HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181598_ICE Report_20131125 HAVELOCK BYPASS CRAVENCOUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TIP PROJECT NO. R-1015 INDIRECT AND CUMULATIVE IMPACT WATER QUALITY STUDY REPORT PREPARED FOR: North Carolina Departmentof Transportation Division of Highways Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit September 2013 Prepared by: Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 801 Jones Franklin Road, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27606 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Table of Contents Executive Summary..........................................................................................................v 1Introduction................................................................................................1-2 1.1Transportation Project Overview................................................................1-2 1.2ICI Modeling Study Background.................................................................1-2 2Water Resources.......................................................................................2-1 2.1Surface Water Resources in the Study Area..............................................2-1 2.2Impaired Waters.........................................................................................2-1 2.3Trends in Water Quality..............................................................................2-4 2.4Neuse River Basin Water Quality Initiatives...............................................2-5 2.4.1Neuse River NSW Management Strategy..................................................2-5 2.4.2Neuse River Estuary TMDL........................................................................2-6 3Development Considerations.....................................................................3-1 3.1Population and Market for Development....................................................3-1 3.2Land Availability.........................................................................................3-4 3.3Land Use Policies......................................................................................3-4 3.4Infrastructure..............................................................................................3-5 3.5Stormwater Management...........................................................................3-6 3.5.1Neuse River NSW Management Strategy..................................................3-6 3.5.2NC Session Law 2006-246 and NPDES Phase II.......................................3-7 3.5.3NC Session Law 2008-211 20 Coastal Counties Stormwater Law.............3-7 4Watershed Modeling Approach..................................................................4-1 4.1Objectives and Model Selection.................................................................4-1 4.2The GWLF-E Model...................................................................................4-1 4.2.1Hydrology...................................................................................................4-2 4.2.2Erosion and Sedimentation........................................................................4-3 4.2.3Nutrient Loading.........................................................................................4-3 4.2.4Fecal Coliform Loading..............................................................................4-3 4.2.5Input Data Requirements...........................................................................4-4 4.2.6Enhancements to the GWLF-E Model........................................................4-4 5GWLF-E Model Development.....................................................................5-1 5.1Delineation of Subbasins............................................................................5-1 5.2Land Use Scenarios...................................................................................5-1 5.2.1Existing Land Use......................................................................................5-2 5.2.2Future No-Build and Build Scenarios..........................................................5-5 5.2.3Scenario Comparisons...............................................................................5-6 5.2.4Model Imperviousness...............................................................................5-6 5.3Surface Water Hydrology...........................................................................5-8 5.3.1Precipitation...............................................................................................5-9 5.3.2Evapotranspiration Cover Coefficients.......................................................5-10 5.3.3Antecedent Soil Moisture Conditions..........................................................5-10 5.3.4Runoff Curve Numbers...............................................................................5-10 5.4Groundwater Hydrology.............................................................................5-10 5.4.1Recession Coefficient................................................................................5-10 5.4.2Seepage Coefficient...................................................................................5-11 5.4.3Unsaturated AvailableSoil Water Capacity................................................5-11 5.5Erosion and Sediment Transport................................................................5-12 5.5.1Soil Erodibility (K) Factor............................................................................5-12 5.5.2Slope-Length (LS) Factor...........................................................................5-12 i Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 5.5.3Cover (C) and Management Practice (P) Factors.......................................5-12 5.5.4Sediment Delivery Ratio.............................................................................5-12 5.5.5Sedimentation from Urban Land Uses........................................................5-13 5.5.6Erosion from Streams.................................................................................5-14 5.6Nutrient Loading.........................................................................................5-14 5.6.1Nutrients in Soils........................................................................................5-14 5.6.2Dissolved Groundwater Nutrients...............................................................5-15 5.6.3Rural and Urban Land Use Loads..............................................................5-15 5.6.4Septic System Loading...............................................................................5-17 5.6.5Point Sources.............................................................................................5-18 5.6.6Animals......................................................................................................5-19 5.7Pathogen Loading......................................................................................5-19 5.7.1Urban Land Use Loads..............................................................................5-19 5.7.2Septic System Loading...............................................................................5-19 5.7.3Point Sources.............................................................................................5-20 5.7.4Animals......................................................................................................5-20 5.8Consideration of Existing Environmental Regulations................................5-20 5.8.1Neuse River Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Rules.......................5-20 5.8.2Coastal Stormwater Management Rules....................................................5-21 5.9Model Implementation................................................................................5-22 6GWLF-E Model Results and Discussion.....................................................6-1 6.1Calibration..................................................................................................6-1 6.2Pollutant Loading Results...........................................................................6-3 6.3Nitrogen Loading tothe Neuse River Estuary.............................................6-11 6.4Verification of Model Results......................................................................6-11 7Stream Erosion Risk Analysis....................................................................7-1 7.1Technical Approach...................................................................................7-1 7.2Results.......................................................................................................7-2 8Conclusions...............................................................................................8-1 9References.................................................................................................9-1 ii Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Tables Table 2.2.1 Impaired Water Bodies in the Havelock ICI Study Area..................................2-2 Table 2.3.1 303(d) Listings of Water Bodies in the ICI Study Area, 2008 –2012...............2-5 Table 3.1.1 Population and Household Data, 2010 –2030................................................3-3 Table 3.2.1 Protected Land, ICI Study Area......................................................................3-4 Table 5.2.1 Land Use Categories and Density..................................................................5-1 Table 5.2.2 Existing Land Use/Land Cover Conversion Table...........................................5-3 Table 5.2.3 Estimates of Imperviousness from the Literature............................................5-7 Table 5.2.4 Land Use Categories and Estimated Imperviousness.....................................5-8 Table 5.3.1 Surface Water Hydrology Input Parameters....................................................5-9 Table 5.4.1 Groundwater Input Parameters.......................................................................5-11 Table 5.5.1 Rural Sediment Transport Input Parameters...................................................5-13 Table 5.5.2 Cover (C) and Management Practice (P) Factors...........................................5-13 Table 5.5.3 Sediment Mass Build-Up Rates......................................................................5-14 Table 5.6.1 Solid Phase and Groundwater Nutrient Loading Input Parameters.................5-15 Table 5.6.2 Nutrient Runoff Concentrations by Rural Land Use Category.........................5-16 Table 5.6.3 Nutrient Mass Build-up Rates by Urban Land Use Category...........................5-17 Table 5.6.4 Septic System Input Parameters....................................................................5-18 Table 5.8.1 Selected BMP Removal Efficiencies...............................................................5-21 Table 6.2.1 Mean Annual Pollutant Loads for All Subbasins..............................................6-7 Table 6.2.2 Mean Annual Pollutant Load Rates for All Subbasins.....................................6-9 Table 6.3.1 Project Study Area Nitrogen Loading as a Percentage of TMDL Nitrogen Loading to the Neuse River Estuary...........................................................................6-11 Table 6.4.1 Comparison of Model Loading Rates to the Literature....................................6-13 Table 7.1.1 Selected Curve Numbers................................................................................7-2 Table 7.2.1 Storm Flow Volumes (cubic meters) for the One-Year, 24-Hour Storm...........7-3 iii Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Figures& Exhibits Exhibit 1.1.1 ICI Project Study Area and Vicinity Map........................................................1-4 Figure 2.2.1 Segments of the Neuse Estuary (NCDWQ 2009)..........................................2-3 Figure 3.1.1 City of Havelock Population Forecasts (Havelock, 2012)...............................3-2 Exhibit 3.2.1 Protected Lands............................................................................................3-9 Figure 4.2.1Schematic of GWLF-E Model Processes (taken from Dai et al., 2000).......4-2 Exhibit 5.1.1 Model Subbasins..........................................................................................5-23 Exhibit 5.2.1 Existing Land Use.........................................................................................5-25 Exhibit 5.2.2 Future Land Use No-Build Scenario..............................................................5-27 Exhibit 5.2.3 Future Land Use Build Scenario...................................................................5-29 Figure 6.1.1Mean Monthly Water Balance for Subbasin 3 (No-Build Scenario).............6-2 Figure 6.2.1Mean Annual Total Nitrogen Loads............................................................6-5 Figure 6.2.2Mean Annual Total Phosphorus Loads.......................................................6-5 Figure 6.2.3Mean Annual Sediment Loads...................................................................6-6 Figure 6.2.4Mean Annual Fecal Coliform Loads............................................................6-6 Exhibit 6.2.1 Increase in Nutrient Pollutant Loading Rates................................................6-15 Exhibit 6.2.2 Increase in Sediment and Fecal Coliform Pollutant Loading Rates...............6-17 iv Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The NCDOT proposes to construct a four-lane, median-divided roadway on new location in thevicinity of the City of Havelock in Craven County, North Carolina. The project will improve thecorridor capacity and incrementally step toward the Strategic Highway Corridors Vision adopted bythe NC Board of Transportation in 2004. The length of the project is 10.35miles. The project locationis shown in Exhibit 1.1.1. This transportation improvement project is identified in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as Project No. R-1015, with right-of-wayacquisitionanticipated to begin in FY 2014and constructionanticipated to begin in FY 2016(NCDOT, 2013). An Indirect and Cumulative Effects (ICE)Analysis was completed in 2008 and was updated in 2011to provide an assessment of the potential long-term, induced impacts of the proposed project (HNTB, 2008 and NCDOT, 2011).This new study is a water quality modeling analysis that has been conductedtoquantify the project’s potential indirect and cumulative impacts (ICIs)on water resources. The focus of the analysis is on the potential increases in stormwater runoff and non-pointsource loads of nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment, and fecal coliformresulting from afuture development scenario associated with the bypass. Two modeling tools were used to quantify impacts on water resources: the Generalized Watershed Loading Function (GWLF) watershed model and the SCS Curve Number Method. The GWLF model (Haith and Shoemaker, 1987; Haith et al., 1992) was selected to simulate long-term loading of non-pointsource pollutants. An additional parameter, runoff from the one-year, 24-hour storm event, was evaluated using the SCS Curve Number Method (SCS, 1986) to assess the potential risk of downstream channel erosion. Predictions from the modeling analyses indicatethat the potential for increase in pollutant loads and stormflow over the entire watershed is low. This is due to a number of factors including the use of stormwater controls to mitigate the effects of new development and the low population growth and anticipated housing needs in the study area.The bypasswill likely induce some development within the study area and therefore some associated increases in pollutant loads to impaired waterbodies; however, the increases suggested by the modeling analysis show very little increase over the No-Buildscenario. v Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study (This page intentionally left blank for two-sided printing) 1-1 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 1INTRODUCTION 1.1Transportation Project Overview The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) StateTransportation Improvement Program (STIP) includes transportation improvements for the US 70 corridor in Craven County, North Carolina. This project is referred to as the Havelock Bypass (STIP Project No. R-1015) and is proposed as a four-lane, divided roadway on new location in the vicinity of the City of Havelock. The approximate length of the project is 10.35miles on new location (Alternative 3). Exhibit 1.1.1 showsthe vicinity of the proposed project. The project begins approximately 3.5 miles northwest of the City of Havelock, with a flyover interchangeat existing US 70. There is a proposed grade-separated interchange at Lake Road. The project would end with another flyover interchangeat existing US 70, south of the southern corporate limits of Havelock. 1.2ICI Modeling Study Background An Indirect and Cumulative Effects(ICE) Assessment was developed to provide comprehensive information on the potential long-term, induced impacts of the proposed project (HNTB, 2008).The assessment was conducted in accordance with federal Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations and follows the systematic procedures contained in Guidance for Assessing Indirect and Cumulative Impacts of Transportation Projects in North Carolina (NCDOT, 2001). The ICE addressed three new location bypass alternatives. All three alternatives were found to induce the same amount of growth potential andland use change given their similar geographic location, equal level of access control, and same number of interchanges. The study investigated two build scenarios. The Case 1 Build scenario assumed a growth rate increase of 10% as a result of the bypass. The Case 2 Build scenarioassumed a growth rate increase of 15%. Both growth rates were developed based onresults from three previous studies that are most commonly cited for estimating growth occurring as a result of transportation projects. The assumed rates of 10% and 15% were then presented toa focus group consisting of major property owners such as Weyerhauser and the U.S. Forest Service, and local business and government officials with market knowledge of growth and development trends within Craven County, Carteret County, Havelock, Newport, and Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS).The focus group concurred with the two assumed land use change percentages.The study found that the increase in projected development in both Case 1 and Case 2 was relatively small in comparison to the No-Buildscenario.In general, the ICE found that the potential for land use change associated with thebypass was ‘low’ to ‘moderate.’ In addition, the ICE included a hydrologic analysis model that compared peak discharge rates and runoff volumes for the existing condition, No-Build scenario, Case 1 Build scenario, and Case 2 Build scenario. The HEC-HMS model showed less than one percent increase in peak discharge and runoff volumes between the No-Build and Build scenarios. This difference was considered negligible. The hydrological analysis did not include an analysis of impacts to water quality. 1-2 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study An update to the ICE was completed by NCDOT in 2011, taking into account more recent data and plans, and employing updated analysis processes utilizing NCDOT’s ICE screening tool. The overall findings of the update varied slightly from the original ICE, predicting that the potential for land use change associated with the bypass was instead ‘moderate’ to ‘moderately-high.’No new modeling efforts (hydrologic or water quality) were included in the 2011update. The NCDOT contracted with Stantec to conduct watershed modeling to quantify the project’s indirect and cumulative impacts (ICIs) on water resources. The focus of the analysis is potential increases in stormwater runoff and non-pointsource loads of nitrogen, phosphorous, sediment, and fecal coliform resulting from a future development scenario associated with the roadway.For this study the future development scenario that had been established in the previous two studies, was updated to reflect new census data and information from the local jurisdictions(Sections 3.1, 3.2, and 5.2). The study area for the ICI focused onan area in the Neuse River Basin, draining to the Neuse River Estuary, in addition to crossing into the White Oak River Basin and draining to the Newport River. This study area was based on the previously defined ICE study area, and refinedand expandedto include the extent of14-digit hydrologic units (HUCs) for watershed modeling purposes.TheICI study area was delineated into sixty-five 222 subbasinscovering 142 mi(367 km). Subbasins ranged in size from 1.0to 4.9 mi(2.6 2 to 12.7 km).The model study area contains portions of the following jurisdictions: Havelock, Newport, Craven County, and Carteret County. The Generalized Watershed Loading Function (Haith and Shoemaker, 1987; Haith et al., 1992) model was selectedfor the purposesof simulating non-pointsource loads of nitrogen, phosphorous,and sediment. An additional parameter, storm event runoff, was evaluated using a separate assessment tool, the SCS Curve Number Method (SCS, 1986), to assess the risk of channel erosionresulting from increased storm volumes. A particular focus in the analysis was the potential increase in predicted pollutant loads to Slocum Creek, Sassafras Branch, Cherry Branch, and segments of the Neuse River Estuary which have been designated as impaired bythe NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). These impairments are discussed in detail in Section 2.2. 1-3 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Exhibit1.1.1 ICI Project Study Area and Vicinity Map 1-4 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study (This page intentionally left blank for two-sided printing) 1-5 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 2WATER RESOURCES 2.1Surface Water Resources in the Study Area The ICI study area is located primarily within the Neuse River Basin8-digit HUC 03020204with the southern portion of the study area encompassingpart of the White Oak River Basin 8-digit HUC 03020106. These areas include NCDWQ Subbasins 03-04- 10 and 03-05-03.Streams within the White Oak portion of the study area include Ramhorn Branch, Little Run, Shoe Branch, Cypress Drain, and Deep Creek, which are tributaries of the Newport River. All waters in the White Oak portion of the study area are classified by NCDWQ as Class C waters. There are more than 50 named streams in the Neuse portion of the study area. The main systems include East Prongof Slocum Creek, Southwest Prong of Slocum Creek,Bice Creek, Otter Creek, Tucker Creek, Slocum Creek, Hancock Creek, Gum Branch, Cherry Branch, King Creek, and Sassafras Branch. These systems drain directly to the Neuse RiverEstuary. Theuse classifications for waters within this portion of the study area include C Sw NSW, SA HQW NSW, SB Sw NSW, and SC Sw NSW. Class C waters are best suited for aquatic life survival and propagation, fishing, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture.Class SA waters are designated for use as shellfishing waters. Class SB are salt waters best suited for primary recreational use, while Class SC waters are salt waters best suited for aquatic life survival and propagation, as well as secondary recreation. Streams in the Neuse portion of the study area have also been assigned the supplemental classifications of nutrient sensitive waters (NSW) and swamp waters (Sw). NSWs require limitations on nutrient input and are included in the Neuse River NSW Management Strategy(Section2.4.1 and 3.5.1). Swamp waters are designated as such due to their low velocities and other natural characteristics that are different from adjacent streams.Streams designated as Class SA waters are also classified as HQW –high quality waters. These waters have protection rules which regulate activities such as development which may impact surface water quality (NCDWQ,2013). There are no Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), Water Supply Watersheds (WSW), or Wild and Scenic Rivers within the ICI study area. 2.2Impaired Waters NCDWQ maintains and updates a 303(d) list of impaired and threatened waters on a biannual basis, as required by the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) and 40 CFR 130.7. The most recent list was finalized in 2012(NCDWQ,2012).Sevenwaterbody segments within the ICI study area have been listed on the 2012 303(d) list as Category 4 or 5 (impaired). These include Slocum Creek, Cherry Branch, Sassafras Branch, and four segments of the Neuse River Estuary. A summary of these listings is presented in Table 2.2.1.Stressorsin the watershed include chlorophyll a, copper, high pH, and loss of shellfish harvesting use. It should be noted that all waters in North Carolina are also listed as impaired for mercury due to statewide fish consumption advisories for several fish species.Refer to Figure2.2.1for the location of the impaired water body segments. The segments of the Neuse Estuary (Middle, Bend, and Lower) refer to model segments created for the development of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)model for the estuary. This TMDL is discussed further in Section 2.4.2. 2-1 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Table 2.2.1ImpairedWater Bodies in the Havelock ICI Study Area STREAM RIVER 1 NAMEDESCRIPTIONBASINSTRESSORCATEGORY Slocum CreekFrom source to Neuse RiverNeuseChlorophyll a5 Impaired for loss of Cherry From source to Neuse River shellfish harvesting Branch(1.20249724388123 S Miles)Neuseuse5 Impaired for loss of Sassafras From source to Neuse River shellfish harvesting Branch(1.11560964584351 S Miles)Neuseuse5 From a line across Neuse River from Johnson Point to McCotter Point to a Neuse line across Neuse River from 1.2 miles River NeuseCopper, High pH5 upstream of Slocum Creek to 0.5 miles Estuary upstream of Beard Creek (Middle 3 model segment) From a line across Neuse River from 1.2 miles upstream of Slocum Creek to Neuse 0.5 miles upstream of Beard Creek to a Chlorophyll a, High 2 River Neuse4t line across Neuse River from Wilkinson pH Estuary Point to Cherry Point (Bend model 3 ) segment From a line across Neuse River from Neuse Wilkinson Point to Cherry Point to a line River NeuseCopper5 across the river From Adams Creek to Estuary Wiggins Point (part of Lower model 3 ) segment Impaired for loss of Neuse Prohibited area at Cherry Branch Neuseshellfish harvesting 5 River Minnesott Ferry Landing south side of use Estuary river 1All watersin NC arealsolisted as impaired for Mercury due to statewide fish consumption advisories for several fish species 2Category 4t indicates that a TMDL has been approved. A TMDL for total nitrogen was finalized in 2001 (NCDWQ,2001) 3The segments of the Neuse Estuary (Middle, Bend, and Lower) refer to model segments created for the development of the total nitrogen TMDL model for the estuary 2-2 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Figure2.2.1Segmentsofthe Neuse Estuary (NCDWQ 2009) Slocum Creek is located adjacent to the MCASCherry Point and flows into the Bend segment of the Neuse Estuary. One ambient monitoring station is maintained on this water body by NCDWQ. According to the latest Basinwide Water Quality Plan for the Neuse River (NCDWQ, 2009), none of the parameters sampled at this site exhibited violations of water quality standards; however, very high nutrient levels were detected, indicating anthropogenic sources of both nitrogen and phosphorus. Slocum Creek drains the most developed portions of the ICI study area, including MCAS Cherry Point and the City of Havelock, with forest and some agricultural use in its headwaters. Cherry Branch andSassafras Branch are small tributariesthatdrainto the Lower segment of the NeuseEstuary in the northeastern portion of the ICI study area. Cherry Branch’s watershed is primarily comprised of low and medium density residential development, as well as smaller areas of wetland and forest.Sassafras Branch’s watershed is a mix of low-density residential, agricultural, forested, and wetland land uses. There are no NCDWQ ambient monitoring sites or biological sites located on either Cherry Branch or SassafrasBranch. The ICI study area drains to four segments of the Neuse Estuary. According to the 2009 Basinwide Water QualityPlan,there are 23 water quality monitoring stations located in thesefour segments of the Neuse Estuary, which arelisted as impaired on the 2012 2-3 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 303(d) list. Parameters sampled at these sites showed violations of water quality standards for chlorophyll a, pH, and copper in addition to shellfish harvesting use impairments. Refer to Table 2.3.1for a description of the existing impairments in each of the four segments. Currently, only the Bend segment of the estuary is listed as impaired for chlorophyll a. 2.3Trends in Water Quality The latest Basinwide Water Quality Plan (NCDWQ,2009) and 303(d) listsfrom 2008 to 2012 were reviewed to assess water quality trends in the ICI study area. Table 2.3.1lists the 303(d) listings of streams in the ICI study area from 2008 to the present. The 2009 Basinwide Water Quality Plan for the Neuse River assessed trends in water quality between the 2006 and2008 303(d) lists. According to the Plan,the most significant trend in water quality during this assessment period was that the chlorophyll a impairment in the estuary had shifted downstream, closer to the Pamlico Sound. According to the 2008 303(d) listings, this impairmentwas presentfrom the mid-Upper estuary segment through the Bend segment. In 2008,there was also a new impairment for pH from the Middle through the Bend segments of the estuary. As can be seen in Table 2.3.1, chlorophyll aviolationshave declined, with the Middle and Lower segments, as well as the area at Cherry Branch on the Neuse Estuary being delisted for chlorophyll ain 2012. However, Slocum Creek was listed for chlorophyll ain 2010 and continues to be listed as impaired in 2012. Cherry Branch and Sassafras Branch were listed as impaired for loss of shellfish harvesting use from 2008 through 2012. 2-4 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Table 2.3.1 303(d) Listings of Water Bodies in the ICI Study Area, 2008 –2012 STREAM NAMEDESCRIPTION201220102008 Slocum CreekFrom source to Neuse RiverChlorophyll aChlorophyll a Impaired for loss Impaired for loss Impaired for loss Cherry From source to Neuse River of shellfish of shellfish of shellfish Branch(1.20249724388123 S Miles)harvesting useharvesting useharvesting use Impaired for loss Impaired for loss Impaired for loss Sassafras From source to Neuse River of shellfish of shellfish of shellfish Branch(1.11560964584351 S Miles)harvesting useharvesting useharvesting use From a line across Neuse River from Johnson Point to McCotter Neuse Point to a line across Neuse River River from 1.2 miles upstream Estuary of Slocum Creek to 0.5 miles (Middle) Chlorophyll a,Chlorophyll a, upstream of Beard Creek (Middle model segment)Copper, High pHCopper, High pHCopper, High pH From a line across Neuse River from 1.2 miles upstream of Neuse Slocum Creek to 0.5 miles River upstream of Beard Creek to a Estuary line across Neuse River from (Bend) Chlorophyll a,Chlorophyll a,Chlorophyll a, Wilkinson Point to Cherry Point (Bend model segment)High pHHigh pHHigh pH From a line across Neuse River Neuse from Wilkinson Point to Cherry River Point to a line across the river Estuary From Adams Creek to Wiggins Chlorophyll a,Chlorophyll a, (Lower)Point(part of Lower model segment)CopperCopperCopper Chlorophyll a,Chlorophyll a, Neuse Prohibited area at Cherry Impaired for loss Impaired for loss Impaired for loss River Branch Minnesott Ferry of shellfish of shellfish of shellfish Estuary Landing south side of riverharvesting useharvesting useharvesting use 2.4Neuse River Basin Water Quality Initiatives Water quality in the Neuse River estuary has been a concern for overa century. Nitrogen loading hadbeen increasing in the Neuse River Basin, corresponding with increases in chemical fertilizer use in the early 1960’s and animal feeding operations in the 1970’s (Stow et al., 2001). Total nitrogen concentrations increased in the river until about 1990,but more recently have beendeclining. Elevated nutrient levels led to frequent algal blooms, hypoxic conditions and fish kills in the estuary. As a result, the Neuse River Basin was listed as impaired by chlorophyll aon North Carolina’s 303(d) list in theearly to mid-1990’s. 2.4.1Neuse River NSW Management Strategy Water quality research in the Neuse River Basin expanded after extensive fish kills in 1995. Low dissolved oxygen levels associated with eutrophication were determined to 2-5 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study be a probable cause. Anumber of fish kills were also attributed to a dinoflagellate known as Pfiesteria piscicida;thought to thrive in poor water quality situations (NCDWQ, 2002a). In 1997, the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission (EMC) adopted a mandatory plan, the Neuse River Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) Management Strategy, to control both point and non-pointsources of pollution in the Neuse River basin (NCDWQ, 2002b). With the exception of the riparian buffer rules, these rules became effective in 1998. Thebuffer rules became effective in 2000. The overall goal of these rules was to reduce average annual load of nitrogen (a key nutrient contributing to excess algal growth) delivered tothe Neuse River Estuary by 30% from 1991-1995 baseline levels. The Neuse River NSW Management Strategy is made up of a number of rules regulating various items such as wastewater discharges, urban stormwater management, agricultural nitrogen reduction, nutrient management, and protection and maintenance of riparian areas (NCDWQ, 2002b). NCDWQ is responsible for administeringand enforcing these rules. 2.4.2Neuse River Estuary TMDL A TMDL (total maximum daily load) is defined as a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards, and an allocation of that amount to the pollutant’s sources. The first phase of the TMDL for Total Nitrogen to the Neuse River estuary was conditionally approved in July 1999. The second phase was completed by NCDWQ and approved by the EPA in 2001. The premise for developing the TMDL is that a portion of the Neuse River is impaired for chlorophyll a, an indicator of excessive eutrophication as a result of nutrient loading. The Neuse River TMDL supported the nitrogen reduction goal set forth by the earlier Neuse River NSW Management Strategy.A declining trend in nitrogen is attributed to the implementation of the 1997 Neuse River NSW Management Strategy outlined above (Harned, 2003). 2-6 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 3DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS The ICE analysis (HNTB,2008) included a focus group that helped apply constraint values to a series of development constraints in the ICE study area. The values were compiled using a GIS tool that resultedin a future development suitability map. In order to determine potential development type, quantity, and location for the current study, these constraints along with additional information were analyzed, updated when necessaryto reflect new data,and applied to the larger ICI study area. The information is divided into five sections discussed below: population and market demand, land availability, land use policies, stormwater policies, and infrastructure thatmay affect future development and pollutant loads. 3.1Population and Market for Development Population based on the 2010 Census as well as projected population through 2030 was calculated for the ICI study area. The 2010 Census data was not available when the ICE and the ICE update werereleased. In addition, the current ICI study area is slightly larger than the ICE study area and therefore includes additional population. Existing population was calculated using census tractdata. The ICI study area completely contains fivecensus tracts, and portions of an additional five tracts. For those tracts only partially within the study area, population was determined using the number of houses, calculated inGISand existing land use layers (Section 5.2.1), and the average number of people per household in each of the two counties. The Havelock Comprehensive Plan, published in 2009, contained an estimate of the 2010 population as well as projections through 2030. The 2010 estimate was based on growth through 2005 and greatly exceeds the population that wascounted during the 2010 census. The 2030 projectionwasbased on a growth rate of 30.9% of the 2010 population. The City reevaluated its population projectionsin a 2011-2012 fiscal year planning report(Havelock, 2012). The reevaluation cited additional studies, demonstrating thatgrowth rates are much lower than had been anticipated. The report included a graph of the different growth rates,including the 2030Comprehensive Plan rate and annual rates of 0.3% and 1.5% (communities with healthy economies).Refer to Figure 3.1.1.The growth rates includedin the Comprehensive Plan were significantly higher than rates for “communities with healthy economies.” 3-1 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Figure3.1.1City of Havelock Population Forecasts (Havelock,2012) The Office of StateBudget and Management publishes population projections by county for North Carolina(NCOSBM,2013). The population growth ratepublished for Craven County is an approximate annual rate of 0.83%,which falls between the suggested rates cited by the City in the 2011/2012 report. Therefore, the state projection numbers were chosen to determine the projected population of the ICI study area. According to the Office of State Budget and Management, the percent increase expected in Craven and Carteret Counties between 2010and 2030 is 16.7% (0.83% annually) and 29.3% (1.5% annually), respectively.These rates were applied to theICI study area 2010Census population to determine the projected No-Buildpopulation in 2030(Table 3.1.1). The projections,along with average household size for each county,were then used to determine the number of houses necessary to accommodate the growth in populationfor the No-Buildscenario.This methodology was selected as a conservative method to capture growth in the area based on population instead of using building permits which reflect the volatility of the housing market. The ICE used building permits from 2000 to 2005 and other information to quantify future households. This method resulted in a high growth rateas there was a building boom in the early 2000s. The rate drastically declined in the latter half of the decade. The City of Havelock had an annual average of 96 building permits per year between 2000 and 2010. However, a City report notes that the 7-yearaverage (2000-2006) was 123 permits per year while the 4-year average (2007-2010) was only 21 permits per year (Havelock,2012).Similar decreases in permits have occurred in Craven and Carteret Counties, although not as drastic as that seen in Havelock. When looking over an extended time period of 20 years, basing housing needs on increase in population reduces housing projection errors induced by the effects of the volatilityof the housing market. To determine the number of additional houses necessaryfor the Build scenario, a percent increase was applied to the growth rate determined for the No-Buildscenario. The ICE study (HNTB,2008) investigatedtwo growth scenarios: a10% and 15% increase in the No-Buildgrowth rate. As discussed in Section 1.2, these rate increases were developed based on three previous studies, as well as significant input from a focus group consisting of local planners and developers. The higher growth rate 3-2 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study increase of 15% was selected for thisICI study as it is the more conservative choice in terms of determining impacts to water quality. Additionally,future population attributed to MCAS Cherry Point was determined from other documents and studies, as increases in military personnel would not be reflected in population projections from the state. Similar to the other portions of the study area, military populationprojections are based on past population estimates and growth rates. According to the USMC F-35B East Coast Basing Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision(Department of the Navy 2010), an alternative for the new aircraft has been recordedthat will result in eight new squadrons at MCAS Cherry Point. According to the document, this will result in a net gain of 1,194 personnel and 2,323 dependents. Assuming one household per military personnel, there would be an increase of 1,194 households. Additionally, MCAS Cherry Point will not be expanding housing on the base; therefore allof these additional households wouldbe housed off base. Roughly half of the anticipated households (568)were added to the No-Buildand Build scenarios to account for this population. This number was applied to both scenarios as the increase in personnel is not dependent on the construction of the bypass. A percentage of the total was used,as many military personnel live in New Bern or in Carteret County and commute to the base. This trendis likely to continue.Applying 50% of military households to the ICI study area is a conservative estimate, as population projectionsactually show significantlymore growth in other portions of Craven County,as well as in Carteret County. Table 3.1.1Population and Household Data, 2010 –2030 PPH 1 2010 2010 2030 No-2030 No-No-Build2030 2030 Build PopHHBuildBuildChange Build Build Change PopHHHHPopHHHH Craven County (Total)2.45103,50540,229120,83747,373-- Carteret County (Total)2.2766,46928,87085,90637,433-- ICI Study Area – Craven2.4528,0299,31032,72211,2261,91633,42711,5132,203 ICI Study Area – Carteret2.272,9981,3213,8751,7073864,0061,765444 2 BRAC---3,5175685683,517568568 ICI Study Area Total 2,8703,215 31,58010,63140,11414,12740,95014,472 1–PPH = person per household 2–BRAC = estimated growth due to increase in military personnel and dependents In order to determine No-Buildand Build non-residential future land use needs of the ICI study area, an analysis of job growth was conducted based on a similar analysis in the Havelock Land Use Plan (Havelock, 2009). First, pertinent data used in the Havelock Land Use Plan including labor force statistics, number of housing units, unemployment, 3-3 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study and jobs per household was updated using the 2010 Census data. The number of additional jobs anticipated in the No-Buildand Build scenarios was calculated using number of households for each scenario and the average jobs per household rate for the two counties. The analysis included abreakdown of jobs by sector,a calculation of the square footage needed per job,and the ratio of building size to property size. 3.2Land Availability Areas available for development were calculated as ‘moderate’using the indirect land use effects screening tool in the ICE Update (NCDOT,2011). However, the study area contains a number of protected lands that surround a large portion of the proposed roadwayleaving a limited amount of land available for development (Exhibit 3.2.1). The land available for development is mainly located north and south of Havelock’s city limits. In addition, there are scattered areas throughout the City of Havelock and between the proposed bypass and the existing US Highway 70. Protected land includes a portion of the Croatan National Forest (USFS), the Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, and the Croatan Wetland Mitigation Bank (NCDOT). South of Long Lake and the Croatan Mitigation Bank, there are three privately held areas: Camp Bryan, Camp Brinson, and the Longstraw Wildlife Club. Although there are no conservation easements or deeds for these areas, they are included in the conservation category in the Craven County Future Land Use Plan (HCP 2009) and are considered not available for development for this study.Protected lands and their acreage are presented in Table 3.2.1. Table 3.2.1Protected Land, ICI Study Area Protected LandsOwnerArea (acres)% of Watershed Croatan National ForestUSFS37,86341.7% Marine Corps Air Station Cherry PointDept. Navy11,59312.8% Croatan Wetland Mitigation BankNCDOT4,1984.6% Camp BryanPrivate8,1429.0% Camp BrinsonPrivate1,0441.2% LongstrawPrivate8220.9% Total63,66270.1% An additional 4,502 acres (5%) in the study area are water. Also, existing development encompasses 10,408 acres (11.5%), leaving approximately 14,561 acres (16%) of the watershed available for development. The area for development includes scattered parcels available for infill in many of the existing neighborhoods,as well as large tracts of landlocated along Lake Road and between the existing and proposed US 70Bypass. There are also large tracts of land available south of the bypass near the county boundaryand inthe Townof Newport. While the percent of the study area available for development is low, itstill exceeds the calculated demand (Section 3.1). 3.3Land Use Policies All of the jurisdictions within the ICI study area have a CAMA Land Use Plan (Craven County 2009, Havelock 2009, Carteret County 2005, and Newport 2006). These plans contain information on infrastructure, stormwater, land availability, and land suitability. 3-4 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Each plan includes a future land use map based on gathered information and land suitability maps. Once approved, changes to the future land use mapsrequire approval by the local jurisdiction as well as the Coastal Resources Commission. In Havelock and Newport, zoning and ordinances provide additional support to the future land use maps. While there may be some discrepancies and the land use map is usually more general, the two shouldcoincide. The largest discrepancy between the Havelock land use and zoning maps is the area surrounding the southern terminus of the proposed bypass. In this area, the future land use map shows national forest whilethe zoning map shows Highway Commercial. This was addressed in the ICE update which stated that if a private developer was able to acquire USFS land, any proposed development would likely be denied “due to its inconsistency with the Future Land Use Map within the 2030 Comprehensive Plan.”Additionally, the ICE update stated thatif an amendment was sought, approval would be needed from the City’s planning board, commissioners and finally the Coastal Resources Commission (NCDOT, 2011). Furthermore, discussions with the USFS for this ICI study indicate that land swaps in this area are not common,as every acre of land in the vicinity of the proposed bypass is dedicated to Red-cockaded Woodpecker recovery. In general,the USFS follows its land management plan which includes a strategy for land adjustment (personal communication Ms. RachellePowell, wildlife biologist, Croatan National Forest, 12/2012). According to this strategy there are a limited number of small parcels in the Havelock area that USFS categorize as areas of “potential exchange” (USFS 2002). None of these small parcels is located at the southern terminus of the proposed bypass and therefore any exchange in this area is unlikely. According to the Craven County Land Use Plan, the County was considering zoning for the US 70 corridor between New Bern and Havelock. It is mentioned twice in the plan:a) in the Citizens Participation Plan (part of the land use planning process),andb) as a solution to preventing additional stormwater runoff/drainage problems in the corridor. However, nothing has been adopted to date. In Havelock’s Land Use Plan, the City states that a small area plan may be developed for the proposed interchange at Lake Road in order to achieve a sustainable development pattern. TheCity would like to see certain restrictions in place before interchanges are constructed. Havelock has expanded their future land use map to encompass the bypass and all of the interchanges, however current zoning does not include the northern interchangeor the western side of the Lake Road interchange. 3.4Infrastructure Public water service is generally available throughout the study area and is provided by the various local jurisdictions.According to the Craven County CAMA Land Use Plan (2009), the county “aggressively pursues the policy that central water service should be provided to all areas of the County as funds become available.”The county will need to andplans onexpandingthe capacity of the water supply system as needed in the coming years. The City of Havelock provides water service within the city limits and to portions of the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ).According to Havelock’s CAMA Land Use Plan (2009), the city will consider “costs and benefits for extending service into the extra-territorial jurisdiction on a project-by-project basis.” 3-5 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study The Town of Newport provides water service within the town limits and to some portions of the ETJ. Newport will extend water services beyond its ETJ if the developer funds the expansion and the land will be annexed. This includes expanding water lines through conservation areas to serve new development. Carteret County currently has 15 facilities that provide water to certain areas of the county. The County plans to provide water service to areas classified on the future land use map as developed, limited transition, and rural with services. The portion of the study area within Carteret County and outside of the Newport ETJ is shown as rural (without services) and protected. Therefore it is unlikely these areas will have water service in the future unless provided by the Town of Newport. Access to sewer service is currently limited to areas within the Havelock and Newport city limits in addition to MCAS Cherry Point. The City of Havelock operates a wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 2.25 million gallons per day (MGD). MCAS Cherry Pointis servedby a 3.5MGD capacity WWTP. Additionally, a package treatment plant serves the Carolina Pines neighborhood located approximately 1.5 miles northof the Havelockcity limits.Sewered areas within the study area servicedby the City of Newport are servedby a WWTP which discharges outside of the ICI study area. Portions of the northwest corner of the ICI study area are provided sewer service by the City of New Bern thatis also servedby a WWTP thatdischarges outside of the study area. According to the Havelock 2030 Comprehensive Plan, the city was investigating means to temporarily expand WWTP capacity by linking into the New Bern sewer system until the planned expansion of the Havelock WWTP was completed. However, such planning has since ceased as an immediate need for increased capacity has dissipated since the recent economic downturn. Additionally, there are currently noplans to expand sewer service outside of the Havelock city limits (personal communication, Mr. Bill Ebron, Havelock Public Services Director). Newport allows for the expansion of its sewer lines to portions of the ETJ as long as the developer funds the cost of the extension. The town also plans to continue to develop its wastewatertreatment system while exploring other means of treatment including the use of on-site treatment in order to promote growth(Newport, 2006). 3.5Stormwater Management 3.5.1Neuse River NSW Management Strategy The Neuse stormwater rules require the development of stormwater management plans for fifteen local governments within the basin, including the City of Havelock. The local government stormwater plans must be consistent with the overall 30% nitrogen reduction goal of the Neuse River NSW Management Strategy (NCDWQ, 2002b). The rules require that each new development must meet a nitrogen export performance standard with a provision for mitigation offset payments. The Neuse NSW stormwater management program imposes a 4.0 kg/ha/yr (3.6 pounds per acre per year orlb/ac/yr) nitrogen loading limit on new development. Nitrogen loadsfrom new developments that exceed this performance standard may be offset by payment of a fee to the Wetlands Restoration Fund provided, however, no new residential development can exceed6.7 3-6 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study kg/ha/yr (6.0 lb/ac/yr) and no new nonresidential development can exceed 11.2 kg/ha/yr (10.0 lb/ac/yr). The rule also requires preservation of fifty-foot riparian buffers on perennial and intermittent streams. Further, all new development must control water runoff so that there is no net increase in the peak discharge from the predevelopment conditions for the 1-year, 24-hour storm. 3.5.2NC Session Law 2006-246 and NPDES Phase II Session Law 2006-246 was approved by the NC Legislature and signed into law in late summer of 2006. The act provides for the implementation of the federal Phase II stormwater program and additional stormwater management provisions. Under the Phase II stormwater program,any new development that cumulatively disturbs one acre or more of land located within the Phase II jurisdictionmust comply with the standards set forth in Section 9 of Session Law 2006-246. Under Section 9, programs are deemed compliant where the Neuse River NSW Management Strategy is being implemented. For the study area, this includes the portions of MCAS Cherry Point thatfall outside of the City of Havelock city limits. 3.5.3NC Session Law 2008-211 20 Coastal Counties Stormwater Law Session Law 2008-211 was approved by the NC Legislature and signed into law in 2008. The act provides for specific stormwater rules in the 20 coastal counties of the state. Under this law, any development activity that requires a major permit or a Sediment & Erosion Control Plan must comply with the standards set forth in Section 2.(b) of Session Law 2008-211. These standards specify limits on impervious surface area, the use of stormwater best management practices (BMPs), and the protection of vegetated riparian buffers. For the study area, these rules apply to Craven County, outside of Havelock, in addition to Carteret County and the Town of Newport. Additionally, rules specific to areas within 1 mile of shellfish waters apply to a small section of the northeast portion of the study area encompassing Cherry Branch, King Creek,and Sassafras Branch. Impervious cover thresholds for triggering the stormwater rules are lower in these shellfish areas. 3-7 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study (This page intentionally left blank for two-sided printing) 3-8 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Exhibit 3.2.1 Protected Lands 3-9 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study (This page intentionally left blank for two-sided printing) 3-10 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 4WATERSHED MODELING APPROACH 4.1Objectives and Model Selection The objective of this modeling analysis is to quantify the changes in long-termpollutant loads resulting from potential land use changes induced within the project study area by construction of the HavelockBypass. Two land use scenarios, the No-Build(no construction of the Bypass) and Build (construction of the Bypass) Scenarios, were developed for this study. The analysis will quantify changes in pollutant loads in the Build scenariorelative to the No-Buildscenario. The parameters of interest in this study are sediment, total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), fecal coliform bacteria (FC), and storm event runoff volume. The Generalized Watershed Loading Function (Haith and Shoemaker, 1987; Haith et al., 1992) model was selected to simulate long-term nutrient, sediment, and fecal coliform loads from catchments draining the project study area. Storm event runoff was evaluated using a separate assessment tool, the SCS Curve Number Method (SCS, 1986) to assess the change in runoff volume between the No-BuildandBuild scenarios. The Generalized Watershed Loading Function (GWLF) is a continuoussimulation model with a complexity in the mid-range of watershed models, falling between detailed mechanistic models like the Soil & Water Assessment Tool (Neitsch et al., 2001) or the Hydrologic Simulation Program –Fortran (Bicknell et al., 1985) and simpler, empirical methods such as export coefficient-or event mean concentration-driven such as PLOAD (USEPA, 2001a). The model does not contain instream transport or transformation algorithms. GWLF is applicable as an assessment tool with or without formal calibration–the process of adjusting a model’s parameters to fit an observed data set. This feature of the model is important for the present study given that streamflow data wasnot available from the study area to allow comparisons of observed and predicted values. GWLF has been utilized in several successful applications to watershed studies, including some in coastal North Carolina (Dodd and Tippett, 1994; Swaney et al.,1996; Lee et al., 1999; CH2M Hill, 2003; Stantec, 2005;Stantec, 2006) and was used for the watershed modeling component of the Jordan Reservoir Nutrient TMDL (NCDWQ, 2005). The MapShed 1.1.1version of GWLF was selected for this modeling analysis, called GWLF-Enhanced (GWLF-E).MapShed is an updated user interface for the creation of input data to the GWLF-E watershed model, developed by a team of researchers at Pennsylvania State University. The updates consist of a GIS user interface and the addition of software utilities to edit input and manage and display GWLF-Eresults. GWLF-E model updates also incorporate RUNQUAL derived routines (Evans and Corradini, 2012).Refer to Section 4.2.6for further information on theseRUNQUAL routines. 4.2TheGWLF-EModel This section provides an overview of the mathematical basis used in GWLF-E. The discussion is a summary, largely drawn from the GWLFVersion 2.0 User Manual (Haith et al., 1992)and MapShed Version 1.0 Users Guide (Evans and Corradini, 2012).Figure 4-1 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 4.2.1is a schematic illustration of the structure of the GWLF-Emodel from Dai et al. (2000). GWLF-Eprovides the ability to simulaterunoff, sediment, nutrient (TN and TP) and pathogen loading from a watershed given variable-size source areas (i.e., agricultural, forested and developed landoverlaying varied soil mapunits). It alsohas algorithms for calculating septic system loads, and allows for the inclusion of point source data. The model uses a daily time stepfor weather data and water balance calculation. The model is considered a combined distributed/lumped parameter watershed model. For surface loading, it is distributed in the sense that it allows multiple land use/cover scenarios, but each area is assumedto be homogenous with regard to various attributes considered by the model. The model does not spatially distribute the source areas, but simply aggregates the loads from each area into a watershed total; in other words there is no spatial routing. For sub-surface loading, the model also acts as a lumped parameter model using a water balance approach. Figure 4.2.1Schematicof GWLF-EModel Processes (taken from Dai , 2000) et al. 4.2.1Hydrology GWLF-Eestimates surface runoff using the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Curve Number (CN) approach with daily weather (temperature and precipitation) inputs. Daily water balances are calculated for unsaturated and shallow saturated zones. Infiltration to the unsaturated and shallow saturated zones equals the excess, if any, of rainfall and 4-2 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study snowmelt less runoff and evapotranspiration. The product of a cover factor dependent on land use/cover type and potential evapotranspiration yieldsdaily evapotranspiration. The latter is estimated as a function of daylight hours, saturated water vapor pressure and daily temperature. Percolation occurs when unsaturated zone water exceeds field capacity. Streamflow consists of runoff and discharge from groundwater. 4.2.2Erosion andSedimentation Erosion and sediment yield from rural land uses are estimated using monthly erosion calculations based on the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) algorithm (with monthly rainfall-runoff coefficients) and soil erodibility (K), topographic factor (LS), crop management (C), and conservation practice (P) values for each source area. A sediment delivery ratio, which is based on watershed size, and a transport capacity, which is based on average daily runoff, isthen applied to estimate the sediment yield for each source area. Sediment loadsfrom urban land uses are simulated in Mapshed using exponential accumulation and wash-off functions. Accumulation factors vary for the impervious versus pervious fractions of land use types. Sediment accumulation factors used in this study were derived from Haith et al.(1992) andKuo et al.(1988).Note that GWLF-Eand the current study donot predict short term sedimentation from construction sites. 4.2.3Nutrient Loading Surface nutrient losses are determined by applying dissolved nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) coefficients to surface runoff from each rural source area. Point source discharges can also contribute to dissolved losses and are specified in terms of kilograms per month. Manured areas, as well as septic systems, can also be considered. Urban nutrient inputs are all assumed to be solid-phase; similar to sediment, the model uses exponential accumulation and washoff functionsfor these loadings. Sub-surface losses are calculated using dissolved N and P coefficients for shallow groundwater contributions to stream nutrient loads. The sub-surface sub-model considers only a single, lumped parameter contributing area. 4.2.4Fecal Coliform Loading In MapShed, there are routines that can be used to estimate pathogen loads originating from various sources including, farm animals, wastewater treatment plants, urban landscapes, septic systems, and wildlife loadings. By default, the pathogen simulated in MapShed is assumed to be fecal coliform. Pathogen loads from farm animals follow similar routines as those used for nutrients in manured areas. For wastewater treatment plants, an assumed standard discharge concentration is applied to estimates of total volume of effluent discharged by all point sources to derive total organisms released on a monthly basis. Pathogen load estimates for urbanized areas are derived using event mean concentrations (EMCs) and surface runoff from urban land uses.Loads from septic systems are calculated using information on septic system populations and typical per capita pathogen production rates. Wildlife pathogen loads are calculated based on wildlife fecal coliform production rates, assumed wildlife densities per acre of natural area, surface runoff, and fecal coliform die-off rate. 4-3 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 4.2.5Input Data Requirements For execution, the model requires inputs for transport, nutrient, and weather-related data. The transport datadefines the necessary parameters for each source area to be considered (e.g., area size, curve number) as well as global parameters (e.g., initial storage, sediment delivery ratio) that apply to all source areas. The nutrient data specifies the various loading parameters for the different source areas identified (e.g., number of septic systems, urban source area accumulation rates, manure concentrations). The weather dataconsists ofdaily minimum and maximumtemperature and total precipitation values for each year simulated. 4.2.6Enhancements to the GWLF-EModel In MapShed, the GWLF-Emodel has been revised to include a number of routines and functions not found in the original model. This includes a streambank erosion routine estimated using lateral erosion rates based on stream length in subbasins. New routines have also been incorporated for more direct simulation of loads from farm animals and a new pathogen load estimation routine. Additionally, new functions based on the RUNQUAL model developed by Haith (1993) have beenincorporated. In contrast to the original GWLF model, in the RUNQUAL functions, flows and loads are calculated from both the pervious and impervious fractions associated witheach landuse/cover category used. The pervious and impervious fractions of each landuse type are modeled separately, and runoff and contaminant loads from the various surfaces are calculated daily and aggregated to monthly outputs. Contaminated runoff may also be routed through various urban BMPs in order to simulate reductions that may occur prior to being discharged at the watershed outlet. 4-4 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 5GWLF-EMODEL DEVELOPMENT The following sections provide a discussion of the data sources, parameter inputs, and assumptions utilized in this watershed modeling analysis. 5.1Delineation of Subbasins 22 The ICI study area was delineated into sixty-fivesubbasinscovering 142 mi(367 km). A 10-meter (~30-foot) digital elevation model (DEM)(USGS, 2012)was used to develop a preliminary delineation with the ArcHydro Tools 2.0, a hydrology modeling extension developed for ArcGIS (ESRI, 2011). Fourteen-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC) boundaries were ‘burned in’ to the subbasindelineation boundaries. Field reconnaissance was conducted to identify man-made alterations to flow paths and directions of drainage,refining the delineation. Final subbasin boundaries are presented in Exhibit 5.1.1. It should be noted that the original ArcHydro subbasin delineation resulted in 67 subbasins. The GWLF-E model produces less accurate results for subbasins less than 1 22 miin size. Two subbasins in the original delineation less than 1miwere therefore aggregated into adjacent subbasins for model efficiency, resulting in 65 subbasins total. The original subbasin numbers/labels were maintained;as such, theseaggregated subbasin numbers/labels do not appear in tables and figures (Subbasins 57 and 60). 22 Final subbasins ranged in size from 1.0to 4.9 mi(2.6to 12.7 km).Further aggregation of subbasins was not conducted in order to be able to evaluate model results on a more detailed spatial scale. 5.2Land Use Scenarios No-Buildand Build land use scenarios were developed using the categories presented in Table 5.2.1.The scenarios were based on zoning,comprehensive plans, special studies, and personal communication with various cityand county planners. Table 5.2.1Land Use Categories and Density Land Use NameGWLF CategoryDensity Low Density ResidentialLow-Density Residential1-5 acres per d.u. Residential -Medium DensityMedium-Density Residential0.1 -1 acres per d.u. Residential -Multi-familyHigh-Density Residential<0.1 acres per d.u. Office/Institutional/Light IndustrialMedium-Density MixedN/A Commercial/Heavy IndustrialHigh-Density MixedN/A Paved Road with Right of WayLow-Density MixedN/A Golf CourseTurf/GolfN/A Row CropCroplandN/A PasturePasture/HayN/A Disturbed/Non-vegetatedDisturbedN/A Vacant/GrassOpenN/A ForestForestN/A WetlandsWetlandN/A WaterWaterN/A 5-1 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 5.2.1Existing Land Use The watershed exhibits a wide range of existing land uses. The Croatan National Forest and associated wilderness areas make up a large part of the southern and western portions of the watershed. The majority of the Croatan National Forest is comprised of forested wetlands. The City of Havelock and the MCAS Cherry Point make up the urban development in the central portion of the watershed. Additional urban development exists around Newport on the southern edge of the watershed and sporadically along US Highway 70. Some residential subdivisions exist along the Neuse River. The remainder of the watershed is primarily made up of forested land with limited agriculture including row crops and a few horse farms. Existing land uses within the watershed were classifiedbefore producing the No-Build and Build land use scenarios. Existing developmentwas distinguished from future development in the Build and No-Buildland use scenarios as their modeled loading rates are different due to environmental regulations now in place that govern new development in the study area(discussed further in Section 5.8). All land use datasets (existing, Build and No-Build) were created asGIS data layers. Each GIS layer was created as described below and in Section 5.2.2. The existing land use was developed (Exhibit 5.2.1)based on a compilation of parcel dataprovided by CravenandCarteretCounties, 2012 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) aerial photography, and wetlands data from NC Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM).Craven County parcel data included the City of Havelock while Carteret County parcel data included the Town of Newport. In conjunction with aerial photography, land use descriptions included within each County’s parcel datawere assigned to each of the model categories (Table 5.2.1). Existing land uses for areas within the MCAS Cherry Point were determined using 2012 aerial photography. Craven and CarteretCounty parcel data was obtained from the each respective county in 2012. The existing land use description within the parcel data included 72 different land use codes for Craven County and 20 different codes in Carteret County. Each code was categorized into one of 14 model categories. For more details refer to Table 5.2.1. Parcels in both counties that fell into one of the many residential land use codes were automatically classified as residential and broken into three density categories based on parcel size. Low-Density Residential included residential parcels from 1 to 5 acres, Medium-Density Residential were residential parcels from 0.1 to 0.99 acres while High- Density Residential included residential parcels less than 0.1 acre and any multifamily classifications. Residential parcels larger than five acres were evaluated using the 2012 aerial to determine and subsequently assign dominant land cover. Non-residential developed areas were assigned to either Medium-Density Mixed Urban or High-Density Mixed Urban based on land use classifications. Medium-Density included office, institutional and light industrial areas while the High-Density category included commercial and heavy industrial land use classifications. The Low-Density Mixed Urban category was reserved for roads and their associated right of ways. The runway at MCAS Cherry Point was also classified within the Low-Density category since it was assumed it would have similar water quality inputs as the local roadways. 5-2 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Large forested tracts (Croatan National Forest, associated wilderness areas, and others) were classified using the 2012 aerial. Areas designated as one of the various agricultural classifications were evaluated using the aerial and assigned either Pasture, Cropland or Open depending on the obvious presence or absence of livestock or row cropping. Sports fields and golf courses were assigned to the Turf category as determined by the aerial. Any areas that appeared as significant ground disturbance or classified as mining (Craven County) were assigned to the Disturbed land use category. The Neuse and White Oak NCDCM wetlands GIS layers were clipped to the watershed and merged to create one wetlands file. It was determined that the wetland types Drained, Human Impact, Non-Wetland and Managed Pine, when overlaid on the existing land use, would not have an effect on the modeled loading rates;therefore,those categories were deleted from the wetland file. The resulting file was then unioned with the existing land use data. Where wetlands overlaid Forest and Open areas,those areas were converted to a Wetland land use class. Where wetland overlaid Cropland, Disturbed, all Mixed Urban, all Residential, Pasture, Turf and Water existing land use was kept (not converted towetlands). Table 5.2.2 Existing Land Use/Land Cover Conversion Table CategoryCravenCarteretMCAS Cherry Point WaterDetermined from 2012 aerialDetermined from 2012 aerialDetermined from 2012 aerial Hay/PastureIncludes various parcels Includes variousparcels n/a designated as 'Ag' or 'Vacant' designated as 'Agriculture' and has obvious animal usage or 'Vacant' and has obvious (as determined by 2012 aerial)animal usage (as determined by 2012 aerial) CroplandIncludes various parcels Includes various parcels Obvious row cropping (as designated as 'Ag' or 'Vacant' designated as 'Agriculture,’determined by 2012 aerial) and has obvious row cropping 'Horticultural' or 'Vacant' (as determined by 2012 aerial)land and has obvious row cropping (as determined by 2012 aerial) ForestAreas currently forested, Areas currently forested, Digitized from 2012 aerial appear to be regenerating appear to be regenerating forests and other small forest forests and other small stands (as determined by forest stands (as determined 2012 aerial). Railroad ROW by 2012 aerial). Railroad was either called Forest or ROW and 'Common Area' Open depending on dominant was either called Forest or land cover.Open depending on dominant land cover. Disturbed'Industrial Mining (Rock/Sand)' Areas that appear as Areas that appear as significant and other small areas that significant ground ground disturbance on 2012 appear as significant ground disturbance on 2012 aerialaerial disturbance on 2012 aerial TurfSports fields and golf courses Sports fields and golf Sports fields and golf courses as determined using 2012 courses as determined as determined using 2012 aerialusing 2012 aerialaerial 5-3 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study CategoryCravenCarteretMCAS Cherry Point Open LandAreas of grass or minimal Areas of grass or minimal Areas of grass or minimal development. Includes many development. Includes many development. Includes wide 'Vacant' parcels, wide utility 'Vacant' parcels, 'Cemetery,’utility easements, grassy areas easements and other wide utility easements and around runways and other undeveloped areas. Railroad other undeveloped areas. undeveloped areas. Railroad ROW was either called Forest Railroad ROW and ROW was either called Forest or Open depending on 'Common Area' was either or Open depending on dominant land cover.called Forest or Open dominant land cover. depending on dominant land cover. Low-Density 'Residential-One Family 'Residential', ResidentialUnit', 'Res -Personal Prop 'Manufachomeperm,'1 acre. Estimated using 2012 MfgHome,’'Res-MFG Home 'Manufachomeperson' if aerial. 1 acre. If over 5 acre. If over 5 acres parcel acres parcel was assigned was assigned predominant predominant land cover as land cover as determined by determined by 2012 aerial. 2012 aerial. Medium-'Residential -One Family 'Residential', Residential areas on parcels Density Unit,’ 'Res -Personal Prop 'Manufachomeperm,’0.1-0.99 acres. Estimated using ResidentialMfg Home,’'Res-MFG Home 'Manufachomeperson' if 2012 aerial. as Real Prop' if parcel 0.1-parcel 0.1-0.99 acre 0.99 acre High-Density 'Residential -One Family 'Residential,’ Residential areas on parcels ResidentialUnit,’ 'Res -Personal Prop 'Manufachomeperm,’<0.1 acres and multifamily Mfg Home,’'Res-MFG Home 'Manufachomeperson' ifareas as Real Prop' if parcel < 0.1 parcel < 0.1 acre, (apartments/condominiums/tow acre,’ 'Residential -Two 'Apartment,’'Condo,’'Mobile n houses). Estimated using Family Unit,''Residential -Home Park,’Multi-Family 2-2012 aerial. Three Family Unit,’'Comm-4' Multifamily Apt > 3 Units,’ 'Comm-Mobile Home Parks > 4 UNT,’'Comm-Condominium Development' Low-Density Roads and associated Right of Roads and associated Right MCAS Runway, roads and Mixed UrbanWays from parcel data.of Ways from parcel data.associated Right of Ways as determined using 2012 aerial. Medium-Office/Institutional/Light Office/Institutional/Light Developed areas within MCAS Density Industrial -includes churches, Industrial -includes that were neither residential nor Mixed Urbanschools, utilities as well as churches, schools and high enough imperviousness to 'Comm-Bank,’'Comm-General 'Commercial' areas that qualify for High Density Mixed Office Building,’'Comm-were not high enough Urban. Private Owned Child Care,’imperviousness to qualify for 'Comm-Professional/Medical High Density Mixed Urban Offc,’'Comm-Veterinarian Clinic/Kennl' 5-4 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study CategoryCravenCarteretMCAS Cherry Point High-Density Commercial/Heavy Industrial -'Commercial' areas with high Development with high Mixed Urbanincludes 'Comm-Automotive,’imperviousness (>70%)imperviousness (>70%); 'Comm-Commercial w/Res includes majority of MCAS Use,’'Comm-Convience development near runways. Store,’'Comm-Food Serv,’ 'Comm-General Commercial Use,’'Comm-Hotel,’'Comm- LargeResional Stores,’ 'Comm-Neighborhood Strip Shops,’'Comm-Retail Shops,’ 'Comm-Storage Units,’ 'Comm-Storage/Distribution,’ 'Comm-Dealer-Not Auto,’ 'Comm-Diner,’'Comm-Park Lot (Parking),’'Comm-Retail- Lg Food Store,’'Comm- Shopes Resional Centers,’ 'Commercial,’'Rec- Commerical Motion Picture,’ 'Rec-Health Spa,’'Industrial' WetlandNCDCM Wetlands layer. Removed Wetland Types 'Drained,’'Human Impact,’'Non- Wetland,’and 'Managed Pine.' Wetland file unioned with Existing Land Use file. Where wetland overlaid Cropland, Disturbed, all Mixed Urban, all Residential, Pasture, Turf and Water existing landuse was kept (not converted to wetland). Where wetland overlaid Forest and Open, those areas converted to Wetland Land Use Class. 5.2.2Future No-Buildand Build Scenarios Existing land uses were identified separately in the land use scenarios GISlayer as their modeled loading rates are different from new development due to regulations governing new development in the study area (discussed in Section 3.5). All existing land areas that had been classified as developed were put in their same categories in the future scenarios. It was assumed that existing stream buffers as well as marsh and open water wetlands as depicted on the existing land use map would remain. Protected lands were assigned the same land use category for both scenarios (Section 3.2and Exhibit 3.2.1). New development was added to the No-Buildscenario based on the number of future households (one residential unit = one household). Residential units were generally placed in proportion to the predicted population of the census tracts. In some areas, including MCAS Cherry Point, development could not be placed in the appropriate census tract as there was no land available for development. In those cases, development was placed in the nearest neighboringcensus tract. Zoning and future land use maps were used to determine whereto place development within eachcensus tract. Residential land use was not placed in areas zoned or planned for other uses. In addition, the zoning classifications or future land use category descriptions were used to determine parcel sizeof new development,except for in-fill areaswhich were already parceled out. For in-fill areas, i.e. vacant lots in existing neighborhoods, the current parcel size was used even if the size of the lot was smaller than permitted by the zone. Commercial development was allocated to the existing commercial centers in the watershed. Some emphasis was placed on multi-family housing for the housing needs of 5-5 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study MCAS CherryPoint as military personnel arelikely to favor this over single-family housing (personal communication Mr. Skip Conklin, Facilities Director, MCAS Cherry Point). Many parcels did not change land use between the existing and the No-Build scenario as the quantity of land for development exceeded the quantity needed to accommodate the projectednumber of newhouseholds. As noted in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, this methodology for establishing the baseline No-Build scenario differs from the ICE methodology. Itresults in less land use development in the future No-Build conditionand subsequently the Build scenario as well. Before adding development to the Build scenario, the proposed Bypass(including right- of-way and interchanges)were merged into the GIS land use datalayer. Then,the new development(15% increase as established in the ICE)was allocated in a similar fashion to the No-Buildscenario;however,more emphasis was puton placing development in accordance with the impact areas identified in the ICE (HNTB, 2008) rather than following census tract data. Non-residential land use needs (see Section3.1), were assigned to appropriately zoned areas around the interchanges andalong existing US 70 to reflect the growth that the City predicts will occur there (Havelock, 2009). The southern terminus was left undeveloped for reasons described in Section 3.3. 5.2.3Scenario Comparisons Graphical depictions of the Build and No-Buildscenarios are presented in Exhibits 5.2.2 and 5.2.3.Approximately 95% of the increase in new development between the two scenarios was found in 10 subbasins (1, 16, 17, 32, 36, 37, 39, 45, 47, 48, and 54). All or a majority of the increase is a direct resultof the planned bypass roadway and right- of-way in Subbasins 16, 17, 32, 36, 39, 45, 47, and 48. In addition to the roadway, Subbasins 17 and 39 saw increases in high-density mixed development and Subbasins 36 and 54 had an increase in medium-density residential. The majority of the increase in Subbasin 1 consisted of medium-density residential and some low-density residential. Medium-density residential accounted for almost all of the development in Subbasin 37. The remaining increases consisted mainly of medium-density residential and a small amount of low-density residential development. 5.2.4Model Imperviousness The intensity of imperviousness increases as development density increases, which directly affects the velocity and volume of runoff, as well as the quantity of pollutant export. Site-specific impervious factors were not readily available for the study area. Therefore, literature-based estimates were adapted to the watershed. Table 5.2.3shows land use imperviousness values from three literature sources: Soil Conservation Service(SCS 1986), Hunt and Lucas (2003), and Cappiella and Brown (2001). Impervious estimates from Hunt and Lucas (2003) and Cappiella and Brown (2001) are close in value, whereas estimates from SCS (1986) are high in comparison, particularly for small residential lots. 5-6 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Table 5.2.3Estimates of Imperviousness from the Literature Land Use CategoryPercent Impervious Hunt and Lucas Cappiella and Reference SCS (1986) (2003)Brown (2001) Tar-Pamlico River Chesapeake Bay, LocationNational Estimate Basin, NCVa/Md -0.48-0.42-0.5707 Regression Equationy=0.148xy=14.669xy=17.895x 2 R0.980.980.98 Residential 1/8 acre lot383365 Residential 1/4 acre lot302838 Residential 1/2 acre lot222125 Residential 1acre lot141420 Residential 2 acre lot11*1112 MultiFamily/Townhome41-4465 Institutional34 Light Industrial53 Industrial72 Commercial7285 * Calculated with regression equation. The imperviousness values selected for this study are presented in Table 5.2.4.The MapShed version of GWLF-Eonly allows for three categories of residential development at pre-defined impervious values. Therefore, the Hunt and Lucas (2003) equation was used to derive the size of residential lots at those percent impervious values. The Hunt and Lucas equation wasselected given that it was derived using North Carolina data. Values for non-residential land uses are taken from Cappiella and Brown (2001)given that it covers several non-residential land use types and is based on regional data. Additionally, the assumed imperviousness for roads with right of way is 61%,based on semi-rural highways studied in Wu et al. (1998). 5-7 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Table 5.2.4Land Use Categories and Estimated Imperviousness LAND USE NAMEGWLF-ECATEGORYPERCENT IMPERVIOUS Low Density Residential Low-Density Residential15% (1-5 acre per d.u.) Residential -Medium Density Medium-Density Residential52% (0.1 -1 acres per d.u.) Residential -Multi-family High-Density Residential87% (<0.1 acres per d.u.) Office/Institutional/Light Medium-Density Mixed53% Industrial Commercial/Heavy IndustrialHigh-Density Mixed72% Paved Road with Right of WayLow-Density Mixed61% Golf CourseTurf/Golf0% Row CropCropland0% PasturePasture/Hay0% Disturbed/Non-vegetatedDisturbed0% Vacant/GrassOpen0% ForestForest0% WetlandsWetland0% WaterWaterN/A 5.3Surface Water Hydrology Table 5.3.1 provides a summary of several of the surface water inputs and assumptions utilized in the GWLF-Emodeling analysis. The individual parameters are discussed below. 5-8 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Table 5.3.1Surface Water Hydrology Input Parameters COMMENTS/ INPUT BASELINE DESCRIPTIONUNITLITERATURE REFERENCE PARAMETERVALUE RANGE PrecipitationDaily rainfallinAnnual Min Elevenyears of Data from =31.4data (January MCAS Cherry Max = 72.7 2002 –December PointAWOS Mean = 2012) used for Station KNKT, 52.2simulation and Moorehead City assumed to be COOP 315830, uniform for the & New Bern study areaCOOP 316108, State Climate Office of NC Haith et al. Evapo-Cover coefficient noneValues Model defaults transpiration for estimating ETrange from based on (1992), (ET) Cover1.0 for literature valuesHammon (1961) forest to 0.3 for cropland Antecedent Moisture for up to cm0Unknown and Haith et al. Soil Moisture five days prior to therefore (1992) Conditions initial step.assumed in accordance with manual to be zero Runoff Curve Parameter for noneComputed Site dependant SCS (1986) Numbersconverting mass by Mapshed based on soil type rainfall to mass based on and land use. runoff.GIS layers. 5.3.1Precipitation Daily temperature and rainfall records for the study area were obtained from the North Carolina State Climate Officefor AWOS Station KNKT, located within the watershed on MCAS Cherry Pointand COOP Station 315830, located approximately 8 miles southeast of the watershed model boundary in Morehead City. Data for an eleven-year period was assembled(2002-2012).A significant portion of precipitation data was noted to be missing from 2003-2006at Station KNKT. For this period, precipitation data from COOP Station 316108 were used to supplement missing data. Station 316108 is located approximately15miles from the center of the study area, in New Bern.Minor missing values in the time series were filled in using the averages of the surrounding daily values. The mean rainfall over the ten-year simulation period is within 9%percent of the 30-year normal for the annual average (57.1 in) at MCAS Cherry Point,indicating that the model simulation period represents average hydrologic conditions for the area. Rainfall was assumed uniform throughout the study area. 5-9 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 5.3.2Evapotranspiration Cover Coefficients The portion of rainfall returned to the atmosphere through evapotranspiration (ET) is determined by temperature and the density of vegetative cover, which varies by land use and by season (growing and dormant).Within Mapshed, potential evapotranspiration (PET) is computed using the method recommended by Hammon (1961). In this method, PET is a function of daylight hours per day, the saturated water vapor pressure, and the mean daily temperature. ET coefficients are assigned by landuse/cover type with typical values ranging from 1.0 for wooded areas during the growing season, to 0.3 for row crops during the dormant season. Monthly values aredetermined by watershed on an area-weighted basis. 5.3.3Antecedent Soil Moisture Conditions Antecedent soil moisture conditions are a function of rainfall levels up to five days prior to the day on which modeling begins. Antecedent soil moisture conditions were unknown and were assumed to be zero as per guidance provided in the GWLF manual (Haithet al., 1992). 5.3.4Runoff Curve Numbers The fraction of precipitation that becomes surface water runoff in GWLF-Eis calculated on the basis of the SCS Curve Number Method as presented in the TR-55 Manual (SCS, 1986). Curve numbers are derived based onland covertypeand soil hydrologic group. Soil hydrologic groups for the soils present within the study area were determined using the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) detailed soil survey geographic (SSURGO) database. MapShed internally calculates curve number based on hydrologic group and land cover. For urban land categories, curve numbers are derived for both pervious and impervious areas. Refer to Section 5.2.4for the determination of percent imperviousness for the various landuse/cover types. 5.4Groundwater Hydrology Table 5.4.1 providesa summary of several of the groundwater inputs and assumptions utilized in the GWLF-Emodeling analysis. The individual parameters are discussed below. 5.4.1Recession Coefficient The rate at which groundwater is discharged to streams is a function of the recession coefficient. In theory, provided that flow data isavailable, this factor can be determined through analysis of the hydrograph. However, no flow data wasavailable within the study area. GWLF modelingstudies by Lee et al. (1999) in coastal Maryland have shown that the GWLF model results are sensitive to the recession coefficient and that the coefficient is strongly correlated with drainage area. Through model calibrations and regression analyses on numerous watersheds Lee et al. (1999)developed the following 2 relationship between recession coefficient (R) and drainage area (DA in km ): -1 R = 0.0450 + 1.13 * (0.306 + DA) 5-10 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study This equation was used to calculate individual recession coefficients for each ofthe GWLF-Esubbasins simulated. Results ranged in value from 0.05to 0.43. 5.4.2Seepage Coefficient GWLF-Esimulates three subsurface zones: a shallow unsaturated zone, a shallow saturated zone (aquifer), and a deep aquifer zone. The deep seepage coefficient is the portion of groundwater in the shallow aquifer that seeps down to the deep aquifer and does not return as surface flow, thereby removing it from the water balance of the watershed. In eastern North Carolina, 2.5 to 5 cm per year typically infiltrates through to deep groundwater aquifers, representing about 2 to 3% of the water balance (Evans et al., 2000). The seepage coefficient was adjusted during model calibration to produce a 3% loss to deep groundwater over the entire study area. The result was a seepage coefficient of 0.01. Table 5.4.1Groundwater Input Parameters COMMENTS/ INPUT BASELINE DESCRIPTIONUNITLITERATURE REFERENCE PARAMETERVALUE RANGE –1 Leeet al. Baseflow Groundwater day Min = 0.05Drainage area- Recession seepage rateMax = 0.43dependent and (1999) Coefficient (r)Mean = calculated 0.21according to Leeet al.(1999) Haith et al. Seepage(s)Deep seepage n/a0.01Site dependent; coefficientGoal to (1992); Evans et al. generate 3% deep seepage (2000) over the simulation period Unsaturated Interstitial storagecmMin = 0Determined Haith et al. Soil Water Max = 52.5from Craven (1992) Storage Mean = and Carteret Capacity20.3County Soil Survey Data 5.4.3Unsaturated Available Soil Water Capacity Water stored in the soil may evaporate, be transpired by plants, or percolate down to groundwater below the rooting zone. The amount of water that can be stored in the soil in the region where it is still available for evapotranspiration is the available soil water capacity (AWC), which varies according to soil type and rooting depth. Volumetric AWC values (cm/cm) were extracted from the Craven and Carteret Counties Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Database.Using the AWC values reported for the entire soil profile (maximum depth of 150cm reported), the AWC values ranged from 0 to 52.5cm in the ICI study area. 5-11 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 5.5Erosion and Sediment Transport Sediment erosion in the GWLF-Emodel is simulated through application of the USLE, which uses four input factors (K, LS, C and P). Table 5.5.1 providesa summary of several of the erosion and sediment transport inputs and assumptions utilizedin the GWLF-Emodeling analysis. The individual parameters are discussed below. 5.5.1Soil Erodibility (K) Factor Soil erodibility or (K) factor, is a measure of a given soil’s propensity to erode due to rainfall. K factors in this analysiswere obtained from the SSURGO Databasefor Craven and Carteret County. Within MapShed, an area-weighted K factor value is calculated for each land use/land cover (LULC)type (i.e., source area) in a subbasin. 5.5.2Slope-Length(LS) Factor Erosion potential varies with slope as much as with soil characteristics, so the second element in the USLE equation is the length-slope (LS) factor, which is the average length (L) that runoff travels from the highest point of any flow path within a watershed to the point at which it reaches concentrated flow,multiplied by the slope (S) which represents the effect of slope steepness on erodibility for each soil type. LS factors are generated automatically in MapShed for elevation data with grid cell resolution of 50 meters or less. The functions within MapShed are based on functions contained within the ArcView Terrain Analysis Extension, including the technical algorithms described by Moore and Wilson (1992).A 10-meter resolution DEM grid for the study area was used forcalculation of LS factors in this modeling analysis. 5.5.3Cover (C) and Management Practice (P) Factors The mechanism by which soil is eroded from a land area and the amount of soil eroded depends on soil treatment resulting from a combination of land uses (e.g., forestry versus row-cropped agriculture) and the specific manner in which land uses are managed (e.g., no-till agriculture versus non-contoured row cropping). These mechanisms arerepresented by cover and management factors in the USLE. Cover and management factors for non-agricultural land uses in this study are based on factors developed for the Jordan Lake Watershed TMDL Watershed Model Development (TetraTech, 2003). The factors were further refined based on input from district conservationists atthe Craven County Natural Resource Conservation Service (personal communication, Mr. Andrew Metts). Theresulting factors are summarized in Table 5.5.2. Note thatC and P factors are not required for the urban land uses, which are modeled in GWLF-Evia a build-up/washoff formulation rather than the USLE. 5.5.4Sediment Delivery Ratio In GWLF-E, the sediment delivery ratio accounts for trapping of sediments and sediment-bound pollutants that occurs between the edge of the field (origin) and the watershed outlet (delivery point). GWLF-Ecalculates the sediment delivery ratio on the basis of the drainage area of the subbasinbeing simulatedaccording to empirically- derived equations (Vanoni, 1975). 5-12 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Table 5.5.1 RuralSediment Transport Input Parameters COMMENTS/ INPUT BASELINE DESCRIPTIONUNITLITERATURE REFERENCE PARAMETERVALUE RANGE RainfallKinetic energy MJ-0.16 (cool Rainfall erosivity Haith et al. Erosivity (R)of rainfallMm/haseason)may vary (1992) for 0.28 (warm seasonally and is Wilmington, season –Apr estimated by NC thru Oct)geographic region Soil Erodibility Soilerosion NoneArea-weighted Derived from County level Factor (K)potentialVaries by LULC soils GIS data soils data for type(function of soil the study area texture and composition) Length-Slope Sediment NoneVaries by Derived from Moore and Factor (LS)transport SubbasinDEM as function Wilson (1992) potential based of slope and on topographyoverland runoff Sediment Portion of NoneVaries by Empirically Vanoni (1975) Delivery Ratio Eroded Material Subbasinestimated as a (SDR)that is function of transported to subbasin. receiving waters Table 5.5.2 Cover (C) and Management Practice (P) Factors LAND USE NAMECP Hay/Pasture0.0031.000 Cropland0.2000.800 Forest0.0021.000 Wetland0.0011.000 Disturbed0.0801.000 Turf/Golf0.0031.000 Open0.0000.000 Bare Rock0.0000.000 Sandy Areas0.0000.000 5.5.5Sedimentation from Urban Land Uses For urban land uses, the GWLF-Emodel calculates particle loads as a function of sediment accumulation and wash-off. In the model application, sediment accumulation rates by urban land use ranged from 0.8 to 6.2kilograms per hectare per day (kg/ha/day)on the pervious and impervious fractions (Table 5.5.5).These rates were based on suspended solids accumulation rates from Kuoet al.(1988) as cited in Haith et 5-13 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study al. (1992). The sediment accumulation rate for roadwayswas assumed to be the same as medium-density mixed development, given their similarimperviousness. Table 5.5.3 Sediment Mass Build-Up Rates SEDIMENT MASS BUILD-UP RATES TSS (kg/ha/day) URBAN LAND USES% Impervious ImperviousPervious Low-density Residential15 2.51.3 Medium-density Residential52 6.21.1 High-density Residential/Multi- 87 family5.01.5 Roadway61 6.20.8 Medium-density Mixed53 6.20.8 High-density Mixed72 2.80.8 5.5.6Erosion from Streams As mentioned in Section 4.2.6, GWLF-E includes several revisions to the GWLF model, including a routine which estimates streambank erosion for inclusion in total sediment loads. This routine is basedon an approach often used in the field of geomorphology in which monthly streambank erosion is estimated by first calculating an average watershed-specific lateral erosion rate (LER). The LER is based on empirically-derived constants and monthly stream flow. The total sediment load generated from stream bank erosion is then calculated by multiplying the LER by the total length of streams in the watershed, the average streambank height, and average soil bulk density. GWLF-E assumes an average bank height of1.5 meters (Evans and Corradini 2012). Stream bank height in coastal watersheds can be highly variable, depending on factors such as soils, land use, and local topography. Using an average default bank height of 1.5 meters does not allow for accounting for this variability across a watershed. For this reason, the streambank erosion routine was not incorporated into this model study. 5.6NutrientLoading Nutrient loads in stream flow are comprised of both dissolved and solid phases. Dissolved nutrients are associated with overland runoff, point sources, and subsurface discharges to streams. Solid-phase nutrients are also associated with point sources, in addition to soil erosion and wash-off of material from urban areas.Table 5.6.1 providesa summary of several of the nutrient inputs and assumptions utilized in the GWLF-E modeling analysis. The individual parameters are discussed below. 5.6.1Nutrients in Soils Sediment-bound nutrient loads to streams are driven by the soil nutrient concentrations within the watershed. In the absence of study area specific information, the soil concentration of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in this analysis was set to1,400 mg/kg and 352 mg/kg, respectively, based on guidance from the GWLF Manual (Haith et al., 1992) and regional observations provided by Mills et al.(1985). 5-14 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 5.6.2Dissolved Groundwater Nutrients The GWLF-Emodel applies average groundwater nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations to flow from the saturated zone to the stream channel. Based on the nutrient concentration values reported by Spruill et al.(1998) ina study of water quality in the Albemarle-Pamlico Drainage Basin, groundwater nutrient concentrations in this modeling analysis were set at 0.42 mg/L for TN and 0.04 mg/L for TP. Table 5.6.1SolidPhase and Groundwater Nutrient Loading Input Parameters COMMENTS/ INPUT BASELINE DESCRIPTIONUNITLITERATURE REFERENCE PARAMETERVALUE REVIEW Solid Phase Nutrient Loading Haith et al. Nutrient Total Nitrogen mg/kg1,400Varies concentration Concentrationregionally and (1992) in sediment by site; 500-900 Mills et al. from rural based on (1985) sourcesliterature; multiplied by a mid-range enrichment ratio of 2.0 Haith et al. Total mg/kg352Varies Phosphorous regionally and (1992) Mills et al. Concentrationby site; less than or equal to (1985) 400; multiplied P2O5 conversion factor and enrichment ratio (2.0) Dissolved Nutrient in Groundwater Nutrient Total Nitrogen mg/L0.42Median value Spruill et al. concentration Concentrationfor the inner (1998) coastal plain Total mg/L0.04Median value Spruill et al. Phosphorous for the inner (1998) Concentrationcoastal plain 5.6.3Rural and Urban LandUse Loads In GWLF-E, nutrient loads from different land uses are based on the volumes of flow and the associated flow pathways (overland or seepage), the amounts of soil eroded, and concentrations that express the amount of nutrient load per unit volume of water flow or sediment erosion from each land use. The GWLF-Emodel uses build-up/washoff relationships to predict nutrient and sediment loads for urban (developed) land uses, and 5-15 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study runoff concentrations to predict nutrient loads from rural and agricultural land uses. These processes vary based on the interactions between soil types and land uses, and vary between the pervious and impervious fractions of the LULC type. Nutrient runoff concentrations from rural and agricultural usesare presented in Table 5.6.2.The runoff concentrations were derived from various GWLF modeling studies performed in North Carolinaincludingstudies on the Jordan Lake Watershed (Tetra Tech2003), Upper Rocky River (Tetra Tech 2005), Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI (Stantec 2007), and Monroe Connector ICE(PBS&J 2010).Several of these studies are within the Neuse River Basin.Nutrient runoff concentrations from golf courses have been shown to vary based on fertilizer application rate and soil conditions. However, nutrient runoff concentrations are similar to urban and agricultural losses (Soldat and Petrovic, 2008). Lacking data specific to North Carolina, nutrient runoff concentrations from golf courses were assumed to be similar to agriculture concentrations within the ICI study area. Nutrient and sediment accumulation rates (kg/ha/yr) for urban land uses are presented in Table 5.6.3. These rates are the model defaults in GWLF-E, derived from Kuo et al. (1988), a study which investigated the nutrient accumulation rates for both the impervious and pervious fractions of urban land uses. Accumulation rates for the roadway land use category were assumed to be similar to medium-density mixed urban land use, given the similarity in percent imperviousness. Table 5.6.2Nutrient Runoff Concentrations byRural Land UseCategory RUNOFF CONCENTRATIONS DISSOLVED P RURAL LAND USESDISSOLVED N (mg/L) (mg/L) Hay/Pasture2.7700.250 Cropland2.7700.250 Forest0.1900.006 Wetlands0.1900.006 Disturbed0.1900.006 Turf/Golf2.7700.250 Open0.1900.006 Bare Rock0.0000.000 Sandy Areas0.0000.000 5-16 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Table 5.6.3Nutrient Mass Build-up Rates by Urban Land Use Category MASS BUILD-UP RATES N(kg/ha/day)P(kg/ha/day) RURAL LAND Percent Dissolved Dissolved USESImpervious ImperviousPerviousImperviousPervious FractionFraction Low-density 150.0950.0150.280.00950.00190.37 Residential Medium-density 520.1000.0150.280.01150.00390.37 Residential High-density Residential/Multi870.1050.0150.280.01200.00780.37 -family Roadway610.0950.0150.330.00950.00210.40 Medium-density 530.1050.0150.330.01050.00210.40 Mixed High-density 720.1100.0150.330.01150.00210.40 Mixed 5.6.4Septic System Loading The septic system component of the model simulates dissolved nutrient loads to stream flow from a variety of system types. These types include normal, short-circuited, ponded, and direct discharge systems. In normal systems,nitrogen entering surface water is assumed to be a factor of plant uptake or its ability to infiltrate groundwater and subsequent discharge to streams. Phosphorus is assumed to be completely absorbed by soils in this scenario. In ‘short-circuit’ systems, the septic tanks are assumed to be in close-proximity to streams, and therefore phosphorus absorption by soil is assumed to be negligible. ‘Ponded’ systems describe septic tanks with hydraulic failure, resulting in the surfacing of tank effluent which enters surface water via overland flow. ‘Direct discharge’ systems are illegal systems which discharge tank effluent directly to surface water. Inputs required by the model are presented in Table 5.6.4and include the number of people on septic systems by subbasin, the per capita effluent load, and the rate of plant uptake. The population of septic was estimatedusing GIS analysis to determine the number of residential parcelsand housing unitsoutside of Havelock and Newport sewer service areas, andCensusdata for theaverage number of persons per housing unit. Subbasins that did not have a change in land use between No-Buildand Build scenarios were assigned the same population on septic. 5-17 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Table 5.6.4Septic System Input Parameters INPUT PARAMETERUNITVALUECOMMENTSREFERENCE Population Using PersonsRanges from Based on GIS US Census Septic0 to 1,825per analysis of residential Bureau(2010) subbasinparcels, sewer service area, and census- based average persons per housing unit Nitrogen Septic TankGrams/day12.33Based on Neuse River Buetow (2002) Effluentbasin data Phosphorus Septic Grams/day1.75Based on Neuse River Buetow (2002) Tank Effluentbasin data Nitrogen Plant Grams/day1.6Growing season Model default UptakeRate Phosphorus Plant Grams/day0.4Growing seasonModel default Uptake Rate Failure ratePercent11.4Based on NC NCDEH (2000) statewide homeowner survey County-specific statisticaldata on septic system malfunction in North Carolina is limited. However, astate-wide survey on septic system failure was performed by the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management in 1981. In this citizen survey, 11.4% reported septic system malfunction or failure in the preceding year (NCDEH, 2000). For nutrients,septic tank failure rates within GWLF-E are modeled by adjusting the population which uses each of the four types of septic systems described previously. Non-failing septic systems are modeled as ‘normal.’Given that failure rates reported in the citizen survey was based on homeowner observation, the most accurate representation of this failure in the GWLF-E model is the ‘ponded’ system. It was assumed that no illegal ‘direct discharge’ systems are present in the watershed. 5.6.5Point Sources As discussed inSection 3.4,there are currently three wastewater treatment plants within the model study area: Havelock WWTP, Cherry Point WWTP, and Carolina Pines WWTP. Additionally, there is one water treatment plant (WTP) which discharges within the study area: BrownBoulevard WTP. Discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) for all four facilities were obtained from NC Division of Water Quality Central Files Office. Average daily values for flow, TN, TP, total suspended sediment (TSS), and FC concentration (where available) were used to derive an averageyearly load for nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS, and FC bacteria for each of these facilities under existingconditions. Projected loads from the WWTP’s for both the No-BuildandBuild future land use scenarios were estimated using the number of new households in each scenario, and an estimated average requirement of 212 gallons/day per household (Urban Resource Group, 2009). Additional flow was attributed to each WWTP according to the number of 5-18 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study new households within the service area of each facility. As mentioned in Section 3.1, no new residential development is projected for the MCAS Cherry Point. As a result, loads from the Cherry Point WWTP are projected to remain the same as existing conditions. For the Brown Boulevard WTP, projected increases in discharge were estimated based on the projected increase in population within the Craven County portion of the study area. The discharge locations for these point sources is included in Exhibit 5.1.1. 5.6.6Animals As described in Section 4.2.3 nutrient loads from animals are modeled via the simulation of run-off from manured and pasture/grazing areas. GWLF-E allows for users to directly simulate loads from farm animals by entering the number of farm animals in the watershed. During field reconnaissance of the model study area, no concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) or livestock operations were observed. However, several horse stables were observed. The location of these stables was recorded and added to the model(Exhibit 5.1.1). A density of 25 horses per stable was assumed. Model defaults regardingnutrient production per animal and manure application rates were used.Model defaults for estimated loading rates per were drawn from many literature sources (Miller etal. 1982, ASAE 1993, SCS 1992). The model assumes that horses are grazing animals, and therefore the pathway for runoff is via pasture/grazing areas. 5.7PathogenLoading Within GWLF-E there are a number of routines that can be used to estimate pathogen loads originating from: urban land uses, septic systems, wastewater treatment plants, farm animals, and ‘natural areas’ (i.e. wildlife loadings). In some instances, these routines vary from the nutrient routines. By default, the pathogen simulated in GWLF-E is assumed to be fecal coliform.It should be noted that for all pathogen loads, the model assumes that 50% of pathogens will die shortly after they have been transported to nearby surface waters (Easton et al. 2005, LaWare and Rifai 2006, and NCDENR 2004). 5.7.1Urban Land Use Loads Load estimates from urban areas are made using the concept of ‘event mean concentrations’ (EMC), or the mean concentration of a pollutant in runoff. Unlike the nutrient routines, which utilize accumulation rates for the impervious and pervious fractions of varied urban land use types, the pathogen routine uses a single EMC value 3 for all urban land use types. The model default of 9.60 x 10cfu/100mL was selected as this is based on several urban studies (USEPA 2001b). Pathogen loads associated with rural land uses are incorporated into the farm animal and wildlife routines discussed in Section 5.6.6. 5.7.2Septic System Loading Similar to nutrient loading from septic systems, fecal coliform load estimates from septic systems require inputs such as the number of people on septic systems by subbasinand the per capita effluent load.However, the fecal coliform routines vary from the nutrient 5-19 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study routines in that they assume that only failing septic systems contribute to loading. This assumption is borne from studies that suggest low survival rates for pathogens in properly operating septic systems (USEPA 2001b). As mentioned in Section 5.6.4, a 9 failure rate of 11.4% was selected. The per capita loading rateof 2 x 10 counts/person/day was selected, based on USEPA guidance (USEPA 2001b). 5.7.3Point Sources For pathogen loads delivered from wastewater treatment plants, the model assumes a single effluent pathogen concentration for all plants in the model study area, and calculates pathogen loads based on total volume of effluent discharged by each plant. DMRswere reviewed for all WWTPs and WTPs in the study area as described in Section 5.6.5. Fecal coliform was only monitored for at the City of Havelock WWTP. An average concentration of 10 cfu/100mL was observed in effluent from the Havelock WWTP, as such a value of 10 cfu/100mL was assumed for the effluent from all point sources within the model study area. 5.7.4Animals The pathogen loading routines from farm animals is the same as the routines described for nutrients in Section 5.6.6. In addition, the model also incorporates pathogen loads from ‘natural areas,’ i.e. wildlife loads.Wildlife pathogen load estimates are assumed to be equivalent to those loads generated by a population density of 25 deer per acre of ‘natural area’ within the watershed, such as forest and wetland, using deer as a 8 surrogate for all wildlife inputs. A default loading rate for deer of 5 x 10organisms per animal per day was selected based on USEPA guidance (USEPA 2001b). A die-off rate of 90% organisms produced in natural areas before reaching surface water was assumed (Evans and Corradini 2012). 5.8Consideration of Existing Environmental Regulations 5.8.1Neuse River Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Rules The Neuse NSW stormwater management program imposes a 4.0 kg/ha/yr (3.6 pounds per acre per year or lb/ac/yr) nitrogen loading limit on new development. Nitrogen load from new developments that exceeds this performance standard may be offset by payment of a fee to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Programprovided, however, that no new residential development can exceed 6.7 kg/ha/yr (6.0 lb/ac/yr) and no new nonresidential development can exceed 11.2 kg/ha/yr (10.0 lb/ac/yr). The effect of the NSW rules were implemented in the model by applying stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) pollutant removal efficiency rates to new developed land in the No-BuildandBuild scenarios compared to existing land use. BMP pollutant removal efficiencies for nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment were derived from the efficiencies listed for stormwater wetlands in the North Carolina BMP Manual (NCDWQ 2007). The removal efficiency for fecal coliform was derived from literature values (Davies and Bavor, 2000; Mallin, 2002). SelectedBMP removal efficiencies are presented in Table 5.8.1. 5-20 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Projected loading rates of each land use category of new development were derived from loading rates listed in the City of Havelock Stormwater Management Ordinance (Havelock 2013). An area-weighted average loading rate for new development for each subbasin was calculated. Next, BMP pollutant removal efficiencies were applied to determine the number of BMPs that would be required to meetthe NSW nitrogen loading limits for new development. In many subbasins, a minimum of two or three BMPs in series would be required to meet the loading limits. In practice, it is more likely that one BMP would be utilized, with excess loads compensated through the in-lieu fee program. As a conservative estimate, the effect of only one BMP was simulated in the model at the BMP Removal efficiencies outlined in Table 5.8.1. It should also be noted that while payment to the in-lieu fee program would result in nitrogen removal projects being implemented, the location of these projects cannot be predicted. As a conservative estimate, it was assumed that these projects would occur outside of the model study area. Table 5.8.1Selected BMP Removal Efficiencies PollutantRemoval Efficiency Total Nitrogen40% Total Phosphorus40% Total Suspended Sediment85% Fecal Coliform56% North Carolina BMP Manual (NCDWQ 2007) An additional feature of the Neuse rules requires no net increase in peak flow leaving a newly developed site compared to predevelopment conditions for the one-year, 24-hour storm. This feature was not explicitly incorporated into the model simulation for two reasons. Since many traditional BMPs convert little runoff to infiltration, mitigating peak flows will have little impact on long-term runoff rates or volumes. In addition, BMPs for water quality provide some control of peak flow, so some of this required control is considered implicitly. This is a conservative assumption since control of peak flows may be expected to provide additional control of runoff. However, note that control of peak flows is required regardless of the development scenario. Therefore, the change in the peak of the hydrograph or difference between the two scenarios should be insignificant since nearly all of the new development would require control. In both land use scenarios, a fifty-foot buffer on all streams identified in the National Hydrography Dataset-based stream coveragewas classified as forest. 5.8.2Coastal Stormwater Management Rules The Coastal Stormwater Management Rules imposes impervious cover (IC) limits on non-residential development that adds more than 10,000 square feet of built-upon-area or requires a Sediment and Erosion Control (S&EC) Plan, or residential development that requires a S&EC Plan. For the low-density development option which falls below the IC threshold, the rules require that stormwater be conveyed through vegetated conveyances and that 50-foot vegetated buffers be maintained for all new development, and 30-footbuffers for redevelopment. For the high-density development with IC above the threshold, stormwater BMPs must be installed to treat runoff from new development. 5-21 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study In areas within 575 feet of Outstanding Resource Waters (including shellfish waters) in the coastal counties, the IC threshold is 12%. For all other areas in the coastal counties, the threshold is 24%. Similar to above, the effects of the Coastal SW Management Rules were incorporated into the model by applying stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) pollutant removal efficiency rates to new developed areas covered by the rules (Carteret County and Craven County outside of Havelock). It should be noted that for portions of the model study area covered by the Coastal SW Rules but not near shellfish waters, low- density residential development was not included in the calculation of new development acreage on which to apply BMPs, as the impervious cover for this land use category (15%) is lower than the threshold outlined in the rules (24%). For portions of the model study area near shellfish areas (Subbasins 61 and 7),low-density residential development was included in the new development calculation as it is above the 12% IC threshold. The BMP pollutant removal efficiencies outlined in Table 5.8.1were applied. 5.9Model Implementation Based on the series of inputs discussed in the following section, a series GIS files and model inputs were developed to execute individual model runs simulating the Build and No-Buildscenarios in each of the GWLF-Esubbasins presented in Figure 5.1.1. All model runs relied on the same weather file that contains precipitation and air temperature data for climate years 2002 through 2012. The climate year for GWLF-Eis defined as January 1 –December 31. 5-22 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Exhibit5.1.1 Model Subbasins 5-23 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study (This page intentionally left blank for two-sided printing) 5-24 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Exhibit5.2.1 Existing Land Use 5-25 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study (This page intentionally left blank for two-sided printing) 5-26 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Exhibit5.2.2 Future Land Use No-BuildScenario 5-27 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study (This page intentionally left blank for two-sided printing) 5-28 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Exhibit5.2.3 Future Land Use Build Scenario 5-29 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study (This page intentionally left blank for two-sided printing) 5-30 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 6GWLF-EMODEL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 6.1Calibration Several resources were reviewedfor stream flow data within the project study area, including USGS, NCDWR (formerly NCDWQ), the Croatan Mitigation Bank, and the U.S. Forest Service. There is no stream flowdata within the study area for model calibration. To calibrate the model, model parameters were adjusted such that average hydrologic model results over the model period were in agreement with literature values for hydrologic parameters specific to eastern North Carolina. Components of the hydrologic cycle illustrated in Figure 4.2.1include precipitation, evapotranspiration, runoff, and deep groundwater seepage. In eastern North Carolina, rainfall typically ranges from 112 to 152 cm (44-60 in). A study by Evans et al. found that evapotranspiration (ET), runoff (i.e., surface and subsurface flow to streams)and deep groundwater seepageto aquifers range from 81 to 102 cm (32-40 in), 30 to 51 cm (12-20 in), and 3 to 5 cm (1-2 in), respectively (Evans et al., 2000). Inother words, the water balance breakdown would be comprised of 65 to 71% evapotranspiration, 26 to 32% runoff, and about 3% deep groundwater seepage. In addition, a comprehensive study of hydrology of forested lands in eastern North Carolina found that annual outflow or runoff from forested sites ranged from 17 to 45% of rainfall (Chescheir et al., 2003).Wilder et al. (1978)cited 68% of the water balance as ET for northeastern NC. The predicted hydrologic components of the model are compared to these literature values. Model parameters which affect the ratio of ET, runoff, and deep groundwater seepage in the hydrologic cycle include: ET cover, antecedent soil moisture conditions, curve number, available groundwater recession coefficient, unsaturated available soil water capacity (AWC), and groundwater seepage coefficient. Refer to Section 5.3 and 5.4 for a detailed description of each of these parameters. ET cover is based on literature values for different landuse types and was not adjusted during model calibration. Antecedent soil moisture conditions is unknown, but has little effect over the duration of the model period given that it is a function of rainfall only five days prior to the first day of the model period; therefore it was not adjusted during model calibration. Curve numbers were also not adjusted. While themodel is driven by the SCS method and curve numbers, it isrelatively insensitive to small changes in curve number. Significant adjustments to curve numbers would not be a realistic representation of on-the- ground landuse and soils conditions, and curve numbers were not adjusted during model calibration. AWC is an intrinsic characteristic property based on soil type and cannot be used for calibration. However, one adjustment was made during model calibration. The GWLF-E manual calls for the use of the AWCvalue for the entire soil profile, which it defines as the soil profile to a depth of 100 cm. SSURGO data for Carteret and Craven County includes AWC values for a soil profile depth of 150 cm. Model runs showed that using the 150 cm AWC slightly improved ET values in the model results over the 100 cm AWC values calculated from soil reports; therefore, 150 cm AWC values were used in the final model runs. The groundwater seepage coefficient was the primary parameter adjusted during the hydrology calibrationof the model. The seepage coefficient was adjusted during multiple runs such that 6-1 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study the predicted hydrologic components of the model were within the ranges of theliterature values discussed above.Model results were compared at both the watershed and subbasin level. Since the literature values are based on hydrology in an undisturbed watershed, Subbasin 3 was chosen for comparison.In the No-Build scenario thissubbasinisprimarily forested and wetlandwith some crop and open land. .A final groundwater seepage coefficient of 0.01 was found to produce ET, runoff, and deep groundwater seepage within range of literature values. Runoff from Subbasin 3comprised 28% of the water balance of the simulation period for the No- Buildscenario, which is within the range of both the Evans et al.and Chesheir et al.literature values. Evapotranspiration comprised 70% of the water balance, which is within range of the Evans et al.values, and similar to the Wilder et al.estimate. Similarly, deep seepage accounted for 2% of the water balance for Subbasin 3, falling within the range of Evans et al.values.The hydrologic balance for the entire model study area was 64% ET, 33% runoff, and 3% deep groundwater seepage; all within range of literature values. The seasonal change in hydrologic conditions in Subbasin 3 is shown in Figure 6.1.1.As expected, evapotranspiration decreases in winter due to lower temperatures and dormant vegetation resulting in a higher proportion of runoff. 25 Precipitation Evapotranspiration Subsurface Runoff 20 Surface Runoff Total Runoff 15 cm 10 5 0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Figure 6.1.1Mean Monthly Water Balance for Subbasin 3 (No-BuildScenario) In the absence of stream flow data within the study area, another effective means by which to judge the validity of results from a modeling analysis of this nature is to compare the predicted stream flow to that from a nearby USGS stream gage outside of the watershed with similar drainage area characteristics. The nearest USGS gage of a watershed of similar land use and size is the gage on Chicod Creek at State Road 1760, station number 02084160. The Chicod Creek gage, located 2 approximately 45 miles northof the study area has a reported drainage area of 117 kmand an average daily dischargeof 49 cubic feet per second or 1.4 cubic meters per second (m³/s), over the 11-year model period. In order to provide a standardized comparison, the stream flows from the GWLF subbasins were converted into annual m³/ha yields. The 11-year average annual yields from the 65 6-2 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study subbasins (No-Build scenario) ranged from 3,653 to 14,322 m³/ha/yr, resulting in percent errors of 0.3 to 278% and an overall average of 23%, when compared to the average annual yield from the Chicod Creek gaging station over the same 11-year period (3,790 m³/ha/yr). Percent errors in annual mean values were calculated by the following formula: \[(simulated -observed) / observed\] x 100% (Zarriello, 1998). However, the watershed for Chicod Creek watershed is rural which has implications for its water balance: less streamflow is expected due to greater evapotranspiration (more vegetation) and less runoff (less impervious surface). When comparing some of the least developed subbasins (3, 26, and 44) in the study area to the Chicod Creek gage, the percent errors average 3% suggesting the modeladequatelysimulates the long-termwater balance and stream response. If this were a comparison of simulated values and actual observed values measured within the watershed, an average error of 10% in annual predictions would represent a “Good” calibration according to Donigian’s (2002) generalcalibration targets for watershed modeling. The comparison indicates that the predicted stream flows from the GWLF modeling results are reasonable. 6.2Pollutant LoadingResults For each land use scenario, GWLF model output time series were generated reflecting an11- yearmean of annual total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), sediment, and fecal coliform (FC) loads. The mean annual pollutant loads for each subbasin, the model study area as a whole, as well as the breakdown of pollutant loads between the White Oak and Neuse River Basin portions of the study areaare presented in Table 6.2.1. Pollutant load rates are presented in Table 6.2.2. Additionally, mean annual pollutant loads for the model study area and the White Oak and Neuse River Basin portions of the study area are presented in Figures 6.2.1 through 6.2.4.Exhibits 6.2.1 and 6.2.2depict the increase in mean annual pollutant loading rates by parameter for each subbasin. The Build scenario resulted in changes in TN and TP loads ranging from 0% to 16.6% and 0% and 30.1%, respectively. The increase in mean annual nutrient loads over the entire model study area was 1.6% (TN) and 1.76% (TP). The largest increases in mean nutrient loads occur in undeveloped subbasins through which the proposed bypass occurs, including Subbasin 39, 45, and 47. The very low nutrient loads in these undeveloped subbasins in the No-Build scenario strongly influences the higher percent increase in the Build scenario loads. Notable increases in mean annual nutrient loads also occurred in Subbasin 1. This increase is a result of and is proportional to the increase in septic systems associated with new residential development in the Build scenario. The Build scenario resulted in increases in TN and TP loading rates ranging from 0.01to 0.5 kg/ha/yrand 0.01 to 0.03 kg/ha/yr,respectively.Of these, Subbasins 1, 39, 45, and 55 saw the highest increase in loading ratefor nitrogen while Subbasins 1, 37, 39, and 45 were the highest for phosphorous. Subbasin 1 is located north of the bypass, Subbasin 39 contains the Lake Road proposed interchange and Subbasins 45 and 55 are at the southern end of the bypass. Subbasin 37 covers much of downtown Havelock. Approximately 57%of the predicted growth between the No-Buildand Build scenarios occurred in Subbasins 1, 37, 39, 45, and 55. While loading rate increases were predicted in the Build scenario subbasins where growth occurred, it is important to note that two of the highest loading rates for TN and TP in the watershed occur in Subbasins 11 and 28 where no additional growth over the No-Buildscenario 6-3 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study occurs. Subbasin 28 is already highly developed and Subbasin 11 contains the discharge for the Havelock wastewater treatment plant. The average increase in sediment loads across all subbasins was2.6% when comparing the Build and No-Buildscenarios. Significant increases were estimated in Subbasin 18, 32, 39, 45, 47, and 48. Similar to nutrient loads, the magnitude of these increases is affected by the undeveloped condition of the watersheds and associated low sediment loads in the No-Build scenario. In the Build scenario, the direct impacts of the Bypass footprint replaces forested and wetland land uses, resulting in higher sediment loads. For example, Subbasin 18, 47, and 48 are undeveloped watersheds comprised completely of either forest or wetland in the No-Build scenariowith very low sediment loading rates of 1.26 to 2.35 kg/ha/yr. In the Build scenario, the only development in these Subbasins is the proposed Bypass, resulting in estimated sediment loading rates of 1.64 to 8.68 kg/ha/yr. While this is a significant increase in loads by percentage, load rates remain low and are comparable to other undeveloped or low density developed subbasins in the model study area. Subbasins 32, 39, and 45 are primarily forest and wetland, with limited residential development in the No-Buildscenario. The increase in sediment loads in Subbasin 45 is related to the footprint of the proposed Bypass, whereas in Subbasins 32 and 39 loads are associated with both the footprint of the proposed Bypass, in addition to new development associated with one of the three proposed interchanges in the Build scenario. These subbasins contribute a relatively low load of sediment compared to the loading rates in found in Subbasins 1, 16, 17, 27, 37, 38, and 55 where rates are over 100 kg/ha/yr in each. These subbasins have a large amount of developed land in both scenarios. Increases to loading rates were minor as a result of the additional development in the Build scenario. Model results demonstrated an increase in fecal coliform loads between the No-BuildandBuild scenarios in eleven subbasins with the most significant percent increases occurring in 1, 37, 45, 54, and 55. In all but one instance, the increase in fecal coliform loads is associated with and is proportional to the increase in the number of septic systems associated with new residential development in the Build scenario. However, in Subbasin45 there are no septic systems in either the No-Buildor Build scenarios. In this case, the increase in fecal coliform loads is directly related to the functionality of the model in its estimation of loads from wildlife sources. The model applies wildlifedensities to ‘natural areas’ to develop wildlife fecal coliform loads; however, only forested lands are modeled as natural areas in GWLF –wetland is not included. Subbasin 45 is primarily wetland in the No-Buildscenario, yielding very low baseline fecal coliform loadings. In the Build scenario, the proposed Bypass occurs almost completely in wetland areas generating a significant increase in fecal coliform loads within the model. Therefore, the model result is likely an over estimation of the percent increase in fecal coliform loads in Subbasin 45. Additionally, minor decreases in fecal coliform loads were estimated in Subbasins 18, 47, and 48. These decreases occur in subbasins where the Bypass replaces forested lands and its associated wildlife loads, and no other new development occurs in the Build scenario. In summary, non-pointsource loading is increased slightly in the Build scenario relative to the No-Buildscenario, though the increases are reducedby the stormwater regulations governing the jurisdictions. The greatest percent increase in pollutant loads is estimated to occur in undeveloped watersheds with low baseline loads, and in subbasins where direct impacts from the proposed Bypass or development along the proposed interchanges is expected to occur. 6-4 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 100,000 No Build 90,000 Build 80,000 70,000 kilograms 60,000 50,000 95,10796,657 40,000 78,36879,693 30,000 20,000 10,000 16,73916,964 0 TotalWhite OakNeuse \\ Figure 6.2.1Mean Annual Total NitrogenLoads 10,000 9,000 No Build 8,000 Build 7,000 kilograms 6,000 5,000 7,5887,722 4,000 6,4136,531 3,000 2,000 1,000 1,191 1,175 0 TotalWhite OakNeuse \\ Figure 6.2.2Mean Annual Total Phosphorus Loads 6-5 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 14,000 No Build 12,000 Build 10,000 kilograms x 100 8,000 13,11413,458 6,000 9,97510,302 4,000 2,000 3,1393,156 0 TotalWhite OakNeuse Figure 6.2.3Mean Annual Sediment Loads 5E+14 3,156 4.5E+14 No Build 4E+14 Build 3.5E+14 FC (counts) 4.75E14 3E+14 4.55E14 2.5E+14 3.22E14 2E+14 3.07E14 1.5E+14 1.53E14 1E+14 1.48E14 5E+13 0 TotalWhite OakNeuse Figure 6.2.4Mean Annual Fecal Coliform Loads 6-6 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Table 6.2.1Mean Annual Pollutant Loads for All Subbasins Total Nitrogen (kg/yr)Total Phosphorus (kg/yr)Total Sediment (kgx100/yr)Fecal Coliform (counts/yr) Change % Change Change % Change Change % Change Change % Change No-Over No-Over No-Over Over No-Over No-Over No-Over No-Over No- SubbasinBuildBuildBuildBuildNo-BuildBuildNo-BuildBuildNo-BuildBuildBuildBuildNo-BuildBuildBuildBuild 16720.87348.3627.59.34%724.7763.438.85.35%1248.71295.046.33.71%4.45E+135.73E+131.28E+1328.76% 2987.9987.90.10.00%80.380.30.00.00%76.376.30.00.00%5.71E+125.71E+120.00E+000.00% 31343.91343.90.00.00%101.1101.10.00.00%160.5160.50.00.00%4.89E+114.89E+110.00E+000.00% 42173.32192.319.00.87%158.1158.70.50.33%259.5259.50.00.01%1.71E+131.75E+134.00E+112.34% 51240.11240.10.00.00%121.7121.70.00.00%280.2280.20.00.00%5.04E+115.04E+110.00E+000.00% 6869.0869.00.00.00%78.578.50.00.00%60.660.60.00.00%3.64E+113.64E+110.00E+000.00% 73190.43190.40.00.00%211.5211.50.00.00%239.8239.80.00.00%4.23E+134.23E+130.00E+000.00% 8237.0237.00.00.00% 9323.0323.00.00.00% 10627.8627.80.00.00% 119142.79173.831.10.34%1096.21100.14.00.36%238.0238.00.00.00%3.66E+113.66E+110.00E+000.00% 121953.11975.222.11.13%166.8172.05.23.10%229.4231.11.70.76%2.06E+132.06E+130.00E+000.00% 13712.2712.20.00.00%26.326.30.00.00% 141683.01683.00.00.00%171.3171.30.00.00%376.0376.00.00.00%1.46E+121.46E+120.00E+000.00% 151449.91449.90.00.00%144.2144.20.00.00%462.4462.40.00.00%1.07E+121.07E+120.00E+000.00% 161801.41815.814.40.80%184.3185.81.60.85%680.4693.713.31.95%3.05E+123.10E+125.00E+101.64% 171751.91806.554.63.11%156.5163.36.84.34%842.6875.332.73.88%8.14E+128.22E+128.00E+100.98% 18728.5733.34.90.67%34.535.10.61.65% 19788.4788.40.00.00%75.375.30.00.00%164.5164.50.00.00%5.71E+115.71E+110.00E+000.00% 20502.6502.60.00.00% 21515.9515.90.00.00% 22204.8204.80.00.00% 23263.1263.10.00.00% 24535.5535.50.00.00% 25665.2665.20.00.00% 26628.2628.20.00.00%21.921.90.00.00% 272495.82499.73.90.16%228.8229.20.40.19%564.4565.91.50.27%2.17E+132.17E+130.00E+000.00% 289013.29013.20.00.00%414.5414.50.00.00%287.0287.00.00.00%2.91E+122.91E+120.00E+000.00% 29718.3718.30.00.00%61.861.80.00.00%48.648.60.00.00%3.02E+113.02E+110.00E+000.00% 30465.1465.10.00.00%21.621.60.00.00% 312320.32320.30.00.00%186.8186.80.00.00%348.7348.70.00.00%1.07E+131.07E+130.00E+000.00% 321066.31093.327.12.54%66.969.93.04.52%58.376.017.630.19%2.16E+132.16E+130.00E+000.00% 332941.52946.44.90.17%242.4242.40.00.00%651.1651.10.00.00%5.56E+125.56E+120.00E+000.00% 34748.5748.50.00.00% 35738.1738.10.00.00% 363417.33485.968.62.01%252.8259.36.52.58%382.6406.423.86.22%4.89E+134.99E+131.00E+122.04% 371891.61954.362.83.32%200.6209.18.54.24%547.3577.830.55.58%2.87E+123.08E+122.10E+117.32% 381478.01478.00.00.00%149.1149.10.00.00%425.3425.30.00.00%3.34E+123.34E+120.00E+000.00% 391295.61399.0103.47.98%89.4101.512.113.52%83.2152.669.383.29%1.22E+131.22E+130.00E+000.00% 40622.3622.30.00.00%39.739.70.00.00% 41489.1489.10.00.00%28.628.60.00.00% 42682.4682.40.00.00% 6-7 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Total Nitrogen (kg/yr)Total Phosphorus (kg/yr)Total Sediment (kgx100/yr)Fecal Coliform (counts/yr) Change % Change Change % Change Change % Change Change % Change No-Over No-Over No-Over Over No-Over No-Over No-Over No-Over No- SubbasinBuildBuildBuildBuildNo-BuildBuildNo-BuildBuildNo-BuildBuildBuildBuildNo-BuildBuildBuildBuild 43638.9638.90.00.00%48.948.90.00.00% 44257.5257.50.00.00%14.714.70.00.00%11.911.90.00.00%6.80E+106.80E+100.00E+000.00% 45532.5621.188.516.63%37.849.211.430.05%71.0124.953.875.83%8.55E+101.40E+115.45E+1063.74% 46170.4170.40.00.00%10.610.60.00.00% 47316.5345.028.59.00% 48854.6870.415.81.85%44.446.21.84.08%21.933.411.552.22%2.31E+112.27E+11-4.00E+09-1.73% 491304.61304.60.00.00%99.599.50.00.00%465.4465.40.00.00%3.61E+123.61E+120.00E+000.00% 502166.42166.40.00.00%165.4165.40.00.00%529.1529.10.00.00%9.50E+129.50E+120.00E+000.00% 51636.5636.50.00.00%36.436.40.00.00% 52527.4527.40.00.00% 531504.71509.54.80.32%115.1115.80.70.62%398.8399.20.40.10%7.43E+127.51E+128.00E+101.08% 545317.85455.7137.92.59%380.2386.86.61.74%889.2898.29.01.01%7.17E+137.48E+133.10E+124.32% 552061.82143.581.63.96%130.4135.14.73.57%340.0347.87.82.29%2.95E+133.12E+131.70E+125.76% 562614.92614.90.00.00%188.9188.90.00.0%506.8506.80.00.00%2.54E+132.54E+130.00E+000.00% 58412.5412.50.00.00% 59192.6192.60.00.00% 611536.31536.30.00.00%109.8109.80.00.00%227.0227.00.00.00%1.71E+131.71E+130.00E+000.00% 621140.81145.64.80.42%116.4116.80.40.36%205.1205.20.00.01%4.98E+115.09E+111.10E+102.21% 63183.7183.70.00.00% 64187.9187.90.00.00% 65537.6537.60.00.00%36.636.60.00.00%48.548.50.00.00%3.53E+093.53E+090.00E+000.00% 66267.1267.10.00.00% 67322.2322.20.00.00%19.919.90.00.00%13.713.70.00.00%2.38E+102.38E+100.00E+000.00% TOTAL95107.696657.01549.41.63%7588.27721.7133.61.76%13113.513457.6344.12.62%4.55E+144.67E+141.20E+132.64% White Oak16739.216963.5224.31.34%1175.41190.615.21.29%3138.93156.017.10.55%1.478E+141.53E+144.88E+123.30% Neuse78368.479693.51325.11.69%6412.86531.2118.41.85%9974.610301.6326.93.28%3.072E+143.14E+147.12E+122.32% 6-8 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Table 6.2.2MeanAnnual Pollutant Load Rates for All Subbasins Total Nitrogen (kg/ha/yr)Total Phosphorus (kg/ha/yr)Total Sediment (kg/ha/yr)Fecal Coliform (counts/ha/yr) Change Change Change Change Area No-Over Over Over No-Over No- Subbasin(hectares)BuildBuildNo-BuildNo-BuildBuildNo-BuildNo-BuildBuildBuildNo-BuildBuildBuild 11252.95.365.870.500.5780.6090.0399.67103.363.693.55E+104.57E+101.02E+10 2379.62.602.600.000.2110.2110.0020.1020.100.001.50E+101.50E+100.00E+00 3939.91.431.430.000.1080.1080.0017.0717.070.005.20E+085.20E+080.00E+00 4764.22.842.870.020.2070.2080.0033.9533.960.002.24E+102.29E+105.23E+08 5545. 6564.31.541.540.000.1390.1390.0010.7310.730.006.45E+086.45E+080.00E+00 7779. 8302.20.780.780.000.0300.0300.002.522.520.003.12E+073.12E+070.00E+00 9408.90.790.790.000.0340.0340.000.850.850.002.18E+082.18E+080.00E+00 10368.31.701.700.000.1630.1630.0029.3729.370.006.35E+086.35E+080.00E+00 11424.621.5321.610.072.5822.5910.0156.0556.050.008.62E+088.62E+080.00E+00 12400.54.884.930.060.4160.4290.0157.2757.710.435.14E+105.14E+100.00E+00 13963.20.740.740.000.0270.0270.000.540.540.001.01E+081.01E+080.00E+00 14714.52.362.360.000.2400.2400.0052.6252.620.002.04E+092.04E+090.00E+00 15586.52.472.470.000.2460.2460.0078.8478.840.001.82E+091.82E+090.00E+00 16602.82.993.010.020.3060.3080.00112.87115.072.215.06E+095.14E+098.29E+07 17656.62.672.750.080.2380.2490.01128.34133.314.981.24E+101.25E+101.22E+08 18889.80.820.820.010.0390.0390.001.261.640.372.74E+082.73E+08-1.12E+06 19339.62.322.320.000.2220.2220.0048.4448.440.001.68E+091.68E+090.00E+00 20682.00.740.740.000.0250.0250. 21688.30.750.750.000.0250.0250.000.780.780.002.21E+052.21E+050.00E+00 22278.90.730.730.000.0230.0230. 23355.00.740.740.000.0240.0240. 24340.31.571.570.000.1440.1440.0029.5029.500.005.76E+085.76E+080.00E+00 25381.11.751.750.000.1500.1500.006.466.460.007.87E+087.87E+080.00E+00 26819.40.770.770.000.0270.0270. 27484. 28288.731.2231.220.001.4361.4360.0099.4299.420.001.01E+101.01E+100.00E+00 29404.41.781.780.000.1530.1530.0012.0312.030.007.47E+087.47E+080.00E+00 30955.10.490.490.000.0230.0230. 311105. 32423.02.522.580.060.1580.1650.0113.7917.964.165.11E+105.11E+100.00E+00 331268.92.322.320.000.1910.1910.0051.3151.310.004.38E+094.38E+090.00E+00 34394.41.901.900.000.1630.1630.0061.1361.130.005.63E+095.63E+090.00E+00 35715. 36514.56.646.780.130.4910.5040.0174.3678.984.639.50E+109.70E+101.94E+09 37531.53.563.680.120.3770.3930.02102.97108.715.755.40E+095.79E+093.95E+08 38380.93.883.880.000.3920.3920.00111.66111.660.008.77E+098.77E+090.00E+00 39519.82.492.690.200.1720.1950.0216.0129.3513.342.35E+102.35E+100.00E+00 40260.12.392.390.000.1530.1530.0015.0815.080.002.39E+102.39E+100.00E+00 41533.20.920.920.000.0540.0540. 42559. 43431.91.481.480.000.1130.1130. 6-9 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Total Nitrogen (kg/ha/yr)Total Phosphorus (kg/ha/yr)Total Sediment (kg/ha/yr)Fecal Coliform (counts/ha/yr) Change Change Change Change Area No-Over Over Over No-Over No- Subbasin(hectares)BuildBuildNo-BuildNo-BuildBuildNo-BuildNo-BuildBuildBuildNo-BuildBuildBuild 44267.70.960.960.000.0550.0550.004.434.430.002.54E+082.54E+080.00E+00 45467.61.141.330.190.0810.1050.0215.1926.7011.521.83E+082.99E+081.17E+08 46466.70.370.370.000.0230.0230. 47292. 48934.80.910.930.020.0470.0490.002.353.571.232.47E+082.43E+08-4.28E+06 49837.11.561.560.000.1190.1190.0055.6055.600.004.31E+094.31E+090.00E+00 501149.61.881.880.000.1440.1440.0046.0346.030.008.26E+098.26E+090.00E+00 51684.10.930.930.000.0530.0530.000.940.940.004.20E+084.20E+080.00E+00 52398.71.321.320.000.0980.0980.000.570.570.007.20E+087.20E+080.00E+00 53719. 54960.95.535.680.140.3960.4030.0192.5493.470.937.46E+107.78E+103.23E+09 55325.56.336.590.250.4010.4150.01104.46106.862.409.06E+109.59E+105.22E+09 56624. 58562.20.730.730.000.0230.0230. 59262.60.730.730.000.0280.0280. 61316.84.854.850.000.3470.3470.0071.6571.650.005.40E+105.40E+100.00E+00 62507. 63313.50.590.590.000.0190.0190. 64491.50.380.380.000.0180.0180. 65354.31.521.520.000.1030.1030.0013.6913.690.009.96E+069.96E+060.00E+00 66325.80.820.820.000.0340.0340.000.870.870.001.06E+081.06E+080.00E+00 67264. TOTAL36727.82.592.630.040.2070.2100.0035.7036.640.941.24E+101.27E+103.27E+08 White Oak6525.02.572.600.030.1800.1820.0048. Neuse30202.82.592.640.040.2120.2160.0033. Minimum0.370.370. Maximum31.2231.220.502.582.590.03128.34133.3113.349.50E+109.70E+101.02E+10 6-10 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 6.3Nitrogen Loading to the Neuse River Estuary Given the concerns about water quality and nutrient loads in the Neuse River estuary, it is important to examine how the predicted increase in nitrogen loads in the GWLF-E model compares to the cumulative nutrient loading to the Neuse River estuary. A TMDL for total nitrogen has been approved by the EPA for the Neuse River estuary. The TMDL for nitrogen is 8,388 kilograms per day \[kg/d\] (NCDENR, 2001). The GWLF-E model results for total nitrogen over the 11-year model period were converted to units of kilograms per day in order to compare the TMDL to predicted increases in estuary inputs in the No Build and Build scenarios. This comparison is presented in Table 6.3.1. Table 6.3.1 Project Study Area Nitrogen Loading as a Percentage of TMDL Nitrogen Loading to the Neuse River Estuary Average Annual Average Daily % of TMDL to LoadLoad Scenario Estuary (kg/yr)(kg/day) No Build95,107.6 260.63.11% Build96,657.0 264.83.16% Predicted total nitrogen loads for the project study area in the No Build scenario are calculated to be 3.11% of the allowable load to the estuary. The Build scenario results in an increase of 0.04 percentage points of the allowable load to the estuary. This increase in loads as a percentage of the TMDL is negligible. However, any increase in loads over existing conditions may have an effect on water quality in the estuary. 6.4Verification of Model Results No stream flowdata within the study area wasavailable for model calibration. Though the current model application can only provide a coarse approximation of pollutant loads for the study area, it still remains highly useful for purposes of comparing relative degrees of change between different watershed management strategies or land use regimes. Further, the uncertainty in the differencebetween the model results of two alternatives is typically much smaller than the uncertainty in the absolute results (Reichart and Borsuk, 2002). Nonetheless, it is appropriate to determine if, at a minimum, the results are reasonable and within physically defensible ranges. One approach for judging the validity of results is by comparison of predicted pollutant load outputs to those reported in other studies. Table6.4.1 presents predicted pollutant loads from the current GWLF analysis as well as those fromfourGWLF modeling studies in North Carolina and additional literature values. The subbasinranges of reported values from the modeling studies were standardized to areal load rates for purposes of comparison. Threeof the fourGWLF modeling analyses received some limited calibration. The exception is CH2M HILL (2003), which lacked local flow and constituent data to formally calibrate the model as in this study. 6-11 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study When evaluating thereported load values in Table 6.4.1,consideration should be given to the differences in study area characteristics. For example, the studydescribed in CH2M HILL (2003) wasperformed on a rural watershedand hence reflectsthe impact of significant areas of agricultural land. The Morgan Creek study by Tetra Tech (2004) encompassed the Town of Chapel Hill. The Stantec (2006) study was located on the inner Coastal Plain in a smaller, urbanizing watershed. Nutrient and sediment pollutant load ranges for literature values, in addition to the results of this study are presented in Table 6.4.1. Evaluation of the load values demonstrate that the maximum values for sediment and phosphorus are within the range of literature values. The maximum load rate for total nitrogen is slightly higher than reported values; however, this maximum occurred in Subbasin 31, which is entirely comprised of high density urban land uses associated with the MCAS Cherry Pointair station and runway. Minimum pollutant loading rates for the model study area are below the reported literature values for TN, TP, and sediment. This is not unexpected given that these low pollutant load rates occur in subbasins predominated by wetland land use types which yield very low pollutant loads, particularly when compared to the rural, urban, and mixed land use types of the literature watersheds. Elevated sediment loading in CH2M Hill (2003) is derived mostly from row crop agricultural land uses. Literature values for fecal coliform load modeling in GWLF are not common. One study was conducted on the Monroe Connector using a GWLF and RUNQUAL hybrid model (PBS&J,2010). Fecal coliform load rates in this study varied from 2.69e8 to 7.31e9 counts/ha/yr. Land use within the Monroe study area consisted of rural and urban uses. Additionally, literature values for fecal coliform studies conducted in North Carolina using other modeling software were investigated. The TMDL developed for Crowders Creek (NCDENR2004), located in the Outer Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina, was modeled using WARMF. The model results reported fecal coliform loading rates by land use type, ranging from 0 to 1.21e11 counts/ha/yr for wetlands and high intensity development, respectively. Evaluation of the fecal coliform loading rates within the Havelock model study area demonstrated that the minimum and maximum values are within the range of literature values. Loading rates ranged from 0 to 9.5e10 counts/ha/year. The lowest loads occurred in subbasins predominated by wetland and the highest loads occurred in subbasins with predominantly urban development or a large number of septic systems. 6-12 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Table 6.4.1Comparison of Model Loading Rates to the Literature Watershed Total N Total P Sediment StudyLocation (kg/ha/yr)(kg/ha/yr)(kg/ha/yr) Land Use MinMaxMinMaxMinMax Outer Coastal Current urban and Plain 0.431.20.022.60128 Study*undeveloped NC Inner Coastal Stantec Plain urban3. (2006)* NC Inner Coastal CH2M HILL Plain rural2.580.71.929361 (2003)* NC Piedmont NC Tetra Tech mixed1.826.90.32.8---- Jordan Lake (2003)* Watershed Piedmont NC Tetra Tech mixed3.716.10.31.9---- Morgan Creek (2004)* Watershed Compilation of Literature Variousvarious0.72803.8---- Export Coefficients ** * GWLF Modeling Study ** A compilation of literature export coefficients for nutrients was presented in both Line et al. (2002) and Tetra Tech (2003). 6-13 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study (This page intentionally left blank for two-sided printing) 6-14 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Exhibit6.2.1 Increase in Nutrient Pollutant Loading Rates 6-15 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study (This page intentionally left blank for two-sided printing) 6-16 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Exhibit6.2.2 Increase in Sediment and Fecal Coliform Pollutant Loading Rates 6-17 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study (This page intentionally left blank for two-sided printing) 6-18 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 7STREAM EROSION RISK ANALYSIS The proportion of impervious surface increases as the intensity of development increases, which also increases the volume and velocity of stormwater runoff. The resulting increase in frequency and magnitude of high flow events in receiving streams has the propensity to increase hydraulic shear stress, in turn raising the risk level for stream erosion and sedimentation, potentially leading to degradation of aquatic habitat. In order to examine the potential for increased risk levels for these phenomena, a simple analysis was used to predict the degree of change in storm flow volume associated with the Build scenario relative to that of the No-Buildscenario. The analysis was performed through application of the SCS Curve Number Method as presented in Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds(SCS, 1986).The technical approach to the analysis and the results are described below. 7.1Technical Approach The Curve Number Method represents a well-established means to estimate runoff volume from a given rainfall event. The method involves three equations, the first of which is used to determine the potential maximum retention after runoff begins (S) for each land use type through: S= (1000 / CN)–10 UU Where:CN= Runoff Curve Number for Land Use Type U U The portion of runoff contributed by each land use type within a given watershed is calculated by: 2 Q= (P -0.2 * S)/ (P + 0.8 * S) UUU Where:Q= Flow Volume contributed by Land Use Type U U P = rainfall The total flow volume is then estimated with the equation: Q=(A* Q) TOTALUUU Where:Q= Total Flow Volume contributed by all Land Uses within the watershed TOTAL evaluated A= Area of Land Use Type U U The runoff curve numbers utilized in this analysis are presented in Table 7.1.1and were derived from the TR-55 manual (SCS, 1986). The storm event selected for the analysis was the one-year, 24-hour storm in order to approximate the amount of rainfall that would result in bankfull flow conditions in the receiving streams. The greatest potential for channel erosion occurs for storms with a recurrence interval of one to two years. The rainfall volume for the one-year, 24-hour storm is approximately 9 cm or 3.5 inches (USDC, 1961). 7-1 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Note that runoff volume is calculated for each land use and then summed rather than producing a single area-averaged curve number from which to calculate runoff. This approach avoids underestimation of runoff derived from the fact that runoff is not a linear function with respect to curve number. Table 7.1.1Selected Curve Numbers SOIL HYDROLOGIC GROUP LAND USEABCD Low-Density Residential46657782 Medium-Density Residential61758387 High-Density Residential77859092 Medium-Density Mixed77859092 High-Density Mixed81889193 Road83899293 Turf/Golf39617480 Cropland67788589 Pasture/Hay49697984 Disturbed77868194 Open39617480 Forest30557077 Wetland36607379 Water98989898 7.2Results The above equations and assumptions were executed on the Build and No-Buildland use scenarios presented in Section 5.2.Theresults comparing the two scenarios for the 65 GWLF subbasins are presented in Table 7.2.1. The analysis suggests that development of the Build scenario would have no impact on storm event flowvolumes for theone-year, 24-hour storm in 46of the 65 subbasins. Minimal impact (i.e. less than 1% increase in runoff) will occur in 9subbasins, and some impact willoccur in the remaining 10subbasins,with the greatest increase in Subbasin 39. 7-2 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Table 7.2.1Storm Flow Volumes (cubic meters) for the One-Year, 24-Hour Storm % % Change Change Over No-Over No- SubbasinNo-BuildBuildBuildSubbasinNo-BuildBuildBuild 1381,921388,5301.73%34101,899101,8990.00% 249,75049,7500.00%35224,637224,6370.00% 3322,075322,0750.00%36189,984193,7461.98% 4279,912280,0590.05%37221,698225,9301.91% 5136,105136,1050.00%38209,497209,4970.00% 6126,169126,1690.00%39144,176163,05113.09% 7182,984182,9840.00%4076,57776,5770.00% 892,55992,5590.00%41156,998156,9980.00% 9128,071128,0710.00%42164,357164,3570.00% 1087,25987,2590.00%43132,985132,9850.00% 11134,182134,1820.00%4472,84672,8460.00% 12134,546134,7420.15%45149,983161,8347.90% 13285,746285,7460.00%46314,591314,5910.00% 14267,059267,0590.00%4794,44098,3534.14% 15218,712218,7120.00%48279,496282,6431.13% 16240,150242,6781.05%49272,780272,7790.00% 17223,869235,4825.19%50385,045385,0500.00% 18283,609284,2490.23%51226,822226,8220.00% 19124,873124,8730.00%52140,328140,3280.00% 20205,602205,6020.00%53239,067239,1410.03% 21207,517207,5170.00%54319,105320,2930.37% 2283,57883,5780.00%55121,304121,8950.49% 23106,356106,3560.00%56219,550219,5500.00% 24107,655107,6550.00%58168,372168,3720.00% 2575,87875,8780.00%5981,85881,8580.00% 26244,195244,1950.00%6064,04364,5970.87% 27208,695208,8750.09%6193,04793,0470.00% 28142,000142,0000.00%62149,314149,4350.08% 2979,50979,5090.00%63128,730128,7300.00% 30530,577530,5770.00%65116,883116,8830.00% 31306,161306,1610.00%66101,116101,1160.00% 32136,797141,1983.22%6790,41390,4130.00% 33476,868476,8680.00%Total12,300,87112,374,9450.61% 7-3 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study (This page intentionally left blank for two-sided printing) 7-4 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 8CONCLUSIONS Predictions from the modeling analyses indicatethat the increase in pollutant loads and stormflow over the entire watershed is low. This is due to a number of factors including the use of stormwater controls to mitigate the effects of new development and the low population growth and anticipated housing needs in the study area. Previous studies of this area had indicated over 1% growthin population a year and had then predicted residential development to meet or exceed that need. More recent data supports the assumption of moderate population growth and an increase in housing to match those needs. This results in a small increase from existing land use to the No-Buildscenario. Adding an additional 15% for the Build scenario does not greatly impact the overall developed land acreage. The result is a small impact to pollutant loading in the watershed. However, direct impacts from the proposed road yield high increases in pollutant loads in undeveloped basins with low baseline loads. This can be even further mitigated with additional stormwater controls on drainage from the proposed road. Unsewered areas where growth could occur in the Build scenario have an impact attributed to septic systems. However, additional zoning and the extension of sewer service to these areas could mitigate the projected impact. The analysis shows that the Bypass will not increase fecal coliform pollutant loadsin the CherryBranch or Sassafras Branchsubbasins, waters impaired for loss of shellfish harvesting use. Nutrients are a concern throughout the Neuse portion of the study area due to the impairment for chlorophyll a.Nutrient loading rates exceed theNeuse NSW stormwater program limit of 4 kg/ha/yr in eightof the subbasins that drain to the Neuse River. However,this is the case for the Build and No-Buildscenarios and the increase in mean annual loads over the No-Buildscenariofor the Neuse portionof the study areais less than 2% for TN and TP. The increased loads are related to the induced residential growth and associated septic systems. Finally, the increase to sediment loading rates is less than 1 kg/ha/yr. The highest increases occur along the Bypass although loads still remain low in comparison to other undeveloped or low-density developed subbasins. While development in the area will result in increases in pollutant loads to impaired waterbodies, the increases suggested by the modeling analysis show comparitivelylittle increase over the No-Buildscenario. 8-1 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study (This page intentionally left blank for two-sided printing) 8-2 Havelock Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 9REFERENCES American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE). 1993. Manure Production and Characteristics. ASAE Standards, 1993, 40th ed., ASAE, St. Joseph, MI. 530 pp. Beutow, W.S. 2002. On-site wastewater nitrogen contributions to a shallow aquifer and adjacent stream. MS Thesis. North Carolina State University Department of Soil Science. Raleigh, NC. Bicknell, B.R, A.S. Donigian, Jr., and T.A. Barnwell. 1985. 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