HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-04020_Well Construction - GW1_20210823 P-1 Feb 1519 05,43p Clearwater Well DrIffin.9 c LG—W-D Illy- Well'CAIIIWACIAT IfIrMISKIII811. �k Well(.,ollrmclof KIRItle % WAVES rWI NC Wel I vant"fin,Cedification WtTmkr a farr I VeA Cekmpnf�v Nam AMM-4901 I Well Conmirnetinn,remit it: i,A 1171,aflidl-ble U011 rMMME11111 a p1jillultv A'.I ijIv,—r.G0M-- MrItm% I'Veil'fir.(check well silt)- ------ W S'altr8upplywa: DASetcultnr9l NhmiolpafiTuhite o ft. Zjjti%ldcntlal Water Slipptv(single) n a in. :)Indintriall1rartillicraial EI Resiticnftl WAI-SlIpply(shared) Pirri rationff i-444 �. Ini-tion Well: Amlifel-Reclintgc 13croundwater ReinediRl!tin L A AqUifr Storage:md(teetiVery D-Winity AquiferTc.ji [39mmwacr Dralringe CISubMilence Control 30cothttrnal(Cl(md uicip) f3uncer p at --�Ottw--x�Ioin it, 4,Date:Wdl(.;)C�Mpjr te4; well ff)# 5%.Well I.OrAtinn. Pre bi (I r NA&N—DWOLICL—vy) R M Faciltd(ImmT x4no FACINlY ft. fi I LtAddrou, Ity,and IN AR - Comov Mrcl identification No.(PN) -it)-I-411111de find 104,10tude.in or decinkill,dr-grec.s.- 6.11(ure)the vvell(R)Mpemationt or C31'*mPrrnry Dma j?tj,,jAfAjj rpis III)rm,I hnvAP IvOTIfy Iftfi:IfIr iwd?tV wm Ame All AcMd,"c , I rAMPAMW -V ki$hh-it repaIrto an c7istigg writ: ovea or ONO "wi,jAA vr,.46 0;,(,-voo;r JM VCAC40C.0,2W;PeII Cm6mr0e)?-9MWvd4 m"I Ohm It rqwrfill awribifilto Iva COATIMIllon lAnI1,11-(171ho well ftwer Ow.-f—der Alt rffln*,TMfft ariville hao-fifthiNfaml. « 9ifcd"irm or vultillitloW wall 001b, 8-ror Geoprobt/ovT or Camel-Loup Geolhermitt Wells havfkq shesme 1,,*tl may use the bmlt of this JM29 to p;mvide addhional well she Malk cor—.11 1—.9"Imlian.nniv I 0W.1 is needed. r"djolo VTPAL NUMBER nf%vrlls You nm silo Mlisch additional puM Ifammary, drilled:---, " --a SMUGIALURUMMIM Tn"i welt 2#n.Ar ALW SUlIfflit 111114 114110 W16fin 30 djrjn of MM11WOn Of%veil RIP n[fiffiFIr Wjj,Jig"JI&Ifff, rommilins to the follovdaff., 10.8416'"Waterlevtl bftw top of rasing: (0 D (ft.) Divhlao of Water Pwotsrem Infairmadon Pniceaft Unit. VAV 1617 hisiff Sw4ke Center,Ikld9kNC27W-1619 LP, llv ?4h,For Igivedge WAW W addition Ito,wnding tlpe form 19 the Attilr"In 20 sdiovc�also submit one copy of this f0fin IvIchin 30 ftys of complewmin or well C0119111`11111101k m1fted- 1 construction to the failovAnir I Division of Water Woura-h Unde I rground Irdectlan Crintiral ftogrilm. WATrR SI.PPIV WRIJA ONLY- 1636 D4ckfl SairvArA Cann RAIeVP4 WC 7.7699-1636 Virld(ADM) "kew of lest.. Ile r Whiter 5111111111111,&faka con W-d In Adtfilion tosading The flu in lite aftnvit(cs) abow, aho submit one coPY 4f ft fatal vdibirs 30 siv of DAInfeerkm type- completion of 1"M cosuisuction to 00'(;OR*I6111111*0111IFFMill Of the GDOTITY where atnstrtrutld. QMdjj._ 51 W4 RMMUIvex