HomeMy WebLinkAbout20001432 Ver 5_Fee Received_20081205 " ~~@~nw~ ~ JUL 5 - 2005 , " DO/L{32 V.S- DENR - WATER QUALl1!"II'H WETlANDS ANO STORMWATER BlV\I"" STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F EASLEY GoVERNOR L YNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY June 27,2005 U S Army Corps of Engtneers WIlmmgton Regulatory Field Office Post Office Box 1890 WIlmmgton, NC 28402-1890 ATTN Mr RIchard Spencer NCDOT Coordmator Dear SIr. SUBJECT Permit Modification Request for TIP No. R-2417BB, Lee County, US 421/NC 87 Bypass from East ofSR 1521 to east ofNC 42, Federal Aid No STP-NHF-421(2), State Project No 8 T540402, NCDOT DIVISion 8, $475 Debit WBS Element 34431 1 1 on. ~5 VI REFERENCE USACE IndiVIdual Permit dated May 29, 2002, ActIon ill 200220899 USACE Permit ModificatIOn dated September 23, 2004, ActIon ill 200201326 NCDWQ Water Quality CertIficatIon dated ApnllO, 2002, DWQ Project No 001432 NCDWQ ModificatIon to Water QualIty CertIficatIon No 3378 dated September 17, 2004, DWQ Project No 001432 The purpose of thIs letter IS to request modificatIOns to the Clean Water Act (CW A) SectIon 404 PermIt Issued by the USACE and the 401 Water QUality CertIficatIon ISSUed by the NCDWQ. TIns modificatIon addresses the reVISion to the natural stream deSign of the stream used for stream unpacts at Site 6, and proVIdes confirmatIon of mitIgatIon by the EEP for the associated loss of 190 feet of natural stream deSign ReVIsed Plan Sheets 2AI, SAJ, and 2AK, and a new DetaIl Sheet are attached The North CarolIna Department of TransportatIon (NCDOT) proposes a reVISion to the natural stream deSign for the stream relocatIon used for stream Impacts at Site 6 A portIon of the stream has been redesigned from a Rosgen type "C" channel to a Rosgen type "B" channel. The need for thIs redesign IS due to this sectIon of stream bemg located MAIUNG ADDRESS NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 TELEPHONE 919-733-3141 FAX 919-733-9794 LOCAnON TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC WEBSITE WWWDOH DOT STATE NC US ]> c along a dramed pond bottom that IS on a 7% slope The "B" type channel desIgn bemg mcorporated m thIS modIficatIon utIlIzes more gradIent control structures and less smuoslty than the ongmally permItted "C" type desIgn TIns redeSIgn has resulted m a 190-foot loss of natural stream desIgn, reducmg the permItted 1,924 feet of natural stream deSIgn to 1,734 feet In support OfthIS permIt modIficatIon request, the NCDOT has receIved confirmatIOn from the North CarolIna Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) that they wIll be proVIdmg compensatory mItIgatIOn for the assocIated 190- foot loss of natural stream deSIgn (letter attached) The referenced USACE IndIVIdual PermIt and NCDWQ Water QualIty CertIficatIOn authonzed 1,930 feet of natural stream deSIgn The subsequent modIficatIons reVIsed the authonzed natural stream deSIgn length from 1,930 feet to 1,924 feet REGULATORY APPROVALS The NCDOT respectfully requests that the referenced 404 USACE PermIt (and ModIficatIOn) and 401 Water QualIty CertIficatIOn (and ModIficatIon) be modIfied to reflect the reVISIon to the natural stream deSIgn outlIned m thIS letter In complIance WIth SectIOn 143-215 3D(e) of the NCAC, NCDOT wIll proVIde $475 to act as payment for processmg the SectIon 401 certIficatIOn modIficatIon applIcatIon preVIously noted m tlns applIcatIon (see Subject lIne) We are provldmg seven copIes oftlns applIcatIon to the North CarolIna Department of EnVIronment and Natural Resources, DIVISIOn of Water QUalIty for theIr reVIew If you have any questIons or need addItIonal mformatIon, please contact BIll Barrett at (919) 715-1624 Smcerely, (;?Jk~ 'P~:~,III P.E:.i- Urnt Head, PDEA Natural EnVIronment Urnt Attachment EEP MItIgatIOn ConfirmatIOn Letter dated June 23,2005 ReVIsed Plan Sheets cc: wi attachments Mr John Hennessy, NCDWQ RaleIgh (7 copIes) Ms Polly Lespmassee, NCDWQ, MooresVIlle Mr TraVIS WIlson, NCWRC Ms Becky Fox, USEP A - Wlnttler, NC Mr Ronald MIkulak, USEP A - Atlanta, GA 2 ~ Mr Gary Jordan, USFWS Dr DavId Chang, P E , Hydrauhcs Mr Mark Staley, RoadsIde EnVIronmental Mr Greg PerfettI, P E , Structure DesIgn Mr Terry GIbson, P E, DIVIsIOn Engmeer Mr. JIm Rerko, DIVISIOn 8 EnvIronmental Officer w/o attachments Mr Jay Bennett, P E , Roadway DesIgn Mr. Omar Sultan, Programnnng and TIP Mr Art McMIllan, P .E., HIghway DesIgn Mr F ehx DavIla, P E , FHW A Mr. DaVId Franklm, USACE, WIlmmgton Mr. Jay McInrus, PDEA Project Engmeer Ms Beth Harmon, EEP Ms. Todd Jones, CPA, NCDOT, External AudIt Branch Mr. Carl Goode, P E , Human EnVIronment Umt Head 3