HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-05385_Well Construction - GW1_20211013 WELL'CONSTRUMON RECORD For lmtnd Lin ONLY: TLis roan con be and for sftk or m drTic 1Xiis t.V►'c1t Grntrarxor.irtirtrtnitton: fi 31' lEI2 7.Q.. Stefan Smith s ••M VR M_ n- ► 1; v WdtGpndr,¢durK�mC � 1 11�ti ' 3576A 0� e�r;�\1�� NCWc1lCommctorCenifecallon �r Nanc �t,G"+�`�I�rrC"C'� 5 ztATtt oriiriih34drtie 'OR;` "ll[ifi16 �Cj� 5TO TO DTAAttT6n 3irnGiCItPS3 MATERTAi. SAEDACCO Inc ft, 20 (l. 1° la. SCH-40 PVC CamVwv Name rOA [NG+ tirertiA d tl d 1' " ; TO01MA11761t TI11CKNFM MAIERtAL 50000079 Variawr,llbEeknesc3.Wc11.lise(d;vck well ase):Water So lily Well: orAMBt7:R T IY1: 1rCUNM MAiTMAI, OAgriculturel DMimiripal/MliC 20 ft. 30 A. 1° to O10 SCH-40 PVC DGeothernlai(HeatinglCooling Supply) Meriden t8l Water Supply(single) R (L & Dbidustrial/Conutmicial OResidentkii Water Suppiy(shared) MX FROM To WAI HMNACEM=TrtrI on&.010UR' C&d lion tt (L Hon-Water Supply Well: ®Monitori ❑Rcxcn R. R. injection well: ft. IL OAgITlferRccbcgc ClGrout drraterilcmadiation rM0111M M A'PFt!A1 pMhrA �tt"170 n OAgni&r.StoTageandRecovery 0sall"ity Darricr ft. 30 fl. SAND #2 OAquirfcr Test DS1011rmatcr Dmirmgclt. ft. OlrVCrimrntal T=lmolo,� L7Srlbsideaoc Contml OGeothernml(Closed :oop) tlTraeer 7D nrSCRO'"Or 0614r, M OGeotitemmt Return) 130dier. in under#21 Rettmft J 0 it. 19 h. Silt 19 0. 30 & Sandy silt 4.Date WOW Completed* 9/1/21 WdI M#B-9 f. fl. 58.N'e111.rtealion n fL Shell Oil Products, US ft. (L FaefflilyiOn-wrNemo Faeilk MR(f sppii--able) 101 W. Woodlawn Rd. , Charlotte, NC, 28217 ff. ry, PlosialA3tdM- iq_andZip Mecklenburg 16903203 Temp well for groundwater grab sample. Con/ay; parcel l4cmiRM005140,(PIN) 51t.iAtimde and Longitude in dc�atlmlm tss/seconds or decimal ciegrt�; 22 flan: (itweit fici4,("it 1300f%is$JdYklttd) 35.178722 N 80.884078 W _ 9/28/2021 5 ..1tod'Wets Cantmscnt Date 6.is(ire)the well(s): aFermanent or oTernporary Ay signing dtlt fonrti.t hereby ivrriA-A&the µ+ell(s1*as-1 rrcrrl cantrrrrrred in&"Alimce wlrh 1 fit hICAC 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.020f1 WrU CAmrm Won Sraa* d;and dw a 7,16 this a repair to an eidsting 1rell: Oyes or wNo rpm of fiTr nvonf h"bere pmrum to the nrM QUWr. If*s&a repdr.flit ow RfP M well carurnrcrlea iltl'om f wr and rTtak the rmfure of Me repair ander#21 remarks merino orris ds bare ofd*form. 23.Site Magnin or additional well detaiist You may use the back of Ws page to pro ide additional xMi site details or well S.Number of wells constmeted: 1 construction&flails. You mq also attach additional pages if necessary. Fo o u e%tkm or awi-u alee tub wells ONLY nf(A die woe conAwe-flan,y.�v nine fn .rLVBB 1"rTALMSEJCT?ON$ 9.Total weltdepth bet mlandsurfale: 30 ((L) 24a. Por All Wells. Submit this.,form within 30 days of completion of still For areuhvrW111hre all Arluks114, emiltertae>pA"-3@3(O'am20100) construction todicfollowing; 10.Statlewater level below tap of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resoamts,information Processing Unit, 1/wW/rrWe'lisdbotveadnit cur"4" 1617 Mail SeriiocCimt1x.ItAltigli6NC27699-1617 11.1iarr8ote diameter 2.25 24b.Far[lrhxtioa Wetic ONLY, ,'fn addition to sending the form to the address in 24aabove. aiso su9tinit a copy of this faint within M daps of completion of awil 1.2.Well eonstrMllon metbod:DPT construction to f following: (i.e.aipr.rotaty,csbtc doxr posh eki Dlvhlon of Water Resources lU bderl"and fnjecdon Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY ANTILLS'ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Cduter.Raido.NC27699-1636 13a.lileld(gpm) Maw of test: 2-4,*—Tor Water Sale&&tnicatimi Wells: Also submit one copy of this for M within 30 daps of completion of 13b.Disinfeetipn type: Amount- -.cell constnrction to the county health department of the colintp whew constmcted. f FGIMGW-1 Nonh Caroling Dgmtme uaf EmimnmcN sod i AntrW Rcwurocs—DivhbnoM'xtcTRe0UM Rcvlsed August 2013