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GW1-2021-03799_Well Construction - GW1_20210823
828-622-7241 P•1 Feb 1519 05:43p Clearwater Well Drilling WELL CONSTRUCTION CO "For Intemni Use only_ 1. <AntraetorInformation: {L . fj� C� t .1-' � 14•�'�ZONES , ntsst turrre 7� e" ` mto>A S9r11 Crnlnada Name rL _ �� S.OiTI'ERG ING tartttatdatedwalk MAr>i�AL VC: enQ(:nntraAnrt:atifieationNrrtnl,er `�' �(� •tlOglBaB• VLJ`l.L p V t.r`! \..•/1 r � �� t�(M at tr. 4, to tt tin. r [ Cnmp+myNamc nul►tct'a , p ~16.lNNFRcASINGOR1g18dNC in. e�tosedC�. SS NAtEN1AL t_�S '"1RtOYt +in. 2.Well Comtrnctian Permit#: C A ft, To IL i,iV all opplirnMr weft Mnttrneriarr porm/tt(f.c 1/IC CotrMy.SRtI�Variants efc) R in. (T. 3.Wri1 lNe(check wdl list): 17.SCREEN w?6rtut PRO.s+r m martst at+otrsua:s Txu:avess W ter Snpply%Vt)J: R, ft. in. Agriculture) Mtmicipal/Puhk'tc t1 R, in Geothermal(Heatittg(conlingSupply) Reaidential Water Supply(singic) [t induslriaUCommercial Residential Water Supply(shared) J& OUT tnwr�nat irMtLACiratCJirltiCfHop&AM(N1Pr► FROM To Irription n. _ r & Nan%Vnter Snpply W 6111: fc u. Monitoring Recovery _ injection Well: fl. R AquiferRccbtagc QGroundwaterRenudiatiuo 19.SAN111G1tAV8LPACK Ma ' hlc �1trtACCMENThAtErn ► Mtolt Tq MA iAL .aquifer Sionge and Recovery DSalinity Barrier - n. Aquifer I CA oSmIntwetcr Drainage 0. Subsidence Control 0' Uiperimental Technology � ��AIf 1,iNC�� aifaeh� � tatloG+m Geothermal(Closed Loop) TO eta COW. go Cmothermni(Kcatin oolinA Rcwm) Otber( lain under 97.1 Remarks) d.DateA'ell(s)Completed:,.: 3 Zl Well il>t/ fr. Su.Welt ioratlon: n• C � A �( G p'd'9, M t G�`I�acility!(}ua,cr?lamc 1 1 1 ft (L r' C rl,yaienl an�rlre�,,City,ant zip �A )C)L eA11, 21.1tEMARKfi C,unty Parcel ldcntifeation No.(PIN) Sh.I,atitode and innpltade in degrces/milmtea/seconds or decimal drgrecs: (ii well field,one tamang is suTiciient) :2 .;!2. ,e Mention: Si Mere Of .crlifirdtNetlContrnetor �e 6.!s{are}Me welf(s) Pcrmnnent ar ©ITempnrary J j at�mrrtg rArx. +rm,J Arrrhv crrtlfj+(Rat the ovdl(.j mas hrerrJ crownwad In aMidAmrrr ?.b this a repair to an existiag wen: 0Ycs or No +•itn 1sA VCAC 02r.0100 nr 15A NC•AC.OC.'.0200 Well Cnmfmcnnn StamlarA.t anti thou a 1"fid,is n mpoir,fill rn+rknewn uvll V1XV1fWWOn i>rfnrmafi0,r cord=plain rhr Panne n(,hc �oPl'of llrit rr.Mrr!has boo/lMsddi�f in 1hr wr11 nwtiu. r"air rmdrr V(remnrkt swain nr mr Me hndk offhts fam,. 2.3.Bite diagram or ndditlottal well details: R.Par Gm rone(pPF or Cla ed l.nn Geothermal Wells having+hc same you may use the bnek of this page to provide additional well site demils or well p P COW tntclinn details. Yea may also attach additional pages if necessary u�nslnrctinn,only I CW-1 is needed. indicate TOTAL.NUMBER ofA.xlrs drillotl:__-_-� .__ _ y ranart-TAi tAi�+t'Ri1CTl<ONS 9.lrotat well depth below kind surface. ] J --(R•) 214 i6'or All Wells: Submit this',form within 30 da}s of cumItIc6on of well r•rrMnlriprc., J&I;anlld:prh,f&fa,nr(rzomnlc-1@200'and2 100) cons)tttctionto the fdlowaitlg: 111 $tone waterlevel heinw top of easing: W.V (1't-) Division Dif ater Resoureea,Intnratatlon ProresmA Unit, 11'Mwericrrd isrktivecasing,rfu",` 1617 Man Service Center,Raleigh.T(C27499-1617 11-Rorcholediametcr: _C,n.) 24h.Far IaiectioRWdlse In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a alcove,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well I Z Well construction method! a instruction to the following: (i c.m,gc,mmtg,eitk,¢im•t push,stG•) Division afWater Reaottrre.4.Underground tt((tztlon Caattrol Program, r(M WATPR 5CPP1.V WFLL.4 ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Canter,Ralciii NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm)_`U Vethad of test! 24c,liar Water Canoe►&iaieeHon Welts: In addition to sending the form to Ibe nddrrss(cs) abotrey also submiL one copy of this form within 30 days of t3a.Disinfection type: _ Amount: completion of+vdl construction to the county hWth denartmenl of the county - whore conntnrcttd. Fnnu C.W.I Nmh CAwlinn Deporimcnt of l:n.•imnmcnt.x1(:)uaaty-Aivismn oP Water Roeourer c Ravisal2 22-2a16