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Control: Number County Number GROUNDWATER POLLUTION SOURCE INVENTORY Source Name � � ' ��- 7� f,6A��� � _ C/�fJMaao G,+ OWNERSHIP 1 Private Source Address p V 2 Municipal 3 County 4 State City County j Region j/� /��y Li@d / rl' 0 5 Federal 6 Military Ile Owner/Operator 71Quad Name ources a i e oun y ource s 7ipTe YES !b POTENTIAL SOURCE OF GROUNDWATER POLLUTION LOCATION OPERATION TYPE TYPE OF WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY OTHER SOURCE 1 Facility 1 Municipal 1 Gasoline/diesel ''i Lagoon, etc. 1 Agricultural Activity 2 Highway 2 Industrial 2 Other oil 2 Landfill-contro. 2 Salt water intrusion 3 Railroad 3 Agricultural 3 Solvents 3 Landfill-uncont. 3 Chemical stock pile 4 Waterway 4 Oil and gas 4 Corrosives 4 Land application 4 River infiltration 5 Pipeline 5 Mining 5 Other chemical 5 Abandoned site 5 Mine drainage 6 Dumpsite 6 Other Source 6 Sewage/septage 6"* Sewer system 6 Intentional dump 7 Other 7 Sludge 7 Septic tank 7 Spill 8 Leachate 8 Injection well 8 Leak --above ground 9 Other solids 9 Disposal well 9 Leak --underground In use 10 Gas WASTE: STATUS OF SOURCE: 2 Inactive 3 Other 11 Pest/herbicides 12 O1 066 A66 ,�01»As% ��5fP(i f Fertilizers POLLUTION STATUS AND CROSS-REFERENCES GROUNDWATER POLLUTION FACILITY PERMITTED: Yes No 1 Confirmed 1 Rank 1 NPDES 6 Mining Potential 2 Tabulate No: 2 DEM Nondischarge No: 7 Hazardous Waste (RCRA) MONITORING WELLS No: No: 1� No monitoring 2 State has data 3 Well Construction 8 Solid Waste (Landfill) 3 Data at facility No: No: 4 Status unknown 4 Capacity Use 9 Oil Terminal Registration DATABASE CROSS-REFERENCE No: No: 1 ERRIS (CERCLA) list 5 UIC 0 Air Quality ID: No: No: 2 Surface Impoundment (SIA) Comments ID: 3 GW Pollution Source Inv. Date: 4 Other DEM investigation Date: Compiler: Date: GROUNDWATER SECTION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ImAvell �� ao f DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL GROUNDWATER POLLUTION SOURCE SITE DESCRIPTION REVIE14 BY: DATE: �ty� / /%B W.D. PERMIT NO./vG/�D�%y�� TOWN: / J COUNTY:, NAME OF FACILITY OR INSTALLATION: r, -lE �i� ADDRESS: & TELEPHONE: OPERATOR OR CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: 0,( 15-0 TELEPHONE: 60 LOCATION (SKETCH ON BACK) : 6'reeA lee 'ena'4 QUAD. NO. I— (jn LAT. 3S b4-d e�5- tr % LONG. go? 0b 63 a ELEV. MS-6 TYPE SOURCE (LANDFILL, LAG00('., ETC.): P�%�/>��c/ �- la11'QA //'60111- 64D S/S ///?4Of 1- P�'G�9,ft /20 !';IA (IZM! %C'le d TYPE AND QUANTITY OF POLLUTANTS: _ A 4DT)' A,6,0 /%,n&5r1'U Wer5f mb rer. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY OR SITE (SKETCH ON BACK): HYDROGEOLOGIC CONDITIONS AT SITE: Allan 7a-l)le-- 1, il- J --r- f _ r�- -I,- _ - r _ V v .� he-o fo c DESCRIPTION OF UNCONSOLIDATED MATERIALS: v�,%P_ A` Page 2 THICKNESS OF UNCONSOLIDATED MATERIALS (FEET): lalmylme -//� / f �- A J TYPE OF BEDROCK (FRACTURED GRANITE.GNEISS, ETC.): �j�et i,,te ' /Y/I-a_ v DEPTH TO BEDROCK (FE HYDROGEOLOGIC UNIT:_ DEPTH TO WATER TABLE (FEET): 4,0 1.6,0 4W/e1t, //J , TOPOGRAPHY (PERCENT .SLOPE, COPY OF TOPO. , ETC.): / % e-, oil s _ / NEAREST STREAM: 41Xa 6a am.-, DISTANCE (FEET) : NEAREST WATER -SUPPLY WELL: L R%j`DISTANCE (FEET) : d / ' SUB -BASIN: POLLUTION CONFIRMED.BY ANALYSIS: �j/2 _ DATE:. ANALYST: /�/�`✓,�;- r f. EXPLAIN: MONITORING FACILITIES FACILITIES INSTALLED: Ago P_. NO. OF WELLS: ' d F MONITORING WELL QUADRANGLE NO.: r SAMPLING SCHEDULE: fy M d SAMPLED BY: PARAMETERS: )v /i -/ ANALYSES AND OTHER DATA AVAILABLE: REMARKS: A/%i,�11 cunli",J) C-E Nr &Aeo'.& C6mril'.� L rGiuilL ivy.- +vim- VV.177.54 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT P E R M.I T To Discharge Wastewater Under the NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM k In compliance with the provisions of North Ca -.mina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated _-nd adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, C--E Air Preheater is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at C-E Air Preheater Wastewater Treatment Plant McDowell County to receiving waters designated an unnamed tributary to the Catawba River in the Catawba River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, and III hereof. on This permit shall become effective XN8 0 1982 This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight JUN 3 0 1987 Signed this day of JUN 8 0 1982 Original Signed .By W. LEE FLEMING. JR_._f� Robert F. Helms, Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission M1 & I1 A. (1). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS -Final During the period beginning on the effective date and lasting until expiration the permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number(s) 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Kg/day_ lbs da ) Monthl�vg. WeelyAvg. Flow BOD, 5 Day, 200C NH3 as N TSS e Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) Dissolved Oxygen COD Total "Residue Temperature Settleable Matter Residual Chlorine Other -Units (Specify) Montffly Avg. weeKlY AVg. 0.016 MGD 30 mg/l 30 mg/l 1000/100 ml *All stream samples shall be grab samples. 45 mg/1 45 mg/l 2000/100 ml **I=Influent, E=Effluent, U=Upstream, D=Downstream Measurement *Sample ency Type **Sample Locati0' 1 Weekly Instantaneous I or Semi-annually Grab I,E,U,D Annually Grab I,E Annually Grab I,E Semi-annually Grab E,U,D Weekly Grab U,D Semi-annually Grab E,U,D Annually Grab I,E Weekly Grab E,U,D Weekly Grab E Weekly Grab E The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units Dior greater than 9.0 -standard units and shall be monitored semi-annually at I,E,U,D by grab sample. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. = -U --0 -o c-) M iu w o ro c+ W O � � o N.C. DIVI%ION OF EN;IRONMEhiAL MANAGEMENT FACILITY _���_ WATQU ER ALITY %ECTION _. COUNTY ^��' --_ � -_--.~^-~~~~_.~'-_----------- IN%PECTION REPORT BY - ��- �~�a=, DATE ��� ____________ k. A. GENERAL INFORMATION ' �� TYPE OF FA �_______ CLA%%�� II III IV RECEIVING7 WATER% _-��.�.... - ________ CLA FICATION COMPLIANCE: WQ% BPT %ECONDARY PERMIT !��CDmnP OPERATOR - _ ... ... ... .... '____ ____ CERTIFICATION: NUMBER_ GRADE���_ PERMIT EXPI R A TlON DATE COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT %CHE-T'jULE: 'YE NO COMPLIANCE WITH MONITORJNG OGRAM: NO ---� B. SAMPLING ViPiT Emr- COD 51 REMARKS °�� f-f ,� ^:5)w��,� December 7, 1982 r Preheater Corp._ A.ttn8 Mr. Charles Norwood U ' P.O. Box.790 91RM111, NMI Mariong N.Ca 28752 rR E' E D Division SAMPLES 4 COLLECTION DATE 11/10/82_ JMi 25 19333 1=Upstream 2=Irfluerit VVc:torn 1-iDnZ! 0fficei =Effluent Ashevi:'Io, Norih C_nrolina -Downstream PARL?ETERS Resulta in MG/L unle 38 otherwise noted 0 MIS I= K •� Sam•�r� storet7 R on-f Uterable [Orel R�vl MRIM N WRA , 4, fkwu!- am21� GR0UND1-1ATER POLLUTI ON SOURCE 'EV,ALUATI ON -- - R--A-N-K- -I N G C R I T E R I A -- THREAT TO GROUNDWATER THREAT TO PEOPLE OR ECONOMY THREAT OF POLLUTANTS Probability of Groundwater Violations How Hazardous to Health/Economy How Toxic are Pollutants (use Sax) 3 Violations documented or highly probable 3 People or business advised of contamination 3 High value 2 Default 2 Default .2 Mod value Ol Violations unlikely 1J No expected impacts on people or business, to Low or None value Extent of Groundwater Contamination Number of People at Risk Quantity of Pollutants in Ground 3 Mappable, migrating plume 3 4 or more family units, or $10,000 loss 3 Reportable quantity of hazardous material (CERCLA def.) or quantity of real concern 2 Default 2O Default Default V Insignificant contamination expected 1 No people or other interests at risk 1 Not of concern to regional office Seriousness of Groundwater Threat Seriousness of People Threat Seriousness of Pollutant Treat 3 One of most serious in DEM region 3 Strong DEM concern over threat to people 3 One of most serious in OEM region 2 Default Default 2 Default JNot considered a serious, problem 1 No threat to people or economy Not a serious threat FEASIBILITY FOR TAKING ACTION FEASIBILITY OF RECLASSIFYING GROUNDWATER RANK SCORE: Feasibility for Remedial Action Need to Reclassifv Croundwater 3 Remedial action both feasible and desirable 3 Groundwater should be relassified RS or GC Sovrce Nam,: - e ea f i 2 Default 2 Default /(11 No remedial action recommended �1 No reclass, nor remedial action recommended Control Number: I Desirability of Remedial Action Desirability of Reclassification 3 One of top regional office priorities 3 One of top reclassification priorities County:p/��ddt/�'l / 2 Defau.lt 2 Default 1 Ranker: V Not a priority incident Not a priority incident 44l Date: i) S