HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-03808_Well Construction - GW1_20210823 828-622-7241 p•1
Feb 1519 06:43p OIearwaterWall Drilling
WELL,CONVMjJCjjON RECtDRD(GW 111 �"1?or lmtamal Use nty:
I-VWWAIntrastor Informatlon:
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1Vdl Cnnttaclor Name IR f4
?I('WL11 Cnnnapot Cenifimltan Numkr �+,(,C R�al-(x- We,t\ m
ComymnyName —' It IlYGt�R v� t
2-Well Cttnatrnetlon Permit It- S�!��[7C J 1� zO o
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tyyr Pamirs a.f;VIC Cinf/ey,SYOIa Yarrnar;rn;
3 NMI Ihr.(Chcdl wdl lot):
WatePSnppiy�Vcli: 17M N >ma s I •talc see ut.
Agrkuiturai MtnticipnllPublie () ft- ti. )n•
Gcothctmal(l9oating/Cooling Supply) elidentilal Water Supply Nnelc) {t fL (n
fndostrialleMmoeroral Resmet"water supply(shamd)
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A4onitatin Recovery tr. fc
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Aquif-StgMAC m4Rccovcry E•Salinityl3ntr+er oaK L twC tNCTtwn
AqulicrTtst D3tormwatcrDrainage
LxMrimental Tealmology QISuMdence Control R• R"
Geothmnal(Cloud Loop) 1ITwer •D .u,
C+ettthennnl HeStin i'mg Rtnitnl Othc(axplain under P21 ltemarlts} x no
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A,Bate Wdt(a)C'.atnptcred: '1r� Well lnu r__r_____ `�! n •--
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7_in this A repair to an exirdag writ: Inves or mm trifir 1S4.N7.:•A['o2C.0lon or 15A tYCAC.02C•'d1211DWell CwWMGtlnn Sh"*r k rmrl fAm a
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17;Voir under I2fwmarktsrrarainranrfrraarkgflhhfamf. 1,LSlte oraddklonal Well dwift
S.For GrnpmhdilPTor(9nt>ed-Lfmp GedOerntAl We)ltt having the curate Tou finny use the back of this page to provide add(Gellnl wdi SO details or well
conanrctian•only i GW i is needed. fndianto TMAL NUMBER nf„eclls cof>9tluCtiQn drtalls. You may also ttnacfi additiot►at paces If ittieeataty,
`t.71•otat•welldeptp below land Sutimca: --Jf�•) 14g• Bey gy W M: Submit this form within 3D dnys of complwitm of well
nrnitrprew fits fist pi;ddprhefdrddrnnr(erampM-3t(t17ga"aialsLnllOOry enn7littetionto the fwlm►v)ag:
l0.Statie WARP 19V41 kin*to of twain • (ft•) Dividoa of Water Restturcah Info nnatlOR Preca siaq Urdt,
P 1419 Mat&rAce Ceater,ftldgb.'XC276"-ifi17
1�'snrrrlu�rllantvfueCatfnp,rnr"•"� G
ti_Boneholediametcr. ` o (in.) 24b.par injection Wglg. 1n motion to,sandit ,the farm to the aOMM in 248
1 alcove,aLm Submit one copy of this forth wilbin 30 dip of eonnpletloa of wdl
IZ Vveli wnstrnennD method; _�`l 1 _._ <aea huction m the fullo wing;
(i c,mr}jQ,rotary.cabk,plan path,qw.)
1)lvfslon ofvl wr Rrimrom Underground 1t¢oetlon CDRWW Progrnat,
IY1R WATER SCPPLv RIJ 4 ONLY: 1636 Mail 9arvl00 Ccntta•,t It lelo.NC 27096.1636
13a.Yirld(RPM) BRetlW of test: Ise, Iror water S idi&t'ake8on Wtl12: In addition to wndiog the form to
The address(es) above, also sulmnt one copy of this roan willfla 34 days of
13b.OkInfettkn type:, r1 rttormt: comptrxi m of+vdl conafdoction is klae erNvity litalth ftodri rot of the eaunty
vuhare amttacted.
I'mnt C7W-t Worth Ctmlinn AOpnnmenf-of i:nvlrtinmrrttO Cjnanlg-i)fvi5lrgt of Watgr RaWLIMeB ! RrvW- 2 22 201 b
Well Driller Self-Grout Certification
� adDf�d PIGcCe /
Wn; V
Owner: New WeU:
a S La X� TGi t'1uva Vw
Address: k1 cc. Repair:
Permit: Sw D. - 0�'Vca
I hereby certify that the above referenced well was grouted in appearance in accordance with
all County Well rules.
Well Driller: Tosh n lQxyyc1 Coil S Signed:
Certificate#: `-E k_51- PV Date G ted: 4-5-DA
Construction: Grout:
Total Depth: 3 0S- Type:
Casing Type: Thickness: ry--\ tL L
Casing Depth: "l S Depth: a
Drive Shoe: