HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-03769_Well Construction - GW1_20210823 828'522�72h1 '• p.1 Fc;i11519O5,43p ClBerwaterWBIIDrilling ••"""""' WELL cpjx R.'f,,T�T)[U1V RECORI3 fiGW 1iti i~trr)neerrlai vac nty: .itCnntraetnr lnfotmatllan: �., ------ Wr.11 C'mlrmuorName P, cam? i 3 A a. - a. g1Nli " VC:WellCantngot('txilFaMionNumrira• Mr1,� •� Tl� t rt> -'cj (►. 11�an• v C:nmpnny Nnmr. "�a � 'fit � G 2•Well Conetrneitna Permit a- J.lrfaH nPPlftnbht tva$Cp7it►Jnellull1MrAtrrr(I r IN,OWN),809,r/orrmrrR rtcJ � R• tn. i•NMI Use(check well usr): WaterSupplywen: ? stm Agrlcultutal DmettlelpaUPuhlic tot. Crcothcrmal(1.1"Tiug/Coot)ng Supply) Residential Witter SUPPLY(single) IndwirialMommeraiai Residcntial WAW Supply(sltanxl) e Trrlgotion - tit. (� n^ �l rAipdfcv tcr�tgrply �tin ell:Recbat(tc �frrnmdwatcrttctnrdisliunr Storage:and Rcoovery 133alinity RAW" AL r Tcsl �Stormwater Dminagsnenroi i¢ctntotttgy �5ubsidcncr Cotnml etmal(Closer!Loop) �19•rhactt 1»At(Hearin tro(ln Rctum ()#tier lain under$21 Reme ts) it. ra . A, LP-Q I 1 1 Well 1At1 t)atr.bVen(s)Ctfmpir..tRd._•,_....,.�,.....-.., Z �� 1� � �• -- Ca.Wcl!3 tttxrtlnn: w �p P'J ep - I�nrilisvriltyter was FJwlityll)rl(tfrgtplErghlr.) -,�.�,;� r1�� 1g51 CoAviv-) rttysienl nddrose,C1ty,nnA 2.ip • t' ••� ��C �Safi 2. AR 4 Loamy rateel tdernideation Nn.(Prh') -km 51/.Mi ilndt,aMl longitude in degtties/mInllte0ftelinds or dceimal degrem W-11 field,ane lnMang in nidlrorant) 0 1 7,Ce -2W 53 �l� Lo -aA.la(atc)theweil(A) tl'crmanrnt or Orfet>1(!n�ry jrjr.rl}7fm$rP'R -.1 haMl v Mr11Y dear lhr:twd"MW Ravi rmrnnr mW a aeennlarrtr 7.i:,this it art:palr to an esiAdng welt: InXes or al4a udN+!SA W"'W.;n2C.#1h0 or 1.1A NC.tC a2C,.O.2W Wert C.WrMc»ntr Strmdartla—1 rhar a 4-rhi•ixarepntr,,pllmprkmitm lea consinralonbfomattanmri nmprr_arrrnrrgfrha rnPvoftrtlofYmrrlNns7+tlq/1mgdml*the W41Meer. P-7-Ir-derVtrcfflaPcscep01,rJro7lrMhardofrhlrfaml. ?,&sft diagnmoradtldo=tWOdcMWA' R,6Q1'Ge011rahe/111PT or Ciaiwd-1 onp Geothermal Welb hllvingthe same Yau mays use the bWA of tbuapage to prdvlde adMonnl well title dtMAIA or well 1-ris nretinn,only I OW.1 4A necdctr. r1letimm TOTAL NUMBER of+rrllc C'Mmuetina tirtails, You am alm MMh addillonel puga if aliewarv. driliad:-_.•.._. etal well tteptAhaimv Israel surlitec: _(R:124bk. t+�r Mi We11a: Submit this farm t,.4(Mn 30 dMw of camplstion of well inrmrrloplcwnllrJitrnrlAeigrtrifdlQrtrngr(Fxamplu^ eT/1(P'a+td i 10A7 eonowli0tiln the rdlowbit. Lit-States:Water levy below top of easing: (R.} rpWaoo of Water Ratmtreml,lafarmatlon Proeeaft llinll, 1f,mlr.rltnrd la aMna tmYng,vie _ 1617&W Sewlee Center,FkIdg6.TIC 274"-1617 � G 11_r rehotedtatueter; o p1a�.)n 24N Par/nMctillN hn sdditlwn to beading Ox foM ro the nddIM In 24a tdmb l�Well conatrnetlon method. l [ � y qW 4ubmh one copy of this farm+rllhtn 30 days of eotnptdlmt of wen t conM tion to the forinarit1W (i a,etgy:•,mtnry-rlthlc,41Md T ttslt.ct0 Dlvlslnn of Wntt:r Reantivu%Underground tr jettlan Canirrol flragrom, t WATER SUPPF 1J WRI.LS oNl,1f: ifi3K Mn11 SgNroe Centerr RA t1 Yn r t tcigkt WC 7.117J9••iGib 134.Yictd(RPM) t ._ " uu1 of teAP. . Roe arm W"tor Snlnlely&in HO R►tlise In'addition to widing the ram to �j the nddress(cs) libove, also suhpait one copy of Iht9 tams allMht 30 days of tan.DrstptcctMq tppe¢ ,Amvrmt^, o � completion of Well n m ft,cmmn Inalm 4MM1MIt of the tanlnly Where con9ttr culcl. Ward linn racwtmant art?-1,;tnmcnm7 Qmilty-rAvon nor Water tt o nram t2�seatz xl m1a i Well Driller Self-Grout Certificati0A P Owner �io Qa60SOIr" New Well: AddressA'C5I I\A n CA(VAA 116,gepair: Permit: MCXI(57 ftt l l ;.)C �- I hereby certify that the above referenced well was grouted in appearancein accordance with all County Well rules. Well Dxs7ler X �`�e�Ga�v� 1 g• Certificate#: Z 1 Date Grouted: LO "Z- l Construction: Grout. Total Depth: :30 S Type- CE rV-P-- - Casing Type: -)N G Thidmess: C`l'"j Casing Depth: Depth: 2� Diameter: t 0 Fl Weight/Thick Height: Drive Shoe: GPM.—[ t i