HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-05938_Well Construction - GW1_20211025 � ._ �� �Tfta'�° ®1�T ��]tBIlD�Q�D�J�Il� Ferl�teenalUP
I.Well S mbullor flaformatlou:
%VQU CoeomMNeme
NC weuGfthz&aeCWdGUtre+W*&W l .�. � lag � F
Aqua ®rill, Inc.
c mpagyNamo• q 1 L
lB 81tIItiE!&Qid�dQo�$• ':8oe ..•
2.Welt Constrttctton�ermistk 1-� .> 1N'�t-f1r�I rIC.�
Ltstollappflaa6fauodlamatracuonperte4te(tal/IC.Co�nry�blrait.l/armaee,era) fk tt tle..
3.Well Use(cheek well use): Gk ffk .
ator ap t 9.'
Agiicuitutal '
® uniolpsyrublis. pg ,
t}eodtetnte!(Flestiog/Cooling SuAp1Y) esidentlal WderSapply(singl®) fte Q� its.
iadusWaVCamouyotel C3Itosidentiel Water Supply(shared)
Pto►ino F� '
at on. a :
Agittferlteohoega �QrnuadwalAPRe>uedialion rk �
Aqulfbr StOMSO and Rmvery �Beliat{y EetrieP 89 AN a
Aquifer Test
�StotmwaeePlDtai�ge � � ,
ExperimentalTechttotogy 0SubsidencoConttol Fk ft.
Geothennal(Cla3ed Loop) 137huer 8 B, G add
Gtmttbettnel Hesti Coolht ) Olhar lain under#21 Remarks Tb $ FDA
d.Data Well(e)Completed:,�c l ;21 WPjI Mp ek Wei. tra
la.Well Loostloni -OL- - - ik 41.
ILL x 6991M qk
FaoilityfQwauNemo tfaeUParIDI+(dFapplPeabYe) Fklife, CMD
�e9.�?(n 1-If�n-{• 'Qc��'Pl �i --�* rtttt•1a11.;.11C a?`I31� !k �
DlPWA4&Wse.C1W.aadzip Pk te,
Camly Pmel idendlicetim,No.(m)
Sow Ladlade and ioagllnd.inalegrees/mi®uteslsacosda or deelotol dag<nees:
(ifwdl Bold.one feUtaeg is antit�eatj 22•CePalcieaatoa: �C`+
550 54' �N "0 u5 So?.q"
6.lia(are)the well(e Feemaneat or � I&ft ent ac s a FCOM— e4 ell o a tatte r Date
9.&e tbls tt t'd � Sifgeln8 rPf=fawn,1 here6;� 6'A fhef fhe 1WIN trar(11MJ conitivm d in aeeordanee
@AIr t0 Am ePIQiBtg Welit Dyes or io!(aa® S ISM NCAC OIC.OA00 ar JSit reACOJC.OYOD iyell Cmsoatet/on Sfondar&and feat®- -
/7hlrtraiapoA.jHlontdttoirn�nel/ewutrustlonLljoPlpgrtpnandesp8afn'el�enattriegjehe espyafthtsweerdhwhampmvidediothewallmener.
aapQlP ander N?J i�arhr emrlaui tlP Qn fhe draa�q/'fM�rfeim.
28.Site dlogaam or additional vmU dalnUm
L For GeopPobdM or Closed°Loop Geothermal Wells having"Ume You may use the back of this pogo to pmvlde additional well site details or well
eonshuedon,only6OW1 kneeded. LtdlowTATALNEMBERofwells conettuctiondetailss. You may also attach additional pages ifnaammy. .
i►Total well depth below load satfacet ��5 f�) yqa,p®r,�tB YrJe➢le: Submit this term%i ithin 30
lrornmr*1eirells![ttalldaparirdip mn(aeon�p _J@20D.gMd20fla D9 construction totheibllowittg days of completion of wall
26:Static water Level below top ofcaslog: Cl (ft.) Division of Water Hesourcm,Information lrocm1ug Unit,
(/t��terlsa�fl trtlbaveeafing,urn^+^ 1617 Hall Service Centw sleigh.NC 27699-2617
1L Borehole diameter., (c (tu) 24b,F®r ni ctian Walls: Yn addition 4®sending the fomt to the address in Zda
IlZ Well cottstrttetton method: �;i' above also submit one copy of this fort within 30 days of completion of well
CIA auger,WMW.aVe.dbeotpw%aMj construction to the following:
FOR WATER Si"LY wXLYA ONLY.. D"lon of Water Resource&8lndergwood Injection Control i�rogrom,
1636 Mall Service Cate IBolelgb,KC2769F 1636
I3s.Yfietd(gttnt) Nethod of test:P!1 tt h±T;en 8ror YAJater Sunniv Bnieetion W ttc; In addition to sending the foam to
o the addtess(es)obavq, also submit one'eapy of this f m within 30 days of
fl3[w IDlslotlscetoa type. Amounts �Gcht completion of-Wall censtntction to the county health depintment of the counW
where conatnicted.
Fmm9W 1 Nettht:arellaaDepnneteatof8aviteaeeenteYQuatia,oDhf[sieaaftVater souraos RevtwMMIS