HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200504 Ver 1_Geotechnical Report - 190821_20211006 August 21, 2019 Ellinwood Design Associates, PLLC PO Box 31552 Raleigh, NC 27622 Attn: Mr. Harrison Ellinwood, PE Re: Report of Subsurface Investigation 3900 Sumner Blvd Apartments Raleigh, North Carolina GeoTechnologies Project No. 1-19-0578-EA Mr. Ellinwood: GeoTechnologies, Inc. has completed the authorized subsurface investigation to evaluate subsurface conditions and provide geotechnical engineering recommendations for the above referenced project in Raleigh, North Carolina. Subsurface conditions on the site were investigated with 37 test borings at locations depicted on Figure 1. The borings were performed with an ATV mounted drill rig. The borings were located in the field by using a hand held GPS device and for this reason should be considered approximate. The SPT borings were advanced to a depth of about 2 to 20 feet below ground surface with an ATV drill rig utilizing hollow stem auger drilling methods with standard penetration test procedures (ASTM D-1586) at selected intervals to evaluate the consistency and density of the subsurface soils. Boreholes were backfilled upon completion. The samples were placed in sealed jars and transported to our laboratory for visual classification by an engineer and laboratory testing. This report presents the findings of our investigation and our recommendations pertaining to site grading, foundation support and pavement construction considerations. SITE AND PROJECT INFORMATION It is our understanding that two parcels totaling about 30.5 acres located on the south side of Sumner Blvd in Raleigh, North Carolina is under consideration for development of a new apartment complex. The property is currently undeveloped and wooded. Site elevations range from about 340 in the southern portion of the site to 266 feet along a creek that extends through the western portion of the site. Development will include construction of multiple new apartment buildings with paved access roads/parking areas. Specific project details have not been provided, however, we expect the apartment buildings to be 3 to 4-story wood framed structures supported on post-tension slabs-on-grade or concrete podium type construction. A site grading plan or structural loading information has not been provided at this time. We recommend being provided with this information once available. Ellinwood Design Associates Re: 3900 Sumner Blvd Apartments August 21, 2019 Page: 2 AREA GEOLOGY The proposed site is located within the Piedmont Geologic and Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The Piedmont Province is characterized by gently to steeply sloping topography, rolling hills and ridgelines, dissected by moderate to well-developed (mature) dendritic type drainage systems and drainages swales, hollows, tributaries, creeks, streams, and rivers. More specifically, the site is located within the Raleigh Belt which is comprised of metamorphic and intrusive rock. The specific bedrock materials in the vicinity of the site generally consist of biotite gneiss and schists with small masses of granitic rock. These materials were deposited during the Cambrian Period approximately 500 to 570 million years ago. The underlying bedrock materials have weathered to form the near surface residual sandy silts and silty sands which are typically found throughout the area. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Generalized subsurface profiles prepared from the test boring data are attached to this report as Figures 2A to 2D to graphically illustrate subsurface conditions encountered at this site. More detailed descriptions of the conditions encountered at the individual test boring locations are also presented on the attached test boring records. The subsurface conditions at the site generally consist of a layer of topsoil of up to about 12 inches thick in the borings. Underlying the topsoil soils consisting of silty/clayey sands, low to high plasticity clays, and sandy silts were encountered to the depths between 1.5 and 20 feet below grade. The soils exhibited N- values between 5 and 54 bpf, indicative of firm to very stiff consistency in the silts and clays and loose to very dense relative density in the sands. In 11 of the test borings the residual soils transitioned to partially weathered rock (PWR) at depths of 1.5 to 18 feet below existing. PWR is defined as material which could be penetrated with the soil drilling augers but which exhibited penetration resistances in excess of 100 bpf. Auger refusal at boring termination was noted in 12 of the test borings. The residual soils or PWR extended to the maximum boring termination depths of about 20 feet below existing grade. The table below summarizes the depths to PWR and auger refusal. Boring Depth to PWR (ft) Depth to Auger Refusal (ft) Boring Depth to PWR (ft) Depth to Auger Refusal (ft) B-2 14 14.2 B-17 9 12.3 B-6 6.5 --- B-19 6 6.7 B-7 --- 7 B-20 --- 3 B-9 17.5 --- B-22 1.5 2.5 B-13 18 18.5 B-23 --- 2 B-15 2 2.8 B-25 9 9.5 B-16 1.5 6.5 B-28 2.5 8.7 Groundwater was encountered upon boring completion in some of the test borings at depths between 11 and 16 feet below grade. Furthermore, the on-site soils are conducive to perched water conditions and groundwater will fluctuate during the seasons. Ellinwood Design Associates Re: 3900 Sumner Blvd Apartments August 21, 2019 Page: 3 LABORATORY TESTING A series of laboratory tests have been performed on select samples including Atterberg limits (ASTM D-4318), sieve analysis (ASTM D-422), natural moisture content (ASTM D-2216), standard proctor (ASTM D-698), and CBR (ASTM D-1883). The results are presented on the attached reports. RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations are made based upon a review of the attached test boring data, our understanding of the proposed construction, and past experience with similar projects and subsurface conditions. At the time this report was issued, no significant details regarding site grading or structural loads for the proposed development were available. Once those details are available, they should be provided to GeoTechnologies so that our recommendations can be confirmed or modified as necessary. Additionally, should subsurface conditions adverse to those indicated by this report be encountered during construction, those differences should be reported to us for review and comment. Site Grading Considerations: The near-surface soils encountered on the site are moisture sensitive, especially the elastic silts and for this reason, they will pump and rut under construction activity and be difficult to compact when significantly over optimum moisture content. Site grading should begin with removal of trees, vegetation and stripping of topsoil. Topsoil thickness will vary and may be more than what was encountered during the subsurface exploration. Following removal of vegetation and topsoil, those areas at grade or designated to receive fill should be proofrolled with a partially loaded dump truck or similar piece of equipment in order to identify those areas needing repair. Any area which ruts or pumps excessively in the opinion of the engineer should be undercut to firm bearing or be repaired as recommended by the engineer. Based on the results of the test borings, we anticipate that most areas should be relatively stable if proofrolled during the warmer months of the year, however, we would expect that there will be areas where repairs will be required such as near boring B-23. Furthermore, soft, wet soils may be encountered in areas where there is a relatively thin layer of soil over PWR or hard rock since surface water will remain trapped in the overlying soils. Removal of the soft material should be carefully monitored during construction. The magnitude and type of repair will need to be determined during the construction phase. Typical repair options include discing and drying with re-compaction of wet soils, undercutting to stable soils, use of a geotextile or geogrid product with partial undercutting or chemical (lime or cement) stabilization. In-place discing, drying and re-compaction may be attempted as a method of repair for wet near-surface soils during the warmer months of the year when drying of soils is feasible. If this is not successful, the soils should be undercut to firm bearing and the area then backfilled to design subgrade with properly compacted structural fill or the soils should be stabilized with lime or cement. Repair costs should be budgeted in the project. Elevated soil moisture contents are common during the cooler winter months due to lower evaporation and transpiration rates. Therefore, we recommend that site grading occur during the warmer months of the year. Consideration should be given to protecting the subgrade by placing a minimum 6 inch sacrificial layer of CABC stone on the exposed subgrades or leaving subgrades slightly high during construction. Subgrade Ellinwood Design Associates Re: 3900 Sumner Blvd Apartments August 21, 2019 Page: 4 repairs should be expected and budgeted for. The magnitude of repairs will depend upon the time of the year grading is performed as well as weather and construction activity. Borrow Sources/Fill Placement: The on-site soils, excluding topsoil will be suitable for reuse as structural fill provided they are within an acceptable range of the optimum moisture content at the time of placement. In some cases, this will require moisture conditioning (wetting or drying) of the existing soils. It should also be noted that the on-site soil profile includes elastic silts which will require good technique on the part of the grading contractor to achieve compaction and stability. Attempting to compact these soils during a wet period of the year will be difficult if they are already wet. If off-site borrow is needed, we recommend this material consist of silty and clayey sands or low plasticity silts and clays having Unified Soil Classifications of SM, SC, ML, or CL. All fill materials in structural and pavement areas should be compacted to not less than 95% of the standard Proctor maximum dry density except in the final foot where this requirement should be increased to 98%. To achieve density and stability, the soils should be compacted within about 2% of optimum moisture content unless otherwise directed by the geotechnical engineer. Highly Plastic Soil: Visual classification indicates that some of the near surface soils are characterized as being moderate to highly plastic. However, experience with these soils in the geology of the site has shown that while they are sensitive to moisture, they generally are not detrimentally expansive. As such, in our experience, the vast majority of these materials can be used in structural areas without restriction. We cannot completely rule out the possibility that isolated areas of potentially detrimental highly plastic materials will be encountered; however, the project geotechnical engineer should be consulted before any repairs associated with these materials are performed. Difficult Excavation Considerations: As previously discussed, partially weathered rock (PWR) was encountered on the site as shallow as 1.5 feet below existing ground surface. Furthermore, the depth to PWR as well as its thickness varies significant across the site. Auger refusal on hard rock was also encountered at numerous boring locations at depths as shallow as 2 to 3 feet below grade (borings B-15, B-20 and B-22) Additionally, shallower and/or harder materials could be encountered intermediate of the test boring locations. It has been our experience that partially weathered rock materials can generally be ripped with a large dozer such as a CAT D8 or equivalent equipped with a single tooth ripper provided penetration resistances are no higher than 50 blows per 2 inches. Auger refusal materials or PWR harder than 50 blows per 2 inches of penetration generally requires blasting to remove. The equipment utilized for installation of utilities and foundations is less powerful and blasting is typically required for excavation into the partially weathered rock. A large track hoe such as a CAT 320 or equivalent equipped with rock teeth can excavate materials having standard penetration resistances in the range of 50 blows per 4 inches to 50 blows per 6 inches. However, the rate of excavation is slow and utility contractors will typically request a trench rock price for excavation of any partially weathered rock materials. Light blasting of these materials will expedite utility installation. A hoe-ram can also be used to remove difficult excavation material, but will not be as effective as blasting. Please see the attached Figure 3 for a visualization of the depth at which borings encountered difficult excavation material. Please note the depth and hardness of PWR is highly variable in this geology. Based on the borings performed, any area requiring a significant cut has the chance to encounter some difficult Ellinwood Design Associates Re: 3900 Sumner Blvd Apartments August 21, 2019 Page: 5 excavation material. Once available, we recommend reviewing the site grading plan and utiliyy plan for additional comments. Due to the significant presence of PWR and rock, it may be practical to crush blast rock for use as structural fill. Rock should be crushed to a maximum particle size of 2 inches if it is to be used as structural fill. In areas where PWR or rock is exposed at subgrade elevations in building pads, consideration should be given to removal of the PWR/rock to a depth of about 3 feet below the bottom of the slab and refilling with properly compacted structural fill to help facilitate installation of plumbing, utilities and footings. It is recommended to establish a fair unit price for removal of trench rock and mass rock in the contract documents. The contract documents should specify the types of equipment necessary to classify mass rock and trench rock, and a third party testing firm should verify and quantify trench rock and mass rock during removal. Fill Induced Settlements: Fill induced settlements will occur for fill in excess of 6 feet and it is recommended that fill induced settlements be allowed to subside before construction begins. As such, we recommend that the project surveyors establish monitoring points in deep fill areas (any area with more than 6 feet) to verify that fill induced settlements have subsided. Based on experience, we anticipate that the monitoring period will not exceed 30 days following the completion of filling. Because fill induced settlements should subside before paving operations, monitoring these areas is not recommended. Temporary Excavations: Temporary excavations should be designed in accordance with OSHA guidelines assuming that the on-site soils can be classified as Type ā€œCā€ soils is exposed in cuts. Excavations exceeding 20 feet in depth must be designed by an engineer. Once open, all excavations should be observed on a daily basis by qualified personnel. Temporary Sheeting and Shoring: The design of any required temporary sheeting and shoring should be left to the discretion of the contractor and their engineer. Soil nail walls are commonly used where the nails can be installed without encountering obstructions, and where an easement can be granted if necessary. Soldier pile and lagging walls are also routinely used with whalers and tie-backs if the excavation height dictates. With virtually any type of installed shoring system, there will be some lateral movement at the face of the system and some settlement of the ground behind it. The contractor should make a decision regarding the best means and methods for accomplishing the required shoring. Permanent Slope Considerations: In this area, dry and well compacted unreinforced fill slopes built at 2.5H:1V should be stable. Steeper fill slopes can be used with properly designed and installed geosynthetic reinforcement. Cut slopes should also be on the order of 2.5H:1V or flatter. To protect from surface erosion, slopes should be quickly vegetated. Deeper cut slopes have the potential to encounter seepage along the face of the slope. Any water encountered on the face of slopes should be brought to the attention of the geotechnical engineer so that necessary provisions can be made. Segmental Walls: The on-site soils generally consist of low to high plasticity silts and clays with significant fines as well as silty and clayey sands. In our experience, walls built using soils with significant fines will experience higher post-construction deflections relative to select fill, sometimes resulting in pavement cracking or apparent building "settlement" above the wall. The magnitude of deflection is Ellinwood Design Associates Re: 3900 Sumner Blvd Apartments August 21, 2019 Page: 6 proportional to the wall height, and therefore, a taller wall will have a greater potential to cause distress in comparison to a shorter wall. It is important to note that such distresses are not an indication of wall failure, but are the result of predictable wall behavior. For these reasons, it is our opinion that the silty and clayey on- site soil are generally not suitable for use in the reinforced zone for segmental walls. The more sandy soils or crushed rock may be able to be used if they meet the wall designers soil parameters. Additional testing will be required to determine this. Local import materials which are generally used in place of the on-site soils include CABC base course stone, washed stone, granular processed fill, or screenings which are available from area quarries. We recommend that all retaining wall designs include an assessment of global stability, to include tiered walls and walls located in or on slopes. These analyses should be considered part of the wall design package, and designs which do not explicitly address global stability should not be considered complete. Additionally, all wall designs should include appropriate drainage provisions both directly behind the face block as well as behind the reinforced zone. Although true groundwater is not prevalent near surface at this site, it may be encountered in some of the deeper cuts, and the potential for perched water also exists. As such, adequate provisions should be included in the wall design details, and the designer/contractor should be prepared to modify drainage provisions should areas of heavier than expected flows be observed behind walls. Foundation Support Considerations: The results of our test borings indicate that subsurface conditions on the site are generally suitable for use of shallow spread footing foundations or slab-on-grade foundations. The table below outlines our recommendations. ITEM RECOMMENDATION Net Allowable Bearing Pressure 3,000 psf Minimum depth of footing for frost protection 18 inches GeoTechnologies recommends that all foundation excavations be evaluated by a geotechnical engineer to verify that suitable bearing materials have been encountered. The evaluation should include probing with a T-handle probe rod and hand auger borings with dynamic cone penetration (DCP) tests. If any areas are encountered which are found to be unsuitable for the recommended net bearing pressure at the footing bearing elevation (i.e. soft soils), those areas should be repaired as recommended by the geotechnical engineer. Typically, the repairs require that unsuitable soils be overexcavated neatline to an acceptable bearing as determined by the geotechnical engineer and then be backfilled to design subgrade using washed #57 or #67 stone. The bottom of all foundation excavations should be free from water, loose soil, and debris prior to placement of concrete. Concrete should also not be placed on frozen subgrades. Concrete should be placed as soon as possible, and preferably within the same day it is excavated to minimize the potential for disturbing of the foundation subgrade due to inclement weather. On a preliminary basis, we would anticipate total settlements to be less than one inch for relatively lightly loaded structures (column loads of less than about 75 kips) bearing upon properly prepared residual Ellinwood Design Associates Re: 3900 Sumner Blvd Apartments August 21, 2019 Page: 7 soils or properly compacted structural fill. Differential settlements are typically one half of total settlements. Typically, differential settlement will be approximately one-half of the maximum settlement. However, because some footings may bear directly on nearly incompressible PWR adjacent to other footings that bear on more compressible soil, differential settlement should be anticipated to equal total settlement in that situation. Once structural loads are available, GeoTechnologies should be provided with that information so that settlement estimates can be finalized. This does not account for settlements from deep fill areas (if applicable). We recommend further evaluation of estimated settlements once structural loads are made available. If estimated settlements for shallow foundations exceed structural requirements, alternatives such as stone replacement or aggregate pier foundations may need to be considered. Additionally, dilatometer (DMT) testing can be considered. DMT testing can provide additional, more detailed soil data that can be used to provide better estimated settlements once structural loads are available. Below Grade Walls and Retaining Walls: Below grade walls may be designed using the soil parameters indicated in the table below. The design values assume level grade behind or in front of the wall and should be modified for sloping grades. A buoyant unit weight should be used below the water table. At-rest EP Coeff. Active EP Coeff. Passive EP Coeff. Friction Angle Base Friction Unit Weight (pcf) Imported Granular Material or On-site Sandy soils 0.50 0.33 3.0 30° 0.35 120 On-Site clayey or silty soils 0.56 0.39 2.56 26° 0.30 115 Any fill material placed adjacent to below grade walls should be compacted to a minimum of 95% of the standard Proctor maximum dry density, except where 98% is required at subgrade. Additionally, any soils placed within 3 to 4 feet of below grade walls should be compacted with light hand held equipment to prevent overstressing of the walls. This will necessitate that backfill be placed in 4 to 6 inch lifts. Hydrostatic conditions should be considered for any walls extending below the water table. Below grade walls must include an effective drainage medium which intercepts water moving towards the wall such that hydrostatic conditions do not develop above the static water level. Appropriate safety factors should be used in conjunction with these design values. Slab-on-Grades: We recommend that slabs-on-grade for the structures are designed for an assumed subgrade modulus of 100 pci. This assumes that subgrades will be recompacted to a minimum of 98% of the standard Proctor maximum dry density. We recommend that slabs be supported on a 4 inch thick layer of compacted ABC base course stone to provide protection of the soil subgrades during periods of inclement weather and provide a working surface for construction. All slabs should be constructed per current ACI guidelines, including proper jointing to help control shrinkage cracking. Seismic Design Considerations: Based upon the North Carolina Building Code, our review of the boring information and our knowledge of the local geology in the area we recommend that the on-site soil profile be considered as site classification ā€œDā€ with respect to seismic design considerations. We do not anticipate liquefaction to be an issue due to the high silt and clay content of the residual soil. Ellinwood Design Associates Re: 3900 Sumner Blvd Apartments August 21, 2019 Page: 8 Pavement Design Considerations: The on-site soils are considered fair for pavement support. For this reason, proper preparation of the subgrade soils will be very important for the performance of the pavements. Laboratory CBR testing indicates a CBR value between 7 and 22 percent for the on-site soils. For design purposes, we recommend using a value of 7 percent. If provided with traffic volume information, a typical pavement section recommendation can be provided. Highly plastic soils should be excluded from the upper foot below subgrade elevation. Additionally, the elastic silts present onsite often exhibit instability under rubber-tired traffic, even when adequately compacted and with proper moisture conditioning. Thickening of the stone base section may be necessary during construction to help achieve stability at stone grade. Stone should also be end-dumped and spread with a dozer and heavy construction traffic should be avoided in areas where these soils are encountered. The most important factors affecting pavement life in the area of the site are the condition of the subgrade immediately prior to base course stone placement and post construction drainage. We recommend that the subgrade of all pavement areas be proofrolled and that any unstable, yielding areas be identified and repaired prior to placement of the base coarse stone. All subgrade soils should be recompacted to a minimum of 98% of the standard Proctor maximum dry density immediately prior to base course stone placement where appropriate. We recommend that all pavement areas be properly graded to promote run-off of water and to prevent ponding of water on the pavement surface which can lead to eventual saturation of subgrade soils and the loss of pavement support. Since the near surface soils at this site are conducive to the development of perched groundwater conditions, it is important that provisions be taken to help with long-term drainage. We recommend that appropriate permanent ditches or underdrains be incorporated behind all curbing (including islands) on the site. CLOSING GeoTechnologies, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to have provided you with our services on this project. Please contact us if you should have questions regarding this report or if we may be of any further assistance. Sincerely, GeoTechnologies, Inc. Mark R. Potratz, P.E. NC License No. 25955 MRP/pr-dli Attachments PLAYGROUNDPOOLCOMMUNITYCENTERMINOR THOROUGHFARE / AVENUE 4-LANE, DIVIDEDEX/ 90' PUBLIC ROWOAK FOREST DR. EXTENSIONAVENUE 2-LANE, UNDIVIDEDNEIGHBORHOOD STREET / 64' PUBLIC ROWNEIGHBORHOOD STREET / 84' PUBLIC ROWIX-3-PKON PODIUMIX-3-PKC2019 JDAVIS ARCHITECTS EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANS. THESE PLANS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSED WRITTELS1.1SR-XX-19TRANSACTION NO:KT, SBKTOVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN...JAE-18048DATEAdminstrative Site Review xx.xx.2018....................The Pointe at Town Center3900 Sumner BoulevardRaleigh, North Carolina 27616Carolina Project Equities, LLC FOR REVIEW ONLYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEWOVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN8. FIELD ADJUSTMENTS TO THIS PLAN MAY BE REQUIRED BY CITY OF RALEIGH INSPECTOR ASNEEDED DURING CONSTRUCTION.9. ALL SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED TO JDAVIS ARCHITECTS BY JOHN A. EDWARDS ANDCOMPANY IN RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA IN DIGITAL FORMAT IN AUGUST 2018, ANDSUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED FROM WAKE COUNTY GIS IN AUGUST 2018.10. WITHIN THE SIGHT TRIANGLES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN, NO OBSTRUCTION BETWEEN 2 FEET AND8 FEET IN HEIGHT ABOVE THE CURB LINE ELEVATION SHALL BE LOCATED IN WHOLE OR PART.OBSTRUCTIONS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO ANY BERM, FOLIAGE, FENCE, WALL, SIGN,OR PARKED VEHICLE.11. UNLESS NOTED, ACCESS ROUTE FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES SHALL PROVIDE AN INSIDETURNING RADIUS OF 28' MINIMUM.12. UNLESS NOTED, ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO BACK OF CURB.13. TRASH AND CARDBOARD DUMPSTER(S) ENCLOSURE SHALL COMPATIBLE WITH MATERIALAND/OR COLOR OF THE PRINCIPAL BUILDING.14. GROUND-MOUNTED MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST ADHERE TO THE SCREENINGREQUIREMENTS OF SEC 7.2.5.D.4 AND IS NOT ONLY LIMITED TO BEING VISIBLE FROM THEPUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY.15. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD LOCATE AND VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ANYCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. CONTACT NC ONE AT 811 FOR FIELD LOCATION OFUNDERGROUND UTILITIES.16. HANDICAP PARKING SPACE(S) AND HC ACCESS AISLE(S) SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN TWOPERCENT (2%) PITCH IN ANY DIRECTION(S) AS PER ADA STANDARDS.17. PROVIDE SIGNAGE AND STRIPING OF HANDICAP SPACES AS PER ADA STANDARDS.18. ALL RETAINING WALLS GREATER THAN 30" IN HEIGHT TO INCLUDE SAFETY RAIL OR FENCE.19. THE MINIMUM CORNER CLEARANCE FROM THE CURB LINE OF INTERSECTING STREETS SHALLBE AT LEAST 20 FEET FROM THE POINT OF TANGENCY OF THE CURB. NO DRIVEWAYS SHALLENCROACH ON THIS MINIMUM CORNER CLEARANCE.20. WC ACCESS RAMPS WILL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLICWORKS DEPARTMENT STANDARDS, PROWAG STANDARDS AND ADAAG SPECIFICATIONS21. ALL RAMPS AND HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONFORM TO ANSI, NCSBC, AND ICC STANDARDS ANDSPECIFICATIONS.22. ALL ABOVE GROUND UTILITY DEVICES (TO INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE ANDCABLE PEDESTALS, ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMERS, BACKFLOW DEVICE HOTBOX, ETC) SHALL BESCREENED FROM OFF-SITE VIEW BY EVERGREEN SHRUBS, FENCE, OR WALL.23. GENERAL UTILITY PLACEMENT EASEMENT IS FOR INSTALLATION OF PRIVATE UTILITIES.24. REQUIRED PARKING FOR AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT MAY BE REDUCED TO ARATE OF ONE (1) PARKING SPACE FOR EACH UNIT AS PER UDO SEC 7.1.4.B.HC RAMPS:AFFORDABLE HOUSING NOTES: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 19 27 12 17 22 B- 1 15 35 32 50/2.5" B- 2 15 18 21 20 13 B- 3 18 21 12 19 22 B- 4 12 49 25 B- 5 18 15 50/1.5" 50/1" 27 B- 6 8 44 B- 7 15 22 14 12 20 B- 8 18 28 10 9 50/6" B- 9 17 21 14 B-10 Raleigh, North Carolina SCALE: As Shown FIGURE No: 2 3900 Sumner Boulevard Apartments Depth (Feet) JOB No:1-19-0578-EA PROJECT: GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE PROFILE LEGEND Topsoil Silty Sand Low Plasticity Clay Partially Weathered Rock Low Plasticity Silt Clayey Sand - Sandy Clay Silty Sand to Low Plasticity Silt Auger Refusal Standard Penetration Resistance 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 17 27 15 B-11 31 46 21 B-12 6 27 35 16 50/1" B-13 13 31 12 12 19 B-14 15 B-15 50/2.5" 50/0.5" B-16 11 38 50/1" B-17 33 20 22 B-18 12 59 B-19 11 B-20 Raleigh, North Carolina SCALE: As Shown FIGURE No: 2 3900 Sumner Boulevard Apartments Depth (Feet) JOB No:1-19-0578-EA PROJECT: GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE PROFILE LEGEND Topsoil Silty Sand Low Plasticity Clay Low Plasticity Silt High Plasticity Clay Partially Weathered Rock Auger Refusal Standard Penetration Resistance 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 11 39 21 B-21 50/4" B-22 5 B-23 16 26 23 B-24 11 45 50/1" B-25 8 54 17 5 14 B-26 10 16 9 10 11 B-27 29 50/5" 50/1" B-28 15 35 12 B-29 10 11 9 7 11 B-30 Raleigh, North Carolina SCALE: As Shown FIGURE No: 2 3900 Sumner Boulevard Apartments Depth (Feet) JOB No:1-19-0578-EA PROJECT: GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE PROFILE LEGEND Groundwater at Time of Boring Topsoil Clayey Sand - Sandy Clay Low Plasticity Clay Silty Sand Clayey Sand Partially Weathered Rock High Plasticity Clay Low Plasticity Silt High Plasticity Silt Auger Refusal Cave Depth Standard Penetration Resistance 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 16 18 6 10 17 B-31 8 9 9 B-32 9 11 6 15 53 B-33 25 24 12 21 50 B-34 13 21 13 30 61 B-35 17 25 17 B-36 18 25 19 B-37 Raleigh, North Carolina SCALE: As Shown FIGURE No: 2 3900 Sumner Boulevard Apartments Depth (Feet) JOB No:1-19-0578-EA PROJECT: GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE PROFILE LEGEND Groundwater at Time of Boring Topsoil Silty Sand Silty Sand to Low Plasticity Silt Low Plasticity Silt High Plasticity Silt Low Plasticity Clay Well-graded Sand Standard Penetration Resistance PLAYGROUNDPOOLCOMMUNITYCENTERMINOR THOROUGHFARE / AVENUE 4-LANE, DIVIDEDEX/ 90' PUBLIC ROWOAK FOREST DR. EXTENSIONAVENUE 2-LANE, UNDIVIDEDNEIGHBORHOOD STREET / 64' PUBLIC ROWNEIGHBORHOOD STREET / 84' PUBLIC ROWIX-3-PKON PODIUMIX-3-PKC2019 JDAVIS ARCHITECTS EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANS. THESE PLANS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESSED WRITTELS1.1SR-XX-19TRANSACTION NO:KT, SBKTOVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN...JAE-18048DATEAdminstrative Site Review xx.xx.2018....................The Pointe at Town Center3900 Sumner BoulevardRaleigh, North Carolina 27616Carolina Project Equities, LLC FOR REVIEW ONLYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONADMINISTRATIVE SITE REVIEWOVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN8. FIELD ADJUSTMENTS TO THIS PLAN MAY BE REQUIRED BY CITY OF RALEIGH INSPECTOR ASNEEDED DURING CONSTRUCTION.9. ALL SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED TO JDAVIS ARCHITECTS BY JOHN A. EDWARDS ANDCOMPANY IN RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA IN DIGITAL FORMAT IN AUGUST 2018, ANDSUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED FROM WAKE COUNTY GIS IN AUGUST 2018.10. WITHIN THE SIGHT TRIANGLES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN, NO OBSTRUCTION BETWEEN 2 FEET AND8 FEET IN HEIGHT ABOVE THE CURB LINE ELEVATION SHALL BE LOCATED IN WHOLE OR PART.OBSTRUCTIONS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO ANY BERM, FOLIAGE, FENCE, WALL, SIGN,OR PARKED VEHICLE.11. UNLESS NOTED, ACCESS ROUTE FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES SHALL PROVIDE AN INSIDETURNING RADIUS OF 28' MINIMUM.12. UNLESS NOTED, ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO BACK OF CURB.13. TRASH AND CARDBOARD DUMPSTER(S) ENCLOSURE SHALL COMPATIBLE WITH MATERIALAND/OR COLOR OF THE PRINCIPAL BUILDING.14. GROUND-MOUNTED MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST ADHERE TO THE SCREENINGREQUIREMENTS OF SEC 7.2.5.D.4 AND IS NOT ONLY LIMITED TO BEING VISIBLE FROM THEPUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY.15. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD LOCATE AND VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ANYCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. CONTACT NC ONE AT 811 FOR FIELD LOCATION OFUNDERGROUND UTILITIES.16. HANDICAP PARKING SPACE(S) AND HC ACCESS AISLE(S) SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN TWOPERCENT (2%) PITCH IN ANY DIRECTION(S) AS PER ADA STANDARDS.17. PROVIDE SIGNAGE AND STRIPING OF HANDICAP SPACES AS PER ADA STANDARDS.18. ALL RETAINING WALLS GREATER THAN 30" IN HEIGHT TO INCLUDE SAFETY RAIL OR FENCE.19. THE MINIMUM CORNER CLEARANCE FROM THE CURB LINE OF INTERSECTING STREETS SHALLBE AT LEAST 20 FEET FROM THE POINT OF TANGENCY OF THE CURB. NO DRIVEWAYS SHALLENCROACH ON THIS MINIMUM CORNER CLEARANCE.20. WC ACCESS RAMPS WILL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLICWORKS DEPARTMENT STANDARDS, PROWAG STANDARDS AND ADAAG SPECIFICATIONS21. ALL RAMPS AND HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONFORM TO ANSI, NCSBC, AND ICC STANDARDS ANDSPECIFICATIONS.22. ALL ABOVE GROUND UTILITY DEVICES (TO INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TO TELEPHONE ANDCABLE PEDESTALS, ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMERS, BACKFLOW DEVICE HOTBOX, ETC) SHALL BESCREENED FROM OFF-SITE VIEW BY EVERGREEN SHRUBS, FENCE, OR WALL.23. GENERAL UTILITY PLACEMENT EASEMENT IS FOR INSTALLATION OF PRIVATE UTILITIES.24. REQUIRED PARKING FOR AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT MAY BE REDUCED TO ARATE OF ONE (1) PARKING SPACE FOR EACH UNIT AS PER UDO SEC 7.1.4.B.HC RAMPS:AFFORDABLE HOUSING NOTES: Topsoil Medium Dense Yellow Silty Fine to Medium SAND Very Stiff Brown Fine to Medium Sandy Silty CLAY Medium Dense Brown Orange Silty Fine SAND Medium Dense Yellow, Gray & Olive Silty Fine to Medium SAND Boring terminated at 20' 0.3 1.0 3.0 7.5 20.0 SM CL SM SM 12-10-9 9-12-15 6-6-6 7-8-9 9-10-12 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B- 1 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil w/Rocks Very Stiff Brown Orange Micaceous Fine Sandy CLAY Dense Gray Yellow Silty Fine SAND w/Quartz Dense Gray Silty Fine SAND Dense Yellow Gray Silty Fine SAND Hard Partially Weathered Rock (Not Sampled) Auger Refusal at 14.2' 0.7 3.5 6.5 10.0 14.0 14.2 CL SM SM SM 10-8-7 18-20-15 9-10-22 50/2.5" PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B- 2 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Very Stiff Orange Micaceous Coarse to Medium Sandy CLAY Very Stiff Orange Brown Micaceous Fine Sandy SILT Medium Dense Yellow Gray White Silty Fine SAND Boring terminated at 20' 0.3 3.5 13.5 20.0 CL ML SM 6-7-8 7-8-10 8-10-11 7-9-11 6-6-7 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B- 3 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Medium Dense Light Yellow Silty Fine to Medium SAND Very Stiff Yellow, Brown & Orange Fine to Medium Sandy Silty CLAY Stiff Yellow, Gray & Brown Silty Fine to Medium Sandy CLAY to Clayey SAND Medium Dense Yellow, Gray & White Silty Fine to Medium SAND Boring terminated at 20' 0.2 0.8 3.5 6.5 20.0 SM CL SC CL SM 11-9-9 9-10-11 5-6-6 7-8-11 10-10-12 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B- 4 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Medium Dense Yellow Brown Silty Fine to Medium SAND Dense Orange Brown Silty Fine to Medium SAND to Sandy SILT Very Stiff Brown Orange Yellow Fine to Medium Sandy CLAY Boring terminated at 10' 0.2 4.0 7.0 10.0 SM SM ML CL 6-6-6 15-22-27 11-12-13 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B- 5 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil Medium Dense Brown Orange Clayey Fine SAND to Sandy CLAY Medium Dense Yellow, White & Orange Silty Fine to Coarse SAND Partially Weathered Rock - Sampled as Gray Silty Fine SAND Hard Partially Weathered Rock Medium Dense Gray, Yellow & White Silty Fine to Coarse SAND Boring terminated at 20' 0.3 3.5 6.5 13.0 18.5 20.0 SC CL SM SM 15-10-8 7-7-8 50/1.5" 50/1" 27 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B- 6 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Loose Yellow Silty Fine to Medium SAND Hard Brown & Orange White Fine to Medium Sandy SILT Auger Refusal at 7' 0.5 4.0 7.0 SM ML 2-3-5 10-12-22 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B- 7 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Medium Dense Light Yellow Silty Fine to Medium SAND Stiff Orange Brown Silty CLAY Very Stiff Orange, Brown & Gray Fine Sandy SILT Stiff Light Orange Fine Sandy Silty CLAY Medium Dense Gray, Yellow & Pink Silty Fine to Medium SAND to Sandy SILT Medium Dense Yellow Pink Silty Fine to Medium SAND to Sandy SILT Boring terminated at 20' 0.3 1.5 4.5 7.5 13.0 18.5 20.0 SM CL ML ML SM ML SM ML 9-8-7 7-10-12 5-7-7 4-5-7 7-9-11 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B- 8 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Medium Dense Light Yellow Silty Fine SAND Medium Dense Brown, Orange & White Silty Fine to Medium SAND to Sandy SILT Loose Yellow, Brown & Orange Silty Fine to Medium SAND Partially Weathered Rock - Sampled as Yellow, Brown & Orange Fine to Medium SAND Boring terminated at 19' 0.8 1.5 6.5 17.5 19.0 SM SM ML SM 2-4-14 12-14-14 5-5-5 5-5-4 50/6" PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B- 9 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil Medium Dense Light Yellow Gray Silty Fine SAND Very Stiff Brown, Orange & White Fine to Medium Sandy CLAY Medium Dense Yellow, Brown & Orange Silty Fine to Medium SAND Boring terminated at 10' 0.3 1.5 2.5 10.0 SM CL SM 7-7-10 8-10-11 9-7-7 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-10 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Medium Dense Light Yellow Silty Fine SAND Very Stiff Brown, Orange & Yellow Silty Fine to Coarse Sandy CLAY Very Stiff Yellow Brown Fine to Medium Sandy SILT Medium Dense Yellow, Orange & Brown Silty Fine to Medium SAND Boring terminated at 10' 0.3 1.5 4.5 8.0 10.0 SM CL ML SM 3-7-10 9-12-15 7-7-8 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-11 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil Dense Yellow Tan Silty Fine to Medium SAND w/Wood Fragments Dense Brown Orange Silty Fine to Medium SAND Medium Dense Brown Orange Silty Clayey Fine to Medium SAND Boring terminated at 10' 0.2 1.0 7.0 10.0 SM SM SM 4-14-17 15-21-25 9-10-11 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-12 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Firm Orange Brown Coarse Sandy Silty CLAY Medium Dense to Dense Gray, Brown & Orange Silty Fine to Medium SAND Medium Dense Brown Yellow Silty Fine SAND Hard Partially Weathered Rock (Not Sampled) Auger Refusal at 18.5' 0.4 3.5 12.0 18.0 18.5 CH SM SM 2-2-4 12-13-14 11-14-21 6-7-9 50/1" PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-13 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Medium Dense Yellow Silty Fine to Medium SAND w/Gravel Hard Orange, White & Red Micaceous Fine to Medium Sandy Silty CLAY Medium Dense Yellow Brown & Pink Micaceous Silty Fine to Medium SAND Medium Dense Gray Tan Yellow Silty Fine SAND Medium Dense Gray, Tan & Olive Micaceous Silty Fine SAND Boring terminated at 20' 0.4 2.5 6.5 13.5 19.5 20.0 SM CL SM SM SM 3-6-7 10-14-17 5-5-7 5-6-6 4-7-12 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-14 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Medium Dense Yellow, Orange & Gray Silty Fine to Medium SAND Partially Weathered Rock - Not Sampled Auger Refusal at 2.8' 0.3 2.0 2.8 SM 4-5-10 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-15 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Very Dense Yellow Silty Fine to Medium SAND Hard Orange Micaceous Silty Fine to Medium Sandy CLAY Hard Partially Weathered Rock (Not Sampled) Auger Refusal at 6.5' 0.6 1.0 1.5 6.5 SM CL 4-8-50/2.5" 50/0.5" PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-16 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Medium Dense Yellow Brown Silty Fine SAND Partially Weathered Rock - Not Sampled Dense Orange Gray & Yellow Orange Micaceous Silty Fine SAND Hard Partially Weathered Rock w/Soil Lenses Auger Refusal at 12.3' 0.3 3.0 3.5 9.0 12.3 SM SM 2-4-7 14-19-19 50/1" PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-17 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Dense Yellow Silty Fine SAND Dense Yellow, Gray, White & Brown Silty Fine to Medium SAND Medium Dense Orange Tan SIlty Fine to Medium SAND Boring terminated at 10' 0.3 1.5 2.5 10.0 SM SM SM 2-3-30 11-9-11 12-11-11 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-18 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Medium Dense Yellow Silty Fine to Medium SAND Hard Orange, Brown & Yellow Fine to Medium Sandy CLAY Hard Partially Weathered Rock (Not Sampled) Auger Refusal at 6.7' 0.3 3.0 6.0 6.7 SM CL 2-4-8 11-21-38 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-19 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil Medium Dense Yellow Gray Silty Very Coarse SAND Auger Refusal at 3' 0.5 3.0 SM 2-3-8 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-20 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Medium Dense Yellow Orange Clayey Fine to Medium SAND to Sandy CLAY Hard Brown Yellow Micaceous Silty Fine Sandy CLAY Medium Dense Yellow White Silty Fine to Medium SAND Boring terminated at 10' 0.3 3.0 6.5 10.0 SC CL CL SM 2-3-8 14-19-20 6-9-12 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-21 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Loose Brown, Gray & Yellow Clayey Fine to Medium SAND Partially Weathered Rock - Sampled as Brown, Gray & Yellow Silty Fine to Medium SAND Auger Refusal at 2.5' 0.6 1.5 2.5 SC 5-8-50/4" PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-22 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil Loose Brown Yellow Silty Fine to Medium SAND Auger Refusal at 2' 0.4 2.0 SM 2-3-2 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-23 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Medium Dense Yellow Clayey Fine to Medium SAND w/Quartz Medium Dense Orange, Brown & White Clayey Fine to Medium SAND to Sandy CLAY Medium Dense Orange Silty Fine SAND Boring terminated at 10' 0.3 2.0 4.5 10.0 SC SC CL SM 5-8-8 9-11-15 9-11-12 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-24 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Medium Dense Light Yellow Silty Fine SAND Dense Yellow Orange Clayey Fine to Medium SAND Dense Yellow Silty Fine to Medium SAND Hard Partially Weathered Rock - Sampled as Yellow White Silty Fine SAND Auger Refusal at 9.5' 0.5 3.5 7.0 9.0 9.5 SM SC SM 2-4-7 11-21-24 50/1" PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-25 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil Loose Yellow Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND Very Dense Orange Gray Silty Clayey Fine SAND Medium Dense Gray, Brown & Yellow Clayey Fine to Medium SAND to Sandy CLAY Firm Tan Yellow Brown Fine to Medium Sandy CLAY Medium Dense Tan, Brown & Yellow Clayey Fine to Medium SAND Boring terminated at 20' 0.2 4.0 7.0 12.0 18.5 20.0 SC SC SC CL CL SC 2-3-5 17-27-27 7-9-8 2-3-2 6-5-9 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-26 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Groundwater Encountered at 16 ft at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Medium Dense Light Yellow Silty Fine SAND Stiff Tan Yellow Fine Sandy Silty CLAY Very Stiff Brown, Yellow & Orange Fine Sandy SILT Stiff Brown, Gray & Yellow Fine Sandy SILT Stiff Brown, White & Orange Fine Sandy SILT Boring terminated at 20' 0.3 1.0 4.0 6.5 12.5 20.0 SM CH ML MH ML 2-3-7 6-8-8 5-4-5 5-5-5 5-5-6 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-27 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Moist at Time of Boring. Cave in at 17 ft. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil Medium Dense Orange, Orange & Yellow Silty Fine to Medium SAND Partially Weathered Rock (Not Sampled) Harder Partially Weathered Rock (Not Sampled) Auger Refusal at 8.7' 0.2 2.5 6.5 8.7 SM 8-12-17 50/5" 50/1" PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-28 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Very Stiff Orange Brown Fine to Medium Sandy CLAY Dense Yellow Orange Silty Fine to Medium SAND Stiff Yellow Orange Fine Sandy SILT Boring terminated at 10' 0.3 2.5 7.0 10.0 CL SM ML 6-7-8 15-17-18 5-6-6 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-29 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Loose Orange Silty Fine to Medium SAND Loose Yellow Brown Silty Fine to Medium SAND Medium Dense Gray, Brown, Yellow & Orange Micaceous Silty Fine to Medium SAND Loose Brown, Yellow & Pink Silty Fine to Medium SAND Loose Gray, Olive & Yellow Micaceous Silty Fine to Medium SAND Stiff Olive, Orange & Gray Micaceous Fine to Medium Sandy SILT Boring terminated at 20' 0.3 1.0 3.5 7.5 12.0 18.5 20.0 SM SM SM SM SM ML 4-4-6 4-5-6 4-4-5 3-4-3 3-4-7 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-30 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Groundwater Encountered at 16 ft at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil Medium Dense Light Brown Silty Fine to Medium SAND Medium Dense Gray Yellow Silty Fine SAND to Sandy SILT Firm Gray Yellow White Micaceous Fine Sandy SILT Stiff Brown Gray Micaceous Fine Sandy SILT Medium Dense Gray White Micaceous Silty Fine SAND Boring terminated at 20' 0.2 1.0 6.5 15.0 18.0 20.0 SM SM ML ML ML SM 1-6-10 10-9-9 2-2-4 3-4-6 4-7-10 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-31 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Groundwater Encountered at 13.5 ft at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Loose Light Yellow Silty Fine SAND Firm Tan Gray Micaceous Fine to Medium Sandy SILT Loose Gray Yellow Micaceous Silty Fine to Medium SAND Loose Orange, Gray & Yellow Micaceous Silty Fine to Coarse SAND Boring terminated at 10' 0.2 1.0 2.5 7.5 10.0 SM MH SM SM 2-4-4 3-4-5 6-5-4 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-32 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Loose Gray Brown Silty Fine to Medium SAND Stiff Brown Gray Fine to Medium Sandy SILT to Silty SAND Firm Gray Micaceous SILT Loose Brown Gray Micaceous Silty Fine SAND Medium Dense Gray, Yellow & White Silty Fine SAND Very Dense Yellow, Brown & Orange Silty Fine to Medium SAND Boring terminated at 20' 0.3 4.0 6.5 8.5 12.0 19.0 20.0 SM SM ML ML SM SM SM 5-4-5 6-6-5 3-3-3 5-7-9 7-20-33 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-33 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Groundwater Encountered at 11.5 ft at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Very Stiff Red Orange Fine to Medium Sandy CLAY Very Stiff Brown Gray Fine to Medium Sandy CLAY Medium Dense Yellow, Brown & Orange Silty Fine SAND Medium Dense Gray Yellow Micaceous Silty Very Fine SAND Dense Yellow, Gray & Pink Fine to Coarse SAND Boring terminated at 20' 0.2 3.5 6.0 11.5 17.5 20.0 CL CL SM SM SW 7-11-14 8-10-14 4-6-6 7-9-12 20-24-26 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-34 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil Medium Dense Light Orange Silty Fine SAND Medium Dense Brown Silty Fine SAND to Sandy SILT Medium Dense Brown Orange Yellow Micaceous Silty Fine SAND Stiff Brown Orange Micaceous Fine Sandy SILT Dense to Very Dense Brown, Gray & Orange Micaceous Silty Fine SAND Boring terminated at 20' 0.3 1.5 3.0 6.0 13.5 20.0 SM SM ML SM ML SM 4-6-7 7-10-11 6-6-7 13-14-16 13-21-40 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-35 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil (Woods) Very Stiff Red Fine to Medium Sandy SILT Medium Dense Red, Orange & Brown Micaceous Silty Fine SAND to Sandy SILT Medium Dense Yellow, Orange & Brown Silty SAND Boring terminated at 10' 0.3 4.5 6.5 10.0 MH SM ML SM 7-7-10 8-12-13 6-8-9 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-36 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 Topsoil Very Stiff Dark Orange Micaceous Fine to Medium Sandy Clayey SILT Medium Dense Orange, Brown & Gray Micaceous Silty Fine to Medium SAND Medium Dense Yellow Brown Micaceous Silty Very Fine SAND Boring terminated at 10' 0.3 2.5 6.5 10.0 ML SM SM 5-8-10 9-14-11 8-9-10 PENETRATION (BLOWS/FT.) BLOWS PER SIX INCHES ELEVATION (FT.) 1 OF 1PAGE JOB NUMBER BORING NUMBER DATE 1-19-0578-EA B-37 8-16-19 100 20 40 60 100 Dry at Time of Boring. DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 TEST BORING RECORD DESCRIPTION 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GTI_MAIN 190578.GPJ GTI.GDT 8/20/19 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.5-2.0' 0.5-2.0' 0.5-2.0' 0.5-2.0' Specimen Identification LL PL PI Fines Classification P L A S T I C I T Y I N D E X CL ML CH MH LIQUID LIMIT (LL) ATTERBERG LIMITS' RESULTS 67 79 66 84 18 29 40 47 CL-ML B-13 B-27 B-32 B-36 ASTM D-4318 49 50 26 37 55.8 61.5 51.3 65.6 Brown Fine to Medium Sandy Clay Brown Medium to Fine Sandy Clay Brown Medium to Fine Sandy Silt Brown Medium to Fine Sandy Silt S-1 S-1 S-1 S-1 PROJECT JOB NO. DATE 3900 Sumner Boulevard Apartments - Raleigh, North Carolina 1-19-0578-EA 8/15/19 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 Date Recieved: Dates Tested: 8/8-8/15/2019 8/8/2019 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 680.00124680.0124680.1246812468102468100 3900 Sumner Boulevard Apartments 1" Boring No.Elev./Depth Nat. W.C. L.L. P.L. P.I. Project: Job No.: Date: Soil Description or Classification Raleigh, North Carolina 1-19-0578-EA 0.5-2.0'49.0 Brown Fine to Medium Sandy Clay 8/15/193/8"Percent Finer By WeightU.S. Standard Sieve Sizes Grain Size In Millimeters GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION3/4"1/2"B-13 26.4 S-1 #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 GRAVEL SAND 18.0 FINES COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT SIZES CLAY SIZES 67.0 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 Date Recieved: Dates Tested: 8/8-8/15/2019 8/8/2019 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 680.00124680.0124680.1246812468102468100 3900 Sumner Boulevard Apartments 1" Boring No.Elev./Depth Nat. W.C. L.L. P.L. P.I. Project: Job No.: Date: Soil Description or Classification Raleigh, North Carolina 1-19-0578-EA 0.5-2.0'50.0 Brown Medium to Fine Sandy Clay 8/15/193/8"Percent Finer By WeightU.S. Standard Sieve Sizes Grain Size In Millimeters GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION3/4"1/2"B-27 22.5 S-1 #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 GRAVEL SAND 29.0 FINES COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT SIZES CLAY SIZES 79.0 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 Date Recieved: Dates Tested: 8/8-8/15/2019 8/8/2019 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 680.00124680.0124680.1246812468102468100 3900 Sumner Boulevard Apartments 1" Boring No.Elev./Depth Nat. W.C. L.L. P.L. P.I. Project: Job No.: Date: Soil Description or Classification Raleigh, North Carolina 1-19-0578-EA 0.5-2.0'26.0 Brown Medium to Fine Sandy Silt 8/15/193/8"Percent Finer By WeightU.S. Standard Sieve Sizes Grain Size In Millimeters GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION3/4"1/2"B-32 23.9 S-1 #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 GRAVEL SAND 40.0 FINES COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT SIZES CLAY SIZES 66.0 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 Date Recieved: Dates Tested: 8/8-8/15/2019 8/8/2019 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 680.00124680.0124680.1246812468102468100 3900 Sumner Boulevard Apartments 1" Boring No.Elev./Depth Nat. W.C. L.L. P.L. P.I. Project: Job No.: Date: Soil Description or Classification Raleigh, North Carolina 1-19-0578-EA 0.5-2.0'37.0 Brown Medium to Fine Sandy Silt 8/15/193/8"Percent Finer By WeightU.S. Standard Sieve Sizes Grain Size In Millimeters GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION3/4"1/2"B-36 24.1 S-1 #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 GRAVEL SAND 47.0 FINES COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT SIZES CLAY SIZES 84.0 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 Date Recieved: Dates Tested: 8/8-8/15/2019 8/8/2019 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 2.70 2.60 MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP 8/15/19 B-12 ASTM D 698 12.5% Brown Silty Sand % LL PI DRY DENSITY (Pounds Per Cubic Foot)WATER CONTENT (Percent Dry Weight) Job No: 117.3 PCF 1-19-0578-EA Raleigh, North Carolina Method of Test: Maximum Dry Density: Optimum Moisture Content: Natural Moisture Content: Atterberg Limits: Soil Description: 0.5-5.0' 3900 Sumner Boulevard ApartmentsJob Name: Job Location: Boring No: Sample No: Depth: TEST RESULTS FOR SPECIFIC GRAVITY EQUAL TO: CURVES OF 100% SATURATION Date: 2.80 Date Recieved: Dates Tested: 8/8-8/15/2019 8/8/2019 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 2.70 2.60 MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP 8/15/19 B-30 ASTM D 698 14.0% Brown Silty Sand % LL PI DRY DENSITY (Pounds Per Cubic Foot)WATER CONTENT (Percent Dry Weight) Job No: 114.0 PCF 1-19-0578-EA Raleigh, North Carolina Method of Test: Maximum Dry Density: Optimum Moisture Content: Natural Moisture Content: Atterberg Limits: Soil Description: 0.5-7.0' 3900 Sumner Boulevard ApartmentsJob Name: Job Location: Boring No: Sample No: Depth: TEST RESULTS FOR SPECIFIC GRAVITY EQUAL TO: CURVES OF 100% SATURATION Date: 2.80 Date Recieved: Dates Tested: 8/8-8/15/2019 8/8/2019 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 Raleigh, NC 27615 GeoTechnologies, Inc.CBR DATA SHEET ASTM D-1883 JOB #:1-19-0578-EA JOB NAME:3900 Sumner Blvd. Apartments DATE:8/15/2019 SAMPLE I.D.:B-12 Depth:0.5-5.0' NOTES:PROCTOR DATA: TEST PROCEDURE:ASTM D-698 Opt. Moisture =12.5%Max. Dry Density =117.3 PCF SOIL DESCRIPTION:Brown Sandy Silt CBR SPECIMEN DATA Swell Data MOISTURE CONTENT 11.5%Initial Reading 0.345 WET DENSITY 128.5 lbs./cu.ft.Final Reading 0.345 DRY DENSITY 115.2 lbs./cu.ft.Mold Height 4.591 % COMPACTION 98.2 %% Swell 0.00 LOAD CELL 5000 LB.RATE OF DEFORMATION .05 in./min. SURCHARGE USED 10 lbs. 22.5 26.2 0.0 CBR @ 0.1" CBR @ 0.2" % SWELL 0.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 600.00 700.00 800.00 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60Stress (psi.)Penetration (in.) GeoTechnologies, Inc.CBR DATA SHEET ASTM D-1883 JOB #:1-19-0578-EA JOB NAME:3900 Sumner Blvd. Apartments DATE:8/15/2019 SAMPLE I.D.:B-30 Depth:0.5-7.0' NOTES:PROCTOR DATA: TEST PROCEDURE:ASTM D-698 Opt. Moisture =14.0%Max. Dry Density =114.0 PCF SOIL DESCRIPTION:Brown Sandy Silt CBR SPECIMEN DATA Swell Data MOISTURE CONTENT 12.2%Initial Reading 0.374 WET DENSITY 126.9 lbs./cu.ft.Final Reading 0.440 DRY DENSITY 113.1 lbs./cu.ft.Mold Height 4.591 % COMPACTION 99.2 %% Swell 1.44 LOAD CELL 5000 LB.RATE OF DEFORMATION .05 in./min. SURCHARGE USED 10 lbs. 7.1 8.7 1.4 CBR @ 0.1" CBR @ 0.2" % SWELL 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60Stress (psi.)Penetration (in.)