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20121051 Ver 1_Site Plan_20131007
CONSTRUCTION,, DRAWING... Srlrllth R.d &Ste henso TOWN OF APEX CERTIFICATION FIRE DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATION BY THE TOM OF APEX This drawing has been reviewed by the Town of Apex, and This drawing has been renewed by the Town of Apex Fire to the best of my knowledge and belief, conforms to the Deportment, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, requirements established in the Standard Specifications of conforms to the requirements established within the the Town of Apex. However, this signature does not Town's Standard Specificotions, Fire Protection constitute a variance from any requirements contained in Ordinances, and the North :Carolina Fire Code - Volume V. any federal, .state, or local code, low, specification, rule or However, this signature does not constitute a variance from ordinance. The devet r /engineer /contractor is solely any requirements contained! in any federal, state, or local respon ' I f r ti oil applicable requirern s. code, low, specification, ru`.e or ordinance. The * _ developer /engineer /controc',Or is solely responsible for BY. _ _ __ -- Date• _ , � __ meeti g all applicable regar "gem PLANNING ONING CERTIFICATION BY THE TOWN OF APEX B __ _ - - - - -- Da This construction drawing has been reviewed by the Town PUBLIC lTlr_ TI BY THE TOWN OF APEX of Apex Planning Deportment, and to the best of my This drawing has been renewed the Town of Apex knowledge and belief, conforms to the Subdivision or Site o Public Works and Utilities Deportment, and to the best of meets the Town of Ape Plan that was approved Ape by the Town of Apex Council, and Unified ii my knowledge and belief, conforms to the requirements Apex Zoning, Subdivision, or U established in the Standard'. Specifications and Details of Development Ordinance. This signature does not constitute the Town of Apex. However;, this signature does not a variance from any requirements of the above. originally constitute a variance frors any requirements contained in approved Subdivision or ode Pion cited above, or any any federal, state, or local' code, low, specification, rule or federal, state, or locos code, low, specification, rote, guideline, or ordinance. it is the sole responsibility of the ordinance. The developer /engineer /controctor is solely owner /developer, or any of his agents or contract respon le forme Ing o40 applicable requiT rofessionals to ensure that this construction lan meets oil th Uorementicip ed requ' ements. p BY. ______.. - - -__ Date: [!!'-- ______ BY _ Dote: m ', -__ eulLDING INSPECTION- D4S!tS14I Qf,,RTlFIJ,Ait(N BY THE TOM OF APEX TRANSPORTATI ENGINEER RPFJCATION TH TOWN OF AP X This drawing has been reviewed by the Town of Apex This drawing has been reviewed by the Town of Apex, Building Inspection Division,. and to the best of my and to the best of my knowledge and belief, provides on knowledge and belief, confcems to the requirements acceptable transportation system with consideration for established within the Towrrt Code of Ordinances and the the elements contained within the Transportation Pion North Carolina State Building Codes. However, this conforming to the requirements established in the signature does not constttu =te a variance from any Standard Specifications of the Town of Apex. However, requirements contained in cny federal, state, or local code, this signature does not constitute* variance from any tow, specification, rule or crdinonce. The requirements contained in any federal, state, or local code, developer /engineer /controc'or is solely responsible for low, specification, rule or ordinance. The meeting aH appiicabl requiirements. developer /engineer /contractor is solely responsible for By. --- ___ —.___ Date: - meetin 1! applicabll%e rrequirements. l BY - XII(AAA ! _Date: _ i �____ SOIL EROSION AND SED,IMQJrA110N CONTROL CERTIFICATION BY THE TO"M OF APEX PARKS, RECREATION, AND CULTURAL RESOURCES � This drawing y has been rev _wed b the lawn of Apex, and CERTIFICATION BY THE TOWN OF APEX to the best of my knowledge and belief, conforms to the These plans hove reviewed by the Town of Apex, and to requirements established in the Soil Erosion and the best of my knowledge and belief, conform to Sedimentation Control Ordinance of the Town of Apex. representations mode by the developer to mySHELF and the However; this signature doe's not constitute a variance from Porks. Recreation, and Cultural Resource Advisory any requirements contained: in any federol, state, or local Commission consistent with the projects requirements for code, tow, specification, rule or Ordinance. The public Parks and Recreation, either in total or in part, as developer /engineer /controeLor is solely responsible for outlined in Section 7.3 of the Towns Unified Development meeting ail applicable requ`kements. Ordinance and Article IV, Section 19 of the Town Cade. THIS SIGNATURE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE PLAN APPROVAL, ONLY PLAN However, this signature does not constitute a variance from REQUIREMENTS. A SEPARAT_ LETTER OF PLAN APPROVAL WILL BE any requirements contained in any federal, state, or local MAILED TO THE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PERSON AT A LATER code, low, specification, rule or ordinance. The DATE ORDIN11.1 Tn THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE, developer /en sneer /contractor is solely responsible for BY _� ____ Dote: me, ing off a p'cab requirements. u __Dote: ELECTRIC UTILITIES —� T QF AP -X -- -_____ - - - -_ -- RON ENTAL PROGRAMS This drawing has been reviewed by the Town of Apex CERTIFICATION BY THE 1QWN OF APEX Electric Utilities Division, anod to the best of my knowledge This drawing has been reviewed by the Town of Apex and belief, conforms to the requirements established in the Public Works and Utilities Deportment (Environmental Standard Specifications and, Details and the Unified Programs) and to the best of my knowledge and belief, Development Ordinance of roe Town of Apex. However, this signature does not co-nyfee a variance from any conforms to the requirements established in the Standard requirements contained to any federal, state, or local code, Specifications and Details and the Unified Development taw, specification, rote or ordinance. The Ordinance of the Town of Apex. However, this signature developer /engineer /controct:cmr is solely responsible for does not constitute a variance from any requirements m ai o psi le regular is ts. contained in any federal, state, or local code, low, �, 4.51(s specification, rule or ordinance. The BYe ___________ Date: developer /engineer /contractor is solely responsible for - --- �----- meeting off pl' ble requirements. By. _ ________ Date:_.____ PROJECT DATA — PROJECT NAME: COLVIN PARK SUBD. SUBDIVISION SMITH RD & STEPHENSON RD APEX, NC 27539 — SITE ZONING: MD (CONDITIONAL) * Siding must be wor,�d or hardi —plank * Roof shingles must be wood or asphalt * No slab —on —grade (minimum 14" to FF) * 10' undisturbed bu; fer adjacent to PIN #0750685883 * 10 planted buffer(Type C� adjacent to PIN #0750697239 — 2025 LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION: MD — SITE ACREAGE: 62.7 A — PUBLIC RECREATION REQUIF%,EMENT: FEE IN —LIEU PROPOSED PER UDO 7.3 — REQUIRED SETBACKS: FRONT = 25' SIDE = 6' MIN/16' AGG CORNER SIDE = 15' REAR = 20' — BUILT UPON AREA ALLOWED: 37.6 AC (60 %) — BUILT UPON AREA PROPOSED: 25.0 AC (40 %) — SITE LOCATED IN APEX SECONDARY WATERSHED PROTECTION AREA — FEMA FLOODPLAIN ON SITE: FIRM #3720075000J — RCA REQUIRED: 682,259 SF or 15.7 AC (25 %) — RCA PROPOSED: 683,739 SF or 15.7 AC (25 %) -- SITE CONTAINS HISTORIC STRUCTURE: NO ANNEXATION #487 IIa,1N ,IIMNORImYl,4 „„q„p 1 5 H& PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE 1. 1 12.41 OLF 1 st Revision 9137LF 1 1 /12 4" FORCEMAIN 2 4. 2nd Revision 5. 12/07 21,701 SY 3 STEPHENSON ROAD 3rd Revision SMITH ROAD 1/11 8. 4 14 688LF 4th Revision 753LF 2/15 666LF 5 13 436LF 5th Revision (PIN: 0751704601) 3/15 PROJECT DATA — PROJECT NAME: COLVIN PARK SUBD. SUBDIVISION SMITH RD & STEPHENSON RD APEX, NC 27539 — SITE ZONING: MD (CONDITIONAL) * Siding must be wor,�d or hardi —plank * Roof shingles must be wood or asphalt * No slab —on —grade (minimum 14" to FF) * 10' undisturbed bu; fer adjacent to PIN #0750685883 * 10 planted buffer(Type C� adjacent to PIN #0750697239 — 2025 LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION: MD — SITE ACREAGE: 62.7 A — PUBLIC RECREATION REQUIF%,EMENT: FEE IN —LIEU PROPOSED PER UDO 7.3 — REQUIRED SETBACKS: FRONT = 25' SIDE = 6' MIN/16' AGG CORNER SIDE = 15' REAR = 20' — BUILT UPON AREA ALLOWED: 37.6 AC (60 %) — BUILT UPON AREA PROPOSED: 25.0 AC (40 %) — SITE LOCATED IN APEX SECONDARY WATERSHED PROTECTION AREA — FEMA FLOODPLAIN ON SITE: FIRM #3720075000J — RCA REQUIRED: 682,259 SF or 15.7 AC (25 %) — RCA PROPOSED: 683,739 SF or 15.7 AC (25 %) -- SITE CONTAINS HISTORIC STRUCTURE: NO ANNEXATION #487 IIa,1N ,IIMNORImYl,4 „„q„p 1 5 H& PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE 1. WATER LINE 12.41 OLF 2. SEWER LINE 9137LF 3. 4" FORCEMAIN 1 71OLF 4. STORM DRAIN 7,891 LF 5. INTERNAL STREET 21,701 SY 6. STEPHENSON ROAD 1,740SY 7. SMITH ROAD 819SY 8. INTERNAL CURB AND GUTTER 14 688LF 9, STEPHENSON ROAD C &G 753LF 10.SMITH ROAD CURB AND GUTTER 666LF 11.SIDEWALK 13 436LF PARKER & ORLEANS HOMEBUILDERS, INC 211 JAMES JACKSON AVE. CARY, NC 27513 ATTN: MARK MILLER TELEPHONE: (919)521 --2666 PROJEC T TRA C TS — TRACT 1: Parker & Orleans Homebuilders, Inc 7949 Smith Rd (PIN: 0751701242) — TRACT 2: Parker & Orleans Homebuilders, Inc 7955 Smith Rd (PIN: 0751703382) — TRACT 3: Parker & Orleans Homebuilders, Inc 7961 Smith Rd (PIN: 0751704601) — TRACT 4: Parker & Orleans Homebuilders, Inc 0 Stephenson Rd (PIN: 0750792349) -- TRACT 5: Parker & Orleans Homebuilders, Inc 8226 Stephenson Rd (PIN: 0750785827) -- TRACT 6: Parker & Orleans Homebuilders, Inc 4810 Family Circle Rd (PIN: 0750798110) — TRACT 7: Parker & Orleans Homebuilders, Inc 8236 Stephenson Rd (PIN: 0750781388) — TRACT 8: Parker & Orleans Homebuilders, Inc 8108 Stephenson Rd - (PIN: 0750893835) — TRACT 9: Parker & Orleans Homebuilders, Inc 7840 Stephenson Rd (PIN: 0751 8000079) — TRACT 10: Portion of: Sandra Manning 7836 Stephenson Rd (PIN: 0751802216) - - -_-_ _..__ ..- DRAWING SHEET INDEX G -00 COVER SHEET S -01 OVERALL EXISTING CONDITIONS S -02 EXISTING CONDITIONS(N) S -03 EXISTING CONDITIONS(S) S -04 EXISTING CONDITIONS(W) C -05 STAGING & DEMO PLAN C -06 OVERALL SUBDIVISION PLAN C -07 SUBDIVISION PLAN(N) C -08 SUBDIVISION PLAN(S) C -09 SUBDIVISiON PLAN(W) C -10 PHASE 1 PLAN C -11 PHASE 2 PLAN C -12 PHASE 3 PLAN C -13 OVERALL UTILITY PLAN C -14 UTILITY PLAN(N) C -15 UTILITY PLAN(S) C -16 UTILITY PLAN(W) C--17 OVERALL EROSION CONTROL PLAN C -18 EROSION CONTROL PLAN(N) C -19 EROSION CONTROL(S) C--20 EROSION CONTROL(W) C -21 INLET CHART GRADING PLAN C -22 OVERALL GRADING PLAN C--23 GRADING PLAN (N) C -24 GRADING PLAN(S) C -25 GRADING PLAN(W) C -26 PLAN. AND PROFILE COLVIN PARK LANE C -27 PLAN AND PROFILE REDBUD TREE DRIVE C -28 PLAN AND PROFILE WILDBLOSSOM DRIVE C -29 PLAN AND PROFILE PONDSIDE DRIVE C 30 PLAN AND PROFILE FAWNWOOD ACRES DRIVE C -31 PLAN AND PROFILE NEWLEAF DRIVE, WILDSPRIIG COURT AND SONGBIRD COURT C -32 PLAN AND PROFILE OUTFALL "A" C -33 PLAN AND PROFILE OUTFALL "B" C -34 PLAN AND PROFILE STEPHENSON ROAD C -35 PLAN AND PROFILE SMITH ROAD 121 (/IC 0 6CIC AXWf 5J_1Z1<, C--37 PLAN AND PROFILE 12" WATER LINE STA:10 +00 -25 -00 C -38 PLAN AND PROFILE 12" WATER LINE STA:25 +00- -35 +00 C -39 PLAN AND PROFILE 4 "PVC FORCE MAIN STA :. 10 +00- -25 +00 C -40 PLAN AND PROFILE 4 "PVC ' FORCE MAIN C -900 STA: 25 +00 -27 +80 AND CROSS SECTIONS FOR: SMITH, STEPHENSON AND ROAD CROSSING C -41 PLAN AND PROFILE BMP #1 AND BMP #2 C -42 PLAN AND PROFILE BMP #3 AND BMP #4 C -43 PUMP STATION C--44 PUMP STATION DETAILS 1 C -45 PUMP STATION DETAILS 2 C -46 DETAILS SITE 1 C -47 DETAILS SITE 2 C -48 DETAILS EROSION 1 C -49 DETAILS EROSION 2 C -50 DETAILS STORM 1 C -51 DETAILS WATER 1 C -52 DETAILS SEWER 1 C -53 DETAILS STRIPING L -01 OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN L-02 LANDSCAPE PLAN(N) L -03 LANDSCAPE PLAN(S) L -04 LANDSCAPE PLAN(W) CAIto 1/z n 1, � " �� ✓r y 1.�r„rSl 0856 2 *,*�/ Nk as ,rr► * CP Calculated Point O co Existing Iron Pin Tract 1 Sewer Cleanout Q well -- Fence #�P Light Pole 4. Guy Wire � Power pole (� Satellite Dish 1 r Title Exception Number I lk C �•'l��i Q E L 56 2 itp � s Public Works — Electric Date Parks, Recreation & Cult. Res. Date ii: tA Public orks — S & E Date To: Parker & Orleans Homebuilders, Inc JP Morgan Chase Bank, N. A., and Chicago Title Insurance Company. This is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance with the 2011 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6a ,6b,7a,8,9,11a,11b,13,16,17,and 18 of Table A thereof. The field work was completed on Marmh 12, 2012. Date of Plat or Map: Monday. arch 12, 2012 (Surveyor's signature, printed name and seal with Registration/License Number) Gregory S. Crowder, NC PLS NO. L-4270 ACREAGE SUMMARY Tract No PARCEL. SQ.FT. 1ACRES RIGHT -OF -WAY TOTAL ACRES SQfT. I ACRES Tract 1 36,991 0.85 6,9231 0.16 1,01 Tract 2 305 740 7,02 6,750 0.15 7.17 Tract 3 48,552 1.11 6,016 0.14 1.25 Tract 4 1,071,101 24.59 24.59 Tract 5 802,170 18.42 20,471 0.471 18.89 Tract 6 54,375 1.25 1.25 Tract? 290,279 6.66 2,169 0.05 6.71 Tract 8 58,321 1.34 Tract 9 24,695 0.57 Tract 10 34,466 0,79 Total: 2,726,690 62.60 42,329, 0.97 60.87 sub -surface utilities may exist on this property that have not been shown on this survey. 4. Jurisdictional wetlands as shown have been hell located as delineated by others. Other wetlands may exist on this property that have not been included in this survey. 5. This survey is not completed to NC G.S. 47 -30 standards and is not suitable for recording. 6. Bearings are based on NC State Grid, NA983(2007), as established by GPS network survey and referenced to NGS Monument "HOLT ". 7. Tract numbers in the list of "Exceptions to Title" do not correspond to tract numbers on this surrey. 8. Title Exceptions Schedule B -11 on page 2 of 2 I " A copy of the Demolition Notification from the NC Hazard Control Unit and an asbestos inspection report from a NC accredited asbestos inspector must accompany the application for the demolition permit which must be obtained prior to start of the demolition. All structures and related elements wil be demolished and removed prior to grading for the first phase. 1 1 st Revision 11/12 2 2nd Revision 112/07 3 1 3rd Revision 101/11 4 1 4th Revision 12/15 5 1 5th Revision 13/15 Civil Engineering & Survey Development Consulting Construction Management 4072 Barrett Dr. Phone: (919) 420 -7667 Raleigh, NC 27609 info@ketchemcrowder.com Project Name and Address 0 a 'i' w w �` ri �o Inc i 4 °31'50" E . ' S 7' S. 1 7'45„ a ♦ s , , S ' 1 °51'47" E ;- 3 56' 'N ' ♦ 41'35" E " EIP w 111111*4 s• a W 0, W- - • C!! I be found in the drawing. • Exisitng RR Spike Liz 00 ca Z 0-0- 3 LU ® Well -- Fence 8 a "Z Zp A w „ 4 °352 ' E �. o.� ' t i 1 Control Comer 00 °44'58" E 329.56' NA G rlean TRACT 8 EiP S 0 °27'00" W 3.33' �S 0 1P.$ k02646>51) W 28. 6o' tF o r -A7/ AAC CM - E gineering .._. _ ._ Date Wo n . P yarn ate CM - Tran pot�aation tie jiblic anning Date CM Buildin - Inspections Planning - Transportation Date __ Z _� Xubric W�Water /Sewer Date Fire Date Public Works - Efectric Date Parks; Recreation & Cult. Res. Date t Public Works - S & E Date N 3 °08'3E 52. ' N 29° ' 35" E 8.57' N ° INSET MAP — NOT To SCALE ' 14" E •8, 2770, PG, 42 - '� i N 2 TRACT 1 (ROW) 56.70' A AL+ A^ � • ` '^ ` • - - ^+rte S 03° 11 73.11 ' ve & Charie a E. Gatewood . F3. 053701 . 0 134 CIO M. 1992, PG. P 0751708425 P, ®. ox 793 Apex, !� 502 01 000'4 " W 2 .00' EIP 02a25,15" E 67.72 e These standard symbols will be found in the drawing. • Exisitng RR Spike • `P Calculated Point *Elp Existing Iron Pin 3 Sewer Cleanout ® Well -- Fence Revision Light Pole 5 Guy Aire o- Power pole Satellite Dish ri Title Exception Number ® NOTES ES * A copy of the Demolition Notification from the NC Hazard Control Unit and an asbestos inspection report from a NC accredited asbestos inspector must accompany the application for the demolition permit which must be obtained prior to start of the demolition. * All structures and related elements will be demolished and removed prior to grading for the first phase. 1 1 st Revision 11/12 2 2nd Revision 12/07 3 3rd Revision 01/11 4 4th Revision 2/15 5 5th Revision 3/15 M N � L� rn 'Mi�pwvll LU��-.. C0 PP -Q- PP W low VA F1 , Mts 4 14. - 3 26 N01 °7'35 "E 26 1' �P N 01 °17'35" E PP c� 0> 44.9 ' -o- --- CP S 01 °12'03" P � These standard symbols will be found in the drawing. Revision Existing RR Spike �; . Calculated Point 0 o Existing iron Pin 3 4 Sewer Cieanout Q Well -- Fence *' Light Pole / 1 Guy Wire .... !: r a Satellite Dish t r 1: IN 075111111111 G. 209 r 1 fit N 4140 % Rte ,: •; i fit` f • i � �i't �v: NI . . , O��. , 1,47 AC 471 SOF r •� These standard symbols will be found in the drawing. Revision Existing RR Spike s CP Calculated Point 0 o Existing iron Pin 3 4 Sewer Cieanout Q Well -- Fence *' Light Pole y Guy Wire � Power pole a Satellite Dish t Title Exception Number MMIILM r i r � • 1 r W 1511 WM O.85' Il 0 AT DISH U X0 W# WN7hq�-m LP WAMBA-05 59 °58'0,6" 29. 1' 0 m MA Q PP T �o 0 aA�o 0 1 st Revision '1 r ♦ • 2nd Revision 12/07 3 4 3rd 4th Revision Revision 01/11 2/15 5 5th Revision 3/15 r a Oiuk r ! 1: IN 075111111111 G. 209 r 1 % Rte ,: •; i fit` ! g;' • 59 °58'0,6" 29. 1' 0 m MA Q PP T �o 0 aA�o 0 N 9° 21 6" E' %T 30. 5' EtP 0 ° G ' 54 !! cv `7 • F ` Q wok C L 356 2 •���•pfq K -f KE'�� N �y�»lilltit��t�\ °07! !! s4 t ` V o �\ 7�, INSET MAR.. -- NOT TO P �i� r►f �i� ngineering Date. wicW01 k env. P rams CM — Tran lion Die Planning Date lnspectionsi rate Planning — Transportation Date r ublic —Water /Sewer Date Fire ON, Date Public Works — Electric Date Parks, Recreation & Cult. Res. Date Public Works — S & E Date 1 1 st Revision '1 r ♦ • 2nd Revision 12/07 3 4 3rd 4th Revision Revision 01/11 2/15 5 5th Revision 3/15 r 150711 1: IN 075111111111 • r 1 N 9° 21 6" E' %T 30. 5' EtP 0 ° G ' 54 !! cv `7 • F ` Q wok C L 356 2 •���•pfq K -f KE'�� N �y�»lilltit��t�\ °07! !! s4 t ` V o �\ 7�, INSET MAR.. -- NOT TO P �i� r►f �i� ngineering Date. wicW01 k env. P rams CM — Tran lion Die Planning Date lnspectionsi rate Planning — Transportation Date r ublic —Water /Sewer Date Fire ON, Date Public Works — Electric Date Parks, Recreation & Cult. Res. Date Public Works — S & E Date 1 1 st Revision 11/12 2 2nd Revision 12/07 3 4 3rd 4th Revision Revision 01/11 2/15 5 5th Revision 3/15 0 CP t ♦ V / ` 0 0 0 0 0 2p -0 '50" SIGNATURE BLOCK CM — gineering ate blic Work��: Env rams eg X W.- ya ,& CM — VansportAtion to Planning daie Inspectionsfate Planning — Transportation Date ubiic Words — Water! r Date Fire Date IJN 14 Public Works — Electric # rkkss — Electric Date Parks, Recreation & Cult. Res. Date tv IA Public Works — S & E Date M'Vwl%�h' ME@ 0 EIP VICINTIY MAP — NOT TO SCALE -QF1A 73 A copy of the Demolition Notification from the NC Hazard Control Unit and an asbestos inspection report from a NC accredited asbestos inspector must accompany the application for the demolition permit which must be obtained prior to start of the demolition. All structures and related elements will be demolished and removed prior to grading for the first phase. These standard symbols will E ■ Y � 4 cP Calculated Point t7 co o�\N � e Sewer Cleanout Well -- Fence # 82-25 SF y 1 1 st Revision 11/12 � 13AC Satellite Dish 0 Title Exception Number 2 2nd Revision 12/07 --' 3 3rd Revision 01/11 0 Ut C? 4 4th Revision 2/15 0 C) v + -- (D Un LINES TO BE ABANDONED 5 5th Revision 3/15 O PP ' f Y y 09 ND Ketchem- rowder Assoc. 4 0 � us r Rr 4Z!!!`tPR1l/ These standard symbols will be found in the drawing. ■ Existtng RR Spike 4 cP Calculated Point t7 co Existing Iron Pin Sewer Cleanout Well -- Fence # Light Pole y Guy Wire � Power pole Satellite Dish z Title Exception Number W A. A �¢PP Z %``~ i � r r �,i: • "i • 1 11 1 + 0 �< 7 a CP o� �Q O ca % ' LP ? 7� 0t ; i -AL m 62 K ttllll 54 M ff i g-, i r I T..F......R. .,.F �...�.. ` ..... .,�. -...`.., ,.F. �...� °p Calculated Point Cj` ,ji \Y{ o� Existing Iron Pin e`ZN,G �� /j, CM - Transportat' n Da Planning D to Sewer Cleanout �� ° ®° . 046 •` ®f��'',. M - Buil in I �s L Well ,y. C d g Inspections Date Planning Transportation Date Fence SEAL r° --- Publics - Water /sewer Date Fire Date Light Pole a 03361 Guy Wire ;, �i • tt`� -a Power pole ���g, ®*...#0 �� t °�. '� Public Works - Electric Date Parks, R '#on 8 Cult. Res. Date �V �� ~� {� °tlK4 � �� Public Works �- S & E Date Satellite Dish / � i t Tile Exception Number No new road or sidewalk barricad i required r, • • • M • • • • All structures and related elements wil be demolished and removed prior to grading for the first phase. 1 1 1 st Revision 111/12 2 1 2nd Revision 112/07 3 1 3rd Revision 101/11 4 1 4th Revision 2/15 5 5th Revision 3/15 Civil Engineering tit Survey Development Consulting Construction Management 4072 Barrett Dr. Phone; (919) 420 -7667 Raleigh, NC 27609 info @ketchemcrowder.com Project (dame and Address EIP {P N 00'36'13" E EIP CP N 0'1 EiP EIP 142.99' lk %N i •^"• Residential - RR :; ' ~' "•�.., RL Goodale & A Joyce o Construction barrier shall be installed at the �� �� +. ; . • ®• D.B, 12198, PG. 0806 4 connection t0 Timpani Tr. and shall be removed PIN 0750685883 i= no earlier than upon platting Phase 3 and at the 34' 2901 Timpani Trl. pex, NC 27539 time recommended b Town of Apex staff >t ®� Y pe during construction. "NO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALT. BE L o, �~ ., A OWED ON TIMPANI TRAIL" 0.24 AC i \` \t y • t ,0749.74 $ ; °'' / / A _ ______________ ------- C -ee ing - - - - - -- Q e f + -- ublic VQr ks Env, Programs -- t CM -Trans por otion _ -- a e Plonnr'ng - _ - -_ --- at "i3 ... ' - -r �i 3 C- ur ding Inspe` -ate _ -- _ lonnin - ronspartation - -__ -- - Date -- 7�� — Public Xks —Water /Sewer Date Fire �A tote _ - - -- - - - -- — __ __ — — — _ _ .- - -- Public Works — Electric Dote Parks, Recreation & Cultural Res. Date LAL ------------- - -- Public Works —S & E Date Res r en +a �`.. •�" f. Estate of Willard R. Flaherty \ ' ^' w D.B. & PG. Unknown •• PIN 0750697239 BM. 2004, PG. 0562 \ ; ty� • ' • "4 • , !1` Z,!W 0, t r •. , • 2900 Timpani TH. JC & PM I Beckwith Vacant - RR far •" °:�t . \ / /"„� E ex, NC 27539 Edna Scott & Henry J. ( 3o!r' �� �' 010 , ` D.B. 06674, PG. 0474 :4� ` , \ ®1 , r �` Open /` B.M. 1995, PG. 0450 Nesmith t `: O.B. 09476, PG. 2527 �� tt . :�: �, / % 1 i % ;!'`- {i!r �� PIN 0750698713 �.� p CI C ep 2909 Earth Drive PiN 075068818$ *°' ^ ` f'° \ ,tom 1 • .® � ,' Prop d Trail , r% i a'°� W �� `` � /s';' �. � S5, Apex, NC 7539 8304 Stephenson Rd. .'� NO �\.: iae�sem9n3 ' Apex NC 27539 = ? ` `.,` ,ft.a"sr `\ \ ., ` . i`^ ✓ `� , 01/ S• a `zs +� l `:- ..�. ®a ,,• / �' ``,' �,�f of P'' r1 f �,, f Residential RR ' \o`t!b` i t t � .: . • r � ''`* ;,;�i� -`'; � ` ., •! � i. ,ii Randolph A. &Wendy seas $F ♦` Ore Ae /f �1 f r ; 1 Duncan �! ►► �\ ,+ ./. •�`b `'jir'` ale Ac ;/ `` �.. /�� =`.•Q° .'`i/ t ` 75• D.B. 04892, PG. 0263 \ 1�p, , \� 977Jr6m sF �Jyr PIN 0750699963 \ �`\ ,� %,i fi2z Ac fi$�? ® ~ EIP 4925 Lett Rd \\ aefarlrw !`� `��`, / '� 1�i ffaaaea sr \ ` ~ .. ��y Apex, NC 27539 `\ \ l i 1 i `. ;% an AC ii i .., ;n ^` i \, r'`/ i /� .,� Residential - \ f_ !r r ,/� • ; • Proposed Trail \'' ♦ rp •'` \ `;f '`,aa' i Reginald Ju �\ m•f se sr i % l , ' , . ' aM Ae f t led w /xo' easement) f f ,b,' i ® f / �, i . Q� qs8 D.B. 07261, P 0 d<aa4M. Kg ~�'` B.M. 19$3 PG. ; $ ;,, fr,i *`° ', *;, 0 ; ! sere i PIN 0751609173 �. \ f a `� i•1�'•' i 4'�„ �� . 0' .t: M� ` '\ "•/ i I i i { ' / bi i - 8001 Smith Rd fl ate AC Y ; ! t ®® • ®��, ,f ate Ac �jf1 ; , , v a* t � i i 't ,F '` f sp71 7 �' � J % E ; f \ `'♦ p i 1 j r' aw Ac Sp , / EkP Apex, 7539 « `._-- .�%/ ,,.. ^... !� .�' ' rrrj ' afe AC •p f: ' .s.� ♦ 9' • -, K.,j �`:t •� �.___. --• -' i ', ! i.._„ Y`r� i ''' k l a /� ' 67.__._� T, ` ' f <r /r ••.,` ` ` $ '� _ I 'a l ,:.. fJ �``', i•` ��s'`, �� `r,% ,'� i i % ale Ac l` {`'jp, T�l6N APiX ,,.%' ^•`e:' '•/ ','t M^A / R .`` ,`/ .`` an ACS ` ,,•'� \ t- t"1* ^ //' ' " r' `'`t `'`, {fit `\ I U4 Dedication of .� ::::��x4� :_: � �� public R/W t0 ax4 AC - j �� ! r;`�•! ` ``. f, ® p atx Tx sF t io t r Town Of Apex � aMAC � i�__.__...__ i j ,_ '' - `r/r�`' •' ,� `; � for future roe - -- I` ' ; `,. �a r 4. `', • \ p � •_. --- ... r. i an Ac .,$r w iaY% M7A6 S ' /'� ^ / +� '' %+ieR47 Sr ! f _.l `'\ ^'� \�\ connection _.- F "^ flea,._._.__ f , ! axs Ac y `' ate AC i \ \`t 1 %39 ♦yi •.'' '' t\ Y -j i \ i` @� \,QxaCS �� %yiPP \ `, ii'% Q ,` t''t ,•'! - \ \;. p,��_, ' T all f r ` ' eii Af� l�gQ� • '�.. ' f A` '` .• p • `t K , A s 'j t \\, %if �` \. N`� ` 1 ^- '.,' /• i i _,,•Jj ,•W.+.•B0 AP(i(( r Y� \ Ski `l. f ``, ,L ale Ac s%Fahyt 6aad ti t PyE . i i 4x6/40 I< % 'r +`•. \ '3 sest" lF `, \ +t t / r` `� `+ '� / ^'' 'n i ; ' Edeafw or ! �- _ am AC f,` t `, s ♦ ♦` a \ affi AC \ \ ( t yl \\ r' 1 l •a "..•...,,! r lj ♦ ;n ;,,.1 -•'` 10M APEX \\ :....___.......__% i ?i' '�.r t } t 't } \' 47 ' 1 e' \f ax3 AC �' '\ i t ' `,�� \C ^`` ..,,w` / ' % ♦` :�. �• ,, ^.'` rl > /'. _. \ " f / `':t i t °el 0.16 AC r • r Al i ,. 4.,fpp'' /..ti ` \, t BeSSet !r ' \ , .i,••.• -' ! �`�3� �� N. ``'' 'f«," \ \ /0 r ate AC ...___._...____._ Y' +- ♦ `' a,- '' ♦ ..' `\ a17 AC / �,r \,t` ,{��•�y Residential -RR . ; -., "_ ''•. `•, ,'•••' �/, /.� •'� i ' Cafe Ac /!'/ t` ' `',ti 'S Y , r' ax4 Ac EM * Public Recreation Requirement; Fee in -lieu proposed per LIDO 7.3 a\ � • XV WT. Cohen McDuffie 7416 ss l t i ♦ E I' \ Ole, .•'�' y ,t y/ -r. g \ ,t s A/7 AC i i i ¢ / 6aa 4F r 0.8. 11)233, G. 0412 _ -' _'wn -afro: i I \ 7ne15 A 7F f7 Ac an�cr /e'A� it `� A At6 AC�,,'''4,t�,- ''' p 'i ,\ /i pq9 4M AC j� .i , \/ Pt!\t 07507$3196 _ I ``•� i 4 ''\ °\ �' Ttb. `X1S11lig Pond :aaaof■ \` tom' ;�� �'..- 19 �`1� a `♦�� 2904 Satori Way - i AV ACS x + '.f,'/ a{F} t�.'� n~ l- aM AC y ` \ �l s O ,K p ._}t, ems w Apex, NC 27539 $si j aatAC : / Q `7, te. p - " \� 1 sp':*`' a�'i lea7o'e�sr 1`�t \+'t Tt1�'` Future Development p i ,' % %� / ` w �. fyip F p`,/ f' `� - / , �j •'.i,,/ /' - 6A\ `\ - AM AC, /�y/ y ../ ,�` �'�x, -3 4 xa / •�' / 4 ' \, f7'% ' `'``• % -, �t `. /' r`''te Y�\ ' •f% /' i 66te.0e ' t `� .- s`.��' _._-•_ t i i yy / �'j'�/ a22 AC ! _�,R�� i t,° ,'`.. �• .14c ,i 't \�rt_ ,r, r••` '+`' A %AC "�r� ''\, •�' 4 -- 1 +seF /i% '.. ' k ,� '`.' w ; �r' r ® i �}n \ - -ale AC i i \ '� � yF i%i ! \¢ ` /,,i l ,` ,4'� �P• �; . , ' S 03'09'21 ,E . «.�.....+•. di 6M� 9i >010.f1_R4 % 6740:4 $' \"'+[.•••, `\ - %'� / - jai - ' i 4M AC ,r 3 \ t. •\ aM AC \ .,...s..a..w.. :.rte aM At 1 \QA fl� A We AC % r �• r ` ✓ `t ..re.....as.....• 4f�J.40 i ♦\ i i i Vii' i - ' t7'' t0. \ t ', + , } ; �. ¢,ffi► Recreation Space '`. _ -� `'�� -. $► 1.NX ' %1' (Requires separate Site Pion} 7e«,� '`' �� ti `. x tta\ .e �F s, ' = " RISTURBED AREA: _ • I �i '•� p - eo7A�s r,.- , ( Residential RR eels s ,% ; ♦ ! PHASE 16 1'► '`y1 ate Ac , / i 't\ af9 K -.' - -' '�i' 66•e.601g l �`\'' 7M73R S't' - ?�'� PHAS J. Jeffrey L. &Linda M. Novak yy ®� - f i.._......_..._.__._._! �('i ax0 AC i,.% / ' , , / t bQi %••,, \ 9 .,_i aM AC ,..� \ `;`:` aM AC 1 t. -- t / '` M i4y�� �' tAO t 'iyd+0��'p/ ' a %\ 1. (�(�yj Q.B. 12211, PG. 2378 fOtt _ ip'� A i ./'9':''fe.n ,i \ '- \ ,�ia�dt ..' +, \ /' t ; V _._. 1- „ - i,Y%•�,� 1SPE7I F81C ' 4 • ' K,•../4 t. . � 9i'. Y t P\ t - -r� i q. ..y p B.M. 1989, PG. 1444 _. _=n............ i q ; " !i t / ` c'' 6 7IIM36Sr t'' - r ll t#�491r 1 G4S SF 34.4 AC "`„>tr,r fl.irlc -'-•' °�: y, i i % t % \}t x -� ; aRf AC Residential RR -' l eoKtf3 sr `♦ i , [g� , i 0, y f : a�ieMM� \ t, ; " -> aM Ac \ r''/ i , -' -t c PNASE2 PIN 0751705732 $ I a,eAC ♦ , i i i, s Henry J. Nesmith j !._.__ _ _ / .�' an AC 1/% g `•.� / ! A t 0.M AC r' i* L' 1 + $`, 7913 Smith Rd D.B. e4w _ �:_. aF i 1. ; ` 1 > t ;f- i °`t `- - i �� { 712,468 SF & PG. Unknown $ ate - -' ^``� $ /� t j ♦,Q e t y� -app?% - ,a''- t ,..� AroYrfsax�elAO lira sr �i i �.� x t 86.6 AC Apex, NC 27539 B.M. 2003, PG, 517 ;;H;; _' %,' \ % t4 \, % I.tr eeaala / a lrr, ,` ,' .,�,,� . tt. i ; f ' �; an Ac ,� ASE 3 _ .__._ti•� ._._� t�$_ .�' \ \d' `✓ / ors As /Q'! ' ! : - s�R � PH PIN 0750786126 _ r_._.__._._._. _..__._., I r ;' / L '♦ `r r' 8304 Stephenson Rd !, ,OST1NSm : ; % '�� / f / j \ aMAC _____._._. Q ® f.. ' S9610Q SF 13 68 A �f 0.2s AC %; !;, i % i` - s \.�` �/ �." n."ur' !! rlrr � ri %/ ♦ `' , .V . +' 9761.76 Sw't� ; O.tA40 .. i. f $ ' ," an AC Apex, NC 27539 a slae�asss s' Tea '' i , % j J ,� i // 7 i j 6 ♦\L - - , •' t t APE% P0E i '' ••ye'lYr'i.%A1t ; % a / / AX AC � .� K jt4i � f `" \, r$.ri ;i- - *a'e� `� _.. � ^�__,Samw__ 9 Od ;,:.w�: � �._ :�_.,. � OP NELLtEROAD \ '�♦ !�.' 4 ii• r A' / `, -..`.. ' j�'/f,16a119s iv% i '', ♦ - -- O t.' "' �, '`, % •/�.,.' M03kE6 !N tad %i M01,87 1R' i //, t / `'^..••,w �r t f r` O-W AC , `� i E4P its AC ;,7 ate AC f Ali .g�j iir % ♦ ♦ r' Q ..`,! �♦` ; 1 r '` Ik '`` a16wr I f n 1 CP - .__ _ _ Residential RR \ w r��,_._ ..� Dedication of mar i r 1 . QM AC 'pE % ' % Qx4 AC o 10940 V dF a w s an Ac a i , ! ; %3% : aw w © t G7 ass AC ._.__�>�_ _._ , Herman L. & Deid a s i '♦ I x4; 1 ft"b ad r Hunter Colvin ^'. \ � ` ! I 74 9 % i ,x4a)A$1 } i %,t.(i� . `'," a a N ; 2 } -• -. i E ■taratfe ftya public R/Vt/ to D.B. 11526, PG. 0950 • r''•,• '` ► 1; !j'•' fi��,� <,,../ _ \ 'afr ♦ an3.76s ;;`.% ♦• \W `_'ar:Snmi� "� i iULM ar 7liL Town of Apex P I • _._. aM Ac AQ $ a n ex B.M. 1992, G. 497 f __ i� At ! \ i 1 _ _ ' 'f Teex APaxi for future road PIN 0751707852 -''' ` At {' Pj4 `4,` / 1 ♦ ! C /` 7 -r___ _-3. y I :'' -' --_ _._i ^_._, wr!�»ui�;- •_ 7909 Smith Rd •�( tt3Jat77► %j / /'^ 't.. '`` %'i' .fi, 5 O.�' sir ri' 'A`', ftU77 Ac ,!j ''' f' k 640��lM l.-. 1 IT _......_ta►aG! �'_! T• axe AC i $ • a Ac q i connection •i, ! ` / ;' • ta' ing It maw �' >tis Steve &Cho tens E. Gatewood Apex NC 27539 "1010x7 $ / t171i67 1F '� } `+ ! I ``•., PI W ! i ' aM AC aM AC t an Ac / axT ac ® ` p (niowrr , - - -__' i i D.B. 05370 PG. 0134 Sr ^' _.____, ._._ -__., � e' _._ +P_x�w� - B.M. 1992, PG. 497 F • 'i.�' / i ( /% j ntalned t _ _c_ _ _ ' ` �. •� tfe.aee �' r' % if .'` / ._,f 'tR.`�`F ; / ' ! r aM AC j r / f 1 z PIN 0751708425 ,% (1, r'!9/ i 1 ! ,`` ti..`. ` ;� �, f ® �t1Y 73F Sr ! + P i `t+a.° , �, % r i \ axf Ac p a,T Ac I w a P. 0. Box 793 e \ +�, r 1 1 r ♦ / �.\ .$ ,~` f i 001$ Act, `l% �♦ , .+vv+' $ i ai6 AC t Apex, NC 27502 t _ \ %f J�i1,r i! , Sao sr p +e a,' l` ,��% ,\ '� ` r I ® , ; ,•, 4R,. <. aM Ac •� .bl� : r i!', \`` / _ > . ^IT .__"^.,._._ �:: �.....� f ; ' x9 AC $/ '• K i �., <, 107 _ t P ♦ f O '�% Yf ft96kel SF r % .' , ..nr �.,� ., r �• ! a ` Y 701"1` f"- iiS af'tiq `fI,' O�i7 AC /� rr','••..,,, rn., �4,•. ,�. .\ _P' APE%PtIE •..\ i y ( --i " / :1x71Am Vi Al \ .�► %, I ® S 01'00'49 W / `♦ J /l ,`� % >fa % °.`•t\ :LU Ac r% b i ;`' i % '`..'�.� i i 9f9aan 9F t' I ate AC ( 26.00 m ? ` i 0x1 Act \ , " i ( ` g g �, ! % J ' y� . N p p 4 f, �` - P , ` �\�4t ' . \ v ' % % !% % �, ♦ I , I ! I ii% I ' 7 L;`% f ! `/ � . 1, •jv' • � ' % 4ti j p , ;' / � r` . `'\ •\ \r1 � ' t Y, - . � � . ` , \ el aN�n a .3 e A c g ` 'a \a :` }' f �''•. • u\ . ' ' i ; I � / f `♦y'`^ . � YI.•� 'i 0.oM i'. ` '-..,�; ` 0 ' " '% Ill Future Development L \ I -`\. . ----- EIP S $ E1P qi , y99 Aoe all 14W IT v 'g ® 0 41 aM AC l t '` r(•.� "' t� // < </� ` ♦' P ♦ ♦ `•\\ �R� \ ` 2 ,4`\',` /, .ice Ai ttt'60W.lSlF gl$iOman 114 10- 33Sri>Ql ''e�t3SSR'qI i601a001ti - ..`'..,..,..,fim�lt..,.',,;;' _.isal",iaYY _ Wit' � 4 m . s • Q fie.. eat 't?\. \':: 10Dft eckdow?n its ae in ass Ac ! r aM Ac � I aM i , aM Ac ; _.__ f � o \... p \ !bin ` �/ :. (10` Lanes r traffic cafi ling} i I i j i ; ;^�i i ; j lid 1 ' ® • Retairtlra Walt ai ;a } i i 1 i swam sF . , Vacant - RR ., •d{�, +�, \ xt . / n \ ,; �''.,,y\\.` .C25t7tt' of . �'.. y _� { t s I i_'_ -__. _._._.- ._.__._ .__.__._ ' ! ate Ac \ ``\ pxre.7e s ••• • Dedication Of bfi .-E r i i j ` i - ` I ` am Ac Sandra Manning ` aM AC ,. \'`• / - F" ^, 1' s• tWa ` \'�` Residenlist - RR pre-on {tf Town, t { i i 1 r m••r.aa++f „I ap D.B. 04629, PG. 0847 ,,, A • '.- ao __._._._._._._. 2 �i LINE BEARING DISTANCEt+� L1 N 34'46'12' E 51.55'x' L2 N 33'08'35" E 54,76' L3 N 29.00'35" E 59.83' �a L4 N 28'21'14" E 57.05' on L5 N 27'39'34" E 70.23' ian L6 N 28' 15'09" E 52.92' L7 N 28'41'39" E 58.73' L8 N 29.18'20" E 54.96' sf r; L9 N 30`31 ' 19" E 45.00' i L10 N 31'20'32' E 15.31' i L11 N 34'11'03" E 57,64' L12 N 40'21'57" E 55.51' L13 N 43'5547" E 33.34' LINE BEARING DISTANCE L39 S 44'08'54" W 34.03' L40 S 44'51 ' 19" W 50.37' L41 S 4T53'28" W 37.70' L42 S 48'58'08" W 50.00' L43 S 49'35'22' W 57.94' L44 S 49 °46'40" W 52.64' L45 S 49'57'27" W 53.98' L46 S 49'46' 16" W 73.44' L47 S 49'34'29" W 50.02' L48 S 49'09'34" W 50.71' L49 S 48'45'42' W 39.47' L50 S 47'42'52' W 49.47' L51 S 45'29'27" W 49.72' L52 S 4256'00" W 13.82' L53 S 42'56'00" W 37.57' L54 S 38'43'52' W 45.58' L55 S 34'00' 19" W 8.85' /• lift R "� a ^tom ar m .LPt «. \ ♦ U ._.i_._ 07 1602216 APaf \ hilt R t PIN 5 •` -' \. Prem & Suresh Aggarwal p iW in L._.�._._i_._._._._. i ._._. -' __ - ' \ ,'' \�� D.B. 06092, PG. 0478 Town of Apex �� _ faf�' t' - Zs+ o -�;, - it .� � B.M. 1988, PG. 00932 for future road x l aM Ac • 12,i91R1(!g'1M1i1 t easaxe 7F ®� ��•, 4 ... �. ``•. \''' »Ma74 ` . `.. PiN 0750892240 connection s�llseli'Aitvael : ' r` "ar/ Ac S f/ K4 l _._______._._.___._._, 73094 sF / ` . \ ` +' a= Ac �.` ` 8136 Stephenson Rd. ` 'v \ Apex, NC 27539 /' '• < / /t� 1ti�� \. till {1 %. . \� �``�� `' .. ' , `•`b ` n o public Vacnf RR �wlEeee '` �* \, _. Dedication f Gibrehe `B.' Stewbrt' r =f.rro,•fry. �`� R%W t0 Town Of \4�'�.�i ` D:i3, sc PG- Unknown Unknown : CO. `� Apex for future road B :M.: 1I 88; 41G.:1-67; , , ii , • Vacant - RR PiN '0750893827. o: 405' 01 1 ' „w 1628.. Connection _ • \\ 1 M s` �? �\ ! ` `'� Sumitro Korki i 41.$0 NOTES: P, ``'\ `' \ti,�;', D.E 13274, PG. 00080 1. No site development activity including but not limited to testing, clearing, installation of S &E measures, or grading, shall occur until required protection fencing has been installed and Ins p g permit 0 100 200 3C?0 B,,�!!. 1988, PG. 00932 p g g g g P g petted. A protection fencing installation '\ \• , may be obtained at the Planning Department or by calling 919 249 -3426. AIL 'PIN 0750893513 �o `� '` ;' Vacant - RR 2. Protection fencing must be placed: y� P "\ Roman Fediuk 116 shadow Mountain Ln. a} Away from an saved tree one foot for each inch of tree caliper. ' D.B. 04954, PG. 0046 Marrisvilie, NC 27560 y Y b) At least 10 feet away from any other designated resource conservation area, such as but not limited to historic buildings and structures, wetlands, and ponds. . `. B.M. 1986, PG. 209 c) Along the outside line of the 100 -year fioodplain, and the outside edge of any riparian buffer. PIN 0750881966 . 3. Additional protection fencing may be required in other locations close to construction activity where it Is deemed necessary by the zoning enforcement officer; such areas may Include but are not limited to common property lines or ,. 365 County Rte 48 '.q P Thompson Ridge, NY 10985 near public areas (sidewalks, etc.). ,� • P 4. All grading and support structures associated with any retaining structure shall not encroach into any required buffer or protected area (such as but not limited to, RCA and critical root zones of trees, public utility easements and rights -of -way), and shall be contained entirely on site. All retaining walls shall be integrally tinted earth tone or red clay color. S. Site elements required to satisfy recreational requirements such as but not limited to play fields and greenway trails must meet any applicable standards found in the Town of Apex Standard Specifications and Construction Details and the requirements of the Town of Apex Parks and Recreation Department. 6. The screening of loading docks, roll -out containers, dumpster's, outdoor storage, mechanical and HVAC equipment, and similar facilities on the roof, ground or building shall meet the requirement of Section 81.8 of the UDO. Specifically �1g Z ' screening must be done so that: •°O a) It is incorporated into the overall design theme of the building and landscaping i° b) Screening materials are not different from or Inferior to the principal materials of the building or landscape and are similar in material and color c) Screening items are out of view from adjacent properties and public streets, and a totally opaque screen Is achieved d) Any ground- mounted HVAC or other mechanical or utility equipment six -feet tall or higher must be fenced and landscaped. e) Dumpster enclosures must be eight feet tall or the height of the dumpster whichever is greater and be built of masonry material with opaque gates. Where practicable, shrubs or other plants must be planted outside the enclosure y° to visually soften the appearance. ?. All required site elements shown within a particular phase must be installed before a final certificate of occupancy maybe issued for any building within that phase. B. Prior to scheduling a final site inspection site Items such as but not limited to, lighting, landscaping (including mulch), screening (i.e.: dumpstersArash, mechanical /HVAC, etc.), site stabilization (seeding), and parking and pavement - - marking must be completed. 9. Individual signs are not approved as part of site plan approval process. A separate sign permit must be obtained prior to installation of the sign. Multiple use lots, non- residential subdivisions, and multiple tenant lots must submit a Master Sign Plan for approval 10. Retaining systems providing a cumulative vertical relief greater than five feet In height within a horizontal distance of 50 feet or less, including retaining walls or mechanically stabilized earth walls shall be designed and constructed under the responsible charge of a registered professional engineer and comply in all aspects with the NC Building Code section 1610. Retaining systems meeting these criteria will require a separate building permit prior to start of work, 11. A Grading Permit, when applicable, can be issued by the Building inspections Division only after approval of tree protection fencing, S&E Measures in place and approved and a certificate of compliance has been Issued by the Public Works Department. F 1 1 st Revision 11/12 2 2nd Revision 12/07 3 3rd Revision 01/11 4 4th Revision 2/15 5 5th Revision 3/15 4072 Barrett Dr. Phone: (919) 420 -7667 Raleigh, NC 27609 lnfo@ketchemcroWder.com 0 0 04 8447.29 SF (10 0,19 AC s. X 10500.48 SF All O�24 AC SF 18003.71 SF 8074.17 SF 0.41 AC 0.19 A C 8652.78 SF 0.20 AC jj 8040.00 SF 0.18 AC 8943.24 SF - ----- 0.21 AC L ._x i f 8977.75 SF TOWN APEX 1f 0.21 AC ' 10,837.24 SF PUE 0.25 AC 4W, Ls 7847�87 SF sp 1 0. 18. AC C W* *- - I A 8412.72 SF 0.19 AC 1w, - --- ------- -- 7989-97 SF low 0.18 AC %P 10421,92 SF 0.24 AC 6863.15 SF 0.16 AC 8562,30 SF t 0.20 AC sc 4 If, �*�t% V X TOWN APE 10121.06 S PUE F % 0.23 AC - 58 20 SF ,p87 7886.97 SF 6,20 AC % 39,30, ep 0.18 AC A� % 0 %7 68330.16 .64 SF \ AC 7424 55 Cr '8040,00 SF ` \9.18 AC 14 0,17 AC 5232.83 SF U 0 C 0.19 AC % 71w, ;�-- 6839.78 SF 8245.32 0.16 AC 0. 19 AC 10428.16 SF 0.24 AC Z_ 9893.79 SF 0.23 AC ---------------- ------- CM E D to blic W s nv. Programs CIO Tron 3g0ortation p e Planning ate 0 Inspections 00t 13n i ronsportation Date Center Line Offset - - - - - - - --- - J�Rb - - - - - - -------- - - - - -- - - - - - - - Detoil See 1205.01 - Water /Sewer ote Fire AN Dote Sheet C-53 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dote -__ - - Parks, Recreation & Cultural Res. Dote - - IL.Lb - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Public Works -S & E Dote STOP BAR See Detoill 1205.1 GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO MILL 3' 2' White Mini Skips C-53 See Detail SECTION OF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT TO A DEPTH OF 1205.04 C-53 1.5" AROUND THE ENTIRE PERIMETER OF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT. THEN INSTALL 1.5" OF 59.58 To MATCH THE EXISTING FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATION Eder Line Offset g Detail See 1205.01 Sheet C -53 02 Public Recreation Requirement: Fee in-lieu proposed per UDO 7.3 kv, V, 1W )t SW -A \�PNO I > 8040.00 SF XAn # 1k V- SC nd 8076,58 SF V.%\ N' 0.18 AC \01. 6$40.00 5F 0.19 AC 0.16 AC •N d1A 6839. SF V I,-'\ - 0 Future Development p 0.16 AC "S -_ N , > 66140.00 S A NIP-. 0 0.16 AC -4P 8040,00 SF X 7927.82 SF @ 0.00 SF', 0.18 AC V�3 0.18 AC�,,�' 6840.60 SF 684 0.16 AC 10 ^1- $wool Ion=$, swoo Sk % R 27.5' 6840,00 SF % 0.16 AC (14 S. 11b \ ` 8040.00 SF T_ DISTURBED AREA: .�Sl k 11 "1 \ @ Residential RR 0.18 AC 8078.82 SF 00. 0.19 AC 6840.00 SF 1 7167.20 SF Jeffrey L. & Linda M. 0, $ T -A 5 0.16 A 0.16 AG PHASE I k D, B. 12211� PG. 23 APB I \ I %\ . k 14 !1 L B.M. 1989, PG. 14. k VR 9288.63 SF s6`%6,?245 SF 38."%4 A \7783.38 SF I, \ ^k 0, 8132.18 SF 0. 21 AC 0. 18 AC PIN 0751705732 0.19 AC 6840�0 SF k, PHASE2 7913 Smith Rd 8717.66 SF 0.16 AC 0.20 AC 7 > 4- 7 P 712 SF 16.36 AC Apex, NC 27539 is 0a -�Ki�AY ON SONdBIRD 0.11 SF M0 46" X Ilk W 1151 iW 4. 0.26 AC COURT ONLY PHASE 3 C M rn 6 X - 7953.51 SF d 8171.85 SF 0.18 AC' 596,100 SF 13.68 AC k c: , rn 1 0.19 AC V 9781.76 SF --- - ---- --- --------- \?P. 3+0 0.22 AC IV- . - 0 ------------- • 1-10 A ----- - Tub . 11 9fi_%3L_ All SW 2t-11.82-E NELLIE ROAD .. * 10 00 0 Songbird Co 5 7703.91 + SF 0.18 AC X 12 1 V_ - him *4r-- ._�ff V 7A W7 - RR Residential s(r 27' 11.4 E 10945.6 t 01\ -'u -f "Future Road I % 1 5 SF 120.00' n co Dedication of Herman L. & Deidra Hunter Col x0 a 0.25 AC ---- - ------- ------ - ------- Extension- sign -U 8 1 T I ;:;i I I I i 4R public R/W to 2 t D. B, 11526, PG. 0950 n49 7953Q1 SF ---------------- 0.18 AC 1 0.16 AC Town of Apex B.M. 1992, PG. 497 8773.76 SF 'E 46' 21*70 0.20 AC TOWN APEX 126.79' PIN 0751707852 -------- ------ PUE for future road 120.00' - ------------ - 11.43-!! 7909 Smith Rd NO' 27 15 _@ z - 11 connection 120.00' 8482.25 SF ---------- 1@2 1 6 11 Residential RR Apex, NC 27539 0.19 AC 6840.00 SF t + M CD )< 68400 SF Steve & Charlene E. Gatewood C -P,,)aceQr' 0.16 AC 0.16 AC pr ast in Town ASK D.B. 053 70 PG. 0134 ------------ - - . ..... nini ta*n +easern. t ------- . ..... SW 27' 1.4., L B.M. 1992, PG� 497 120.00' z PIN 0751708425 9011.86 SF 97.48 SF -7wr no. P. 0. Box 793 73 (A 0.21 AC 0.17 AC 68400 SF 0.16 AC 18 Apex, NC 27502 1W IP - --- - ---- ht Tr;_ ..... . ...... 41 95.441 i v-, RAF or 100.20' 0 50 100 150 I Ni, 1W 46, 31*W + NO' 27' 11. o I I --- - - ----------- - - - - - ------ 1 VV 453.0 C14 I 6J M ntAff A�ft SC fl3 V_ 56.5 UVV R=275' 6840. SF SF j:4 f! ujy nVVj SIP 10--00 0.16 AC F + 10 + -AAA - - - - - W__Mv I I. W W Affs. AWILK 99.804 ^ R , _ _ 12_4,00' - - - - - - -- - - - - _1 ---------- NO' 27' 11.43"W AVE @ 6 a 5' TOWN ----- - - ------------ M - SF PEX PUE -4 rOW.N AP�X 5' TOM • "Future Rood 0.17 AC 6840 > PUE C: 00 SF APEX PUE Extension" sign M 0 0.1i AC 63 is I t I i A I + ........... ... _XO _._._._3.9_ .52' ----- ----- --- ------ 9168.39.98 SF!! ---------- 46. ---- - 04 C V) j� 40.33 SF 3iT SO* 27' 11,43E %�t; 6840.33 SF 6840.33 SF 68 _- -- I j 6840.33 SF i 04 01 rn 0! 1 i 5> 1 i 1 1 120,00'* 01 0.16 AC i2; 0. 16 AC 0.16 AC 21 0. 16 AC 12O.W NO' 27' 11.43* 0.16 AC - - --- ----- ------------------ - ....... ------ --- - --------- f r 100ft ec down OlMIN z 1z CA46�1* (10 Lanes or traffic calming) Retainin g Wall 6840.08 SF Vacant RR 9235.76 SF 1, 9 0.16 AC ----- - ----- INS jCc1st-.1n-'Pliac# Qr ' . i i ! ! ! ! Sandra Manning --- --- 0, 21 AC SEAL pre-qast ip Tovyn, • ---------------- rn ....... . SC D.B. 04629, PG. 0547 350 2 Si* OV 46.31'E R=46 maintain eapernqnt . . i ( X., S1' W 46.31-E ......... A -------------------- PIN 0751802216 17' �7. 57.00' ...... ------ 120.00' 23+ 2 07 12l. 4. 6 i 6860.28 SF Eattkt tqne or rid, 0.16 AC (retatniogwoll, segmental type} ..... ..... .......... 11730.94 SF 0.27 AC 1 1 st 2 2nd Revision Revision 11/12 12/07 3 3rd Revision 01/11 4 4th Revision 2/15 5 5th Revision 3/1 4072 Barrett Dr. Phone: (919) 420-7667 Raleigh, NC 27609 info@ketchemcrowder.com till 11 111 1 111 1 1, , '11111111, 1 00 w/Tuture Rood Extension" sign 99. ec .2" lei e,1_, / jj/ 9284.46 SF 4�/ , 0.21 AC 8C 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CM C E ineering D Programs 4i Wo I& AID-r%_ AL -3 "ji2 Wf kAS& -&�%A*A IN - - - - - -- W 27 1.F -1 - I -- 0 _ - - - -- 675&20 SF C Tron rtotion nA je- Plonninq_ ate 'X 0\20 AC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C Date CA, -Buil Inspections lonn 3 ------------- ------- 4D � 2 9 --------- Ak� --- C, 14 SF 4'blic Works -Woter/Sewer Dote Fire Dote AC - -- - - - -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - 14 '` ` Public Works -Electric Dote Parks, Recreation & Cultural Res. Dote 40.00 Z ------------ ------- *-\O. 18 AC Residential -RR Public Works -S & E Date 7. T Co'ien McD 418 7 u SF ffie 0.17 AC 7997.74 SF ---------------------- - D. B 0412 0. 18 AC 0233, PG. Cr 120,04! 8040.00 SF • --- --------- --- ------ V N6, 9500.93 SF P*N 0750783196 1 . 1- 17 Ex'sting Pond 0.18 AC 0.22 AC 19,00 Ti 8978.75 SF I 6842.07 SF < 2904 Satori Way 0.16 AC 0,21 AC Apex, NC 27539 8' 4 > sidential - RR -iry J. Nesmith & PG. Unknown 2003, PG. 517 0750786126 Stephenson Rd )ex, NC 27539 9676.60 SF W, rn 4V X 0.22, AC -------------- 181,00 % -u 120.03' �6 8040.00 SF ZCr ------------ --------- 0.18 AC 72.00' 8740.64 SF .0. V 10' 39.20'E 6841.48 SF // // 8252.13 SF 'r 0.20 AC N 0.16 AC 0.19 AC _4 /0 -4 7888.78 SF -- ------- --- ----- - ------------ A Recreation Space S1' It' 39.71*W 120-02' 0.18 AC X (Requires separate Site Plan) ti VR I 6 VO ` Li PHASE 1 B 8677.78 SF ------- ..... - - ------- -- p 0. 20 AC > 120.85* .. 6840.21 SF rn 0 X N1- 10- 17.95-E 0.16 AC X -U 5' TOWN 119.99, C APEX PUE N' 39.71;i 8092.13 S F AS- "V >. '�i>. + 0.19 AC X 44 9824V. SF A 130 00 SF C -------_- - 0.23 AC 683992 > rn I 1 * \ 20 0.16 AC / ac 57.16'W R 28.5' si* 09 tai --------------- ....... ...... X oil ............. .... .. CV '00 lop Ft 6A M 11* 39.71'W C; 9824.52 SF 0.23 All 120.06' sc 10572.46 SF R 22.5' 014 AC &0 Zir 0 + 13021.03 SF I V 22 lif I i I i " V / / i" NZ*0 '8 8466.56 SF 5' TOM 3+ +eo a.19 AC APEX PUE 8C jcv 0.30 AC 0> 1144,00.11 SF O�26 AC �07 10434.55 SF 8601.97 SF 0.24 AC 0.20 AC i 4�i /* x 1@9 % /'!!.4/ 8183.31 SF 10,251.38 SF 0.19 AC 0,24 10832.87 SF f 'r 0.25 AC f ^00 G> 7999.50 SF 12496.14 SF 0.18 AC 0.29 AC 5.0' T-QwN lot J 87.73.76 SF APEX P ir APE 0.20 AC to : 74 Z. 11712.67 SF 11336.17 SF 0.27 AC 0.26 t4 AC 10019.27 $F -Pl 11712.67 SF _U 0 0.23 AC 0.27 AC rn Pr ast it maintain 8140.89 SF %to / oF 0.19 AC 11949.95 SF 3� Ole U7 AC '7 8457.27 SF 4W*, 0.19 AC BW 452.0' 8040. 00 F 1W 41W S 0,18 AC 0.29 AC 11951. 5' TOWN 4:0 , t R 27S 51 SF ec 0.27 AC APEX PUE (4 '401 i f 0 "0 0 /12713.09 SF =l` `-.00- Jv 7+ 41P , :-?l // I 4W 1 0.29 AC / \ , 10229.48 SF 0.23 AC 9198.82 SF 4� ZEN. /* 0.21 AC 8069.00 SF 0.19 AC F uture Deveiopment 4 S W) . 00 4 10 0 "Future Rood 8269.36 SF \1 'roW.N APEX 0,19 AC PUE Extension" sign M 30. > V o:;. X b74, 0 9164.29 SF C: V) V f .,f 16 0.21 AC W SF 10 8513T4 Oft eckdown a.20 AC (10' Lanes r traffic calming) 1% Z Retainin. g WCA C Q 'Ploct gst-jn- xqr 40. Dedication of -qast 1V Tovyn, 8031.P9 SF Alz pre AF 0.18 AC S RR Re idential X 5' TOWN APEX PUE c h A n n ri ynairktainqd ea�er 19\ " , \ . . & D Qr Q,,r_ rwnl public R/W t 3 61 0 50 100 150 5P Z* �lOEtlilat am Public Recreation Requirement: Fee in-lieu proposed per UDO 7.31 4072 Barrett Dr. Phone: (919) 420-7667 Raleigh, NC 27609 info@ketchemcrowder.com 1 st Revision 11/12 2 2nd Revision 12/07 3 3rd Revision 01/11 4 4th Revision 2/15 5 5th Revision 3/15 4072 Barrett Dr. Phone: (919) 420-7667 Raleigh, NC 27609 info@ketchemcrowder.com s w t Residential RR ` ' A° RL Goodaie c�c A Jayee C ®nstructi n barrier shall be installed at the C E » -- -- -_ - - -- D to�Q - Public Vyogks = yiProgrorns Z ®® D.B. ?2198, PG. 0806 Q connection to Timpani Tr. and shall a removed cm Trons orlon A-Ael- Zr4 Planning Dote PIN 0 7 5 0 8 5 8 8 3 - - -- - - -- ,_ - = t _____ -_ LN �- no earlier an u on lattin Phase 3 and at t -Bail ' g inspections =tannin - Tronsp ©rto #ion ©ote 2901 Timpani Trl. g he �_ /i ended b Town of Apex staff Public Works -Water /Sewer Dote Fire Dote ' > '� �.'' ` ,♦ e x, NC 27539 1 m e recommended y __ _______ ___ ___ 4\- _ __ _ �� 9y Put;I1' rks - Elec #ric Dote Porks, Recreotion & Cultural Res. Date _ __.._.._._ _ > •,® • during construction. _ Ii��'� _ - Public Works -S & E -Date ` • . '' ' • ' _ CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL. E TIMPANI TRAIL Blowoff \ z �r ♦ T 'r 105669, 55 SF ''> '`> ♦ :� 0 l 0.24 AC r r ,> ,, ♦ �> o ' � • �,` x t ► ��, Residential RR \ > • ,' • • ! Estate of Willard R. Flaherty ♦ l - flrt D.B. & PG. Unknown { `,. o- Z ♦ 1 _ , �__ / �� ,� PIN 0750697239 ' \,1P, ` `�, `® '�" `t a� x BM. 2004, PG. 0562 Residential - RI r--`l ° , ♦♦ `oX �X�o .. 2900 Timpani Trl. Z °Qti�. 4, .`'o. ♦. . ,r d i �:` -`.�v ,,>, k O �1C c�c PlV1 8 e ck w i ♦ \ ,• ♦ // �- `` �' ; r/` Q 4a G �" '�,�, ex, NC 2753 D.B. 06674, PG. 0 zt ♦ , ®. , �� / ♦ Q `� j x D.M. 1995, PG. 0G Open a ... p \` \ltT 6`i►� �' . S . . j . ", f r ,° �. ,; PIN 075069871-- • f / t t '` /� , `' Space O i , 1. ... ../ / I t 1 1 i 9110.89 SF \. /�a; ? '!,i _ 2909 Earth DrlV t ' i o.21 A % 13' �`�'' , x Apex, NC 2753{ \ o Pro d Tail C \ p { Paved w 10 a gemen i� \ 11,938.58 SF-'> '\ . �' A. !!1, j% 8040.00 5F '` i .., / `_Z ,� 9913.24 SF s ° \ dr \ > ' > ' , r,� , w ® ` ` ` ` \ %i 0.18 AC y .% ? f' ; / �• , 0.27 AC u ,^' > , ® ! ° m ,"° "' �..,..." . *-w- /`� o , , Jae i' % 2 0.23 AC oo• • ,'�' . ® � \ \ '\, j / ' ' :''0'� / � ''`•, ' � +OOf r i $� 3�• 3 � O EP: \ (� t'7x 1 `\ '\ , +•.....•+ "•"r. -•� s/ ► , 11 \\.c ! �00 /00,' 13 �., xj ` 1�J f// f + `7 %, °�` '> �. ` r' / / i \' \. 3j, `,. 8,5101 6 SF ,y ! 1 % ` dr „'" '. >89 \• ,, ..... - ..,,,•- �ra¢1�� '1 >\ i' >> • ..,. ' °'I • ` • , ° •.r / `• /' ,' 8 40. AL f l�.' `• x \\ ��' 0.20 AC � '•Q�' -`.'"" 11.071.61 SF ;' /`1� J �.s '\ \, �� �,• -, , \.k ij �o`', `,. /�%,. !7(1 11 0.25 AC i , / �. j { . ..... ,.�, % . . . . . '\. % ``•., :jo i ,' ` / r n�t,i.V�lj�+�• i /ct,�4 7 i i ° +.... r " ' . ' • ' . • . ° > f f ,`. ;i•� \j o'i7` %` .[ i , k �`''. i% f' 9706.50 S ;f '; ` W/ f r o } , . ., • , . • , • ° , , t tr ; �� j;. 13 `1`• \ . \ ei`'• i %` 0.22 AC % % r ;'' r / _.,,� `` •• . SY 10' 12fl;03' 1 , • • , , ` ' ' % r 1 7 i{ j' S• r db f 5$.98 S ` C •.. ;,a,. _,._....._.,.._..__ R =36,5' 1 f ' , ' ! / f $6 9 $ 5F / TO• ,�\ / f %! w0' 114 F �' ~ '` ^•.. i% 0.2fl AC ,�y %/Q `4 F ? `,/ ' ;i�f 0.26 ACS,,' , ` • ` • , • • ' /' Proposed Trail �`'' ! O ; \\ v v " ' (��}} 1 3 } " • r . �, • \ ``t % Y ice,. r; ' �. , ,\ , N' 6$41.64 SF ' { O, �� ; ; r s • ' , . • , , `•\ i % �1,;' 13 ~,� • ( ed w/10 easement) t l t • %/ $045.49 SF 'J 0.16 AC , ';� / f' • \` \` % ` V. i ................... ' - 39.20"`W _._._.__. -; i • f , i 120.03, , i• ; i iy�o %� \ 'gyp. j' f 10 , Sri 'Q l E 13 f 10500.48 SF v 6841.26 SF ' } v �=• t c i '/ $040.00 SF ' i �. �:`, ' , 0.24 AC r l g 0.16 AC 8 cu Rya - ° f ° A ` f %� 0.18 AC %``';' r` s \, `, `�., 01a� /'�t,N` 18003.71 SF 4 i f1V / ` S • % ;' , iGl %; '`w.� JAfSt �, ` '; per'` �..'" '� 0.41 A` r rn ........... Sf *_t 4`._39.20 "W_ _ t ' _ _ _ _ it ° j// ' cv gam`' °-- -° 120.fl2_ i ® '2 10 / 8040.00 SF j ' 1 30 Olt' {n - •��` i , f % 0.18 A i w 6$40•$7 SF „ \ /' �, , YO f' 8943.24 SF a 0.16 AC �gl ~w` Y. S r �`, 121 AC O •"f .. - - -- ' ° a a ',' i '•.. ;'' �A: \ !. TbWN AP •kt �._.. io_' 39.2o'w \. a , ' , 10,837.24 SF a r PUE° ox� 1 f _._._. ._._._124.. }.._._._ - --- - -- A 71.901 • 19 0���` ` ~`` ! / 0.25 AC to @4 ------ -_--------- _ } i • S 4' 1.58 "W Yy 6840.49 SF r , a.__.__..__,.__._._.__._._ r _.�` �; _, �,� ��,. �a , t -� 7.4 0.16 AC - # i k• ° ° ,/ 1 4 J p !' 1 \ _._._._,_.___5.._10'- 39.... _ , � 9417.48 SF ; �� �1� j � `` ' jJ ?\ i < -' ' 7989,97 SF \:' ' >> 0.18 AC 0.21 AC ;'' i s `.. ,, ` \ 33 9502,49 SF ' i \ % �; ; •' `,` 10421.92 SF i a - �, 1 s0.22 AC i c„°j, %' i '. \ `\ x ` N �r' 0.24 AC ` 7495.76 SF ` '�, - 's -� sc 11 ..,. ' 0.17 AC ' WN APE�t 1 ;;o iii;, ii ,` n ` \ ` } PUE t { .q• , y ._._ f, / 10 $ ' r ' � Z4 ' �' 8562.30 SF .......... J �' 9284.46 SF i' ` ', x Q \R 99,73' Si q,ii Trian tot,+t Trion iyr• 0.21 AC i , �17p 1L 1 •\ sy, AC E i 9/e ! % � +` ` o ` t 0.20 \ l l • -,,_, - -` , ,` ,r' ie, ;' \ r1 t '1 ' . o. '\ TOYM APEX , r UE `, 0 50 100 150 4 ,' S R -27s' '.� r,' -'i �, f�.,• 53.4,,E &758.20 SF l r , 0,20 AC 0# 39.x' SN _..._ _..._.. _ 9149.14 SF +� x N1. 53' 41(,r e Otj arbuoi ,` x 0.21 AC > 7424.55 SF i --------------- --- t 4>< flt) 9j5ua }1 _ .\ r; f�yy \� r .� sr , >` l` ' �> 0.17 AC w ' -#040.00 SF �.•' , > >> `'4 ',• 3 ; /; / 10.1$ AC r�`� -' `> ; 741 $.iJ i SF j 1 ^}' x �� �,`, ''�\ / 4^�' ``�y /./ \` `�.,_ >tl. t1 ' a\ •� / >i \ Tk `>i 0.17 AC 7997.74 SF 9f'' 13 Z ` \` ?y 0.18 Ai. 4 `, _ _ 120.04'_._._._._._ ;� / , rr' 4 ' \ 516• 77 b y/d _"� s e 9500.93 5F } `\ >' > �� ' Q�0 . < 1� S o �'! $040.00 SF ` ` {;1 w!"' y ♦} t�• 4i° y� \�. 0.1$ AC 0.22 AC 8978.75 SF /'`i ` � ` % � ` ' � _"t4 1"'00 >> 0 6$42,07 SF i % ,t p O 0.16 AC Eli N0.21 AC % i/i i < ,.. .`� i 'y <,` 45 ' +i% ' m O . •y /-* • # 9676.60 SF % _ J` S ``N.,, oe• _._._._._•_S1. 77' 39. T1 "W_ ! X -i iOfO1 ©� ° \ 0.22 AC tg84 3�1.� z --------- 120.x3 ~ ` j1, ,�` • " , �•� : L ;iW` ;' �` _.,. `` ;f \/ ' ` •t' $040,00 SF i >r k >> k • 72.00' .�• %/ i ./ ' `� ` y,a / `` - i r i �` \ ' 0.18 AC ' + x, ;; 8740.64 SF ! 11111t91ti1! /� l > tp 68 1.48 SF 1 , r ,o' 39.20" ` �`r►• ,' f' ' 8252.13 SF ,� �3\ ! 0.20 AC % ♦♦ "SK o C 0.16 AC t ! `ia' 0.19 AC ,\ \` \\ i/ y y�~n \`ham �.` * m • *f� f $`i.' >> 0 � i 1, ? � 14 �;;Y� %�, �'" '`� `'•i�',1�ji /�� �`', \`�� % � .�b Recreation .J lr7 \./ e N�' 4J� • �' ~ !���„' �.`t � �� \ _._.- ._._._._S1. 11' 39.71'W t .0 F tM 7888.78 SF " ' `�i ` fO i " ,' x , l� 2 a h i'"* %i j ` ' ` v7 - 120.02' 814 -_.- ___ 8 j 4, 0.18 AC i l' ` `� ,i�'�' ;• s` - `` !, R a r e s e r i e Site P a n 3 - ._ i - ' 8040.00 SF 29 ;% $677.7$ SF ;'` , % v 0,18 A .. i 1' l f i.- ._._._.___._._... _ _ - • --•- _- / "DD . 0.20 C /'�y`J % ' ?' ' f / /�� " • . • �� \"S, `. / s� '•'•'+' �1, 6840.21 SF �• _ _ _ _ _V 620.$5'_ _ _ _ _ _ M °- i 0.16 AC 1 t _ N1. 1fl' 17.95'E_ X ,•'�re;l�\ , /' `� S`iq) t ` %•a�1 /pL\ ' ` . X - - -- - -° - Z; ; 8 5° TOWN` �, ----------------------------- i19.9S _ G '/' >,/ d�,�' APEX PUE �• 2 % ``\ i N' 1 ' 3. •£ , ! , $092 13 SF p'�r. ss .' 9 %/ , 32.1 SF ... . _._. 0.19 AC ,1g i 81 $ i SF a ti' ` ` 0.19 AC �r s 9824, X,N / i �' 6839 62 SF { s ,.( 0.23 AC ; f ; gq� � o ` j $ 0 6 A r - 51.09' 57.16 "W /o s '� ; �,.' ,,,,,� ac 0 50 100 150 i `ti �, \ -0 t _._._ -_ -. --- - - --- .- .__- __...,.__ --- -- --- 0 / O,. ;'' %t„ rr��� / , \` 6x66 R•25.5` % `, f*1CJ F' _ ..141.88'. _ 7 " ' ;�y�O ,i , I - -- - -. _ _.._ _ _ _ -- _._._._- ._._._._ _ _..; a+ �, T_ ; i `W ; ;,,fir / �, .,, x < ; • 'U p . -,. _._._._._._S1 .t1�39.71_W % O / 9824.52 SF / 6 6 r 12fl.fl0' , i , ; t sgti ss % 0.23 AC , ,� \ „ s'` i s x t l i 10572.46 SF ,% _ / f ;� ''�°�° i /w ,�. ,` s ac \ R =22.5` i ; `•. ! , ` 2 s 1 0.24 AC / rrrirrr�r...rrr * Public Recreation Requirement: Fee in -lieu proposed per UDO 7.3 1 1 st Revision 11/12 2 2nd Revision 12/07 3 3rd Revision 01 /1 1 4 4th Revision 2/15 5 5th Revision 3/15 4072 Barrett Dr. Phone. (919) 420 -7667 Raleigh, N0 27609 info @ketchemcrowder.com ONE 18-FOOT JOINT OF DIP SHALL BE INSTALL D WITH THRUST COLLAR, ULL SIZE TE VALVE, AND 2 Residential - RR BLOW- ASSE LY NOTES RL Goodale & A Joyce Construction barrier shall be installed at the % YC §IIMP D.B. 12198, PG. 0806 connection to Timpani Tr. and shall be removed MAINT PIN 0750685883 AND Al no earlier than upon platting Phase 3 and at the --------------- ------- On-site sewer lines consist M A-IJ6 y-i n Dote Dote AIXESS 2901 Timpani TH. Pub ipi.Works -Env. Programs EASEMENT ---------- %111% time recommended by Town of Apex staff Apex, NC 27539 voi� 0 during construction. ------------------- ------- --- ----------------- ------- entirely of 8" PVC. FLWOW TTER MH QL CM -Transportation t Planning Dote SE _W4 to. "NO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL BE WED ON TIMPANI TRAIL" =saw 4Dp t —on onsportotion D/ t,71 � '. CM 4. Dry utilities will be % ------- it j . . . . . . . . Public Works -Woter/Sewer Date Fire m Dote' -located within the ROW co RfD - /ARV --fix — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Dote -- — �EE-NbX* - c Works -Electric Dote Parks, Recreation & Cultural Res. Dote `, \ . N . i i I Ful:;,51 the side with VA- - Residential RR opposite . \ . > — — — — — — — -- - - - --- \ N% Estate of Willard R. F,,�,,,,aherty sidewalk. -S & E Dote D.B. & PG. Unkncwn Pubt Works A PIN 0750697239 52 *Contractor is responsible to SM. 2004, PG. 056 Residential RR Z 2900 Timpani Trf.- JC & PM Beckwith ION -% D.B. 06674, PG. 0474 Voca- RR Irk ex, NC 27539 S.M. 1995, PG. 0450 review the profile sheets for ff L ONE IS- 00 JOINT OF DIP E<jnc Sco & Nervy J. > Nesrn �th Ope PIN 0750698713 SHALL 8 IN LLED WITH e /. C.S. 09476, PG. 2527 "lli" ST t5poc 2909 Earth Drive THRUST COL R, FULL SIZE all proposed silt fence/check am AC Apex, NC 27539 GATE V LVE ND 2" Pil, 071�0688188 VE 11131 830 " Ste' 0 N. LOW- FF SEMBLY 4 phenson Rd. Apex, N-C 27539 ate dams that are required for Residential RR .01- Randolph A. Wendy % % % ICY Duncan 0 . . . . . . FH#71 111moo w 040 Ad D.B. 04892, PG. 0263 % 11.07141 Sir 2 MH 50k n PIN 0750699963 4125 AG #4 VFMW IV LEVEL Sft STING POND 3F ....... . SMP SEE SHEET C-S EMERGENCYSPILI.W, 4925 Lett Rd AY MAINTENANCE -147M �Tffie SE to Apex, NC 27539 ((090.98 6F AND ACCESS . . . . 100year ------ --- U. 420 Ac Residential EASEMENT-�_, 0* % @ Reginald Ju 9841.44 V D.B. 07261, P 0 ------------- 2.5' PVC Sc,4C 0,18 AC B.M. 1983, PG. It - PIN 0751609173 / , //' q3 010 ji, 0 8001 Smith Rd SPREA 4 1 1, 1 05 Ic SS4 w- 0624 AC J U" OHM Sr riq &41 AC see mol 0.19 Ac 9 AC i Sr so e 18 w �hw C 102* ft * a W a 1 A 2� NC 27539 Milt LA J PL als AC -i Z '. _', M�1` "I 004&24 V PHASE W so 0" IM&I J 4 806 Al CSZ!, METPOND 0�m AXC ........ MIN 0.10 JOIN _ ! ; ___ -A E I ------------ Ij —.IWU W, SK 9" of .............. MAC 1205.04 C-56 Dedication 20'Apex PUE % % N Ulm W V1101 .47 11 I F public R/W t( _a I 507.7M V 1 19 AC 'A • r 44H 0"79 9 Lbe 0111M 2V T� of Apex PUE (PSACCeSS&W) Town of Apex 0615 AC i 11 _,_, 1 AN@ - 4 So 1205.01 (Seww outw & TrA #23 No C-53 W8 AC for future roa 71ft#7 V QDVA =1147W AI IAL S connection tOM V I 7*<�_�:1--, 0 6MIS Sr am AC SECIIN OF IK EMM PAWMt To A wiH oF 0.18 AC IS MMM X EN IX PW*U OF IK 062-M SF EMSIN PAW W. M SMALL IS OF SM 10 ....... 421 AC 020 AC YK EXM 000 StIRFACE 8101M % T004 APEx N. PUE \ It, MH #50 of 1% % 0.23 "', ." i \\\ - - - N AC 711115,97 W &18 AC INV OUT"X79 E) kc 3 ♦ - I MIS AC 3 ---------- 0131 t-a-v F AC "WAC" at I aft Ac 8336V We AC ntial -RR %9 szom Son, Colten McDuffie 7412 IF IFH I i Nrl&pftt , i $, -1, law 1 021 M7.74 PF 0615 AC - -- -1 a, W 'I " all? AC D.B. 102-73, PG. 0412 - ----- --- --- ----- als Ac 'C L"SRCP I ............. 075,511 Sr rn (%750783196 P'N MIS AC Maw 1111 A� ,4 29(l Satori Way "too Z ass AC X, 807a7s w X Wil. AC &VAC N Future Development a CJ Ac5ex, 7539 Existing Pond ------------ 1. ------------ ...... ----------- E) i or. \ 4W ;ov-, FN #24 40 ---------- --- A# A A -1 0619 Ac MIS w a ...... AC S%43 Ac Al. .4 ------------ �TOP- AN Recreation Space H #44 4116 AC • -45% 1112411011 V .Ii 5 (Requires separate Site Pion DISTURBED AREA: Residential r(K .t 11 ale Ac $MOO V Jeffrey L. & Linda M. Nov--- PHASE 1B # #14\ cis AC PHASE 1 0.16 AC ....... PG. 2378 ®$ .Res'dent*a RR P� WS AC - , -_ - 0 Ilk 0 D. 12211, 1,696,245 SF 38.94 AC 22"" w S.M, 1989, PG. 1444 S. SEE SHEET C 50 IF Henry J. Nest-nith .......... 0 4*EVEL SPREAD e 3 V , \'k PIN 0751705732 Ii. E3. & PG. 'Unknown AC ate Ac PHASE2 8717.0 ST am jk5, �1, 7913 Smith Rd 8,M. 2003, PG. 517 w an W. It k \ --- k, % �j s. PIN 075C ate AC ON 712,468 SF 16.36 AC Apex, NC 275391 ONLY &M AC J786126 IWXW EN NEERED ------ -- (48 7-0 14 PHASE 3 8304 Stephenson 911" W I I" QXI AC Apex, NC 27539 - ----- ----- ---- ON T OF DIP 140 ,0. w ale AC i 596, 100 SF 13.68 AC % 2 -k LEVEL SPR R 7 9M4 THRUST COLLAR, FULL SIZE i U.19 AG TOM 2 AC HMx (D ONE 18-FOOT JOINT OF DIP lamw w 2VX3Ww 3+ MH449 NEWE ROAD i - &30 0C SEMCK .,_I - -_- -I-- GATE VALVE, AND 2' . ......... OLTER SPLITTER MH SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH 4 ____ , - * I'Amll W I / F \ \ CS aU AC SS THRUST COLLAR, FULL SIZE AC i, 0" Ac -.50 -9 INV -4 law GATE VALVE, AND 2" r Residential RR 1004&43 V 1 1 CM4fH#29 Dedication att A: i R9 of Herman L. & Deidro Hunter Colvin 0.24 AC BLOW OFF ASSEMBLY putnic K/W to AZ AC AC i I I no" w / " ,, A" D.B. 11526, PG. 0950 US AC w i I %is W ME ----------- I- L a AC its he Town of Apex B,M. 1992, PG. 497 AM put,, Mac AC W TOM AKX PIN 0751707852 for future road 79 09 Smith Rd ....... 1- .. ...... connection IOM17 Sr n2 Residential RR Apex, NC 27539 QN AC 0 wn; I 1 .0. ! I Steve & Charlene E. Gotewood als AC i I 0616 At te D.B. 05370, PG, 0134 .................. ----- --- Ob ------------------ i I S.M. 1992, PG. 497 at$ Ac PIN 0751708425 %27 AC P. 0. Box 793 6 �A 731, S1 Ma IF W-M am Ac i an AC Apex, NC 27502 -NINE. lleoh ---------- RHASE.21 19A ate Ac 4#41 1CM48 9 41� :7�- 1 i 0" At ! / I -- --- -- an AC 1"51.5% Sir (4D 027 AG an AG 7 am AC Hit $MOO -------------- ----- - Vw Future Development 1W f"#'Z) ... ... 7 5 4TENANCE ...... Q17 AG all; AG 5• TO11"' • A%jpug! AMIDACC MIS AC ACCESS EASEMENT al . i ----------- 16%33 W! ----------- &V AC 61114433 w als At wis Ac CO2:, - - ------------ ----- --- OM AC I 3, Vacant RR Ws AC S al Alf AC I Sandra Manning - --- ------ 0121 Dedication of 10 \ I ki__ I L Ac 06 AC " . I I . . I i, 1 1 1 D.a, 04629, PG. 0547 Z. 2 RN 0751802216 Prem & Suresh Aggar� --- ---- ca Town _3 - D.B. 06092, PG, 0478 of Apex if in w i • Residential - RR public R/W t i S.M. 1988, PG. 00932 for future road 0,16 K PIN 0750892240 ------ - --- connection ow AC Silas$ w '. an AC 8136 Stephenson Rd. 41b, 4 1-,- 00 t/4"COPP W& I , \ & 'T Apex, NC 27539 . . . . . • RR- . 7" N NN ... . • . . -Voc�n( -' Dedication of public 0 1, 1. , Al -v, V , \ , �tewbrt- I -e . . . ... R/W to Town of The Tow of Apex shall Ak OM AC b:d, - & -PG.: y6kn bwo - not be responsible for all . . . . Apex for future road 4 -PIN'0750893827 connection maintenance of vegetation .0 Vacant RR .. . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . \N", . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W511.113 w . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . within the median (median US AC Surnitro Karki . . . . . . B. 13274, PG. 00080 'NOTES: defined as hatched area .11�/ • 1 ".1.1 ,, 1\ 0 100 200 300 3.M. 1988, PG. 00932 1. No site development activity including but not limited to testing, clearing, installation of S&E measures, or grading, shall occur until required protection fencing has been installed and inspected. A protection fencing installation permit shown at back of curb) PIN 0750893513 . ... . . . may be obtained at the Planning Department or by calling 919 249-3426. M - Vacant RR Approximate area 362 sf 1 6 Shadow Mountain Ln. . . . . . . . . . . 2. Protection fencing must be placed: Roman Fediuk D.B. 04954, PG. 0046 Morrisville, NC 27560 a) Away from any saved tree one foot for each inch of tree caliper. B.M. 1986, PG. 209 b) At least 10 feet away from any other designated resource conservation area, such as but not limited to historic buildings and structures, wetlands, and ponds. PIN 0750881966 c) Along the outside line of the 100-year floodplain, and the outside edge of any riparian buffer. . . . . . . 4. All grading and support structures associated with any retaining structure shall not encroach into any required buffer or protected area (such as but not limited to, RCA and critical root zones of trees, public utility easements and .e 365 County Rte 48 Thompson Ridge, NY 10985 . . . . .. Utility Identifiers rights-of-way), and shall be contained entirely on site. S. Site elements required to satisfy recreational requirements such as but not limited to play fields and greenway trails must meet any applicable standards found in the Town of Apex Standard Specifications and Construction Details and ONE 18-FOOTIOINT F DIP MH = sewer manhole (1,2 3,...) . . . . . . . . the requirements of the Town of Apex Parks and Recreation Department. SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH 14. All water and sewer lines shall be installed with a minimum of 3 feet of cover. HRUST COLLAR, FU L SIZE FH = fire hydrant (1,.2,3,,,,. 15. Maintain 18 minimum vertical separation between utilities. LO FF ASSEMBL) VALVE, AND 211 GV water gate valve (1, y3j_) 16. Verify all illustrated utility crossings prior to construction and notify the engineer if conflicts are encountered. 4#1 ARV = air release valve ( j2;3p***) 17, Contractor shall coordinate utility relocation or abandonment with local utility companies as required. 18. Utilities will not encroach upon protected areas or run parallel through any required buffer. 19. All metered connections to Town potable water shall have a town-approved backflow prevention assembly Installed. Yl yard inlet (1,2,3,...) 20. Water and sewer shall be at least 10' laterally from existing or proposed sewers. Where local conditions prevent separation of 10', the water main, may be laid closer, provided that the elevation of the bottom of the water main is at CB- curb inlet (1,2,3,...) least 18 inches above the the top of the sewer line with a horizontal separation of at least 3 feet. 21. A plumbing Permit issued by the Building Inspection Division is required for all plumbing systems, including Storm Drainage systems, installed outside the Public Right of Way or a Public Utility Easement. These systems shall be at 249-3381 for information including the utilization of third-partyinspection agency. inspected and approved by the plumbing inspector prior to covering. Contact the Code Enforcement Supervisor e cy. CA 12 N, 10 MN _01/ _W 1 1 st Revision 11/12 2 2nd Revision 12/07 3 3rd Revision 01/11 4 4th Revision 2/15 5 5th Revision 3/15 N \ N 'N D.B. 07261 10 , PG T�6 8. M. 1983, PG. % IN 8447.29 SF iii j,' N 0.19 AC PIN 0751609173 • 10500.48 SF 11 0.24 AC if f 8001 Smith Rd SF 18003.71 SF 1 8074.17 SF 0.41 AC 0.19 AC Apex, NC 27539 FS5 /* 8652.78 SF 2.5.KNI\ IN 0.20 AC 'N N 8040.00 SF 8312k 0.18 AC 2.5* SEND! CB3 8977.75 SF '"ASE 0.21 AC 8943.24 SF TION APE AP X 0.21 AC 10,837.24 SF J,PUE % 0,25 AC (2x) O�24 AC 10428.16 SF # 8412.72 SF i ---------- 7847,87 SF 0.19 c Ac 0. 181 > ZJ. AC 9893.79 SF H < 0.23 AC ----------- N - - ----------- - I N -.-- i � 334 �H #23 7989 97 SF \ -1 ------- % 0.18 AC H #15 36 10421.92 SF f\H #16 0.24 AC Ilk, #4 6863.15 SF 0.16 AC 8562-30 SF INN' A 0.20 C TOWN APEX MH #50 IN PUE 10121 % .06 SF 'N 0.23 AC X V58.20 SF 0 A0 AC ------ i \ IN 7886.97 SF , t TOP=46 0.18 AC 7.44 " IN ItW=459.0 N, '�, , ,-,; 11 N % B308 3 % 6833,64 SF N ell 0.16 AC N oil, 7424.55 SF k ti \N, 0.17 AC IN \ NN k3O4O.00 SF 33 Sa32 N 8232,83 SF \0. 18 AC 19 AC 0 % 0 N NN rr-I % 6 1� N % 6839.78 SF N NN\ IN 0.16 AC 8245.32 SF' 4 0.19 AC 13 \NN * % X A N N 8040.00 SF I % % 8076.58 SF l IN, \ 0.18 AC I ` \ 4� 11 0.19 AC \N. I '% 1 40 1 6 iJl , `..iaM'9t.� ` ` _ ' CF �' i 6843.42 SF 0.16 AC 00 7489_50 SF\1 0.17 AC 2 CB33( X) 9N 18-FOOT JOINT OF DIP r $ ALL BE INSTALLED WITH RUST COLLAR., FULL SIZE GATE VALVE AND 211 ULOW -OFF S SE M B L Y Center Line Offset Detail See 1205.01 Sheet C-53 ST OP BAR DO See Detail 1 205.1 2' White Mini Skips C -53 See Detail 1205.04 C-53 NO 10314.00 SF /TEEAND 0.24 AC / VALVE X op ARV l '%A BEND 9114.50 SF 0.21 AC C 7608.63 SF aENiy 0.17 AC 8 # w I P 6840.00 SF\ " "N _11-1 0.16 AC \ \ \ Edger Line Offset Detail See 1205.01 0 Sheet C-53 ,f J.. Z GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO MILL 3' SECTION OF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT TO 11.5* AROUND THE ENTIRE PERIMETER OF EXISTING PAVEMENT. THEN INSTALL 1,5' TCH THE EXISTING FINISHED SURFACE I INV 0U14 -------- t\LLA -------------- ------- C En m; ing Dote j u �rioeks v. Progrorns t --- At ------------- ------- "o CM ;-��_Tcons rtotion Dote Plonning Vacant - RR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra Manning -Bu Inspections D t Rlonni Tronsportotion Dot D.B. 04629, PG. 0547 - ------------ -------- �YMZ__ PIN 0751802216 Public Works - oter/Sewer Dote Fire Dote ---- - 4k� -------- ------- - ------ & --------------- ------- u lic Wo -Ele trio Dote 13;rks, W;-c-rection & Culturol Res. Dote --- - -------- ------- ublic Works -S & E Dote * On-site sewer lines consis), entirely of 8" PVC. * Dry utilities will be co-located within the ROW opposite the side with sidewalk. ,\mW1111111", CA/? 5 12 4::� 1 st Revision 11/12 2 2nd Revision 12/07 3 3rd Revision 01/11 4 4th Revision 2/15 5 5th Revision 3/15 1VKj ffA MH #17 CROSS C13131 ----------- VAI - - ---- --- ----- % % cs F,i i'denticl -RR es C811 2 741897 SF FH Coilen McDuffie 0.17 AC N�l D D.B. 302133, PG. 0412 ---- ----------- -_----------------- P i N 0750783196 9500.93 SF xt 0.22 AC 2904 Satori Way 6842.07 S F 8978.75 SF NC 27539 0.21 AC 0. 16 AC > o i M 6 ...... - ----------- X. CB134 ...... --------- -u o 30 f ........... --- ----------- --- - ----------- 6841.48 SF 8252,13 SF - --------- - -- 0.16 AC 0.19 AC ................. ---------- - ----- CB13# 788& 78 S F Y1105�4. IX - --------------------------- ---- -- 0.18 Ac Top-:4�.15. -----------_- INV=455L5 ---_---------------- --------- - - 6840.21 SF . . ..... esidential RR 0.16 AC ----- ------- ------- ------- --- ---- enr Nesmith y -1 r ------------ - ------- ___ --------- - ----- 8092.13 SF C P`,7. Unknown 0.19 AC 4, 2 0 0, P G. 517 683992 SF -n x 0.16 AC .......... 'IN 0750786126 - ----- ----------- ------ TO - --------- --- ------- ------ )4 Stephenson Rd AW �Pex, NC.' 27539 B 1057 .46 SF /* O.2 AC n S. SEND 8466.56 SF 5 0.19 AC * TOWN APEX PUE 9284.46 SF 0.21 AC 9149,14 SF )t 0.21 AC % , #19\ -1 .�, 11 EMEJ N) 8677.78 SF X o 0.20 AC 71 Tz Ic RZ71M It T L!Zff 'K T:19 -,`JJJ 4W INV =45?.b )IN %% FILTER IP, # 'ICB136� 10.30 AC If SETBACK. If 1, 11,486.11 SF 0.26 AC /FLO� SPUTTER N11 14 ce, 8601.97 SF SEE HEET C-50 ONE 18-FOOT JOINT OF DIP 0434.55 SF I' ! / lbkA4 SPREA R SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH 0.24 AC 0.20 AC If 1, It i If #23 It jF SEE CIE _S THRUST COLLAR, FULL SIZE H If i j 10,251.38 SF 440 BMP 10832,87 SF 0.19 AC O�24 Ac 8183.31 SF /i BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLY GATE VALVE, AND 2" n @ c MAINTENANCE 0.25 AC SEND 7999.50 SF 12496.14 S 49 E, ACCESS In F n 0.18 AC @ MENT 0,29 AC C, C8 • H #2 C 11336.17 SF 0.26 AC Ar ♦ 'NJ 119•9,95 SF {f r R 0,27 AC o. @3 12654.28 SF 0.29 AC i If i I IN io If x C) c %/ t 12713.09 SF rn 0.29 AC 11951.51 SF 0.27 AC 8269.36 SF 0.19 AC 8031.19 SF 0.18 AC `fp #2 '7 1055 N 1,0019.27 SF IP WIt 11712.67 SF 0. 23 AC 0.27 AC -NJ 0612 R� " TU 10229.48 SF 0.23 AC * 4" PVC CO *'ij4" COPP E 12549.75 SF 0.29 AC 14158.93 SF 0.33 AC E SHEET C-37 M 0 2 7997.74 SF 0.18 AC 1 1 st Revision 11/12 2 2nd Revision 12/07 3 3rd Revision 01/11 4 4th Revision 2/15 C45 I 3/15 9676.64 0.22 \ \M H #2c 71 Tz Ic RZ71M It T L!Zff 'K T:19 -,`JJJ 4W INV =45?.b )IN %% FILTER IP, # 'ICB136� 10.30 AC If SETBACK. If 1, 11,486.11 SF 0.26 AC /FLO� SPUTTER N11 14 ce, 8601.97 SF SEE HEET C-50 ONE 18-FOOT JOINT OF DIP 0434.55 SF I' ! / lbkA4 SPREA R SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH 0.24 AC 0.20 AC If 1, It i If #23 It jF SEE CIE _S THRUST COLLAR, FULL SIZE H If i j 10,251.38 SF 440 BMP 10832,87 SF 0.19 AC O�24 Ac 8183.31 SF /i BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLY GATE VALVE, AND 2" n @ c MAINTENANCE 0.25 AC SEND 7999.50 SF 12496.14 S 49 E, ACCESS In F n 0.18 AC @ MENT 0,29 AC C, C8 • H #2 C 11336.17 SF 0.26 AC Ar ♦ 'NJ 119•9,95 SF {f r R 0,27 AC o. @3 12654.28 SF 0.29 AC i If i I IN io If x C) c %/ t 12713.09 SF rn 0.29 AC 11951.51 SF 0.27 AC 8269.36 SF 0.19 AC 8031.19 SF 0.18 AC `fp #2 '7 1055 N 1,0019.27 SF IP WIt 11712.67 SF 0. 23 AC 0.27 AC -NJ 0612 R� " TU 10229.48 SF 0.23 AC * 4" PVC CO *'ij4" COPP E 12549.75 SF 0.29 AC 14158.93 SF 0.33 AC E SHEET C-37 M 0 2 1 1 st Revision 11/12 2 2nd Revision 12/07 3 3rd Revision 01/11 4 4th Revision 2/15 5 5th Revisio n I 3/15 V 0 C: r1ni 9417.48 SF 0.21 AC m TEE N - - ------- ----------- - J1 ly VA f CBV 7418.$7 SF 0.17 AC --------- --- -- -------- --------- - ---------------- 6842.07 SF 0.16 AC --------------- ....... .......................... C813�1 : 011 6841.48 SF 0,16 AC 4P Sm. Mm .. CB13# ................ ..... 6840.21 SF yak 0.16 AC ss j .............. ft 683992 SF 0.16 AC ........... ------------ 011 81 51 'OL'.00 FH, j 13 9500.93 SF 0.22 AC Yl 101 f 9502.49 SF 0,22 AC - 1-4-4-2 F-1 - ft- �- -------- 1 st 7888.78 SF Y110.4 ------- 0.18 AC P., CM -Eliclineering --------------- INV= 6ubc W Env. Progroms ,fks - S& "e ---------- CM > TronspOrtotion ------- ... . ........... - ------- ------- ---- ----- 6840.49 SF ve-2 I CM--ABuild nspections Diae, 0.16 AC 4 N A 5 0.19 AC Dote Fire Dote F- ---------- - ------------- ---------- Public Works -Electric ----------- ------- Dote ------- �V ------- Dote Public Works -S & E Dote !Z;1' 7495.76 SF 0.17 AC ±� --- --------------- - v V 0 C: r1ni 9417.48 SF 0.21 AC m TEE N - - ------- ----------- - J1 ly VA f CBV 7418.$7 SF 0.17 AC --------- --- -- -------- --------- - ---------------- 6842.07 SF 0.16 AC --------------- ....... .......................... C813�1 : 011 6841.48 SF 0,16 AC 4P Sm. Mm .. CB13# ................ ..... 6840.21 SF yak 0.16 AC ss j .............. ft 683992 SF 0.16 AC ........... ------------ 011 81 51 'OL'.00 FH, j 13 9500.93 SF 0.22 AC Yl 101 f 9502.49 SF 0,22 AC -1, MH 9110.89 SF 0.21 AC - 1-4-4-2 F-1 - ft- �- -------- 1 st 7888.78 SF Y110.4 ------- 0.18 AC P., CM -Eliclineering --------------- INV= 6ubc W Env. Progroms ,fks - S& "e ii CM > TronspOrtotion ------- ... . ........... - ------- ------- ---- ----- ote ve-2 I CM--ABuild nspections Diae, �granspor #o #ion 8092,13 SF 5 0.19 AC Dote Fire Dote -1, MH 9110.89 SF 0.21 AC 85Oe6 SF 8040.00 SF 0.20 A 0.18 AC :'ii :� `♦� �`. % 1U MH I'd .,./ i 9706 50 SF .22 AC /* 8619.87 SF Z. 11458.98 SF 0.20 AC 0.26 AC % 8045.49 SF 0.18 AC )t 13 10500.48 SF 8040.00 SF 0.24 AC 0. 18 AC 4w 8040.00 SF 10312A , @ 0.18 AC IS, 8943.24 SF 0.21 AC MIZ, "M 27 14--- �-*% UFA IN' TiDWN APEX 22.S* KND 8978.75 SF rep 0.21 AC X ,:0 --% '7,1100 9284.46 SF 0.21 AC 9 8252.13 SF 0.19 AC - NP=444.5 9149.14 SF 0.21 AC 419 )t - 1-4-4-2 F-1 - ft- �- -------- 1 st ----- A ---------------- ------- 2 CM -Eliclineering --------------- Dote ------- 6ubc W Env. Progroms ,fks - S& "e 3 CM > TronspOrtotion ------- C Pionning J& ------ ote ve-2 I CM--ABuild nspections Diae, �granspor #o #ion --- Dp 5 Public Wor�Cs -Woter/Sewer Dote Fire Dote ---------- Public Works -Electric ----------- ------- Dote ------- ------ --------- Porks, R6creotio-n-- Culturol Res, ------- Dote Public Works -S & E Dote 85Oe6 SF 8040.00 SF 0.20 A 0.18 AC :'ii :� `♦� �`. % 1U MH I'd .,./ i 9706 50 SF .22 AC /* 8619.87 SF Z. 11458.98 SF 0.20 AC 0.26 AC % 8045.49 SF 0.18 AC )t 13 10500.48 SF 8040.00 SF 0.24 AC 0. 18 AC 4w 8040.00 SF 10312A , @ 0.18 AC IS, 8943.24 SF 0.21 AC MIZ, "M 27 14--- �-*% UFA IN' TiDWN APEX 22.S* KND 8978.75 SF rep 0.21 AC X ,:0 --% '7,1100 9284.46 SF 0.21 AC 9 8252.13 SF 0.19 AC - NP=444.5 9149.14 SF 0.21 AC 419 )t Residential - RI JC & PM Beckwi- D.B. 066741 PG. 0 B.M. 1995, PG. 04 PIN 0750698711-. 2909 Earth Driv Apex, NC r275-3%( 84 18003.71 SF 0.41 AC 8562.30 SF 0.20 AC TOWN APEX PUE 8040.00 SF 0.18 AC 8132.18 SF 019 AC 10421.92 SF 0.24 AC @ 'I-, 7424.55 SF 0.17 AC X 1 X- 1 st 8677,78 SF 11/12 2 T O 0.20 AC 2nd Revision 12/07 3 C 5' TOWN FH #8 ve-2 I APEX PUE ;5 Revision 2/15 5 9824(9)SF Revision Residential - RI JC & PM Beckwi- D.B. 066741 PG. 0 B.M. 1995, PG. 04 PIN 0750698711-. 2909 Earth Driv Apex, NC r275-3%( 84 18003.71 SF 0.41 AC 8562.30 SF 0.20 AC TOWN APEX PUE 8040.00 SF 0.18 AC 8132.18 SF 019 AC 10421.92 SF 0.24 AC @ 'I-, 7424.55 SF 0.17 AC X 1 1 st Revision 11/12 2 2nd Revision 12/07 3 3rd Revision 01/11 4 4th Revision 2/15 5 5th Revision 3/15 Sediment Basin Calcs Residential - RR RL Goadale & A Joyce Construction barrier shall Based on Min SA Req D. 8. 12198, PG. 0806 connection to Timpani Tr. Basin # Basin Pre- Developpiment DA On -Site DA Off -Site DA Min. Required Volume On -Site C- Factor Off -Site C- Factor Cumulative l� Cbs Min, Required SA Assumed Basin Skimmer Orfice Size Min Width Min Length a� <R` PIN 0750685883 no earlier than upon plattir. 2901 Timpani TH. {ac (3, j DA) l on denuded area for cla! {based on maintained lawns C- Factor {435 s# % � cfs} {#t) '' a. Ap$x, NC 2759 o time recommended by Tow, a during construction. 1 8.50 8.30 0.20 30,600 0.50 0.30 0.50 7.96 33.51 14,578 3.5 2,5" 2.5" 85 171 "NO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFI( 2 4.75 4.75 0.00 17,100 0.50 0.30 0.50 7.96 18.91 8,224 3.S 2.0" 2.0" 64 128 A OWED ON TIMPANI TRAIL`' 3 1.03 1.03 0.00 3,708 0.50 0.30 0.50 7.96 4.10 1,783 3.5 1.5 "' 1.5" 30 60 LIMITS OF DISTURBANCk i" "" 4 2.20 2.20 0.00 7,920 0.50 0.30 0.50 7.96 8.76 3,809 ,+ �•, , ' � ;,• - , Tree Fence 3.S 1.5 1S 44 87 o� )+ 1. - <, i 5 9.50 8,75 0.75 34,200 0.50 0.30 0.48 7.96 36.62 15,928 3.5 2.511 2S" 89 178 t, ',% `,,� ' '� E" 6 2.30 1.30 1.00 8, 280 0.50 0.30 0.42 7.96 10.10 4,394 3.5 1.511 1.5" 47 94 1 \ as `• °° a ' ` t ` « S,_ « ° Seedingand mu0ftshall be.c haled out iromedisiBlX t*hind consK ckicm in acrasdanw YM ite fbtiowbtg spWAcations: StiGii AABX 31 1` Cara .+,! iP� i�J tAli Cblttr8ctor shalt reserve %itk4 f lop"I kr is •vB . ', , d Y"- ++ a, `, re3 � 1` . ` .� , + t ' ` ,♦ i7dfa �p0 P1BF?ar?. O: i' VQCgr' _ RR \ ` ` ♦ 1S -Nava Too Fmcm 300. lion: Edna Scott & Henry-.. �, `+ ; \ y� ,� ;; 1 s ` 2. Rip ttse entimarea to 6 it depth, Nesmith 1` Jf' �/ 1 �t ! a ♦ t Mrn1:1 t Ta�F t yeF a a , AAr31tZ. �. • ,, t D.B. 094 '6, PG. 252 Z 3 , tither pbstn leavetg surface biir ' t t` ' %� +•� i ' �°♦ l fdati..Rpr45 T.al♦FeeCUe 3tvlNta RetNOYB�IC0983gkdS,'r�l f�iN 175068$18$ tom• `, y + til _ -- ` %1 ` / q e�, Apr16v- 448,30 f fiedconunMaw"luaa$reae 2s0s, unYalm, / '"•• srExrottt a 8304 Stephenson N. `�. *, � a � -;'�; �•�;� �,� / 7`y° /` � �%� p ., � t ` �� ` °,' �. <. ``,` ` , ;' +\ y \`mow %°` % . �'` ` ` ► Jfgy15 -Aug15 Tell $5 Apply SildsUpen¢+ifosph8 IMifflft7kljte(Id'lf1hC , Apex, ry C 2 75 39 �"�` , ` ' ��- i \ 4 ^- s t - a. r3trai Urrns, tear weh so. ♦ f t>Ftitlyy` '. •. R �, �� ` '', ; °.�'��"'�� � i, ` Residential RR ..° `ti i// Rand A. & Wendy stoxm ), •�`\' � .- smghurla6c�ni•�pcsls S, tuia�� ��4����stvl arizevi .�ttn..l�tYuEt�'aaateeed�d�� ' ~`` + ` .! `- \ ,,� . /`` ♦�♦ '1 \ J t / `t f Randolph is 1 , , l '^ �. ;.fir; • `,• i .�° /i t i D.B. 04$92, PG. 4263 l M URBA \ '•,, . ,` • s '� •,, ,i, -,.,,, .,. -.�".. .,` , � ,,� ,,. ' \ `� a ♦ �€ � r i' � � 996,3 Tree FenC) � \ to t &. S@s�9 one a �'aBh1Y r�aPara^ � and i�++Erseed �.'�i��,t � .� u LIMITS OF DfST N E \ i .. PIN 07 &069 ( e \ �' `` •,,� . , ' / °. `�. '��'' t ; i � 4925 Lett Rd \ t �. �` � h ' ae�#i ` %' \ 1 / - \ \ ! *♦ i �{�`! / '` ' NC 27539 \ \ [ ri - lure:t lea - $ i t ! \ / 1 0, l 11 L i� l xt x \ t 1 E4 \ \\ I!/ 1 ;- \`'C�11","11^4"j+•�,.�k \��� ~ �+�" ti F' � 1 i k x RIC » i __ ------------- - 1 y 't t CM -E _ ____ Dote _ _ _ s _ I CM n�tT tan-____ �� Dote ------- F'lannirg ...._.......,._..°...... Date__ Dote ------- Planning -Transportation - ...__........ -A -------- - - -_ -- CM_ -- frig lnspect)ons _ ------- - - - - -- Public War % -Woter /Sewer -lectric Dote ___ -- Fire _ ----- ---- - - -___ Dote -_ Publ'c Work D to Parks, Recreation & Cultural Res, Date Public Works -S & E Dote fi - i 1 � I 'A * ; \'�OCK CHECK DAM (TYP) , t i t i I i 0 1101 ill NOTES: 1(m]. 1921M-9rri W Es x Future Development \ TOWN OF APEX CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE The following begins only after Construction Plans are approved and signed by appropriate rown staff. 1. Flit out Tree /Protection Fencing installation Permit Application (obtain from Planning Department), 2. Have a surveyor flag property lines, easements. buffers, tree protection areas, and Rag the protection Omits_ 3. Contact an Apex Planning Department Zoning ConrAiance Officer at 249 -3426 to request approval for tree protection fencing locations. 4, install approved tree protection fencing, signs, and or any other protection measures that may be required. Call Planning at 249 -3426 for a final inspection n of protection measures. Planning will forward approval to Public Works staff. S. Submit the applicable S&E performance guarantee to the Development Projects Coordinator at 249.3394 in the Engineering Department. A letter of Plan Approval cannot be issued until the guarantee is submitted. 6. Request a Letter of Platt Approval for sedimenta0m and erosion control measures from Public works staff at 249.3427° 7. Through the Engineering Field Services SupervEmy at 249 -3510, schedule a pre- wnstructkm meeting with engineering inspectors and other Town staff. S. Install gravel construction entrance, temporary &mmlons, slit fencing, sediment basins, bypass chanmeh, and/or other measures as shown on the approved plans. cra}l t � dev_ .ices, 9. Call Public Works staff at 249 -3427 for an on -site inspection and to request a Certificate of ice. 20. Complete Grating Permit Application (obtain from Building Inspections Division), 11. Once a Grading Permit is reviewed and issued by building Inspections, arrange a pre- construction meeting with Building inspections (Rudy Baker) at 249 - 33813th to any grading activities. This meeting is separate from any other pre - construction meetings required in the Construction Sequence. 12. Post Grading Permit prominently on site at all times. 13. Begin clearing, grubbing, and rough grade of the site in accordance with the approved grading plan- 14. Stockpile sufficient amount of topsoil to cover 3 t'ches over landscaped areas at the end of the pro)ect. 1s, install storm sewer, if applicable, and protect riets with inlet protection devices, sediment devices, and/or other approved measures as show'. on plans. Maintain S&E measures as needed. 16. After completion of any phase of grading or w+,en land - disturbing activities have temporarily ceased, establish groundcover on swabs and ditd',es, graded slopes steeper than 3;1 and High Quality Water Zones (HOW) within 7 calendar days; slopes that are 3:1 or Ratter must establish groundcover within 14 calendar days. 17. Stabilize site as areas are brought up to finished grade with vegetation or paving. I& Flush and clean all stormwater system pipes. Clean and remove sediment from temporary sediment holding devices. FoOow BMP Construction Sequence found on the Grading and/or BMP Detail sheet on the Construction Plan set. 19. Remove temporary diversions, silt fencing, sedirnmt basins, etc, and provide adequate cover or pave any resulting bare areas. All permanent er Am control devices should be Installed at this point. 20. When vegetation has been established, call Public ",44arks staff at 249 -3427 for final site inspection and to request a certificate of Completion. 21. owner is responsible for permanent erosion contrraimaintenance of the site. Last updated: 2(Za12o1Z 16A 'If s~ • AL' -; ¢ ®8561 • I11111m 11 ... �- Teering __ ------------- - __ CM -E _ ____ Dote _ _ _ ublic Wo its -Frye/ Programs _ VV ____ � _ I CM n�tT tan-____ �� Dote ------- F'lannirg ...._.......,._..°...... Date__ Dote ------- Planning -Transportation - ...__........ -A -------- - - -_ -- CM_ -- frig lnspect)ons _ ------- - - - - -- Public War % -Woter /Sewer -lectric Dote ___ -- Fire _ ----- ---- - - -___ Dote -_ Publ'c Work D to Parks, Recreation & Cultural Res, Date Public Works -S & E Dote flatter. I.All proposed grading is to be completed at slope of 3:1 or 2. A slope drain will be required r 'I all of the of r. diversion w bottom floor of sediment basin. Residential — RR Callen M cDuffie D.R . 10233, PG. 0 4 12 PIN 0750783196 2904 Satori Way Apex, NC 27539 ree Fence) esidential — RR AZF enry J. Nesmith PG. Unknown /_� - - 2003, PG. 517 - - - - - - - IN 0750786126 Dote 4 Stephenson Rd q01 ut. pex, NC 27539 11/12 onning /A. 12/07 CM -Buis 1 Inspections Dote -_Z ------- Plonning -Tronsportation Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — A-� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P-u-b-Ii-c-46'rks -Water /Sewer - - - - - - Dote - - - - - - - Fire - - - - - - - - - A� - - - - - - - - - - - - Dote -- - - - - -- Public tric D,7, to , M M R iio, I 1, , I I'm I rri X ------------ -/ ---------------- --------------- ------------ 0 -0 M 1�� ----------------- ............ -------------- _J %/. 5' TOWN APEX PUE W, a2 A DAM V. @ -------------- X ------- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE\ nc (Tree Fence-Silt Fe e) ---------- - - --------------- -------- Existing Pond - ----- ------- -- - --------- ------ ------------- - VAL IL Ilk V TOWN ROCK CHECK X I)Afol (TYP) EDI ♦ A 'X, >, 01 rn 0 C rri V ---------- 3+8V 7 111 -e .e 5' To APEX Pi 1% it A 11V4 At/ fl # > eckdown ;r tr�ffic calming) IY NOTES: 1.All proposed grading is to be completed at slope of 3:1 or flatter. 2. A slope drain will be required at all of the sediment basings from the end of the diversion ditch to the bottom floor of the sediment basing. 1111111 s AZF -' d - - - - - - - - - - /_� - - - - - - - - - - 11� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Engineering WA Dote ubfic orks -"nv. Progrorns INA Vj q01 ut. CM -Tronsportot�___- 11/12 onning /A. 12/07 CM -Buis 1 Inspections Dote -_Z ------- Plonning -Tronsportation Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — A-� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P-u-b-Ii-c-46'rks -Water /Sewer - - - - - - Dote - - - - - - - Fire - - - - - - - - - A� - - - - - - - - - - - - Dote -- - - - - -- Public tric D,7, to , Porks, Recreotion & Culturol Res, Dote Public Works -S & E Dote 14, All proposed grading is to be completed at slope of 3:1 or flatter. -e .e 5' To APEX Pi 1% it A 11V4 At/ fl # > eckdown ;r tr�ffic calming) IY NOTES: 1.All proposed grading is to be completed at slope of 3:1 or flatter. 2. A slope drain will be required at all of the sediment basings from the end of the diversion ditch to the bottom floor of the sediment basing. 1111111 s AZF 40 t 'Vacdnt RR 1 st Revision 11/12 2nd Revision 12/07 3rd Revision 01/11 4th Revision 2/15 5th Revision 3/15 SUrnitra Karki N., AZF t 'Vacdnt RR -Rombn Fediu, 1 D.B.1 04954, PG NOTES: 11. A Grading Permit, when applicable, can be Issued by the Building Inspections Division only after approval of tree protection fencing, S&E Measures In place and approved and a certificate of compliance has been issued by the Public Works Department. E3. M. 1986, P C 12. Retaining systems providing a cumulative vertical relief greater than five-feet in height within a horizontal distance of SW or less, including retaining walls or mechanically stabilized 'earth walls shall be designed and constructed under building to start of A N 07 508F the responsible charge of a registered professional engineer and comply In all aspects with the NC Building Code section 1610. Retaining systems meeting these criteria wilt require a separate permit prior work. 13. Prior to approval of a final plat or issuance of a certificate of occupancy, any development where an engineered stormwater control structure is required, contact the Environmental Programs Manager at 24-9-3413 to demonstrate that the required structure is in place, that it is operational and that it complies with all relevant portions of the UDO Section 6.1.12 Engineered Stormwater Controls. if the engineered stormwate control structure is used as part of temporary 365 ount Cy erosion control measure, the inspection will occur during the appropriate phase of construction. Thom pson Ridc 14, All proposed grading is to be completed at slope of 3:1 or flatter. t Residential RR RL Goodale & A Joyce D.B. 12198, PG. 0806 PIN 0750685883 2901 Timpani ex, NC 27559 16% Aw A_ rr, w% N X f % 4V A 0, A N N \ A V Ss 8 % ------------ --- - ------- 1. C) m. ty ll it oo fib 11-0-11AM #-Pq/'/'J* 0-1k ----------------- ------- atip ri ---- ___ N ---------- - ----- Dote ------- ----- nPublic Works Env. Programs Dote CM -Tronsporlotion D e Planning - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CM -Building Inspections IM, - - - - - - - Dote - Planning -Tronsportotion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dote - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - Pu lic Works -Water /'newer Dote Fire A4 > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - lectric P s —L X parks, Recreation & Culturol Res. Dote Public Works —S & E Dote ---- ------ �II 1t 0 5' TOWN @ rn ------ APE)(-PU m. ty ll it oo fib 11-0-11AM NOTES: fi ,if proposea graoing is,4ro De compmeo at siv.pc v, .7;.L w, 11—cl - 1v1'0',- #-Pq/'/'J* 0-1k ----------------- ------- atip ri ---- ___ N ---------- - ----- Dote ------- ----- nPublic Works Env. Programs Dote CM -Tronsporlotion D e Planning - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CM -Building Inspections IM, - - - - - - - Dote - Planning -Tronsportotion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dote - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - Pu lic Works -Water /'newer Dote Fire A4 > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - lectric P s —L X parks, Recreation & Culturol Res. Dote Public Works —S & E Dote ---- ------ NOTES: fi ,if proposea graoing is,4ro De compmeo at siv.pc v, .7;.L w, 11—cl - 1v1'0',- #-Pq/'/'J* 0-1k ----------------- ------- atip ri ---- ___ N ---------- - ----- Dote ------- ----- nPublic Works Env. Programs Dote CM -Tronsporlotion D e Planning - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CM -Building Inspections IM, - - - - - - - Dote - Planning -Tronsportotion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dote - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - Pu lic Works -Water /'newer Dote Fire A4 Dote - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - lectric P s —L Date parks, Recreation & Culturol Res. Dote Public Works —S & E Dote ---- 0 50 1•0 151, X Z�tl --------- --------------------- - — ---------- X -�X 'N Proposed RCA '� Tf' rn X 8 /* \C -0 R DAM ---------------------- X z e----------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------- ------- - --------- - --- -------- -- -- -------------------- ----------- ---- ------------- ♦ -------------- > ROCK CHECI it X DAM (TYP) ^g 0'_ I" _Iqlwih tftft*-,._SED I V I!14 'A f-\ f U t5l I L I U j I — . C & PM Beckwitf D•• 06674, PG. 04 B.M. 1995, PG. 04%' PIN 0750698713 2909 Earth Drive Apex, NC. 127539 EN 61 ----------- ;." 8 X lw\\,o 1 U---------- Revision 11/12 2 - 2nd Revision 12/07 3 3rd Revision 01/11 4 ----- ----- Revision 2/15 5 5th Revision 3/15 ---- ------ 0 5' TOWN @ rn ------ APE)(-PU ♦ -------------- > ROCK CHECI it X DAM (TYP) ^g 0'_ I" _Iqlwih tftft*-,._SED I V I!14 'A f-\ f U t5l I L I U j I — . C & PM Beckwitf D•• 06674, PG. 04 B.M. 1995, PG. 04%' PIN 0750698713 2909 Earth Drive Apex, NC. 127539 EN 61 ----------- ;." 8 X lw\\,o 1 1 st Revision 11/12 2 2nd Revision 12/07 3 3rd Revision 01/11 4 4th Revision 2/15 5 5th Revision 3/15 111.1 I . - _... -11 - -_1 _ _1._1.__11.______._._____.___ -_.. Storm Drainage Summary Colvin Park Subdivision _ . _ . .., ., 1' 111 Upstream Node Downstream Node inlet C Inlet Area (acres) System Intensity (In/hr) Cliew (cfs) Qloh+ ids) Size Material Length (it) Capacity (cis} Slope (ft/ft) Runt Elevation Upstream Invert Elevation (it) Downstream invert Elevation (M C8138A CB138 0.25 0.69 7.22 215 2.75 15 inch S8111 CP 46.9 615 60150 472.85 469.32 468.60 08138 CB137 0.55 0.69 7.22 2.75 2.75 1 15 inch CLA S iii R 23.0 6.75 ' 0.0080 471.68 468.40 468.20 CB 137 CB 136A 0.83 0.09 7122 0.53 3.28 15 inch CLASS III RCP 54.8 11.99 1 0.0256 471.68 468.00 466.60 C13136A CB136 0.42 0.07 722 0.40 3.68 15 inch CLASS III R 64.8 5.75 0.0109 469.92 466.40 464.20 C8136 CB135 0.42 0.07 7.22 0.40 4.08 15 inch CLASS HI RCP 23.0 6,75 0.0109 468.02 464.46 462.40 CB 135 C6134 046 0.45 7.22 1.85 5.73 15 inch CLASS Of RCP 114.1 12.10 0.0349 466.20 462.20 461.11 C0134 C61328 0.17 0.45 7.22 1 1.65 7.38 15 inch CLASSIORCP 57,3 12.10 0.0349 465.00 460.61 460.02 CB1328 CB132A 0.17 0,45 7122 1.65 7.38 15 inch CLAS HI RCP 57.0 12.10 0.0323 463.35 459.82 457.97 CB132A CB 132 0.17 0.45 7.22 1.65 7.38 15 inch CLASS Hi RF,P 41.6 12.10 0.0185 462.10 457.77 457.00 CB133 CB 132 0.82 0.15 7.22 0.91 8.29 15 inch CLASS III AC 23.0 6.75 0.0109 460.86 456.80 456.75 C8132 C8131 0.48 0.94 7,22 3.26 12.44 18 inch CLASS III RCP 47.1 14,96 0.0202 460.86 456.55 455.60 CB 131 C6130 0.44 0,47 7.22 1.48 13.91 18 inch CLASS Ili RCP 23.0 15.53 0.0217 461.18 455.40 454.90 C8130 C8106 0.70 0.06 7.22 0.29 14.21 18 inch LAS iH RCP 65.5 14.84 0,0198 461.18 454.70 453.40 C8123A 08123 0.33 0.22 7.22 1.01 1.01 15 inch CLASS 111 R 72.0 6.75 0,0210 478.87 475.00 473.50 CB124 C8123 0.30 722 7.22 1.01 1.01 15 inch CLASS IIi RCP 23,0 6.75 0.0109 476.98 473.50 473.25 CB123 CB122A 0.61 0.23 7.22 1.02 ?.03 15 inch CLA S Iii RGP 82,67 10.82 i 0,0279 476,98 473.45 471.10 CB122A C8122 0.53 0.74 7.22 2.83 4.86 15 inch iA S !H CP 79.4 6.51 0.0140 474,80 469.90 468.80 CB1228 C8122 0.30 0.74 7.22 2.83 4,86 15 inch -LASS 111 RCP 23.0 6.51 1 0.0101 1 472,57 470.00 468.80 C8122 CB121 0.27 0.74 1 7,22 2.83 4.86 15 inch 01 -R-0 49.5 6.51 1 0.0150 1 472.57 468.60 467.85 CB121A C13121 0.25 0.74 7,22 2.83 4.86 15 inch CLASS III R 97.6 6.51 0.0101 1 474.14 470,00 467.85 08121 C81 19A 0765 0.17 7.22 0.81 5.67 15 'inch CLASS it! RCP 23.0 10.98 0.0280 1 472.40 467.65 466.45 C8119A C8119 0.65 0.17 7.22 0.81 5.67 15 inch CLASS Ii! RCP 52.8 10.98 0.0050 1 472.40 466.25 466.04 C8120 CB 119 0.68 0.33 712 1.63 1.63 15 inch CLASS iH RCP 23.0 6.75 f!. 0.0109 1 469.92 466.25 466.00 08119 C131 ISA 0.54 0.69 7.22 2.68 9.98 15 inch CLA SS III RCP 99.0 11.63 1, 0.0300 469.92 465.80 462.83 C81158 CB115A 0.54 0.69 7.22 2.68 9.98 15 inch LA S III RCP 23.0 11.63 { 0.0112 46710 463.10 462.83 CBI I5A C8115 0.54 0.69 7.22 2.68 9.98 15 inch CLASS III RGP 106,47 11.63 0.0341 467.20 462.63 459.00 CB 118 CB 117 0.90 0.05 712 0.34 0.34 15 inch LASS 111 RCP 23.0 6.75 0,0109 462.77 460.35 460.10 C8117 CB116 0.90 0.05 7.22 0.33 0,68 15 inch CLASS 111 RCP 47.1 6.33 0.0096 462.77 459.90 459.45 CB116 CB115 0.68 0.25 7.22 1.21 1.88 15 inch CLASS Hl R P 23.0 6.75 0,0109 464.00 459.25 459.00 CB115 C8113 0769- 025 7.22 1.24 1110 18 inch CLASS ill RCP 46.7 13.78 , 0.0171 464.00 458.80 458.00 CB114 CB113 0.90 0.02 7.22 0.13 0.13 15 inch CLASS HI RCP 24.2 6.58 1� 00103 463.46 458.50 458.25 C8113 CB111 0.90 0.04 7.22 0.29 13,52 24 inch CLASS 111 RCP' 143.7 20.29 1 0,0080 463,43 457.80 456.65 CB112 C8111. 0,83 0.08 7.22 0.50 0.50 15 inch LASS HI RCP 24.5 6.54 ,I 0,0102 462,08 457.05 456.80 Y1ill CB111 0.40 0.08 7.22 0.50 0.50 15 inch CLASS III RCP 140.2 6.54 ;I 0.0160 467.33 459.00 456.80 CB111 CB110A 0.49 0.87 7.22 3.07 17.09 24 inch CLASS iii ACP 53.4 20.34 i 0,0080 1 462.00 456.40 455.91 Y1110 CB110 .30 0.87 7.22 3.07 17.09 15inch CLAS Hi RCP 148.6 20,34 0.0150 465.44 458.00 455.80 Cl cello 0.53 0,61 7.22 2.34 19.42 24 inch CLA IIl 61.5 20.11 i 0.0079 461.36 455.78 454.00 CB11O CB109A 0.53 0.61 7.22 2.34 19.42 24 inch SS 10 PRU 61-.5 20.11 it 0.0079 E 455.20 45413 Y1109 C8109 0.53 0.61 7.22 2.34 19.42 15 inch CLASS II RCP 135.4 20.11 i; 0.0110 464.15 456.50 455.00 C8109A C8109 0.50 119 7.22 4.67 24.09 24 inch CLAS 111 RCP 79.9 26.38 0.0053 459.97 454.53 454.10 08109 C8108 0.34 1,29 7,22 4.67 24,09 24 inch CLASS III 85.8 26.38 0.0135 459.06 453.85 452.60 08108 C8107 0.59 0.98 7.22 4.18 28.28 24 inch LASS 01 RCP 34.6 29.91 0.0174 458.36 452.40 452.00 06107 C8106A 0.73 0.11 7.22 0.53 29.36 1 24 inch CLASS iii RCP 64.7 38,38 1 0.0286 458.36 451.80 451.40 CB106A CB 106 0.73 0.11 7.22 053 29.36 24 inch CLA§S III RC.P $2.2 38.38 1 0.0286 458.76 451.20 448.00 08106 C8102 0.78 0.10 7.22 0.56 44,13 24 inch CLASS iii RCP 109.7 I 55.43 i 0,0597 458.01 447.80 441.25 CB105 CB104 0.41 2.31 712 6.84 6.84 18 inch CLASS IV R P 97.8 7,28 1 0.0050 451.61 448.81 446.37 CB1048 C8104A 0.35 0.06 722 0.29 7,13 18 inch CLASS H! RCP 62.6 7.42 i 0.0050 j 452.07 447.01 446.70 C8104A CB104 0.35 0.06 7.22 0.29 7.13 18 inch CLASS III RGP 23.0 7.42 1 0.0143 452.81 446.50 446.17 08104 C8102 0.70 0.06 7.22 0.29 7.13 18 inch CLASS IH RCP 85.1 7.42 ; 0,0.151 452,81 446.17 445.74 C8103 C8102 0,64 0.60 7.22 2.32 2.32 15 inch CLASSHIRCP 21.0 6.57 1 0.0181 455.06 446.12 445.74 CB102 Y1101 0.70 0.06 1 7.22 0.30 53.88 36 inch CLASS Hi P 818 46.00 it 0,0050 454.81 445.54 445.12 ' Y1101 FES100 .52 0.19 7.22 0.71 54.59 36 inch N P 92.1 58,78 j 0,0050 449.70 444.92 444.50 . ill I 08213 CB212 39 1.60 7.22 4,51 4.51 15 inch CLASS !!1 106.2 4.66 0.0052 1 457.74 454.20 453.65 CB212A CB212 0.39 1.60 7.22 4.51 4.51 15 inch CLASS !Ii P 23.0 4.66 ; 0.0052 459.24 454.32 453.65 C8212 C8211 0.54 0.90 7.22 3,51 8:01 18 inch 1! R 124.9 7.60 : 0.0052 459,24 453.65 453.00 CB211 CB210 0.47 1 0.63 1 7.22 2.14 10,15 18 inch CLASS IH RCP 26.3 7,95 0.0057 461,20 453.00 452.85 CB210 C6209 0,90 1 0.13 1 7.22 0.84 11.00 24 inch --dLEAgs ill FZCp 46.8 19.62 11 00075 461.41 452.85 452.50 CB209 CB207 0.90 1 0.04 7.22 0.26 11.26 24 inch CLASS 10 R 1 205.9 15.81 ! 0.0049 460.87 452.50 451.50 G5203A I C8203 I 0.20 1 045 1 7.22 1 2.55 1 2,55 1 15 inch I CLA55 N RGP 1 23.0 1 5.67 , 0.0082 1 454.04 1 452.00 1 451.90 082018 I CB201A 1 0.25 1 0.40 1 7.22 1 1.44 1 4,00 1 15inch I CLASS N RCP 1 21.0 1 6.93 ; 0.0080 1 453.19 1 451.70 1 450.03 CB203 I C8201 1 0.25 1 0.40 I 7.22 1 1.44 1 4.00 1 24inch I CLASS N RCP 1 130,7 1 6.93 ; 0.0113 1 453.19 1 451.70 1 450.03 06202 I CB201 1 0.39 1 1.27 1 7.22 1 3.58 1 3.58 1 24 inch I CLASS N RCl 23.0 1 6.75 a0109 452.50 450.45 450.20 082024 08201 0.39 1.27 7.22 3.58 3.58 15 inch CLASS IV RCP 90.1 6.75 0.0061 1 452.50 1 450.00 1 449.45 08201 I FES200 1 0.31 1 0.25 1 7.22 1 0.56 1 24.26 1 30 inch I CLASS IV RCP 1 33.1 1 31.97 t 0.0050 1 452.50 1 449.77 1 449 -50 C5338A 1 C5338 0.80 019 1 7.22 1.06 1.06 15 inch CLASS 111 KC:t•' S 112.7 12.85 0.0244 450.17 476.63 473.87 CB338 C8337 0.77 0.19 7.22 1.06 1.06 15 inch CLASS IiI RCP 43.2 1 12.85 0.0394 477.21 473.67 471.40 C8337 (6336 0.64 0.33 712 1.52 2.58 15 inch CLASS III C 46.7 12.71 0.0385 475.74 471.20 469.40 C83368 CB336A 0.33 0.77 7.22 2.95 5.53 15 inch CLASS III RCP 78.1 12.75 i 0,0388 477,50 474.03 472.89 C8336A CB336 0.29- 0.77 7.22 2.95 5.53 15 inch CLASS IIi 11CP 84,9 12.75 0.0388 476.27 472.69 470.66 C8336 CB335 0.53 0.77 7.22 2.95 5.53 15 inch CLASS Ili RCP 64.5 12.75 i 0.0388 474.20 469.20 466.70 CB335A CB335 1 0.50 0.31 7,2271 119 1 7,32 15 "inch I CLASS III RCP 26.0 12.64 1 10200 471.63 1 468.40 1 467.93 IF 08335 I C8330A 1 0.30 1 0.31 1 7.22 1 1.79 1 7.32 1 15 inch I CIASSIIIRCP 1 41.2 1 12.64 1 0.0381 1 471,32 1 466.50 1 464.93 I CB334 i CB332A 1 0.22 1 0.59 1 712 1 1.75 1 1.75 1 15 inch I CLASS lit RCP 1 55.6 1 5.69 ii 0.0101 1 471.78 1 286.04 1 465.43 1 CB332 I CB331 1 0.43 1 0.77 1 7.22 1 2,39 1 4.81 1 15inch I CLASS IH RCP I 100.1 1 6.47 1i 0.0100 1 469.88 1 464,50 1 463.50 CB331 I (8330 1 0.55 1 0,61 1 7.22 1 2.42 1 7.23 1 18 inch I CLASS III RUP 1 47.4 1 10.82 0.0105 1 468.33 1 463.60 1 463.10 08330 C6329 0.77 0.14 722 0 -78 15.33 24 inch CLASS III RCP 23.0 23.65 ! 0.0109 1 46$.02 1 462.90 462 65 08329 08328 0.78 020 7.22 1.13 16.46 24 inch CLASS III KUF 47.4 23.30 i; 0.0105 468.02 1 462.45 1 1.95 CB328 I CB327 I 0.68 1 0.19 1 712 1 0.93 1 17.39 1 24 inch I CLASS !H RCF 1 315 1 23.18 0.0104 466.92 461.75 461.40 08327 CB321 0.76 0.13 7.22 0.75 18.10 24 inch CLASS III 93.3 23.48 0.0107 1 466.53 1 461.20 1 460.20 12.0: 12.0: BA4 8. Y1320 1 C8304 1 0.45 1 0.54 I 7.22 1 0.00 1 26.61 1 24 inch I GLA5S iII RCP 1 148.3 1 26.25 ;; 0 0155 1 454.30 1 458.00 1 455.70 1 11 11,11 1111 1111 C8314A I CB314 0.53 0.45 1 722 3.08 3.08 1 15 inch CLASS IV RCP 65.2 1 5.34 ; 0.0052 1 466.95 464.73 464.50 OB314 CB312A 0.45 0.45 1 7.22 3.08 3.08 15 inch CLASS IV RCP- 517 6.34 0.0052 1 467.56 464.30 464.07 C8312A CB312 0.22 0.40 7.22 3,08 3.48 15 inch CIA SS N R 51.2 6.34 0.0096 467.56 463.87 463.30 C8313 08312 0.82 0,15 7.22 0.89 0.89 15 inch CLASS RCP 22.5 6.83 0.0111 466,51 463.80 46155 C8312 CB311 0.52 0.55 722 2.06 6.03 18 inch CLASS iH R P 47.4 8.38 0.0063 466.51 463.10 462.80 CB311 CB309A 0.59 0.23 7.22 0.98 10.60 18 inch LAS H 25.5 10.17 0.0137 466.82 483.05 462.70 CB310 C8309 0.90 0.06 7.22 0.39 0.39 1 15 inch CLASS N P 24.1 6.60 1 0,0104 465,67 462.50 462.25 C8309A CB349 0.35 0.13 7.22 0.68 11.66 18 inch LASS 111 ROP 39.8 15.85 i 0:0227 466.39 362.50 462.00 CB309 CB308 0.72 013 722 0.68 11.66 18 inch CLASS ill RCP 101.5 15.85 0.0227 1 465,60 461.80 460.53 CB308 CB306A 059 0.37 722 1.58 13.24 24 inch CLASS HI ACP 70.0 17,33 0.0050 1 465,00 460.33 460.12 Y1306 CB306A 0.59 0 -37 7.22 1.58 13.24. 15 inch CLASS III RCP 136.1 17.33 It 0.0058 1 467.44 459.00 458.50 CB303 I CB301 0.81 0.14 1 7.22 0,82 50.95 1 36 inch CLASS HI RCP 188.4 1 58.68 0.0077 1 460.52 455.00 453.55 Y1302 C83028 0.45 0.30 7.22 3.83 3.83 15 inch CLASS !ii RCP 141.9 6.83 0.0089 461.88 59. 400 454,96 C8302B CB302A 0.52 0.30 7.22 3.83 3.83 15 inch CLASS H1 RCP 66.9 1 6.83 6,0089 459.91 454.76 454.17 C8302A CB302 0.52 0,35 7.22 3.83 3.83 15 inch CLASS 10 RCP 52.2 6.83 0,0189 459.16 461.96 453.55 CB302 G8301 0.52 0.35 7,22 3.83 3.83 15 inch CLASS !H RCP 22.5 6,83 0.0089 458.58 453.75 453.55 08301 I FES300 08 0.11 7.22 1 0.68 55.46 36 inch I CLASS N RCP 500 192.84 1 0,0260 458.58 1 452.00 451.50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CLASS lit RCP ' I I I - I d 08407 I CB406 1 0.46 1 040 1 7.22 1 4.92 1 4.92 1 15 inch I CLASS III RCP 101.0 9.28 I 0.0080 1 466.47 1 463.76 1 ,- 462.96 CB405 I C8404 0.45 0.41 1 7.22 4.92 4.92 1 15 inch CLASS Hi RCP 51.3 1 9.28 1 0,0080 1 463,45 460.47 460.05 CB404 C8403 0.77 9.50 1 7.22 1.06 5.98 15 inch CLASS III RCP 23.0 1 9.02 1 0.0080 462.87 45915 459.65 C8403 CB402 0.80 0.06 722 0.35 6.33 15 inch CLASS III RP 120.0 9.29 1 0.0400 463,41 459.45 450.20 . C8402 J8401 0.71 0.50 7.22 2.56 8,89 15 inch CLASS HI FICP 144.4 19.00 1 0.0861 460.47 450.00 437.20 JB401 FES400 - - 7.22 0.00 8.89 18 inch CLASS III RCP 51.7 13.55 0.0097 440.60 437.00 436.50 06601 FE5600 0.71 0.48 7.22 2,46 2.89 15 inch CLASS Iii RCP 103.4 12.24 0.0357 475.36 473.08 469.39 EFS500 08501 I 035 0.99 7.22 2.50 2.50 I 15 inch CLASS lit RCP 160.0 1006 0.0241 1 48100 483.00 479.14 CB501 C6502 1 0.36 1.41 7,22 3.66 6.17 15 inch CLASS III RCP 102.1 8.03 0.0154 481.79 478,94 477.37 CB502 CB503 0.40 1.59 7.22 4.59 10.76 15 inch CLASS Hl R 295.8 7.51 0.0135 480.05 477.17 1 473.19 C6503 C8504 1 0.35 1 261 1 7.22 6.60 1 17.35 1 18 inch CLASS 1I1 RCP 1 50.9 1 7.38 0.0049 1 476.40 472.99 1 47214 EF550rd 1 C6505 1 0.30 1 0.60 1 7,22 1 1.30 1 1.30 1 15 inch I CLASS Ili RGP 1 83.7 1 9.50 1 0.0215 1 475.00 1 476.00 1 474.20 CB505 CB504 031 0.77 7,22 1.72 3.02 15 inch CLASS 01 RCP 53.2 9.97 0,0237 477,04 474.00 472.74 a69 5.00 5.76 0.64 0 -0285 :l 0.173 0.060 0,045 0,15 0.78 4.147 2.20 q '• 0.52 CONT 0.71 0.08 2.226 £B122A 3.0 12+81.46 0.14 0.68 5.00 5.76 0.55 0.0285 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.08 0.63 0.135 08602 08601 0. 5 0.08 7.22 0.43 0.43 15 inch LA 1 ! 324.0 7.10 0.0120 479.37 477.17 473.28 06601 FE5600 0.71 0.48 7.22 2,46 2.89 15 inch CLASS Iii RCP 103.4 12.24 0.0357 475.36 473.08 469.39 1 C8604 I FES605 1 0.55 1 0.36 1 7.22 1 1.43 1 1.97 1 15 inch I CLASS !H RCP 1 145.9 1 6.32 1 0.0095 1 476.54 1 473.40 1 472.01 1 Notes: CB rim elev is @ btc Yt rim elev is @ top of grate JB rim elev is @ top of comer Calvin Parts Subdivision Gutter Spreadsheet 11-1.11-1-1111 ,. _. Tnwn �f Arlar ,. Ualiav f:iefi wtr:rata - -- Ketchem- Crowder & Associates . -11L . 111 ..- .....__.... E 2t95/7M AI INLET Gutter Flow Calculation Gutter 3 eat Calculation inlet Discha a Notes C8123A a 3.0 11 +37.73 'a 0.24 0.75 4q 5.00 c 5.76 1.04 qqa . 0.0285 0,173 0060 � 0.045 u 0.00 o 1.04 0.163 1 2.20 i�5 se�g�,.3??� 1 =i. ;. 0.46 c CONT 6 0.89 �y 0.15 CF CB123 3A 12+05.34 0.16 a69 5.00 5.76 0.64 0 -0285 :l 0.173 0.060 0,045 0,15 0.78 4.147 2.20 q '• 0.52 CONT 0.71 0.08 2.226 £B122A 3.0 12+81.46 0.14 0.68 5.00 5.76 0.55 0.0285 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.08 0.63 0.135 2.20 a 0.58 CONT 0.58 0.04 5 CB122 6.0 13+60.03 0.13 0.70 5.00 5.76 0.52 0.0285 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.04 0.57 0.130 2.20 1' 0.61 TERM 0.56 0.00 DOUBLE 4283 2178 2159 1 5 4,68 CB124 3.0 12+05.34 0.40 0.68 5.00 5.76 1.57 0.0285 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 1.57 0.190 2.20 0.38 CONT CONT 1,23 1.31 0.33 0.38 CB1228 3.0 13+6ti.03 0,31 0.76 5,00 5.76 1.36 0.0285 i 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.33 1.69 0.196 2.20 Fr 0.37 CB120 3.0 16+56.33 0.19 0.83 5.00 5.76 0,91 0.0280 0.173 11 0.060 0.045 0.38 1.29 0177 2.20 k; a 0.41 CONT 1.06 0.23 CB115B 3.0 i5 +60.61 0.31 0.69 5.00 5.76 1.23 0,0280 s 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.23 1.46 0.186 2.20 0 -39 CONT 1.17 0.29 CB116 3.0 16+56,33 0.09 045 5.00 5.76 0.23 0.0280 ( 0:173 0.060 0.045 0.29 0,53 0.127 2.20 Aga 0.63 CONT 0.50 0.03 08117 3.0 21 +54.04 0.05 0.90 5.00 5.76 0.26 0,0200 I;, 0.173 0.060 0,045 0.03 0.28 0,107 2.20 0.79 CONT 0.28 0.00 CB204A 3.0 20+16.5 0.37 0.58 5.00 5.76 1.24 0.0260 '� 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 1.24 0.177 2.20 a` 0.41 CONT 1.02 0.22 CB204 3.0 18 +65.63 040 0.61 5.00 5.76 1.41 0.0260 0.173 0.060 0.045 0,22 1.62 0.196 2,20 0.37 CONT 2.26 0.36 CB203A 3,0 18+08.92 0.15 0.65 5.00 5.76 056 0.0260 0.173 0,060 0.045 0.36 0.92 0.158 2.20 ` : 0.47 CONT 0,80 0.12 CB202 3 -0 16+66.75 0.06 0.69 5.00 5.76 0.24 0.0050 :; 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.15 0.38 0.155 2,20 0.49 SAG 0.38 0.00 CB2018 3.0 15 +79.63 0.10 0.70 5.00 5.76 0.40 0.0195 !'; 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.08 0.49 0.132 2.20 0.60 CONT 0.46 0.03 08206 3.0 14 +29,07 0.10 0.87 5.00 5.76 0.50 0.0195 <( 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.26 0.76 0.156 2.20 s v 0.49 CONT 0.67 0.08 CB208 3.0 12+50,47 0.26 0.88 5.00 3.76 1.32 0.0195 ; 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 1.32 0.191 2.20 11 0.38 CONT 1.06 0.26 l CB119A 3,0 i0 +46.i 0.33 0.70 5.00 5.76 1.33 0.0284 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 1.33 0.179 2.20 0.41 CONT 1.08 0,25 CB119 3.0 16+56.33 0.10 0.90 5.00 5.76 0.52 0.0280 i; 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.25 0.76 0.146 2.20, _ 0.53 CONT 0.69 0.07 CB115A 3.0 25+60.62 0.31 0.69 5,00 5.76 L23 0.0280 j 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.07 1.31 0.178 2.20 0.41 CONT 1.07 0.24 08115 3.0 16+56.33 0 -OS 0.68 5.00 5.76 0.20 0.0280 ;� 0.173 4,060 0.045 0.24 0.43 0.118 2.20 "' 0.69 CONT 0.42 OAI CB113 3,0 22 +43.02 0.04 0.90 5,00 5.76 0,21 0.0050 ;j 0,173 0.060 0.045 0.01 0.22 0.126 2.20 . _ 0.63 CONT 0.22 0.00 CBIII 3.0 23 +86.62 0.48 0.60 5.110 5.76 1.66 0.0100 'E 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 1.66 0.237 2,20 0.29 CONT 127 0.39 CBIIOA 3.0 24+42.78 0.27 0.60 5.00 5.76 093 0.0100 { 0.173 0,060 0.045 0.39 1.32 0.217 2.20 0.32 CONT 1.06 0.27 CBIIO 3A 25+08.07 0.28 0,59 5.00 5.76 0.95 0.0110 { 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.27 1.22 0.207 2.20 0.34 CONT 0.99 0.23 CB109A 3.0 25 +73.54 0.32 0.54 5.00 5.76 1.00 0.0800 ! E 0,173 0.060 0.045 0.23 1.23 0.143 2.20 „f �' 0.54 CONT 1.10 0.13 CB109 3.0 26+54.77 0.30 0.54 5.00 5.76 0.93 0,0800 `i 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.13 1.07 0.136 2,20 % 0.58 CONT SAG 0.97 1.33 0.09 0.00 DOUBLE tB108 6.0 27 +51.49 0.32 0.64 5.00 5.76 1.18 0.0050 0.173 1. 0,060 0,045 0.15 1,33 0.248 2.20 "_ 0.28 CB133 3.0 18.15.23 0.15 0.82 5.00 5.76 0.71 0.0290 ''.i 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0.71 0.141 2.20 0:� " ",, ; .`, : 0.55 CONT 0.65 0.06 CBI16 3.0 14 +16.33 097 0.42 5.00 5.76 0.17 0.0276 ''I 0.173 01060 0.045 0.00 0.17 0.083 2.20 �1 ° .; wg 1.12 CONT 0.17 0.00 CBI-16A 3.0 14 +75.70 0.07 0.42 5.00 5.76 0,17 0.0276 11 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.01 0.18 0.085 2.20 s,« ., ,11r 1.07 T;$r 0.69 CONT 0.18 0.00 CB137 3.0 14 +16.33 0.09 0.83 5.00 5.76 0.43 0,0276 'I 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0.43 0.118 2.20 CONT 0.42 0.01 ill I aF.�a¢ �,ie l � CB131 3.0 29+29.70 0.12 0.70 5.00 5.76 0.48 0,0525 j 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0.48 0.109 2.20 ? { 0.77 TER 0.48 0.00 11 ., . CB130 3.0 29+29.70 0.07 0.91 5,00 5.76 0.37 0.0525 0.173 0.060 0,045 0.00 0.37 0.098 2.20 sM 0.88 CONT 0.37 0.00 08103 3.0 20 +07.09 0.32 0.68 5,00 5.76 1.25 0.0290 ii 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 1.25 0.174 2.20 g 0.42 CONT 1.04 0.22 C8104A 3.0 21 +23.8 0.32 0,64 5.00 5.76 LIS 0.0150 I 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.22 1.40 0.205 2.20 `� 0.35 CONT 1.10 0.29 CB104B 3.0 21 +71.07 0.20 0.68 5.00 5.76 0.78 0.0100 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.29 1.08 0.201 2.20 0.35 CONT 0.89 0.19 CB105 6.0 22 +18.04 0.23 095 5.01 5.76 1.26 0.0070 ': 0.173 0.060 0.045 a19 1.45 0.240 2.20 0.29 SAG 1.45 0.00 DOUBLE CB104 3,0 21 +23.80 0.05 0,95 5.00 5.76 0.27 0.0100 `s, 0,173 0.060 0.045 0.01 0.28 0.122 2.20 0.67 CONT 0.27 0.01 CB102 3A 20+25.15 0,06 0,95 5.00 5.76 0.33 0.0250 ! 0.173 0,060 0.045 0.05 0.38 0.114 2.20 0.72 CONT 4.37 0.02 08106 3A 19+05.81 0.12 0.95 5.00 5.76 0.66 0.0290 `; 0,173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0.66 0.137 2.20 0.57 CONT 0.61 0,05 CB106A 3.0 28+30.27 0.11 0.73 5.00 5.76 0.46 0.0085 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0.46 0.151 2.20 0.50 CONT 0.43 0.03 £B107 3.0 27 +58.95 0.11 0.73 5.00 5.76 0.46 0.0050 ! 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.05 0.52 0.174 2.20 0.42 SAG 0.52 0.00 CB112 3.0 23 +78.06 0.08 0.83 5.00 5,76 0.38 0.0100 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0.38 0.136 2.20 0.57 CONT 0,36 0.02 CB114 3.0 22 +34.57 0 -02 0.90 5.00 5.76 0.10 0.0050 ,! 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0.10 0.095 2.20 «;, 0.92 CONT 0.10 0.00 ' 4'"3'' � ''n's fffffff r % 0.33 CB138A 3.0 13 +72.96 0.64 0.57 5.00 5.76 2.10 0.0276 0.173 0.060 0,045 0.00 2.10 0.213 2.20, CONT 1.55 0.55 CB138 3.0 14 +16.33 0.23 0.64 5.00 5,16 0.85 0.0276 0.173 0,060 0.045 0.55 1.40 0.183 2.20 0.40 a;,; 0.39 CONT 1.13 0.27 08135 3.0 14 +16,33 0,45 0.46 5.00 5.76 1.19 0.0276 :": 0,173 0.060 0.045 0,27 1.47 0.186 2.20 CONT 1.17 0.30 CB134 3.0 16+60.70 0.45 0.46 5.00 5.76 1.19 0.0276 '; 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.30 1,49 01188 2.20 0.39 CONT 1.18 0.30 CB132B 3.0 17 +17.5 0.48 0.48 5.00 5.76 1.33 0.0276 0.173 0.060 0,045 0.30 1.63 0.194 2.20 0.37 CONT CONT 127 0.90 0.36 0.15 CB132A 3.0 17 +74.34 0.24 0.50 5.00 5.76 0.69 0.0276 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.36 1.05 0:165 2.20 11 0.45 C 132 6.0 28 +15.23 0.23 0.50 5.00 5.76 0.66 0.0290 ''' 0.173 0,060 0.045 0.15 0.82 0.148 2.20 �l' ' „, . 0.52 TER 0.82 0.00 DOUBLE T; CB118 3.0 21 +54:04 O.OS 0,90 5.00 5,16 0.26 0.0200 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0.26 0.103 2.20 , : 0.82 CONT 0.26 0.00 CB203 3.0 18+37.07 0.40 0.50 5.00 5. ?5 1.15 0.0250 0.173 0.060 0.045 0,00 1.15 0.174 2.20 11 0.42 CONT 0.96 0.19 CB201 3.0 16+66.75 0.25 0.31 5.00 5.76 0,45 0.0050 0.173 0,060 0.045 0.28 0.73 0.197 2.20 0.36 SAG 0.73 0.00 E8201A 3,0 15 +79.93 0.05 0.88 5.00 5.76 0.25 0.0195 . 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.09 0.34 0.115 2.20 0.71 CONT 0.33 0.01 CB205 3.0 14 +29.07 0.21 0.59 5.00 5.76 0.71 0.0195 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.06 0.77 0.157 2.20 1,' 0.48 CONT 0.69 0.09 CB301 3:0 10+45.00 0.21 0.85 5.00 5.76 0.54 0.0110 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.07 0.61 0.160 2.20 11 1,' 0.47 CONT 0.55 0.06 08303 3.0 12 +35.24 021 0.59 5.00 5.76 0.71 0.0195 ! 0.173 O.Q6d 0.045 0.07 0.79 0.158 220 0.48 CONT 0.69 0.09 CB307 3.0 14 +87.14 0.14 0.81 5.00 5.76 0.65 0.0110 ''1 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.01 0.66 0.165 2.20 0.45 CONT CONT 0.59 0.31 0.07 0.01 CR310 3.0 17 +32.72 0.06 0,90 5,00 5.76 0.31 0.0110 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0.32 0.125 2.20 0.64 CB313 3.0 18 +14.24 0.05 0.88 5.00 5.76 0.25 0.0100 0,173 0,060 0.045 0.00 0.25 0.117 2.20 2,•,F:12;y 0.70 CONT 0.25 0.00 Y F Y,k CB209 6.0 10+45,48 0.12 030 5.00 5.76 0.48 0.0118 ' 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0.48 0.144 2.20 0,53 TER 0.48 0.00 UBLE Pfl�s <r^e `;.. 08207 6.0 12+50,47 0.18 0.60 5.00 5.76 0.62 0.0195 "' 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0.62 0.144 2.20 0.53 TER 0.62 0.00 DOUBLE y . 2, .. it e�E' CONT 0.36 0.02 CB121A 3.0 11 +43.58 0.08 0,82 5.00 5.76 0.38 0.0118 0,173 0.060 0.045 000 0.38 0.132 2.20 M; 0.60 C8121 6.0 I0+46.1 0.18 0,66 5.00 5.76 0.68 0.0118 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.02 0.70 0.166 2.20 0.45 TER 0,70 0,00 DOUBLE CB314A 3.0 i9 +76.60 0.47 048 5.00 5.76 1,30 0.0050 : 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 1.30 0.246 2.20 0,28 CONT 1.06 0,24 CB314 3.0 19+14.87 0.47 0.48 5.00 5.76 130 0.0075 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.24 1.54 0.243 2.20 0.28 CONT L20 0.34 CR312A 3.0 i8 +64.66 0.30 0.55 5.00 5.76 0.95 0.0100 : 0.173 0.060 0.045 0,34 1.29 0.215 2.20 0.33 CONT 1.03 0,26 08322 6.0 28 +14.24 0.28 0.55 5.00 5.76 0.89 00100 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.26 1.14 0.206 2.20 ! >' 0.35 TER 1.14 0.00 DOUBLE 8i CB403 3.0 24 +89.88 0.08 0.84 5.00 5.76 0.39 0.0115 ! 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0.39 0.133 2.20 _ 0.59 CONT 0.37 0,02 C8402 6.0 26+18.25 0.10 0,92 5.00 5.76 0.53 0.0115 0,173 0.060 0.045 0.02 0.55 0.152 2.20 f " : ' 0.50 SAG 0.55 0.00 DOUBLE CR404 3.0 24 +89.88 0.50 0.50 590 5.76 1.44 0.0115 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.46 1.90 0.242 2.20 ='9?% ' ;,'>vs 0.28 , 0.29 CONT 1.41 0.49 CB4o5 3.0 24 +40,89 0.52 0.48 5.00 5.76 1.44 0.0115 = 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.39 1.83 0.239 2.24 CONT 1.37 0.46 CB406 3.0 22 +I6.53 0.57 0.45 5.00 5,76 1.48 0.0115 : 0173 0.060 0.045 0.17 1.65 0,230 2.20 f , 0.30 CONT 1.26 0.39 CB401 3.0 21 +13.53 040 0.45 5.00 5.76 1.04 0.0115 €, 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 1,04 0.193 2.20' : 0.37 CONT 0.86 9.17 b . t Ii: CB315B 3.0 12 +71.03 0.19 0.58 5.00 5.76 0.63 0.0295 ! 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0.63 0.135 2.20 = a ;t 0.58 CONT 0.59 0.04 CB315A 3.0 12 +26.12 0.20 0.58 5.00 5.76 0.67 0.0295 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.04 0.71 0.140 2.20 0.55 CONT 0.65 0.06 CB315 3.0 11 +42.18 0.39 0.58 5.00 5.76 1.30 0.0295 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.06 1.36 0.179 2.20 y ,'„ „Ir': 0.41 COAT 1.11 0.25 CB311 6.0 10+45,00 0.17 0.70 5.00 5,76 0.69 0.0296 '. 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.25 0.94 0.156 2.20 '. 0.48 TER 0.93 0.01 DOUBLE CB316 3.0 11 +49.52 0.09 0.80 5.00 5.76 0.41 0.0296 " 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0.41 0.115 2.20 z% 0.72 CONT 4.43 O.Oi CB309A 3.0 10+35.67 0.08 0.76 5.00 5.76 0.35 0.0296 '� 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.01 0.36 0.109 2.20 1 � 0.77 CONT 0.36 0.00 C8309 3.0 17 +25.67 0.05 0.74 5.00 5.76 0.21 0.0110 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0.22 0.108 2.20 ' 0.77 CONT 0.22 0.00 CB308 3.0 16.24.14 0.23 0.59 5.00 5.76 0.78 0.0110 0.173 0,060 0.045 0.00 0.78 0.175 2,20 X . ' 0.42 CONT 0.68 0,10 CB306A 3.0 15 +54.18 0.45 0.55 5.00 5.76 1.43 0.0110 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.10 1.53 0.225 2,20 , ?,',`., ;: 0.31 CONT 1.19 0.34 CB306 3.0 14 +87.14 0:27 0.55 5.00 5,76 0.86 0.0110 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.34 1.20 0.205 2.20 l3 0.35 CONT 0.97 0.23 CB305 3.0 13 +55.90 0.45 O.SI 5.00 5.76 1.32 0.0110 0.173 1. 4.060 0.045 0.23 1.55 0.226 2.20.; 0.31 CONT I.20 0.35 CB304 3.0 12 +35.24 0.34 0.65 5.00 5.76 127 0.0110 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.35 1.62 0.230 2.20 r ; 0.30 CONT 1.24 0.38 CB302B 3.0 11+64.21 0.42 0.60 5,01 5.76 1.45 0.0114 .! 0.173 0,060 0.045 0.38 1.83 0.241 2.20.1` r': 0.29 CONT 2.37 0.46 CB302A 3,0 10 +•97.21 0.37 0.54 5,00 5.76 1,15 0.0110 0.173 0:060 0.045 0.46 1.61 0.229 2.20 0.30 CONT 1.24 0.37 CB302 6,O 10+45.00 0.33 0.52 5.00 5,76 0.99 0.0110 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.37 1.36 0,216 2.20 t�; 1. 0.33 TIIt 1.36 0.00 IE f CB334A 3.0 13+64.75 0.25 0.55 5.00 5.76 0.79 0.0156 0.173 0.060 0.045 0,00 0.79 0.165 2.20 , � 0.45 CONT 0.69 0.10 CB334 3.0 14 +11.50 0,26 0.55 5.00 5.76 0.82 0,0156 0.173 1. 0.060 0.045 0.10 0.92 0.174 2.20 ,.. 0.42 CONT 0.79 0.14 CB332A 3.0 14+67,14 0.21 0.60 5.00 5.76 0.73 0 -0156 'I 0.173 0.060 0045 0.14 0.86 0.170 2.20 , :I ` 0.43 CONT 0.74 0.12 CB332 3.0 15 +3255 0.20 0,60 S.0) 5.76 0.69 0.0156 ' 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.12 0.81 0.166 2.20 it' z` 0.45 CONT 0.71 0.10 CB331 6.0 16 +32.17 028 0.61 5.00 5.76 0,98 0.0156 '; 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.10 1.09 0.186 2.20 ,; " 0.39 TI1t 1.09 0.00 DOUBLE 11 I CB313 3.0 15 +19.00 0.11 0.85 5.00 5.76 0.54 0.0156 ! 0:173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0,54 0.143 2.20 0.54 CONT 0.50 0.04 CB327 3.0 17 +46 -94 0.13 0.76 5.00 5.76 0.57 0.0156 '. 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.04 0.61 0.149 2.20 u.Y 0.51 CONT 0.55 0.05 CB321 3.0 18+46.52 0,06 0.80 5.00 5.76 0.28 0.0156 i' 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.05 0.33 0.119 2.20 0.69 CONT 0.32 0.01 C8210 6.0 20+75.81 0.23 0.90 5.00 5.76 0.61 0.0156 4.173 0.060 0.045 0.01 0.68 0.156 2.20 0.48 TER 0.68 0.00 LE nor:, C8336B 3.0 21+78.05 0.14 0.90 5.00 5.76 0.73 0.0244 : 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 0.73 0.147 2.20 n 0.52 CON 0.66 0.07 CB336A 3.0 11 +28.97 0.18 0.90 5.00 5.76 0.93 0,0244 'i 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.07 1.00 0.166 2,20 0.45 CON 0.86 0.14 CB336 6_0 10+44.09 0.20 0,63 5.00 5.76 0.73 0.0244 'ii 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.14 0.87 0.157 2.24; _ ' 0.48 TER 0.87 0.00 DOUBLE / _ J' CB338A 3.0 11 +75.75 0.25 0.77 5.00 5.76 1.11 0.0370 's 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 1,11 0.159 2.26!``.' 0.47 CONT 0.95 0.16 CB338 3.0 12 +88.42 0.25 0.77 5.01 5.76 I'll 0.0370 !! 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 1.11 0.159 2.20 11 ^ -'" 0.47 CONT 0.95 0.26 CB335A 3.0 14-+41.36 0,21 0.80 5,01 5,76 0,97 0.0210 . 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.16 1.12 0.178 2.26 0.41 CONT 0.94 0,19 CB329 3.0 15+01.47 0.22 0.80 5,00 5.76 102 0.0210 " 0,173 0.060 0.045 0.16 1.17 0.180 2.20 = k ,?- 0.40 CONT 0.97 0.20 CB328 3.0 i7+22.6o 0.30 0,63 5,00 5.76 -.09 0.0156 ; 0.173 0,060 0,045 0.20 1.29 0.198 2.20 11 0.36 CONT 1.04 0.26 CB322A 3.0 17+87.35 0.09 0.64 5.00 5.76 0.33 0.0156 ' 0,173 0.060 0.045 0.20 0.54 0.142 2.20 0,54 CONT 0.50 0.04 CB322 6.0 18 +46.52 0,09 0.64 5.00 5.76 0.33 0.0156 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.26 0.59 0.147 2.20 " ,,. ; 0.52 T10t 0.59 0.00 DOUBLE p... C8324 3.0 10 +45.08 0.15 0.78 5.00 5.76 0.67 0.0342 0.173 0.060 4.045 0.00 0.67 0.134 2.20 „` 0.59 CONT 0.63 0.05 CB2it 3.0 20+88.59 O.60 0.47 5,00 5.76 1.62 0.0156 `' 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.05 1.67 0.218 2.20 N',, 0.32 ' CONT 1.27 0.40 CB212 3.0 22+ 13,47 0.30 0.82 S.Oo 5.76 1.42 0.0156 ' 0.173 0,060 0,045 0.40 1.81 0.225 2.20 jTr 0.31 CONT 1.36 0.45 CB213 6.O 23 +10,07 0.42 0.75 5.00 5.76 1,81 0.0156 I 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.46 2.28 0.245 2.20 0.28 SAG 2.28 0.06 DOUBLE CB212A 3.0 22 +13.47 0.06 0.90 5,00 5.76 0.31 0.0156 ' 0.173 9.060 0,045 0.00 0.31 0.116 2.20 x 0.71 CONT 0.30 0.01 CB326A 3.0 12+62.01 0.20 0.65 5.00 5.76 0.75 0.0351 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.01 0.76 0.139 2.20 0.56 CONT 0.69 0,06 CB326 3,0 11+43.68 0.17 0.65 5.00 5,76 0.64 0.0351 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.06 0.70 0.135 2.20 ,"111 1 ^ 0.58 CONT 0.65 0.05 08323 6.0 10 +45.08 0.12 0.73 5.01 5.76 0.50 0.0342 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.05 0.56 0.125 2.20 0.65 TER 0.56 0.00 DOUBLE CB337 6.O 13 +24.78 0.18 0.82 5.00 5.76 0.85 0.0507 : 0.173 9.060 0.045 0.00 0.85 0.136 2.20 ,�11 N 0.58 TESL 0.85 0.00 CB335 3.0 14 +13.55 0.25 034 5.01 5.76 1.07 1 0.0507 � 0.173 0.060 0.045 0.00 1.07 0.148 2.20 t? 0.52 COLPI 0.94 0.12 CB330A 1 3.0 14 +55.17 0.13 034 5.00 5.16 0.58 0.0300 I 0.173 it 0.060 0.045 0.12 0.74 0.139 2.20 " 0.55 CONT 0.64 0.06 CB330 1 6.0 15+91.47 0,12 1 0.77 5.00 5.76 0.53 1 00304 (' O.i73 0.060 0.045 0.06 0.59 0.130 2.20 z ', 0.61 Tilt 0.59 0.00 DOUBLE STRUCTURAL BMP CONS TR UC TION SEQUENCE: THE FOLLOWING MUST OCCUR PRIOR TO J= INAL PLAT AND/OR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (CO): 1. ALL STRUCTURAL BMPS MUST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS. 2. , THE DESIGN ENGINEER MUST SUBMIT AN AS -BUILT PACKAGE WHICH MEETS ALL REQUIREMENTS PRESENTED IN THE TOWN SPEC BOOK INCLUDING A SIGNED AND SEALED CERTIFICATION STATEMENT. 3. SUBMIT THE APPROPRIATE SIGNED STRUCTURAL BMP 0 &M AGREEMENT AND MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE TO THE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS COORDINATOR IN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AT (919) 249 - -3394. 4. A FINAL INSPECTION BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS MANAGER SHALL BE CONDUCTED ONCE THE AS- BUILT SUBMITTAL HAS BEEN RECEIVED. ONCE APPROVED, THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS MANAGER WILL SEND A BMP APPROVAL LETTER TO THE OWNER. 5. iN LIEU OF STRUCTURAL BMP COMPLETION AND FINAL APPROVAL BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS MANAGER, THE TOWN MAY ACCEPT A PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH UDO SECTION 6.1.12(G). IF THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA FOR THE BMPS IS UNSTABLE AT THE TIME OF FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR A SUBDIVISION, THE TOWN WILL ALLOW A SKIMMER SYSTEM TO SE CONNECTED TO THE EMERGENCY DRAIN SIZED TO DE -WATER THE VOLUME OF THE BASIN OVER A 2 -3 DAY PERIOD, POROUS BAFFLES SHALL EITHER CONTINUE TO BE MAINTAINED (IF CONVERTING FROM A SEDIMENT BASIN} OR BE INSTALLED. ANY ORIFICES MUST BE CAPPED OR PLUGGED. 6. ALL STRUCTURAL BMPS ARE REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO A FINAL CO FOR A SITE PLAN AND ISSUANCE OF 90% OF COS WITHIN A SUBDIVISION. IF THE SUBDIVISION IS TO BE PHASED, ALL STRUCTURAL BMPS SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF 90% OF COS WITHIN THAT PHASE. 7. IF A STRUCTURAL BMP COUNTS TOWARDS RCA, THE REQUIRED LANDSCAPING SHALL BE INSTALLED DURING THE APPROPRIATE GROWING SEASON AND COORDINATED WiTH THE TOWN ZONING COMPLIANCE OFFICER AT (919) 249 -3426. Filter Basin Drainage Area (Ac.) O10 (cfs) BASIN DIMENSIONS VOLLIME AREA WEIR Wit, LT__ rn_� C -£ qin __ ._ [}ate ___ _ DEPTH LENGTH WIDTH PROP. REO'D PROP. REIWD PROP. REO'D CM -- Bu44-ildiing inspections Hate FT (FT) FT CF CF SF` SF FT, FT. BMP# 1 1.40 2.94 3 --- -- 7769 2541 6557 1281 5 2,77 F8 #2 1.06 2.226 3 45 22 2970 1924 990 970 , 5 2,10 F8 #3 0,79 1.659 3 40 20 2400 1 1434 800 723 5 1.57 F8 #4 1 0.59 1.239 3 35 17 1785 1071 595 540 5 1.17 FB #5 1 2.36 4.956 3 1 66 1 33 6534 4283 2178 2159 1 5 4,68 NOTES: 11. A Grading Permit, when applicable, can be issued by the Building Inspections Division only after approval of tree protection fencing, S&E Measures in place and approved and a certificate of compliance has been issued by the Public Works Department. 12 Retaining systems providing a cumulative vertical relief greater than five -feet in height within a horizontal distance of 50' or less, including retaining walls or mechanically stabilized earth walls shall be designed and constructed under the responsible charge of a registered professional engineer and comply in all aspects with the NC Building Code section 1610. Retaining systems meeting these criteria will require a separate building permit prior to start of work. 13. Prior to approval of a final plat or issuance of a certificate of occupancy, any development where an engineered stormwater control structure Is required, contact the Environmental Programs Manager at 249 -3413 to demonstrate that the required structure Is in place, that it is operational and that it complies with all relevant portions of the UDO Section 6.1.12 Engineered Stormwater Controls. if the engineered stormwate control structure is used as part of a temporary erosion control measure, the inspection will occur during the appropriate phase of construction. 1111.,... 111111111111-11 11.11 r 111...1. ._._., �! a ° _ Pori/°. • I __- ,. • " °- :AL , - a _ _____ z1'2 - - ._. _ ___ Wit, LT__ rn_� C -£ qin __ ._ [}ate ___ _ ;___ _ Publi rksy -EnvT Prggrorris w� Date CM -Trans or otion o ��''- Planning Dote __,.,7 ?- - r�=c� - - _____ _ C, I CM -- Bu44-ildiing inspections Hate Planning - Transportation Dote ___ __- ��� Public Works - -Woter %Sewer Dote Fire Dote _ -- T__ Public Works - Electric Dote - -- ~Dote PorkS, Recreation .& Culturial Res. Dote Public Works -S & E 111111111111-11 11.11 r 111...1. ._._., �! a ° _ Pori/°. • I __- ,. • " °- :AL , - a _ = • a .: °; a ; %6 4w ; :�TZ 0 w' !j f�',1 W,��� 1' 1 st Revision 11/12 2 2nd Revision 12/07 3 3rd Revision 01/11 4 4th Revision 2/15 5 1 5th Revision 13/15 4072 Barrett Dr. Phone: (919) 420 -7657 Raleigh, NC 27609 info @ketchemcrowder.com % ", 5 { °•"`•. Residential - RR "" "+ RL Goodale & A Joyce �• ( snrir r D.B. 12198 PG. 0806 `" ,• 4, '� Mf#DA A PIN 0750685883 2901 Timpani Iri. ';. ApOx, NC 27539 " °S4 F ILVE.1 I t Construction barrier shalt be installed at the connection to Timpani Tr. and shall be removed no earlier than upon platting Phase 3 and at the c time recommended by Town of Apex staff o°, during construction. 'NO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL. BE AL OWED all TIMPANI TRAIL" LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (Tree Fe ce) Residential RR Vacant - L ;r• -'"° " "� . : �. ^, 1 t Edna Scott & Henry -,J• L ,��(• ,1�\, "'' ., ;� �`1 " t A�'� Nesmith D.B. 09476. .�' �t "t ! �, i .c�' ^`�!'�. PIN 0750688188 i, `ti \.�`• '` '• t " { .� ,;i __- ' ^,f ` 8304 Stephenson Rd. ! } ` \ t r� /,'! %^\_ may._ ` ` •` Apex. NC 2753,9 io• LEVi `S3r venue.�•� �-,,� i / MAtNTEHANCE SEE SHE E KCY ' Qk30,SIEGlNEEitED EMERIEENCY *LLWAY ) / Aj , f14TgR,STRIPSEE.NfJT� . AC i _ °, 082 + ,' , + % EJ�EMEHt ' � •6 °. AiP'. �'1ti+ lkler } �,'' � i NP. 1. s� AAM•M8.5 , q�gO,$' Dedication of _._ public R' "to Town Apex a f � for future.1_04 I connection ,•6,� i, �`•;aU^ .,• % i, Estate of Willard R Flaherty D.B. & PG. Llnkr, own PIN 075069722:9 SM. 2004, PG G'_,5562 2900 Timpani d. Apex, NC 275_"9 .,.,� ,I. e i •VT %� � � ' � a 3``t "'' Res-aentioi -RR i LIMITS OF DISTURRANCEI. Coitf:•rr McDuffie ,; t PIN 0750783196 i ! I -._._. + � i i • ~� ` ° (T re e Fence-Slit Fence' ).8. ?C233, PG. 0412 ' ------- atori Way r Apex. NC 27539 i \ i �� / / a,_ -.._ T °_ = ""` •,,:_ _ �R+.. ,. �-^� (Tree Fence) .\ ti'( i i t i "__ _ fi!d ` \11iY*i55.S —'1 j� �yj�' ` /, °, � i ` ` , `t' ''' '••O'+ Resiclenti« - RR I i _ i k -._._.. .� , �• ��. , ` i \ ~` / ` tt Henr y J. Nesmith 1 t PG, unknown S.M 2003, PG. 517 i i i + ,� / ,` \ t '•. PIN 07501786126 • ! i i _._. _.._._._. n $304 Stephenson Rd �._ _ Q' Apex, N'' 27539 f 138 % •1st i `` /i ce �• f •. f t i t, w q, �, 1 -4, % I 4 wit 1<., ce ` I l i1' 41 / S11 % Residential - RR JC & PM Beckwith D.B. 06674, PG, 0474 B.M. 1995, PG. 0450 PIN 0750698713 2909 Earth Drive. Apex, NC 27„539 0 1 1 \ Residential - RR Randolph A. & Wendy \ ,\ Duncan \ D.B. 04892, PG. 0263 LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE PIN 0750699963 (Tree Fence) \ � 4925 Lett Rd Apex, NC 27539 ` Residential - Reginald Judd t D.S. 07261, P i 0362 B.M. 1983, PG. 9 PIN 0751609173 8001 Smith Rd Apex, NC 27539 \1� 1 Y --- - - - - -_ % - _ - - - - - -_ j*A CV —En ne ring_— _ - - - ^— Date - -�— orkst�•-Env.Progroms -- to CM —Trans p r;p flan }— a UPIP o YY� 101t!p CM —B iI ing Inspections Dote — Plonning — Tronsportation Dote p Public Works — Water /Sewer Dote Fire — Dote Public Works -Electric -- Dote ��� Porks, Recreotion & Cultural Res. Dote �— ___ _AL jA _ - -- — --- — Public Works —S & E Date - , Future Developml�nt $ EESKEEr *~ ` .swwsew ` ewM(••'�"••wssw.••ewsw.e.Mw.s.m a «.u+.wwsea DISTURBED AREA: Residential - 'k, ``PHASE 1 Jeffrey L. & Linda M. Novak 11696,245 SF 38.94 AC D.B. 1989, PG. 2378 � B.M. i 989, PG. 1444 ` PIN 0751705732 PHASF2 p ,712,468 SF 1�'J6 AP 1X Nc 127539 MASE 3 596A00 SF 13.68 AC NELLIE ROAD Dedication of Residential - RR Herman L. & Deidro Hunter Colvin public R/W to D.B. 11526, PG. 0950 T wn of Apex R.M. 1992 PG. 497 for future road PIN 0751707852 rr N RR connection Apex, NC 27539 Re.i 7909 Smith Rd Lj� J� •. .:,.. is t� • "% \ i� •7; _ ! • •.11 f { t rL 3 /r r_ L 199 1 PI M,Q75i 708425 P. Q: ox 793 7. its r �•, { \ i ,1 Apex, N6 27502 " "' �I cai: ' 10 5 4 `' t A. �% r *` \ i` t •'• \ 3 `\ � i ; .`•` ,, i ; , i ( � �- ..t ..___ -.f i..._..._1 4 __ �,�..��, ! + r ° t N \ . ><, •\ i ! \ \ �,..... r t SEE SHEt V- -, 4040 � O ti ♦ i �.\ R , �.� `��� �?3MPMAINTENANCE �4 \ °, '\ i :A AND ACCESS f' ,` ` ° i -EASEMENT f r' _ , .. -------- ! \. °°;'K ` \ "a ` ' \ ° °�, r` • f' i R 4 j i ! i t "`° Vacant RR Dedication O "� ' / (� �1 i -�' i - _....._ f �" D.R. Sondra Manning Residential RR public R/W to :r / , i __ PG, 0547 Prem & Suresh Aggarwai V a t -+ PIN 0751802216 D,B. 06092, PG, 047$ Town o €Apex rr " �` 'i `\%�� / `• \\ `�` B,M. 1988, PG. 00932 for future road PIN 0750892240 connection r 8136 Stephenson Rd. a Apex, NC 27539 (� j � .�' ,\ °'���,`' �I.t •' ice. '` � `'''•.. \ /• �\ ;`\ t j - �� °* LIMITS OF DISTURBANC 'V,aCP�t fj 'l �Dedication f public 'Glorehe'B.: Stewbrt; -MIft ~' R/W t0 Town of J' The Town of Apex shall �,v, '.\ (Tree Fence) ` r "- ' UR U D :B. ' & P:G.: Unknowa • t '°'�' future road / not be responsible for t ti OF; ©IS1 B N -PG. • 1.6,74 '' Apex for f ) `P :M.:188; :r connection maintenance of v ®, •` ''\ :• - `''` r' ss fence SiltFeric'� -PIN '0750893827. ____ ' . e vegetation ` .a \ ,' -Vacant RR` +. Sutnitro Karki '' within the median (median �%i t ; ; ; ; Residential RR defined as hatched area o�Q`�� / " SEE atiEErtaf :� D.B. 13274, PG. 006'80 . ' . . • Fchael L. & Kimberley A. / ;% ,r �.` '��. S.M. 1988, PG. 00932 shown at back of curb) / / ° I Randolph ." Approximate area - 362 sf /� ; %/� ®,° 11' iVacdnt - RR 11 Sh PIN 0750893513 ; . . . . . ' . . . . D.R. 11732, PG. 131s / rRampn Fediuk 6 Shadow Mountain Ln. PIN 0751802172 ° D.B.; 04954, PG. 0046 Morrisville, NC 27560 6/ B. 1986, PG. 209 • . ' . . Residential - R ° n D.B Sondra 8 Manning 0547 N 0750$$1966 ; ; PIN 0751802216 365 County Rte 4$ !Thompson Ridge, NY 10985 . . NOTES: U A Grading Permit, when applicable, can be issued by the Building Inspections Division only after approval oftree protection fencing, S&E Measures in place and approved and a certificate of compliance has been issued by the Public Works Department. 22. Retaining systems providing a cumulative vertical relief greater than fire -feet in height within a horizontal &sttance of 5U' or less, including retaining walls or mechanically stabilized earth walls shall be designed and constructed under the responsible charge of a registered professional engineer and comply In all aspects with the NC Building Code: section 1610. Retaining systems meeting these criteria will require a separate building permit prior to start of work. 13. Prior to approval of a final plat or issuance of a certificate of occupancy, any development where an engineered stormwater control structure is required, contact the Environmental Programs Manager at 249 -3413 to demonstrate that the required structure is in place, that it is operational and that it complies with all relevant portions of the LIDO :Section 6.1.12 Engineered Stormwater Controls. If the engineered stormwate control structure is used as part of a temporary erosion control measure, the inspection will occur during the appropriate phase of construction. t 1 Mt 1 ti ti t� !jt ti SMiT►� Rt). t / � r �P�ti�1SON Rp ! h f/ !t J t / 1 l / / f s f 1 1 st Revision 11/12 2 2nd Revision 12/07 3 3rd Revision 01/11 4 4th Revision 2/15 5 5th Revision 3/15, 4072 Barrett Dr. Phone: • • 420-7667 Raleigh, NC .ri• x € M 0 N OQ Q t D C O u € i C O 0 0 e O .0 7 C Q d U V 2 x m k 0. x `a a c 0 u € a€ 0 a i tL N_ Q H U CS C vg a. En a, 04 14 I.a.-T.m. O'll "Roo w M wn M - 7�oq-tnp ji IMSM N_ W -7. - • i N Ir • MIM 1 F.I 0+0100 Revision 1+00.00 B y 1 2+00 M 11/02 3+00.00 I I 2nd Revision 3+8).2. I 460M- 0 01/11 -T1 4th Revision 02/15 --- ---------- ------- iyublic Works -S & E Dote 5th Revision 03/15 + Lo ..... ...... .. -------- - - ---------- ------ — ----------- — ---------- RISER WIDTH NOT TO Ln SCALE (48" BOX) Z 0 A > > 0 > TbP QF nim INV 456_0' T ML12) Z Z K� w C, TEMP. POOL IN V 455;0' 0' 10:1 LF W $S 36 RCP F0RE8A(------ III - ------ -- , P E Mn X_ NV OUT 44 7.2 .......... 0 (2-119" SCIE180PVC I M 111 J POND SEDIN BOTTIOM=448. ENT STOPAGE=447.0' -D-RAMI _NV =444 --------- - -- ---------- 6'xON2.5' I 4A 4 45, 0 0- - t ANTI -SEEP COLIAR GRAD( __� 2.5 1"PVC-Scall LEVEL SPREADER 440M_ tAll f)lTrH RIP-RAP 01 ITI FT GEO -44 -- - -------- — ---------------- 0+0b.00 1+08.00 2+00.00 3+0t.00 3 +$ .2w No. Revision Dote I B y 1 1 st Revision 11/02 Cn 2 2nd Revision 12/07 3 3rd Revision 01/11 -T1 4th Revision 02/15 --- ---------- ------- iyublic Works -S & E Dote 5th Revision 03/15 X IC 111 1 t El �0_ 0 00 Ca Poo V) 0 3 I • I Y • AM .' aI *60 Dto /X /, A a XXX.XX CREST H t- 1 -1 PRECAST TOP SLAB 4'x4' PRECAST RCP BOX J4 "x2' STEEL STRAP W/ "O-RING" JOINT 2-3/4" ANCHOR BOLTS 2 STRAPS REQUIRED GROUT EACH SIDE NOTE: PLACE STEM SUPPORTS JOINT SEALED WITH A-LOCK AT 3' FROM BASE NEOPRENE GASKET CAST IN 4 x4 TEE MANHOLE WALL XXX.XX PERMANENT POOL U6 TEMPORARY SKIMMER ATTACHMENT FOR EROSION CONTROL PHASE OF PROJECT "O-RING" GASKETED CLASS M RCP XXX.XX POND BOTTOM PAVED INVERT GROUT 44 A RISER & DRAWDOWN DEVICE DETAIL ---------- r -_, --- (0 0 - ---------- V P "P_% Cn --- ---------- ------- -- -------------- ------- Public Works - Water /Sewer Date Fire Dote I . C. _ 0 co 00 ----- ------------ ------- ---- ------- > NJ -T1 /X /, A a XXX.XX CREST H t- 1 -1 PRECAST TOP SLAB 4'x4' PRECAST RCP BOX J4 "x2' STEEL STRAP W/ "O-RING" JOINT 2-3/4" ANCHOR BOLTS 2 STRAPS REQUIRED GROUT EACH SIDE NOTE: PLACE STEM SUPPORTS JOINT SEALED WITH A-LOCK AT 3' FROM BASE NEOPRENE GASKET CAST IN 4 x4 TEE MANHOLE WALL XXX.XX PERMANENT POOL U6 TEMPORARY SKIMMER ATTACHMENT FOR EROSION CONTROL PHASE OF PROJECT "O-RING" GASKETED CLASS M RCP XXX.XX POND BOTTOM PAVED INVERT GROUT 44 A RISER & DRAWDOWN DEVICE DETAIL ---------- r -_, --- f EXISTING + GRADE SCAIJE(48" 0 U-i U_ Z OUUCU LU me cra atilu Oily OUJ41-COIL blUt: blVlJ=Z, WCOLCU Wy grading. The following amendments will be added to the topsoil using a disk or rototiller: - 75 lbs of ground limestone per 1,000 sf. - A starter type, high phosphorous, fertilizer Common examples of starter fertilizers: For a 1,000 sf area include: 40 lbs of 5-10-10, 20 lbs of 10-20-20, or 16 lbs of 18-24-6. GRASSING Engineered Filter Strip shall be sodded with Tall Fescue grown in non-clay soils. -FREQUENT WATERING IS REQUIRED FOR THE FIRST THREE WEEKS AFTER SOD INSTALLATION SO THAT THE SOD & TOP 1.5 INCHES OF SOIL IS KEPT MOIST. IF all 435.011--l- I�� �, �, POND BO Om 430.0t-- MIM W • • ,27.62 Lr 18" ICLASS /III RCP )T-i= 431.42 TAI DITCH OUTLET RtP_-RAP GEO FABRIC LINER 1.5" PVC SCH80 TO LEVEL7SPREADE INV = 431.51 2+00.00 2+( CM - TrTn U ,rortotion Dote Planning Dote, ---- -------- ------- (0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- onning T nsportotion CM _B nspections Date P1 Dote - ---------- Cn --- ---------- ------- -- -------------- ------- Public Works - Water /Sewer Date Fire Dote 116 f EXISTING + GRADE SCAIJE(48" 0 U-i U_ Z OUUCU LU me cra atilu Oily OUJ41-COIL blUt: blVlJ=Z, WCOLCU Wy grading. The following amendments will be added to the topsoil using a disk or rototiller: - 75 lbs of ground limestone per 1,000 sf. - A starter type, high phosphorous, fertilizer Common examples of starter fertilizers: For a 1,000 sf area include: 40 lbs of 5-10-10, 20 lbs of 10-20-20, or 16 lbs of 18-24-6. GRASSING Engineered Filter Strip shall be sodded with Tall Fescue grown in non-clay soils. -FREQUENT WATERING IS REQUIRED FOR THE FIRST THREE WEEKS AFTER SOD INSTALLATION SO THAT THE SOD & TOP 1.5 INCHES OF SOIL IS KEPT MOIST. IF all 435.011--l- I�� �, �, POND BO Om 430.0t-- MIM W • • ,27.62 Lr 18" ICLASS /III RCP )T-i= 431.42 TAI DITCH OUTLET RtP_-RAP GEO FABRIC LINER 1.5" PVC SCH80 TO LEVEL7SPREADE INV = 431.51 2+00.00 2+( CM - TrTn U ,rortotion Dote Planning Dote, ---- -------- ------- CA RO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- onning T nsportotion CM _B nspections Date P1 Dote '0, --- ---------- ------- -- -------------- ------- Public Works - Water /Sewer Date Fire Dote ----- ------------ ------- ---- ------- Public W- ork -Electric Dote Porks, Recreotion & Culturol Res. Dote --- ---------- ------- iyublic Works -S & E Dote MIN. 10 GA- LINE WIRES rill li-� 1 NOTES: 1. USE SILT FENCE ONLY WHEN DRAINAGE AREA DOES NOT EXCEED 4 ACRE AND NEVER IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW. 2. END OF SILT FENCE NEEDS TO BE TURNED UPHILL. TOWN C)IF APEX S. TIANDARDS EFFECTIVE: DECEMBER 3, 2002 VARIABLE AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINE-ER MIN. 12' GA, INTERMEDIATE WIRES -GRADE `-SILT FENCE FABRIC INSTALLED TO SECOND ORE FROM TOP FRObIT VIE STEEL POST WOVEN ORE FABRIC SILT FENCE k,EOTEXTILE FABRIC 32' MINN. WIDTH F,F SLOPE 26" -USE #57 WASHED STONE FOR REPAIR OF SILT FENCE FAILURES, AND FOR ANCHOR WHEN SILT m= FENCE IS PROTECTING CATCH RADE BASIN. MIN. COVER OVER SKIRT* ANCHOR SKIRT AS SIDE VIEW DIRECTED BY ENGINEER* TEMPORARY SILT FENCE STD. NO. 400.01 ONCRETE BLOCK CATCH BASIN #57 WASHED STONE FILTER SEDIMENT STORAGE ZONE In NOTES: I. AT THE END OF THE PROJECT, CATCH BASIN CAN BE RAISED AS NEEDED PLUGGING OPEN COURSE OF BLOCK WITH MORTAR. 2. RISER CAN BE BUILT AS A STANDARD CATCH BASIN/JUNCTION BOX (WITH WEEP CULVERT PI HOLES) IN RECEIVING WALL AND BE UTILIZED AS SUCH WHEN PROJECT IS ALVANIZED HARDWARE STABLE. CLOTH W/ 4" GRID 3. IF DRAINAGE AREA IS OVER 5 ACRES THAN THIS STRUCTURE NEEDS TO BE PERSPECTIVE VIEW TREATED AS A RISER STRUCTURE AND ALL RELATED INFORMATION NEEDS TO BE GALVANIZED HARWARE CLOTH J" X SUPPLIED, (TRASH RACK, ELEVATIONS, AND ANTI-FLOATABLE� FLOOD STORAGE ZON41--_, Op, SEDIMENT STORAGE Zrwr, x-4 z)� o (TOTAL BASIN CAPACITY r•.�. * 0 8! MAX. VARIABLE AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGWER F 1 siRaicna POLY ;A;;; 'M FABRIC {TYPICAL) FRONT VIE 4W L W STONE Revision 12/07 3 3rd TREE PROTECTION AREA GENERAL 50' 25' 2-3" jar Revision 12' DO NOT ENTER WARNING SIGN DETAIL_ NO TM WAIANG SIGNS TO BE MADE OF DURABLE, IWAITIEMMOF MATERIAL. LE71-M TO BE 5" WON WWW, CLEARLY LEOW AND SPACED AS DETAILED. SPO SHALL BE PLACED At 50'#AW" )NIERVALS. PLA4E A SON AT EACH END OF LINEAR TREE PROTECTION AND W ON CENTER THEREAFTER. FrAP TREE PROTECTION AREAS LESS THAN 100' IN PERWIER, MiW NO LESS THAN ONE SON PER PROJECTION AREA. ATTACH SM XCIMMY W FENCE POSTS AND FABRIC MOATAIN TREE PROTECTION FMCE DOZOUGHOUT DURATION OF PROJECT. Aw,TxwAL sms MAY at nmaw By ary OF mAum mwmims orpAR;wNr BASED ON AcnJAL FIELD CONDITIONS PL,Aa A SOW AT EACH END OF L)NEAR TREE PROTECTION AND 50' ON CENTER THEWAFTEk Ketchem-Crowder & Assoc. STANDARD TREE PROTECTION DETAIL TANDARD METAL POSTS 2' IN GROUND GALVANIZED HARDWARE WIRE EXTENDS TO TOP OF BOX I . 15 I FLOW FLO)U CULVERT PIPE 1 *'5 LO ' FUTURE STO 1 1.5 5 P DRAIN PIPE \�ONCRETE FOOTING PAD #57 WASHED STONE PLACED TO A #57 WASHED STONE FILTER LAID AGAINST HARDWARE CLOTH HEIGHT OF 12'-18" MIN. ABOVE TOP OF BOX. SILT FENCE BAFFLES (T (1:1 MAX SLOPE) (SEE STD.# 4.03) LEAN OUT POINT fl DEPTH SEDIMENT STORAGE SECTION VIEW STD. NO. — TOWN OF APEX V V C) IF A P E X TCH BASIN RISER. STANDARDS S TANLE) A R D S /FILTER CAI 400.03 SHEET i OF &F—Edb'VE-: DECEMBER 3, 2002 i EFFECTIVE: DECEMBER 3, 2662 ARTH FILL COVERED BY COARSE AGGREGATE 6" DEEP--I /--ELARGE ANGULAR ROCK DIAMETER OF PIPE OR 12" WHICHEVER IS GREATER FILTER F CAPACITY OF PIPE CULVERT:&-- BANK FULL FLOW COARSE AGGRE iOWN C)F APEX STANDARDS !ANDARDS EFFECTIVE: DECEMBER —3,200i im ELEVATION EARTH FILL COVERED BY LARGE ANGULAR ROCK —25' MIN. iIjLIjIj!j!j!j!jIj!j!j ... STREAM' MIN.-- CHANNEL TOP OF BA i1Yi!i!I;1i!Y1i!, ; ; ; rTOP OF BANK PLAN TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING CATCH BASIN & YARD INLET PROTECTION EWATERING c- > L y EXISTING ROADWAY 7 TOWN OF APEX STANDARDS EFFECTIVE: MARCH 20,2D12 NTH._ 1. PUT SILT FENCE OR TREE PROTECTION FENCE UP TO ENSURE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE IS USED. 2. IF CONSTRUCTION ON THE SITES ARE SUCH THAT THE MUD IS NOT REMOVED BY THE VEHICLE TRAVELING OVER THE STONE, THEN THE TIRES OF THE VEHICLE MUST BE WASHED BEFORE W ENTERING PUBLIC ROAD, 1 IF A PROJECT CONTINUES TO DEPOSIT MUD AND DEBRIS ONTO THE PUBLIC ROAD, THE TOWN WILL CLEAN THE AREA AND INVOICE THE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY. ENTRANCE TYPE L W STONE Revision 12/07 3 3rd SIZE GENERAL 50' 25' 2-3" 5 5th Revision 12' #57 CROSS SECTIOH NEW CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE STD, NO, 00.0 0 TER CLOTH STD. NO. TOWN OF APEX STD. N0. - 00.04 STANDARDS TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING 400.11 1EET 1 OF SHEET- EFFECTIVE: DECEMBER 3, 2002 0 PSTREAM END OF ONCRETE BLOCK STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 0 FIP�DIAMETER 1, LAY ONE BLOCK ON EACH SIDE OF m 0 A- -.. 1> THE STRUCTURE ON ITS SIDE IN THE 0 b 0 in m a m m "'.) - - m A BOTTOM ROW TO ALLOW POOL r.)o 5- � 1�1=E -I - zzzz7zzz�!AI1 DRAINAGE. THE FOUNDATION SHOULD 4 ------- — 1 :;; ='-Ml 14 FTI�LMI —I1,j 1 BE EXCAVATED AT LEAST 2' BELOW ------- BURY BOTT[�)11111 THE CREST OF THE STORM DRAIN. 0 OF PLYWOOD PLACE THE BOTTOM ROW OF BLOCKS EXTERIOR PLYWOOD AGAINST THE EDGE OF THE STORM NOTE: DRAIN FOR LATERAL SUPPORT AND 06 10 1. ALL PARTIALLY COMPLETED STORM PLYWOOD INLET PROTECTION TO AVOID WASHOUTS WHEN 7 8.(,...00 0 DRAINS SHALL BE PROTECTED AT THE OVERFLOW OCCURS. IF NEEDED, GIVE END OF EACH DAY IN ACCORDANCE WITH STEEL FENCE PSTREAM END OF STORM DRATN-\ LATERAL SUPPORT TO SUBSEQUENT THESE DETAILS. POST (TYP,) VERFLOW ROWS BY PLACING 2X4 WOOD STUDS THROUGH BLOCK OPENINGS. 2:1 SLOPE, GRAVEL FILTER if it ii 2. CAREFULLY FIT HARDWARE CLOTH OR COMPARABLE ORE MESH WITH ,,—TEMPORARY SEDIMENT *0 PIPE DIAMETER > OPENINGS OVER ALL BLOCK POOL WIRE SCREEN Do pn OPENINGS TO HOLD GRAVEL IN EWATERING WASHED STONE FILT PLACE. ACROSS PIPE INLET ............. I USE CLEAN GRAVEL, IN _ _ ___ , r DIAMETER, PLACED 2' BELOW THE 1 MIN-2 MAX. .0 6 &1 rj TOP OF THE BLOCK ON A 2:1 SLOPE (9 OR FLATTER AND SMOOTH IT TO AN HARDWARE CLO EVEN GRADE. dot #57 WASHED STONE IS RECOMMENDED. STONE FILTER INLET —ROTECTION SEDIMENT STD, NO. STD. NO. - TOWN OF APEX BLOCK & GRAVEL DROP INLET OWN OF APEX PIPE INLET PROTECTION (PLYWOOD c STD. NO. 400.11 STANDARDS PROTECTION STONE 400.08 STANDARDS 400.10 SHEET 2 ff- SHEET-t-of. — ) SHEET i OF- I-) EFFECTIVE: DECEMBER 3, 2002 1 1 EFFECTIVE: DECEMBER 3, 2002 1 IN"- NI-111A CA WAn AL• A* is 00, 4) 1 (D E 10 1 1 1 10 0 a- 1 %- I 1 75 1 0 1 1 - I C 0 1 a I I C I I w 1 10 C fl I:;:; 10 1 1 0 1 0, 1 it -� -C C C C 16: C 1 10 1 0 10 0 1 iT I CL CL I (D (D 10 , 1 0 1 10 10 10 1 C W 0 V) = It I 0 ,ova .;d �0 u 1 - C, I L ID 1 C 0 Cp 0 C I U) CIO -0 1:2 Z 13 10 10 10 10- 1 10- M 1 1 st Revision 11/12 2 2nd Revision 12/07 3 3rd Revision 01/11 4 4th Revision 2/15 5 5th Revision 3/15 4072 Barrett Dr. Phone: (919) 420-7667 Raleigh, NC 27609 info@ketchemcrowder.com m j __ GROUND AND ARMORED _ -' RIP RAP AND F11 TER FA--'-- / rnRu uamm DESIGN OF SPILLWA �o � | o ° DRAIN MIN. | ' 0 |0 10 (-%PSIR�AP AGE WEIR '- - I PAD AREA LENGT LrER FABRIC -`---- RIP RAP HEADWALL ------v^R/ccr---~~ SIDE VIE� -° 2 6 _____ � . / / I I % \ \ I I- I #57 WASHED STONE 0 '. ... - 'I --- UTLET PIPE 4 10 1' THICK X 3' HIGH CL I; NOTE: EDIMENT STORAGE AREAMIN. '---EARTH DAM 11 HEIGHT & WIDTH DETERMINED BY POROUS BAFFLES( "�—SKIM71F:�R� EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND S C 0 '/ PER PECTIVE VIEW UJ c XISTING SLOPE SEDIMENT STORAGE REQUIRED. NOT TO SCALE 1 0 TRASH R TED RED CLEANOUT h(ARK :2. KEY RIP RAP INTO THE DAM FOR C POROUS BAFFLES (CUT, FILL, MERGENCY SPILLWAY ELEV. STORAGE NATURAL GIR (D INI.MUM FORESLOPE 2j:1 ETC.) ZONE RIP RAP HEA LL MIN, FILTER IN--.,k4UM BACKSLOPE 3:1 0) SEDIME VARIES EYED RIP RAP STORAGE 1.5 0 a. AR',TH DAM #57 WASHED STONE FLOW— 1. CATE VALVE OR 9RtFtCI7 OUTLET PIPE I -----PIPE INVERT 7 _FILTER FABRIC ANTI-FLOATATION ISSIPATOR PAD A157 ANTI-SEEP C RIP RAP FRQNT VIE)N -MAX. SED NT W7SHE\D\"-CLASS 1 RIP-RAP 1, SED"IMEN1 5 T ORAGE: 3,600 CF/DISTURBED ACRE DEPTH STONE CROSS SECTION AREA BASED ON: 025 (CLEAN OUT POINT) 1. GRAVEL & RIP RAP FILTER BERM BASIN DETAIL IS 3. iNS"IALLCS-EDIMEN"' CLEANOUT ELEVATION STAKES- EXISTING SLOPE SECTION THRU BASIN, FILTER, & DESIGNED TO PROTECT EXISTING PIPE INVERTS THAT 0 0 4. BAFFLES f.�HALL INCLUDE 700 G/SM COIR EROSION BLANKET. STEP SEQUENCE CULVERT PIPE DRAIN 10 ACRES OR LESS. 10 5. FLOW ENTERNG THE BASIN MUST BE DIRECTED TO AVOID EROSION ALONG THE SLOPE AND SCOUR NOT TO SCALE 2. DIMENSIONS ARE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE UNLESS IN THE BA SIN. APPROPRIATELY SIZED SLOPE DRAINS, PER THE STANDARD DETAIL, ARE OTHERWISE NOTED. TOWN OF APEX RISER BARREL SEDIMENT TOWN OF APEX TOWN OF APEX GRAVEL& RIP RAP HORSESHOE INLET 0 STAIN! ["ARDS 400.12 STANDARDS -w CHECK DAM 400.05 STANDARDS 0 EFFECTIVE: DECEMBER 21, 2010 BASIN EFFECTIVE: DECEMBER 3,2002 SHEET i OF EFFECTNE: DECEMBER 3,2002 BASIN FOR EXISTING PIPE INVERTS 0 I CL CL c 10A BAFFLES WITH METAL OSTS, 0) 0 =vw WOVEN WIRE F RIC 2' M I N.----7 BACKING, AND C IR F1 ER KIMMER TOP OF 5' 18" ROPE TYPICAL RIP RAP CHANNEL 1:2 Im Im f� 7 18 1--2/3 W7-7� 10 10 10 CL 103-4 (L COMPACTED FABRIC Fop , ---���/ SLOPE (MAX) lO RAP ="� ' 8�--~~�- -`'`'"` FABRIC "`` ~RLrER FABRIC OR 16 ~�ss/sr� ���YEL BEDDING -STABILIZE DIVERSION DITCH MoT* GRAVEL BEDDING QRQSS SECTION TEMPORARY SEEDING AND EROSION TRAPEZOIDAL - CONTROL NETTING. (SHAPED BY BULLDOZER) s^ STONE NQOE:. 2 2nd Revision 12/07 APRON SKIMMER BASIN CROSS SECTION 1. TO BE USED WHERE EXCESSIVE SDJRMWAT[R 3 3rd Revision 01/11 VELOCITIES PROHIBIT VEGETATIVE LININGS. NOTES: 2 SIZE OF STONE MUST BE DETERMINED BY ` " P "�"'� � APPROPRIATE DESIGN PROCEDURE. 4 4th Revision 2/15 1, USE FOR DRAINAGE AREAS NOT EXCEEDING 10 ACRES. 1 DIMENSIONS FOR D & W VARIES ACCORDING 2 E�RT� BERM SHALL BE STABILIZED vwD+ VEGETATION ACCORDING TO TOWN �p[CulC4nON� ' T0 DEEVQw � � �W|N ' ' 3. INSPECT TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS AND EMPTY SKIMMER OF ALL DEBRIS AFT�R EACH SIDE 5 ' � � � ^ 4L RIP RAP DEPTH AS PER UEEU�N 0R REFER p[R|0D OF SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL. REMOVE SEDIMENT AND RESTORE BASIN TO |T� ORIGINAL 2:1 (MAX) ----x ^ PER DESIGN TO TABLE, 5th Revision 3/1 DIMENSIONS WHEN THE SEDIMENT HAS ACCUMULATED TO ONE-HALF THE DESIGN DEPTH OF THE ----� -' BASIN. PLACE THE SEDIMENT THAT HAS BEEN REMOVED IN A DESIGNATED D|8pO.SALAREA. TER p48R/C OR � REPAIR AND/Om REPLACE BAFFLES. � 6'T=r GRAVEL BEDDING 4�CxECw THE STRUCTURE FOR DAMAGE FROM EROSION OR PIPING. --'HECK THE Ar TABLE DEPTH Or THE SPILLWAY T0 ENSURE n /5 A wom/wVM or 1.5 FEE/ BELOW THE LmW POINT OF � N - GRADER) ATHE EMBANKMENT. IMMEDIATELY FILL ANY SETTLEMENT OF THE EMBANKMENT TO SLIGHTLY (SHAPED - _-_h_�__��°=_p __ ASSOC. ABOVE DESIGN GRADE. ANY RIP RAP DISPLACED FROM THE SPILLWAY MUST BE REPLACED IMMEDIATELY. 8 STEEP CUT OR FILL SLOPE | | � � Civil Engineering & Sury y 5. STABILIZE THE EMBANKMENT AND ALL DISTURBED AREAS ABOVE THE SEDIMENT p0OL AND � � � FLOW DIRECTION N NOTES: FILTER 0 F 1. T TEMPORARY SILT DITCH TO BE USED WHERE TOE OF FILL SLOPES EXCEEDS 3 STONE - -FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT AND ALONG STREAMS TO INTERCEPT FLOW A AND/OR N NOTES SILT FENCE FA C D DIVERT TO A CONTROLLED OUTLET. r 0 0 RLA .... P PVC END--r' P PVC VEN P PVC PIPE 2 2. S SILT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN SILT DITCH IS ONE-HALF FULL. HARDWARE LOTH 3 VC ELBOW W 3. D DITCH SHALL BE RECONSTRUCTED WHEN DAMAGED BY EQUIPMENT OR C COVERED WATER SURFACE B BY FILL. 1 0 WIRE = = PLAN VIE —\STEEL FENCE POST V VC END CAP 1 0 rHARDWARCELOT P NOTE: V PVC P PVC PIPE VC TEE W WASTE MATERIAL-COMP M MIN, # 57 2 2 USE AS A REPAIR OF SILT FENCE FAILURES- 8" V VAR. CONSTRUCTION OF DITCH FLOW WtEb 3 3. BURY WIRE FENCE, HARDWARE CLOTH, AND SILT FENCE FABRIC 6 1 1 :BOTTOM SURFACE FLEXIBLE +fO'SE HARDWARE CL-QTH NCE POST A'RE FENCE F SILT FENCE F ARM ASSFMI�. 'C" ENCLOSURE CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW ENTRY UNIT FRONT VIE TOWN OF APEX S TEMPORARY SILT DITCH 4 STD. NO. TOWN OF APEX T ST6- N S TOWN OF APEX S SKIMMER STD. NO. T 400.16 STANDARDS T TEMPORARY SILT FENCE OUTI-F, 4 400.02 S STANDARDS 4 400.14 S SHEET 1 ---CF�tdfIVIEDEC—EMBER 2 DETAIL S SHEET 11 OF E EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 20, 2W7 D SHEET 1 OF E EFFECTIVE: DECEMBER 3,2002 S 1 1 21,2DIO S PLAN /if w UNDISTURBED F LASS 1 RIP-RAP _ -' RIP RAP AND F11 TER FA--'-- / rnRu uamm DESIGN OF SPILLWA �o � | o ° DRAIN MIN. | ' 0 |0 10 (-%PSIR�AP AGE WEIR '- - I PAD AREA LENGT LrER FABRIC -`---- RIP RAP HEADWALL ------v^R/ccr---~~ SIDE VIE� -° 2 6 _____ � . / / I I % \ \ I I- I #57 WASHED STONE 0 '. ... - 'I --- UTLET PIPE 4 10 1' THICK X 3' HIGH CL I; NOTE: EDIMENT STORAGE AREAMIN. '---EARTH DAM 11 HEIGHT & WIDTH DETERMINED BY POROUS BAFFLES( "�—SKIM71F:�R� EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND S C 0 '/ PER PECTIVE VIEW UJ c XISTING SLOPE SEDIMENT STORAGE REQUIRED. NOT TO SCALE 1 0 TRASH R TED RED CLEANOUT h(ARK :2. KEY RIP RAP INTO THE DAM FOR C POROUS BAFFLES (CUT, FILL, MERGENCY SPILLWAY ELEV. STORAGE NATURAL GIR (D INI.MUM FORESLOPE 2j:1 ETC.) ZONE RIP RAP HEA LL MIN, FILTER IN--.,k4UM BACKSLOPE 3:1 0) SEDIME VARIES EYED RIP RAP STORAGE 1.5 0 a. AR',TH DAM #57 WASHED STONE FLOW— 1. CATE VALVE OR 9RtFtCI7 OUTLET PIPE I -----PIPE INVERT 7 _FILTER FABRIC ANTI-FLOATATION ISSIPATOR PAD A157 ANTI-SEEP C RIP RAP FRQNT VIE)N -MAX. SED NT W7SHE\D\"-CLASS 1 RIP-RAP 1, SED"IMEN1 5 T ORAGE: 3,600 CF/DISTURBED ACRE DEPTH STONE CROSS SECTION AREA BASED ON: 025 (CLEAN OUT POINT) 1. GRAVEL & RIP RAP FILTER BERM BASIN DETAIL IS 3. iNS"IALLCS-EDIMEN"' CLEANOUT ELEVATION STAKES- EXISTING SLOPE SECTION THRU BASIN, FILTER, & DESIGNED TO PROTECT EXISTING PIPE INVERTS THAT 0 0 4. BAFFLES f.�HALL INCLUDE 700 G/SM COIR EROSION BLANKET. STEP SEQUENCE CULVERT PIPE DRAIN 10 ACRES OR LESS. 10 5. FLOW ENTERNG THE BASIN MUST BE DIRECTED TO AVOID EROSION ALONG THE SLOPE AND SCOUR NOT TO SCALE 2. DIMENSIONS ARE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE UNLESS IN THE BA SIN. APPROPRIATELY SIZED SLOPE DRAINS, PER THE STANDARD DETAIL, ARE OTHERWISE NOTED. TOWN OF APEX RISER BARREL SEDIMENT TOWN OF APEX TOWN OF APEX GRAVEL& RIP RAP HORSESHOE INLET 0 STAIN! ["ARDS 400.12 STANDARDS -w CHECK DAM 400.05 STANDARDS 0 EFFECTIVE: DECEMBER 21, 2010 BASIN EFFECTIVE: DECEMBER 3,2002 SHEET i OF EFFECTNE: DECEMBER 3,2002 BASIN FOR EXISTING PIPE INVERTS 0 I CL CL c 10A BAFFLES WITH METAL OSTS, 0) 0 =vw WOVEN WIRE F RIC 2' M I N.----7 BACKING, AND C IR F1 ER KIMMER TOP OF 5' 18" ROPE TYPICAL RIP RAP CHANNEL 1:2 Im Im f� 7 18 1--2/3 W7-7� 10 10 10 CL 103-4 (L COMPACTED FABRIC Fop , ---���/ SLOPE (MAX) lO RAP ="� ' 8�--~~�- -`'`'"` FABRIC "`` ~RLrER FABRIC OR 16 ~�ss/sr� ���YEL BEDDING -STABILIZE DIVERSION DITCH MoT* GRAVEL BEDDING QRQSS SECTION TEMPORARY SEEDING AND EROSION TRAPEZOIDAL - CONTROL NETTING. (SHAPED BY BULLDOZER) s^ STONE NQOE:. 2 2nd Revision 12/07 APRON SKIMMER BASIN CROSS SECTION 1. TO BE USED WHERE EXCESSIVE SDJRMWAT[R 3 3rd Revision 01/11 VELOCITIES PROHIBIT VEGETATIVE LININGS. NOTES: 2 SIZE OF STONE MUST BE DETERMINED BY ` " P "�"'� � APPROPRIATE DESIGN PROCEDURE. 4 4th Revision 2/15 1, USE FOR DRAINAGE AREAS NOT EXCEEDING 10 ACRES. 1 DIMENSIONS FOR D & W VARIES ACCORDING 2 E�RT� BERM SHALL BE STABILIZED vwD+ VEGETATION ACCORDING TO TOWN �p[CulC4nON� ' T0 DEEVQw � � �W|N ' ' 3. INSPECT TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS AND EMPTY SKIMMER OF ALL DEBRIS AFT�R EACH SIDE 5 ' � � � ^ 4L RIP RAP DEPTH AS PER UEEU�N 0R REFER p[R|0D OF SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL. REMOVE SEDIMENT AND RESTORE BASIN TO |T� ORIGINAL 2:1 (MAX) ----x ^ PER DESIGN TO TABLE, 5th Revision 3/1 DIMENSIONS WHEN THE SEDIMENT HAS ACCUMULATED TO ONE-HALF THE DESIGN DEPTH OF THE ----� -' BASIN. PLACE THE SEDIMENT THAT HAS BEEN REMOVED IN A DESIGNATED D|8pO.SALAREA. TER p48R/C OR � REPAIR AND/Om REPLACE BAFFLES. � 6'T=r GRAVEL BEDDING 4�CxECw THE STRUCTURE FOR DAMAGE FROM EROSION OR PIPING. --'HECK THE Ar TABLE DEPTH Or THE SPILLWAY T0 ENSURE n /5 A wom/wVM or 1.5 FEE/ BELOW THE LmW POINT OF � N - GRADER) ATHE EMBANKMENT. IMMEDIATELY FILL ANY SETTLEMENT OF THE EMBANKMENT TO SLIGHTLY (SHAPED - _-_h_�__��°=_p __ ASSOC. ABOVE DESIGN GRADE. ANY RIP RAP DISPLACED FROM THE SPILLWAY MUST BE REPLACED IMMEDIATELY. 8 STEEP CUT OR FILL SLOPE | | � � Civil Engineering & Sury y 5. STABILIZE THE EMBANKMENT AND ALL DISTURBED AREAS ABOVE THE SEDIMENT p0OL AND � � � wwmmlrmm STANDARD8 PRECASTMAMO.LE JUNCTION- BOX 500.06 Project sheet EFFECTIVE: DECEMM 18,2012 SHEET I OF I Dote 5 10/01/2012 1 Sh 51 of 58 [scale NTS STORM 1 |