HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130802 Ver 1_General Correspondence_20131028FRAC-OUT REPORT Octoh ®r 2E; 2 013 Eno River,(Feature E) Frac -Out Report, .PSNC' North Durham Pipeline Project Durham County,; North Carolina, .lame and company off'porson reporting frac -out: Chris Simmons (American Underground Boring_ Project Manager) _, Contractor for PSNC: Cell phone number is 954 -214 -4934. Responsl6le-party: ,American Underground Boring from, Rockmart, iQeorgia. Contractor perfonrhing, HOD: American Underground, Boring Date,andf tinie.ofIrac -out: Saturday, Ottober,26, 2013 4:OO:pm. Flow was •frac -out detected:° American ,'Underground Boring, personnel noticed, °turbid�vJater forming iii;two ="small areas at the water4and iriterface in the Eno River., Location of the frac -out: Feature 'E,(Eno River) Station',215 +75.'See,attached map. Type of material: _Bentonite,clay and water slurry'—standard.HDD drilling,-mud., Description of frac -out and efforts to protect,sensitive areas: 'The drilling operation was stopped'immediately uponhoticing the'turbid,water forming in'two,azeas. T61nTerez;(S&ME Environmental Inspector)�was contacted immediately;, and sand bags were• brought into dam up the areas an d , provide containment: Walier,Cole (S &ME Environmental Scientist) reported incident to Cherri Smith of the,North Carolina Department,of Water Resources,,aV9:15 am on Monday October 28, 2013. WaltevCole and- Tom ;Perersperformed,an,inspection, together, asses-sing, the, containment measures, and �d'ocumenting conditions. A vac -truck was, brought,in on Monday, October28`�' and the turbid watei within,the contaihmentoareas was removed and properly disposed of R Estimated size, of ,frac- out,(quantity, and' area): The impacted area 1 measured approximately30 feet,I- ng and 20 feet;wide and impact'azea 2' measured'1 "5 feet long by 1'S feet wide. The •quantity of drill mud is difficult to estimate'becauseino visible drilling mud was noticed, "there was only turbid water. Proposed additional' HDD• activities: 'The initial pilot hole was approximately 520 feet of ,the designed length (920 feet). The drilling, operation will' restart onl October, 29, 201'3: _ Proposed final cleanup'rmethod': On completion °ofHDD,activities; American - ' Underground,Boring will remove any, drilling mudand turbid water within containment. areas. The, mud may require,removal•by hand orVacuum truck. Upon c_ompletion,of clean -up activities, sand bags and otheracontairiment materials will•also be removed. Party.responsibib for cleanup: _American °Underground'Boring: Cdnersl comments: It,�appears;thai the turbid water (no drilling niud)' has been`. contained within,the�descr`ibed' area'by the;hay bales. The contractor-stopped drilling operation, acted'ingood.faith.to contain the turbidwater,.and immediately notified environmental- monitors: The contractor and inspectors should' remain „afert for rain events and7should take actions necessary to contain drill mu&turbid water in.impacted' , 'area. Efforts to cleanup the impacted should.sta_ rt,as soon as practical' following bore cgmpl_`etiori. Attachihent:,Frac- Out.geport :Site, Photographs 1 -8: s Photo 1: View of frac -out location 1 and sand bag dam containment measures, no drilling mud detected, only turbid water. Photo 3: View of bypass channel out through existing sand bar to allow water to bypass around frac -out areas. Photo 2: View of frac -out location 2 and sand bag dam containment measures. Photo 4: View of clear running water immediately downstream of frac-out areas. Taken by: WC FRAC -OUT CLEAN UP REPORT SITE PHOTOGRAPHS (10.28.13) Checked by: WC ME PSNC > Durham Pipeline Project —Eno River Date: 10.28.13 Oran a County, North Carolina Project No.: 1356 -13 -019 P8 Photo Page 1 of 2 Photo 5: Close -up View of frac -out location 2 and sand bag dam containment measures, no drilling mud detected, only slightly turbid water. Photo 6: Another view of frac -out location 1, sand bag dam containment measures and turbid water that is being removed by a vac - truck. Photo 7: Overall view of both frac -out locations, sand bag dam Photo 8: View of frac -out location 2 after vac -truck removal. containment measures, and air pump for vacuuming area. Taken by: WC FRAC -OUT CLEAN UP REPORT SITE PHOTOGRAPHS (10.28.13) Checked by: WC PSNC N. Durham Pipeline Project — Eno River Date: 10.28.13 Durham County, North Carolina Project No.: 1356 -13 -019 P8 I Photo Page 2 of 2 FRAC -OUT REPORT Octob6r 25,, 2 ®13 ,Stream L- Frac -Out Report PSNC Duke'Pipeline Project Orange County,'North Carolina Name and company of,person reporting: frac -out: Tommy Thigpen'(Hi'Tech Construction Project Manager)— Contractor`for PSNC. Cell phone number is 352 -232- -5660. Responsible party:- Hi'Tech Construction. Contractor' perform! hg,HDD: Hi Tech Construction from'Myrt_le'Beach, South, Carolina. Date and time of free =out: 'Friday,, October 25, 2013 at 4:30 pm., _ How was frac-o ut, detected: Hi Tech Construction personnel noticed Wurbid water forming in existing, °scour pit located below, the outlet end of culvert during drilling, activities. Location of the frac -out: Streani,L at.Station 342 +25. See,attached map. Type ,of material:' Bentonite clay-and water slurry — standard,H'DD drilling mud.. Description offrac -out and efforts to protect,sensitive areas: The drilling, operation was,st ,poed immediately upon,not.icingthe turbid. water'forming, in, the +scour pit;and'Tom,Perez (S &ME Environmental,lnspector) was contacted., Hay bales were ,brought_ in to dam up the scour pit aazea providing,a containment area, and, sand 'lbags were brought'in and placed in.th6- outlet end of the4cufvert to dam the smalL,amount of -flow' tluough the,culvert: A PVC pipewas;,,btoughtinto temporarily; f]ume,the very small_ amount. of flow through the culvert- over -the containment are bypassing the frac -out area for clean water coming through °the culvert. Walter Cole (S&ME Environmental 4S6ientist) reported incident to Chem Smith- of the`North Carolina Department of.Water ResourcesAt'9:15 °am,on Monday October, 28, 2013: Walter Cole and Tom Perez performed an inspection together, assessing the containment ,'measures and documenting ,conditions! A vac- truck. was brought in on October 28, 30,13 and the-turbid waterdwithin the containment area' was removed, and properly, disposed. Estimated size of,frae -out (quantity 'and�area): The4mpacted area measured approximately 20, feet.long,and ,15 feet wide., The .quantity of-drill' mud is difficult-to estimate because, no. visible drilling, mud was noticed, there was only turbid,waten Proposed additional ADD °activities: The =initial pilot hole Was approzimatel'y`580 feet of the designed length.(800 feet).,The drilling,operation °will,restart on',October 28, 2013. Proposer f nal cleanup method; On i completion of HDD,activities, H Tech Construction will remove any drilling,mud.and turbid °water°within coniainmenvarea. The mud.rriayirequire removal by,harid of yacuurn,truck.. 'Upon,,completion of clean -up 'activities, hay bales, sand 'bags, and other containment materials will also be removed: Party responsiblerfor cleanup:. •Hi Tech,Construction, General comments :, It appears that1he,tur"bid water (no drilling,,mud)Ias'been contained within the describe&area by the hay bales. The contractor stopped drilling operation, acted in :good, faith to contain the, turbid, water -, and immediately - notified environmental monitors. The contractor and, ingpectots,sliould',remain,alert for rain events and should take actions necessary to' contain, drill mud/turbid°waterlin impacted' area Effortslo clean�ugthe impacted,should start asfsoon,as practical following`bore completion. Attachment: Frac -Out Repott'Site Photographs 1 -4. { .a s. _ s FKAG -OUT GLEAN UP REPOfi &ME SITE PHOTOGRAPHS (10.28.1 PSNC Duke Pipeline Project — Stream L A