HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-05387_Well Construction - GW1_20211013 i WELL CONSTR1TMON RECORD P" For incrnattl:e ONLY: Ths fora am be aged for single or ntW1f*arils � . 1.Welt Cumtracforinfor matlon: T 1 2021 AkWAM,zv Stefan Smith i1��� 1 J Plt AlTo 01MCKIMON, W41coaftnctorNarne ^`(7CGve�g.M1 fL ft. f�CC;',3f C'%On M ft. 3576A �C�, p��R sa Nc-wdlCordrxlotfeatificalinuNnnber i.iltl7Rli' Qiteriad IJAV d eA Olr"(w.3t y fable FRaM TD DiAAJE7�iR TttTCh'taF,tCS I MATF;RrAi. SASDACCO Inc 0 rL 9 ft. 1° 3e: SCE-40 PVC Coa>itrorl'le !6 iNNP.ti NG OR if Gr air FROM T DViA1FWR- TniCK 7M MAITMAL 2.W c1l Con#mcdgn Pcrmlt#: 50000079 tt. A& fin all explirdRe,wrapenNits(Er.Cmmty.Ste,Vhrionre,IgTTedCn cir.1 3.Wd1.Ilsc(check wdl sae}: # Water Supply Weil- FaOM _To I DtAhJKTRR Saors6 n 1W MATR 1 4, CDApticulhlrai ammicipaTirllbiic 9 R. 19 ft in 11L .016 SCE-40 PVC OGeotbetmal(NeatingCooling Supply) OR.esidential Water.Suppty(single) Olndusaiullt ommercial OResidentW Water Supply{shred) trftoelT:: . ' FRAM TO MATMIA MAt:"ENT MEMOD&ANOUNT Oltri tion ft. (L Non-Water Supply Well: i&tc�lonitorif l^1Rccoti A. InjectionWeil: IL IL t]tlqttr(crRccfiarge; QGruntndnatcrltemedil»ion t9. �.., gr�►goifcTstornSc and Rtxa�rty OS tlinity Aaiincr urft M 'I Tntetat Fanrt A ' Jr;�T:N 1 » 7 fL 19 ff. SAND #2 OAquifer Test f3Stomm*cr Drainage OExPgcstal`X'srtmokrgs Osabsida=Control R ft. so. Rna.�v r ov:r,�l>"�� etttoR�i Meothemvd(Closet Loop) OTracer 0074 TO DrsCarFrtoN'Dear u+.rdn a,wwrca e/e. 17Gcodietalal tit y Return) o0flw IMIaLn under#21 REm&I 0 ft. 17 ft. Silt 17 rL 20 ff. Sandy silt 4.Date Wcll(s)Completed: 8/31/21 WdllD#B-6 IL fL Sit,Well Location: Shell Oil Products, US rt. (L Fx@ityt<hN'wr Name Fraoi>it?TDA Cif 9PPlicAl0 101 W. Woodlawn Rd., Charlotte, NC, 28217 R, P)p-ical.Addresa Olt.and Zip 21 N' s• r! y. Mecklenburg 16903203 Temp well for groundwater grab sample. Couo> lrirrtet WsdilkrttolMo.MN) Sb.Latitude and taingitode in degmeshninutcAcconds or decimal degrees: 21.Certirtextion- (if aeit flow aK wort 1S sldncicol) 35.178814 N 80.883939 W 9/28/2021 5i�i of zfld Well Cartlmcror Dare 6.1s(err)the weli(s): ElPerrnaneat or OTemporaty" ur s; A this 1 ht gal g form rc6)•ewr6A thdf rhr w+r!((s)tarf ft*&)wnffrurred br ot"rdrwnr afth,15A ArCAC 02C.01M ar 154 NCAC O.C'4200'We(1CoitstroMon SrArAmfx and cheer a 7.1s this a repair toantrtist3ngwell- Mat or ONo ae�yaJrhlr+rrnmhesliren�r+rfdrdmtlarurllaavrrr. If Ws if a r+pOn fi0 out bwA m well eonsmtc lion btfamawrlvo and tuptabt*e+enure?)f A. selvir rcreder621 nmrarlis weir m ar an ttm bark of th(s farm. 23.Site diagram or additiottat well details: You nap use the.back of this page to proride additional hell site details or well B.Number of veils constructed: 1 construction details. You mmy also attach additional pages ifnecessan_ Fo r nwNple lqjergm oe mm-uimr slum wells ONLY"Ith the erne coxmweden,vane can submhowfirm St7BMITTAL 1N MUCFlONS 9.Totai twdl depth below land surface 19 {it,) 24s.,FAr All Wells: Siebndt this,form nithin 30 days,of coratpkdon of Jreit Formwldptt arils lin till&r*-t lfd4ffewnr(e.V&gple+B@2W'aM 2@l+Y) construction to the-fbuowing 10.Static water level belowtop of casing (ft.) Division of Water Rtsoirrcts,Information Ptneessing Unit, if%werlrvel Isdbove rating.use"a" 1617 Mail Service t inter,Raleigh,PVC 27699460 11.Borehole diameter.2.25° An.) 24b.Err lukWrm FUM OM Y: In,addition to sending the form to gte address in 24a above. also sOmit a copy of this form within 30 daps of completion of rayed 12.Well corrstMetion n Vabod: DPT co rAnictionto the followiAg. (ic eager.rotary,crlble,diem pssk eft:) Division of Water'ResoorcmVitdergrodud Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY. 1636 Mail Srri9oe Center.Raldab.NC 276"4636 138.ti end(gpm) Method of test 24e.For Water Sapp&&injectimi Wells: Also submit one copy of this font within 30 daysofcompleaionof 13b.DiRinfectioo type: Amount: well constmction to the county health deparhnart of the county tvhm constructed,. Form G6V.t MAh Camlim DM mum of Ewttowne>p and NamrW Resomms-Dhislonol'A's&Resmirces Revised ALVA 2013