HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-05600_Well Construction - GW1_20211015 EC12RI2' Iss'Moot Meows Isrs"lop,O"StIs"Out Per JAIL-W UK ONLY. i I.Wit Coeltrouix &;,for. well,-OWDOWN.- 6609tvi- JOL. t1c; K Well csmoese.�Cetozatift Co par Now L Won Cessorms"?WSW#40: J.Well 1"" Wafer Ji"ply We i l ••r ssara•ru tt CAVMhwW /-It"-dardmil Wetv i Wme,Supfly(aw") CILM mn n' 1400-Wakr bep-.J.-wey; v IL amanhas 2C to i to. (L I CL OAq%.Ofcr Roccherp 0 mad LN on YLLFA 0444hr SkvW an:F,,vftv,y a USSIUUCY Bartley 0(koftmol(Chad Ljxq!) CiTracer auvod4�68ftmdIw itaomoFty.-... LOOtodtsrnW(HftjlrV/CuW_goAm, c% 4-Iftil WOW$)Cumptio"A:q-1&.,9 V._.q I IL I..... .. Ss.W441 1 Ots-ft-aw la tee. C1'1 to. Z-f—t Iq PI S 7'-0 1-7 P—Z�4 lacYkNWAW mamm ft. �rGKn6h ml rap,Cry,"4 ZO IAJU9 -IP:; 2021 or(kciftal (ifw@U W cot IKAa&is ejXCko,) 0 16—.Z 6.Is(on)the imvlt(jp P(Port"morst or -Wpof LS-4 Ode �eOtrv�x lob.,err,I tpv4V&OVO.AW k ".WW ftO,. waJ.r &ma**_T.Is(W a repair to an lsimag WON: Over or _ _ ev.,of do"mooref low UtmPOWArd so Oro rah O~f P%dI Lpftip,02 Ad 4.-Ag,seen q/L44 :31.Site diagraft or idog"llsol will dwiloulp: I.iNvomber of wills cowerwguel, YOU:USY Usc{Its block of this Pop m FMVW4 addifilinal Well Sits 4WIA&air WC11 IV-amidutVa myref— eu C."119LALCI.OAd"Ju You may SLAD 41tolak"ditiftial raps Iftion.68mory t'TAW mall doeVIIII below 10141411 saffecor. 1165� RJvsw I AL IMS*ftj(-"CWS ,F&A%W#f WIAOr i4i fit depJot((*j*v4j (ftT 144. Etr Ail Well.; Sub'Aift 'SC Ih!I hw"I wrolul ,lays vt cumplectin"t m-! (el� _41200­d2qjloo.) Coftm::lion IL flim fallowing; Siste Water levtl loot"glop of Ceia;Mg. I Onris-as ofWaur Qualiti.Ittlaromstiod Proc,top4mg t;gij. 16 J 7 Mail goorvics CqUW,M,,j*b, Due"dumstor. NC 2746WPIL7 ia.I lb Zr kia, aLYtcjk:' in lidditian to m%ding he Ily-I"to Itis,&ddrs4s hp:4% U.Woo tosmrwnft nt-Ne A . Crit.. of N v cusp of Complietim of won i'.scorn.to".two.ft,'t Pick C jc*, -t, Jb fWagwin P."ALEX IRJFPLY WTLUIROV..Y _ )rv3sk 0!W.. ,- silly Mail M. C.lay,Raleigh.WC 314M 16M l3s.Yield me.:.Od 49 U M. 4�,BMW 0 d a I Ap lidlition to"b)f tile Cum 10 Ift Disim tues Amowit CIILL 67�ri P� ; wy"Aft '"S(Os' short, also submit vie copy of thil ram.vAthL% 30 days of Plsuon Of well c0mstr%tMon to Ow rAurjy licalth deparsitnt cS to cc, Wimir wc3tr"ipd. f 7 W.1