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WQ0038166_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018
Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY December 8, 2015 Mr. Raymond Smith, Vice President WP East Acquisitions, L.L.C. 1001 Morehead Square Drive, Suite 250 Charlotte, NC 28203 PAT MCCRORY Gov ntor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secrelaly S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director Subject: Permit No. WQ0038166 WP East Acquisitions, L.L.C. Prosperity Village Square Wastewater Collection System Extension Permit Mecklenburg County Dear Mr. Smith: In accordance with your application received December 4, 2015, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0038166 dated December 8, 2015, to WP East Acquisitions, L.L.C. (Permittee) for the construction and operation upon certification of the subject wastewater collection system extension. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. This cover letter shall be considered a part of this permit and is therefore incorporated therein by reference. Please pay particular attention to the following conditions contained within this permit: Condition 11.1: This permit shall not be automatically transferable; a request must be made and approved. Condition 11.4: Requires that the wastewater collection facilities be properly operated and maintained in accordance with 15A NCAC 2T .0403 or any individual system -wide collection system permit issued to the Permittee. It shall be the responsibility of the Permittee. to ensure that the as -constructed project meets the appropriate design criteria and rules. Failure to comply may result in penalties in accordance with North Carolina General Statute §143-215.6A through §143-215.6C, construction of additional or replacement wastewater collection facilities, and/or referral of the North Carolina -licensed Professional Engineer to the licensing board. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150E of North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources I Water Quality Regional Operations Mooresville Regional Office' 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 I Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704 663 1699 if you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Barry Love at (704) 235-2143 or via e-mail at barry.love@ncdenr.gov. Sinmereky, bvWiCorey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Opera1ionsSection Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, 0CDE[l cc: Matthew L. Mobley, P.E. (e-copy) Barbara Gross (e-cnpy) Tommy Rowland (e-coov Regional Office Files Water Resources Central Files Page 2 of 8 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM EXTENSION PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations, permission is hereby granted to WP East Acquisitions, L.L.C. Mecklenburg County for the construction and operation of approximately 1,486 linear feet of 8-inch gravity sewer to serve 292 apartment units as part of the Prosperity Village Square project, and the discharge of 40,760 gallons per day of collected domestic wastewater into the Charlotte Water existing sewerage system, pursuant to the application received December4, 2015, and in conformity with 15A NCAC2T; the Division's Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996, as applicable; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000, as applicable; and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environmental Quality and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded and shall be subject to the specified conditions and limitations contained therein. by W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Permit Number: WQ0038166 Permit Issued: December 8, 2015 Page 3 of 8 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET WP East Acquisitions, L.L.C. is hereby authorized to: Construct, and then operate upon certification the aforementioned wastewater collection extension. The sewage and wastewater collected by this system shall be treated in the Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County Rocky River Wastewater Treatment Plant in accordance with Permit Number NC0036269. Permitting of this project does not constitute an acceptance of any part of the project that does not meet 15A NCAC 2T; the Division's Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996, as applicable; and the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000, as applicable, unless specifically mentioned herein. Division approval is based on acceptance of the certification provided by a North Carolina -licensed Professional Engineer in the application. It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that the as -constructed project meets the appropriate design criteria and rules. Construction and operation is contingent upon compliance with the Standard Conditions and any Special Conditions identified below. SPECIAL CONDITIONS No flow in excess of the quantity permitted herein, 40,760 GPD, shall be made tributary to the subject sewer system until an application for permit modification for an increase in flow has been submitted to and approved by the Division. [15A NCAC 02T.0304(b)] 2. This permit shall become voidable unless the agreement between WP East Acquisitions, L.L.C. and Charlotte Water andfor Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County for the collection and final treatment of wastewater is in full force and effect. [15A NCAC 02T.0304(h)] II. STANDARD CONDITIONS This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the wastewater collection facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request shall be submitted to the Division accompanied by documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request shall be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. [15A NCAC 02T.0104; G.S 143-215.1(d3)] This permit shall become voidable unless the wastewater collection facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit; 15A NCAC 2T; the Division's Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996, as applicable; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000, as applicable; and other supporting materials unless specifically mentioned herein. [15A NCAC 02T.0110] This permit shall be effective only with respect to the nature and volurne of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. [15A NCAC 02T .0110] 4. The wastewater collection facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. The Permittee shall maintain compliance with an individual system -wide collection system permit for the Page 4 of 8 I operation and maintenance of these facilities as required by 15A NCAC 2T .0403. if an individual permit is not required, the following performance criteria shall be met: [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)]: a. The sewer system shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times to prevent discharge to land or surface waters, and to prevent any contravention of groundwater standards or surface water standards. b. A map of the sewer system shall be developed and shall be actively maintained. c. An operation and maintenance plan including pump station inspection frequency, preventative maintenance schedule, spare parts inventory and overflow response has been developed and implemented. d. Pump stations that are not connected to a telemetry system shall be inspected every day (Le. 365 days per year). Pump stations that are connected to a telemetry system shall be inspected at least once per week. e. High -priority sewer lines shall be inspected at least once per every six -months and inspections are documented. f. A general observation of the entire sewer system shalt be conducted at least once per year. g. Overflows and bypasses shall be reported to the appropriate Division regional office in accordance with 15A NCAC 2B .0506(a), and public notice shall be provided as required by North Carolina General Statute §143-215.1C. h. A Grease Control Program is in place as follows: 1. For public owned collection systems, the Grease Control Program shall include at least biannual distribution of educational materials for both commercial and residential users and the legal means to require grease interceptors at existing establishments. The plan shall also include legal means for inspections of the grease interceptors, enforcement for violators and the legal means to control grease entering the system from other public and private satellite sewer systems. 2. For privately owned collection systems, the Grease Control Program shall include at least bi- annual distribution of grease education materials to users of the collection system by the permittee or its representative. 3. Grease education materials shall be distributed more often than required in Parts (1) and (2) of this Subparagraph if necessary to prevent grease -related sanitary sewer overflows. i. Right-of-ways and easements shall be maintained in the full easement width for personnel and equipment accessibility. j. Documentation shall be kept for Subparagraphs (a) through (i) of this Rule fora minimum of three years with exception of the map, which shall be maintained for the life of the system. 5. The Permittee shall report by telephone to a water resources staff member at the Mooresville Regional Office, telephone number (704) 663-1699, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24, following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of either of the following: Page 5 of 8 a. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that renders the facility incapable of adequate wastewater transport, such as mechanical or electrical failures ufpumps, line blockage orbreakage, etc;or h. Any SSQand/or spill over 1,00gallons; m c Any BOand/or spill, regardless ofvolume, that reaches surface water Voice mail messages or faxed information is permissible, but this shall not be consideredas the initial verbal report. Overflows and spills occurring outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Division of Emergency Management at telephone number (800) 858-0368 or (919) 733-3800. Persons reporting any of the above occurrences shall file a spill report by completing and xubrnioimQ Part | of Form CS,SSQ (or the most current Division approved form) within five days following first knowledge nfthe occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken orproposed tnbetaken to ensure that the problem does not recur, Part ||ofForm CS-5SO(or the most current Division approved form) can also be completed to show that the S5O was beyond control. tG.S. I43'215.1[(aI)l 6. Construction of the gravity sewers, pump stations, and force mains shall be scheduled so as not to interrupt service by the existing utilities nor result in an overflow or bypass discharge of wastewater to the surface waters of the State, (15A NCAC0IT.01Q8(b)] 7. Upon completion ofconstruction and prior tooperation ufthese permitted facilities, the completed Engineering Certification form attached to this permit shall be submitted with the required supporting documents tothe address provided onthe form. Acomplete certification is one where the form is fully executed and the supporting documents are provided asapplicable. Any wastewater flow made tributary to the vvastewate, collection system extension prim, to completion of this Engineer's Certification shall be considered n violation of the permit and shall subject the Permittee to appropriate enforcement actions. If the permit is issued toaprivate entity with an Operational Agreement, then acopy of the Articles of incorporation, Declaration s/Cmvenants/Rmstrictinnu, and Bylaws that have been appropriately filed with the applicable Cqmnty/sRegister ofDeeds office shall 6esubmitted with the certification. Aconnp|ete certification isone where the fnnn \sfully executed and the supporting documents are provided asapplicable, Supporting documentation shall include the following: a. One copy of the project construction record drawings (plan & profile views of sewer lines & force mains) of the wastewater collection system extension. Final record drawings should be clear on the plans or on digital media (CD or DVD disk) and are defined as the design drawings that are marked up or annotated with after construction information and show required buffers, separation distances, material changes, etc. b. One copy of the supporting applicable design calculations including pipe and pump sizing, velocity, pump cycle times, and level control settings, pump station buoyancy, wet well storage, surge protection, detention time in the wet well, and force main, ability tOflush low points in force mains with o pump cycle, and downstream sewer capacity analysis. If portable power source orpump isdedicated tnmultiple stations, amevaluation ofall the pump stations' storage capacities and the rotation schedule of the portable power source or pump, include travel timefrarmes,shall beprovided. Page 6 of 8 c. Changes to the project that do not result in non-compliance with this permit, regulations, or the Minimum Design Criteria should be clearly identified on the record drawings, on the certification in the space provided, or in written summary form. Prior to Certification (Final or Partial): Permit modifications are required for any changes resulting in non-compliance with this permit (including pipe length increases of 10% or greater, increased flow, pump station design capacity design increases of 5% or greater, and increases in the number/type of connections), regulations, or the Minimum Design Criteria. Requested modifications or variances to the Minimum Design Criteria will be reviewed on a case -by -case basis and each on its own merit. Please note that variances to the Minimum Design Criteria should be requested and approved during the permitting process prior to construction. After -construction requests are discouraged by the Division and may not be approved, thus requiring replacement or repair prior to certification & activation. [15A NCAC 02T .0116] 8. Gravity sewers installed greater than ten percent below the minimum required slope per the Division's Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria shall not be acceptable and shall not be certified until corrected. If there is an unforeseen obstacle in the field where all viable solutions have been examined, a slope variance can be requested from the Division with firm supporting documentation. This shall be done through a permit modification with fee. Such variance requests will be evaluated on a case -by -case basis. Resolution of such request shall be evident prior to completing and submitting the construction certification. [ 15A NCAC 02T.0105(n)] 9. A copy of the construction record drawings shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for the life of the wastewater collection facilities. [15A NCAC 02T .0116] 10. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit; 15A NCAC 2T; the Division's Gravity Sewer Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996, as applicable; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Station and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000, as applicable; and other supporting materials may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division, in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes §143-215.6A through §143-215.6C, construction of additional or replacement wastewater collection facilities, and/or referral of the North Carolina -licensed Professional Engineer to the licensing board. [15A NCAC 02T .0104; 15A NCAC 02T .0108(b-c)] 11. In the event that the wastewater collection facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement facilities. [15A NCAC 02T .0110; 15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)] 12. The issuance of this permit shall not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by the Division any other Federal, State, or Local government agencies which have jurisdiction or obtaining other permits which may be required by the Division or any other Federal, State, of Local government agencies. [G.S. 143- 215.1(b)] Page 7 of 8 FAST TRACK SEWER ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION VVPEast Acquisitions, LLC. VVQ0030166 Prosperity Village Square December 8,2O15 This project sha|lnotbeconaideredcnmp|mtcooraUomxedtpoperateinaccordancevxithCunditioo7of this permit until the Division has received this Certification and all required supporting documentation. It should be submitted in a manner that documents the Division's receipt. Send the required documentation the Regional Supervisor, Water Quality Regional Operations Section at the address atthe bottom. Any wastewater flow made tributary to the wastewater collection system extension prior to cgrno|ebVn of this Certification shall be considered a violation of the permit and shall subject the Pernmktee to appropriate enforcement actions. The Permittee is responsible for tracking all partial certifications up until afinal certification isreceived. AFinal Certification shall beacomplete set ofrecord drawings and design calculations regardless of whether partials have been submitted. PERMITTEE'S CERTIFICATION |, the undersigned agent for the Pennbteo,hereby state that this project hasheanconstructedpursuant to the applicable utamdards0 requirements, the Professional Engineer below has provided applicable clesign/construction information to the Permittee, and the Permittee is prepared to operate & maintain the wastewater collection system permitted herein orportions thereof. Printed Name, Title Signature Date ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION L . , as e d | registered Professional E � r in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe /[ | periodically, . weekly, | X hd| time) the construction ofthe project name and location as referenced above for the above Permittee hereby state that, tothe best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that 'the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance of this permit; 15A NCACO2T; the Division ofWater Resources' (Division) Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 199G,asapplicable; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting ufPump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1,ZOOO ooapplicable; and other supporting materials. North Carolina Professional Engineer's Seal w/signature & date: [] Final FlPartial (include description) Certification Comments/Qualifiers if necessary): State ww^rthCarolina !snviro=~n*Quality < Water uesoLuce`|Water V°mlyRegional ope=mo'Li Mooresville megmumnmcc�moEVCenter Avenue, Suite 301\moonsNale,North Carolina zoxu ,*'o^3m99 z 0 LL Mailing Address NC State 1h- 704-332-8995 z 0 Application Number: (to be completed by DWR or authorized signing officials) my ® Private Partnership ❑ Corporation ❑ Other (specify): 1e. Charlotte Telephone 2. Project (Facility) Information: 2a, Prosperity Village Square Brief Project Name (permit will refer to this name) Contact Person:. a. Matthew Mobley Name and Affiliation b. 704-343-0608 Phone Number City lg 2620, Zip Code rjs a@woodpartners.com_. E-mail 2b. Mecklenburg County Where P o Can Answer Questions About this Application 3c. Matthew@drgrp.conn E-mail Project is New ❑ Modification (of an ex Owner is ❑ Public (skip to f!em B(3)} 2a. If private, applicant will be: ❑ Retaining Ownership (i.e store, church, single office, etc.) o Leasing units (lots, townhomes, etc. - skip to Item B(3)) ❑ Selling units (lots, townhomes, etc. - go to Item B(2b)) 4a. USE THE TAB KEY TO MOVE FROM FIELD TO FIELD net°IPerrt %ttee: WP East Acquisitions, LL.C. Full Legal Name (company, municipality, HOA, utility, etc.) 1b. Raymond Smith, Vice President Signing Official Name and Title (Please review 15A NCAC The legal entity who will own this system is Individual ❑ Federal ❑ Municipality ❑ State/Co d 1001 Morehead Square Dr., Ste 250 ing permit) If Modi ion, Permit No,: Ei Private (go to Item 2(a)) Water And Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County 2b. If sold, facilities owned by a (must choose one) ❑ Public Utility (Instruction D) ❑ Homeowner Assoc./Developer (Instruction E) Owner of Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Treating Wastew Rocky River Wastewater Treatment Plant Name of VWVTF Charlotte Water b. 8 f1L Owner of Downstream Sewer Receiving Sewer Size Z C, The origin of this wastewater is (check all that apply) Residential Subdivision Apartments/Condominiums O Mobile Horne Park • School 0 Restaurant 0 Office Gravity Force Main er From This Project 4b. NC0036269 - WWTF Permit No. 5c. Permit#€ of Downstream Sewer 0 Retail (Stores, shopping centers) ❑ Institution 0 Hospital ❑ Church ❑ Nursing Home © Other (specify): 100% Domestic/Commercial To Industrial (Attach Description) % Other (Attach Description) Volume of wastewater to be allocated or permitted for this particular project. 40,760 gallons per day *Do not include future flows or previously permitted allocations If the permitted flow is zero, indicate why, O Pump Station, Outfall or Interceptor Line where flow will be permitted in subsequent permits that connect to this line ❑ Flow has already been allocated in Permit No. ❑ Rehabilitation or replacement of existing sewer with no new flow expected (see 15A NCAC 02T €i303 to determine if a permit is required) APPLICbaI1C)N Page 4of6 Provide the wastewater flow calculations used in determining the permitted flow in accordance with 15A NCAC 2T .0114 for the value in Item B(7) AND/OR the design flow for line or pump station sizing if a reduced or zero flow is being requested in. Item B(7), Values other than that in 15A NCAC 2T *0114 (b) and (c) must be supported with actual water or wastewater use data in accordance with 15A NCAC 2T .0114 (f), 292 Apartment Units @ 135 GPD/Unit + 134 person pool x 10 GPD/person= 40,760 GPD 10. Summary of Sewer Lines to be Permitted (attach additional sheets if necessary) Size (inches) 8 Length (feet) 1,486 Summary of Pump Stations wI associated Force Mains to be Permitted Z'. Q ;Pump Station Location ID: NA t� s z New Gravity or Additional Force Main New Gravity attach additional sheets necess (self chosen - as shown on plans/map for reference) Longitude: Latitude: ry Design Flow Power Reliability Option Operational Point (MGD) GPM @TDF# 1 - permanent generator wIATS; Force Main Size Force Main Length 2 - portable generator wIMTS Pump Station Location ID: (self chosen - as shown on plans/map for reference) ongitude: Latitude: Design Flow Power Reliability Option (MGD) Operational Point 1 - permanent generator MATS; Force Main Size Force Main Length GPM @TDH 2 - portable generator w/MTS 12. Will the wastewater flow in the proposed sewer (fines or pump stations be able to be directed to another treatment facility? Yes No if Yes, permit number of 2" treatment facility : (RO — if "yes' to 6,12 please contact the Central Office PERCS Unit) Does the sewer system comply with the Minimum Design Criteria for the Peof Pum Stations end i orce tvia)ns (latest version), the Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria (latest version) and 15A NCAC Chapter 2T as applicable? Yes ❑ No If No, please reference the pertinent minimum design criteria or regulation and indicate why a variance is requested. SUBMIT TWO COPIES OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS OR CALCULATIONS PERTINENT TO THE VARIANCE WITH YOUR APPLICATION FTC', 08-13 APPLE C:`a TION Page 5 of 6 14, Have the following permits/certifications b ed for approval for the system or project to be served? Wetland/Stream Crossings - General Permit or 401 Certification? ❑ Yes ❑ No El N/A Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A Trout Buffer Waiver? ❑ Yes ❑ No N/A Stormwater? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A Does this project 'include any high priority lines (i5A NCAC 02T .0402 2 involve aerial lines, siphons, or interference manholes)? These lines will be considered high priority and must be checked once every six months Check if Yes: ❑ and provide details: NA Owner/Perm€ttee's Certification: (Signature of Signing Official and Project Name) 1, Raymond Smith , attest that this application for Prosperity Village Square has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 1 understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting documentation and attachments are not included, this application package is subject to being returned as incomplete. Note: In accordance with North Carolina General Statutes 143-215. A and 143- 215.68, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, hich may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. • APP CO cial Sian ENGINEERING DESIGN DOCUMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO SUBMI 11AL OF THIS CATION. THESE DOCUMENTS MUST INCLUDE PLAN AND PROFILE OF SEWERS, THEIR PROXIMITY TO OTHER UTILITIES, DESIGN CALCULATIONS, ETC, REFER TO 15A NCAC 02T .0305 2, Professional Engineer's Certification: (Signature of Design Engineer and Project Name) 1, Matthew L. Mobley ,attest that this application for Prosperity Village Square has been reviewed by me and is accurate„ complete and consistent with the information in the engineering plans, calculations„ and all other supporting documentation to the best of my knowledge. 1 further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations, Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria for Gravity Sewers adopted February 12, 1996, and the Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000 and the watershed classification in accordance with Division guidance. Although other professionals may have developed certain portions of this submittal package, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215 6A and 143-215 6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25, ©©© per violation. 2a. Matthew L. Mobley Professional Engineer Name 2b, Design Resource Group, PA Engineering Firm 2c, 2459 Wilkinson Boulevard, Suite 200 Mailing Address 2d, Charlotte 2e, NC 2f 28208 City State Zip 2g. 704,343.0608 _2h. 704,358.3093 2i, matthew ei drgrp.com Telephone Facsimile E-mail NC FEE Seal Sic natu PTA 08-d 3 APPLIC'M ION Page 6 of 6 DWR Division of Water Resources State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Flow Tracking/Acceptance for Sewer Extension Permit Applications (FTSE —01/14) (WSACC USE ONLY) Prosperity Village Square Apartments (Charlotte Water #600-15-545) Section I. Name of wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) receiving wastewater: ® Rocky River Wastewater Treatment Facility — Permit #NC0036269 Muddy Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility — Permit #NC0081621 WWTP facility's permitted flow, MGD - — 26.500- Estimated obligated flow not yet tributary to the WWTP, MGD 1.812 WWTP facility's actual avg. daily flow, MGD Total flow for this specific request, MGD Total actual and obligated flows to the facility, MGD Percent of permitted flow used 16.66 (62.87% of permit) 0.041 18.513 69.86% Section II. Pump stations along the route from the Jurisdiction's connection point to the WWTP. Pump Station (Name or Number) Firm Capacity * MGD (A) Design Average Daily Flow "" (Firm/pt] MGD (B) Approx. Current Average Daily Flow %IGD (C) Obligated, Not Yet Tributary Daily Flaw MGD (D)=(B'FC) Total Current Flow Plus Obligated Flow NIGD (E)=(A-D) Available Capacity" ' NIGD Lower Rocky River PS 37.000 14.800 9.620 1.741 11.361 3.439 " The Firm Capacity orany pump station is defined as the maximum pumped flow that can be achieved with the lamest pump taken out of service. ""Design Average Daily Flow is the firm capadty of the pump station divided by a peaking factor not less than 2.5. ""A Planning Assessment Addendum shall be attached for each pump station located between the project connection point and the WWTP where Available Capacity is < 0. Section III. WSACC Certification Statement: I, Timothy R. Kiser, PE, certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the addition of the volume of wastewater to be permitted in this project has been evaluated along the route from the connection to the interceptor to the receiving wastewater treatment facility; and the flow from this project is not anticipated to cause any capacity related sanitary sewer overflows or overburden on any downstream pump station in route to the receiving treatment plant under normal circumstances, given the implementation of the planned improvements identified in the planning assessment where applicable. This analysis has been performed in accordance with local established policies and procedures using the best available data. This certification applies to those items listed above in Section I and Section II plus alI attached planning assessment addendums for which, to the best of my knowledge, will not adversely affect the downstream sewer capacity. Signatur�fifiis ..�r t indites pr5ceptance of this wastewater flow. WSACC 's Sign c Official Signature Date Revision Date: 08/09/13 • QWR W Division of Water Resources State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Watershed Classification Attachment (WSCAS 01-15) These instructions are to be used when completing form WSCAS for sewer extension projects. Identifying stream classifications that are affected by the project is necessary: • To determine/confirm the minimum separation distance of sewer system components from classified waters as specified in 15A NCAC 2T .0305(f) • To determine/confirm any applicable river basin rules that may affect sewer system components If any portion of the sewer extension comes within 100 feet of any surface water (waterbody) or wetland a completed form is required. Determine the names of surface waters within 100 feet of the project or along the project route and utilize either of the below options to determine stream classification: Finding Stream Classifications (Map or List) A map with designated streams and their associated classifications can be obtained at: http://ncdenr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.htmi?id=6e125ad7628f494694e259c8Odd64265 • Find/select the waterbody and record the river basin(s), stream index number and classifications applicable to the project on the form or A listing of stream classifications based on river basin can be obtained at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wg/ps/csu/classifications (see left hand side of webpage) • Select the river basin(s) (hydrological or alphabetically sorted) where your project is located • Locate the name of the identified waterbody on the list for the selected basin • For multiple listings of the same waterbody name in the report, select and verify the location description. The term "source" in the description means the beginning of the waterbody segment (most upstream point) • Record the river basin(s), stream index number and classification applicable to the project on the form Submittal Instructions Label any unnamed tributaries as "UT to stream name" as the waterbody name on form per 15A NCAC 02B .0301(i). See page 2 for additional notes on unnamed streams. Submit a color copy of a USGS Topographic Map to identify the project area and surface waters. Each map or maps must show the location of the sewer system and include location identifiers where the system traverses over or near waterbodies. The map should have location ID's for each different waterbody and corresponding classifications should be recorded. **Note that these instructions do not need to be submitted** Note on Unnamed Streams (15A NCAC 02B.0301(i)j Any stream which is not named in the schedule of stream classifications carries the same classification as that assigned to the stream segment to which it is tributary except: • unnamed streams specifically described in the schedule of classifications; • unnamed freshwaters tributary to tidal saltwaters will be classified "C"; or • after November 1,1986, any newly created areas of tidal saltwater which are connected to Class SA waters by approved dredging projects will be classified "SC" unless case -by -case reclassification proceedings are conducted. The following river basins have different policies for unnamed streams entering other states or for specific areas of the basin: HIWASSEE RIVER BASIN Streams entering Georgia or Tennessee shall be classified "C Tr." LITTLE TENN RIVER BASIN AND SAVANNAH DRAINAGE AREA RIVER Streams entering Georgia or Tennessee shall be classified "C Tr." Such streams in the Savannah River drainage area entering South Carolina shall be classified "B Tr." FRENCH BROAD RIVER BASIN Streams entering Tennessee will be classified "B." WATAUGA RIVER BASIN Streams entering the State of Tennessee are classified BROAD RIVER BASIN Streams entering South Carolina are classified "C." NEW RIVER BASIN Streams entering the State of Tennessee are classified „C„ CATAWBA RIVER BASIN Streams entering South Carolina are classified "C." YADKIN-PEE DEE RIVER BASIN Streams entering Virginia are classified "C," and such streams entering South Carolina are classified "C." LUMBER RIVER BASIN Streams entering South Carolina are classified "C Sw." ROANOKE RIVER BASIN • Streams entering Virginia are classified "C." Except that all backwaters of John H. Kerr Reservoir and the North Carolina portion of streams tributary thereto not otherwise named or described shall carry the classification "B," and all backwaters of Lake Gaston and the North Carolina portion of streams tributary thereto not otherwise named or described shall carry the classification "C and B." CHOWAN RIVER BASIN Streams entering Virginia are classified "C." TAR-PAMLICO RIVER BASIN All drainage canals not noted in the schedule are classified "C Sw," except the main drainage canals to Pamlico Sound and its bays which shall be classified "SC." PASQUOTANK RIVER BASIN All drainage canals not noted in the schedule are classified "C." . **Note that these instructions do not need to be submitted** 1 rr• Division of Water Resources Watershed Classification Attachment (WSCAS 01-15) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Along with this form, submit a color copy of a USGS Topographic Map to identify the project area and waterbodies. Each map or maps must show the location of the sewer system and include location identifiers where the system traverses over or near waterbodies. The map should have location ID's for each different waterbody and corresponding classifications should be recorded. Include the completed form and map portions with the permit application for submittal to the appropriate review agency. A list of the Division's regional offices, their county coverage, and contact information can be obtained from: htto://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wQ/home/ro Location ID Name of Waterbodyl River Basin Waterbody Index No. Waterbody Classification 1 Clarks Creek Yadkin Pee -Dee 13-17-5-2 C I If unnamed, indicate "unnamed tributary to X", where X is the named waterbody to which the unnamed tributary joins. ! certify that as a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina that ! have diligently followed the Division's instructions for classifying waterbodies and that the above classifications are inclusive of the stated project, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. PE Seal, Signature and Date PROSPERITY VI USGS TOPO MAP AGE AP/ RTMENTS design resource group design resource group • • landscape arChitertur'e cldt c gineeriny • urban design • land planning • traffic engineerrnq • transpurlauon planning S Wf&krr;xcn br charrocce, E .rue,.ta�.Caa& vovoLdr NOT TO SCALE PttoJECCT 011-187 I.IKRHRd CiY' EIW C,ACKED ka 44,4) STREET MAP SHEET 1 OF 1 (copyri,gh Solely to owing and ony companyany d©rti,rreents or csotul ts`on crre the property of Design Resource Group. PA; and ore intended NO tffufrd party ,se ar modrf'v Goo is permitted wrtrout wr;n ouSherdaot`on. design resource group Date: December 4, 2015 briaberei, ik,,ficyfeeree,...ellitt,ARE,(31,CYNAI:Or,fTICE. To: NCDENR - Division of Water Resources Mooresville Regional Office 610 Fast Center Ave, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 From: Matthew ti Mobley, P.E. Re: Prosperity Village Apartments Fast -Track Application for Gravity Sewer Collection Systems Jobif 041-187 Enclosed please find the completed Fast Track Application Package for a gravity sanitary sewer extension serving 292 Units in the Prosperity Village Apartments community located in Charlotte, North Carolina: The enclosed submittal package includes the following: Application Form (FTA 08-13) (1 original) Application Form (FTA 08-13) (1 copy) • Application Fee ($480 Check) • Flow Tracking/Acceptance Form (FTSE 08-13) Watershed Classification Form (WSCAS 01-15) • USGS Topo Map • Street Level Map if any additional information is needed to process this request, please feel free to contact me at 704.343.0608 x318. Sincerely, Design Resource Group, PA Matthew L Mobley, P,E. Principal 2459 vykkinsen L,c.tOevaro, chofintti.), 2820 704-34;3- 0608 704 3093 Corporations Division Page 1 of 1 North Carolina ' Elaine F Marshall DEPARTMENT OF THE Secretary SECRETARY OF STATE x:lrr DYA, 29M Wee, NC 27i.fl 2 (919i 7-2C00 Account Login Due to scheduled electrical maintenance by State Facilities Management, our website databaseRegister will be unavailable from 7 AM 12/19/15 until the evening of 12/20/15. Click Here To: View Document Filings File an Annual Report Print a Pre -Populated Annual Report form Amend a Previous Annual Report Corporate Names Legal: WP EAST ACQUISITIONS, L.L.C. Limited Liability Company Information Sosld: Status: Annual Report Status: Citizenship: Date Formed: Fiscal Month: State of Incorporation: Registered Agent: Corporate Addresses 0466103 Current -Active Current Foreign 7/30/1998 December GA Corporation Service Company Reg Office: Reg Mailing: Mailing: Principal Office: 327 Hillsborough Street Raleigh, NC 27603-1725 327 Hillsborough Street Raleigh, NC 27603-1725 3715 Northside Pkwy, Suite 4-600 Atlanta, GA 30327-2808 3715 Northside Pkwy, Suite 4-600 Atlanta, GA 30327-2808 Company Officials All LLCs are managed by their managers pursuant to N.C.G.S. 57D-3-20. Manager: WP East Development Company, L,L.C. 3715 NORTHSIDE PKWY, SUITE 4-600 Atlanta GA 30327-2808 http://www. secretary. state.nc.us/S earchlprofc orp/4901660 12/7/2015 Central Files: APS _ Ste' 12l8/2015 Permit Number WQ0038166 Permit Tracking Slip Program Category Status Project Type Non -discharge Active New Project Permit Type Gravity Sewer Extension, Pump Stations, & Pressure Sewer Extensions Primary Reviewer barry.love Coastal SWRuie Permitted Flow 40,760 Facility Version Permit Classification 1.00 Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Facility Name Prosperity Village Square Location Address Owner MajorlMinor Region Minor Mooresville County Mecklenburg Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Name Wp East Acquisitions LLC Dates/Events Owner Type Non-Govemmenl Owner Affiliation Raymond Smith 1001 Morehead Square Dr Charlotte NC 26203 Orig Issue 12/8/2015 App Received Draft Initiated 12/4/2015 Scheduled Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 12/8/2015 12/8/2015 Regulated Activities Requested /Received Events Apartment complex Condominium Wastewater collection Outfall Additional information requested Additional information received Waterbody Name Streamindex Number Current Class Subbasin Water Resources Environmental Quality May 10, 2017 Raymond Smith, Vice President WP East Acquisitions, L.L.C. 1001 Morehead Square Drive, Suite 250 Charlotte, NC 28203 SUBJECT: Final Engineering Certification Acknowvledg,ement Project: Prosperity Village Square Permit No. WQ0038166 Pennittee: WP East Acquisitions, L.L,C. County: Mecklenburg Dear Mr. Smith: ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretory S. JAY ZI.MM.ERMAN Director The Division of Water Resource's .Mooresville Regional Office received the final engineering certification with record drawings for the subject sewer extension project on May 9, 2017. Enclosed is a certification page for your records. A full review of the certification materials may or may not be conducted. It is assumed that receipt of this certification indicates compliance with all regulations, design criteria and the permit. However, if a hill technical review is conducted,. you will be notified of any items of non-compliance. Please be reminded that the Permittee is responsible for keeping a copy of the final record drawings for the life of the project. if you have not received such copy from your consultant, please contact them immediately to obtain a copy. Lastly, you are receiving this fetter because the Division has you listed as the responsible party. If this permitted system is no longer owned by you or your company, please complete Form PNOCF since the permit is not automatically transferable, Form PNOCF can be downloaded from bttp://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/swwp/ps/cs/pn©c from the Collection Systems Applications page. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 235-2143. Sincerely, ram' Barry Love Environmental Specialist cc: Marc Van Dine, P.E., (Design Resource Group, 2459 Wilkinson Blvd., Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28208) Central Files MRO Nothing Compare', State of'North Carolina I l nvironmcntal Quality. I'Water Resources 11Water Quart}^ Regional Operations Mooresville Regional Office 1610 East Center Avenue„ Suite 301 I Mooresvil 704-663-1699 rth Carolina 28115 FAST TRACK SEWER ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION PERMITTEE: WP East Acquisitions, L.L.C. PERMIT #t: WQ0038166 PROJECT: Prosperity Village Square ISSUE DATE: December 8, 2015 This project shall not be considered complete nor allowed to operate in accordance with Condition 7 of this permit until the Division has received this Certification and all required supporting documentation. Ot should be submitted In a manner that documents the Division's receipt. Send the required documentation the Regional Supervisor, Water Quality Regional Operations Section at the address at the bottom. Any wastewater flow made tributary to the wastewater collection system extension prior to completion of this Certification shall be considered a violation of the permit and shall subject the Permittee to appropriate enforcement actions. The Permittee is responsible for tracking all partial certifications up until a final certification is received. A Final Certification shall be a complete set of record drawings and design calculations regardless of whether partials have been submitted. PERMITTEE'S CERTIFICATION 1, the undersigned agent for the Permittee, hereby state that this project has been constructed pursuant to the applicable standards & requirements, the Professional Engineer below has provided applicable design/construction information to the Permittee, and the Permittee is prepared to operate & maintain the wastewater collection system permitted herein or portions thereof. Printed Name, Title e ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION Date I, +rt_in;t2 , as a dui registered Professional En ineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe ( periodically, El weekly, full time) the construction of the project name and location as referenced above for the above Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance of this permit; 15A NCAC 02T; the Division of Water Resources' (Division) Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996, as applicable; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000, as applicable; and other supporting materials. North Carolina Professional Engineer's Seal /signature & date: Final Partial (include description) Certification Comments/Qualifiers (attach if necessary): State of North Carol;nn 1 F;ravirorin ental Qualify / Water Resourc es I Water Quality Regional Operations Mooresville Regional °Neel 616 East Center Avenue, Suite 161 { Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 ?0 663 1696