HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131226 Ver 1_Bore Logs_20131125SINCE FPOEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Engineering Stability Since 1881 so, R 310 Hubert Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 -2302 Iasi T 919.828.34411 F 919.828.5751 NC License #F -0266 August 2, 2013 Mr. Gray Methven Standard Pacific Homes 1100 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 112 Morrisville, NC 27560 Re: Seasonal High Water Table Determination The Woods at Fairbanks — Proposed Wet Pond Cary /Morrisville, North Carolina F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Dear Mr. Methven: Froehling and Robertson, Inc. (F &R) has completed the authorized seasonal high water table (SHWT) determination at the wet pond BMP structure proposed near the northeast corner of the referenced site. F &R retained the services of a North Carolina Licensed Soil Scientist from The Catena Group (TCG) to perform the SHWT determination (see attached report from TCG dated July 29, 2013). The SHWT determination was based on TCG's observation of soil samples recovered from hand auger borings performed on the southeast side of the proposed pond. Based on review of Wake County GIS topography, it appears that at least 20 feet of topographic relief occurs across the area of the pond and the test location is on the lower elevation side of the pond. The exploration performed by TCG did not reveal a SHWT within the exploration depth of 84 inches (7 feet). Hand auger refusal was encountered at a depth of 7 feet. A test boring performed by F &R in 2012 in this general area of the site (see attached Boring Log, B -3) encountered stiff to very stiff clay to a depth of 3.5 feet, hard sandy silt with rock fragments from 3.5 to 9 feet, and very hard partially weathered rock (PWR) from 9 feet to boring termination at 13.6 feet. I discussed these results with Danny Howell, PE of BNK last week; I informed him that although a SHWT was not encountered within the depth explored, the soil types encountered at this site are likely to have low infiltration and permeability rates. If needed, F &R can perform infiltration testing now or at the time of construction to verify infiltration /permeability rates, and aid in BNK's final design of the wet pond. Corporate HQ: 3015 Dumbarton Road Richmond, Virginia 23228 T 804.264.2701 F 804.264.1202 www.fandr.com VIRGINIA • NORTH CAROLINA • SOUTH CAROLINA • MARYLAND • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA A Minority -Owned Business 0 Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding this report, or need additional information or services. Sincerely, FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. d� Daniel K. Schaefer, P.E. Raleigh Branch Manager cc: Danny L. Howell, Jr., PE - BNK Standard Pacific of the Carolinas, LLC F &R Project No. 66P -0086 The Woods at Fairbanks — SHWT 2 August 2, 2013 SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE DETERMINATION The Woods at Fairbanks Wake County, North Carolina Catena Job # 7547 Prepared For: Daniel K. Schaefer, P.E. Froehling & Robertson, Inc. 310 Hubert Street Raleigh, NC 27603 Prepared By: 410 -B Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 Tel (919) 732 -1300 July 29, 2013 } John C. Ro INTRODUCTION Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (F &R) is investigating the construction of a stormwater best management practice (BMP) device within The Woods at Fairbanks project site located at 1540 -1600 Wilson Road, Cary, North Carolina. A wetpond basin is being considered to collect and treat runoff from adjacent impervious surfaces. As part of the application process, a soils investigation detailing soil type and depth to the seasonal high water table (SHWT) is required. The Catena Group, Inc ( Catena) has been retained to perform the soils investigation. INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY Prior to the field investigation, the Wake County Soil Survey was referenced to get an overview of the possible soil series located within the project study area. The Pinkston and Mantachie soil series are mapped at the boring location. A copy of the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) soil map is attached. The field investigation was performed on July 23, 2013 and the soil boring was advanced using a hand turned auger (Figure 1). Observations of the landscape (landscape position, drainage patterns, etc.) as well as soil properties (depth, texture, seasonal wetness, restrictive horizons, etc.) were recorded. Soil color was determined with a Munsell Soil Color Chart. The wetpond is proposed to be constructed along a linear slope. The soil boring was advanced on the downhill side of the proposed wetpond. RESULTS Soil Type and Depth to SHWT A soil series determination was made by comparing the soil boring descriptions to the NRCS Official Series Description and the results are listed in Table 1. Soil properties observed are best classified by the Creedmoor soil series. Subsurface rock was encountered at the boring location and dictated the soil boring depth. A final boring depth of 84 inches below the soil surface was achieved after three attempts. A SHWT elevation was not observed at the boring location. The soil color with a chroma 2 or less was observed in the subsurface BC soil horizon and is believed to be associated with a soil wetness condition caused by coarse soil structure and expansive clay mineralogy. Table 1. Soil Series Determination and Depth to SHWT Soil Boring Soil Series SHWT # Determination (inches below existing surface) 131 Creedmoor >84 CONCLUSIONS The findings presented herein represent Catena's professional opinion based on our soil evaluation. The soil evaluation did not reveal a SHWT within 84 inches of the existing soil surface. Subsurface rock was encountered at 84 inches and the soil boring terminated. Soil colors indicative of a soil wetness condition were observed within the BC soil horizon and are assumed associated with coarse soil structure and expansive clay mineralogy. This report is provided to assist in the application for stormwater BMP's by providing the soil information. North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) or the Town of Cary must issue the final permit. Any concurrence with the findings in this report would be made at that time. The Woods at Fairbanks -SHWT July 29, 2013 Catena Job # 754 7 1 'i �` �M • • �� .� •. � �. � � The Catena Group, Inc Catena job- 410-8 Millstone Drive County: WA Ike Hillsborough, NC 27278 Elate; '7-Z-3-13 919.732.1300 Sheet; l of Structurel Consistencel Matrix Mottle Colors So Texture inera Y Color (Quantity, Size, Contrast, Color /0 y { 1 f 0 Y f I ''_` C�k .:° r f I' I I i Evaluated by; C._ Q Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 13.6' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC Boring: B -3 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/14/12 Driller:l.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials * Sample Sample Depth N -Value blows /ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows feet 372.7 0.3 { SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 1 -4 -10 GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Stiff to very stiff, dry, tan, fine 14 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry sandy CLAY (CL -CH), with trace small roots. 1.5 2.0 10 -14 -15 29 369.5 3.5 3.5 Hard, dry, red, tan, and brown, fine to coarse, 12 -12 -19 sandy SILT (ML), with trace rock fragments. 31 5.0 367.0 6.0 Hard, moist, maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 14 -17 -22 6.5 39 8.0 22- 50/4.5" 8.5 364.0 9.0 100+ PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon, fine sandy SILT (ML). 9'4 359.4 13.6 Boring Terminated at 13.6 feet. 50/1" a V 100+ b Q d :7 N O z K m m O d 0 z O 0 m *Number of blows required fora 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. August 9, 2013 Rich Cappola, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Morrisville 260 -B Town Hall Drive Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 Re: Request for Pavement Design Exception to the Town of Morrisville Design & Construction Ordinance The Woods at Fairbanks Subdivison Morrisville, North Carolina Developer: Standard Pacific of the Carolinas, LLC Dear Mr. Cappola: Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (F &R) is submitting this request for an exception to the pavement design for the reference subdivision in the Town of Morrisville (TOM). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On behalf of Standard Pacific Homes, F &R is requesting an exception to the pavement section thickness design because the expected low traffic volume for this subdivision does not warrant a pavement section as thick as the TOM minimum design. A thinner pavement section will still meet or exceed the TOM requirement for a 20 -year pavement design life as determined by approved design methodology. In accordance with Section 5.4.1 of the TOM Design and Construction Ordinance, F &R has performed a pavement design with a 20 -year design life using NCDOT design methodology. F &R's pavement design resulted in a pavement section consisting of 8" ABC Stone and 2.5" Asphalt for the lower traffic volume streets and 10" ABC Stone & 3" Asphalt for the higher traffic volume streets. However, based on our conversation yesterday, it is F &R's understanding the thinnest pavement section that will be considered by the TOM under an exception request is 8" ABC Stone and 4.5" Asphalt, which will exceed the structural numbers for the pavement designs conducted by F &R. As such, the minimum pavement section that will be considered by the TOM (i.e., 8" ABC Stone & 4.5" Asphalt) is proposed to be used on this project. F &R's design analysis included an assumption regarding the CBR value, which was somewhat conservatively assumed to be 3.0 based on empirical relationships and numerous CBR tests performed on past projects. This assumption will be validated prior to pavement construction. Once Corporate HQ: 3015 Dumbarton Road Richmond, Virginia 23228 T 804.264.2701 F 804.264.1202 www.fandr.com VIRGINIA • NORTH CAROLINA • SOUTH CAROLINA • MARYLAND • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA A Minority -Owned Business the roads have been rough graded, F &R will obtain samples and perform CBR testing. The results of the CBR testing will be used to check and validate our pavement thickness design. The results of the lab testing and design validation will be submitted for TOM approval prior to placement of curb and gutter or pavement materials. PAVEMENT DESIGN Based on the our review of the Site Plan prepared by Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. (BNK), dated June 27, 2013, the subdivision development will consists of the construction of 65 single - family homes and associated residential streets. The residential streets consist of Fairbanks Drive, Flip Trail, Streelman Way, Gretchen Lane, Chandra Court, Carnie Court, and Demond Circle. Two (2) entrances will provide access to the subdivision — one from Wilson Road and the other from the extension of existing Fairbanks Drive. Based on the previous subsurface exploration performed at the site by F &R (reference F &R report dated 9/4/12), the overburden soils consist predominantly of silty sands, sandy silts, and sandy /silty clays (USCS — SM, ML, CL & CH). In the upper 2 to 3.5 feet of the soil profile, the soils typically consisted of low to highly plastic sandy and silty clays (CL & CH) with varying amounts of rock fragments. SPT N- values in the native clayey soils in the upper 2 to 3.5 feet ranged from 4 to 37 blows per foot (bpf), with a majority exhibiting N- values from 10 to 30 bpf. The native soils encountered in the test borings conducted as part of the subsurface exploration are typical of the soils encountered in this geologic area. F &R anticipates that the pavement subgrade soils will consist of low to moderately plastic soils. If highly plastic clayey soils are encountered at the pavement subgrade level, the highly plastic clayey soils will be undercut and backfilled with low to moderately plastic soils. The pavement design calculations were completed for a design period of 20 -years as required by the TOM in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Transportation ( NCDOT) Interim Pavement Design Procedure ( NCDOT Pavement Management Unit - April 1, 2000). According to NCDOT Pavement Design Procedure, the following AASHTO design equation was used for design of the flexible pavements: LogWt18(8okN) = 9.36 *log(SN +1) - 0.20 + (Gt/(0.40 +(1094/(SN +1)S19))) + log(1 /R) + 0.372 *(SSV -3.0) Where: SN = required Structural Number Log Wt18(8okN) = number of 18 kip single -axle load applications during design life Pt = terminal serviceability = 2.0 R = regional factor = 1.0 for Wake County SSV = soil support value = 5.32 * log (CBR) — 1.49 Gt = log ((4.2- Pt) /2.7) CBR = California Bearing Ratio Standard Pacific of the Carolinas, LLC F &R Project No. 66P -0086 The Woods at Fairbanks 2 August 9, 2013 The residential streets are designed to serve the dwellings immediately abutting the streets. The average daily traffic (ADT) for the residential streets was calculated based on a trip generation factor of 10 trips /day /dwelling. The following table presents the estimated maximum number of contributing dwellings to calculate the ADT for the pavement design of the residential streets: ESTIMATED MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CONTRIBUTING DWELLING ASSUMED FOR ADT CALCULATIONS NAME OF STREET MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DWELLINGS Gretchen Lane, Chandra Court, Carnie Court, Streelman Way & Demond Circle 13 Flip Trail & Fairbanks Drive 60 The design Average Daily Traffic (ADT) was calculated for the design pavement life of 20 years assuming an annual growth rate (g) of 1 percent for fully developed residential streets. The ADT was modified to determine the equivalent 18 -kip ESALs (N- value) based on the assumption that one -half (0.5) percent of the traffic being comprised of heavy truck traffic (TOM fire trucks up to 85,000# and tractor - trailers) and two (2) percent single unit, single axle trucks. The Structural Number (SN) was calculated for a 20 -year design life using a regional factor of 1.0 (for Wake County), terminal serviceability value of 2.0, and a Soil Support Value (SSV) of 1.048. The required SN for Gretchen Lane, Chandra Court, Carnie Court, Streelman Way and Demond Circle was calculated to be 2.15; and the required SN for Flip Trail and Fairbanks Drive was calculated to be 2.74. The following table presents the calculated minimum pavement sections determined based on the above calculations and utilizing coefficients of 0.44 for Asphalt Surface Course (SF9.5B) and 0.14 for compacted aggregate base course (ABC) stone. CALCULATED MINIMUM DESIGN PAVEMENT SECTIONS Total Asphalt ABC Stone Street Name Thickness, Thickness, (Inches) (Inches) Gretchen Lane, Chandra Court, Carnie Court, 2.5 8 Streelman Way & Demond Circle Flip Trail & Fairbanks Drive 3 10 Standard Pacific of the Carolinas, LLC F &R Project No. 66P -0086 The Woods at Fairbanks 3 August 9, 2013 .R PROPOSED PAVEMENT SECTION Asphalt Surface Asphalt Intermediate ABC Stone Street Name Course Thickness, Course Thickness, Thickness SF9.5A (Inches) 119.013 (Inches) (Inches) All Streets 2 2.5 g As indicated above, the Proposed pavement section for these streets (4.5" Asphalt & 8" ABC Stone) will exceed the Calculated Minimum pavement section determined through the pavement design analysis. Since an assumption was made regarding the CBR value used to calculate subgrade support, this assumption will be validated prior to pavement construction. Once the roads have been rough graded, F &R will obtain samples of the subgrade soils, and subject these samples to geotechnical classification testing (Atterberg Limits and Grain Size Analysis), Standard Proctor Testing and CBR testing. The results of the CBR testing will be used to check, confirm and validate our pavement thickness design. The results of the lab testing and design validation will be submitted for TOM approval prior to placement of curb and gutter or pavement materials. CLOSURE If you have any questions regarding this letter or require additional information to approve this request for an exception to the ordinance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully submitted, FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC C Daniel K. Schaefer, P.E. Raleigh Branch Manager ,.`-X% cc: Gray B. Methven —Standard Pacific Danny L. Howell, Jr., PE — BNK Standard Pacific of the Carolinas, LLC F &R Project No. 66P -0086 The Woods at Fairbanks 4 August 9, 2013 Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) (blows/ft) 415.7- 0.3 -\SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 2-6-6 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: X 12 0 Hrs: Dry and hole caved at 9.2' NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, tan, fine to coarse sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace . 24 Hrs: Boring backfilled small roots. 1.5 upon completion. 414.0- 2.0— 2.0 Hard to very hard, dry, maroon and gray, fine to 6-11-26 coarse sandy SILT (ML), with rock fragments. 37 409.0- nn mmaumm 408.0- 1 00 403.0 -i 1111 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 402.1 -1 4 1 0 Boring Terminated at 13.9 feet. 4" 13.5 — 14.3 'he sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value (blows/ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) 414.7- 0.3 _\SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 2-6-6 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: X NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, tan, fine sandy CLAY 12 0 Hrs Hr : Dry 24 s: Dry CIL , with trace rock fragments and small roots. — 1.5 413.0- 2.0-01, 2.0 Hard, dry, red, tan, and brown, fine to coarse 6-10-24 sandy CLAY (CH), with trace small roots. 34 411.5- 3.5— 3.5 Very hard, dry, maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT 27-26-24 (ML), with rock fragments and trace small roots. 50 I 11 1-ml= r-A am 17M -he sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) (blows/ft) 372.7- 0.3— SURIFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 1-4-10 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Stiff to very stiff, dry, tan, fine 14 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry — sandy CLAY (CL-CH), with trace small roots. — 1.5 10-14-15 2.0 29 369.5 � 3.5 3.5 Hard, dry, red, tan, and brown, fine to coarse, 12-12-19 sandy SILT (MIL), with trace rock fragments. 1 31 ME 359.41 13.6 Boring Terminated at 13.6 feet. 50/111 100+ 11 *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler 'he sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) (blows/ft) 376.7- 0.3 _\SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 3-8-21 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Very stiff to hard, dry, tan, fine to 29 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry coarse sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace small roots. 1.5 — 12-15-16 2.0 31 373.5- M INHard, dry, maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT 373.0- 9-R-\(MQ, with trace small roots. 80, PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 363.3- 13.7 `14 I I Boring Terminated at 13.7 feet. 11 5.75" 3.5 100+ - 4.5 W"# 8,5 � 100+ 13.51 � 100+ *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler -he sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value (blows/ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) 394.7- 0.3 -\SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 5-8-12 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: X NATIVE SOILS: Very stiff, dry, tan, fine to coarse 20 0 Hrs Hr : Dry 24 s: Dry sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace small roots. 1.5 393.0- 2.0— 2.0 Very stiff, dry, brown, fine to coarse sandy SILT _',-17-50/4.5 11 (M Q. 100+ 392.0 3.0— ] – PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon and gray, fine to coarse, sandy SILT 50/5.5" (M Q. 4.0 100+ 11 I •, • � • • * 8,5 �8.9 100+ W"# The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value (blows/ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) 418.7- 0.3— SURIFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 2-1-3 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Soft, moist, tan, brown, fine 4 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Boring backfilled sandy CLAY (CH), with trace small roots. upon completion. — 1.5 417.0- 2.0 2.0 Stiff, moist, tan and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY 5-5-8 (CL), with trace small roots. 13 415.5- 3.5 3.5 Very hard to hard, dry, red, brown, and gray fine 18-27-39 sandy SILT (MIL), with trace rock fragments. 66 1�� 11 1-ml= am W 8,0 8.5 100+ in -he sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) (blows/ft) 417.7- 0.3— SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 1-3-4 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Firm, dry, tan, fine sandy CLAY 7 0 Hrs: Dry and hole caved at 8.8'. (CH), with trace rock fragments and small roots. 24 Hrs: Boring backfilled — 1.5 upon completion. 416.0- 2.0 2.0 Stiff, moist, orange, tan, fine, sandy silty CLAY 4-5-8 (CH). 13 414.5- 3.5 3.5 Very hard, dry, red, brown and gray, fine sandy 10-19-32 SILT (ML), with trace rock fragments. 51 ' , Bill 404.0 - 14.0 Boring Terminated at 14.0 feet. am RN 8,0 8.5 8.8 100+ ---I .5 13.5 *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a -he sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Description of Materials Sample Sample N-Value Elevation Depth (Classification) Blows Depth (blows/ft) Remarks (feet) 395.7 0.3— ` SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 3-3-5 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: 8 backfi 4 NATIVE SOILS: Firm, dry, tan, fine sandy CLAY Boring Lion. upon (CL), with trace small roots. completion. W 382.3 13.7 :0 L ............................................... 1 13.51 I I 1 100+ 11 *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value (blows/ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) 389.7- 0.3 _\SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 3-6-6 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: X NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, tan, fine to coarse 12 0 Hrs Hr : Dry 24 s: Dry sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace small roots. 1.5 388.0- 2.0— 2.0 Hard, dry, red, brown and gray, fine sandy SILT 8-15-31 (ML), with trace rock fragments. 46 1 3,5 � 100+ 1 385.5 � 4.5 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as 4.9 maroon, fine, sandy SILT (MIL). L............................................... 1 :9 1 1 1 �3.51 11- 376.2 13.8 50/3.5" 1 1 1 Boring Terminated at 13.8 feet. r­� 1 100+ 11 *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler -he sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value (blows/ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) 391.7- 0.3— SURIFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 2-5-6 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, tan, fine to coarse, 11 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry sandy CLAY (CH), with rock fragments and trace small roots. — 1.5 390.0- 2.0 2.0 Stiff to very stiff, moist, red, tan-brown, fine 5-6-10 —IsandySILT (MIL), with rock fragments. 16 7-11-15 3.5 U-1 11 ME The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) (blows/ft) 413.7- 0.3 -\SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 2-3-7 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: X NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, tan, fine sandy CLAY 10 0 Hrs Hr : Dry 24 s: Dry CIL , with rock fragments and trace small roots. — 1.5 412.0- 2.0— 2.0 Very stiff, dry, light tan, fine sandy CLAY (CH). 7-10-12 22 410.5 � 3.5 Hard, dry, maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML), with trace rock fragments. MMI'VI Boring Terminated by Auger Refusal at 10.5 feet. 11 *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value (blows/ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) 398.7- 0.3 -\SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 3-4-7 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, tan, fine sandy CLAY 11 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry (CL), with trace small roots. — 1.5 397.0- 2.0— 2.0 Hard, dry, red, tan and gray, fine sandy SILT 8-11-20 — (ML). 31 395.5- 3.5 — 3.5 Very hard, maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT 17-23-35 (ML), with rock fragments. 58 5.0 — 393.0- 6.0— PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as – maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (VIL). 50/4" 6.5 6.8 100+ — 50/1" 8.5 100+ 387.0 - 12.0 — Boring Terminated by Auger Refusal at 12.0 feet. 11 *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler the sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) (blows/ft) 426.8- 0.2 —4;`­\SU RFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 4-7-7 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, tan, fine to coarse 14 Hrs: 0 24 Hr Dry s: Dry sandy CLAY (CL), with gravel and small roots. 1.5 425.0- 2.0 —050 2.0 Very stiff, moist, orange, tan, fine sandy silty 7-8-9 —90 - -4 P'o CLAY (CH), and trace small roots. 17 423.51 3.5 1 3.5 Very stiff, moist, orange, tan, and brown, fine 9-12-15 sandy SILT (ML). 27 421.01 6.0 11111 Hard, dry, red and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML), with rock fragments. I419.0 � 8.0 ..... Hard, dry, maroon and gray, fine sa 4�� (ML)• 414.5 - 12.5 — PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 413.1 - 13.9 — Boring Terminated at 13.9 feet. am 9.1 0 10.0 � 43 MW 17M "Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a he sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. ree 6" incremen Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value (blows/ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) 427.7- 0.3 -\SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 4-4-7 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, orange, brown, and tan, 11 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry fine sandy CLAY (CL), with trace small roots. — 1.5 426.0- 2.0 , 2.0 0"000 Very stiff, moist, red, orange, and gray, fine 6-11-15 —9-4 sandy CLAY (CH). 26 424.5- 3.5 3.5 Very hard to hard dry, maroon, gray, and tan, 20-25-25 fine sandy SILT (MIL), with rock fragments. 50 5.0 — 26-33 6.5 59 8.0 — 14-20-20 8.5 40 — 10.0 Bill PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as Imm maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 11 1-ml= 17M M- 'he sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) (blows/ft) 419.7- 0.3 _\SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 4-7-15 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Very stiff, dry, tan, fine to coarse 22 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace small roots. — 1.5 418.0- 2.0 , 2.0 0"000 Very stiff, dry, orange and tan, fine sandy CLAY 9-10-14 —9-4 - P'o CH , with trace small roots. 24 416.5- 3.5 3.5 Very hard, dry, red, tan and gray, fine sandy SILT 14-24-47 (MIL). 71 Bill am 51 8,5 � 100+ L............................................... 1 406.2 13.8 :9 iii [ 50/3 1 " �3.51 1 1 1 1 Boring Terminated at 13.8 feet. I 1 100+ 11 *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler -he sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) (blows/ft) 414.7- 0.3— SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 2-3-4 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Loose, dry, tan, brown, silty fine 7 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry to coarse SAND (S M), with rock fragments. 1.5 413.0- 2.0 2.0 Very stiff, moist, orange, tan, brown, fine sandy 9-9-12 4 (CH), with rock fragments and trace small 21 IPCLAY roots. 411.5- 3.5-1 3.5 Very hard, red, and gray, fine sandy SILT (MIL), 8-21-34 with rock fragments. 55 408.0 ] 7.0 407.0 8.0 11 *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler am -he sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value (blows/ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) 408.7- 0.3 -\SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 3-4-5 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: X NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, tan, brown, fine to 9 0 Hrs: Dry Hr 24 s: Dry coarse sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace small roots. — 1.5 407.0- 2.0— 2.0 Stiff, moist, red, tan and brown, fine to coarse 7-7-9 — sandy SILT (MIL), with rock fragments. 16 405.5- 3.5— 3.5 Very hard, dry, maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT2 45-50/4. - (ML), with rock fragments. 100+ 395.2 - 13.8 1 P11 I Boring Terminated at 13.8 feet. 11 "11001 8,5 �8.8 100+ 13.51 100+ The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value (blows/ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) 385.7- 0.3 _\SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 2-5-9 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: X NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, moist, tan, fine sandy CLAY 14 0 Hrs Hr : Dry 24 s: Dry CIL , with trace small roots. — 1.5 384.0- 2.0-01, 2.0 Hard, dry, orange, tan, fine sandy CLAY (CH), 12-17-20 with trace small roots. 37 382.5- 3.5— 3.5 Very hard, dry, red, brown, and gray fine sandy 10-25-45 SILT (ML), with rock fragments. 70 I 11 1—ml= am 1111ou" 8,5 � 100+ 9.3 1W -he sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value (blows/ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) 420.7- 0.3 -\SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 1-4-5 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, orange, tan, fine to 9 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry coarse sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace small roots. — 1.5 419.0- 2.0 , 2.0 0"000 Very stiff, moist, red, orange, and tan, fine 4-8-11 —9-4 - P'o sandy CLAY (CH). 19 417.5- 3.5 3.5 Very hard, dry, cream, fine sandy SILT (MIL). 7-23-30 53 am 407.2 13.8 :9 L ............................................... 1 13.51 I I Boring Terminated at 13.8 feet. 1 100+ 11 *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler the sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. Elevation Depth Description of Materials Sample Sample Depth N-Value (blows/ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) 423.7- 0.3 -\SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 1-3-4 0.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: NATIVE SOILS: Firm, moist, orange, tan, fine to 7 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry coarse sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace small roots. — 1.5 422.0- 2.0— , 2.0 0"00 0 Stiff, moist, red, tan, and brown, fine sandy 5-6-9 —9-4 - P'o CLAY CH 15 420.5- 3.5 3.5 Very stiff, dry, tan and brown, fine sandy SILT 8-11-16 (M Q. 27 am 410.4 1 13.6 Boring Terminated at 13.6 feet. 50/111 100+ 11 *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N-Value. bo-qq hh�"gd Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation MS HOLDING SITE MORRISVILLE /GARY, NORTH CAROLINA F &R PROJECT NO. 66P -0086 Prepared for: Standard Pacific of the Carolinas, LLC 1600 Perimeter Park Dr., Suite 125 Morrisville, NC 27560 September 4, 2012 310 Hubert Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 919.828.3441 m=e Mr. Gray Methven St.-zi•I,-o,rd P,?cific of-Vie T MILI"IIW T ri" Morrisville, NC 27560 Re: Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation MS Holding Site Morrisville/Cary, North Carolina F Project No. 66P-0086 Daniel K. Schaefer, P.E. Raleigh Branch Manager A Minority-Owned Business 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES ...................................................... ..............................1 APPENDIX A SITE VICINITY MAP, FIGURE NO. 1 BORING LOCATION PLAN, FIGURE NO. 2 SUBSURFACE PROFILES, FIGURES NO. 3 & 4 APPENDIX B BORING LOGS APPENDIX C LABORATORY TEST RESULTS APPENDIX D ASFE DOCUMENT 1.1 Purpose of Study ....................................................................... ..............................1 1.2 Scope of Services ...................................................................... ..............................1 2.0 PROPOSED PROJECT DATA ................................................................... ..............................1 2.1 Site Location and Description ................................................... ..............................1 2.2 Proposed Construction ............................................................ ..............................2 3.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES ................................................................ ..............................2 3.1 Field Exploration ....................................................................... ..............................2 3.2 Laboratory Testing .................................................................... ..............................4 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ................................................................... ..............................4 4.1 Regional Geology ...................................................................... ..............................4 4.2 Soil Conditions .......................................................................... ..............................5 4.3 Soil Moisture and Groundwater Conditions ............................ ..............................7 5.0 ENGINEERING EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................... ..............................7 5.1 General Development Considerations ..................................... ..............................7 5.2 Site Preparation ........................................................................ ..............................8 5.3 Structural Fill Placement .......................................................... .............................10 5.4 Cut and Fill Slopes .................................................................... .............................11 5.5 Foundations ............................................................................. .............................12 5.6 Floor Slabs ................................................................................ .............................13 5.7 Pavements ............................................................................... .............................14 6.0 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL ................................................... .............................15 7.0 LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................ .............................16 APPENDIX A SITE VICINITY MAP, FIGURE NO. 1 BORING LOCATION PLAN, FIGURE NO. 2 SUBSURFACE PROFILES, FIGURES NO. 3 & 4 APPENDIX B BORING LOGS APPENDIX C LABORATORY TEST RESULTS APPENDIX D ASFE DOCUMENT 1 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES 1.1 PURPOSE OF STUDY The purpose of the subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering evaluation was to explore the subsurface conditions at the site through a series of 20 test borings and to provide preliminary geotechnical engineering recommendations for foundation, floor slab and pavement construction as well as recommendations for site preparation, earthwork and quality control measures related to these design aspects. 1.2 SCOPE OF SERVICES F &R's scope of services included the following: • Completion of twenty (20) soil test borings (B -1 through B -20) to depths ranging from 6.2 to 14 feet below the existing ground surface; • Performing geotechnical laboratory testing on representative soil samples; • Preparation of typed Boring Logs and development of Subsurface Profiles; • Performing a geotechnical engineering evaluation of the subsurface conditions with regard to their suitability for the proposed construction; and, • Preparation of this geotechnical report by professional engineers. 2.0 PROPOSED PROJECT DATA 2.1 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The project site is located on the east side of Wilson Road northeast of its intersection with Chapel Hill Road (NC Hwy 54) in Morrisville /Cary, Wake County, North Carolina. The site location is shown on the Site Vicinity Map presented as Figure No. 1 in Appendix A of this report. The project site consists is comprised of two tracts that total approximately 24.1 acres of wooded land to be developed for residential use. There is an abandoned house with adjacent outbuildings located on the west side of the property. A small creek, which was dry at the time of the investigation, traverses the project site from the southwest corner towards the northeast portion of the property. The ground surface slopes from the northwest corner towards the creek and then rises again from the creek to the southeastern corner of the property. There is a drainage swale Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 1 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Road Site September 4, 2012 1 on the property which drains water from the west central portion of the property to the creek. Ground surface elevations range from approximately 428 feet at a high point near the southeast property corner to approximately 360 feet at the creek near the northeast corner for a topographic relief of approximately 68 feet at the site. 2.2 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Based on the information provided to F &R, we understand that the project site is being considered for residential development consisting of sixty -nine (69) single - family homes and associated roadways. The homes will be supported using monolithically placed slab -on -grade with turned down footings or crawl -space foundations. The proposed site /lot layout was provided; however, a grading plan and utility line invert elevations were not provided to F &R at the time of writing this report. Based on the existing grades at the site, F &R estimates that maximum cut and fill depths for mass grading will be on the order of 10 feet to establish finished grades. Three permanent sedimentation basins are planned to be constructed in the northeast portion of the site and adjacent to the creek. Once site grading and utility plans are developed and structural loads are determined, F &R should be afforded an opportunity to review the plans /information and provide additional design- specific geotechnical recommendations if necessary. Depending upon the nature of the grading and utility plans, additional subsurface exploration may be recommended. In addition, geotechnical recommendations for retaining walls are not provided in this report. If retaining walls are planned, F &R should be contacted to review the plans and provide geotechnical recommendations. 3.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES 3.1 FIELD EXPLORATION F &R advanced a total of 20 soil test borings (B -1 to B -20) as part of this exploration at the approximate locations shown on the Boring Location Plan presented as Figure No. 2 in Appendix A. The test borings were advanced to depths ranging from approximately 6.2 to 14 feet below Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 2 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Road Site September 4, 2012 1 the existing ground surface. The boring locations were established in the field by a representative from F &R using a hand held GPS unit. Ground surface elevations at the boring locations were interpolated using topographic information from the Wake County GIS website. Given the method of determination, the boring locations and ground surface elevations should only be considered approximate. The test borings were advanced by an ATV mounted drill rig using 2 -1/4" inside diameter (I.D.) hollow stem augers for borehole stabilization. Representative soil samples were obtained using a standard two -inch outside diameter (O.D.) split barrel sampler in general accordance with ASTM D 1586, Penetration Test and Split - Barrel Sampling of Soils (Standard Penetration Test). The number of blows required to drive the split barrel sampler three consecutive 6 -inch increments with an automatic hammer is recorded and the blows of the last two 6 -inch increments are added to obtain the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N- values representing the penetration resistance of the soil. Standard Penetration Tests were performed almost continuously to a depth of 10 feet and at a nominal interval of approximately 5 feet thereafter. A representative portion of the soil was obtained from each SPT sample, sealed in an eight -ounce glass jar, labeled and transported to our laboratory for final classification and analysis by a geotechnical engineer. The soil samples were visually classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), using visual - manual identification procedures (ASTM D2488). A Boring Log for each test boring is presented in Appendix B. Water level measurements were attempted at the termination of drilling. Temporary piezometers were installed in 16 of the 20 borings (all borings except B -1 and B -6 to B -8) in order to obtain stabilized groundwater measurements. The temporary piezometers consisted of 1 -inch diameter, hand - slotted PVC pipes installed into the completed borings. The annulus of each piezometer was backfilled with soil cuttings. Water level measurements were then attempted after a stabilization period of at least 24 hours. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 3 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Road Site September 4, 2012 1 3.2 LABORATORY TESTING F &R selected five (5) soil samples and subjected them to routine geotechnical index testing consisting of Natural Moisture Content, Grain Size Distribution, and Atterberg Limits determinations. The purpose of the index testing was to aid in our classification of the soil samples and development of engineering recommendations. The laboratory testing was performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM standards. The laboratory test results are presented in Appendix C of this report. 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 4.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY The referenced property is located in the Piedmont Physiographic Province. The Piedmont Province generally consists of hills and ridges that are intertwined with an established system of draws and streams. The Piedmont Province is predominately underlain by igneous rock (formed from molten material) and metamorphic rock (formed by heat, pressure and /or chemical action), initially formed during the Precambrian and Paleozoic eras. More specifically, the site is located in the Durham sub -basin of the Triassic Deep River Basin. The Triassic basin is filled with sedimentary rocks (e.g., Sandstone, Siltstone, and Mudstone) that formed approximately 190- 200 million years ago. Dikes and sills of igneous Diabase rock intruded these Triassic sedimentary rocks. Diabase rock is generally quite hard and often requires blasting for removal. In areas not altered by erosion or disturbed by the activities of man, the typical soil profile consists of clayey soils near the surface, where soil weathering is more advanced, underlain by silts, sandy silts and silty sands above partially weathered rock and bedrock. The boundary between soil and rock is not sharply defined. This transitional zone termed "Partially Weathered Rock" is typically found overlying the parent bedrock. Partially Weathered Rock (PWR) is defined, for engineering purposes, as material exhibiting Standard Penetration Resistances in excess of 100 blows per foot. Weathering is facilitated by fractures, joints and by the presence of less resistant rock types. Consequently, the profile of the PWR and harder rock is quite irregular and erratic, even over short horizontal distances. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 4 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Road Site September 4, 2012 1 4.2 SOIL CONDITIONS $URFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS Surficial Organic Soil was encountered in each of the test borings from the ground surface to depths ranging from 0.2 to 0.3 feet and typically consisted of brown to black silty sands and sandy silts with root -mat and organic material. These soils are generally considered unsuitable for engineering purposes. F &R has not performed any laboratory testing to determine the organic content or other horticultural properties of the observed surficial organic soil materials. The term surficial organic soil is not intended to indicate its suitability for landscaping and /or other purposes. We note that the measurements of surficial organic soils were made by driller observations and should be considered approximate. We also note that the transition from surficial organic soil to underlying materials may be gradual, and therefore the observation and measurement of surficial organic soil depths is subjective. Roots were noted extending down beneath the organic layer to depths of approximately 1 to 2 feet in the test borings. Based on F &R's experience with similar nearby sites, stripping depths of 6 to 12 inches or greater may be required during construction of the planned residential development. NATIVE SOILS Native soils were encountered just beneath the surficial organic layer in the borings. The native soils consisted of silty sands, sandy silts and sandy /silty clays (USCS — SM, ML, CL & CH). In the upper 2.0 to 3.5 feet of the soil profile, the soils typically consisted of low to highly plastic sandy and silty clays (CL and CH) with varying amounts of rock fragments. One notable exception was silty sand (SM) exhibiting an N -value of 7 bpf was sampled in the upper 2.0 feet at boring B -16. N- values in the native clayey soils in the upper 3.5 feet ranged from 4 to 37 bpf with a majority exhibiting N- values of 10 to 30 bpf. Below a depth of 3.5 feet, the soils were predominantly classified as sandy silts (ML) with N- values ranging from 26 to 83 bpf. The soil samples typically exhibited harder consistency with depth based on recorded N- values. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 5 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Road Site September 4, 2012 1 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK Partially Weathered Rock (PWR) was encountered in 19 of 20 test borings at depths ranging from 3.0 to 12.5 feet below the ground surface. PWR is defined for engineering purposes as residual material that exhibits an SPT N -value of at least 100 blows per foot (bpf). PWR N- values widely ranged from 50/1" to 50/5.75 ". The depth to PWR and range of N- values at each boring is shown in the table below. Boring Number Depth to PWR Range of N- values Boring Number Depth to PWR Range of N- values 1 7.0 50/1 " — 50/5" 12 6.0 50/1 " — 50/4" 2 7.0 50/1 " — 50/5.5" 13 12.5 50/4" 3 9.0 50/1 " — 50/4.5" 14 12.0 50/4" 4 4.0 50/2 " — 50/5.75" 15 6.5 50/3 " — 50/4" 5 3.0 50/1 " — 50/5.5" 16 7.0 50/4" 6 9.5 50/4.5 " — 50/5" 17 5.5 50/3 " — 50/5.5" 7 8.5 50/4 " — 50/5.5" 18 7.0 50/ "3 8 6.0 50/2 " — 50/5" 19 6.0 50/2 " — 50/3" 9 4.5 50/2 " — 50/5" 20 6.0 50/2 " — 50/3" 11 6.0 50/5" Borings B -10, B -11, B -12, and B -16 were terminated due to auger refusal at depths ranging from 6.2 feet to 12.0 feet below the ground surface. Auger refusal is a designation applied to any material that cannot be penetrated by the soil auger. The nature of auger refusal was not explored in the test borings, but is assumed to be encountering bedrock, boulders or rock lenses. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 6 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Road Site September 4, 2012 1 4.3 SOIL MOISTURE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS In general, the sampled soils were dry to moist in the test borings from the ground surface to the boring termination depths. Groundwater level measurements were attempted in the borings upon completion of drilling. Stabilized groundwater level measurements were attempted after a period of at least 24- hours, except at borings B -1, B -6, B -7, and B -8 which were backfilled upon completion of drilling. Groundwater was not encountered in the borings immediately after drilling or after a stabilization period of at least 24- hours. It should also be noted that the groundwater levels fluctuate depending upon seasonal factors such as precipitation and temperature. As such, soil moisture and groundwater conditions at other times may vary or be different from those described in this report. F &R notes that due to the presence of shallow PWR and relatively impervious clayey soils (CH soils) noted on the project site, trapped or perched water conditions should be expected during periods of inclement weather and during seasonally wet periods. 5.0 ENGINEERING EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS The conclusions and recommendations contained in this section of the report are based upon the results of the 20 soil test borings performed by F &R, observations made during our site reconnaissance, and the information provided regarding the proposed development. It is our opinion that the subsurface conditions encountered at the project site are generally suitable for the proposed development provided the recommendations presented in subsequent sections of this report are followed throughout the design and construction phases of this project. Stiff /medium dense native soils and properly placed and compacted structural fill should be suitable for support of the lightly loaded residential structures on conventional shallow spread foundations. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 7 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Road Site September 4, 2012 1 The following conditions encountered in the test borings may impact the site development, and should be considered during planning and design of the subdivision: • Layers of highly plastic clay soils (CH soils) encountered in the upper 2.0 to 3.5 feet of the soil profile at 14 of the 20 test borings (B -2, B -3, B -6 to B -8, B -10, B -11, B -13 to B -16, and B -18 to B -20); and, • PWR encountered in 19 of the 20 borings at depths ranging from approximately 3.0 feet to 12.5 feet below the ground surface. Auger refusal was encountered in four of the borings at depths ranging from 6.2 feet to 12.0 feet below the ground surface. High plasticity clays (CH), as were encountered in the borings, are generally considered unsuitable for use as structural fill materials near the finished subgrade because they are difficult to properly place and compact, and could become unstable under construction traffic when wet. These soils are highly moisture sensitive and can undergo volume changes (shrink /swell) with changes in moisture content. These soils are generally considered to be poor subgrade materials. Due to the moisture sensitivity, shrink /swell potential and poor subgrade /bearing grade characteristics, F &R recommends that a minimum of 2 feet of separation be maintained between stable high plasticity soils and proposed subgrades for pavement and building areas. In order to create this separation, undercutting highly plastic soils and replacement with lower plasticity soils will likely be required in some areas. Pavement and roadway subgrades should consist of low plasticity soils. Site grading and utility construction may be impacted by the presence of Partially Weathered Rock (PWR). More detailed recommendations regarding PWR excavation will be provided in a subsequent section of this report. 5.2 SITE PREPARATION After removal of the existing buildings with associated underground utilities and existing asphalt /concrete pavement, any other deleterious materials including former building foundations, should be stripped from the construction areas and removed from the site or stockpiled for re -use in grassed or other non - structural areas. All underground utilities Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 8 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Road Site September 4, 2012 1 associated with prior development should be removed or abandoned or by suitably filling conduits with grout prior to any planned construction activities. Open pipes or conduits, if left in- place, adjacent to the construction area should be bulk headed and grouted as they might serve as conduits for subsurface erosion. After clearing and grubbing, all surficial organic soils, roots, vegetation and any other deleterious materials should be stripped from the building and pavement areas. The stripping should extend a distance of at least 5 feet beyond the building perimeters, but not less than the area within a 2H:1V slope projecting from the perimeter footings or building pad, whichever is greater. The exposed subgrade soils at the finished subgrade level and in fill areas should be proofrolled with a loaded tandem axle dump truck, scraper, or other similar construction equipment to confirm the stability of the subgrade soils. The proofrolling operations should be observed by a geotechnical engineer or his representative. If proofrolling reveals unstable conditions, the method of repair should be as directed by the project geotechnical engineer. Methods of repair may include, but are not necessarily limited to: drying and re- compaction; undercutting and replacement with suitable structural fill; the use of geotextiles and geogrids with select fill; the use of lime stabilization or other methods deemed appropriate by the project geotechnical engineer. Soft near surface soils were only encountered in a couple of borings and widespread subgrade repair is not anticipated unless grading is performed during seasonally wet periods. Based on the results of the test borings, PWR excavation may be required depending upon the proposed site grades and utility line invert elevations. PWR was encountered in nineteen of the twenty borings at depths ranging from approximately 3.0 to 12.5 feet below the ground surface and it will likely be encountered during mass grading activities. PWR encountered at the site varied widely with N- values ranging from 50/1" to 50/5.5" at the test boring locations. Heavy excavating equipment with ripping tools (e.g., D -8 dozer with single shank ripper) is typically effective in removing softer PWR (i.e., PWR with N- values of 50/3" to 50/6 ") during mass grading activities. However, removal of harder PWR (i.e., PWR with N- values of 50/0" to less than 50/3 ") during mass grading in open areas will not likely be possible with ripping equipment and may require hammering, chipping or blasting. Although utility plans with invert elevations Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 9 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Road Site September 4, 2012 1 were not available, it is likely that PWR will also be encountered in these excavations during utility installations. Removal of softer PWR (50/4" to 50/6 ") from confined excavations (e.g., utility excavations) may be able to be accomplished using a large trackhoe (e.g., CAT 330 with rock teeth); however, excavation will likely be slow and light blasting is typically performed to pre - loosen the PWR. Removal of harder PWR (50/0" to 50/3 ") in confined excavations will not likely be possible with conventional equipment and typically requires blasting. The speed and ease of PWR and rock excavation will depend upon the equipment utilized, experience of the equipment operators and geologic structure of the PWR. 5.3 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT The on -site low to moderately plastic soils (USCS — SM, SC, ML and CL) are generally considered suitable for use as structural fill. However, highly plastic clayey soils (CH soils) as were encountered within the upper 2.0 to 3.5 feet of 14 of 20 borings are generally considered unsuitable as structural fill materials and should only be used in non -load bearing, landscaping areas or deeper roadway fills. As previously stated, the on -site soils in the upper soil profile were typically classified as silty and clayey soils, which are moisture sensitive. As such, depending upon conditions at the time of construction, some of the upper silty /clayey soils may require moisture conditioning (drying of wet soils or wetting of dry soils) prior to use as structural fill. Due to the moisture sensitivity of the on -site soils, it is typically recommended that earthwork operations be performed during the seasonally drier months (typically May to October) when weather conditions are more conducive to moisture conditioning of earth fill (e.g., drying) and achieving proper compaction of structural fill. If earthwork is performed during the seasonally wet months, additional subgrade undercutting and repair will likely be required and it may be difficult to properly compact structural fill. All structural earth fill should be compacted at a moisture content of + 3 percent of the optimum moisture content. All structural earth fill (i.e. fill placed in load bearing areas or slopes) should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches and be compacted to at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D -698, and to 98 percent of the Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 10 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Road Site September 4, 2012 1 same standard within the top 12 inches. All areas to receive fill that are steeper than a slope of 4 Horizontal to 1 Vertical (4H:1V) should be plowed, stepped and leveled to assure that fill is placed on near level surfaces. All structural fill material should be placed and compacted under the full time control and supervision of a qualified geotechnical engineer or engineering technician working under the direction of a geotechnical engineer. The placement and compaction of all fill material should be tested in order to confirm that the recommended degree of compaction is obtained. Excavated, ripped or blasted PWR may be able to be used as structural fill material. Special placement and compaction procedures for the PWR and other rock materials should be provided by the project geotechnical engineer prior to earthwork. All structural fill (soil /PWR /rock) should be monitored on a full -time basis by a geotechnical engineer or qualified engineering technician working under the supervision of a geotechnical engineer. 5.4 CUT AND FILL SLOPES F &R recommends designing the permanent project slopes at 3 horizontal to 1 vertical (3H:1V) or flatter. The top of the slope should be located a minimum of 10 feet away from the structural limits. If steeper slopes are planned, F &R should be contacted to perform a slope stability analysis. It is F &R's opinion that 3H:1V slopes will be stable from a slope stability standpoint provided the fill slopes are constructed of properly compacted structural fill. However, seepage and surface runoff may cause the slopes to slough and erode resulting in shallow surface failures. The slopes should be vegetated as soon as possible to prevent surface sloughing and erosion. If sloughing or erosion occurs, the use of a vegetation /erosion control mat, turf reinforcement material or geotextile and large stone may be required to stabilize the slopes. A swale or shallow ditch should be constructed near the top of slopes to prevent surface water from flowing onto the slopes. We recommend that all cut and fill slopes be observed by a geotechnical engineer or his representative during construction. Additional slope drainage and protection measures may be required in certain areas depending upon conditions observed at the time of slope construction. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 11 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Road Site September 4, 2012 1 5.5 FOUNDATIONS The project site is suitable to support the proposed structures on conventional shallow spread foundations or on a monolithically placed slab -on -grade with turned -down footings provided the site preparation and fill placement recommendations presented in this report are followed. For foundations bearing on stiff /medium dense native soils or properly compacted structural fill overlying approved native materials, F &R recommends the use of a net allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf) for the design of foundations. Spread foundations and turned -down slab foundations should bear directly upon approved structural fill or native soils and should be embedded at least 12 inches below adjacent exterior grades for frost protection and bearing capacity considerations. Interior turned -down sections and foundations may have nominal embedment depths. Final foundation sizes should be determined by the project structural engineer based on actual design loads, building code requirements and other structural considerations. We recommend that the footing excavations be observed by a qualified geotechnical engineer or his representative prior to placement of reinforcing steel and concrete. The purpose of the engineering observation would be to determine that the foundations bear in suitable soils at the proper embedment depths, and that unsuitable soft or loose materials and high plasticity clay soils are undercut and backfilled with approved structural fill material. Hand auguring and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing may be recommended for selected foundations to verify the consistency of the bearing soils. If soft soils and /or high plasticity clay soils are encountered at the footing bearing level, undercutting and repair of footing subgrades may be required. If undercutting is performed, the undercut excavations can be backfilled with NCDCT No. 57 washed stone up to the planned bearing grade. The washed stone thickness should not exceed 2 feet before the surface of the washed stone is densified with a heavy vibratory plate compactor to the satisfaction of the geotechnical engineer or his representative. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 12 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Road Site September 4, 2012 1 Exposure to the environment may weaken the soils at the footing bearing level if excavations remain open for long periods of time. The foundation bearing surface should be level or suitably benched and free of loose soil, ponded water and debris. If the bearing soils are softened by surface water intrusion or exposure, the softened soils must be removed from the foundation excavation immediately prior to placement of concrete. We recommend that careful attention be given to proper site grading, which should direct all roof and surface runoff waters away from the house and foundation. 5.6 FLOOR SLAB The ground floors may be designed as a slab -on- grade. We recommend that a modulus of subgrade reaction (k) of 150 pounds per cubic inch (pci) be used for slab design. The subgrade soils for support of floor slabs should be prepared as outlined in previous sections of this report. Utility and other construction excavations performed in the prepared floor slab subgrade should be backfilled in accordance with previously referenced structural fill criteria to aid in providing uniform floor support. The floor slab should be supported on at least 4 inches of NCDOT No. 57 washed stone to provide a uniformly well- compacted material immediately beneath the slab. The floor slab should be underlain by a vapor retarder to minimize the potential for floor slab dampness. Vapor retarder construction should be performed in accordance with applicable ACI guidelines. Floor slab design and construction should incorporate isolation joints around columns, utility penetrations, and along bearing walls to allow for differential movement to occur without damage to the floor. To reduce the risks of unsightly slab cracking, F &R recommends that concrete quality control testing be performed during concrete placement, control joints (as designed by the structural engineer) be cut into the slab as soon as possible after the concrete placement, and the slab be cured as appropriate for the prevailing weather conditions (temperature, humidity and wind velocity). Final slab design should be determined by the project structural engineer based on actual design loads, building code requirements and other structural considerations. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 13 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Road Site September 4, 2012 1 5.7 PAVEMENTS Subgrade preparation along street alignments should also be performed in general accordance with Sections 5.2 and 5.3 of this report. Exposed pavement subgrades should be re- compacted to at least 100 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density just prior to base stone placement. The subgrade soils should be proofrolled and areas which exhibit signs of instability should be undercut and stabilized through placement of structural fill or aerated and re- compacted depending upon the depth of soft soil. No more than two feet of structural fill should be placed in a roadway area without compaction tests being performed prior to the placement of additional fill material. Estimated soaked CBR values for use in design of the pavement structure could range from 3 to 5. The pavement structure must comply with the minimum standards for residential roadways as required by the governing municipality. Proofrolling of the pavement subgrades, placement of ABC base courses and asphalt surface courses, should be observed, tested and approved by the project geotechnical engineer. Upon request, F &R would be pleased to provide a site specific pavement design based on the actual soil subgrade strength testing (CBR tests) and estimated traffic volumes. We emphasize that good base course drainage is essential for successful pavement performance. The ABC stone should be maintained in a drained condition at all times. Water build -up in the base course could result in premature failures. Proper drainage may be aided by grading the site such that surface water is directed away from pavements and construction of swales adjacent to pavements. All pavements should be graded such that surface water is directed towards the outer limits of the paved area or to catch basins located such that surface water does not remain on the pavement. Flexible asphalt pavements, concrete pavements, and bases should be constructed in accordance with the guidelines of the latest applicable North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures. Materials, weather limitations, placement and compaction are specified under appropriate sections of this Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 14 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Road Site September 4, 2012 1 publication. Concrete pavement construction should be in accordance with applicable American Concrete Institute (ACI) guidelines. 6.0 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL As previously discussed, the Geotechnical Engineer of record should be retained to monitor and test earthwork activities, and subgrade preparations for slopes, foundations, floor slabs and pavements. It should be noted that the actual soil conditions at the various subgrade levels and footing bearing grades will vary across this site and thus the presence of the Geotechnical Engineer and /or his representative during construction will serve to validate the subsurface conditions and recommendations presented in this report. We also stress the importance of conducting hand auger and DCP testing in the footing excavations in order to confirm the anticipated subsurface conditions and define footings that should be undercut and repaired as outlined in this report. We recommend that F &R be employed to monitor the earthwork and foundation construction, and to report that the recommendations contained in this report are completed in a satisfactory manner. Our continued involvement on the project will aid in the proper implementation of the recommendations discussed herein. The following is a recommended scope of services: • Review of project plans and construction specifications to verify that the recommendations presented in this report have been properly interpreted and implemented; • Observe the earthwork process to document that subsurface conditions encountered during construction are consistent with the conditions anticipated in this report; • Observe the subgrade conditions before placing structural fill including proofroll observations; • Observe the placement and compaction of any structural fill and backfill, and perform laboratory and field compaction testing of the fill; and, • Observe all foundation excavations and footing bearing grades for compliance with the recommended design soil bearing capacity. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 15 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Road Site September 4, 2012 1 7.0 LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the Standard Pacific of the Carolinas, LLC for the specific application to the referenced project site in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. These conclusions and recommendations do not reflect variations in subsurface conditions that could exist intermediate of the boring locations or in unexplored areas of the site. Should such variations become apparent during construction, we reserve the right to re- evaluate our conclusions and recommendations based upon on -site observations of the conditions. In the event changes are made in the proposed construction plans, the recommendations presented in this report shall not be considered valid unless reviewed by our firm and conclusions of this report modified or verified in writing. Prior to final design, F &R should be afforded the opportunity to review the site grading and layout plans to determine if additional or modified recommendations are necessary. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 16 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Road Site September 4, 2012 *M APPENDIX A FIGURES SITE BOUNDARY SITE SITE VICINITY MAP North SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. CLIENT: Standard Pacific Homes FEngineering . Environmental . Geotechnical PROJECT: M S Holdings Site Q 310 Hubert Street LOCATION: Morrisville /Cary, Wake County, North Carolina �( Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 -2302 1 USA F &R PROJECT No.: 6613-0086 FIGURE o T919.828.3441 I F919.828.5751 DRAWN BY: E. Thomas No.: 1 $$' www.fandr.com DATE: August 2012 SCALE: As Shown � N � Z LLJ C rn 0 . � 0 - LPL co z 0 LU -3 a0 LL Lu -0 ;; ,,j E CO m M Z 4- 0 LL ca Ln Lq ti. ti r-4 0 ..................................... ........... .......... 6 Ln if Z M: r.4 gy a 0 0: 2F Ln Ln L-n Ln 0 co ................................... . ........ .. ..................... .................................... Zn ul ........... b 00 0 0 0 0 i Ln Ln m - Ln 00 .......... ..................................... .................................. .......... .................................. 0 W N m Ln Ln rn m C: M: �o Ln o 0 �1. �D 0� .......... .......... ................................. .......... .................................. 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Approximate Content Modifiers <_ 5 %: Trace 5% to 12 %: Slightly silty, slightly clayey, slightly sandy 12% to 30 %: Silty, clayey, sandy 30% to 50 %: Very silty, very clayey, very Field Moisture Description Saturated: Usually liquid; very wet, usually from below the groundwater table Wet: Semisolid; requires drying to attain optimum moisture Moist: Solid; at or near optimum moisture Dry: Requires additional water to attain optimum moisture SINCE E 0 1 8 8 1 UN IF I ED SO IL CLASS IF I CAT ION SYSTEM (USCS) MAJOR DIVISION TYPICAL NAMES •• GW Well graded gravels GRAVELS CLEAN GRAVEL . , GP Poorl graded y ravels 9 g More than 50% (little or no fines) of coarse fraction larger GM Silty gravels than No. 4 sieve GRAVELS , GC Clayey gravels with fines SW Well graded sands SANDS CLEAN SAND SP Poorly graded sands More than 50X (little or no fines) of coarse : fraction smaller SM Silty sands, than No. 4 sieve SAND ... sand /silt mixtures with fines ly Clayey sands, IPA SC sand /clay mixtures Inorganic silts, sandy ML and clayey silts with slightly plasticity Sandy or silty clays SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit is less than 50 CL of low to medium Plasticity OL Organic silts of low plasticity Inorganic silts, MH sandy micaceous or clayey elastic silts Inorganic clays of SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit is greater than 50 CH high plasticity, fat clays Organic clays of OH medium to high plasticity Peat and other highly HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT organic soils PWR (Partially Weathered Rock) Rock MISCELLANEOUS Asphalt MATERIALS ABC Stone o. °...d. Concrete •emu '' Surficial Organic Soil Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 13.9' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -1 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/15/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials (Classification) * Sample Blows Sample (feet) N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks 415.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 2 -6 -6 U.0 1.5 12 GROUNDWATER DATA: 0 Hrs: Dry and hole caved at 9.2'. 24 Hrs: Boring backfilled upon completion. NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, tan, fine to coarse sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace small roots. 414.0 2.0 2.0 Hard to very hard, dry, maroon and gray, fine to 6 -11 -26 coarse sandy SILT (ML), with rock fragments. 37 18 -23 -40 3.5 63 5.0 40- 50/5" 6.5 409.0 7.0 7.4 100+ PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon and gray, fine to coarse sandy SILT (ML). 408.0 8.0 37 -47 -36 8.5 Very hard, dry, maroon, fine to coarse sandy SILT (ML). 83 10.0 403.0 402.1 13.0 13.9 13.5 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 50/4" Boring Terminated at 13.9 feet. 14.3 100+ *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 13.9' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -2 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/14/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials * Sample Sample N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) 414.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 2 -6 -6 U.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: 12 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, tan, fine sandy CLAY (CL), with trace rock fragments and small roots. 1.5 413.0 2.0 2.0 Hard, dry, red, tan, and brown, fine to coarse 6 -10 -24 sandy CLAY (CH), with trace small roots. 34 411.5 3.5 3.5 Very hard, dry, maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT 27 -26 -24 (ML), with rock fragments and trace small roots. 50 5.0 20- 50/5.5" 6.5 408.0 7.0 100+ PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 7.5 32- 50/4" 8.5 100+ 9.3 13.9 13.5 50/5" 401.1 Boring Terminated at 13.9 feet. 100+ *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 13.6' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -3 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/14/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials * Sample Sample N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) 372.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 1 -4-10 GROUNDWATER DATA: 14 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry NATIVE SOILS: Stiff to very stiff, dry, tan, fine sandy CLAY (CL -CH), with trace small roots. 1.5 — 10 -14 -15 2.0 29 369.5 3.5 3.5 Hard, dry, red, tan, and brown, fine to coarse, 12 -12 -19 sandy SILT (ML), with trace rock fragments. 31 5.0 367.0 6.0 Hard, moist, maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 14 -17 -22 6.5 39 8.0 22- 50/45" 8.5 364.0 9.0 100+ PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as 9.4 maroon, fine sandy SILT (ML). 359.4 13.6 50/1" Boring Terminated at 13.6 feet. 100+ *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 13.7' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -4 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/14/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials (Classification) * Sample Blows Sample (feet) N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks 376.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 3 -8 -21 U.0 29 GROUNDWATER DATA: 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry NATIVE SOILS: Very stiff to hard, dry, tan, fine to coarse sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace small roots. 1.5 12 -15 -16 2.0 31 373.5 373.0 3.5 4.0 3.5 100+ Hard, dry, maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML), with trace small roots. 9- 50/5.75" 4.5 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 6.5 50/3" 100+ 8.5 50/3" 100+ 363.3 13.7 13.5 50/2.. Boring Terminated at 13.7 feet. 100+ *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 13.6' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -5 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/14/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials (Classification) * Sample Blows Sample (feet) N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks 394.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 5 -8 -12 U.0 20 GROUNDWATER DATA: 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry NATIVE SOILS: Very stiff, dry, tan, fine to coarse sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace small roots. 1.5 393.0 2.0 2.0 Very stiff, dry, brown, fine to coarse sandy SILT -17- 50/4.5' (M Q. 100+ 392.0 3.0 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon and gray, fine to coarse, sandy SILT (ML). 50/5.5 "'� 4.0 100+ 42- 50/3.5" 6.5 7.3 100+ 8.5 8.9 100+ 50/5" 381.4 13.6 Boring Terminated at 13.6 feet. 50/1" 100+ *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 13.9' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -6 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/15/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials * Sample Sample N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) 418.7 0.3 >A SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 2 -1 -3 U.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: 4 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Boring backfilled NATIVE SOILS: Soft, moist, tan, brown, fine sandy CLAY (CH), with trace small roots. upon completion. 1.5 417.0 2.0 2.0 Stiff, moist, tan and gray, fine sandy silty CLAY 5 -5 -8 (CL), with trace small roots. 13 415.5 3.5 3.5 Very hard to hard, dry, red, brown, and gray fine 18 -27 -39 sandy SILT (ML), with trace rock fragments. 66 5.0 12 -15 -20 6.5 35 8.0 2 -32 -50/5' 8.5 100+ 409.5 9.5 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as 9.9 maroon and gray, sandy SILT (ML). 13.5 50/4.5" 405.1 13.9 Boring Terminated at 13.9 feet. 100+ *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 14.0' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -7 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/15/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials (Classification) * Sample Blows Sample (feet) N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks 417.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 1 -3 -4 U.0 7 GROUNDWATER DATA: 0 Hrs: Dry and hole caved at 8.8'. 24 Hrs: Boring backfilled NATIVE SOILS: Firm, dry, tan, fine sandy CLAY (CH), with trace rock fragments and small roots. 1.5 upon completion. 416.0 2.0 2.0 Stiff, moist, orange, tan, fine, sandy silty CLAY 4 -5 -8 (CH). 13 414.5 3.5 3.5 Very hard, dry, red, brown and gray, fine sandy 10 -19 -32 SILT (ML), with trace rock fragments. 51 5.0 15 -25 -37 6.5 62 8.0 409.5 8.5 8.5 g g 100+ PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 50/4" 13.5 14 Q 50/5.5 404.0 14.0 Boring Terminated at 14.0 feet. *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 13.7' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -8 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/15/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials (Classification) * Sample Blows Sample (feet) N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks 395.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 3 -3 -5 U.0 8 GROUNDWATER DATA: Boring backfilled upon completion. NATIVE SOILS: Firm, dry, tan, fine sandy CLAY (CL), with trace small roots. 1.5 394.0 2.0 2.0 Very stiff, dry, tan, and brown, fine sandy CLAY 5 -7 -11 (CH), with rock fragments. 18 392.5 3.5 3.5 Hard, dry, red, brown, and gray, fine sandy SILT 11 -12 -18 (ML). 30 5.0 390.0 6.0 6.5 6.9 100+ PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 50/5" 8.5 8.8 100+ 50/4" 382.3 13.7 13.5 50/2.. Boring Terminated at 13.7 feet. 100+ *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 13.8' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -9 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/19/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials * Sample Sample N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) 389.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 3 -6 -6 U.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: 12 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, tan, fine to coarse sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace small roots. 1.5 388.0 2.0 2.0 Hard, dry, red, brown and gray, fine sandy SILT 8 -15 -31 (ML), with trace rock fragments. 46 1 -36 -50/5' 3.5 100+ 385.5 4.5 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as 4'9 maroon, fine, sandy SILT (ML). 45- 50/4" 6.5 100+ 7.3 44- 50/2" 8.5 9.2 100+ 376.2 13.8 13.5 50/3.5" Boring Terminated at 13.8 feet. 100+ *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 6.2' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -10 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/13/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials * Sample Sample et) N -Value Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) (blows /ft) 391.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 2 -5 -6 GROUNDWATER DATA: 11 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, tan, fine to coarse, sandy CLAY (CH), with rock fragments and trace small roots. 1.5 390.0 2.0 2.0 Stiff to very stiff, moist, red, tan - brown, fine 5 -6 -10 sandy SILT (ML), with rock fragments. 16 3.5 7 -11 -15 26 5.0 385.8 6.2 Boring Terminated by Auger Refusal at 6.2 feet. *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 10.5' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -11 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/13/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials (Classification) * Sample Blows Sample (feet) N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks 413.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 2 -3 -7 U.0 10 GROUNDWATER DATA: 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, tan, fine sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace small roots. 1.5 412.0 2.0 2.0 Very stiff, dry, light tan, fine sandy CLAY (CH). 7 -10 -12 22 410.5 3.5 3.5 Hard, dry, maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML), 10 -12 -27 with trace rock fragments. 39 5.0 408.0 6.0 6.5 6.9 100+ PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 50/5" 403.5 10.5 Boring Terminated by Auger Refusal at 10.5 feet. *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 12.0' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -12 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/14/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials (Classification) * Sample Blows Sample (feet) N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks 398.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 3 -4 -7 U.0 11 GROUNDWATER DATA: 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, tan, fine sandy CLAY (CL), with trace small roots. 1.5 397.0 2.0 2.0 Hard, dry, red, tan and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 8 -11 -20 31 395.5 3.5 3.5 Very hard, maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT 17 -23 -35 (ML), with rock fragments. 58 5.0 393.0 6.0 6.5 6.8 100+ PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 50/4" 8.5 50/1" 100+ 387.0 12.0 Boring Terminated by Auger Refusal at 12.0 feet. *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 13.9' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -13 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/10/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials * Sample Sample N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) 426.8 0.2 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 4 -7 -7 U.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: 14 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, tan, fine to coarse sandy CLAY (CL), with gravel and small roots. 1.5 425.0 2.0 2.0 Very stiff, moist, orange, tan, fine sandy silty 7 -8 -9 CLAY (CH), and trace small roots. 17 423.5 3.5 3.5 Very stiff, moist, orange, tan, and brown, fine 9 -12 -15 sandy SILT (ML). 27 5.0 421.0 6.0 Hard, dry, red and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML), with rock fragments. 16 -22 -24 6.5 46 419.0 8.0 8.0 Hard, dry, maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 15 -18 -25 10.0 43 11.5 414.5 12.5 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 13.5 50/4" 413.1 13.9 Boring Terminated at 13.9 feet. 100+ *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 13.9' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -14 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/10/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials * Sample Sample N -Value Remarks (Classification) Blows (feet) (blows /ft) 427.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 4 -4 -7 U.0 GROUNDWATER DATA: 11 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, orange, brown, and tan, fine sandy CLAY (CL), with trace small roots. 1.5 426.0 2.0 2.0 Very stiff, moist, red, orange, and gray, fine 6 -11 -15 sandy CLAY (CH). 26 424.5 3.5 3.5 Very hard to hard dry, maroon, gray, and tan, 20 -25 -25 fine sandy SILT (ML), with rock fragments. 50 5.0 16 -26 -33 6.5 59 8.0 14 -20 -20 8.5 40 10.0 416.0 12.0 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 13.5 50/4" 414.1 13.9 Boring Terminated at 13.9 feet. 100+ *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 13.8' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -15 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/10/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials (Classification) * Sample Blows Sample (feet) N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks 419.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 4 -7 -15 U.0 22 GROUNDWATER DATA: 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry NATIVE SOILS: Very stiff, dry, tan, fine to coarse sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace small roots. 1.5 418.0 2.0 2.0 Very stiff, dry, orange and tan, fine sandy CLAY 9 -10 -14 (CH), with trace small roots. 24 416.5 3.5 3.5 Very hard, dry, red, tan and gray, fine sandy SILT 14 -24 -47 (MIL). 71 5.0 413.5 6.5 6.5 6.8 100+ PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as red and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 50/4" 8.5 50/3.5" 100+ 406.2 13.8 13.5 50/3" Boring Terminated at 13.8 feet. 100+ *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 8.0' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -16 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/13/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials (Classification) * Sample Blows Sample (feet) N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks 414.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 2 -3 -4 U.0 7 GROUNDWATER DATA: 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry . NATIVE SOILS: Loose, dry, tan, brown, silty fine to coarse SAND (SM), with rock fragments. 1.5 413.0 2.0 2.0 Very stiff, moist, orange, tan, brown, fine sandy 9 -9 -12 CLAY (CH), with rock fragments and trace small 21 roots. 411.5 3.5 3.5 Very hard, red, and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML), 8 -21 -34 with rock fragments. 55 5.0 28- 50/4" 6.5 408.0 7.0 7.3 100+ PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as red and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 407.0 8.0 Boring Terminated by Auger Refusal at 8.0 feet. *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 13.8' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -17 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/13/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials (Classification) * Sample Blows Sample (feet) N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks 408.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 3 -4 -5 U.0 9 GROUNDWATER DATA: 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, tan, brown, fine to coarse sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace small roots. 1.5 407.0 2.0 2.0 Stiff, moist, red, tan and brown, fine to coarse 7 -7 -9 sandy SILT (ML), with rock fragments. 16 405.5 3.5 3.5 Very hard, dry, maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT 2 -45 -50/4. (ML), with rock fragments. 100+ 404.5 4.5 4 9 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon and gray. fine sandy SILT (ML). 6.5 50/5.5" 7.0 100+ 8.5 8.8 100+ 50/4" 395.2 13.8 13.5 50/3" Boring Terminated at 13.8 feet. 100+ *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 13.9' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -18 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/13/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials (Classification) * Sample Blows Sample (feet) N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks 385.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 2 -5 -9 U.0 14 GROUNDWATER DATA: 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, moist, tan, fine sandy CLAY (CL), with trace small roots. 1.5 384.0 2.0 2.0 Hard, dry, orange, tan, fine sandy CLAY (CH), with 12 -17 -20 trace small roots. 37 382.5 3.5 3.5 Very hard, dry, red, brown, and gray fine sandy 10 -25 -45 SILT (ML), with rock fragments. 70 5.0 40- 50/3" 6.5 379.0 7.0 7.3 100+ PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as red and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 42- 50/3" 8.5 9.3 100+ 372.2 13.8 13.5 50/3" Boring Terminated at 13.8 feet. 100+ *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 13.8' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -19 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/13/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials (Classification) * Sample Blows Sample (feet) N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks 420.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 1 -4 -5 U.0 9 GROUNDWATER DATA: 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry NATIVE SOILS: Stiff, dry, orange, tan, fine to coarse sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace small roots. 1.5 419.0 2.0 2.0 Very stiff, moist, red, orange, and tan, fine sandy 4 -8 -11 CLAY (CH). 19 417.5 3.5 3.5 Very hard, dry, cream, fine sandy SILT (ML). 7 -23 -30 53 5.0 415.0 6.0 6.5 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon, gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 50/3" 100+ 8.5 50/3" 100+ 407.2 13.8 13.5 50/2" Boring Terminated at 13.8 feet. 100+ *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. Client: Standard Pacific Homes - Raleigh Division Total Depth: 13.6' Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) Boring Location: See Boring Location Plan City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC BORING LOG Boring: B -20 (1 of 1) Drilling Method: 2.25" ID HSA Hammer Type: Automatic Date Drilled: 8/13/12 Driller: J.Gilchrist Elevation Depth Description of Materials (Classification) * Sample Blows Sample (feet) N -Value (blows /ft) Remarks 423.7 0.3 SURFICIAL ORGANIC SOILS 1 -3 -4 U.0 7 GROUNDWATER DATA: 0 Hrs: Dry 24 Hrs: Dry NATIVE SOILS: Firm, moist, orange, tan, fine to coarse sandy CLAY (CL), with rock fragments and trace small roots. 1.5 422.0 2.0 2.0 Stiff, moist, red, tan, and brown, fine sand CLAY y 5 -6 -9 (CH). 15 420.5 3.5 3.5 Very stiff, dry, tan and brown, fine sandy SILT 8 -11 -16 (ML). 27 5.0 418.0 6.0 6.5 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: sampled as maroon and gray, fine sandy SILT (ML). 50/1" 100+ 50/5.75" 8.5 9.0 100+ 410.4 13.6 Boring Terminated at 13.6 feet. 50/1" 100+ *Number of blows required for a 140 lb hammer dropping 30" to drive 2" O.D., 1.375" I.D. sampler a total of 18 inches in three 6" increments. The sum of the second and third increments of penetration is termed the standard penetration resistance, N- Value. *M APPENDIX C LAB TEST RESULTS Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC 60 CL CH 50 40 x v 0 U Y N (B d 20 10 ML MH CL -ML 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Liquid Limit Boring No. Depth LL PL PI Fines Classification % Natural Water Content • B -1 0.0-1.5 43 25 18 59.2 Tan, GRAVELLY LEAN CLAY with SAND (CL) 8.8 m B -11 2.0-3.5 55 29 26 74.4 Tan -Light Brown, FAT CLAY with SAND (CH) 11.8 A B -13 2.0-3.5 83 37 46 88.2 Tan -Light Brown, FAT CLAY (CH) 20.1 * B -20 2.0-3.5 69 33 36 83.8 Brown -Light Brown, FAT CLAY with SAND (CH) 18.1 o B -7 2.0-3.5 66 32 34 84.4 Tan -Light Brown, FAT CLAY with SAND (CH) 19.7 Project: MS Holdings Site (Wilson Road) City /State: Morrisville/ Cary, NC GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS I HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 3/4 1/23/8 3 4 6 810 1416 20 30 40 50 60 100 140 200 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 ao 65 a 60 v LL 55 Y v 50 v 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size (mm) COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY coarse fine coarse medium fine Boring No. Depth Classification LL PL PI Cc Cu • B -1 at 0.0-1.5 Tan, GRAVELLY LEAN CLAY with SAND (CL) 43 25 18 X B -11 at 2.0-3.5 Tan -Light Brown, FAT CLAY with SAND (CH) 55 29 26 A B -13 at 2.0-3.5 Tan -Light Brown, FAT CLAY (CH) 83 37 46 * B -20 at 2.0-3.5 Brown -Light Brown, FAT CLAY with SAND (CH) 69 1 33 36 O B -7 at 2.0-3.5 Tan -Light Brown, FAT CLAY with SAND (CH) 66 32 34 Boring No. Depth D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel %Sand %Silt %Clay • B -1 at 0.0-1.5 25 0.087 23.6 17.2 59.2 X B -11 at 2.0-3.5 9.5 0.6 25.0 74.4 A B -13 at 2.0-3.5 9.5 0.0 11.8 88.2 * B -20 at 2.0-3.5 9.5 0.6 15.6 83.8 O B -7 at 2.0-3.5 9.5 0.6 15.0 84.4 *M APPENDIX D ASFE DOCUMENT Geolechnicol EfloineePing RePOPI --) Geotechnical Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific needs of their clients. A geotechnical engineering study conducted for a civil engi- neer may not fulfill the needs of a construction contractor or even another civil engineer. Because each geotechnical engineering study is unique, each geotechnical engineering report is unique, prepared solelyfor the client. No one except you should rely on your geotechnical engineering report without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it. And no one — not evenyou— should apply the report for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. Read the Full Report Serious problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical engineering report did not read Tall. Do not rely on an executive summary. Do not read selected elements only. A Geotechnical Engineering Report Is Based on A Unique Set of Project - Specific Factors Geotechnical engineers consider a number of unique, project- specific fac- tors when establishing the scope of a study. Typical factors include: the client's goals, objectives, and risk management preferences; the general nature of the structure involved, its size, and configuration; the location of the structure on the site; and other planned or existing site improvements, such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities. Unless the geotechnical engineer who conducted the study specifically indicates oth- erwise, do not rely on a geotechnical engineering report that was: • not prepared for you, • not prepared for your project, • not prepared for the specific site explored, or • completed before important project changes were made. Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing geotechnical engineering report include those that affect: the function of the proposed structure, as when it's changed from a parking garage to an office building, or from a light industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse, ® elevation, configuration, location, orientation, or weight of the proposed structure, ® composition of the design team, or ® project ownership. As a general rule, always inform your geotechnical engineer of project changes --even minor ones —and request an assessment of their impact. Geotechnical engineers cannot accept responsibility or liability for problems that occur because their reports do not consider developments of which they were not informed. Subsurface Conditions Can Change A geotechnical engineering report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. Do not rely on a geotechnical engineer- ing reportwhose adequacy may have been affected by: the passage of time; by man -made events, such as construction on or adjacent to the site; or by natural events, such as floods, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctua- tions. Always contact the geotechnical engineer before applying the report to determine if it is still reliable. A minor amount of additional testing or analysis could prevent major problems. Most Geotechnical Findings Are Professional Opinions Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. Geotechnical engi- neers review field and laboratory data and then apply their professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ— sometimes significantly — from those indicated in your report. Retaining the geotechnical engineer who developed your report to provide construction observation is the most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions. A Report's Recommendations Are Not Final Do not overrely on the construction recommendations included in your report. Those recommendations are not final, because geotechnical engi- neers develop them principally from judgment and opinion. Geotechnical engineers can finalize their recommendations only by observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. The geotechnical engineer who developed your report cannot assume responsibility or liability for the report's recommendations if that engineer does not perform construction observation. A Geotechnical Engineering Report Is Subject to Misinterpretation Other design team members' misinterpretation of geotechnical engineering reports has resulted in costly problems. Lower that risk by having your geo- technical engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team after submitting the report. Also retain your geotechnical engineer to review perti- nent elements of the design team's plans and specifications. Contractors can also misinterpret a geotechnical engineering report. Reduce that risk by having your geotechnical engineer participate in prebitl and preconstrudion conferences, and by providing construction observation. Do Not Redraw the Engineer's Logs Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a geotechnical engineering report should neverbe redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings. Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Give Contractors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can make contractors liable for unanticipated subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give con- tractors the complete geotechnical engineering report, but preface it with a clearly written letter of transmittal. In that letter, advise contractors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report's accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with the geotechnical engineer who prepared the report (a modest fee may be required) and /or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A prebitl conference can also be valuable. Be sure contrac- tors have sufficient timeto perform additional study. Only then might you be in a position to give contractors the best information available to you, while requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Read Responsibility Provisions Closely Some clients, design professionals, and contractors do not recognize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disci- plines. This lack of understanding has created unrealistic expectations that have led to disappointments, claims, and'disputes. To help reduce the risk of such outcomes, geotechnical engineers commonly include a variety of explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled "limitations" many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers' responsi- bilities begin and end, to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. Geoenvironmental Concerns Are Not Covered The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to perform a geoenviron- mental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical study. For that reason, a geotechnical engineering report does not usually relate any geoenvironmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated environmental problems have led to numerous project failures. If you have not yet obtained your own geoen- vironmental information, ask your geotechnical consultant for risk man- agement guidance. Do not rely on an environmental report prepared for someone else. Obtain Professional Assistance To Deal with Mold Diverse strategies can be applied during building design, construction, operation, and maintenance to prevent significant amounts of mold from growing on indoor surfaces. To be effective, all such strategies should be devised for the express purpose of mold prevention, integrated into a com- prehensive plan, and executed with diligent oversight by a professional mold prevention consultant. Because just a small amount of water or moisture can lead to the development of severe mold infestations, a num- ber of mold prevention strategies focus on keeping building surfaces dry. While groundwater, water infiltration, and similar issues may have been addressed as part of the geotechnical engineering study whose findings are conveyed in this report, the geotechnical engineer in charge of this project is not a mold prevention consultant; none of the services per- formed in connection with the geotechnical engineer's study were designed or conducted for the purpose of mold preven- tion. Proper implementation of the recommendations conveyed in this report will not of itself he sufficient to prevent mold from growing in or on the structure involved. Rely, on Your ASFE- Member Geotechncial Engineer for Additional Assistance Membership in ASFE/THE BEST PEOPLE ON EARTH exposes geotechnical engineers to a wide array of risk management techniques that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with a construction project. Confer with your ASFE - member geotechnical engineer for more information. ASFE THE BEST PEOPLE ON EARTH 8811 Colesville Road /Suite G106, Silver Spring, MD 20910 Telephone: 301 /565 -2733 Facsimile: 301 /589 -2017 e -mail: info @asfe.org www.asfe.org Copyright 2004 by ASFE, Inc. Duplication, reproduction, or copying of this document, in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, except with ASFE's specific written permission. Excerpting, quoting, or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of ASFE, and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review. Only members ofASFE may use this document as a complement to or as an element of a geotechnical engineering report. Any other firm, individual, or other entity that so uses this document without being an ASFE member could be commiting negligent or intentional (fraudulent) misrepresentation. IIGER06085.0MRP 9 SINCE nr9p FROEHLING & ROBERTSONq INC. SINCE nr9p FROEHLING & ROBERTSONq INC. 430 8 -14 b-13 425 ............ ..................... ...................... 14 ................. 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H= "my-wrIT-womw Im NWHEMEMMEMSEM 1 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION The project site is located on the east side of Wilson Road northeast of its intersection with Chapel Hill Road (NC Hwy 54) in Morrisville /Cary, Wake County, North Carolina. F &R understands that the project site consists of approximately 24 acres of undeveloped, wooded land to be developed for residential use. Based on the our review of the "Site Plan" prepared by Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. Consulting Engineers (BNK), the subdivision development will consists of the construction of 65 single - family homes and associated residential streets. The residential streets consist of Fairbanks Drive, Blain Banks Drive, Streelman Way, Kendyl Ann Lane, Brian Way, Carnie Court, and Demond Circle. Two (2) entrances will provide access to the subdivision — one from Wilson Road and the other from the extension of existing Fairbanks Drive. 2.0 PAVEMENT SUBGRADE CONDITIONS Based on the previous subsurface exploration performed at the site by F &R, the overburden soils consisted predominantly of silty sands, sandy silts, and sandy /silty clays (USCS — SM, ML, CL & CH). In the upper 2 to 3.5 feet of the soil profile, the soils typically consisted of low to highly plastic sandy and silty clays (CL & CH) with varying amounts of rock fragments. SPT N- values in the native clayey soils in the upper 2 to 3.5 feet ranged from 4 to 37 blows per foot (bpf), with a majority exhibiting N- values from 10 to 30 bpf. The native soils encountered in the soil test borings are typical of the soils encountered in this geologic area. A grading plan is not available such that F &R is unable to anticipate the pavement soil subgrade conditions. However, if highly plastic clayey soils are encountered at the pavement subgrade level, the highly plastic clayey soils should be undercut and backfilled with low to moderately plastic soils with proper compaction as previously recommended in our referenced geotechnical report. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 1 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Place May 7, 2013 1 3.0 LABORATORY TESTING F &R has not performed any additional laboratory testing to be used for these pavement designs. However, F &R previously selected five (5) representative soil samples during the subsurface exploration phase of the project. The five samples were subjected them to routine geotechnical index testing consisting of Natural Moisture Content, Sieve Analysis and Atterberg Limits determinations. Based on the laboratory test results, and assuming that any highly plastic clayey soils encountered at the subgrade elevation will be undercut and replaced with suitable low to moderately plastic soils, F &R anticipates that soils classified as CL, ML, and SM will be encountered at the pavement subgrade. Based on our review of published CBR values for these anticipated subgrade soils and previous test results performed for other subdivisions in the Morrisville /Cary area, it is F &R's opinion that the CBR values of the on -site soils can range from 2 to 10. Based on our past experience with similar soils, a soaked CBR value of 3 was used for the pavement design. Since an assumption was made regarding the CBR value used to calculate subgrade support, this assumption will be validated prior to pavement construction. Once the roads have been rough graded, F &R will obtain samples of the subgrade soils, and subject these samples to geotechnical classification testing ( Atterberg Limits and Grain Size Analysis), Standard Proctor Testing and CBR testing. The results of the CBR testing will be used to check, confirm, and validate our pavement thickness design. The results of the lab testing and design validation will be submitted for the Town's approval prior to placement of curb and gutter or pavement materials. 4.0 PAVEMENT DESIGN The pavement design calculations were completed for a design period of 20 -years in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Transportation ( NCDOT) Interim Pavement Design Procedure ( NCDOT Pavement Management Unit - April 1, 2000). According to NCDOT Interim Pavement Design Procedure, the following equation is used for design of flexible pavements: Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 2 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Place May 7, 2013 1 LogWt18(8okN) = 9.36 *log(SN +1) - 0.20 + (Gt/(0.40 +(1094/(SN +1)S19))) + log(1 /R) + 0.372 *(SSV -3.0) Where: SN = required Structural Number Log Wt18(8okN) = number of 18 kip single -axle load applications during design life Pt = terminal serviceability = 2.0 per Town of Cary Standard Specifications R = regional factor = 1.0 for Wake County SSV = soil support value = 5.32 * log (CBR) — 1.49 Gt = log ((4.2- Pt) /2.7) CBR = California Bearing Ratio The ADT for these streets was calculated based on a trip generation factor of 10 trips /day /dwelling. The following table presents the estimated maximum number of contributing dwellings to calculate the ADT for the pavement design of the Residential Local Streets: CONTRIBUTING DWELLINGS FOR ADT CALCULATIONS The design Average Daily Traffic (ADT) is calculated for the design pavement life of 20 years assuming an annual growth rate (g) of 1 percent for a fully developed Subdivision Street. The ADT was modified to determine the equivalent 18 -kip ESALs (N- value) based on the assumption that one -half (0.5) percent of the traffic is comprised of tractor - trailer traffic and two (2) percent are single -unit, single -axle trucks. The Structural Number (SN) was calculated for a 20 -year design life using a regional factor of 1.0 (for Wake County), terminal serviceability value of 2.0, and a Soil Support Value (SSV) of 1.048. The required SN for Kendyl Ann Lane, Brian Way, Carnie Court, Streelman Way, and Demond Circle was calculated to be 2.15; and, the required SN for Blaink Banks Drive and Fairbanks Drive was calculated to be 2.74. The following table presents the recommended minimum pavement sections determined based on the above calculations and utilizing Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 3 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Place May 7, 2013 Estimated Maximum Number of Street Name Contributing Dwellings Kendyl Ann Lane, Brian Way, Carnie Court, Streelman Way & Demond Circle 13 Blain Banks Drive & Fairbanks Drive 60 The design Average Daily Traffic (ADT) is calculated for the design pavement life of 20 years assuming an annual growth rate (g) of 1 percent for a fully developed Subdivision Street. The ADT was modified to determine the equivalent 18 -kip ESALs (N- value) based on the assumption that one -half (0.5) percent of the traffic is comprised of tractor - trailer traffic and two (2) percent are single -unit, single -axle trucks. The Structural Number (SN) was calculated for a 20 -year design life using a regional factor of 1.0 (for Wake County), terminal serviceability value of 2.0, and a Soil Support Value (SSV) of 1.048. The required SN for Kendyl Ann Lane, Brian Way, Carnie Court, Streelman Way, and Demond Circle was calculated to be 2.15; and, the required SN for Blaink Banks Drive and Fairbanks Drive was calculated to be 2.74. The following table presents the recommended minimum pavement sections determined based on the above calculations and utilizing Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 3 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Place May 7, 2013 1 coefficients of 0.44 for Asphalt Surface Course (SF9.5B) and 0.14 for compacted aggregate base course (ABC) stone. RECOMMENDED MINIMUM PAVEMENT DESIGN SECTION These minimum designs do not take into consideration any Town of Morrisville minimum pavement design thicknesses. 5.0 CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS Subgrade preparation along street alignments should be performed in general accordance with Town of Morrisville specifications. Exposed pavement subgrades should be re- compacted to at least 100 percent of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density just prior to base stone placement. We emphasize that good base course drainage is essential for successful pavement performance. The ABC stone should be maintained in a drained condition at all times. Build -up of water in the base course could result in softening of the subgrade and premature pavement failures. All pavements should be graded such that surface water is directed towards the outer limits of the paved areas or to catch basins such that surface water does not remain on the pavement. F &R understands that the Town of Morrisville will observe the proofrolling of soil subgrades and ABC stone base course layers prior to paving. We recommend that density testing be performed on the ABC stone base course layer once the base course has been successfully proofrolled. All unstable areas identified during proofrolling should be removed and replaced as directed by the geotechnical engineer. Asphalt cores should be performed to determine the compacted thickness of the Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 4 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Place May 7, 2013 Asphalt Surface ABC Stone Street Name Course Thickness, Thickness SF9.513 (Inches) (Inches) Kendyl Ann Lane, Brian Way, Carnie Court, 2.5 $ Streelman Way & Demond Circle Blain Banks Drive & Fairbanks Drive 3 10 These minimum designs do not take into consideration any Town of Morrisville minimum pavement design thicknesses. 5.0 CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS Subgrade preparation along street alignments should be performed in general accordance with Town of Morrisville specifications. Exposed pavement subgrades should be re- compacted to at least 100 percent of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density just prior to base stone placement. We emphasize that good base course drainage is essential for successful pavement performance. The ABC stone should be maintained in a drained condition at all times. Build -up of water in the base course could result in softening of the subgrade and premature pavement failures. All pavements should be graded such that surface water is directed towards the outer limits of the paved areas or to catch basins such that surface water does not remain on the pavement. F &R understands that the Town of Morrisville will observe the proofrolling of soil subgrades and ABC stone base course layers prior to paving. We recommend that density testing be performed on the ABC stone base course layer once the base course has been successfully proofrolled. All unstable areas identified during proofrolling should be removed and replaced as directed by the geotechnical engineer. Asphalt cores should be performed to determine the compacted thickness of the Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 4 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Place May 7, 2013 1 completed asphalt pavements for comparison to the project requirements. Flexible pavements, concrete pavements, and stone bases should be constructed in accordance with the guidelines of the latest applicable "Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures," North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). 6.0 LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the Standard Pacific of the Carolinas, LLC for the specific application to the referenced project site in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. These conclusions and recommendations do not reflect variations in subsurface conditions that could exist intermediate of the boring locations or in unexplored areas of the site. Should such variations become apparent during construction, we reserve the right to re- evaluate our conclusions and recommendations based upon on -site observations of the conditions. In the event changes are made in the proposed construction plans, the recommendations presented in this report shall not be considered valid unless reviewed by our firm and conclusions of this report modified or verified in writing. Prior to final design, F &R should be afforded the opportunity to review the site grading and layout plans to determine if additional or modified recommendations are necessary. In addition, CBR testing should be performed as previously recommended. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas 5 F &R Project No. 66P -0086 Wilson Place May 7, 2013 ■r;di i S,NCE LEGEND BORING LOCATION PLAN FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Engineering Stability Since 1881 CLIENT: Standard Pacific Homes PROJECT: MS Holdings Site 310 Hubert street LOCATION: Morrisville /Cary, Wake County, North Carolina 0, Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-2302 1 USA g_� - Approximate Boring Location 7919.828.3441 1 F919.828.5751 F &R PROJECT No: 66P -0086 I FIGURE 1881 www.fandr.com DRAWN BY: E. Thomas CHECKED BY: D. Schaefer DATE: August 2012 SCALE: 1 inch = 120 ft. 1 No.: 2