HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-03723_Well Construction - GW1_20210823 Fob 151f)05;43p Clearwater Well Drilling 828$2Z�72�� WE .X.CO1VS t J1t�`�'ION�2ECORA(GW.X) 'F-n—r lnlclmni vac : i.W f)ontrartaremawpow lnformud n: ---�---�_`_, � �.�. ______-.__:-�. •�^ fill _.,---- rwort xn lVrp l:onllataRmq fR ft :�:y�Irll[:nnennot t'.cttlficntion t.4 '� II Lon-, �M tt t:'n:n�nny Nmm� O V- t MA t 7..Well t 0rtrnetinn RermN dN.- 2 `+. �L U iTM i.lsr nl!oPMltv+hlr.,velf WAgn lino pvwu ga am"wintry,&71r,YnIm+s'v,al.;.) f1, k• - I Weil t11t:(eh"k well usr): Wa to Suplply Rteff, Agrictildtral tmklpRllPuhNc 1) f1, 0- �. C+cnthettm,i(1•1onting1c0011e9 Supply) Re%ldmfial Watcrsuppfy 101181c) R, tti to tnd,xAtrinf/f:mnmorcinl Rcsidentml WAW Supply(9hmvd) t irrt otion _ T ivn��•nrplvVlell: R4rnlitorinp, ©Recovery tt fr fntectlon a l;— -- R^ -- Aquifer itecllar{te E3tiroundwoter Renlcdi9tinn A Aquifer StOrttgG Ind RGcnvcry �SatinityRnflicaAMNWNWRL aufttfltt AgllitcrTcst �Salrmwat;rilhainagt R n' 13xperilnental TealntnlollY rISubsidwe1.Comm It. 1R Geothermal(Closed Loop) D'Yrncer 206 A1t. CicotttP.fllml iNcnttn n01i itt loin) Qfher tat lain tmdcril2l Rcmatfis) tf t.Darr.ltleu(s)Cam eted•1 _J. Well E1l�t/ Su.Well f nrnnnne l V<]�'r{ 4 var ft. I:,rility,71na,4Namr. IFae7ity[[bt(sfrq,pltceblr) 0. ni,rairnlAdd xs,rily,andZip M R" ` County t'mcct idta„itlention No.(Plh) sh.f•aaulde nmt lrtnp,Itude 3n degtcrslminutesl9ccnnds 0r dtxim9l tlt:ge•etw: (i��vK,11 Gold,on.,intgong is nu$inirnf) a a �r Ilultin 1.is{art}the wNi(4 0 1,manent ar DTpmlmrnry flp Of ofootu4ed etleffmawor D1,te \� Azph? . ari0lfin Ulf.,,arn+,I ANrlrytmUfj+tAct rhr,tW�r( >trsy/ltmf�l runftualarlM acanMoncr rJvrY orfilltnwknnw"dJ mapmaton h�irrnrlllon l),c rxnn+r of+ho rWy nfibre rr-rnrd bdrbfd/f1M 1fa*f/17 MV wrft mWer. r�;anir muter,1)/remni>S.cc.1•aximt rx•pntlm.hack njlhtxjnrn+. X1.Sft dMgl or**O t W Watt dda fat 9.For Oc0prnttr•1liPT or Clowd-Lonp GcalharmRl Welllt hnv(0g the snitlr. 1+otl tnity use the hack of this Sege to provide addttonal lvdi All*datalla or well �x>ngtmctinn,onih I GW-1 is needed. hulicnity TOTAL NUMBER of%arllc c4a9tnlctina ddails. You may aft me0h mmdifitmal PRIM if ffeeeasaly. 9)1'+,tgl Well depth bo10v land%utnl¢c (R:► Fnrnrrrlli,McxeNc lilt rdlil,:pr/u•rfA(�crnnr(creRmph:-B(n�T/M'.md;,[r@Ma79 241A,for.s<il wello: 3uhtnit 1111s fbfm iftin 30 drips of compltuion of well rnngtociitm t01hc follolft: 10,$tAtlr,tvntar levt t h+!hlnr tap of curing: (L� — (ft•} Dividna of Warr Reaureea,ln}brmatlon proeev ft U011, !l'nvint,6n,rt o•i+l r1t�t1¢rhfR,gyp / 1617 11S1eb Smvlce CemtW,Otat eWTlCa7t/0l9-tb17 f i_ltorrh0le dlaraebcr,_��(;n,j ?Ah.Pw r<nlerlii_e y&W In addition t0 Beading the form tp ft tR1l mms in 24n 17,Welt coostntellon methr►d: �� allow,ow submit mite copy of this form wilhin 30 or. of complou nl of Wdl '14r- minty.mbkk dirmmtRb,4c.) consttualian to the follov✓ : �)R WATER SCIP,V WELT 9 ONLY: 1?IvfslOn Af�1 AhT lff$lHgtf OEA.Uadt�FrottOd Injectiond Contra] iG3b Mqf!3e11Aoa CeOn!ri tlatclRfy lYG R7t�9�tGib 1;a•Yield(Rp1tl) {yefhett of teak ?.1e.S Water Sonsh&faieeHen watt Jtr 4 Jtt nddltitUl to ger1d01S the limn to Ift-ntsintecuen typo; � AnaotmC f110 Rddtzss(es) above, also submit me jcapy a lhf$ fbfm WMID 30 deyo of comp1011011 Of WA Mnsucctt0n to ttu CRIMSY kallb dt7{ia"Mift of ft tnmtnp tuhert comfit cm. NortS C nmllrtttf?apnnmene ofSi"'4Mnmrnm1 Q mllty.Utvr9,on of WAM navmme, Reufte,l2 22-?rtt 6