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20070405 Ver 1_Major Variance_20070308
OFFICE USE ONLY: Date Received Request # ~ ' ~" State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality "General" Major Variance Application Form - From the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico Riparian Buffer Protection Rules for residential structures on existing lots within the coastal counties as defined by the Coastal Area Management Act (As approved by the Water Quality Committee of the Environmental Management Commission on 5/9/2001) Please identify which Riparian Area Protection Rule applies. ^ Neuse River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC .0233) Tar-Pamlico River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC .0259) NOTE: To constitute a complete application, all of the information requested in this form must be provided. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant. The original and two copies of the completed "General" Variance Application Form and any attachments must be sent to the DWQ 401/Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650, 919-733-1786 to constitute a complete submittal. This form maybe photocopied for use as an original. Part 1: General Information (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) 1. Applicant's name (the corporation, ir~dividual, etc. who owns the property): 2. Print Owner/Signing Official (person legally~esponsible for the prope~and its compliance) Name: C~_~ wFul~ o~/~C ~'t/,A~'y5' Title: Oi~N~' 2 Street address: ~ ~~ CFA f},Q ~12 ~ ~. !~ c X ~ q 3 City, State, Zip: UC ~ q~alCr ~ C Z'lct 6 ~ __ Telephone:~~~- ©'6 E~ Fax: } ^~ ~q- 3. Contact person who can answer questions about the Name: f!.'~'.~4w~oQD ~~NQa~ ~ Telephone: ~2_S_~) 5~b'' UaE y Fax: f } ~v/f~ Email: nr/a ___ "General" Variance Application Form Version 1: May 2001 /~ ~~aQPRTY ~~~JNbf~IC S, SEPTIC SySiCM , r4NJ >7o5rT~~N _._.! ko t~iTc~, ~~~E~¢ ?~ ~UlLD A- J+o~sE= JS MIN/!'1 12 ~~ 3. Description of any best management practices to be used to control impacts associated with the proposed activity (i.e., control of runoff from impervious surfaces to provide diffuse flow, re-planting vegetation or enhancement of existing vegetation, etc.): i'`'© ~.i:SJ1:~16 N'avs'~7 O~}~.oQ~ q.'v~ S/tF/~ ~ECC /3F Q_F~i a v~ A . SF/~2hi -TRi=~~ f~4v~ gF~v ~C~NTED , Nu ~~iSri,ur ~~s wr[c /sue ~'i~M2~d A-!vb (~/2~~5 W±GL ~N ~L~A/7't4 ON tA/~-2/= AOaPEQtY. 4. Please provide an explanation of the following: (1) The practical difficulties or hardships that would result from the strict application of this Rule. EnC- i~Df/~~ S/~tFLy SE Ndwh~E/~F Tc~ g~lC~ /kjrSFLF ff- (2) How these difficulties or hardships result from conditions that are unique to the property involved. ~E %'Ic-S~lTy bl tC~ ~~5 /~,/~!I/~,4ai= !:^~ rrfi ya 5 { rly Fyn off/ /~/~~~/f -/tST 5i~ o~ DITc/~ (S v~13vi~t~~4-gc~ ~!{E oNCY .~-QFA- Tv ~SvPtO ~¢ N~~sF !S g~11•~1 ~JC(57'rN6 SEnrlC ST~.^- .gJlr~ 1J! tCN- (3) If economic hardship is the major consideration, then include a specific explanation of the economic hardships and the proportion of the hardship to the entire value of the project. Part 3: Deed Restrictions By your signature in Part 5 of this application, you certify that all structural stormwater best management practices required by this variance shall be located in recorded stormwater easements, that the easements will run with the land, that the easements cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that the easements will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. Part 4: Agent Authorization If you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section: Designated agent (individual or firm): Mailing address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: N~~7- "General° Variance Application Form, page 3 Version 1: May 2001 Fax: Email: Part 5: Applicant's Certification ~'Q'"~~"OA ~~N~p~ ~~~~ ~ (print or type name of person listed in Part I, Item 2), certify that the information included on this permit application form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans and that the deed restrictions in accordance with Part 5 of this form wilt be recorded with all required permit conditions. Signature: Date: Title: ,~ Z-~~-G Gt,~N~2 NC Division of Water Qua':ity (DWO) 401 Wetlands Certification'Jr:it 2321 Crabtree Blvd. (LOCAT!CNl 1650 tVlaii Service Center (aVi.h;l_ING ADDRESS; Raleieh, NC 2?699-1650 (9191733-9726 (phone) ~ttp !!h2c.enr.state.nc.usLncWetiands! Rfi'_EiGR R;=GULATCRY LI=~r~ O~ FICB CS Arr?y Corps of Engineers 6508 ~al!s of the Neese Road. Suite 120 Raleigh, North Carolira 27615 General Number (9191 876-8441 ^tC,~i`:!/~,~,~,vw.saw.usace.army.mi~lWetlanUSl!eytOUr. i^i~ i ~ '.NASH';NG ~ ON REGUL.ATOR`.' =!ELD O=-ICE US Army Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1000 `~ Washington, North Caro'ina 27889-1000 General Number: (252; 975-1616 :'1tt[J:!!Vi/WtN. S2W. USace. arr?y.,i.I~!LNet~andS!regtCU(. ht.%~ 'J'~.'ash~ngton District Office Division of Coastal 11~anaaement 943 l~~ashington Square P~iall Washington, NC 27889 ahone:252l946-6481 ~J!crehead City District Office Division of Coastal':Uanagement 151-8 ~'ighway 24 r`~!}orehead City, NC 28557 phone: 252!808-2808 "General° Variance Application Form, page 4 Version 1: May 2001 v tV-LVV/ HYDE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT SITE PLAN CRAWFORD M. EVANS, III PERMIT #22007-3 SS. 72 feet N 64' I7' 0"F q q N .~ N ~ N ~ b N /+i 2 G ^" reef :2G 1Q?9s ~ 9 feet ~ % yea `~6Qa~~ P ~~~ / u . a+ ~^ ~ N 1 R 'repared with QuikPlatPro32 software by Hugh Watson HYDE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 100 SWAN QUARTER, NC 27885 {252)926-4380 AUTHORIZATION FOR CONTINUED USE OF AN EXISTING SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM FOR Crawford M. Evans, III An existing system inspection was performed on your property located at 203 British Cemetery Road, Ocracoke. The system can accommodate a 2 bedroom house and 1 camper trailer. On the date of the inspection, February 8,20078 there was no evidence of failure. This authorization shall in no way be taken as a guarantee or warranty that the existing wastewater system will function in a satisfactory manner for any given period of time. Due to the development of clogging mats which adversely impact the life expectancy of normally functioning ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal systems, and variables influencing systems function which are beyond the scope of the Laws and Rules for Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems, no guarantee or warranty is implied or given that the existing system on the properly will function in a satisfactory manner for any specific period of time. Hugh Watson, RS Environmental Health Specialist ~ /~~ ~ti~~~ ~ ~ ~~~SC ~ ~~~X 2~ ~ ~g~ ~~I P ji~ooF ~.1 ~1r .~ ~ 'w~i~t ~ ~~ ~~ ~~;~~~a = ZZ y _ ~ ~~a pal L~/~ a~~ ~r ~ ~ ~ x y 5~~ - ~J~ g~ ~ ~ ~- -,~ ~c~U~~ -' ~~~ k' ~~ r w~7{+ Z ~ A~IP~~ao~ Ll~/t-" oN ~-/ s~~c~~S ~~~~~ C~.. ~-~~ x ~ ~pv~~ .~ ~~~K ~ x ~ ~~ GN (~~Llrv~~ ~= - ~uNC~1d~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~PvuN~ '?~~k jam` _ ~~ w - j ~ ~ s~ F~- ~. ~ l~'L ...~___. ~~-~~~~~ ___-- (~~;~>~~ ~~z~ O( ~v~~L S'tk ~~- ~~~ h Q~~ ~ by ~~' _o ~ Qv ~E°aa.STUM~ PRRGEL B pc "c " Sf.. gsJ I i i i i ~N/F +CERw~IT Ro D~nf ~oN PG"G a 5 L. 'r',G $!5 EIS 47• ~Z 0 ~h o~ N~ Y , / o N N ~W Z J W Z ~~ t Z, l0 32 . S R'f 2 PoR-po0~ or' PANG A ~ ~ ~ PL"c" st. ~gl C~' I~ N ~ ~.- I N Z Z J I~ , / ~ } • , ~ ~ ~~.. p i ~.,. ~ J 1 N ~ /r+'. NRG ~A ~ ~~p ~~~~a `\_ _ -- ~ ~~~ ~, ^~' '` ~x~~~ ~ z°~'~ ~ ~~ \~ ,}.9,.t-j' E1S ~Y r-~ Els aEsioE ~ 'S Crl°59'57"W- 109.41' ~ \ oLU PIPE EIS BESIDE OLD & i P 5$Z°22'D4rW 20.95' f I ~ ~, REVtEW oFf~ER of t~YDE GoUuYY~ GERTIPY 'fNA1 TFHS MAP MEETS AlL STATUTORY REQUIREMENtS ~oR REGnRDtNG AS A DEED ATI'gGtIMENT QEV IEW oFFCER Dk'~ 15 ~~r;/- ~ ~ ' o0 g3 ~ sts '~ ~' ~ 5!s r • ~'ti ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~n°o °r~n~'Wa - D ~ s! ~,~ vicinity sxetc no scale N!F KErw-r ~6,,wso~, .. ~IG'G°sL• 77G 'S o • o °F sls J - ~ . J __.-~J` N \ s Lq t~Y~- ~, .^ N tf- W tN m a „, N N 515 (.~ 1 ~A ~ V1 3~ kh 2 ~q h slto'IZ'D9"E 23.4'7' PRRGEL A P~"~" 5L. 8SJ rJA7AgNiEI 'V 2- ~ x 15° ,. REFERE>`1GE5 D.0 . ro 4, PC,. Z7 D.B. 85, x•45$ Dig • Pi'-i Pc-,. Ig to ~ ~ N/ F - NOW pR FoRrfElu.~' N ~ F ~I S - ExlST„JE, I KoN STAKE Sly -SET IRON 5ThKE PG -PLAT C-AS,NAfiB SL - SLI DE E'I P- l=xlSTrr.JG IRON PlQE - .GENTEtZ4wE ht0T17L'E SEAILGH DONE P,Y, bR ~LnrI15}IEDI'D, $URVk'`r01Z (N REla/41LD To 7oJJlrl(,, SFTQAc1c5 OR RESTRIGTiouS• SUEiSECf Pt2oPERtY IStN PL4GDZa~E A~.,EI.EV• fo•O PER FtRN- CPN 3'rr7133 9501 ? MA~(15,~0;03 ~o~f su.RVEY c~AP This is to certify that~,a~iFis map was prepared from an aet~~'~~.~u~v~~,y; that the ratio of prec~8~,bri.~ ~s~=>:~~~~ulated i s 1 - 5 000 -~ ~,t~ `~'fite ~ no encroachments un~e~~~""shown ~ii~ phis map is true and :EO~ree~ ~~~ the }pest of my knowledge and rbei°i'~``~: ~> ~, t. ,,, } e :., a +, /•• e_ :r~i. ago ~f-~•y y J `a.~. :~:; ~~. ~ Vaz~ao r ;~~ /aS ./ SURVEY FOR: CRAh1 Fb~2D M..~/r~NS, t t 1 LOCATION: '7=t?~T bfF NGS~ 133, B Rrnsr~ SEMEtERY Rev, pGteAtotlE , = vwn4sN~P , hRYDr LDU~J7''r, h~G ED FOGEY SU~tVEYING . EDWIN N.~FOLEY P:L.S. L-2884 ' ~.'-6 9 5 HAWS RUN ROAD JACKSONUILLE,N.C. " 910-346-3107 28540 DATE: ~#-1 x9105 SCALE 1 °= 3 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T~ ~~ X SuQF~c~ C'a/'rPaSrr-orv' 4~~ ~ GC~!F.~s/s'~a~~ ~ , by ~ ;~ ~. Qv E•t5 t~ ~Eoae6ruerP ~\ PaR~EL 8 Pc"c "'SL. g8? ~ Q~ 3 ~O N N od' liN N ~W Z ! ~ z ~ ~1 ' ~, g,5ti .` 49.47, Els6Es~ E ~ 5loi°59'57"W- l09.4!' o1v PIPE E'IS BESiaE a~~ E i P f I ~~F KErrr,~r Rop+N~oN Pc''c" s 1. ~~a ~ ~~ N ~ ~. N Z ~• ~' °o I Z, !a 32.5 FfiZ I `~ PoRRo.~ or' PAr~~ a ~ 8 ~ PG"G'' SL• '0gS I~ '/' ~~' L ~ _~~ DANA : - ~.~3 sus ,.~---~' J ~. J N \ S ' ~~ ~ v ~--` ~ to N 0 +J/1 N /~ ~ ~' ,- ~ . ~~•l'r Sr ~ ~ ~3~2 0 Z ^,yi ~ ~Ri-psNCE"^E'" ~ ~ ~a ~ vicinity sxetc no scale (EI P N/F 1~4Eaw ~7 ~~ brnrs °^i ~, P~ "G"s1• ?7L - _.". ~ V N 6 ~~ ~~ } °` gi5 ~ _,.. .. / I .. .' ~ d.. ,,, ~ ~= m - =~ . .._ ,~ ~ . ~`~ ,~ '3oj 515 .~ ;~ \'t' ~-z ~ > Y` ~,~~~ ~~t ~ ,,` -C' .y~ ~ \ e .- :; ~q.~lo no~ 3,~,I h,2~ ~tiq 5'%7 a fists ~ I~ sls 1x ~.yt 5~Z°Z2'o 4"W ~K 20.95' ~ ~. srs ~' ~Iti ~~ t ~ ,ln ~ p ~ 4~. 4~i 3 ° - o ° $, ~ R EV I E~1 b FflcE1Z o R !•}~toE CouNrl, GER71K`I "fNAT~r111s MaP Mset's ALL STATUTORY REQt]IREMENrS ~I7R REGoRDtn1G AS A QEED A'I"i'gGNMENT REVIEW nPFtLER Ok'~ Si tc°12'o9"E 234'7' pARCe1 P. PL'G" SL. 88J 1JR7HANlE~ Spa ~{EFEREr,1GES D•9. b4, PC,. 27 ~, a. as, a~. ~8 p~8 • Pi~i Pc-,. ~g N N ~~' N/ F - NOW bR FoRM~AL~' S~ E= ~t5 - Exrst~ah 1 RoN STRKE 515 - SET iRo>v ST,~Ke PG - PUiT CASwA~e sl - 5U DE ~'IP- ~xISTeNG IRonl PIPE - .GE~.ITEK4t>+tE NoT~1.E SEARcN DoNf P,Y, bR FuR,~I15t1EDl'D, SURvt~yoR IN R>`Gr4tizo To ZorJ1rJ[,, 56'fBAt.ICS oR RE5T2tcnoNs. SU~`s3EGt PRoPERT( 151N FLDCD ZONE AE, ELEV. (a'O Pt:1: FIRM CPN 370133 `i501 a' MAY 15, Zoo3 ~ LO'( SURVEY MAP This is to certify that~il~~h~is map was prepared from an a c~t~~ t~~gsy; that the ratio of prec~~f.~,b~1."~s•a ~~~.~~ulated is 1 - 5000-~ ~ ~t`~~~~°.~~ no encroachments un~es~s`~shown ~i~ phis map is true and ~o~ree~b the kxest of my knowledge anc~ ,be=Tz~~ ~ ~ a. 1 ~ `~ ~ /` .~:. ~v~ f~,~ :~ ,~. ,~- -, r Nh4°17'00"E- foq•21' 515 E1S ~'? ZZ SURVEY FOR: CLAW ~Q~~ M..~'~~NS, ~ I i LOCATION: 'f=~rbFFNCS~ 133~,B~~r~s~ CEME"fERY 1ZctAD~ pGR~3toIlE „~bwnlsWip , I~YDt G,QU~tJt^r, ~JG - ED FOLEY SURVEYING. EDWIN N. FOLEY P.L.S. L-2$84 ~-6 9 5 HAWS RUN ROAD JACKSONVILLE,N.C. 910-346-3107 2.8540 Z `~ x,~ ~< DATE: ~-1 z91 ~5 SCALE 1"= 30~ .. ,, ~ J~~~ -os`~D i ~ w%~x, sT~?~~ ~-~~~s~ 1..~1" stFt tc SAS trlh ~ Q~~ ~ h" o ,~ ~. Qv E.tS ~'~ GEoaR.htuWP PkR~EL 8 N/ ~ KE2M~r Rop,N~°N PG''G'' S L. 7?G sl ~ Z ~ ~R~nsNCE" ~ ~_a I ~ ~ vicinity sk no scale (E t P Nlf= I~EftxI1T ~°wnrsv^, ~,_ ~G 'G"SL- 77G c Nla4°1~'00'~E- to9.21' Sts E:IS 47 ~2 PG "G " SL, gST o- 3 ~o N lIN N 'Z J I 'L \ Z 1 4 g, 50 I ~~ ~, a E\ 49.47 - oLn PIPE L/t5 8E5i°E p1.D EIP f I i $~'~ ~ ~ \ 12, !a 32.5 FT2 PORTfON OY PAIZCCl. ~ `~ I ~ PG"G'f 5L• $P S ~~~ /'` N rr -'r T` `' ~ Iv pNAt, _,~ ; ~z ~ ~I 00 c~ $t5 ~~ ,~ ~,. ~ `, - ~ V '~.~` ~.,~. ~~ :; ! {~ % w / ~, 7 ~~~y / t V' ~!. 1v - ~ ~X w w ~? ~ ~"" -~~ tic ~ `~ 1 ~ ~-r. ~,.,.-^J ~l i ~ ''li..J' , ~ „ ~~, E ` ~ ~.~. ~ f;~ ~ ~; !e' . _~--~-~ ~ _.., N ~ \ .9 ~ -- N - _< ~ _ _ n N t{- N m lfl N srs ~. S~ ~` ~-~~ /~ - ~'~ ~ ~ uJ ~~, °~~ t~ ~q Ac '~ h3~ n 5t5 h ~\ 5$~°22'04"W 20.9 5' ~, ~ REVIEW 6Ff-cf2 of t-4'lDE GoUNYY, GERYI>;`t 'fHA'f -('-}1S MAP MEETS ALL STRTUToRY REQUIREMEN?5 FUR REGoRD-,.w Acs A DrED ATfgGHMENT (CEV1Ew nEFfGIrR Dh'~ PL~-2CEL P. Pc c" sL. 8SJ J~tA7t~ANlEL .SA~so^t t~EFERE,JGES 0.0. ~4, PG• 2' D,B. 85, x,.458 D~9 • Pi~i F7G-,, ig w ~ ° 11/ F - NOW bR 1=oRrf I:Ra~' ~ ~ F X15 - ExtST,nfEr ! ROIJ STAKE Sts -SET IRON SThKE PG .. PLAT CAB~r1A?E sL - su vE ~I P - 1=X15TING IRON PIPE NOYrctt SEfa}ZcN DONE ~Y, bR i^uR~iSHtvlb, SuRvE~tolZ IN REGARD To 7of.11r`IE,,S!"'-"BAc.-c5 pR R'ES'fR1G7ioNs- SUP~TEG7 PROPERTY IS IrJ BLOOD ZONE AE, ELEV. (D•p Pt:-z FI IZM CPN 3"10133 `i~OI S MAY l5, Zoo3 A EA ~'1 RD~~+•~7~5 ~ / L~ ~ ~ ~..~ _~ Y ~~ ~7 ~,t~, i. SURVEY FOR: CRAt~1 FC?I~i~ M..tr'V~NS, (- J This is to certify tha his map was ~s. ` , "~ that prepared from an a ~~u~.~~~~y; the ratio of prec~~.~b~i.o as.~,~~~:~ulated is 1 - 5000-~ ;~~4~:~at~'~fr~,e„~~ no , LOCATION. TRAGrt7FF 1~LS~e. 133~,BRtrts~} ~. encroachments un3e~s° shown ~~ phis CEJ~I E1~Y RC1~4D, Q GR9tol« ~~~. map is true and ~o~rec'~~~ ~b the hest ?"ownlSWi~' , f->IYDt LO IJN~^(, /JG ~ bei k l d f „~ ge ~nc . now my e o " ~ ~~' -? _" x /' ~ ,/ °~'~. °v° ED FOLEY SURVEYING L EY N. FO EDWIN DATE: ~-Izg105 . ~/" ~ r a-~ //' F F /i ;" ; . ' ` ' + ! i ' p p + P.L. S. L-2$$4 ' ''69 5 HAWS RUN ROAD ~ ~ t , . ~ ~;/ f il+ ~., r SCALE 1 ~D 7%/~ tl~ JACKSONVZLLE,N.C. 910-346-3107 28540 SIS ~~ SIB°12'09"E ,y, ~ 2 3.4'7 ~~ u ,~ 515 ~!ti ~~ ~' `'~,h 1Ju 0 ~~V - 7 - p Tax Lot No. 203 British Cemeta Road ~' V ~/ .Ocracoke Parcel Identifier No. erified by 200821 County on the day of 20 by Prepared by: Casey, Grimsley ~ Ragaller, PLLC Return To: Dan Merrell & Assoc., P.O. Box 270, Kit Hawk, NC 27949 Brief Description for 203 British Cemetarv Road the index Ocracoke THIS DEED of TRUS' NORTH CAROLINA DEED OF TRUST made GRANTOR Crawford M. Evans, III, Unmarried P.O. Box 793 Ocracoke, NC 27960 and TRUSTEE Dan Merrell P.O. Box 270 Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 BENEFICIARY Nathaniel Jackson P.O. Box 2734 Manteo, NC 27954 Enter in appropriate block for each party: name address, and, if appropriate, character of entity, e.g. orporation or partnership The designation Grantor, Trustee, and Beneficiary as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. W ITNESSETH, That whereas the Grantor is indebted to the Beneficiary in the principal sum of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00), as evidenced by a Promissory Note of even date herewith, the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference. The final due date for payments of said Promissory Note, if not sooner paid, is June 14, 2031 NOW, THEREFORE, as security for said indebtedness, advancements and other sums expended by Beneficiary pursuant to this Deed of Trust and costs of collection (including attorneys fees as provided in the Promissory Note) and other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor has bargained, sold, given and conveyed and does by these presents bargain, sell, give, grant and convey to said Trustee, his heirs, or successors, and assigns, the parcel(s) of land situated in Ocracoke Township, Hyde County, North Carolina, (the "Premises") and more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. ., North Carolina Environm al M~emeM Comm' ~''... nOf Water c~ O{YF~ERr+~T RoD~N~on! ~a-.~.i .~ I a4, ~ i71 p~~1~4 S ~. ~~a ~~~ ~ v ~ I aoG~-OyaS ~ _ LEpn25TW4P -J (A4° I-7~ Oo''E - 109.21' eErP 515 EIS 47.22' ~~ PgRLEL 8 3 12, la 32.5 Pre I 1~oRT1oN or PAr~cL ~4 ~ 8 (~ PG"G'r 56. 9g1 13 ~ '`-'' N ~ i~ Na sl ~~ vicinity sKet no scale - N!F .. KErw1T ~.6WSO~r . 1'~ "G"S4 77G 4~ F s15 _ ' - J -.-. J l c N L:o Y-. -~-.------ ~ ~~4i_ L N N =~ ~ ~ ~~ o N N )f o~ N Z 1 ~ \m Z w Z ,~ 2 q3~ g.5o ,~ 49 47. ~ G9.41' pLD PrPE CIS BES~nE or•~ ErP f ~I ;`1!i,~ -'-' ! c` 515 ~j~ ~ ~ ,`i~ w IV 1 ? ~ \`ri •- /.>~ ~~y _~r, - aid m 1 a , ~ 1~ d ~ ~~ ~.~~ ~ ~ Z ~• ~ ' 515 ~" ` `' ~' ~, .y` „I ° \,, o0 2q.lKh ~ ~ h g3 4 srs PL}RLEL A PG G" 5L. 8SJ /JA7NgN1Et Se4~k5o-J z- `7 ~ 15` ~i~rc ~ rIU~; ({EFEREr1CES 0.8. b 4, Ph. 27 D.B. 85, >~.45$ pit} • >?i~~ Pi,. rg ~l ~ Srs ~. ~~ Sle°I2'o9"E 2 3.4"1' 5$Z°22'D4rW 95' ~ 20. srs ~' ~'ti ~~ ~ ~ m.. ~ ~~ ~ ~ _ Q o ~~ ~Z - '44,0 - O H ~ ~ F4/ F - NOW pR ~oRINERL~' F= CIS- ExIS7inlh f RON 51^gKE ~, RC-vrEW 6FF~EC oP 1}10E GOUnrTY~ GERYIP`{ 'fNAT'i'NI`~ MAP P'1e=Ef5 ALA STATIIib1iY REQUIR£MEN75 FOR REGt~(LDrnW /45 A GEED A'111'gGNFIENT • REVrEw nEF-rt6rt Pc°~"St.. $8r - Q- Q., i ~/!1~ S l5 - Sff I RoN SThKE PG - Pi.flT CASrNATE sL - 5U DE !=1 P - ~XrS'reraC~ IRor`r PrPE - .GE+~rTERLNE No Tilts SEI~cH DONE P,Y, bR )~.rRrrrSNEV'rD, SURvti'Yorz IN RElaAi!D 7u Zo>J/>`rE,, SE7"Qgr-rc5 ok RESTRIGT1oN3- SUl~7'ECf PROPERTY l51N {=l+puD tor~E A~~El.EV. fc•0 PAR F1Rra GPN 3'1133 9So1 -? MAY15,~ov3 AizER 87 ~pdQpi.,r~T~S .LOT SLl.RV EY Mf~P This is to certify than„~hFis map wash prepared from an act~~,,~„~.F~ay; that' '3 ' ~ ~ulated the ratio of precl~~~~i.~•a?s~•~~'~~, , is 1- 5000+ ;;~t~~~Pr~e'; no encroachments un~es~~~ shQwH ai~his map is true and ~o~rec~~~~ the ]rest of my knowledge ~nc3~ ,rbe3'i`~~i ~ _ n o s S ~~r~v '~ f%. v rd t ~ f i L '-9 GURYEY FOR: CRAW~+~~ M..~/r~Ns, 111 LOCATION: TKNG.T pFl- NcsK. ~~sa,t~xnr~~ LEME7ERY Rao ~ pGR~KvIlE _-. - . 7brNnis~lip , /{YDr LOUNt^l, IJG ED FOLEY SURVEYING. EDWIN N.•FOLEY P:L. S. L-2$84 ' "=695 HAWS RUN ROAD JACKSONUILLE,N.C. ' 910-346-3107 28540 DATE: ~-1a91o5 ', SCALE 1"= 3Or