HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0047384_Fact Sheet_20140606NCDENR / DWQ FACT SHEET NPDES PERMIT RENEWAL AND EXPANSION City of Greensboro/T.Z. Osborne WWTP NPDES No. NC0047384 Facility Information Facility Name: T.Z. Osborne WWTP (South Buffalo Creek) Permitted Flow, MGD: 40 mgd renewal and expansion to 56 MGD County: Guilford Facility Class: 4 Regional Office: Winston Salem Facility Status: Existing USGS Topo Quad: C20SW (McLeansville) 41 Permit Status: Stream Characteristics Renewal and Expansion Receiving Stream: South Buffalo Creek Drainage Area (mi2): Subbasin/ 8 Digit HUC: 030602/03030002 Summer 7Q10 (cfs) 2.1 Index No.: 16-11-14-2C Winter 7Q10 (cfs): 4.7 Stream Class: WS-V, NSW 30Q2 (cfs): 6.5 303(d) Listed: YES, for Cu and Zn Average Flow (cfs): 46 Use Support: Impaired IWC (%) at 40 and 56 MGD: 96.7% / 97.6% SUMMARY This facility is a major municipal treatment plant operating in Guilford County. The City of Greensboro operates the TZ Osborne WWTP and this permit application was originally submitted on Jan. 4, 2011 for a permit renewal at the current plant design flow of 40 MGD. On Feb. 22, 2013 the City submitted a revised renewal application to include an expansion modification from 40 MGD to 56 MGD. In addition, on April 25, 2013 the City of Greensboro submitted data requesting monitoring frequency reductions for fecal coliform, total suspended solids, CBOD5, and ammonia -nitrogen. Additional information was requested and received on May 1, 2013. The permit was than redrafted but put on hold pending proposed changes to the Jordan Lake rules in state legislation. In 2013 the Jordan Lake Wastewater Discharge Rule was modified by Session Laws 2011-394 (HB119) and 2013-395 (SB515). This permit was then re- drafted to include these modifications and a Total Nitrogen reduction schedule outlining the actions the City will take to comply with annual total nitrogen targets listed in NPDES Permit NC0047384. BACKGROUND The City of Greensboro currently operates both the T. Z. Osborne WWTP with a permitted discharge of 40 MGD and the North Buffalo Creek WWTP with a permitted discharge of 16 MGD. As part of the B. Everett Jordan Reservoir Nutrient Management Strategy and TMDL adopted in August 2009 the City of Greensboro assessed alternatives for the two WWTP's to meet TMDL nutrient limitations. The most feasible and cost effective alternative determined was to expand and upgrade the T.Z. Osborne WWTP to a combined permitted discharge of 56 MGD and to rescind the NPDES permit for the North Buffalo Creek WWTP. In 2010, the City requested and received speculative limits for a combined discharge of 56 MGD from the T.Z. Osborne facility to South Buffalo Creek. In February 2012, The City of Greensboro submitted a SEPA Environmental Assessment on the proposed expansion and on October 9, 2012, a Finding of No Significant Impact was issued. As stated above, the City than resubmitted its permit renewal application which included the expansion to 56 MGD. The proposed project will not increase the total wastewater treatment capacity for the City and the geographical service area will not be increased beyond the current plannning limits. NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET City of Greensboro- T.Z. Osborne Page 2 NPDES No. NC0047384 For the past 3 years, the T.Z. Osborne WWTP has discharged an average flow of 23 MGD into South Buffalo Creek. The City has a separate sewer collection system. The City of Greensboro has 34 Significant Industrial Users (SIUs) and a full-scale pretreatment program. SIUs include metal finishers and electroplaters, organic chemical manufacturing, centralized waste treatment, electrical and electronic component manufacturing, textile manufacturers, one tobacco company, and two pharmaceutical companies. Twenty-nine SIUs discharge directly to the T.Z. Osborne WWTP and five SIUs send their effluent to the North Buffalo Creek WWTP. A portion of the wastewaters received at the N. Buffalo WWTP are currently diverted to the T.Z. Osborne WWTP and treated. In 2010, the total average daily flow to the North Buffalo Creek WWTP was 15.4 MGD. Approximately 6 MGD was treated and discharged to North Buffalo Creek, and 9.4 mgd was transferred to the T.Z. Osborne WWTP for treatment and discharge. The WWTPs, T.Z. Osborne and North Buffalo, ultimately discharge to the Haw River arm of Jordan Lake. The T.Z. Osborne WWTP discharges to South Buffalo Creek, which then discharges to Buffalo Creek>Reedy Fork>Haw River>Jordan Lake. South Buffalo Creek is an effluent -dominated stream, with the Greensboro discharge representing 96.7% of the in -stream waste concentration (IWC) at 40 mgd and 97.6% IWC at 56 mgd. South Buffalo Creek is listed on the 2012 303(d) list for Cu and Zn impairments. With the adoption of the Jordan Lake Nutrient Management Strategy and TMDL in Aug. 2009, the City of Greenboro will have to control nitrogen to meet the following annual TN mass loadings:. Jordan Lake Rules End -of -Pipe Target TN Annual Mass Loadings Concentration POTW Permitted Flow Annual Mass Load North Buffalo 16.0 MGD 257,438 pounds —5.3 mg/L T.Z. Osborne 40.0 MGD 643,595 pounds —5.3 mg/L The permit was modified in 2010 to reflect the Jordan Lake Nutrient Management Strategy and TMDL and this permit includes additional modifications made to the rule as modified by North Carolina Session Laws 2011-394 (HB119) and 2013-395 (SB515). These modifications extend compliance with the TN Combined Limit to 2019; however, if an ATC is acquired for purposes of complying with the allocation prior to Dec. 31, 2019, the annual mass Total Nitrogen limit shall be effective beginning with calendar year 2021. As part of the Management Strategy, South Buffalo Creek was reclassified as a WS-V stream. The closest downstream intake on the Haw River is the Town of Pittsboro's which is approximately 65 river miles below the T.Z. Osborne outfall. On July 16, 2012 the NC Governor signed Senate Bill 810 which included the following clarification on WS-V waters: SECTION 12.1. Rules adopted by the Environmental Management Commission pursuant to S.L. 2009-216 and S.L. 2009-486 to implement nutrient management strategies for the B. Everett Jordan Reservoir and the Falls of the Neuse Reservoir watersheds shall not be interpreted to apply surface water quality standards set out in 15A NCAC 2B .0218(3)(e) through (3)(h) to waters designated in the nutrient management rules as WS-V except where: (i) the designation of WS-V is associated with a water supply intake used by an industry to supply drinking water for their employees; or (ii) standards set out in I5A NCAC 02B .0218(3)(e) through (3)(h) are violated at the upstream boundary of waters within those watersheds that are classified as WS-II, WS-III, or WS-IV. This section shall not be construed to alter the nutrient reduction requirements set out in 15A NCAC 2B .0262(5) or 15A NCAC 2B .0275(3). As a result, effluent sampling data for pollutants of concern were compared to Human Health standards pertaining to organism consumption and Aquatic Life freshwater, Water Quality Standards (WQS). Surface water quality standards found under 15A NCAC 2B .0218(3)(e) through (3) (h) were not applied. Page 2 Version: June 2, 2014 NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET City of Greensboro- T.Z. Osborne Page 3 NPDES No. NC0047384 PERMIT LIMIT DEVELOPMENT AMMONIA -NITROGEN Note that the BOD ultimate loading at 40 MGD for the TZ Osborne WWTP was frozen to determine the CBODS limits for the 56 MGD expansion. As a result, the ammonia -nitrogen limit was lowered to 0.82 mg/L as a summer monthly average and 1.64 mg/L as a winter monthly average at 56 MGD. TheX -e FP&eri I- _4,teolitm DO stendard-is to be maintained at above 6 mg/L. /I di REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Reasonable potential analyses were conducted for As, Cu, F, Pb, Ni, Se, and Zn (see RPA attached). All other toxicants reported samples at levels below detection — Be, Cd, Cr, CN, and Ag. Effluent sampling data for Arsenic, Fluoride, Lead, and Nickel showed no reasonable potential to violate Water Quality Standards. Effluent sampling data for Selenium, Copper and Zinc showed reasonable potential to violate Water Quality Standards. Recommendations: • Monthly monitoring and limitations for Selenium were added to the permit. • Copper and Zinc are action level standards and are reviewed in conjunction with toxicity testing. Copper and Zinc monitoring will remain in the permit at a reduced frequency of quarterly. The City has passed 21 out of 22 Whole Effluent Toxicity Tests between 2009 and 2013. Copper and Zinc limitations are not considered necessary for this discharge. All the metals will continue to be monitored as part of the City's Pretreatment Program. MERCURY LIMITATION REVIEW: Effluent Mercury Data — T.Z. Osborne Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 # of Samples 52 51 52 52 44 Annual Average, ng/L 6.2 5.4 3.8 3.9 3.7 Maximum Value, ng/L 13.60 19.70 11.10 11.90 9.30 TBEL, ng/L 47 WQBEL, ng/L 12.4 Per the Division guidelines for implementing the mercury TMDL, five years of mercury effluent data was evaluated. Annual averages for all five years were less than the allowable Water Quality Based Effluent Limitation of 12.4 ng/L and the Technology Based Effluent Limitation (TBEL) of 47 ng/L. In accordance with the implementation of the 2012 Statewide Mercury TMDL, the City is required to develop and implement a Mercury Minimization Plan and continue to monitor for mercury as part of its Effluent Pollutant Scans. TOXICITY TESTING: Type of Toxicity Test: Existing Limit: Recommended Limit: Monitoring Schedule: Chronic P/F 001: Chronic P/F @ 90% 001: Chronic P/F @ 90% January, April, July, and October The facility has been consistently passing its WET tests. During the period from 2009 through 2013 it has passed 21 out of 22 toxicity tests. Second species tests were performed and passed as well. Page 3 Version: June 2, 2014 NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET City of Greensboro- T.Z. Osborne Page 4 NPDES No. NC0047384 COMPLIANCE SUMMARY: DMRs have been reviewed for the period January 2009 through December 2013. The facility received five Notices of Violation (NOVs) during that time period. The NOV's issued cited exceedances for the following parameters during the months listed: Hg in 2/2009, Hg in 12/2009, Hg in 2/2010, ammonia - nitrogen and CBOD5 in 4/2011, and CBOD5 in 7/2012. No permit limit violations occurred in 2013. The last routine compliance evaluation inspection was conducted on March 12, 2012 and the facility evaluation rating was extremely reliable. The last routine pretreatment compliance evaluation inspection was conducted on August 24, 2012 and the facility evaluation rating was extremely reliable. INSTREAM MONITORING: Instream monitoring is required for temperature, dissolved oxygen, fecal conform, and conductivity. The facility is a member of the Upper Cape Fear Monitoring Coalition, and all their instream monitoring is conditionally waived for the duration of their membership in the Coalition. The 2005 Cape Fear River Basin Plan recommends that the City of Greensboro continue to monitor water quality on S. Buffalo Creek and continue to work with DWR to identify measures thatcan be used to reduce stormwater impacts to the creek. In 2002, Greensboro received a $570,000 CWMTF grant to construct a 20-acre stormwater wetland along South Buffalo Creek treating runoff from 13 square miles of urban land. All three segments of S. Buffalo Creek remain on the 2012 303(d) list showing aquatic life impairments. TMDLs are expected to be developed for identified stressors within 8-13 years of listing. NUTRIENTS: TN and TP Limits: Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus limits were determined as part of the Jordan Lake Nutrient Management Strategy which includes a Wastewater Discharge rule (T15A NCAC 02B .0270) that established maximum loads of nitrogen and phosphorus that can be released from wastewater treatment facilities into the Jordan Lake watershed. The rule specifies that the wasteload allocations are to be divided among the existing facilities in proportion to their 2001 permitted flows (with certain exceptions). SEPA/FONSI DETERMINATION: The proposed expansion was subject to review by governmental agencies under the State of North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (SEPA EA), and DWR has concluded that the proposed project will not result in significant impacts to the environment. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was issued on October 9, 2012 and is available for inspection at the State Clearinghouse. ANTIDEGRADATION REVIEW: Per NC Antidegradation Policy (15A NCAC 2B.0201), each applicant for an NPDES permit expansion must document an effort to consider non -discharge alternatives pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H.0105(c)(2). This alternatives evaluation was submitted as part of the SEPA EA document, and resubmitted with the permit renewal and expansion. It is important to note that the proposed project will not increase the total wastewater treatment capacity for the City and the geographical service area will not be increased beyond the current plannning limits. DWR staff reviewed both the previous flow justification for the City's service area as well as the alternatives analysis to meet the nutrient TMDL standards. DWR staff concurred with the projected flow needs based on a 20-year planning horizon. The service area population is expected to increase from 269,666 (in 2010) to 429,841 (in 2035). The main four alternative discharge options considered and their corresponding comparative costs included: 1) Nutrient Removal Upgrades to existing surface water discharges — North Buffalo Creek and T.Z. Osborne WWTPs at a 20-year Total Present Worth cost of $150,700,000 2) Land Application with a 60-day storage pond at a 20-year Total Present Worth cost of $573,700,000. Page 4 Version: June 2, 2014 NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET City of Greensboro- T.Z. Osborne Page 5 NPDES No. NC0047384 3) Reuse Spray Irrigation using approximately 6,400 acres at a 20-year Total Present Worth cost of $573,700,000. 4) Upgrades at T.Z. Osborne to treat 56 MGD and decommissioning the N. Buffalo Creek WWTP, transferring all the City's permitted flow to one facility and complying with TMDL nutrient standards, at a 20-year Total Present Worth cost of $133,200,000. DWR concurred with the alternatives analysis conclusion that the upgrade and expansion of the T.Z. Osborne facility(option number 4 above) with a direct discharge to South Buffalo Creek is the most environmentally sound alternative from all reasonably cost-effective options (per 15A NCAC 2H.0105). MONITORING FREQUENCY REDUCTION EVALUATION: • On April 25, 2013 the City of Greensboro submitted data requesting monitoring frequency reductions for fecal coliform, total suspended solids, CBOD5, and ammonia -nitrogen. Additional information was requested and received on May 1, 2013. Three years of effluent data were reviewed (2011-2013) for each parameter and a summary on the analysis is attached and titled - Effluent Analysis Summary. Reduced monitoring frequencies for fecal coliform, total suspended solids, and CBOD5 were granted based on long-term treatment performance at levels consistently below effluent limitations (<50%). Ammonia -nitrogen effluent sampling results did not meet the Guidance requirements to allow for a sampling reduction. PROPOSED CHANGES: • . Change the permit expiration date to June 30, 2019 to allow five years before permit renewal. • Reduce monitoring frequencies for fecal coliform, total suspended solids, and CBOD5 from daily monitoring to twice per week. • Cyanide, cadmium, nickel, and fluoride effluent sampling results did not show reasonable potential to violate Water Quality Standards (WQS). Limits and monitoring requirements for all four parameters were removed from the permit. • Effluent sampling data for selenium showed reasonable potential to violate Water Quality Standards. Monthly monitoring and limitations for selenium were added to the permit. • Copper and zinc sampling results showed reasonable potential to violate WQS, however, they are action level parameters and limits are set in conjuction with toxicity test results. T.Z. Osborne is passing its toxicity tests so limits are not necessary. Both parameters remain in the permit and sampling was reduced from monthly to quarterly in accordance with the NPDES Monitoring Frequency memo dated July 15, 2010. • Mercury annual averages were less than the WQBEL and the TBEL of 47 ng/L. In accordance with the 2012 Statewide Mercury TMDL and NPDES Permitting Implementation the mercury limitation was removed. The facility will be required to implement a Mercury Minimization Plan and continue monitoring mercury as part of their Effluent Pollutant Scans. • Section A.(2.) was added to include limitations and monitoring requirements when T.Z. Osborne WWTP is expanded to 56 MGD. Changes in the Total Residual Chlorine and Selenium limitations are based on the increased Instream Waste Concentration (IWC) at 56 MGD. • Footnote #2 in Section A.(3.) was revised to recognize North Carolina Session Laws 2011-394 (HB119) and 2013-395 (SB515) which extends the compliance date to 2021 if an ATC is acquired before Dec. 31, 2019 for upgrades needed to meet the TN allocation. • In accordance with Federal Regulations 40 CFR 122 a schedule containing annual milestones outlining the steps the City of Greensboro will take to comply with the Jordan Lake Wastewater Discharge Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0270), as modified by North Carolina Session Laws 2011-394 (HB 119) and 2013-395 (SB515), was added under Special Condition A.(4.). Page 5 Version: June 2, 2014 NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET City of Greensboro- T.Z. Osborne Page 6 NPDES No. NC0047384 • Section A. (6.) on the Effluent Pollutant Scan now designates the three years in which the scans are to be performed. • Sections A.(7.) and A.(9.) were revised to include TN and TP allocations and load calculation changes when T.Z. Osborne is expanded to 56 mgd and N. Buffalo is closed. • Section A. (10.) Nitrogen Optimization Plan was added to confirm that the City of Greensboro will continue to evaluate its treatment facilities and operational processes to make reasonable efforts to reduce nitrogen discharges until process improvements are completed as stated in its nitrogen optimization plan dated 2/11/2010. PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE: Draft Permit to Public Notice: Feb. 12, 2014 (est.) Permit Scheduled to Issue: April 7, 2014 (est.) STATE CONTACT: If you have any questions on any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Julie Grzyb at (919) 807-6389. NAME: REGIONAL COMMENTS: No additional comments received from the Region. EPA COMMENTS: No comments received from EPA. NC WRC COMMENTS: DATE: of o See attached memorandum dated 2-19-2014. Comment 1. NC WRC was pleased to see that the ammonia -nitrogen speculative limits were included in the permit. Comment 2. NC WRC recommends UV or ozone disinfection systems over chlorine contact tanks due to aquatics toxicity caused by chlorine and associated compounds. Page 6 Version: June 2, 2014 NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET City of Greensboro- T.Z. Osborne Page 7 NPDES No. NC0047384 Addendum to fact sheet 6-2-2014: Below are the NPDES responses to the comments received from the City of Greensboro on their draft permit dated March 21, 2014. The comments are briefly noted first with NPDES responses in italics. The comment letter from the City is attached to the Fact Sheet. 1. The footnote documenting the City's authority to use 20 ug/L as the POTW's specific analytical limit was removed from the permit. The City requested that the footnote be inserted back into the effluent pages. Cyanide effluent monitoring and limitations were removed since no reasonable potential was shown for cyanide to violate state Water Quality Standards. Since the footnote would not reference anything in the permit, the POTW's specific analytical limit for cyanide will be recognized in the cover letter. 2. The City of Greensboro requested that the raw data used to determine the TN and TP calculations in the permit be provided in the fact sheet. An explanation of how the allocations were determined is provided below: Calculation of combined nutrient limits for Greensboro WWTPs The City has two WWTPs and N & P allocations for each. Two schools have also connected to the TZO plant, and their allocations were transferred to TZO in accordance with the Jordan Lake WW rule. A few key considerations in combining allocations to set limits Nutrient reduction targets in the Jordan Lake strategy — the resulting nutrient limits in NPDES wastewater permits — are ultimately concerned with controlling the amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus delivered to the lake. Some portion of the nitrogen and the phosphorus discharged upstream of the lake is lost in transit to the lake. The amounts of nutrients lost increase with travel time. Transport factors are an estimate of the losses and are used to convert nutrient loads, allocations, or limits from 'discharge' to 'delivered' values and back. Transport factors in the Jordan Lake watersheds vary from one facility to the next. Thus, all transfers of allocation must be conducted in terms of 'delivered' loads in order to ensure that the aims of the strategy are met. The resulting 'delivered' allocations can then be converted back to the corresponding 'discharge' or 'end -of -pipe' loads, if necessary. The City's combined limits for TN and TP are the sums of the delivered allocations held by the TZO and NBC plants. • The NBC plant's allocations are the plant's base allocations under the Jordan WW rule. NBC's TN allocation (delivered) = 110,698 Ib/yr NBC's TP allocation (delivered) = 13,591 Ib/yr Page 7 Version: June 2, 2014 NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET City of Greensboro- T.Z. Osborne Page 8 NPDES No. NC0047384 • The TZO plant's allocations include the plant's base allocations and those of the two schools that have connected to the City's collection system, as follows: TZO's TN allocation (delivered) TZO's TP allocation (delivered) = 289,618 Ib/yr (Individual allocations are as originally 608 assigned under the Jordan WW rule.) 149 290,374 lb/yr delivered load 35,595 Ib/yr (Individual allocations are as originally 90 assigned under the Jordan WW rule.) 23 35,708 Ib/yr delivered load (Allocations are not rounded but are displayed to the nearest 1 lb/yr. Sums are based on the actual, not the displayed, allocations and may appear to be in error due to differences between the displayed and true values.) Again, the combined delivered allocations for the two plants are the sums of these delivered allocations: Combined TN allocation/ limit = Combined TP allocation/limit = 290,374 lb/yr TZO 110,698 NBC 401,072 lb/yr TN 35,708 Ib/yr TZO 13,591 NBC 49,299 lb/yr TP The component and combined allocations are summarized here: Transport Factors Allocations - TN Allocations - TP TN TP TN at EOP (Ib/yr) TN to Lake (Ib/yr) TP at EOP (Ib/yr) TP to Lake (Ib/yr) T.Z. Osborne WWTP 45% 44% 643,595 289,618 80,899 35,595 Northeast MS&HS 608 90 McLeansville MS 149 23 290,374 35,708 North Buffalo Creek 43% 42% 257,438 110,698 32,359 13,591 Combined ("bubble") 401,072 49,299 Page 8 Version: June 2, 2014 NPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET City of Greensboro- T.Z. Osborne Page 9 NPDES No. NC0047384 3. The City requested that the permit address TN and TP allocations during the period of time when the N. Buffalo Creek WWTP is off-line (and rescission of the NBC permit has occurred) and all wastewaters are being treated at the T.Z. Osborne WWTP but the expansion has not been completed. Condition A.(3) in the permit has been modified to clarify that the TN and TP combined delivered load limit will apply to T.Z. Osborne at a permitted flow of 40 MGD once the NBC permit is rescinded and until the expansion is completed. Additionally, paragraph (a.) under Section A.(1.) has been revised to reference condition A.(3.). where the combined delivered limitations for TN and TP are described. In addition, the following item was added to the final permit in response to comments from DWR Public Water Supply Regional and Central Office staff. • A special condition was added under Section A. (13.) stating that this permit may be reopened and modified in the future to include 1,4-dioxane monitoring and/or reduction measures, if the wastewater discharge is identified as contributing to violations of surface water quality standards Page 9 Version: June 2, 2014 p = �7 • G 0 0 w o 0 0 0 0 N N.Ul 0) N d 4— h l0 N O h Q N II II II II II ti o2ooaU O I~ aa� c) _ 3 Z_ . O a L a a 0 O� C G Q a 5 � X L 3 N U i O V-. M � � m O O — (V O t0 0 0 0 0 h h N U5 O eF N ct cc; et U) II II II II II II E Giw4;w4-•d� 0 (.) C.) +,7!) 003oo,G aO°'a� 0) Guilford WWTP NC0047384 RECOMMENDED ACTION No RP , Predicted Max >_ 50% of Allowable Cw - defer to LTMP al samples < 5 ug/L all samples < 2 ug/L all samples < 5 ug/L RP for AL(Cu,Zn,Ag,Fe,CI) - apply Quarterly Monitoring in conjunction with TOX Test all sample < 20 ug/L No RP , Predicted Max >_ 50% of Allowable Cw - defer to LTMP No RP , Predicted Max >_ 50% of Allowable Cw - defer to LTMP No RP, Predicted Max < 50% of Allowable Cw - No Monitoring required REASONABLE POTENTIAL RESULTS Max Pred n # Det. Cw Allowable Cw Acute: NO WQS Chronic: 51.7 No o value > Allowable Cw Chronic: 17.4 No value > Allowable Cw Acute: NO WQS Chronic 6.7 Acute: 15.4 Chronic: 2.1 Acute: 1,051.0 Chronic: 51.7 No value > Allowable Cw ' Acute: 7.5 Chronic: 7.2 1 I value(s) > Allowable Cw Acute: 22.6 Chronic: 5.2 Acute: NO WQS Chronic 1,861.0 No value > Allowable Cw Acute: 34.8 Chronic: 25.8 No value > Allowable Cw Acute: 268.4 Chronic: 91.0 No value > Allowable Cw e^ �., a z ¢ z �, N o ¢ z o os.ci o O O N o O 0 O 0 00 t 00 O co to 000 00 00 00 0000 s1INn b t t b t 10d o STANDARDS & CRITERIA (2) NC WQS / Applied /2 FAV / Chronic Standard Acute 50 FW(7Q10s) 10 HH/WS(Qavg) 6.5 FW(7Q10s) 00 aa 3 CVO00 N N O 3 7 FW(7Q10s) 7.3 5 FW(7Q10s) 22 1800 FW(7Q10s) 25 FW(7Q10s) 33.8 ,..0O N O a 3 00 00 w }d v U U Z 0 0 Z 0 Z 0 Z PARAMETER Arsenic Arsenic E _ Z 0! Cadmium Chromium Copper (AL) Cyanide Fluoride m J 713 U z 0 0 O 0 Guilford WWTP a NC0047384 0 c o a all samples < 5 ug/L 0) 42 N Q z N 0 a r 0 00 00 on 0 r 0 U Z U Z U Z E 0) N co 0. 0, 0 cy X N 0 0 0 a Q w Q S U w tr N m W V co M N 0 N N a 2013 Freshwater RPA Guilford WWTP NC0047384 RECOMMENDED ACTION Acute: NO WQS Chronic51.2--- ---------------------------- N o value > Allowable Cw Chronic: 15.3 No RP , Predicted Max a 50% of Allowable Cw - No value > Allowable Cw defer to LTMP Acute: NO WQS al samples < 5 ug/L Chronic: 6.7 --- -------- -------------- Acute: 15.3 all samples < 2 ug/L Chronic: 2.0 --- ---------------------------- Acute: 1,042.8 all samples < 5 ug/L — — — — — — — — Chronic: 51.2 No value > Allowable Cw Acute: 7.4 RP for AL(Cu,Zn,Ag,Fe,CI) - apply Quarterly Monitoring in conjunction with TOX Test Chronic------7.2 --- 11 value(s) > Allowable Cw Acute: 22.4 all sample < 20 ug/L Chronic: 5.1 --- ---------------------------- Acute: NO WQS Chronic: 1,843.5 No RP , Predicted Max a 50%0 of Allowable Cw - No value > Allowable Cw defer to LTMP Acute: 34.5 No RP , Predicted Max >_ 50% of Allowable Cw - defer to LTMP Chronic:---- 25.6-------------------------- No value > Allowable Cw Acute: 266.3 No RP, Predicted Max < 50% of Allowable Cw - No Monitoring required — — — — — — — — Chronic: 90.1 No value > Allowable Cw REASONABLE POTENTIAL RESULTS Max Pred ri # Det. Cw Allowable Cw M M Q z Q z Vl N ¢ z 1,300.0 O ^ co V co M M N h O O O 0 co o0 u11 tr.O 0o 0 c0 '0 co u1 co n 00 '0 SllNfl 00 ou o� 0 �'0 1 0 on 0 Z n Z on 0 lied o STANDARDS & CRITERIA (2) NC WQS / Applied h FAV / Chronic Standard Acute 50 FW(7Q10s) 10 HH/WS(Qavg) 6.5 FW(7Q10s) 2 FW(7Q10s) 15 50 FW(7Q10s) 1022 7 FW(7Q10s) 7.3 5 FW(7Q10s) 22 1800 FW(7Q10s) 25 FW(7Q10s) 33.8 0 N 0 a 0o 00 tu a_ ;a- H V 0 0 z 0 0 Z 0 0 0 z PARAMETER Arsenic Arsenic E 0 N Cadmium Chromium ¢ Q a.LTm 0 0 Cyanide 0) 9 0 V J ) U Z 0 0) a /0 0 C O Q. 0. all samples < 5 ug/L z a> CO CO U Z U 00 N w 0 U Z J U N N 0 N CO CL REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Standard Date 1 9/15/2010 2 12/29/2010 3 3/9/2011 4 6/8/2011 5 9/14/2011 6 12/14/2011 7 3/14/2012 8 6/20/2012 9 9/12/2012 10 12/11/2012 11 3/13/2013 12 9/18/2013 13 10/28/2013 14 10/29/2013 15 10/30/2013 16 10/31/2013 17 11/26/2013 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Data BDL=1/2DL Results 10 5 Std Dev. 10 5 Mean 10 5 C.V. 10 5 n 11 11 8 8 Mult Factor = 4 4 Max. Value 10 5 Max. Pred Cw 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 SPECIAL -Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 1.6247 5.4706 0.2970 17 1.21 11.0 ug/L 13.3 ug/L Chromium Date Data 1 11/1/2013 2 3 4 5 6 10/1/2013 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9/1/2013 15 16 17 18 8/1/2013 19 20 21 22 7/1/2013 23 24 25 26 27 5/1/2013 28 29 30 31 32 4/1/2013 33 34 35 36 3/1/2013 37 38 39 40 2/1/2013 41 42 43 44 1/1/2013 45 46 47 48 49 10/24/2012 50 10/31/2012 51 11/7/2012 52 11/14/2012 53 11/21/2012 54 11/28/2012 55 12/5/2012 56 12/11/2012 57 12/19/2012 58 12/26/2012 Use "PASTE SPECIAL Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 BDL=1/2DL Results 2.5 Std Dev. 0.0000 2.5 Mean 2.5000 2.5 C.V. 0.0000 2.5 n 58 2.5 2.5 Mult Factor = 1.00 2.5 Max. Value 2.5 ug/L 2.5 Max. Pred Cw 2.5 ug/L 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 2.5 NC0047384 9595 FRESHWATER RPA@40MGD 2014.xlsm, data - 1 - 2/10/2014 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS 9 Copper (AL) Date 1 11/21/2012 2 11/28/2012 3 12/5/2012 4 12/11/2012 5 12/19/2012 6 12/26/2012 7 1/2/2013 8 1/9/2013 9 1/16/2013 10 1/23/2013 11 1/29/2013 12 2/6/2013 13 2/13/2013 14 2/20/2013 15 2/26/2013 16 3/6/2013 17 3/13/2013 18 3/20/2013 19 3/26/2013 20 4/3/2013 21 4/10/2013 22 4/17/2013 23 4/23/2013 24 5/1/2013 25 5/8/2013 26 5/15/2013 27 5/22/2013 28 5/29/2013 29 6/5/2013 30 6/12/2013 31 6/19/2013 32 6/26/2013 33 7/3/2013 34 7/10/2013 35 7/17/2013 36 7/23/2013 37 7/31/2013 38 8/7/2013 39 8/14/2013 40 8/21/2013 41 8/28/2013 42 9/4/2013 43 9/11/2013 44 9/18/2013 45 9/25/2013 46 10/2/2013 47 10/9/2013 48 10/16/2013 49 10/23/2013 50 10/28/2013 51 10/29/2013 52 10/30/2013 53 10/31/2013 54 11/1/2013 55 11/6/2013 56 11/13/2013 57 11/20/2013 58 11/26/2013 Data BDL=1/2DL Results 9 9 Std Dev. 8 8 Mean 6 6 C.V. 7 7 n 7 7 7 7 Mull Factor = 7 7 Max. Value 7 7 Max. Pred Cw 9 9 6 6 11 11 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 7 7 10 10 4 4 7 7 5 5 7 7 9 9 7 7 6 6 11 11 8 8 5 5 5 5 7 7 13 13 5 5 7 7 8 8 2 1 5 5 6 6 5 5 6 6 5 5 7 7 7 7 6 6 7 7 5 5 4 4 7 7 6 6 7 7 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 7 3.5 Use"PASTE SPECIAL Values" then' 'COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 1.9686 6.5776 0.2993 58 1.00 13.0 ug/L 13.0 ug/L 11 Fluoride Use"PASTE SPECIAL Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points -= 58 Date Data BDL=1/2DL Results 1 10/24/2012 600 600 Std Dev. 251.9855 2 10/31/2012 1100 1100 Mean 803.4483 3 11/7/2012 900 900 C.V. 0.3136 4 11/14/2012 1000 1000 n 58 5 11/21/2012 ';'' 1000 1000 6 11/28/2012 5 600 600 MultFactor= 1.00 7 12/5/2012 500 500 Max. Value 1300.0 ug/L 8 12/11/2012 1000 1000 Max. Pred Cw 1300.0 ug/L 9 12/19/2012 1000 1000 10 12/26/2012 1100 1100 11 1/2/2013 . 500 500 12 1/9/2013 700 700 13 1/16/2013 200 200 14 1/23/2013 500 500 15 1/29/2013 900 900 16 2/6/2013 1000 1000 17 2/13/2013 ; 600 600 18 2/20/2013 600 600 19 2/27/2013 600 600 20 3/6/2013 700 700 21 3/13/2013 600 600 22 3/20/2013 500 500 23 3/27/2013 500 500 24 4/3/2013 500 500 25 4/10/2013 . 400 400 26 4/17/2013 700 700 27 4/24/2013 500 500 28 5/1/2013 600 600 29 5/8/2013 > 700 700 30 5/15/2013 600 600 31 5/22/2013 500 500 32 5/29/2013 500 500 33 6/5/2013 .1 800 800 34 6/12/2013 700 700 35 6/19/2013 , 1100 1100 36 6/26/2013 900 900 37 7/3/2013 1200 1200 38 7/10/2013 800 800 39 7/17/2013 1200 1200 40 7/24/2013 900 900 41 7/31/2013 t 800 800 42 8/7/2013 800 800 43 8/14/2013 ' 700 700 44 8/21/2013 1000 1000 45 8/28/2013 900 900 46 9/4/2013 700 700 47 9/11/2013 800 800 48 9/18/2013 700 700 49 9/25/2013 900 900 50 10/2/2013 900 900 51 10/9/2013? 1100 1100 52 10/16/2013 1100 1100 53 10/23/2013 1300 1300 54 10/30/2013 1100 1100 55 11/6/2013 1000 1000 56 11/13/2013 1100 1100 57 11/20/2013 1300 1300 58 11/26/2013 s 1100 1100 NC0047384 9595 FRESHWATER RPA@40MGD 2014.xlsm, data - 1 - 2/10/2014 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS 12 ;Use"PASTE SPECIAL .Values" then "COPY" . ,-Maximum data points = 58 Lead 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Date Data 11/1/2013 <'.. 10/1/2013 < 9/1/2013 < 8/1/2013 7/1/2013 1 H. < 1< <. 5/1/2013 <' 1< <i 4/1/2013 3/1/2013 I<, 10/24/2012 < 10/31/2012 < 11/7/2012 11/14/2012 11/21/2012 11/28/2012 12/5/2012 12/11/2012 12/19/2012 12/26/2012 BDL=1/2DL Results 10 5 Std Dev. 2.0938 10 5 Mean 5.6034 10 5 C.V. 0.3737 10 5 n 58 10 5 10 5 Mult Factor 1.00 10 5 Max. Value 16.0 ug/L 10 5 Max. Pred Cw 16.0 ug/L 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 < 10 5 < 10 5 < 10 5 <' 10 5 <I 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 16 16 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 13 13 10 5 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 <' 10 5 < 10 5 <' 10 5 <, 10 5 <; 10 5 11 11 < 10 5 <1 10 5 15 Nickel Date Data BDL=1/2DL Results 1 9/5/2012 14.0 14 Std Dev. 2 9/12/2012 13.0 13 Mean 3 9/26/2012 21.0 21 C.V. 4 11/7/2012 42.0 42 n 5 11/14/2012 34.0 34 6 11/21/2012 f 24.0 24 Mult Factor = 7 11/28/2012 13.0 13 Max. Value 8 12/5/2012 k. ; 21.0 21 Max. Pred Cw 9 12/11/2012 31.0 31 10 12/19/2012 27.0 27 11 1/2/2013 15.0 15 12 1/9/2013 21.0 21 13 1/16/2013 24.0 24 14 1/23/2013 28.0 28 15 1/29/2013 17.0 17 16 2/6/2013 18.0 18 17 2/13/2013 12.0 12 18 2/20/2013 14.0 14 19 2/26/2013 13.0 13 20 3/13/2013 10.0 10 21 3/26/2013 40.0 40 22 4/3/2013 16.0 16 23 4/10/2013 20.0 20 24 4/17/2013 15.0 15 25 4/23/2013 = 15.0 15 26 5/15/2013 38.0 38 27 5/22/2013 40.0 40 28 5/29/2013 ,. 19.0 19 29 6/5/2013 17.0 17 30 6/12/2013 13.0 13 31 6/19/2013 26.0 26 32 6/26/2013 " 17.0 17 33 7/3/2013 20.0 20 34 7/10/2013 11.0 11 35 7/17/2013 16.0 16 36 7/23/2013 14.0 14 37 7/31/2013 =_; 20.0 20 38 8/7/2013 '2' 24.0 24 39 8/14/2013 ' 15.0 15 40 8/21/2013 13.0 13 41 8/28/2013 32.0 32 42 9/4/2013 12.0 12 43 9/11/2013 19.0 19 44 9/18/2013 18.0 18 45 9/25/2013 29.0 29 46 10/2/2013 14.0 14 47 10/9/2013 28.0 28 48 10/16/2013 14.0 14 49 10/23/2013 13.0 13 50 10/28/2013 18.0 18 51 10/29/2013 `.` 14.0 14 52 10/30/2013 13.0 13 53 10/31/2013 17.0 17 54 11/1/2013 19.0 19 55 11/6/2013 14.0 14 56 11/13/2013 14.0 14 57 11/20/2013 . v: 17.0 17 58 11/26/2013 14.0 14 Use "PASTE SPECIAL Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 7.9197 19.6552 0.4029 58 1.00 42.0 ug/L 42.0 ug/L NC0047384 9595 FRESHWATER RPA@40MGD 2014.xlsm, data - 1 - 2/10/2014 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS 16 Selenium Date 1 11/1/2013 2 3 10/1/2013 4 5 6 7 9/1/2013 8 3/1/2013 9 1/26/2010 10 3/10/2010 11 4/27/2010 12 6/16/2010 13 9/15/2010 14 12/29/2010 15 3/9/2011 16 6/8/2011 17 9/14/2011 18 12/14/2011 19 3/14/2012 20 6/20/2012 21 9/12/2012 22 12/11/2012 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Data Use "PASTE SPECIAL Values" then "COPY" . Maximum data points = 58 BDL=1/2DL Results 10 5 Std Dev. 4.2795 10 5 Mean 5.8636 10 5 C.V. 0.7298 10 5 n 22 10 5 10 5 MultFactor= 1.39 10 5 Max. Value 25.0 ug/L 10 5 Max. Pred Cw 34.8 ug/L 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 25 25 4 4 10 5 10 5 10 5 18 Zinc (AL) Date 1 11/21/2012 2 11/28/2012 3 12/5/2012 4 12/11/2012 5 12/19/2012 6 12/26/2012 7 1/2/2013 8 1/9/2013 9 1/16/2013 10 1/23/2013 11 1/29/2013 12 2/6/2013 13 2/13/2013 14 2/20/2013 15 2/26/2013 16 3/6/2013 17 3/13/2013 18 3/20/2013 19 3/26/2013 20 4/3/2013 21 4/10/2013 22 4/17/2013 23 4/23/2013 24 5/1/2013 25 5/8/2013 26 5/15/2013 27 5/22/2013 28 5/29/2013 29 6/5/2013 30 6/12/2013 31 6/19/2013 32 6/26/2013 33 7/3/2013 34 7/10/2013 35 7/17/2013 36 7/23/2013 37 7/31/2013 38 8/7/2013 39 8/14/2013 40 8/21/2013 41 8/28/2013 42 9/4/2013 43 9/11/2013 44 9/18/2013 45 9/25/2013 46 10/2/2013 47 10/9/2013 48 10/16/2013 49 10/23/2013 50 10/28/2013 51 10/29/2013 52 10/30/2013 53 10/31/2013 54 11/1/2013 55 11/6/2013 56 11/13/2013 57 11/20/2013 58 11/26/2013 Data Use"PASTE SPECIAL Values" then "COPY" .-Maximum data points = 68 BDL=1/2DL Results 82 82 Std Dev. 24.4843 60 60 Mean 79.4483 74 74 C.V. 0.3082 100 100 n 58 79 79 60 60 Mult Factor = 1.00 96 96 Max. Value 144.0 ug/L 105 105 Max. Pred Cw 144.0 ug/L 109 109 105 105 77 77 97 97 92 92 105 105 100 100 53 53 90 90 79 79 67 67 63 63 104 104 83 83 82 82 107 107 61 61 35 35 27 27 33 33 37 37 60 60 52 52 83 83 46 46 56 56 113 113 144 144 104 104 117 117 65 65 103 103 110 110 88 88 104 104 74 74 99 99 84 84 70 70 37 37 83 83 91 91 78 78 61 61 77 77 90 90 53 53 55 55 58 58 91 91 NC0047384 9595 FRESHWATER RPA@40MGD 2014.xlsm, data - 1 - 2/10/2014 EFFLUENT ANALYSIS SUMMARY NC0047384 Fecal Coliform (2011-2013) 1) 9.53 geo avg < 100/100mL or 50 % of the monthly permit limit 2) 200% of 400/100 mL weekly avg limit = 800/100mL 2011 5 2012 0 2013 1 6 daily samples > 200% of permit limit < 20 daily samples exceeded 200% of the 400/100 mL permit limit 3) no more than two weekly average limit violations in 2013 (none on record) Reduce monitoring Frequency for fecal coliform to 2lweek CBOD (2011-2013) 1) 7/12*4 mg/L + 5/12*8 mg/L = 5.67 mg/L weighted, annual monthly average 2.83 = 50% of wt. annual monthly average 2.7658551 2.77 three-year average is < 50% of the weighted annual monthly average limit 2) 200% of summer monthly avg. limit = 8 ml summer values > 8 2011 5 2012 3 2013 1 9 daily samples exceeded 200% of the monthly average summer limit 200% of winter monthly permit limit = 16 r winter values > 16 2011 0 2012 0 2013 0 no daily samples exceeded 200% of monthly average winter limit only 15 exceedances allowed - 9 accounted for 3) no more than two weekly average limit violations in 2013 (none on record) Reduce Monitoring Frequency for CBOD5 to 2lweek TSS (2011-2013) 1) 30 mg/L monthly average permit limit 15 = 50% of monthly average permit limit 5.18 three-year average is < 50% of the monthly average permit limit 2) 200% of monthly average permit limit= 60 mg/L 2011 0 2012 1 2013 0 1 daily sample exceeded 200% of the monthly average limit 3) no more than two weekly average limit violations in 2013 (none on record) Reduce Monitoring Frequency for TSS to 2/week NH3-N (2011-2013) 1) 7/12*2 mg/L + 5/12`4 mg/L = 2.83 mg/L weighted, annual monthly average 1.42 = 50% of wt. annual monthly average 0.56 three-year average is < 50% of the weighted annual monthly average limit 2) 200% of summer monthly avg. limit = 4 mg/L summer values > 4 2011 10 2012 1 2013 0 11 daily samples exceeded 200% of the monthly average summer limit 200% of winter monthly permit limit = 8 mg/L winter values > 8 2011 7 2012 0 2013 0 0 0 0 7 daily samples exceeded 200% of monthly average winter limit Total - 18 samples exceeded 200% of the monthly summer and winter averages (15 allowed) 3) no more than two weekly average limit violations in 2013 (none on record) Monitoring Frequency for NH3-N remains the same i City of Greensboro T. Z. Osborne [NC0047384] Reduced Monitoring Request The City of Greensboro hereby requests designation as an "Exceptional Performing Facility" and reduced monitoring for the following parameters listed as daily monitoring in the current T. Z. Osborne NPDES permit: CBOD5, TSS, NH3-N, and fecal coliforrn. A spreadsheet summarizing the applicable data is also part of this submittal. [Language from October 22, 2012 DWQ Guidance Regarding the Reduction of Monitoring Frequencies in NPDES Permits for Exceptionally Performing Facilities] Individual NPDES facilities shall submit a written request to modify their NPDES permit specifying which parameters are to be considered for reduced monitoring . Permit holders must include with their requests sufficient data, statistical analyses, and other information to support the justification for reduced monitoring. NPDES permit staff shall review the application and supporting information. Approval of reduced monitoring frequency shall be granted if all the criteria below are met: • The facility has no more than one civil penalty assessment for permit limit violations for each target parameter during the previous three years. o During CY 2010 to 2012, the T. Z. Osborne POTW was assessed the following civil penalties for the four target parameters: ■ March 2011: $2599.52 for one MA NH3-N limit violation • Neither the permittee nor any of its employees have been convicted of criminal violations of the Clean Water Act within the previous five years. o No City of Greensboro employees have been convicted of criminal violations of the Clean Water Act within the previous five calendar years (2008-2012) • The facility is not currently under an SOC for target parameter effluent limit noncompliance. o The T. Z. Osborne POTW is not currently under an SOC for CBOD6, TSS, NH3-N, or fecal coliform violations. • The facility is not on EPA's Quarterly Noncompliance Report for target parameter limit violations. o The City of Greensboro has not been notified that the T. Z. Osborne POTW is on EPA's Quarterly Noncompliance Report for CBODS, NH3-N, TSS or fecal coliform violations. • For BOD5, CBOD5, TSS, NH3-N and TSS, the three year arithmetic mean of effluent data must be less than fifty percent of the monthly average permit limit. For fecal coliform or enterococci, the three year geometric mean must be less than 50 percent of the monthly average permit limit. For parameters with summer and winter limits, an annual arithmetic mean of the seasonal limits may be used in the calculation. o The T. Z. Osborne CY2010-2012 effluent concentrations are less than 50% of the NPDES monthly average limits as follows [see attached data spreadsheet]: City of Greensboro T. Z. Osborne NC0047384 Reduced Monitoring Request Submittal; 'April 2013 Page 1 NPDES/Aquifer Protection Permitting Unit Pretreatment information Request F•,ran PERMIT WRITER COMPLETES THIS PART: Check all that apply Date of Request Requestor Facility Name Permit Number Region Basin 12/8/2011. Julie Grzyb T.Z. Osborne NC0047384 WSRO municipal renewal new industries WWTP expansion Speculative limits stream reclass. Cape Fear outfall relocation 7Q10 change other other PERMIT WRITERS- AFTER you get'this form back from PERCS: Notify PERCS if LTMP/STMP data we said should be on DMRs is not really there, so we can get it for you (or NOV POTW). - Notify PERCS if you want us to keep a specific POC in LTMP/STMP so you will have data for next permit renewal. - Email PERCS draft permit, fact sheet, RPA. - Send PERCS paper copy of permit (w/o NPDES boilerplate), cover letter, final fact sheet. Email RPA if changes. check applicable PERCS staff: v BRD, CPF, CTB, FRB, TAR - Sarah Morrison (807-6310) CHO, HIW, LUM, LTN, NES, NEW, ROA, YAD - Monti Hassan (807-6314) Other Comments to PERCS: 29 SIU's listed in permit application: 9 non -categorical and 20 CIU's PERCS PRETREATMENT STAFF COMPLETES THIS PART: Status of Pretreatment Program (check all that apply) 1) facility has no SIU's, does have Division approved Pretreatment Program that is INACTIVE 2) facility has no SIU's, does not have Division approved Pretreatment Program 3) facility has SlUs and DWQ approved Pretreatment Program (list "DEV" if program still under development) 3a) Full Program with LTMP 3b) Modified Program with STMP 4) additional conditions regarding Pretreatment attached or listed below X X Flow, MGD Industrial �ontroIlable Permitted 3.893 n/a Actual 2.8817 17.62 Time period for Actual May 2005-June 2007 May 2005-June 2007 Most recent: Next Cycle: STMP time frame: a F a u o a. Parameter'of Concern (POC) Check List POC due to NPDESI Non- Disch Permit Limit Required by EPA* Required by 503 Sludge** POC due to SIU*** POTW POC (Explain below)%°** STMP Effluent Freq LTMP Effluent Freq X BOD X X 4 Q X TSS ' X X 4 Q X NH3 X 4 Q X Arsenic X X 4 Q ,/ Cadmium X X X 4 ' Q ,% Chjem'iuni • ,j X X 4 Q ,4 .Copper 4 X 4 Q X Cyanide X X 4 Q 4 Lead.. ,% X 4 Q X Mercury X X X 4 Q M Molybdenum 4 Q M ,f Nickel X. 4 X X 4 Q X .. Silver X 4 Q X Selenium 4 Q 4 Zinc ,% X 4 Q Total Nitrogen • 4 Q X Phosphorus X X 4 Q X Beryllium X 4 Q F Fluoride X 4 Q M 4 Q M 4 Q M Q = Quarterly M = Monthly Is all data on DMRs? YES NO (attach data) X* Is data in spreadsheet? YES (email to writer) NO *Always in the LTMP/STMP ** Only in LTMP/STMP if sludge land app or composte talc r��s ror memo arm �� *** Only in LTMP/STMP while SIU still discharges to POTW • **** Only in LTMP/STMP when pollutant is still of concern to POTW Comme nts to Permit Writer (ex., explanation of anv POCs; info you have on IU related investigations into NPDES problems): POTW incinerates sludge (POCs are different than land application or composting). POTW also includes in the LTMP sampling for the following: acetone and ethyl acetate (once/year influent/effluent),;antimony, cobalt, tin, titanium, vanadium, Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, carbazole, n- Decane, fluoranthene, n-Octadecane, o-Cresol, p-Cresol and 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (1/qtr influent/effluent). — X*: Selenium is not listed on the DMRs as noted in the LTMP at a quarterly frequency. This POC is not required by EPA and since the POTW does not land apply their sludge, it is not required by Part 503. Copy of T Z Osborne PERCS NPDES request June_30_2011.xIsx Revised: July 24, 2007 GIJJLL 1J1"a1L 1CIU1-111 fl_.di Parameter Reason for Rating 0J From McConnell Rd to US 70 South Buffalo Creek 16-11-14-2b co rn rn Ecological/biological Integrity FishCom Poor Bioclassification 4— J U 0 'CS d) 0 E From US 70 to Buffalo Creek •South Buffalo Creek 16-11-14-2c e Creek at US29 rorn SR 2426 0) 0) 1 0 0 0 0 Ecological/biological Integrity Benthos Fair Bioclassification CD 4-- J U (O CT 0 0) L co 0 E Page 5 of 177 Draft NC 303(d) List- Comments due March 12, 2012 Friday, February 10, 2012 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Gordon Myers, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: Julie Grzyb, NPDES Complex Permitting, Wastewater Branch Division of Water Resources FROM: Shari L. Bryant, Piedmont Region Coordinator 2h0 o Habitat Conservation Program DATE: 19 February 2014 SUBJECT: NPDES Permit Renewal and Expansion for City of Greensboro, T.Z. Osborne Wastewater Treatment Plant, Guilford County, NPDES Permit No. NC0047384 Biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission have reviewed the subject document. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (as amended), Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667e), and North Carolina General Statutes (G.S. 113-131 et seq.). The City of Greensboro has applied for a renewal of their NPDES permit to discharge 40 million gallons per day (mgd) of treated municipal and industrial wastewater into South Buffalo Creek in the Cape Fear River basin. The permit renewal also includes an expansion of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to 56 mgd. The proposed expansion includes transfer of wastewater from the North Buffalo Creek WWTP (16 mgd) that will be decommissioned. We provided comments on an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed expansion of T.Z. Osborne WWTP from 40 to 56 mgd. Based on information provided in the EA, it appears the WWTP uses chlorine systems for disinfection, and the proposed expansion would continue to use chlorine for disinfection. Also, the EA states ammonia speculative limits are 0.82 mg/L in summer and 1.64 mg/L in winter. The instream waste concentration for this WWTP appears to be 90%. While we recognize there are no listed aquatic species in South Buffalo Creek, it is likely water quality is a limiting factor in this stream supporting a diverse aquatic community. We offer the following comments or recommendations regarding the permit renewal and expansion. 1. We are pleased to see the speculative limits for ammonia -nitrogen of 0.82 mg/L in summer and 1.64 mg/L in winter as described in the EA have been included in this permit. Freshwater mussels are among the most sensitive aquatic organisms tested for impacts from ammonia, and ammonia may be a significant limiting factor for unionids (Augspurger et al., 2003). Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries • 1721 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 707-0220 • Fax: (919) 707-0028 Page 2 19 February 2014 T.Z. Osborne WWTP NPDES Pennit No. NC0047384 2. Rather than adding two new chlorine contact tanks, we recommend replacing the chlorine disinfection systems with ultraviolet light or ozone systems. Chlorine is acutely toxic to aquatic organisms and can form secondary compounds that are detrimental to aquatic life. Valenti (2006) concluded the impact of long term exposure to low doses of chlorine may impact juvenile mussels and reduce the chance of them being recruited to the reproducing population. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this permit renewal and expansion. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (336) 449-7625 or shari.bryant(ncwildlife.org. Literature cited Augspurger, T., A. E. Keller, M. C. Black, W. G. Cope, and F. J. Dwyer. 2003. Derivation of water quality guidance for protection of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) from ammonia exposure. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22(11):2569-2575. Valenti, T.W., D.S. Cherry, R.J. Currie, R.J. Neves, J.W. Jones, R. Mair, and C.M. Kane. 2006. Chlorine toxicity to early life stages of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25(9):2512-2518.