HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0027413_Regional Office Physical File Scan Up To 11/19/2021State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Asheville Red oval Office James G. Martin, Governor Mr. Donald Moore 160 Haynes Road Marion, North Carolina 28752 Dear Mr. Moore: S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION j March 30, 1987 Subject: Non -Discharge Permit Application City of Marion's Sludge McDowell County, North Carolina In response to our telephone conversation, please find attached, 1) Non -Discharger Permit Applications, 2) a fee schedule of applications, and 3) "attachment No. 3" which lists the supporting information which must accompany a non -discharge application. Should you decide to pursue use of the City of Marion's sludge for your fields, the following items should be submitted: one completed, multi -page Non -Discharger Application Form a check in the amount of $100.00 made payable to the "NC-NRCD" duplicate copies of all items which are listed on "Attachment Number 311. The City of Marion should be able to supply you with items 5 and 6, "Sludge analysis and EP toxicity test results." The complete application package can be sent to my attention at the address printed near the bottom of the letterhead. Please contact me at telephone number 704/253-3341 if there are questions, j Sincerely, % �lYJames R. Reid JRR:ls Environmental Chemist xc: Don Link Bill Hunnicutt Interchange building, 59 VYcodfin Placc. PO Res 370, .a<he ille, K(_ 288024)370 ® Telephon:e AIC 0411ell 6174/ Control Number County Number✓� GROUNDWATER POLLUTION SOURCE INVENTORY Source N�� v q �� OWNERSHI 1 Private Source Address +J 2 Municipal i 3 County City County Regio 4 Stater 5 federal 6 Militi ry &ner/Operator ff� / %} Quad Name V=ultiple Sources -at -rile YES LounEy gource s POTENTIAL SOURCE OF GROUNDWATER POLLUTION , LOCATION OPERATION TYPE TYPE OF WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY OTHER SOURCE 1 Facility 1 Municipal 1 Gasoline/diesel 1 Lagoon, etc. 1 Agricultural,Activity 2 Highway 2 Industrial 2 Other oil 2 Landfill-contro. 2 Salt water itrusion 3 Railroad 3 Agricultural 3 Solvents 3 Landfill-uncont. 3 Chemical stock pile 4 Waterway 4 Oil and gas 4 Corrosives 19 Land application 4 -River infiltration 5 Pipeline 5 Mining 5 Other chemical 5 Abandoned .site 5 Mine drainage 6 Dumpsite 6 Other Source 6 Sewage/septage 6 Sewer system 6 Intentional dump 7 Other 7 Sludge 7 Septic tank 7 Spill 8 Leachate 8 Injection well 8 Leak --above ground 9 Other solids 9 Disposal well 9 Leak--undero_round In use 10 Gas STATUS OF SOURCE: 2 Inactive 11 Pest/herbicides WASTE: �� s 3 Other 12 Fertilizers POLLUTION STATUS AND CROSS-REFERENCES GROUNDWATER POLLUTION FACILITY PERMITTED: Yes No 1 Confirmed 1 Rank 1 NPDES 6 Mining 0 Potential 2 Tabulate No: 2 DEM Nondischarge No: 7 Hazardous Waste (RCRA) . MONITORING WELLS ` ®7 No monitoring No: No:� 2 State has data 3 Well Construction 8 Solid Waste (Landfill) 3 Data at facility No: No: 4 Status unknown 4 Capacity Use 9 Oil Terminal Registration DATABASE CROSS-REFERENCE No: No: 1 ERRIS (CERCLA) list 5 UIC E Air Quality ID: No: No: 2 Surface Impoundment (SIA) Coranents ID: 3 GW Pollution Source Inv. Date: 4 Other DEM investigation Date: Compiler: Date: GROUNDWATER SECTION r DIVISIOPJ OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY.DEVELOPMENT' POTENTIAL GROUNDWATER .POLLUTION SOURCE SITE DESCRIPTION REVIEW BY: � err E/�i'hir4� DATE: i/. &? _.D. PERMIT N0.0 AWN: NAME OF FACILITY OR.,INSTALLATION: ADDRESS: 46xvwvr TELEPHONE OPERATOR OR CONTACT PERSON: /Ae,,-A� ADDRESS: TELEPHONE : i /?�- I 'Z��3 LOCATION (SKETCH ON BACK): QUAD. NO 1, LAT.LONG. �J/,/�' -r� ELEV. TYPE SOURCE (LANDFILL, LAGOON, ETC.) : /�/19��1Pr s�/�/`���►�E TYPE AND QUANTITY OF POLLUTANTS: DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY OR SITE (SKETCH ON BACK):����� r ,10- .. HYDROGEOLOGIC CONDITIONS AT SITE: <; V DESCRIPTION OF UNCONSOLIDATED MATERIALS: ftfa-p; °`.e1 � l� G%r♦jj l" "� THICKNESS OF UNCONSOLIDATED MATERIALS (FEU): TYPE OF. -.BEDROCK (.FRACTURED GRANITE GNEISS? ETC.), :,�PEPTH ,TO BEDROCK .(FE HYDROGEOLOGIC.UNIT: DEPTH TO WATER TABLE (FEET) : TOPOGRAPHY (PERCENT SLOPE, COPY OF TOPO. , ETC.) : r NEAREST STREAM: 76; ,r" ,�j';!a,��� DISTANCE (FEET) : NEAREST WATER —SUPPLY WELL: / 717,0y`� DISTANCE (FEET): SUB —BASIN: POLLUTION CONFIRMED BY ANALYSIS: Ao/ DATE: Y - ANALYST: ;f EXPLAIN: MONITORING FACILITIES INSTALLED: �) _ NO. OF WELLS: MONITORING WELL QUADRANGLE NO.: All/% SAMPLING SCHEDULE: SAMPLED BY: PARAMETERS: ANALYSES AND OTHER DATA.AVAILABLE: REMARKS: e-ermlt IVo.• MY UU27413 g i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF .NATURAL .RESOURCES & COMMUNI T `_.. DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT P E R M I T To Discharge Wastewater Under the N,i TION�.i, POLLUTANT'DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In comYl_ance with the provisions.of North Carglina General Statute 14P-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commnission, and the Federal Water Pollution Contro?Act, as amended, Citv of Marion P.O. Drawer 700 Marion, NC is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at Clinchfield Wastewater Treatment Plant Marion, NC to receiving waters of an unnamed tributary to the Catawba fiver in the Ca -al River Basin 1n accordance wizn e-ffluent 11m1tat'_Cns, monitoring require -rents, anc dt eT conditions set four' in Parts I, II, and III hereon". This permit small become. effective SEP $ 0 1982 This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight' on SEP 3 0 1987 Signed :this day of SEp 3 4 1992 Original Signets By � FORRESTR. WESTALL FOP Robert F. Helms, Director Divisior of £nv:'ronmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Como ssion .M1 & .I1 ~ Permit No. NC0027413 pe SI PPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET w City of ldarion ' is hereby authorized to: J - t'. 1. Continue operation of a 0.30 MGD extended aeration type wastewater treatment facility consisting cf a bar screen, Primary clarifier, aeration chamber, final clarifier, effluent chlorination, and sludge digestion located at Clinchfield Wastewater Treatment Plant (See Parz III, condition No. C of this Permit), and i 2. Discharge from said treatment works into an unnamed tributary to the Catawba River which is classified Class I wt i A. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS -FINAL During the period beginning on the effective date of the Permitand lasting until expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge from'outfall(s) serial number(s) 001: .Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: ,4 Effluent Characteristics Discharge .Limi_t:ations Monitoring Requirements All K9/day 1b Ldayj Other -Units (Specify) *Measurement **Sa'mpla ***Sample MonthI vg. eek'I:/ Ate_._ Monti 1y vc� Iee ,yyg. �.` eguenc type Locate Plow 0. �� t•;GD Daily Continuous I or E BOD S 30 mg/l 45•mg/l Monthly Composite I,E,U,D 'PSS30 mg/1 45 mg/l Quarterly Composite I,E N113 as N Quarterly 'Composite I , E Fecal Coliform 1000/100m1 2000/100ml Monthly Grab E,U,D Dissolved Oxygen (Minimum) 5 mg/l Daily Grab E,U,D Settleable Matter Daily Grab E - Temperature llaily Grab E,U,D Residual Chlorine Daily Grab E COD Monthly Composite E,U,D. Total Residue Quarterly Composite I,E *Daily stream sampling frequency may be reduced at each sampling station to one time per week except during the months of June, July; August, and September when the frequency shall be no less than three times per week at each "sampling station. **All stream samples are to be grab samples. ***I -Influent, E-Effluent, U-Upstream, D-Downstream c-) M w _T-he--pFi—shall—not be —less —than >• scan and units nor greater -- ---- - units and N) �• M than g.t� standard m�inth.l i shall be monitored v try �rj.-:-lr� samT�lc at 1:, L, v, �,,id D. � �' `+ There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. W --, I G R O U id D 11 ATE ° P 0 L L U T I 0 N S 0 U R C E R A N K I NG CP,ITEP.IA THREAT TO GROUNDWATER Probability of Groundwater Violations 3 Violations documented or highly probable 2 Default 1D Violations unlikely Extent of Groundwater Contamination 3 Mappable, migrating plume t 2 Default 01 Insignificant contamination expected Seriousness of Groundwater Threat 3 One of.most serious in DEM region 2 Default Not considered a serious problem FEASIBILITY FOR TAKING ACTION Feasibility for Remedial Action 3 Remedial action both feasible and desirable 2 Default 1 No remedial action recommended Desirability of Remedial Action 3 _One of top-regional--of-f-ice-priori-t-ies-- 2 Default 1 Not a priority incident EVALUATION THREAT TO PEOPLE OR ECONOMY How Hazardous to Health/Economy 3 People or business advised of contamination 2 Default No expected impacts on people or business Number of People at Risk 3 4 or more family units, or $10,000 loss 0 Default 1 No people or other interests at risk Seriousness of People Threat 3 Strong DEM concern over threat to people Default 1 No threat to people or economy FEASIBILITY OF RECLASSIFYING GROUNDWATER Need to Reclassify Croundwater 3 Groundwater should be relassified RS or GC 2 Default 0 No reclass. nor remedial action recommended Desirability of Reclassification 3 - One -of -top Feclassific-aTion priorities 2 Default 11) Not a priority incident - Z THREAT OF POLLUTANTS How Toxic are Pollutants (use Sax) 3 High value V Mod value 1 Low or None value (Quantity of Pollutants in Ground 3 Reportable quantity of hazardous material (CERCLA def.) or quantity of real concern 19 Default 1 Not of concern to regional office Seriousness of Pollutant Treat 3 One of most serious in DEM region 2 Default Not a serious threat RANK SCORE: Source Name: Lir.�Pl f1%+lf,;��7 Control Number: County: Ranker: Date: .'�i2�.��»:i.'J�£#;�T�„..,e2�.;"t5`.�...,..C�'C.n..4.,�'s8i»r�ri.u�{�''^A�'. s�;%�''�a� ° .� ;.:.w2xar °�,m. <.,, .waa �..�. .r.. ...�. ., '��< ,,.. << a .,Rnnr ,�.,..�a _a ...� __ ...., .l•x:�,.. ...-� '� _. .,� .., .. ;�.r .,, .',k`� t MEM ADDITIONAL t65:70 SECTION A - Permit Summary FACILITY Uncrude County, State and ZIP code) NAME AND ADDRESS OF, ! , TITLE RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL FACILITY REPRESENTATIVE TITLE r _ . _ • - • G~=,fps'' �• .. ,. SECTION B -Effluent Characteristics (Additional sheets attached PARA METER/ MINIMUM '''' �VIAX-I,MUM - gVERAGE' OUTFACE SAMPLE r: •`1 ' �= MEASUREMENT _ PERMIT ,` fr REQUIREMENT SAMPLE J j MEASUREMENT •'' ,.>,- a PERMIT REQUIREMENT SAMPLE MEASUREMENT r� PERMIT REQUIREMENT " SAMPLE 1> MEASUREMENT w' " PERM 2 UI REIREMENT :"`�: d ' ^�_ !'"-' •' SAMPLE Nam^ -' v6 ,• MEASUREMENT r PERMIT REQUIREMENT. L.m'••„r E 1 ton (S = Satisfactory, U = Urlsatisfactory, N/A = Not applicable) EXPIRATION DATE NCE DATE ISSUA',{.t• PHONE PHONE _ -� ' ADDITIONAL SECTION C - Facility va ua 1 c" SAMPLING PROCEDURES EFFLUENT WITHIN PERMIT REQUIREMENTS ``=, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE LABORATORY PRACTICES `- RECORDS AND REPORTS Arf COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE '+ FLOW MEASUREMENTS OTHER: �� PERMIT VERIFICATION SECTION D - Comments SECTION E - Inspection/Review DATE SIGNATURES,- AGENCY INSPECTED„BY y: -%. •,' t!/' INSPECTED:BY REVIEWED BY EPA FORM 3560-3 (9-77) REPLACES EPA FORM T-51 (9-76) WHICH IS OBSOLETE. PAGE11 OF 4 i