HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180854 Ver 1_Year 3 Monitoring Report_2021_20211109 Mitigation Project Information Upload ID#* 20180854 Version* 1 ......................................................................................................................................................................... Select Reviewer:* Katie Merritt Initial Review Completed Date 11/19/2021 Mitigation Project Submittal - 11/9/2021 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Is this a Prospectus,Technical Proposal or a New Site?* 0 Yes O No Type of Mitigation Project:* Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Email Address:* Lindsay Crocker lindsay.crocker@ncdenr.gov Project Information ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ID#:* 20180854 Version:* 1 Existing ID# Existing Version Project Type: DMS Mitigation Bank Project Name: Wingfoot County: Pitt Document Information ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: Wingfoot_100078_MY3_2021.pdf 6.62MB Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Signature ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Print Name:* Lindsay Crocker Signature:* MY03 Monitoring Report Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site Pitt County, NC DMS Project No. 100078 DMS Contract Number: 7607 DWR Project Number: 2018-0854 Data Collection Period: September 21, 2021 Submittal Date: October 29, 2021 Little Contentnea Creek Watershed Neuse River Basin HUC 03020203 RFP #16-007402 ., :,-ye: , . ,N ilk .....of---. • it - -1 4), - r:✓ �A.,. �� ,.�`r '..tip 09.21,2021 Prepared For: Iltil.14 NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 g..‘ CLEARWATER MITIGATION SOLUTIONS November 4, 2021 Ms. Lindsay Crocker NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services 217 W. Jones Street, Suite 3000 Raleigh,NC 27603 Re: Wingfoot—Task 7- MY 3 (DMS Project No. 100078) Response to Comments Dear Ms. Crocker, Please find below the response to comments on the Wingfoot Buffer Mitigation Monitoring Report provided by DMS dated October 25, 2021: 1. Correct or remove color coding on Table 4 to show all plots meeting success. Re: The color coding on Table 4 has been corrected. 2. Digital Review-Please provide digital files (updated CVS datafile, updated invasive treatment area). Re: Provided. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions at 919-624-6901. Sincerely, Clearwater Mitigation Solutions 604 Macon Place Raleigh, NC 27609 919-624-6901 clearwatermitigation©gmail.com MY03 Monitoring Report Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site Pitt County, NC DMS Project No. 100078 DMS Contract Number: 7607 DWR Project Number: 2018-0854 Data Collection Period: September 21, 2022 Submittal Date: October 29, 2021 Little Contentnea Creek Watershed Neuse River Basin HUC 03020203 PREPARED FOR: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 PREPARED BY: Clearwater Mitigation Solutions CLE4RWATER ANTI A TION SOLUTIONS it 604 Macon Place Raleigh, North Carolina Authorized Representative: Mr. Kevin Yates Phone: 919-624-6901 This Mitigation Plan has been written in conformance with the requirements of the following: NCAC rule 15A NCAC 02B.0295, effective November 1, 2015 and Nutrient Offsets Payments Rule 15A NCAC 02B. 0240, amended effective September 1, 2010 and DWR—1998. Methodology and Calculations for determining Nutrient Reductions associated with Riparian Buffer Establishment. These documents govern DMS operations and procedures for the delivery of compensatory mitigation. Contributing Staff: Kevin Yates, Clearwater Mitigation Solutions Christian Preziosi, Land Management Group Wes Fryar, Land Management Group Kim Williams, Land Management Group TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Mitigation Project Summary 1 1.1 Project Goals 1 1.2 Pre-Construction Site Conditions 2 2.0. Determination of Credits 3 3.0. Baseline Summary 4 3.1 Planting Preparation 4 3.2 Riparian Area Restoration and Enhancement Activities 5 3.3 Riparian Area Preservation Activities 6 4.0 Annual Monitoring and Performance Criteria 6 4.1 Methods 6 4.2 Tables 6 4.3 Results and Discussion 7 4.4 Maintenance and Management 7 5.0 References 7 LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES, AND APPENDICES Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Watershed Map Figure 3 USGS Farmville 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Figure 4 NC DOT QL2 LiDAR Map Figure 5 Pitt County NRCS Soil Survey Figure 6 1998 NAPP Aerial Photography Figure 7 2016 Aerial with Conservation Easement and Disked Areas Figure 8A Mitigation Plan Overview Figure 8B Mitigation Plan Inset with Plot Locations Figure 9 Current Condition Plan View Table 1 Buffer Project Attributes Table 2 Buffer Project Areas and Assets Table 3 Planting Plan Table 4 Planted and Total Stem Counts Appendix A. Figures/Tables Appendix B Veg Data/Veg Plot Photos/Photo Stations Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site—Monitoring Report(MY03) i DMS Project No. 100114 October 21, 2021 1.0 Mitigation Project Summary The Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Restoration Project("the Site") is a buffer restoration project located in Pitt County, approximately three (3) miles southeast of Farmville, NC and east of State Route 1139 (Moye Turnage Road) (Figure 1).The Site is comprised of 22.31 acres and is located within the Little Contentnea Creek TLW of the Neuse River(Figures 2 &3). The buffer restoration and enhancement areas are located along unnamed tributaries (UTs) and drainages that flow directly into Little Contentnea Creek approximately 0.3 miles downstream (Figures 3-5). The Site is surrounded by areas managed for agricultural production (corn, cotton, and soybean) and prior to the project completion lacked existing forested buffer along a majority of the streams and drainageways dissecting the site. The Site is expected to generate 541,415.369 riparian buffer credits (BMU). The Site is located within Hydologic Unit Code(HUC) 03020203070030 and North Carolina Department of Water Resources (NC DWR) Sub-Basin 03-04-07. Four(4) unnamed tributaries on the Site flow into Little Contentnea Creek (Reach Al, Bl-B3). Little Contentnea Creek is a 303d-listed impaired waterbody with a NC DEQ surface water classification of C; Sw, NSW. 1.1 Project Goals The main goals of the project are to provide water quality and ecological enhancements to the Little Contentnea Creek watershed of the Neuse River basin by creating a riparian corridor and restoring the historic riparian buffer. The project addresses the watershed goals identified in the Neuse River Basin Restoration Plan (RBRP) (NC EEP, 2010). These goals include: • Promote nutrient and sediment reduction in agricultural areas by restoring and preserving wetlands, streams, and riparian buffers; • Promote re-establishment of riparian corridors of substantial width to improve connectivity of protected lands; and • Support implementation of Coastal Habitat Protection Plan (CHPP) strategies. These watershed goals have been achieved via the restoration and enhancement of woody buffer along unnamed tributaries of the Little Contentnea Creek (a 303d-listed impaired waterbody). Specific objectives of the project which achieved the desired goals included: • Conversion of existing agricultural fields into wooded riparian buffer zones along existing tributaries via planting of characteristic hardwood species; • Enhancement of degraded buffer areas (in areas of fields laid to fallow) via planting of characteristic hardwood species; • Ensuring diffuse flow throughout the riparian buffer zone; • Establishment of a conservation easement to protect the riparian buffer restoration site in perpetuity and to connect to existing DMS protected site; and • Invasive species management during the monitoring period. Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site—Monitoring Report (MY3) 1 I P a g e DMS Project No. 100078 October 21, 2021 Ancillary benefits of the project include: • Increase of organic material as food for invertebrates,fish and wildlife; • Supply of woody debris that provides increased niche habitat for fish, invertebrates and amphibians; • Reduction of sunlight reaching the stream and modulation of surface water temperatures; • Floodwater attenuation via temporary storage, interception and slow releases from heavy rains; and • Habitat connectivity between currently protected riparian buffer areas(NC DMS Fox Run Site)and downstream riverine swamp forest via a protected riparian habitat corridor (including expansion of refuge and foraging habitat). 1.2 Pre-construction Site Conditions The project includes 22.31 acres of mostly open agricultural fields along four (4) unnamed tributaries to Little Contentnea Creek. The Site has historically been managed for agricultural production (corn, cotton, and soybean). Site drainage and hydrology have been historically altered with channelized streams and cleared agricultural lands prevalent on historic aerial photos dating back to the 1940s. The majority of the Site has been cleared as recent as 1998(Figure 6)with some areas revegetating in recent years(Figure 7). The Site consists of four reaches (Al, B1, B2, and B3) as illustrated in Figures 8A and 8B. Reach Al is a perennial stream located on the northern boundary of the site and is contiguous with the existing NC DMS buffer project easement (Fox Run). Reach Al flows from the NC DMS easement on the northwestern boundary to the north and into Little Contentnea Creek approximately 1,800 If downstream. There is approximately 850 If of stream associated with Reach Al within the proposed buffer easement area.The upper portion of Reach Al has been restored as a forested riparian buffer to 200-ft. The lower segment near the confluence with Reach B1 has been restored to 100-ft. Reach B1 is the perennial stream that dissects the central portion of the site. It drains into Little Contentnea Creek (approximately 1,300 If downstream from the eastern property boundary). There is approximately 2,690 If of stream channel associated with Reach 61 within the proposed buffer easement area. The cleared portion of Reach B1 has been restored to 100-ft.A small area along the north side has been enhanced by establishing woody stems to 100-ft.The remaining portion of the reach near the confluence with Reach Al and along the north side of the reach (extending east to the property line) has re-vegetated in past years and has been preserved. Reaches B2 and B3 flow into Reach B1 from smaller drainage areas on the southern portion of the site. Reach B2 is partly an intermittent stream consisting of approximately 210 If of stream channel and partly a non-stream tributary of approximately 385 If of channel. Reach B3 is a non-stream tributary that flows directly into reach B2 and consists of approximately 420 If of channel.The first 50-ft from these tributaries have been restored.The project attributes are listed in Table 1, located in Appendix A. Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site—Monitoring Report (MY3) 2 I P a g e DMS Project No. 100078 October 21, 2021 2.0 Determination of Credits On August 30, 2018, Ms. Katie Merritt of the Division of Water Resources(DWR) performed an evaluation of surface water features and adjacent riparian areas within the proposed mitigation site for the determination of riparian buffer mitigation pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B.0295 (effective November 1,2015) and for nutrient offset credits pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0240 (refer to attached Site Viability Letter, Appendix B). Based upon this evaluation,DWR determined that areas within 200 ft of Reach A-1 and Reach B-1 are eligible for both buffer restoration credit and nutrient offset credit (with the latter eligible in non- forested fields only). Riparian areas along Reach B-2 and B-3 are eligible for nutrient offset. In addition, the downstream segment of B-2 is eligible for buffer restoration credits. In addition to buffer restoration on subject streams, per the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rules (15 A NCAC 02B 0.0295 (o)), alternative mitigation is proposed on the site in the form of: 1) preservation of buffers on subject streams and, 2) restoration and enhancement on ditches. The project is in compliance with these rules as it meets the following criteria: Preservation on Subject Streams(15A NCAC 02B 0.0295(o)(5)): (A)The buffer width is at least 30 feet from the stream; (B) The area meets the requirements of 15 NCAC 02R 0.0403(c)(7), (8), and (11) with no known structures, infrastructure, hazardous substances, soild waste, or encumbrances within the mitigation boundary; (C) Preservation mitigation is being requested on no more than 25%of the total buffer mitigation area (Table 2, Appendix A) Restoration and Enhancement on Ditches(15 NCAC 02B 0.0295 (o)(8)): Reach B-3 and the upstream segment of Reach B-2 were determined to be conditionally eligible for buffer credit value provided that the watershed drainage area is of sufficient size to meet the rule criteria per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(8). Note that the ditches proposed for buffer restoration meet the following criteria: (A) are directly connected with and draining towards an intermittent or perennial stream; (B) are contiguous with the rest of the mitigation site protected under a perpetual conservation easement; (C) stormwater runoff from overland flow shall drain towards the ditch (Not Applicable); (D) are between one and three feet in depth; and (E)the entire length of the ditches have been in place prior to the effective date of the applicable buffer rule. Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site—Monitoring Report (MY3) Wage DMS Project No. 100078 October 21, 2021 F)The buffer width is at least 30 feet from the stream Similarly,in accordance with Subparagraph(o)(8),the perpetual conservation easement includes the ditch and the confluence of the ditch with the stream. The easement includes language prohibiting future maintenance of the ditch. In addition, the watershed draining to the ditch is at least four times larger than the restored or enhanced area along the ditch. The watershed draining to the upper end of Reach B-2 is approximately 782,392 sf (relative to a corresponding buffer area of 32,671 sf). The watershed draining to Reach B-3 is approximately 312,499 sf(relative to a corresponding buffer area of 35,609 sf). There are no known site constraints that would impede or adversely affect the restoration,enhancement, and preservation of riparian buffer within the recorded easement area. Diffuse flow of runoff will be maintained in the riparian buffer except where the upstream portions of non-subject ditch segments of B2 and B3 enter the buffered area. Where such diffuse flow cannot be attained in these areas and where NCDWR agrees that such treatment of stormwater is not possible,deduction of credit has been calculated and applied following guidance of Buffer Interpretation/Clarification Memo #2008-019. In these upstream areas, an immediate drainage area equaling 0.10-acre from the point of discharge has been used to calculate the area of buffer being short-circuited by the ditch. Since the upstream origin of the ditch is not buffered,the credit deduction has been applied to the most upstream portion of the ditch on the Site. Mitigation credits are presented in Table 2 and Figure 8A/8B in Appendix A and are based upon the conservation easement survey included in Appendix C. 3.0 Baseline Summary The project team restored high quality riparian buffers along all unnamed tributaries within the Site.The project design ensured that no adverse impacts to wetlands of existing riparian buffers occurred during implementation. Refer to Figure 8A/8B for the conceptual design of the project. Details of the restoration activity that occurred follows in the sections below. Refer to site photos in Appendix D. 3.1 Planting Preparation Based upon pre-project assessment of compaction within the proposed planting areas, the project team identified two select areas of the buffer restoration project that warranted site disking(refer to Figure 7). The areas included an approximate 150-ft long area of the right top of bank of the upper end of Reach B- 1 and the riparian area of the right top of bank of Reach A-1 (including the area of field identified as the "Riparian Habitat Corridor"). These areas were disked prior to planting to reduce compaction and to enhance microtopography. In addition, selective mowing occurred within the riparian buffer enhancement area to limit blackberry and smaller,volunteer red maple (refer to Figure 7). This area was observed to contain a population of Japanese honey-suckle (Lonicera japonica) which was spot treated with herbicide. No other site preparation occurred. No observed drain tiles were observed prior to, or during, construction and planting and no other land disturbance was needed to maintain diffuse flow as required. Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site—Monitoring Report (MY3) Wage DMS Project No. 100078 October 21, 2021 3.2 Riparian Area Restoration and Enhancement Activities Prior to planting, the conservation easement boundary was marked using 6-inch diameter treated posts buried 2 feet, standing 6 feet above the ground surface, within the agricultural fields. T-posts were installed to provide supplemental marking within areas between the treated posts, within the enhancement area, and within the preservation areas as needed. The easement boundary was also marked with standard yellow Conservation Area signs, per the 01/23/14 NCDMS Boundary Marking Standards. The planting plan consisted of the planting of four hardwood species and one softwood species on a density of approximately 538 stems per acre. This density was selected to be sufficient to meet performance standards outlined in the Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295 of 260 trees per acre at the end of five years. Species selection and distribution were matched closely to micro-site hydrologic and edaphic conditions and include species characteristic of riparian buffer assemblages in the watershed and adjacent to the site. Species more tolerant of poorly drained soils (i.e. bald cypress and willow oak) were planted within lower landscape positions generally consisting of the Tuckerman soil series while species characteristically occurring in better drained soils will be planted in slightly higher convex landscape positions. The selected native trees are well-suited to the site-specific conditions of the property to promote high survivorship rates. No one tree species planted was greater than 50% of the established stems. Site planting was conducted on March 12-13th, 2019 by Superior Forestry Services, Inc. and supervised by project managers from both Clearwater Mitigation Solutions and Land Management Group. Table 3 summarizes the trees planted by species for the Wingfoot mitigation site. Table 3. Planting Plan' Common Name Scientific Name % Composition Acreage Quantity River Birch Betula nigra 25 3.72 2,000 American Sycamore Plantanus occidentalis 17.5 2.60 1,400 Bald Cypress' Taxodium distichum 27.5 4.09 2,200 Willow Oak Quercus phellos 15 2.23 1,200 Water Oak Quercus nigra 15 2.23 1,200 • Total N/A 100 14.87 8,000 'Note planted area includes approximate 1.0 acres of field included for riparian habitat corridor. While no credit is proposed for this area, it was planted per the same specifications (species density and composition) as those contained within final,approved mitigation plan. 'Cypress trees are conifers, but unlike most American softwoods,they are deciduous trees that shed foliage in the fall like hardwoods. Although cypress is a softwood, it grows alongside hardwoods and was selected as an appropriate species to be planted in the wetter parts of the site. Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site—Monitoring Report (MY3) 5 I P a g e DMS Project No. 100078 October 21, 2021 3.3 Riparian Area Preservation Activities No work was done in the buffer preservation areas.The preservation area will be protected in perpetuity under a conservation easement. 4.0 Annual Monitoring and Performance Criteria Annual Monitoring will be conducted during the growing season for a period of five years. The report will include all information required by DMS monitoring guidelines including photographs, plot locations, and documentation of existing species density and composition. Monitoring will be performed in accordance with the Consolidated Mitigation Buffer Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0295) and current DMS standards. The performance criteria for the Site follows approved performance criteria presented in the guidance documents outlined in the Consolidated Buffer Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0295). Performance criteria will be evaluated throughout the five-year post-construction monitoring. 4.1 Methods The final vegetative success criteria will be the survival of 260 planted stems per acre in the riparian buffer at the end of the required monitoring period (Monitoring Year (MYOS)). Vegetative monitoring included the establishment of eleven (11) permanent plots consistent with the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) protocol Level 2 (version 4.2) (refer to Figure 9 for plot locations). Reference photos of the vegetation plots and Site were taken at each predetermined photo point location. Appendix B includes the monitoring year three (MY03) vegetation plot photographs and the planted and total stem counts. Any vegetative problem areas in the site will be noted and reported in each monitoring report. Vegetative problem areas may include areas that either lack vegetation or include populations of exotic vegetation. Monitoring reports will identify any contingency measures that may need to be employed to remedy site deficiencies. Permanent photo stations were established across the project area in order to document site stability for five years post construction. Markers were established and located with GPS equipment so that the same locations and view directions on the Site are photographed each year. Photo reference stations are shown on Figure 9. Visual assessments will be performed annually during the five-year monitoring period. Problem areas of vegetative health will be noted and areas of concern will be mapped, photographed, and documented in the subsequent annual monitoring report. Problem areas that are found will be re-evaluated in each subsequent monitoring event. 4.2 Tables (MY03) vegetation plot photographs and the planted and total stem counts (Table 4) are included in Appendix B. Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site—Monitoring Report (MY3) Wage DMS Project No. 100078 October 21, 2021 4.3 Results and Discussion (MY03) Annual monitoring (MY03) was conducted on September 21, 2021 by LMG staff. Overall, the Site has exceeded the required vegetative success criteria.An average stem density of 585 planted stems per acre was tallied across the site (approximately 88% of the recorded baseline (MYO) density (666 stems per acre)). Stem densities within individual monitoring plots range from 283 to 728 planted stems per acre. Planted stem counts within individual plots range from 7 to 18 stems with an average of 14 planted stems per plot.Ten different hardwood species were observed across the site,exceeding the minimum diversity criterion.All vegetation plots have met the MY03 success criteria and many planted stems have exhibited prolific growth during the first two years of monitoring. The Site is on track to meet the final success criteria. Refer to Figure 9 (Current Condition Plan View) and Table 4 in Appendix B for additional information and proposed supplemental planting areas. As documented in previous years, invasive species were observed and limited to the vicinity of Plot 8 and consisted of Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) and a few sporadic stems of Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense). The project team treated these areas in the Spring of 2021 and will coordinate this effort with DMS. The continued presence of Japanese honeysuckle at this location appears to be affecting stem growth and survivorship. In addition, high density of blackberry was observed in this area and may also be contributing to planted tree mortality. Higher mortality and low vigor of planted stems were observed within Plot 8 during MY03, and the Plot has exhibited a decline in the number of stems documented each year since MYO. However, it should be noted that Plot 8 does meet the minimum stem count requirement for MY03 and is also likely to meet this requirement by MY05 with the inclusion of volunteer species recorded in subsequent monitoring years. Since this area is likely to populate with volunteers throughout the monitoring period, no additional planting is recommended at this time. Refer to Appendix B for monitoring year two (MY03) vegetation plot photographs and the planted and total stem counts. 4.4 Maintenance and Management Overall, the Site appears to be progressing well towards the target success criteria. Small populations of invasive species were noted in the vicinity of Plot 8.The project team plans to treat this area in the Spring of 2022 and will coordinate this effort with DMS.The site will continue to be monitored for problem areas. In addition, invasive treatment areas will continue to be monitored, and invasive vegetation management will continue to be implemented if additional exotic species volunteer into the site. If it is determined that the Site's ability to achieve the performance standards are jeopardized,staff members of NCDMS/NCDWR will be notified, and an adaptive management plan will be developed to address these issues. 5.0 References Lee, Michael T. Peet, Robert K., Steven D. Wentworth, Thomas R. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.2. http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/protocol/cvs-eep-protocol-v4.2-lev1-2.pdf Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site—Monitoring Report (MY3) 7 I P a g e DMS Project No. 100078 October 21, 2021 Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Web Soil Survey of Randolph County. http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/HomePage.htm North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2009. Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priorities 2009. http://www.nceep.net/services/Iwps/cape_fear/RBRP%20Cape%20Fear%202008.pdf North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). 2017. Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Buffer Baseline &Annual monitoring Report Template (Version 2.0, 05-2017). Raleigh, North Carolina. https://ncdenr.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fspublic/Mitigation%20Services/Document%20Management%20Li brary/Guidance%20and%20Templa te%20Documents/RB_NO_Base_Mon_Template_2.0_2017_5.pdf North Carolina Division of Water Quality(NCDWQ), 2011. Surface Water Classifications. http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/planning/classification-standards/classifications Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site—Monitoring Report (MY3) Wage DMS Project No. 100078 October 21, 2021 APPENDIX A: Figures/Tables CraftlAirrtp, •.• -. - - '�-,Qs s 1 - 1 [0T " - ` 41i i .16411111.91. Farm, _ 4.... , �,o VI,:hpa.� 1 11 - _ _ a- _- 3 ,M�►*lir�.i�r�.r►i r� � ,K ' -6. ' '''' '-' B.elti.4.-: - - r�n4 : 3 F#Arthur - " ''7r(J4 l f" 4 v Nlill SITE 4 ESLEI CNu C��� ,' ` : SITE -7Mar1 or w ,,/ �. , . .. S. III/ ••,- i�'^4 Apr,,€6. ' A " !r , & ' �e" -II .., .. r� I "•+� tSGIs ,�;�...;yf ,,cif -- _ Ilia",� : - - _ .. -. _ -� �- — -li Frog h trot , . ASH R - r1 i ► _- r _ t" - N..- 4 �' ---0 258 - y '.: .._ 41- 2 64A �- cf.'.--,-.' 46 .4. „„u. 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SCALE 1" = 1 500' Map Source: USGS Farmville Quadrangle 7.5 minute Wingfoot Riparian CLEARWATER AfITIGATION Buffer Mitigation Site SOLUTIONS i Cataloging Unit 03020203 — Figure 3 Pitt County, NC Topographic Map March 2018 LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP Inc LMG#40-18-093 E,,,,,,,,,,,,,ro c o.Q,. ; ,,Y _ Legend FOX RUN ! - '' ' av �+� • Elevation RIPARIAN BUFFER MITIGATION SITE iimh 78.49-83.13 ISITEI 73.85-78.49 — 69.21 73.85 it,:aii 64.57-69.21 u,- ' f _ 59.93-64.57 ' 55.29-59.93 -- _�._; 50.65-55.29 - - �— 46.01 50.65 --- - 41.37-46.01 /4/1" - ,; I/ , Is • 11110 NC911, NCCGIP Esri,MERE,Garmin,© reetMap contributors- Legend A Conservation Easement L:\WETLANDS\2018\40-18-093\maps\mapset III *Boundaries are approximate and are not meant to be absolute. Map Source: NC Floodplain Mapping Program 2014 QL2 LiDAR Data SCALE 1" = 700' Wingfoot Riparian CLEARWATER MITIGATION Buffer Mitigation Site SOLUTIONS 4 Cataloging Unit 03020203 Figure 4 Pitt County, NC LiDAR map March 2018 !AND MANAGEMENT GROUP Inc LMG#40-18-093 E,,,,, „men o conW!tQnts 4 4 rya L❑ ij r �. �. wiz Cn 'ye J OcB N re Rya ExB r / __AD1 FOX RUN SITE Ex8 II Er_4 \\_2___., RIPARIAN BUFFER ^1 �� QCB Co C MITIGATION SITE 1' 14, Bb \ 9rA rt; Nr8A -.- /'/14 C!!!!) 1 WaB Ex8 l Ly �N. . Nr$ yl . � ,�� Tu , 1\ (---- /� T / � W` � ��' Pa OcR II ���� N� Bb LI:1 DcB ��;irs- 111: 147 WaB 41•4 ExA ti Z R° %�� �� t ' \ \ 6) ,,,... Or _4.......-- Ilp"-- ExA riiiiiiiiii11111111111,„ Gag ��� ���--�' r.—+ �. 0, • I t' \tr1.10_ , dgi. LY u A \ \'\0 C E3 r. r-� ` r.. a� OcB Legend —� OcR G° (7,1,_ AgB:Alaga loamy sand, banded substratum,0 6%slopes ExA os — �� Tu Bb: Bibb complex )/ Co:Coxville fine sandy loam Co , WV ` Crb:Craven fine sandy loam, 1 6%slopes ) I ExA:Exum fine sandy loam,0-1%slopes 1 y Ra GoA:Goldsboro sandy loam,0-1%slopes . - ---• - - Wag GoB:Goldsboro sandy loam, 1-6%slopes _ fl Ra ru L, . Ly:Lynchburg fine sandy loam ,oA _. _ Ogg :r s WA R MaB: Masada sandy loam,0-4%slopes NrB2: Norfolk sandy loam, 1-6%slopes,eroded OcB:Ocilla loamy fine sand,0-4%slopes Ra: Rains fine sandy loam Tu:Tuckerman fine sandy loam Conservation Easement WaB:Wagram loamy sand,0-6%slopes L:\WETLANDS\2018\40-18-093\maps\mapset I *Boundaries are approximate and are not meant to be absolute. SCALE 1" - 1,000' Map Source: NRCS Pitt County Soil Survey, 1974 - Wingfoot Riparian CLEARWATER AfITIGATION Buffer Mitigation Site SOLUTIONS 4 Cataloging Unit 03020203 —. Figure 5 Pitt County, NC Soils Map March 2018 LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP Inc LMG#40-18-093 £nrironmentvlCon:uftunt A. -IN :i "71`y f '`'fir'` AI • '" 'rFOX RUN ri $ , ' ,' RIPARIAN BUFFER 14 ' :. •^l • ' .-~•.M, ' MITIGATION SITE ' r' Iv yi! SITE ' . - , , ,•' ,, . ,. Iv ' i1r; ++ •, 1 4' + 1. ' ' . r r Rr -1111:1110r +7 • 4-,r s, "P.` v. fil trplirr -;.;— A- .' - Mk ."‘IIIIIt .• f 4° '- P 'Apt " ,,, r: , . - , 4 r ..Ai.-t: "-#.a'10. 7 '� fk L er '"111^-Or �` •'.4. s. rr.may- . • ./ Iri • - -• —I "'l v.f a r".. . , ..'.....--........) . ! .. - r. • , • .71,0..4,1116...., ..: $141 /. i J1 ---4 .'*6 Alt'`, I * ii, i . I '4a ; -'' NC 11, NCCGIA, NCCGIAi -1-1 ERE, Gamin,©c �$a 4'7F�a omtittit?i,. 11 Legend A Conservation Easement L:\WETLANDS\2018\40-18-093\maps\mapset I I *Boundaries are approximate and are not meant to be absolute. Map Source: 1998 NAPP Aerial Photography SCALE 1" = 700' Wingfoot Riparian C'LEARWATER AfITIGATION Buffer Mitigation Site SOLUTIONS i Cataloging Unit 03020203 —. Figure 6 Pitt County, NC 1998 Aerial Photograph March 2018 �j LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP Eric LMG#40-18-093 Enrl—,,rv,eonsurrvnrs r,,r ter./ ✓ , s ✓�- r� r� LEGEND�� �"i• �. Parcel Boundary (-127 ac.) __,__,_ �}r • Conservation Easement(Surveyed) ( 22.31 ac.) // f - Top Of Bank t '� Proposed Disking Area (-1.39ac.) 1 '" /� \ Proposed Mowing Transect Area ( 0.57ac.) �� �� • .-`. - - ,, - - _ � a-- - - - •ram s - s- _ .� # - .. ,, / . _ `-�-��17 - - �1 �iif 't - __/ { A .ter. * „ ,i , \� €. - ri'' NI- ice{ ,t-4 , .•. i _ti - ```\�— --� r \\ - .y; 'i• - Y: . # ham - }_ . ' til `,_— .__.__- ---- ,/ ///^`\.' - t mac` - -h e ! i,y _ #. . _ — -=r==�� _-`��----- --ram � - r - �y / ,, �i — f/ % — — — — — —eE t NOTES: 1. BUFFER MITIGATION BOUNDARIES BASED UPON BASE SURVEY DRAWING FROM K2 DESIGN GROUP. 00 SCALE 1"=400' Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site C'LEARWATFSMITIG4TION Cataloging Unit 03020203 WW1-IONS 1 Figure 7 Pitt County, NC Conservation Easement January2019 �LMG with Proposed Disking Areas LMG18.093 LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP a O 11/04 company L:\WETLANDS\2018 WETLANDS FILES\LMG18.305---Wingfoot Buffer Project,Kevin Yates\CAD\Wingfoot.dwg �� `a - . LEGEND a:::::::;.,r. , Parcel Boundary (-127 ac.) __ __ _ , OW ® �� y-�" -�i`\ Conservation Easement(Surveyed) (-22.31 ac.) r Top Of Bank Y. � � Illk ,. i� - ; ,1 41 Y i \ Buffer Restoration-Stream(0 ft-100 ft) (9.52 ac.=414,635.6 BMU) r \ t,} •. �,. Buffer Restoration-Ditch (0 ft-50 ft) (1.44 ac.=62,782 BMU) ;,,, i� • x Buffer Restoration-Stream(101 ft-200 ft) (2.00 ac.=28,725.8 BMU) M+:4:4:44 Buffer Enhancement-Stream (0.71 ac.=15,427.5 BMU) . i \ .' Buffer Preservation-Stream (4.62 ac.=19,844 BMU Riparian Habitat Corridor (1.59 ac.=No credits) ill FOX RUN _ TOTAL CREDITS (19.94 ac=541,415.369 BMU) IPARIAN BUFFER • ,,}, - ITIGATION SITE / r -gill ._ a. - _• ;,.: - •• ..-- leillii. =,// _ _ iw� B-3itypir- _ •. .. .,.._ �— • - _ ._ _ _.. _ _ _ . . . . .. _ ,.... , • . _ . , _ _ ; a r • t _ NOTES: 1. BUFFER MITIGATION BOUNDARIES BASED UPON BASE SURVEY DRAWING FROM K2 DESIGN GROUP. 000 SCALE 1"=1000' Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site C'LEARWATERMITIG4TION Cataloging Unit 03020203 SOLUTIONS 1 Figure 8A Pitt County, NC 'LMG Mitigation Plan Overview January 2019 LMG18.093 W LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP a WEYT COMP., L:\WETLANDS\2018 WETLANDS FILES\LMG18.305---Wingfoot Buffer Project,Kevin Yates\CAD\Wingfoot.dwg ' LEGEND Parcel Boundary (-127 ac.) __,__, gii "�' • "� Conservation Easement(Surveyed) (-22.31 ac.) -' r, - • 4,1!. s? • .4.'f' Top Of Bank G�OO�OOOOi. ti' Ditch IV .������������ i�•��• �ii.��•: •< _ Monitorin Plots f / _ Buffer Restoration-Stream(0 ft-100 ft) (9.52 ac.=414,635.6 BMU) V A --,._-=- • Buffer Restoration-Ditch (0 ft-50 ft) (1.44 ac.=62,782 BMU) \y Buffer Restoration-Stream(101 ft-200 ft) (2.00 ac.=28,725.8 BMU) g�••.;.;.;.•.4 Buffer Enhancement-Stream (0.71 ac.=15,427.5 BMU) N Elk 1 ,. Buffer Preservation-Stream (4.62 ac.=19,844 BMU /-11 / Riparian Habitat Corridor (1.59 ac.=No credits) j % \�\ TOTAL CREDITS (19.94 ac=541,415.369 BMU) V JC � _-CLJ�CL!-<•'.G i, ! - - -... ._ — -- s` , - -•y` �'1 '4i:' -5 "J'_ i .. _,- '- / " y T ,..., Diffuse Flow // s 7-.7--,--:---_-.-:::-_-_,-_-=.--.7-__Is, ;- ' ,s `a',, '`sy#Jam; . Credit Deduction O T� A - ' ¶0' RIPARIAN AREA t.# pisoist ADJACENT TO NON x0.-.- -. .+ rr ., Diffuse Flow =_ ; ° - • �'A. It— - l • SUBJECT DITCHES Credit Deduction $"`r•. iw +-44'- : '" B-2 AND B-3 . , tH . = L . III. lrilli.IIIIIIII4P4i — r • -.r - lti f . F NOTES: 1. BUFFER MITIGATION BOUNDARIES BASED UPON BASE SURVEY DRAWING FROM K2 DESIGN GROUP. 00 SCALE 1"=400' Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site C'LEARWATERMITIG4TION Cataloging Unit 03020203 WW1-IONS 1 Figure 8B Pitt County, NC tLMG Mitigation Plan Inset January 2019 with Plot Locations LMG18.093 w LAND MANAGEMENT�y GROUP x oEY2 comm.,' L:\WETLANDS\2018 WETLANDS FILES\LMG18.305---Wingfoot Buffer Project,Kevin Yates\CAD\Wingfoot.dwg a ?Orly "} *� As{.i �4s• Lr.-0 '.' dr.i .'S r. 4, .gip'• a. •fir. attleig n "pi? Legend ' y '. A"� --4,-. *-' ..r,,,a .1 .0 3f- �s y - • ' - •, {".,/. , , ,, �4;'w`• .:' -'„r 5 + a, . i_,,1 Conservation Easement(Surveyed) (-22.31 ac.) ' ` • . .:4r Al ' * ,,, /%i.R,* :,IL 7 .•_: ,tai ; .4 •�i r. Top Of Bank r, �� ���������� R ♦., t�p , 1 • ' 4..- Vzzi Buffer Restoration (0 ft- 100 ft- Stream) - •' �` � ' • i����♦ ®'� � `'��, + ��� Buffer Restoration (0 ft 100 ft Ditch) - *' ����� ,%/ • yy 40.?, ►OO, Buffer Restoration (101 ft-200 ft- Stream) .. S, t . , 'I • 5 - �j L•;: Buffer Enhancement- Stream Buffer Preservation -Stream ; /*';'1•*1 • ,e,,ti • -s:. ��# Riparian Habitat Cooridore t.� ��� : 's � y�%�'' ^'3 Perennial/Intermittent Streams .G ,� .� '.;x,y P : ',. L /;,. A w. Invasive Treatment Areas i r,t * - 1'�o-Y Q '�` "'` Ditch T- v• ` 1F f A% "� -•_ -' +.a+ N-N''' i # ��> ti' Woodline -" :' s , $lir :���� ;�� ? Vegetation Plots iy j`� PSY4 1 ,,J I / ,' °'�`� d am' w� : * Photo Stations ��� 11 ► �� Diffuse Flow Credit Reduction Area : ;•��,. - :. . Plot'4 * I+ � �' t.' • .A �,;�e • '. ' : ,: # Plot 6 ;�' �� `''ra • L:`ati�� ". `� 4� v ,� , r Plot 9 ` ¢ V. • /) 'A„ ,pry. • - g 0- •-. u . 4# fi. B-2 � - . r. 4 -. .1•44, `�..�' , F y r .. 4. - - .- r A n,- L:\WETLANDS\2018 WETLANDS FILES\LMG18.305---Wingfoot Buffer Project, Kevin Yates\Maps N 0 150 300 600 Map Source: MY03 Drone Imagery (LMG) A Feet Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site Cataloging Unit 03020203 :LMGPitt County, NC Figure 9 LAND MANAGEMENT CROUP Current Condition Plan View aDNEY1` may Map Date: 10-21-21 3805 Wrightsville Avenue (MY03) NC LMG18.305 Wilmington, (910)452-0011403 Table 1. Buffer Project Attributes Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 3—2021 Project Name Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Restoration Project Hydrologic Unit Code 03020203070030(14 digit) River Basin Neuse Geographic Location (Lat, Long) 35.565723,-77.533763 Site Protection Instrument(DB, PG) DB 3765 Page 517 Total Credits (BMU) 541,415.369(sf) Types of Credits Riparian Buffer Mitigation Plan Date February 2019 Initial Planting Date March 12th-13th,2019 Baseline Monitoring Date March 13th-20th,2019 Baseline Report Date September 2019 MY1 Report Date December 2019 MY2 Report Date December 2020 MY3 Report Date October 2021 MY4 Report Date MY5 Report Date ROY COOPER Governor Mitigation Services ENVIRONMENTAL DUALITY Table 2.Wingfoot,100078,Project Mitigation Credits Neuse 03020203 Service Area 19.16394 N Credit Ratio(sf/credit) N/A P Credit Ratio(sf/credit) Subject? Total (enter NO if Min-Max Buffer Convertible Convertible Delivered Delivered (Creditable) Initial Credit Final Credit Riparian Buffer Credit Type Location Feature Type Mitigation Activity Feature Name Total Area(sf) %Full Credit to Riparian to Nutrient Nutrient Nutrient ephemeral or Width(ft) Area of Buffer Ratio(x:1) Ratio(x:1) Credits ditch ) Mitigation(sf) Buffer? Offset? Offset:N(Ibs) Offset:P(Ibs) t Buffer Rural Yes I/P Restoration 0-100 Al,Bl,B2 414,636 414,636 1 100% 1.00000 Yes 414,636.000 Yes 21,636.261 — Buffer Rural Yes I/P Restoration 101-200 Al,B3,B2 87,048 87,048 1 33% 3.03030 Yes 28,725.869 Yes 4,542.281 — Buffer Rural Yes I/P Enhancement 0-100 B1 30,855 30,855 2 100% 2.00000 Yes 15,427.500 No — — Buffer Rural No Ditch Restoration 0-50 82,B3(ditches) 71,494 62,782 1 100% 1.00000 Yes 62,782.000 Yes 3,730.652 — Totals: 604,033 595,321 Enter Preservation Credits Below Eligible for Preservation(sf): 198,440 Total (Creditable) Min-Max Buffer Initial Credit Final Credit Riparian Credit Type Location Subject? Feature Type Mitigation Activity Width(ft) Feature Name Total Area(sf) Area for Ratio(x:l) %Full Credit Ratio(x:l) Buffer Credits Buffer Mitigation(sf)_ Rural Yes I/P I 0-100 Al,B1 201,074 198,440 10 100% 10.00000 19,844.000 Preservation Area Subtotal(sf): 198,440 Preservation as%Total Area of Buffer Mitigation: 25.0% TOTAL AREA OF BUFFER MITIGATION(TABM) Ephemeral Reaches as%Total Area of Buffer Mitigation: 0.0% Mitigation Totals Square Feet Credits Restoration: 564,466 506,143.869 Enhancement: 30,855 15,427.500 Preservation: 198,440 19,844.000 Total Riparian Buffer: 793,761 541,415.369 TOTAL NUTRIENT OFFSET MITIGATION Mitigation Totals Square Feet Credits Nutrient Nitrogen: 0.000 o - 1.The Randleman Lake buffer rules allow some ditches to be classified as subject according to 15ANCAC 026.0250(5)(a). Offset: 'hosphorus: 0.000 State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,NC 27699-1652 I 217 W.Jones Street,Suite 3000 919 707 8976 T APPENDIX B: Veg Data/Veg Plot Photos/Photo Stations Table 4. Planted and Total Stems Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100078 Monitoring Year 3-2021 CVS Project Code 00. Project Name:WINGFOOT Current Plot Data(MY32021) Annual Means 000-01-0001 000-01-0002 000-01-0003 000-01-0004 000-01-0005 000-01-0006 000-01-0007 000-01-0008 000-01-0009 000-01-0010 000-01-0011 MY3(2021) MY2(2020) MY1(2019) MVO(2019) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acerrubrum Tree 4 150 154 33 5 Baccharishalimifolia Silverling,High-tide Shrub Tree 1 Betula nigra River Birch,Red Bird'Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 44 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 6 28 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 Carya illinoinensis Pecan Tree 1 1 1 1 Carya ovata Common Shagbark H Tree 1 Diospyrosvirginiana American Persimmoi Tree 1 Ligustrum sinense Chinese Privet Shrub Tree 1 1 2 1 1 Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum,Red Gun Tree 3 4 5 1 50 63 24 1 Platanusoccidentalis Sycamore,Plane-tremTree 6 6 6 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 43 43 43 44 44 44 47 47 47 48 48 48 Quercus nigra Water Oak,Paddle OTree 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 19 19 19 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 5 55 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 Rhuscopallinum Shrub Tree 6 5 Taxodium distichum Bald-cypress Tree 9 9 9 4 4 4 9 9 9 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 7 7 3 3 3 1 1 1 6 6 6 4 4 4 47 47 47 48 48 48 50 50 50 52 52 52 Stem count 18 18 18 10 10 10 16 16 16 18 18 18 14 14 14 16 16 16 15 15 18 7 7 13 15 15 24 16 16 17 14 14 214 159 159 378 162 162 223 170 170 185 181 181 188 size fares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 Species count 3 3 3 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 3 6 4 4 6 3 3 4 3 3 5 5 5 9 5 5 10 5 5 11 5 5 8 Stems per ACRE 728.4 728.4 728.4 404.7 404.7 404.7 647.5 647.5 647.5 728.4 728.4 728.4 566.6 566.6 566.6 647.5 647.5 647.5 607 607 728.4 283.3 526.1 607 607 971.2 647.5 647.5 588 566.E 566.6 8660 585 585 1391 596 596 820.4 625.4 625.4 680.6 665.9 665.9 691.E Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% PnoLS:Number of planted stems excluding live stakes P-All: Number of planted stems including live stakes T:Total stems APPENDIX B. VEG PLOT PHOTOS • • tr%,...--- : a ' "*"cl - .' '.°j�.. +..mot£' J -' s '-E-.3 y'w a?w sk 3 Baseline Year 01 Year 02 Year 03 Year 04 Year 05 �i---- 4 _ �"s1J1k '_..01.,''' l� I' . 044 WANK ^� Plot 2! \ :g a. e..'" `'',n. ,, )I W veT 3 _ - I -+ ' X. %4. .- NCI II V q { ZJ h `Ja a I • r .A s- F _"� l r ark' 3 tt _.-S + Y aS ? a / It "� TIfJ { Baseline Year 01 Year 02 Year 03 Year 04 Year 05 h�J �` ��''�i >Y r 1 .� 1T _ � , � �'�,: 1�._ a.. s � s'� Ste. ' 4. ' .:•.�i fS 'kk r +t a " .."), ` - _ -ram f fir, >rs � id Y � � e -._a � �'._ ec'�5 ,�`� 1''^f°� s '.,..�i g _II%' +' � '3 � �-! 'c .' — r4 h� �`'�y.>w^�',ex '„r'-� I �'� � $�. '4-tt-i Plot 3. 1 ti _, 4 ' x 13 '- th7 ,i t- ? ,I 15, 1. 1 P' 1 , ' �p >t �. yr xd a: ` `T„Y, — t=1 i �' '�.w fat , ° sr y�F. � rrsN > §.u"" y.`61, its_ ,a '� .� 1'}[ r ; -. ^r7 1. Baseline Year 01 Year 02 Year 03 Year 04 Year 05 l•ark 1 bb C r :� C rf f BHt ICI I Plot 4: I f ' i - - j/. Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site—Appendix B 1 I P a g e DMS Project No. 100078 APPENDIX B. VEG PLOT PHOTOS • Plot 5: ' _ x y `,, �flf; I +p / i' Baseline Year 01 Year 02 Year 03 Year 04 Year 05 Plot 6: : ra \. z TY� $ .^s wa¢c : t fat 'Cif; e Baseline Year 01 Year 02 Year 03 Year 04 Year 05 • N - - may. .✓��� r ,,:.„ Plot 7: = � K �� ,:, � �' » Or � z ?t • Baseline Year 01 Year 02 Year 03 Year 04 Year 05 i as ;. • Plot 8: 4. x ,aye v yx swe� - - _Xr l µ.. WI Riparian Buffer M - itigation Site—Appendix B 2 P a g e DMS Project No. 100078 APPENDIX B. VEG PLOT PHOTOS t *° � � j�aw� s4� �� �. x �?� L �.� i� � -+Xe� , n ° . _4 n' ao. ' � �r s. . 7S a '"A 1Plot 9• • - At s s Y � b aR� 2 . kg "ram Baseline Year 01 Year 02 Year 03 Year 04 Year 05 r. { YF '� 3 1 Plot10: . � � • 7r j� & y�yy �9 f _ ;" u�a� oems"q4*'�"°'s a �a'a � '.) _ - - - • YA 1 l„a'.: 4 E. Baseline Year 01 Year 02 Year 03 Year 04 Year 05 • �� 1 JI ,..MIIn.Y ak f�'T 1� VR is :D Il .�FY ' i ' r _ 4�.f' x �elf wart Plot 11: '. y i i s - r ti t{ --v r, r` +.w: �y iyt �,b e P e7�� „?` '+n ,*n y� t .v- . .. _ „,. y, . w''S ,r °,14 D.i, ;'RAO-,„.' -% x)�w- 1,- rs- 4jek x 9 - ,,tY� ''' z'-. . � y `" �'� , E �,Y� z -'`*., { � ',.4. . N F ik n'.:p .. , ,. r ..$A` t .,N5�19b a .: i �rffi, :. �,, _ --� �.16"y� Baseline Year 01 Year 02 Year 03 Year 04 Year 05 Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site—Appendix B Wage DMS Project No. 100078 APPENDIX B. SITE PHOTOS—EXISTING CONDITIONS (PHOTOSTATIONS) Y N r 7 ltil , 4 , % i _ ma�yy,, en'.e _ � - F}�it r rcy . .',, .;.r_ "` i kr'-'.. , (1) PS1 (looking north towards Reach Al) (2) PS1 (looking northeast towards CE boundary) ...- , i t:A 4 , ,, 4, 14 4 ,4- '5',.' fi y•F1 ..., .* }. _ - • 'Ri.ff++""r' (3) P52 (looking west along Reach Al) (4) PS2 (looking east along Reach Al) r — . 4 if 1 (5) PS3 (looking east along enhancement area) (6) PS3 (looking northeast into Enhancement Area) Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site—Appendix B 4 1 P a g e DMS Project No. 100078 APPENDIX B. SITE PHOTOS—EXISTING CONDITIONS (PHOTOSTATIONS) (7) PS4(looking east along Reach B1) (8) PS4(looking northeast into restoration area) a (9) PS5 (looking north towards preservation area) (10) PS5 (looking west into Restoration Area) ` y • s' �:•-. . 15 . 09-21,2021 ;r ' , C'•� ?91_20? (11) PS6 (looking north towards Reach B2) (12) PS6 (looking west into Restoration Area) Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site—Appendix B 5 1 P a g e DMS Project No. 100078 APPENDIX B. SITE PHOTOS—EXISTING CONDITIONS (PHOTOSTATIONS) 1 .` i7 M' f! a '�l 3.eR4SP'I r '' "`ate .' �t f; -� 09 2, j. (13) PS7 (looking north along Reach B3) (14) PS7 (looking north into Restoration Area) '= ''.. [_ ; f_.': yv •:.-r. '. err ,rrn•• -rK. r.9 4`' `: _'_ may` i 0. : '� ' r-' gal 2021 (15) PS8 (looking west along Reach B1) Wingfoot Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site—Appendix B 6 1 P a g e DMS Project No. 100078