HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-05457_Well Construction - GW1_20210615 WELL CONSTRIJMON RECORD For trtemw Use oN1.Y: ns form can be asod for sftk of rtailtigic"US R s.-„`C✓s.. 1.Welt Gnntrnetor_ItttortTlatlon: - t4 TA tt: Brian Ewing VR M To Dt?SC-Rrm"N4 %WtCo"kaCit►Haft fL n. Jir:S0if;;*t"%en rCseCSin. 4240-B NCWtffCawwarCanif1cdfonNnnber #807PR. ING a *RdwmfiRLEM ltcah FROM TO nunferrmR" TflICiCRFSS MATCRIAt. SAEDACCO Inc 0 n, 19 fb 2.25^ le. NA Steel Cema:rn}-t�►aic FROM TO Di OMTr.R TtITCKNTM MAWJUAL 2.Wcfl C•4►nshvction Pcrmltlh. W10400557 ft, rLn. ht l�gatl eppiirable well prrm#ts fcr.Gnunte,Suer,Vrrrianrr,Ir}'aeYlal err) 3.Wdl Use(checlt well Oic): Water Supply Wdl: PROM TO DI XTRY LR SI OT IYr nl]CIKNTW MATKRIAT;_ DA96culttital olvilmicipal/Pablic 19 R, 24 ti 1.251'1M .004 NA Steel OGeothetntal(ReatinglCooling Supply) OResidential Water Supply(Single) A. tt, is ClindtlstrialfConimmial ORcsidcn6al Water Supply'(shared) FROM 01)7` liftOM TQ MATBR[AL Q\iPLAG7'N'6 rAEiilQDfiAMQL"Rl' ofrri Lion it. tt Hon-Water Supply Well: A. OMonitorin ❑ltecoi tt, injection ell: n. h. oAquiferRccharse oGtoundnitterRetoodiation VRO W P.RIAI::_ R71rpt,ACTittrlir r:7Yt n MAquiferStoiagc and Rccovcty Mal nity Barrier n, n. OAquiter Test oStommatcr Drainage rft.O ExpcAmcrital T=hnotog OSubsidc=c Cort"I xtr:_oRn.�t�•a a`►t11ic1i�itdtilmY'hrrt34t"" ` ❑Geothemml(Closed Loop) oTraeer PROM TQ FIESCRtrrtON a»r WomaaagncTc ren erg oGeothemnal ffleafirwXooli ng Return) ®Other( . Under 92,1 RemafS) 0 (. 15 th FILL SAND/SILT MOIST TO WET 15 ft, 24 i. SAME 4.01teWetl(s)COnipieted 5-25-21 WeiIM#IP 1-3 ft. ft. So.Well L ocatlim: ft. tt. Entercom Facility n. rL Ftic114J '0wwrNmw Facility IDB(if appiic bbk) tl. ft, 367 NC-68, Stokesdale, NC, 27357 fr. n. P)p'sicalAd4mmC'ily.and Zip 7I'l-011 Rockingham Injection via DPT "tooling IP 1-3. 150 gallons fxmn}' Panel Idcat7fRatiottNo.(iNN) 5h.141!Wde and Longitude in dcgr eeslmimtialsmands or decimal degas= 2L Certification: ttf xett tTetd,uric lartidt�is Stdttrkm) N W Bra,n�.Ewing; 6/7/2021 Sigrah t ofCcitiftd Wdi co,atacwt Deie 6.U(rat*)the ttel](9): oPetmanew or mTernporan' By,ring thin fofm,I hereby eenN .rh tt Ae"elks!VVI fmrrrl c,da'rnt aed in asreo4wee %1*)JA KCAC 02C.0100 or I BA NCAC p►:C.02t}Writ Caasrrtw-#an SMnodws and ilea a 7.U this u repair to an existing well: Me* or I&No COPY O'rhir MWrd hna brM PAU'i&W M the UVII fn,nor. ff W.4 h a rep dr.f 11 cmr.trr""nw11 emautwdi m MfonwrW mwl rrplaIn stye mrwre of the repair W derf?1 remara x srrrnnn dw(An die bawl:of dps farm 23.Site diagram eradditional weal demilt: You tray use die back of this page to pratide additional well site details or well 8.Number of welts constructed: 3 oons[mcdon details, You trap also attach additional des if necessary. Fc r m4 diWe InjKtka or mm-itwer j*pdv as is ONLY a frA rht rm r emtstrwrlian,ww rant sub"I twee form. SC BMnTA .�`CT1tL"IYONC 9.Total welldepth below land surface: 24 (rL) 34a. Per All Wells: Submit this form within 30 day8 of completion of,well Favor trrnlewer�alisrrrltdrp r¢fdijfrrrmtermrnste�3 d(1fN'a>uf?Ct.tfuJf CpnSintctiuntothc:following; 10.Static water level below top of casing: {R.) Dilision of Water.Resanreec.Lnfannatinn Processing Unit, lfHvver kvel is dboie raa ng,ices N+" 1617 Aiaii Semice Center,Raleigh,NC 276094617 t 1.Boruhotc diamctcr 2.25^ (m,) 24b.Far iUMM H'M ONLY:;In addition to sending the form to the address in 24aabove. also submit a:copy of[this fomn within 30 days of completion of null 12.Well construction mCthad:DRIVEN Construction to the following: 4i.e.aritlx.wbiy,'cable died pull►etc.) Dit lslor of WaterReiaon rres`«Underground fnjeclion ControiProgram, FOR WATF,R SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Semite CtDter.Raletgtt,NC 276994636 13a.Y1014(gpm) Method of tC+t: 24a For Witter 5nUWX&1ploctioh Wells: Also submit cite copy of this forin nsithin 30 days of completion of t31t.DisinfectionAmount rtc11 construction to the County luc:ntik del moment of the county whew constructed. { Fetm QA t Nmh Carolina Dada uwm of£nrimmnmd and Mnva)Rcwtnocs-Dh*jaa ofUlsler Resownes Rc%-imd A>6t 2013