HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-03725_Well Construction - GW1_20210823 s28.6.2-7241
f eb 1519 05;43p Clearwater Well Drilling
WELL�O�T,,,,STR.UC'A'ION RE�� Gf-W=p'11 Fnr lntclnni Use niy_
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Creotht nmi(140116ng/Cooling Supply) Wesidential wider Supple,(singic)
IndustriallCommeraial D Residential WAtetSupPly(SlINVi) UT
Non Mnter TplyWrIl-
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Atpiifer Recharge r}froundwawT Remedistinn MllGRAYBL PA nttsnoo
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liperimentai Tecimalnppr fjSuttsidcnca Control R-
Geothemtai{Closed!nap) QiTracer it.20.t1Rni1 14C roRheek r Ste.
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RGeotherinal(Heatinl*JCootinl;Retum) plher(e>ipiain urtdcrti2l RcmArks) ft, -; iL
A,i)atal>•+gl(R)Completed: I Well ID# T____. q � o 1 � �?
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Sh.I.ntitude and longitude in degreesimi intestseconds or decimal drgrees:
(i;%Kilt f,Fld,Ot.ne tRtrlaIIg SB Ra{ItOi4iN� r+ . '2.Certi(icAtt n:
h.13(arr.) fntd l' Date
the wd1A Pmanent or OTemlmrary
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i.iRthiwarrpatrMancxiatiagwcll: �XCq Oe No udllt9.SAVCAr'021r.0100or•13A,VC4irWr.0Ia0 Well CnrtsrmCrin)'-Vvn »Laaml,hm.r
il'tlds is a rennlr.fig mufinrnnn toeg emart,cllon bornimloa mvl eaplatn thto nnn,rc t!f tha enpp of Ihle MCrad Aa hem PM1'id4rf/D the Weft MN7er•
r^,amr raider a7!rcm+U .tedMet nrmrl/n:bad,tnflhtx jnrn,. ,1,3.41tg diagram or AddlH9M1 Wdl dells tSr
R.For Genprahefllr+T or f�0iaed-t.nnp GeatbarmAl Wells having the same ti14Xt mAy ttsc tits tuick of this page to provide additional welt site detAita or well
ugnstmctian,only I G%V-i is needed. fltditmto TOTAL NUK48ER nr-clis Co natruction rtetails. You may also Roach Rddititmat pages axessary.
9-TIbl well depth below land slidace; t _(R 1 141a, I;er.lit Wells: Submit thin form 1001in 20 dR3%of rnmPiation of well
l hr n,nbiPIC tt c11.0 iAt,dl deplim tfd0drnnr(nramI*-lla�T00•and s rat 1001 Com mctian to Ilic Ibllowing:
I0.Static water tevcl bet w top or aasingr (R.} Division of V4alar Raroura&Information Processing Unit,
If,rnrrrla+rrh•trhuvecowng,wer^F', ( 161T Mall SarviceCmMr,Raleigh.NC276"-1619
i#.lk►reholedlaAt¢Mr:, [tin.) 241t,Aar uiectionWIQSt to addltion to sending the form to the Itddreea in 248
12 Welt conatrneHAR method:_ I l.J A r1 l Amy'��bmtt one copy of this form within 30 hays of eompie0on of well
(i c,mt constmetion to the foilawinr
He,mh11p.mme,direct push,ctc.1
Division ofSt+attr Resoum%Uttdergronlid injection Control Piogmin,
WATCR SI:PPT V WFLLs ONLY: 1636 Moil Sa vice Ceitter,RAtelp,TIC 21?tt09,•1636
(gym) Method of test: P4Glir Vt'}(lnr c� c&io Non Welter In addition to sending the(sum to
Me Rddrecs(cs) above, also submiuone copy of this form within 30 days of
Disinfection type: .Amount-. eomptetlon of mdl OkSlIU tion ro the cAanly hsal(h AWlttrtmern Of the smog
wham constmew.
1�in"cm''-k Nam,C�rnlrnnf?apnrnrtont.ti t:u.iranmenrnt gm+tlty-DiWstan of VAM ftinni m Reufsal2 22 2a16