HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002648_Other_20211113Seagrove-Ulah Metropolitan Water District of Randolph County Post Office Box 370, Seagrove, North Carolina 27341 Phone : (336) 873-9055 SEAGROVE/ULAH Metropolitan Water District Wastewater Treatment Facility Permit Number: WQ0002648 WWTF Flow Study, November 2021 Compiled by Larry Chilton, ORC This is the flow study as required by our permit. It consists of data from November 2020 through October 2021. Included in this report are the calculations for all the sewer accounts associated with the water district. A description of the source of the influent is also included. Included in this packet are copies of the NDMR's for the past 12 months. Also included are spreadsheets showing each account's monthly total gallons and the monthly daily averages. There is a spreadsheet showing the totaled daily averages from each account compared to our influent meter numbers. There is a spreadsheet showing the Effluent meter calculations. The flow is all domestic sewer consisting of; 3 Schools, 4 manufacturing facilities, 2 NCDOT rest stops,3 small offices, 2 Churches, 1 Retreat Center, 3 private residences, 2 Restaurants- 1 with a grocery store attached. We have Inflow and Infiltration that is known to enter our system upstream of the headworks of the treatment plant. We have been told that the old Luck's cannery buildings have roof and storm drains tied to the main influent line to our WWTF. (The current WWTF was part of the bean cannery when Luck's was still in operation). This flow study has revealed that the Influent Meter at the WWTF is not accurate. This study revealed over the past 12 months the meter is off by 2,871 gallons per day, to the negative. We are receiving more gallons per day than the influent meter is showing. The Effluent meter spreadsheet shows the actual throughput number to our sixteen zones which accounts for I&I and rainfall that falls directly into the open top digester, c12 chamber, and storage lagoon. I can find no documentation on file for the current influent meter which was apparently not kept by the previous ORC. When I contacted a certification analyst about calibration and recertification, he stated that the unit is outdated and would need to be replaced. Renovations and upgrades at the WWTF are planned for the near future. The water district has been awarded COVID-19 money from the Randolph County Commissioners for the purpose of replacing and upgrading the current treatment facility. This funding will allow us to provide adequate wastewater treatment and allow this area of our county to expand and grow with the expanded capacity to treat more flow. An engineering firm has been hired by the water district and is currently in the design phase of the upgrades. The discussed plans are to install a new package treatment plant, headworks, and a new influent meter (I have specified a Totalizer style meter). We will have to redirect storm drains away from the treatment system which is part of the new headworks design. Plans and specifications will be submitted to the State for approval when the engineer completes his design. We welcome any feedback and if you require further information, you can contact Larry Chilton (ORC) 336-302-3782 or by email, Itchilton128@gmail.com or, Michael T. Walker (Secretary) 336-465-1460 or by email, michaelwalker51348@gmail.com ORC: Larry T. Chilton Signature: Date: Signing Official: Michael T. Walker Signing Official's Title: Secretary Signature: e / lde,$�� Date: Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 Sep-21 Aug-21 Jul-21 Jun-21 May-21 Apr-21 Mar-21 Feb-21 Jan-21 Dec-20 Nov-20 Seagrove/Utah Metropolitan Water District WWTF FLOW STUDY (Nov. 2020 though Oct. 2021) Location Description 12 mo average gal/day Seagrove Elem Public Elementary School 2,281 FPE-NC,LLC Plastic Manufacturing 929 Sapona Plastics (220) Plastic Manufacturing 931 Sapona Plastics (Lucks) Plastic Manufacturing 138 Uwharrie Charter H.S. Charter High School 351 Uwharrie Charter M.S. Charter Middle School 449 Rest Stop (South) NCDOT Rest Stop 4,071 Rest Stop (North) NCDOT Rest Stop 3,741 Fresh Cuts Deli/Grocery 1,043 H&H Furniture Manufacturing 882 First Line Plumbing Plumbing sales office 29 Brian Moody Const. Construction Office 41 Seagrove Pottery Pottery Manufaturer/Sales 213 Primavera Restaurant 145 LBDJ LLC. Office 1 Black Lake Retreat 356 Lighthouse Baptist Church 115 Seagrove First Baptist Church 37 Charlotte Wooten Private Residence 44 Dwight Thompson Private Residence 76 David Fernandez Private Residence, Pottery,Bar 133 Total Average GIRD = 1 16,006 WWTF Average GPD = 1 13,135 WWTF Meter Discrepancy of, -2,871 gallons/day average. These figures do not account for any Inflow and Infiltration. Seagrove/Ulah Metropolitan Water District Waste Water Treatment Facility Permit No.: WQ0002648 Flow Measuring Point: EFFLUENT Meter Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) *Gals Irrigated Daily Average* Oct-21 659,772 21,283 Sep-21 659,764 21,992 Aug-21 619,752 19,992 Jul-21 519,876 16,770 Jun-21 599,816 19,994 May-21 499,800 16,122 Apr-21 599,808 19,994 Mar-21 719,768 23,218 Feb-21 986,155 35,220 Jan-21 679,092 21,906 Dec-20 745,360 24,044 Nov-20 549,864 18,329 12 month total 1 7,838,827 *12 month daily average gallons = 1 23,822 * Gallons Irrigated Daily Average column is for figuring purposes only, we DO NOT irrigate daily, during rain events, or when irrigating would cause runoff. Irrigation only occurs on average 2-3 times per week depending on the amount of precipitation received. *This column gives a better idea of how rain events effect our throughput at the facility. The open tops on the digester, c12 chamber, and lagoon combined with I&I greatly adds to our GPD average. Seagrove/Ulah Metropolitan Water District Waste Water Treatment Facility Permit No.: WQ0002648 Flow Measuring Point: INFLUENT Meter Month/Year Gals Daily Max Gals Daily Min Average Oct-21 14,684 12,010 12,736 Sep-21 18,962 11,982 13,153 Aug-21 14,684 10,644 12,640 Jul-21 14,640 11,979 13,387 Jun-21 15,414 13,018 13,954 May-21 14,686 13,007 13,789 Apr-21 14,982 11,927 14,095 Mar-21 15,011 12,604 14,104 Feb-21 13,852 12,339 12,848 Jan-21 14,622 10,144 12,533 Dec-20 13,210 10,244 12,252 Nov-20 14,907 10,017 12,132 12 month TOTAL gallons = 1 157,623 12 month AVERAGE gallons/day 1 13,135 Seagrove Elementary School Public Elementary School The school has 354 students and 51 staff members. 405 total Flow study revealed the school has a 2gpm leak, not reaching the sewer. Grey water sewer only, facility has Septic Tank and Grease Trap. Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 117,500 3,917 Sep-21 103,120 3,326 Aug-21 26,720 862 Jul-21 39,400 1,313 Jun-21 68,220 2,201 May-21 86,100 2,870 Apr-21 65,720 2,120 Mar-21 49,360 1,763 Feb-21 45,220 1,459 Jan-21 64,720 2,088 Dec-20 94,200 3,140 Nov-20 71,820 2,317 TOTAL 832,100 27,376 12 month average gallons/day = 2,281 These numbers are after the 2gpm leak is deducted. The leak is not reaching the sewer. FPE-NC,LLC 6966 US HWY 220 SOUTH Flow study revealed major leak at this facility during some months. Ws denoted with * on this report are based on EPA guidance of 13 gpd. 100 employees at this location. Plastics manufacturing. Domestic sewer, no industrial waste Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 41,900 1,397 Sep-21 * 40,300 1,300 Aug-21 * 40,300 1,300 Jul-21 * 39,000 1,300 Jun-21 * 40,300 1,300 May-21 22,620 754 Apr-21 17,820 575 Mar-21 18,050 645 Feb-21 19,650 634 Jan-21 14,970 483 Dec-20 16,640 555 Nov-20 28,040 905 TOTAL 304,490 11,148 12 month average gallons/day = 929 Sapona Plastics, 133 Oakview Lane Plastics manufacturing Domestic sewer, no industrial waste Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 26,360 879 Sep-21 33,300 1,074 Aug-21 17,550 566 Jul-21 21,540 718 Jun-21 13,070 436 May-21 36,370 1,212 Apr-21 31,850 1,027 Mar-21 14,720 526 Feb-21 18,150 585 Jan-21 16,730 540 Dec-20 75,690 2,523 Nov-20 33,640 1,085 Total 338,970 11,171 12 month average gallons/day = 931 Sapona Plastics, Boone St Plastic manufacturing warehouse/shipping facility. Domestic Sewer Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 2,000 67 Sep-21 2,000 65 Aug-21 1,000 32 Jul-21 1,000 33 Jun-21 1,000 32 May-21 27,000 900 Apr-21 1,000 32 Mar-21 1,000 36 Feb-21 0 0 Jan-21 1,000 32 Dec-20 11,000 367 Nov-20 2,000 65 Total 50,000 1,661 12 month average gallons/day = 138 Uwharrie Charter Academy, High School Charter High School Domestic Sewer, no Cafeteria School shut down the majority of this time due to COVID Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 25,200 840 Sep-21 22,000 710 Aug-21 2,200 71 Jul-21 3,200 107 Jun-21 10,200 329 May-21 13,500 450 Apr-21 10,900 352 Mar-21 5,100 182 Feb-21 5,000 161 Jan-21 20,300 655 Dec-20 4,200 140 Nov-20 6,500 210 TOTAL 128,300 4,207 12 month average gallons/day = 351 Uwharrie Charter Academy, Middle School Charter Middle School Domestic Sewer, no Cafeteria School shut down the majority of this time due to COVID Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 34,100 1,137 Sep-21 29,000 935 Aug-21 1,900 61 Jul-21 7,300 243 Jun-21 18,500 597 May-21 16,900 563 Apr-21 9,300 300 Mar-21 10,000 357 Feb-21 8,100 261 Jan-21 7,800 252 Dec-20 10,100 337 Nov-20 10,600 342 TOTAL 163,600 5,385 12 month average gallons/day = 449 NC DOT, Rest Stop, Southbound 1-74 rest stop Domestic Sewer. Facility irrigates lawn, no meter for this resulting in high #'s. No legitimate way to know the amount of users Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 163,500 5,450 Sep-21 182,600 5,890 Aug-21 128,000 4,129 Jul-21 154,600 5,153 Jun-21 214,100 6,906 Jul-17 192,400 6,413 Apr-21 97,100 3,132 Mar-21 49,000 1,750 Feb-21 33,300 1,074 Jan-21 65,800 2,123 Dec-20 65,900 2,197 Nov-20 81,800 2,639 TOTAL 1,428,100 46,856 12 month average gallons/day = 4,071 NC DOT, Rest Stop, Northbound 1-74 rest stop Domestic Sewer. Facility irrigates lawn, no meter for this resulting in high #'s. No legitimate way to know the amount of users Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 147,600 4,920 Sep-21 190,300 6,139 Aug-21 103,300 3,332 Jul-21 153,900 5,130 Jun-21 101,300 3,268 May-21 138,800 4,627 Apr-21 88,500 2,855 Mar-21 84,900 3,032 Feb-21 68,500 2,209 Jan-21 92,200 2,974 Dec-20 93,000 3,100 Nov-20 102,800 3,316 TOTAL 1,365,100 44,902 12 month average gallons/day = 3,741 Fresh Cuts Deli and Grocery Deli and grocery store. Domestic sewer. Facility has Grease Trap Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 14,800 493 Sep-21 33,900 1,094 Aug-21 24,400 787 Jul-21 26,400 880 Jun-21 25,200 813 May-21 52,500 1,750 Apr-21 35,000 1,129 Mar-21 32,900 1,175 Feb-21 29,700 958 Jan-21 37,600 1,213 Dec-20 30,000 1,000 Nov-20 38,100 1,229 TOTAL 380,500 12,521 12 month average gallons/day = 1,043 H&H Furniture Furniture manufacturing facility Domestic Sewer Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 16,800 560 Sep-21 36,600 1,181 Aug-21 18,800 607 Jul-21 17,800 593 Jun-21 28,600 923 May-21 32,300 1,077 Apr-21 43,800 1,413 Mar-21 26,900 961 Feb-21 25,200 813 Jan-21 26,300 848 Dec-20 23,200 773 Nov-20 26,000 839 TOTAL 322,300 10,588 12 month average gallons/day = 882 First Line Plumbing Plumbing sales office. Domestic Sewer Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 590 20 Sep-21 810 26 Aug-21 750 24 Jul-21 820 27 Jun-21 610 20 May-21 1,230 41 Apr-21 680 32 Mar-21 840 30 Feb-21 900 29 Jan-21 1,000 32 Dec-20 950 32 Nov-20 900 29 TOTAL 10,080 342 12 month average gallons/day = 29 Brian Moody Construction Office Domestic Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 1,600 53 Sep-21 2,260 73 Aug-21 990 32 Jul-21 1,230 41 Jun-21 1,220 39 May-21 1,420 47 Apr-21 730 24 Mar-21 760 27 Feb-21 1,170 38 Jan-21 1,110 36 Dec-20 1,180 39 Nov-20 1,270 41 TOTAL 14,940 490 12 month average gallons/day = 41 Seagrove Pottery Small pottery manufacturing, sales office. Domestic Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 6,540 218 Sep-21 10,350 334 Aug-21 12,470 402 Jul-21 11,650 388 Jun-21 8,210 265 May-21 5,510 184 Apr-21 4,240 137 Mar-21 2,940 105 Feb-21 2,160 70 Jan-21 3,270 105 Dec-20 5,490 183 Nov-20 5,270 170 TOTAL 78,100 2,561 12 month average gallons/day = 213 Primavera Restaurant Restaurant Domestic sewer. Facility has Grease Trap Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 4,540 151 Sep-21 5,460 176 Aug-21 5,130 165 Jul-21 4,660 155 Jun-21 1,470 47 May-21 2,940 98 Apr-21 5,480 177 Mar-21 4,780 171 Feb-21 3,670 118 Jan-21 3,930 126 Dec-20 5,640 188 Nov-20 5,280 170 TOTAL 52,980 1,742 12 month average gallons/day = 145 LBDJ, LLC Office. Domestic sewer. Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 0 0 Sep-21 0 0 Aug-21 10 0.32 Jul-21 0 0 Jun-21 0 0 May-21 0 0 Apr-21 0 0 Mar-21 10 0.35 Feb-21 0 0 Jan-21 10 0.32 Dec-20 0 0 Nov-20 0 0 TOTAL 30 1 12 month average gallons/day = 1.00 Black Lake Retreat Center Christian retreat center/meeting facility Domestic sewer. Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 1,200 40 Sep-21 126 3,900 Aug-21 0 0 Jul-21 0 0 Jun-21 0 0 May-21 0 0 Apr-21 0 0 Mar-21 0 0 Feb-21 2,500 81 Jan-21 2,500 81 Dec-20 2,500 83 Nov-20 2,500 81 TOTAL 11,326 4,266 12 month average gallons/day = 356 Lighthouse Baptist Church Baptist Church Domestic Sewer Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 1,230 41 Sep-21 13,000 419 Aug-21 2,210 71 Jul-21 3,890 130 Jun-21 4,220 136 May-21 370 12 Apr-21 4,930 159 Mar-21 2,950 105 Feb-21 3,160 102 Jan-21 670 22 Dec-20 1,860 62 Nov-20 3,820 123 TOTAL 42,310 1,382 12 month average gallons/day = 115 Seagrove First Baptist Church Baptist Church Domestic sewer Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 300 10 Sep-21 3,060 99 Aug-21 1,710 55 Jul-21 1,520 51 Jun-21 580 19 May-21 790 26 Apr-21 990 32 Mar-21 820 29 Feb-21 750 24 Jan-21 1,030 33 Dec-20 860 29 Nov-20 1,150 37 TOTAL 13,560 444 12 month average gallons/day = 37 Charlotte Wooten Private residence Domestic sewer. Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 920 31 Sep-21 2,270 73 Aug-21 1,420 46 Jul-21 1,450 48 Jun-21 1,010 33 May-21 1,490 50 Apr-21 2,050 66 Mar-21 1,640 59 Feb-21 840 27 Jan-21 1,080 35 Dec-20 930 31 Nov-20 900 29 TOTAL 16,000 528 12 month average gallons/day = 44 Dwight Thompson Private residence Domestic sewer. Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 2,210 74 Sep-21 2,330 75 Aug-21 1,850 60 Jul-21 1,920 64 Jun-21 2,080 67 May-21 2,620 87 Apr-21 2,410 78 Mar-21 2,380 85 Feb-21 2,720 88 Jan-21 2,330 75 Dec-20 2,480 83 Nov-20 2,440 79 TOTAL 27,770 915 12 month average gallons/day = 76 David Fernandez Pottery manufacturing/sales, Bar, and Private Residence Domestic sewer. Month/Year Monthly Total (gals) GPD Oct-21 4,700 157 Sep-21 5,240 169 Aug-21 3,750 121 Jul-21 4,570 152 Jun-21 4,340 140 May-21 4,960 165 Apr-21 4,400 142 Mar-21 3,230 115 Feb-21 3,520 114 Jan-21 3,130 101 Dec-20 3,070 102 Nov-20 3,490 113 TOTAL 48,400 1,591 12 month average gallons/day = 133