is produced. managed. and harvested(Cropgrasses. grains. trees. etc.); ); (5) Air Stripping. A process by which tho ammonium ion is first converted to dlssolvod ammonia (pH adjustmont) with the ammonia then released to the atmosphere by physical means: or other similar procossos'Mitch remove polroloum products such as bonzono. toluene. and xylene; (6) Carbon Regeneration. The regeneration of exhausted carbon by the use of a furnace to provide extremely high temperatures which volatilize and oxidize the abeorbod lmpurhlos; (7) Carbonaceous Stage. A 5t390 of wastowater treatment doslgned to achieve 'socondary' effluent limits; (6) Centrifuge. Alton Systems- yslcaldevice � Thein Wish addhlon ofachamlcal(s) to wastowateral !circa Is used to pat an° pids from liication point r purposeor to s ol ito mproving sooiidsuids of nemovalapH adjustment. al Chemical r Addition Sy alkalinity control. etc.: the capability to exporlmont with difleront chemicals and dllieroM application points to actriove a spocNic result will be considered one system; lino capabilty to add chemicals) to dual unite will be soled as ono system; capability to add a chomkal at a d&latent application points for different purposes will rosuh In the systems being rated as separate systems; (10) Chomlcal Sludgo Conditioning. The addition of a chemical compound such as lime. ionic chloride. or a polymer to wet sludge to coalesce the mass prior to its application to a dowalertng device; (11) Closed Cycle Systems. Use of holding ponds or holding tanks for contalnmonl of wastewater containingravel. Inorganic. non -toxic materials from sand. g crvsttod stone or other similar cporat1onc. Such systems shall carry a maximum of two i+^lI+tc rngardlocs of pumping IacItIllon or ar,y olhor appurtenances; (12) Combined fiomoval of Cnrtynr4OCeouR 1300 aryl Ilit':`g°noun flotnoval by Nitriticati""r A r t..jIo stago system roqulred to afro'.=.., i'nrrr+it nflluont Oaths on BOO • ,mo blolo ,tc tt I. • t_• {_ 1'••t4yi: `•.,..• writ 'tl11.1" . f.,•a it • � �t. :.. ►.:J JVI"1;• fi/r'�'t' Itt:•.rI:iJrtl', Ifr :)!.} tr+11111. 11•�! :� •'! I,tt1 f••1•;•t.l .. f . . ,r•.• t:`!Jt't •..„3: • ,, 'P .tur f.t i' �. ��I(1 1,1't'1I'•,,}}1' 111., tt:l',.L•.l. i'{I.il;l!, IL,i:�.5dt•1!' �'rj',IJL:ti d:.• 1 i • / �y rr • '. : . : • ; !. • , • • t ' j,.'.. t r 1 h� f\ f•$. t ♦f 1 iCf!:� : 1., • • . • . % ' 1 (• 1 • t J•; l {.t��b, !1{ !I {' rr li:A•1 11 tt: ��jyl1• �.. ..ti : • :..• . �' .; ! [':� .{. l� � aim 1• IV r• t ,� '1 t'•r :•� .. i1• •'i' ri .�1•iC ••,:°i4 U}'{tint j 1,A:,;1{ 41.1 :I �I :el ter::1 •.r: • /,: 1 ? -:. 1 r' •i '• . • , Fti l s • 1 (, •, r\. y 11• 1.i. i r !. t.:( i'li 'I. t iiG r # t,{{, .t l f, C jh . • • .� II l'N turd': • J A t.• 4' ..... ,:J�•':•''i r+ Ij ,�,-• t '••�t•,i'/f,4,nil)Ili)r+li'r'r."'tefl'�i••"•Pi•''Jltsi •Q.I:r•+.•;! �; 1:l.i.1' :- ,. i• .: '1 •:,t. ,�•: •' .• � l .l�•' ,. ti r • ; a.j I i 3(15) Eloclrodtalysts.: Process for removing Ionized salts horn water through Ile uso, of (vn•selective lon•exchango membranes; • • I 1►(F) i (16) Filter Press.: A process operated mechanically for panlatl dowatori sludge; is ;:f ` 1; - '! •.0 •"'!} '' ' .•,,.1:Igp,(t7) Foam Separation.. The planned healing of wastewater or wastewater effluent as-a.moans of removing oxcosslvo amounts of detergent materials through 161▪ r;;tho introduction of ,air In the form offing bubbles; also called loam lractionatlon:•';:.;;!.;': •,/` " `,i' °�',; ' !�{� �••(18) Grit Removal. The process of removing art and other heavy mineral matter from wastewater; .• . • •'�� • r 4,.r (19) Imhoff Tank. A deep two story wastewater tank consisting of an upper sedimentation chamber and a lower &fudge digestion chamber. : ! •ti.1l•(20) Instrumented flow Measurement.' A device which Indicates and records rale of flow; • , ) p ti.((2I) Ion Exchange., A chomkal process in which Ions Iron two &flererd molecules are exchanged; I! , : •• •�t" i '' '''' `! 1 •: I ...,' • _ •.. ;.; II . ••.- ••'7 .1 ••s .:•, '.,t.{.. • .. •►.J+L:: • . s%e'S :1 : t•.l:ir • } t} i, • yrf,• •• • . : i ylr•, • Ji+ � •.(22) Land application: 1 : , .... : , •'• •,• .' . , iy w.h;i. (a) Sludge 0isposal. r A final sludge disposal method by which wettatudge may be appl[od to land either by spraying on the surface or by subsurface Injection •=11 (Le chisel plow); (not applicable for types of sludge described In (11) of this Rule); Il "• •r %l:+',t.,ur••.'• •• tlr. ' r• •,•• • • ijt.�o•,: (b) Treated Effluent. The process of spraying treated wastowafor onto* land area or other methods ol.applicatlon of wastewater onto a land area as a ; t'; . means of final disposal or treatment; . . • „".. • ' 'l' •:t• ! 8°• •1°:: 1...:••• • iy i• :• I•.., • •• • ..1.,; •..••, .. •.... • . • .. (23 Mlcroscreen. A low speed. continuouslyback.washed. notating drum filter operating under gravityconditions as a polishing method for removing• ('' �; ivapended Solids from effluent; t• .: > ••ll4 • JI • •.,:• .. ' ! •,. g .1 • p ; • t , , . . , • P°.." •., ..• i:cigJ , (24) Nitrification Process. The biochemical conversion of unoxldized nitrogen (ammonia and organic nitrogen) to oxidized nitrogen (usually nitrate); t rI:4 ; (25) Nitrogenous Stage.' A separate itago of wastewater treatment designed for the specific purpose of converting ammonia nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen; llll (2 )hPhm� are Rem s al. Blologlcal. (The removal of phosphorus from waslevraler by an oxlclanoxlc process designed to enhance luxury uptake of phosphorus • by''!j' (27) Polishing Pond. A holding pond following secondary treatment with sufficient detention time to allow settling of finely suspended solids; •»• (28) Post Aeration. Aeration following conventional secondary treatment units to Increase effluent 0.0. or for any other purpose; - (29) Post Aeration. (Cascade) A pofistng method by which dissolved oxygen Is added to the effluent by a nonmechanlcal. gravhy means of (lowing down a 1::•i •• • series of slops or weirs; The flow occurl{ng across the steps or weirs moves in a fairly thin layer and the operation of the cascade requires no operator • adjustment; thus. zero points ,are assigned even (hough this Is an essential step to meeting the Ilmhs of the discharge permit; .:••llN (30) Powdered to Granutar Activaled Carbon Feed. A biophysical carbon process that utilizes biological activity and organic absorption by using powdered or , , • granular activated carbon; Virgin or mgenoraled carbon Is feed controlled Into the system; • • • • • • 1 .'Alit (31) Preaeratlon. A lank constructed to provide aeration prior to primary treatment; (32) Preliminary Units. Unit operations In the treatment process. such as screening and comminution. that prepare the liquor tor subsequent major operations; ;,1.1.1�(33) industrial Pretreatment. ... • • (a) Pre-treatment Unit, indusl{ial. The conditioning of a waste at ha source before discharge. to remove or to neutralize substances Injurious to sewers and ' • -• •' treatment processes or to effect a partial reduction In load on the treatment process which Is operated by the same govorrJng body as the wastewater treatment plant being rated; ' b) Pre-treatment Program. Industrial - must bo a State or EPA' required program to receive points on the rating sheet; (34) Primary Clarifiers. The first settling tanks through which wastewater is passed In a treatment works for the purpose of removing settleable and suspended • solids and BOO which Is associated with the solids; .... . • (35) Pumps. All influent. effluent and In -plait pumps; . . , •. • (36) Radiation. Disinfection or sterilization process utilizing devices emitting ultraviolet or gamma rays; (37) Reverse Osmosis. A treatment process In which a heavy contaminated liquid Is pressurized through a membrane forming nearly pure liquid free from • • suspended solids; - != (38) Rotating Biological Contractors. A fixed biological growth process In which wastewater flows through tanks in which a series of partially submerged circular surfaces are rotated;) ... ': t := i,•I�• :tf C '•!'•"1r. -•' .. (39) SandFl Fillers: �s (a) intermittent Biological. Flhratlon of effluent following septic tanks, lagoons. or some other treatment process In which further blodecomposhlon Is • expected to produce desired effluents; Hydraulic loading rates on these liliers are computed in gpolaa and have a resulting low contra( (lots than one); b) Recirculating biological the sumo typo of sand filter as dellnod in Subparagraph (3e) (a) of Utde Rule with the added capabfllty to recycle effluent back ..ill • 49 t• •u r1• • •: •., , • •:•,• y 1:: . ; t:. Y. , 1;.t 1t1.n•rt,r • 1 .. . • ..rl;. •.) . • i . through the sand litter; , • I. �' r :r - • •I , - 1•. . • .. 1 tl { �.,;.: _ (40) Sand or Mixed -Media Fliers. A polishing process•by which effluent limits are achieved through a further reduction of suspended solids; •••• (a)low rate — ravh hydraulically loaded titter with loadingrates in the one to three mMsf ; • •••• ' ' . • •• • - : gravity. hY Y ) gP age. ' ,,. • .. • . • t (b) high rate — a pressure. hydraulically boded filter with loading rates in the five gprnlsf range; At any rate. the loading rate will exceed three gpmrd; l (41) Secondary Clarifiers.' A tank which loibws the biological unit of treatment plant and which has the purpose of removing sludges associated with the- • • biological treatment units; . .. .. .. . (42) Separate Sludge Reaerallon. A part of the contact stabifizallon process where the activated sludge is transferred to a lank and aerated before returning it to the contact basin; . (43) Septic Tank , A single -story. settling lank in which rattled sludge k in contact with the wastewater flowing through the tank; shalt not bo applicable for septic lank systems serving single family residences having capachy of 2.000 gallons or Tess which discharge to a nitriiicatbn field; (44) Sludge Digestion. 'The process by which organic or volatile matter and sludge Is gasified. liquefied. mineralized or corwerled into more stable organic matter • • through the activity of living organisms, which includes aerated holding tanks; ' • '••• • (45) Sludge Drying Beds. M area corrtprtstng natural or artificial layers of porous malariats upon which digested sewage sludge Is dried by drainage and evaporation; ' ' = I "1 . • . • • • (46) Sludge Eivtrlatton. A process of sludge condtloning in which certain constituents are removed by successive washings with fresh water or plant effluent; (47) Sludge Gas Utilization. The process of using sewage gas for the purpose of heating buildings. driving engiries, etc.; 1 • (48) Sludge Holding Tank (Aeratod and Nonaerated). A lank ulllized for mall wastewater treatment plants not containing a digester In which sludge may be kept fresh• and supernatant withdrawn prior to a drying method (i.e. sludge drying beds); This may be done by adding a small amount of air simply to keep the sludge fresh. but not necessarily an amount lhal would be required to achieve stabilization of organic matter. A nonaorated tank would simply be used to decant sludge prior to dewalering and would not allow long periods (several days of detention) without resulting odor problems; • (49) Sludge Incinerators. A furnace designed to bum•sludge and to remove all moisture and combusllbie materials and reduce the sludge 10 a sterile ash; • ' (50) Sludge Stabilization (Chemical or Thermal).' A process to make treated sludge toss odorous and putrescble. and to reduce the pathogenic organism content; This may be done by pH adjustment, chlorine dosing. or by heat treatment; • • • • • t • .• • • - (51) Sludge Thickener. A type of sedfmorttatlon lank In whist the sludge Is permitted to settle and thicken through agitation and gravity; (52) Stabilization Lagoon. A type of oxidation lagoon In widthblpbglcal oxidation of organic matter is effected bytural transfer of oxygen to the water (ram • air (not a polishing pond); : t • : l •• •„ . ,..•.,:: •. .•••• natural (53) Stand -By Power Supplyy On she or portable electrical generating equipment; • (54) Static Screens. A stationary screen designed to remove solids, including non -biodegradable particulate (fioalable solids, suspended solids and BOO reduction) from municipal and industrial wastewater treatment systems; • • • • •• . • • (55) Tertiary Treatment. A stage of trealment following secondary which Is primarily for the purpose of effluent polishing; A settling lagoon or sand or coal Inter might bo employed for this purpose; ; • ••'1R••;'" • •• ••• • -••• •••• • . • . (56) Thermal Pollution Control Device. A device providing for the transfer of heat from a fluid !lowing in tubes to another fluid oulslde the tubes. or vice versa; . or other moans of regulating tlquld lomporafures; •• • ••,u'• • • • •••• • • • • • (57) Thermal Sludge Conditioner. A condhloning process by which heat is added for a protracted period of limo to improve the dowaterabilhy of sludge by the colt/blitzing and hydraultztng of the smaller and more highly hydrated sludge particles; (58) Toxic Materials. Those wastes or combinations of wastes, including disease -causing agents which after discharge and upon exposure. Ingestion. inhalation •!• or assimilation Into any organism, either directly [rem the environment or Indirectly by Ingestion through food chains. will cause death. disease, behavioral • ' r • . abnormalities. cancer, genetic mutations. physiological malfunctions (including malfunctions in reproduction) or physical deformations. In such organisms or their offspring; Toxic materials include, by way of illustration and not limitation: lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury. vanadium, arsenic. zinc. ortho-nitro•cWorobenzene (ONCE), polychlorinated blphenyts (PCBs) and dlchtarodlphenyt trklioroethane.(DDT); and any other materials that have or may hereafter be determined to have toxic properties; • . ' • (50) 'Trickling Filter.' A biological treatment unit consisting of a material such as broken stone or rock over which wastewater Is distributed; A high rate trickling filter is ono which operated al between 10 and 30 mgd per acre. A tow rale trickling fitter Is ono which 1s designed to operate at ono to four mgd per acre; • (60) Trkkiing Filter (Packed Tower). A plug now typo of opotation In which wastewater flows down through successive layers of media or Karate material; Organic material to removed continually by the active biological fixed growth In each successive layer. This method may produce -secondary' quality effluent. or may be • adapted to produce a nitrified effluent; • • (6i) Vacuum Filter. Centrifuges. or Flhor Process. 'roe which are designed to remove excess water fmm oltt' gosted or undigested sludge prior to disposal ojj Ilwr treatment. \_,,'