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GW1-2021-03845_Well Construction - GW1_20210823
' t u V5'43p Clearwater Well Drilling WE �, ON 828-622-7241 P,1 U 110N RECORD Gw x ILA C.onl*artor loth Fnr intcmnl Use Only; t'matfon: tlie!(Cbnrraga Name t i t !4 W 7l;RCONES ••`-�.--,1L..{y t�ROM ?O A84CRIFrIpN ft, VC WcIlCnnhaclotC crtificAtinn Niankr ire IRA e orf> 1 L eC N rI DAnnme fll[ MATRNL ,l ft'12� R; ® ie. �•Well Conittrnetion Permit 4:202 1 ' mis-CA mu cm Alma i.lrratlo N TO p �O+4+al�siated•lpp pp/irn.4lr teiJntnrrnicrinn porrngx(l c(II(.;( �nnnry,dYal�Variance,arc J N. "A tfE.RIAL Z•Well li3e(ehtch well use}: �VatcrSopp(q�11c11: t7,St:RE N Agricultural owunicipoUPuhfic FROM TO ntA14167Ctt a THICKNESS MA71MAL Geathrnttal(19cating/CorAfng 3uppiy} �ReSidential Water Supply(single} 0 R. Industrial/CommercialResidentfal Water Supply(shared) tL fi. �. frtt otion 18.GROUfi won q'nMr iupplY Nell: - TO MAt$RIAL SMI'i AC Vr349_RODdo AATDUNWT h4onitorinB n" 7el tk, COxe-/t Wi%tax injection Well: Recovery 0. fr. Aqnifer Recharge ElCroundwater Rcrnediatinn ft. R. Aquifar Storage and Recovery Salinity Bamiet ' 19.SAN11/GRAVEL PACK AquiferTeit nt To A L IIttrtwClrMxlKltttteTtton 0StnrmweterDrainW rL D. Utperimenta)Teelmology JJSubsidenee Control Geothermal(Closed Loop) T^iTcnecr R" Geothermal(ticatin Coolin Retum) Other ex in under p21 Rcmaft) Rf11i.T LOC tttpae6 td neeretm PROH To D Color. raft t Lit IA rirg sae ¢yam f fr. 1-aft. )4— t �'I.Rate 11'eN(s)Cntnpicted: c� B Weli INI zz fr. ` f_ / �K< Su.Well iArRIton: ( ft Fyn ft- R (, R. �(� It, l:teilitl;'(kincr Atamc f t�( Ce �� eelli ({p>f(r{ Plicablc) R, ft e/ yn CIO Pllysirnl AAArcss,Citl,and 7.fp 5 e� rt Ok 21.REMARt(.S !..'llillly O ., Portal identification Na.{P[lv3 ,t ilw,•�€• ;'�.3'' �h,i+AtitlldC ROd 10112ittlde in degreeslminateslseeondsortieeiMilI degree-: _ (it wolf fichl,one lnt%lig is sufiieicn1i o ! ��,Certirica6nn: h A.Is{arc)the well(S) Pcrmonant or ©ITempnrpry Si (olurc ar Gerlirica Weil Contractor Dise "$ming rHre.(orm,I heml!v retrlfy ram thr.Aw•!!(xj avrr rxerr'J eemrrmrsud to atcmrdor+ce ?,is this A repair to an Ct:isdRg vve11: OXrs Or Q1V0 p411,i5A.W-Ar..`021:.?tM)nr 13A N(.AC.NC:tt200 Weft Gr,eslrnetr ur SYarrdarde mrrt+Am.r f,/'tl,fr is a repair.fry mu lmnwn nvdl aunxtrnarnn L�hrmatlan a?iAjffnrrt/hu anrore gr1hu tapl�of rltre r�'/v/NI AOR bra pMlddeYf rri the W1f mutter. rraair under 01 remarkr.1cr lml or on lire hark nflNOOM,. 23.Site tliagl tom or addltionRl wrap dtdglls: 11011 may use the tack of this page to provide additil well site derails or well R.Mir Genprahe(11PT or Oused-i.onP Geothermal Wells having the same constntcfion&Mails. You may also a ilach!additimal pages if Aceemani. mnslnrcticm,onlh I C1%14 is needed. fndicato TOTAL NUMBER of urils drillMi___ (� I A,rrrAt 1 'cl R IM. ONS ?.Total well depth below land surface: _(44 M. Bor A�. I!Wails: ".submit this form srithin 30 days of Completion of swell i�r nrrd/iprc xKl7.c fitr nli drptlrs.f`Iljfcrrnr(etnmplc-3[n�.T00•mtd�ii I001 consltttctian 10 the f0ll0lcing: IA.3tstie water level below top of casing: �® (R•) Division of Water Renturees,Information Processing Uldy FJ'walerh=llsahnaecasing.me"• (� 1617MitilfiesviceCenter-,Raleigh,NC2709-16117 1 T_Borehole diameter. �_° (in.) UK For falecti2p_W_ellx In addition to aending,the form to the Adores in 24A alcove,also submit One copy of this form within 30 Clays of completion of well i Z Well constniedon method: constntetion to the following (i c,anac,rottr)t.cable,direr&Push,etc.) Division ofWater Reaonrces,Undetrgr+ound ittjectfon Control Program, MR WATER St:PPI.Ir Vill ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,RRlelglt;NC 276994636 P_in r{.%1 ..- .. .. /--a.Ca:.,..M bMIITO 1hr roan to Well Driller Self-Grout Certification 6 Owner: N w Well: t� Address U-14 -O-rm --�r— Re P!em*: 71n2t Leyl L-L-q e tcqos, I hereby certify that the above referenced well was grouted m appearance m accordance with all County Well rules. Well DnUer: )®S;K D f\J Signed: Certificate#: L0--6`1 -A Date Grouted: Construction: Grout: Total Depth: 2-q Types !" Casing Type: SA'-e-e I mdaiess: Casing Depth: -21-- Dept: 'Ia� Diameter: Weight/Thick- Height: Drive Shoe: GPM: TD