HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-05804_Well Construction - GW1_20211025 WELL CONSTRUMON RE GW-1 J ForinterwUse Only L Well•Contractor Information: " 1J • /"' I-��G �-�GQ..J�N .14.WATBRZ0M.... Well Nme / FROM Ta DbSCRIPMN R R NC Well C*=icwCatdic�Number MOUPSRCA.4ING fm°mniticasidwe@a ORLII!TBR FROM To DTAD�rSR T81C MAI14tiAL C=PW Name 16�IIVNSR CASQIG'OR 2.Well Construction Permit ft 1 �I'f 3 FROM To D1ADar1CR r 7101C30=13 1 LCtt allcnble rrA oaraarcrlaa permttr(t U1 camrp stMq varanx uaJ -{-1 R 3 R (� to r e t•— 1/t� 3.Well Use(check we truer R R ;a Water Supply Well: FROM TO I D1AMttTlOz SLOTS' TI MATIIttAL DAgncultural nMunicipaVPublic ft. R io. nGeo*em l(Hen wr4olmg Supply) 43demnal Water Supply(single) R ft. in OladustriaVCommerciat nR=Aential Water Supply(stated) &:GROUP is:> Chrization13We11s>190,000 GPD FROM TO MATERIAL l3MPL►CZMM4r1118 teesovrn Non-Water Supply welh 0R R r -e nMmitO oRecovery ft. R Rv( An L �'� Injection Well: IL R nAquiferPzd= a OGroundwaterRemadiation nAquifrr Stomp and Recovery : SAND/QtAS?SLPA >a-- •- >�. � ,:��.._ � _.,_-; nSalinity Baaier FR FF OM TO MATERIAL �FSIQFAQMII"1't�9D.:�+ Mquifier Test OStotmwater Drainage ft. R nl3 aimetteet Tec>modogy ❑Subedenc a Control R R 00coffiennal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer -2tL DD*'*,**G LOt;atlaeliadditiaaalislieefs'if' - - 13Geot�tal Paun) 00d=( uadertR21 Rrm elm) FRtx1S - To DESCRIPTION jowl"* ea: R R 4.Date Wells)Completed: 0 ZI Well M# R ft. Sa WneQ Location _ n ft. R R R 55Z2- R R Unit ftysical Apm Cqi =dZsip R R InICrr�,3tton On .2L:R8MAM: ear Parcel la nNo.(FIN) 5L Latitude and longitude in degrees/minWts/seconds or decimal degrees: ofr►aII Se14 one Ltllm is soffideae} ' 22.Certification: �.Is(are)the welks): 02ent or nTemporary 774 J S'gaamm ofCatified'.WcU Data � ByApwCftjbm Ih��Art de ndl(s)w=f�14wavacmdbraa+w dm wwt* 7.Is this a repair to an eristiag welt- •QYis or 01Yo 15ANG1C 02C:0100 or 15ANCAC 02C.0200 WeQConvuMn Srmidmdr and drvr a copy If drlr to a,qm*f v ae lemur reu aoom oda"orforamuan arrd aplafi she nawc ofmc of ddr re=d has boor provided m the nrII oraer. :rpatr mxter#11 tsauahsearoR or an the back ofthtrforar 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 8.For GeoprobaMPr or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well cmtswxtion fi& won,c*1 OW-1 is needed-In&cdte TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'See Over'm Ram BoxJ You may also am wb additional paps if necesmy. 24.SU MiTFAL INSTRUCITONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: y"26 1 (f) Submit this GW 1 within 3o days of wen completion the f Porn uUfple we&Harall d9d-tft84imrt(aanrplo.3 00'4ad 2@100*) ys mp per ollowhW. 10.Static water level below top of easing: 0 R Us. For All Wells: OnSmal form to Division of Water Resources (DW4 kwatts atimr I.+% ,/ ( ) )aSo>mation Pmcessiag Unit,1617MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 1L Borehole diameter. G 0 gym,) 24b.For Injection Wells:Copy to DRY Undergound hiection Control(IUC) n Program,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 12.Well construction method: I�0+&R-r — /�t s✓ 24c.For Water Sn and O n�Loo�Geothermal Retina Weller Copy to the (ice anger=°°°1,`'tile'daeRpmb,etc) cwmty envanum health epactrueat atwe comely county FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Z4d For Water Wells rodn' `over 1 GPD:Copy to.DWR,CCPCUA 13a.Yield(gpm) _Method of test rY' Permit Pcogam,l 11 C, 1 11 13b.Ditiafeetion type: -� ' Amount: Ferm GW-1 Noah Carolina Department ofEnvuonm=tai Quality-Division ofwater Res== Revised e-6.2o18