HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211682 Ver 1_Sketch_20211118 (2)Lac E S P TO QI DPS'GDG5,OkR, I M Project Name/address o1e,,,fl d,-�d i/1-4 ' - yv'a �SLDII� ��,�- County: 1�e�el� 1.®cetlora Addressa Parcel �1 c Parcel/lot size 6b 1� 0.creS Disposal area required (sq fVt and/or acreage) I o Acknowledgement of Notiflc®tfon am aware that the site must adhere to all state regulations and rules regarding sediment and erosion control and water quality. And give permission for Name of Individual and Company LLmmij to dispose of their dredge material at the above stated location Owner: _ � �=S�t Prfi t Date: � {/ � { Signature Along with form, please provide: Aerial of parcel/lot (County GIS) Photo of proposed spoil site Identified proposed spoil site i 0 z z m Y� CIA CD a m 0 CD C) 0 I i i 0 z z m %sue � iwnt � - l CD O_ O h O CD CD 0 O I N O N N :Excise Tax $ 1.,223.00 Type: CONSOLIDATED REAL PROPERTY Recorded: 5/11/2018 2:51:32 PM Fee Amt: $1,249.00 Page 1 of 5 Revenue Tax: $1,223.00 Iredell County, NC Ronald N. Wyatt Register of Deeds BK 2554 PG 1878 - 1882 Recording Time, Boole and Page Tax Lot No. Parcel Identifier No. 4702-71-8460.000 Verified by County on the day of 2018 Mail after recording to: Grantee at Address Below This instrument was prepared by Lutzel, Broadway & Associates, PC, 542 Williamson Road, Suite A, Mooresville, NC 28117 Brief Metes & Bounds 108.18 acres, more or less Description for the index Located on Lewis Ferry Road, Iredell County NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL W. RRAATY DEED THIS DEED made this ' ` 1day of MAY, 2018, by and between: GRANTOR Edwin A Clarke And Spouse, Linda H. Clarke Seiler{s} Forwarding Address• 925 .Lewis Ferry Road Statesville, NC 28677 GRANTEE 0 Stephen L. Robertson, Married Mailing Address: Lutzei Broadway& Associates, PC 542 Williamson Road, Suite A Mooresville, NC 28117 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall incll.rde singular, plural, masculine, feinini.ne or neuter as required by context. Submitted electronically by "Lutzel Broadway & Associates Pc" in co mpliance ofttheosubmitterlagreementewitthVtheiirredellrccountydRegister of Deeds. WITNESSETII, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the County of Iredell, State of North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: SEE ATTACHED I XI-111BIT "A" All or a portion of this property herein conveyed includes or does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. " A map showing the above described property is recorded in Plat Cabinet/Map at ilelCabinet/I'atN . (Ntl, inetes and bounds legal clescril2tiaiz) BEING the identical property acquired by the Grantor(s) by instrument recorded in Book 810 at Page 603-606 in the Iredell County Public Registry, North Carolina. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons -whomsoever, except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: Enforceable easements, restrictions and rights of way of record. Current Year Ad Valorem Taxes All matters revealed by an accurate survey of the property IN WITNESS WIFRrOI,, the Grantor has hereunto set his band and seal, or if corporate, has caused this instrument to be signed in its corporate name by its duly authorized officers and its seal to be Hereunto affixed by authority of its Board of Directors, the day and year first above written. GRANTOR(SI: X 9- )"I 3�11 L, b {SEAL} EDWIN M. CLARKE {SEAL) INDA H. CLAP I� STATE OF NORTI-I CAROLINA SEAL_ COUNTY OF STAMP Ala` //�� � lr � 1 � I, �• ' ie""�` a Notary Public of t12e State of NOR'I"I-I -CAROLINA, County of tt certify that EDWIN M. CLARKE AND LINDA it. CLARKE who is known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person described, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledging to me that she/he/they voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument for the purposes stated therein, and in the capacity indicated. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this t ° day of MAY, 2018, My commission expires: I-2,q —[I +"%CaRPt,l� �r y l = T,Q / Notary Public f Printed Name ofNotary: l y B EXHIBIT A PARCEL 1: Tract I. Situated about 250 yards Northwestward from the above described tract on the public road mentioned above and beginning at a stone, F, lul, Ostwali's corner in T. P. Guy's line; thence with F. M. Ostwait's line North 1 East 86 113 poles to a pine knot, Ostwalt's corner in W. H. Clark's line; thence with Clark's line East I pole to a stone, Clark's corner; thence with Clark's line North 4 East 60 pules to a stone, Clark's comer; thence with Clark's line, crossing the public road South 86 East 44 poles to a hickory tree, C. L. Clark's comer in W, H. Clark's line; thence with C. L. Clark's line as follows: South 14 East 46 poles to a stone; South 22 East 32 poles to a stone; South 19 Y Fast 52 % poles to a persimmon; and South 40 West 32 poles to a stone, Clark's corner; thence with Clark's and T. P. Guy's lines and crossing said public road, North 86 North 86 West 70 % poles to the beginning, containing 58 '/4 acres, more or less. Tract Ii: BEWFNiNG at the northeasterly corner of the Hal Clark property and running thence South 86-26 Last 1, 111.8 feet; thence South 84-54East 46.I feet; thence South 2-50 East 839.7 Feet; thence South 85-13 East 450,0 feet to a point in the center line of Southern Hallway; thence with the center line of Southern Railway seven courses and distances as follows: (1) South 16- 46 ;Vest 437.4 feet; (2) South 18-45 West 160.9 feet; (3) South 22-24 West 123.5 feet; (4) South 27-35 West 219.7 feet; (5) South 3342 West 185.2 feet; (6) South 39-30 West 199.7 feet; and (7) South 45-07 West 172.9 feet; thence North 85-43 West i,114.6 feet; thence'North 4-19 East 437.7 feet to a point in the southerly line of the Hal Clark property; thence with said property four courses and distances as follows; 0) South 8541 East 264.0 fee[; (2) North 40-19 East 528,0 fact; (3) North 19-37 West 917A feet; and (4) North 20-41 West 530,0 feet to the BEGINNING, containing 56A acres, more or less. Tract III: BEGrNNING at a paint in the center of State Road 1#1369 in the present line of Hal W. Clark, corner of the Albert Clark allotment; thence running with the Hal Clark line S. 85 deg. 33 min. E. 529.15 feat to an iron pin, Hal W. Clark's corner; thence continuing with Hal W. Clark's line S. 4 deg. 13 min. IV 437.7 feet to a stone, corner of the Albert Clark allotment; thence with the Albert Clark tract S. 70 deg. 19 min. W. 338.77 feet, and passing through, an iron pin at the margin of the road, to a point in the center of said road; thence with the center of said road 624.39 feet to the beginning, containing 5.04 acres, more or less. This tract comes out of the Lillie Guy tract. THERE IS EXCEPTED FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LANDS THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY: Being the property consisting of 4.91 acres, more or less, as described in the deed from Edwin IVI, Clarke and wife, Linda H. Clarke to Teresa P. Fox, by deed dated Iviay 11, 2004 and recorded in Deed Book 1560, page 643, Iredell County Registry, PARCEL 11: TRACT I: BEGINNING at a point in the center of State Road No. 1369, Thomas Clarke,$ comer in the Hal Clarke line; thence running with the Hal Clarke line South 86 deg, 22 ;nin, Eest 70.69 feet to an iron stake near the branch in the Fred Crawford line; thence with the Crawford line North I I deg, 28 min. West 362.62 feet to a hickory, Crawfard's corner; thence with Crawford's line South 84 deg. 40 min. East 79.8 feet to an iron pin in the branch; thence with the branch, North 5 deg. 34 min. West 395,45 feet to an Iran pin, corner of the Helen C. Lackey tract; thence with the Lackey line South 85 deg. 03 min, West 382.84 feet to an iron pin, and North 2 deg. 14 min, West 180 feet to an iron pin, and North 4.2 deg. 41 min. West 250 feet to an iron phi, and South 62 deg, 16 min, West 200 feet, passing through an iron pin at the edge of the road, to a point in the center of the road; thence with the center of the road in a Southerly direction to the BEGINNING, oontaining 12.93 sere% more or less. For back title, see Reed Book 552, page 82, Iredell County Registry. THERE IS EXCEPTED T'R.OM ti'IRC ABOVE DESCRIBED LANDS THE FOLLOWING TWO TRACTS: TRACT 1: BEGINNING at an iron pin set in the right-of-way of SR 1369, said point being the south Nest corner of Frank Lackey (Deed Book 686, Page 124) and also being North 62 deg 43 min. East 12.61 feet from the center of suid road, thence North 62 deg. 43 min. East 200 feet to an existing iron pine, thence South 42 deg. 14 min. East 250 &at to an existing iron pipe, thence South 2 deg, lit min. East 180 feet to an existing iron pine, thence South 85 deg. 3 min. West 295.20 feet to an existing iron pin, thence South 85 deg, 3 min. West 30 feet to a RK, nail in the center of SR 1369, thence with the center of said road Not li 3 deg, 23 min. West 142,37 feet to a P.K. Nail, thence North 7 deg. 18 min. 20 sec. West 160.53 feet to the BEGINNING, and containing 2.373 acres all according to n survey by L.B. Grier, Registered Land Surveyor, which is attached to Deed Boat 800, page 325, Iredell Counti Regisinr, TRACT Il: 1EGDRTNG at no iron pin set at the intersection of the Eastern margin of tite right of way of Lewis Ferry Road and the northern line of the Property of Edwin M. Clarke as described in Deed Book 810, page 603, Iredell County Registry, and running thence from the point of BEGINNING and with the line of Clarke, North 86-22-00 West 30.08 feet to a point in the centerline of Lewis Ferry Road; thence with the centerline of Lewis Ferry Road, North 00- 42-06 West 25.07 feet to a point, a new earner of Edwin M. (:larke; thence wits a new line of Clarke, and passing through an iron pin set at 30.08 feet, South 86-22-00 East 212.59 feet to an iron pin set; thence with tite new lines of Clarke, the foliovting courses and distances; (1) North 01-09-47 West 124.91 feet to an iron pin set; (2) South 86-22-00 East 147.58 feet to an iron pin set; and (3) South 01-09-47 East 150.00 feet to an iron pin set in the line of Edwin M. Clarice as described in Deed Book 810, page 603; thence with the line 4F Clarke, North 86-22-0q West 330.29 feet to ar, iron pin set in the eastern margin of C ewis Ferry Road, the point and place of BEGINNING, containing 0.628 acres, more or less, with the description taken from a survey by David B, Jordan, NCPLS L-3940, dated February 24, 2006. For back title, see Deed Hook 1729, page 1503, Tredell County Registry. Property subject to the Deed of Easement as recorded on March 30, 2006, in Book 1734, at Page 2365, in the Iredell County Public Registry. Address: Lewis Ferry Road Statesville, NC 28677 Parcei : 4702-71-8460.000