HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC204053_NOT Request Not Approved_20211117 Morman, Alaina
From: laserfiche@ncdenr.gov
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 3:32 PM
To: oakandstonecustomhomes@gmail.com
Cc: Morman, Alaina; oakandstonecustomhomes@gmail.com
Subject: NOT Request Not Approved
This email is to notify you that your request to rescind COC No. NCC204053 for the project Prescott Lot 19 -
6500 Prescott Shore Dr.,Wake Forest was not approved for the following reason:
You need to contact Wake County Environmental Services Department and request erosion control plan close-
out documentation, if you haven't already done so. Plan approval documentation was uploaded, but to terminate
NCGO1 coverage you must submit plan close-out documentation.
Please submit a new NOT request once all documentation is in order. You may use the same NOT Certification
Form. Thank you.
If you have any questions, please contact Alaina Morman with the NC Stormwater Program at
alaina.morman@ncdenr.gov or(919) 707-9236.
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