HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-03779_Well Construction - GW1_20210823 F ab 151905:43p Clearwater Weli DrlNing 828r622 72A4 P.1
CONST1Li MU19—RCCORU(GW]la., For inicmal Me niy;
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Geothermal Hciti anti Return) Outer sin underf#21 Rcrnmirs)
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A.I)Ate WORK)Completed. Well MY f4 j
5a.Well Lactifnn: 7 ft. 61 a f'
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rcToJr cadet h?f r Ma*XT11411 nr on 0:hark aflhO fain,
2:ti-Site diagram or additlorml wAi deAa1f9t
8.tior GeaprobefflfPT or Onmd-I nap Geothermal Wells having the same you may use cite back antis pw to provide addrdioltal well a"deta)ls or well
txmaltttc"011,0111yl fW1 is heeded, M&M WFAL NUMBER or- nlis toti9tntcimndctaiis, You may also tt wb additional p8gesifnoccamry.
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�.7rotai wclidapth below land arikeot ._.._M) 2,11%b ALMW., Sunk this form within 30 days of compitWon or well
#nr ntehlpfe kroJlclitr alJdeJdl4r tfrf(Jfu rnr(eutmnlu-9tf;??Uft`nnd I(a11ft0� cn'n.gMAfhfl to the frdlaff t .*
)h•4fa&t'WAw a ca 1nMowtotopOPtAAinfi:
fr r Jatee caring•me (ft.) Division otWalrr Rmfurees,lafbrmatlon I1'ruct sting Unit,
I#'xmhrr lr�tiJ " 1617 Mail Service Cater,R41dgb,lMC;&709-IEt7
Il.Ilanehotedlimeter: 1� {ln j 2ttr,tRnr 1■locdon Whim to addition to,sendini;the fboo to ft adhM in 24n
12 Well t»nitrneflo°method: I� fC at*ove,aim submit one copy of this lbrin wlfllin 30 tlW of compaction of we)1
1- ell mnuy�k,dji a ox3sftaction to the following:
BOtt wA f'Ft�S1 PPf V WELTS DN1.Y: Dlvhion of W ater Resources,Undcigtnand Injection Comm)Proprom,
t rr36 Moil Service Ce— Ratafgrr,TIC 27 t�94636
13a.Yield(gppt) 4 1►tc1>!t►tt of tech _C/ U-, t ter Satm1L&rpfeeHon w!!ri!p„1•v(rjt to teddidon to wtrTdb/g the fermi to
v the addfcss(cs) above, also submit ant copy of this fomt within 30 days ref
13A.1)tainfeetrnn tyFr; IA{' Ammmt e7 comphtforr of well emumuction to the cntudy hcatth del n accent of the county
tt hRft coffinnmted,
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