HomeMy WebLinkAbout640071_Permit (Application Amendment)_20211104Jane R. Bernard, Environmental Spetltllst II Water quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources State of North Carolina 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 77609 Subject, Requesting a Zero'0" Animal Permit Certificate of Coverage No, AWS640071 In Accordance of General Permit AWG100000 Murray Farms Inc Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Nash County Dear Jane; We are requesting a Zero "0" Animal Permit for our Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application operation In Nash County at 5010 Ridge Road, Spring Hope, NC. We appreciate your assistance with our request, Please let us know if you need any further information. Thank you! Brian Keith Murray 5 Date Phillip tl6onard Murray Date RE: [External[ Re: 0 animal permit Murray Farms Ravella, Ramesh <Ramesh.Ravella@ncdenr.gov> Tha 11/4(2021 2.48 PM hi brava lane <jane.bernardOra:denr,pnv> Thank you Jane. Ramesh Ravella, PhD Program Supervisor Animal Feeding Operations NC-DEQ-DWR Ph: 919-707-3702 Email: Ramesh Ravrllaencdenr gay 512 N. Salisbury 51 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 -1636 From: gemard, lane Sent Thursday, November a. 20212:16 PM To: Ravens. Ramesh <Ramesh.Ravella@ncdencgova Subject: Ford: [Eatematl Re: 0anlmal permit Murray Farms Please sec the "0" animal permit request below. Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Get DWLwk "run hadrt From: Ke.th n Tenie Murray <kattilungoudook.cano Sent: Thursday, November 4, 2021, 1:38 PM To: Bernard, Jane Subject: (External) Re' 0 animal permit Murray Fanns <uL1'om. Eatensa! a —all ]c "atv. Open rddgyntl unless you verily. Sena all nrspularn enraYas an anxlrmer 1a4.uemidnn. NoitiOmber 4,EQ Rine R. Ord, Environmental Specialist II Water Quality Regional Operations Division of Water Resources State of North Carolina MOO Barrett Olive Rath# NC 27609 ulet Certificate C in Accordan Murray Fen .ah. a aa-a Gl NikeLiziga From: Bernard, lane gape b.mardmncd.nr jars Sent: Wednesday, November 3, 2021 6:5302 AM To: Keith n 'Note Murray <smi:4aOcudsok.wma Subject: Re: [External] Re: Test •Keith, lust a simple statement requesting a "0" animal permit will work. Be sure to include the permit number and both signatures with a date. Your current waste plan will stay In play unless you submit a new one. The advantage would be land could be removed and fields kept minimal. I have copied Ramesh on this email. You can scan or take a picture and send it to me by text or reply all to this email and attach It. let me know if you have any Wither questions. Ore !. Darius, lr.b.rr.dd ,Malin Y Wale, Ra T Realesd OMe.a.ler leans Dloldeli of sung.. Y.a.4a..a MOO Yaa..M Yang. Raleigli. MC !Tang ONka (Me) ?M"47111 Cell- (919) 210 7327 Par (Mf) all.47111 Y"taal . lailleliftilildeligligigagg o.b page bW Yoweo3/aLtz qI Lwatsfaal Emma correspondence to and Mom this address is su®ieet to she North Carotins Public Records Law and may be disrbsed to third parties. From: Keith n Terrie Murray ckgpatbingsnuilooli.ram• Sent: Friday, October 29, 20219 37 AM To: Barnard. Jane s;a". moral" :t,.,r goys Sulkiest IExternaq Re: Test Iuwn:my Elders emee Do not dick links Reopen attachments unless you verify Send an suspiciousemail as an attachment to !e.an-i5trn Good morning Obit is Keith Murray with Murray Fauns in spnng hug We talked about doing the zero animal permit when you were here doing my inspection Could you give me an example of what that letter needs io say And who I need 10 send it 10 Thanks Keith Murray Get gliviSibus).a from: Keith n Terele Murray nkm4LbmOoutkmk.com> SeM: Thursday. October 1a, 202112.24:1r PM To: Bernard, lane cane tc:mud6castnr.g0L> Subject: Re:Test Yes, this is correct. Get t?udook for iA$ From: Bernard, lane claha.hmanlFsianraor. SeM: Thursday. October la, 2021 10A1 20 AM Te: kmdlbmlawlluua.swo<kme mu aka? Subject:Test Just verifying before adding to contacts Oaa. Y. bawd. MbenrrrMl l/.dalbe M Wan Radler Regional OMeredee a Oodles YI.bl.w of Wags, R.a.ar..a nee Mamie Wye. Ydeigb. MC RPM Offica (OM) 7M"42ee Call- (919) 210-7327 Pan (ala) 1171N7p l-arall- .eh page b0tn.diaw. x tglATj.rewateran] Email correspondence to end from this address is subieca to the North Caren Public Regards law and may be disclosed to third panes.