HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210209 Ver 2_Corrections to submittals_20211104 Carpenter,Kristi From: McHenry, David G Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2021 8:22 AM To: Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA); Mitchell, Robert K Subject: BR 237 Haywood county Corrections to submittals Attachments: Haywood 237 GP Application Narrative and NRTR_Revised Nov 4 2021.pdf I just noticed an error in the second ePCN I submitted Tuesday for this project. The pond impact is 0.15 acre and not 0.04 acre as shown in latest ePCN submittal below. I had it right the first time though. Please advise if I need to resubmit the ePCN or if you can just note the change. Also, thanks Crystal for pointing out that I did not update the cover letter/impact table and that the site numbers don't agree from what was first applied for, and that are in the written WQC that we request modification of. Aside from this cover letter and the 0.04 acre mistake noted above, the ePCN and permit drawings do match. I checked and I believe the cover letter matches those also now, I hope. Please advise if you need anything else. I apologize for the snafus. Trying to pick um my pace lately and it is causing this. Dave 1 Are on yefMilar WNP(a�.iregllolral earl IpefrNIM,or IIrdirtrlim pormital':91 i DrIllmarl to It*i to authariliza separate and oratark omealng for Ilini pTojerts thi reqpjlre Deponiment oT the Arriny authorization lbut olon't Irequitre �Di. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. ImpactsSummalry Ila.Where are tho III aaaacilliated%ft your project?lomerm am that'appyl: Vietaini Opel vaem I Cow"rmllron I Stream limpacts If there are perennial or imerinflittentstrearn imil(including temporary limpactsl proposed on the si "'S"wI11I be used in the table below to represent the 3a.Rwaon rorIlarpad: 3b.11i type* 3G.7 OT 111I al.S.nal o,I SA,ro ge anr.V re,,,airiilrig IFerrm-nerrl Eank 1AGMug"fon firp),11 C'eaR jF figi rk rip ,9,2 rSA,tainpqrm y 6ewg-.Virg T-.frqoKar'q IlDiemilaw"111,113 firv,11 c'ef1 ,9,3 bark VNY,111nimirri Psirim"nsirr! .labEz9oon 'vrp'll creek IF 4 0,4,SC aRil-A fAak"AltzZan III".'1VIMzatogn I Eaa A Foirt,I g,F.,)n'Uv,?r IF Flil 0.aT C,am,9 R IF PC"'Krflnelll N Toll jullisdictil alli I Ilansquwa MO: r" 3f Tal pairrinarand:Mrsam Impacts: 252 adi,Todw:kraarn,and ClItah Impaeta: KEA apt Commords: 4.,Open Wateir Impacts If there are proposed iiiImlpacts to,lakes.pendis,estuaries,triburtairies,sounds,the Alai Ocean,or an water impacts III aati site U 1.li I Ab'IMPWA type I�ac.I OT wat6mocilly 21:1A M11JJ :x,lid I I 'xbd"orrdl°urr Fill 4g.Total tampofaq open wabir li D 00 4g.Total pmmi open watar Impacts: D 04 4g.Total open waAaf Il D 04 4h.Coment&, Mk po'd rie.:ds tfol t*71111ed Iw�'.am C as larNeway'.Uld M'A"%Mqy'y.'ailign-lenk and"W.Cau.'Me a, rl,fre eanhen dwill M11 to�. mnipmnniu-time d:ooeriai inugnity of',r*v,,u,Tf,,HF. 2 D. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Inpema Summae m.�.m•o..sa..�we�w+m.+.a.eary ). stream Impacts a..e.eo wae�..,.. ..e eneeeMnnn.vpama.eueuve.em m.i��.�a d • ,a..e°•rm..�.� slnultl still be 015 w. 41)cea Water Impact ao�m.wmwwo.w�K.mvaeama-..anaza.wa�masa.v+nmamM�wa.ulav MidaimM were n ao.are w�n.v�rm�aa� m papa E. Impact Justification and Mitigation i"l From: McHenry, David G Sent:Tuesday, November 2, 20214:55 PM To:Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW(USA) <Crystal.C.Amschler@usace.army.mil>; Mitchell, Robert K <kevin.mitchell@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] BR 237 Haywood county Hey Kevin, I just resubmitted as requested for a WQC approval modification. Sorry for the extra work. Please advise if you need anything else. Crystal, Please note your administration (forget her name off-hand) may get confused by another submittal, so I wanted you to be sure you knew we had to resubmit for DEQ to consider a modification. You can void it I guess if needed as you should have all updated information already. Thank all Dave From: McHenry, David G Sent:Thursday, October 28, 20214:44 PM To:Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW(USA) <C_r stal.C.Amschler@usace.army.mil> Subject: RE: [External] BR 237 Haywood county Hey Crystal, I got the designer to make some of the changes, but still had to go back and do the labeling and corrections myself as you will see. Note that some of the rip rap impacts on upstream end don't show rock abutting the JS directly, but I asked that they extend the permanent impact calculation upstream because I am pretty sure based on the channel bend we'll want to put some rip rap a little further upstream. Attached is a picture looking upstream under the bridge taken the day before the tropical storm hit where you can see that channel wants to hug the right side (left in photo). I suspect it looks similar now and possibly much more scoured on that side. Some designers, including this one, have been telling me that rip rap is being called temporary impact in other divisions, I presume due to feedback from their Corps rep. I still need to show rip rap as permanent impact correct? Anyway, yes please coordinate with USFWS as needed. Thanks Dave From:Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW(USA) <C_ryst ll.C.A_mschler(_L.asacee_arrny.mil> Sent:Wednesday, October 27, 20214:49 PM To: McHenry, David G <do enry@ncdot. ov> Subject: RE: [External] BR 237 Haywood county CAUTION. External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report 5parn. 3 Hey Dave, thanks for letting me know about the forthcoming change. do you expect that quickly and that it will be a big change? just wondering if I should go ahead and submit what I have to FWS for review for bats or wait for the new info. Crystal C.Amschler Project Manager Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801 (828)-271-7980 Ext 4231 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at: http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 From: McHenry, David G <d,-, enry@ncdot. ov> Sent:Thursday, October 21, 2021 5:37 PM To:Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW(USA) <C_r stal.C.Amschler@Usace.army.mil> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: [External] BR 237 Haywood county Will do. Also, on BR237 I just got reminded that they recently added to the design an extended wingwall with rip rap on the right bank below the bridge. Apparently they had not noticed the undercutting that had occurred since initial design till they did flood damage surveys after the August storm. They did not tell me about this until after I submitted this application to you and Kevin. I will get you revised permit drawings with revised rip rap impacts soon. Sorry about that. They are killing me with this stuff. The easement is held by Cleanwater Management Trust Fund which I believe should have no IRT oversight. I spoke with Marissa long ago and she only indicated this would need board approval from Cleanwater, no mention of anything else. I mentioned the CE because I am guessing it is the nearby mitigation site you referenced, or maybe that is something else (?). From:Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW(USA) <C_ryst ll.C.A_mschler(_L.asacee_arrny.mil> Sent:Thursday, October 21, 20214:57 PM To: McHenry, David G <d,-, enry@ncdot. ov> Subject: RE: [External] BR 237 Haywood county CAUTION. External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report 5parn. Yep, looks like the same thing happened with the B315&B5898 project. I will forward up the chain to let them know there is a problem. In the meantime if you'll send me the attachments for the B315 &B5898 project I'd appreciate it. As to the BR237 project. Is the conservation easement for DMS or a private bank? If so that will have to be addressed through the state IRT as well I believe. Crystal C.Amschler Project Manager Asheville Regulatory Field Office 4 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801 (828)-271-7980 Ext 4231 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at: http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 From: McHenry, David G <do enr @ncdot. ov> Sent:Thursday, October 21, 20214:32 PM To:Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW(USA) <C_r stal.C.Amschler@Usace.army.mil> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: [External] BR 237 Haywood county Sorry Crystal, Something is messed up with the submittal process, maybe its me but if so I don't know what I am doing wrong. The system format was recently changed to where most everything is now lump-placed at the end of the submittal form (see screenshot below), so I am wondering if that has something to do with it??? I take it you did not get any of the attachments below. Anyway, attached is the stuff I sent(or meant to). The only response to tribal coordination is from Catawba and it is attached. The property being impacted is under a conservation easement from Cleanwater Management Trust fund and that has been or is being addressed with Marissa Hartzler with Cleanwater. Thanks Dave 5 HaywoQd.7t7 PCH,pcIf-Advbe krp as Rea4er DC(3Z-b�I) fik Ecfif V�cyw Saig n W�6nzWvw Fidp, ll-fo r,�"e IbWs licryvoc�4,1,d 2"37 PCX- F) 0 Ck PORNIM R 00 Z ORB Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ORB Z Z Z Z Z Z ROMERO Z Z Z Z Z Z ROMERO Z Z Z Z Z Z ROMERO Z Z Z Z Z Z ROMERO Z Z Z Z Z Z ROMERO Z Z Z Z Z Z WOWS AN �1 winflan �N('4'mwpm w Stibn� ssion ('Onipleied Please use the space belowto attach all required documentation or any additional informat you feel Is helpful for application review. Documents should be cornibined' into one file whei possible, with a, Cover Letter, Table of Contents, and a Gover Sheet for each Section prefen kcl, the op k),x"J /",f ii avg arid Oap fi hier'e "AMac h, "17'BP.,14,R,177_Hfiy,vw+,),e.,id 237_Peirnit Se',P... 3.06NIB I 7'BP. 14 R 177..,11aywood 237.1.1SHP0 i eicl'iieick for and rennove 467.48KB Haywood 237 fi,,,icinqf S fr<:'im poriddain north ofbrid,r r:a pdf 1 56NIB F�ayvvood ,237 facong SE fron'i noilh, of b,i'jdge_'tre1e cleanrigpd! I 59KIB How owl 2376PApplicaion Narrafive arid NRTR,pdf 372.5,KB Haywnod 237 Ntaps pt.ff 816.01 KB Haywood 237 I appendces piff 279.71 KB Haywood ,237' sofls�jpdf (3)8'27.91 K B Haywoc>d 237'_NCSA1v! ;,),ond ejuttlow 3-11)dt 2M70X6 Haywood ,Ccitinty - B237 - A.rc�rflitecture Sicreenin�j pd,f 2-02T,11B Haywood County 132,3 Hydro Reporl prJf 5 8'51"'18' N(11'DOT-17 AT),14 R -17 7J laywat,-)d 2."3 i'--rdbal 1 W"). Coordinatio "I 051%,11 Struchire 430237RE$JLJB1w11T 2 Haywood No Arch',,,wologiral Ski- "1 511%16 gnature By the box and signing t),ell1w, I ctttify ti iat' Tl'ie hip-reby 0 ot, all fteroiriy is tftlel, 10 Iry'p,e hero;,,,,tr,",ris,earc'ih .............. From:Anschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW(USA) <C.Eys I.a......l.....C..A.r..n..s.c.h.l...e..r .LA a e.a. my.mil> Sent:Thursday, October 21, 20214:05 PM To: McHenry, David G <d,-, enr @ncd ov> ............ Subject: [External] BR 237 Haywood county 6 BAipwm 3]KN,pp 3 % FlHome Vies TOWis VlneHayrvoM 237 KN.- Lttps:l/edocc dnl.negm/FomWFomr/sLowF nbasicsioNFl4496e8-02184egp.8edf<6c... 91IOR021 se:.m ;ICII: Submission Cornplaral Page 16 of 11 Q Comment Please use Me apace below to ettech all required documentation or any atltlRianal infam;atlon Fill & Sign you feel Is helpful for application review. Documents should be combined Into one file when poe9ble,vital Cover Le3er,Table of Concepts, and a cover Sheet for each Section prefemd t0 More Tools Cask are eased saw w ma ,it map gear kre m atom 4ea,ment RBP 14.R.1o`7_Haywood 237_Pem d Drawings updalel Sep... 3,061,16 17BP 14 R 1R HayvaJ 237_SHP0 recollect far paid remove._ 46748KB Haywood 237 facing 5 tram MW dam north of stage ask 156MB Haywood 237 Wall SE Sam north of bridge tree clearing." 1.59MB Haywootl 237 GP gpphosiden Narrative aM NRTR.pdf 3725KB Haywood 237 More up 81601 KB p Haywood 237 PJD appendices off 2]9.]1KB t Haywood 237 soils pdf all Haywootl 237_NCS pontl oumow chennalsila 3 cot 210,26108 Heywao] County- 6237-Architecture Screening Of 282MB Haywood County- B237-Hydra Report of 5.B5MB NCDOT_178P.14.R.177 Haywood 237 Tribal IN Coondinatio... 105MB Metum 430237 RESUBMIT Heywootl No Archaedogimt Su_. 1.51MB Fee ra=W PaF on Signature We edt FOR, Pumod P.DC ® By checking the box and signing below, I mNN Mel: e The plead Mistreat hereby certifies Mat all information widened! human is hue, QTYM tole a CAUTION. External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Sparn, Hey Dave, Was looking over this PCN we received last month and it looks like the submittal was just the pcn itself. You had sent the tribal coordination and archaeological information separately via email but there was no cover letter with the package. Also Kevin had sent the PCN previously with some of the normal info but no cover letter and then he askes to withdrawn that one. At this point can you please provide any supplemental info if there is any to include any revised plans and a cover letter that addresses the Section 7 info and the mitigation site that is near by. Also, was there any responses from tribes on this one? Thanks, Crystal C.Amschler Project Manager Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801 (828)-271-7980 Ext 4231 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at: http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 it all correspondence;,,lcuirdenc e Co aird frurr ffils sondcr is sulcjcc. �u ffic IN C I':"ulc Ic.IRcc;urds I ow aird i°r ay be disclosed�u ffili'd Icartiu;,,, it all correspondence;,,luuirdenc e Co aird frurr ffils sondcr is sulcjcc. �u ffic IN C I':"ulc Ic.IRcc;urds I ow aird i°r ay be disclosed�u ffili'd Icartiu;,,, 7