HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-04019_Well Construction - GW1_20210823 828,-822-7241 PA F eb 1519 45:43p Clearwater Well Drilling WELL ON ri-or intarnAl L)po nty: �. t.Wc�itCttntrnetnr information: tVcl!Cmttraunr Hfpmt: r r•' tt- R• VC Well DirmictorCatilicalion Number � �� t�i •���dry fb 9 l r_ `��rev Name ~ iti ll�i� CUIi1C!>;A t MA To ln. z.Wen Construction Permit 0: ML � i.irl ON oppAicatde wall rnnrlNNlofn parRtAx(l.+;(/fC Cnnnty,tiStrriS Ym fnm r;err) 1!. R irw I IVdr Us!(lint Wd1 lilt). 7 m � iAL WaterSuil*Wcq: - ft. Agritatltural �Mtlrticipaf/PubNc () GwMctmal ffiResidendol Water Supply(single-) IndusiriellCommeratat EIResidetttlal WaterRupply(sbmvd) v n L p WM titian W :Y-n-A'nter Supply well: A4mtitoning ©Reammry _-- .. _ Injection ai: n• Aquifer ltecbetRr [3(iroundwntcr Remcdialion t V6L PAC e s tHerttan Aquifer Stprape mod ltccovcry [33alinity Barrier _ tx n. JAquifer Tcct [3SmrnmteT Drainago ft. xperimeatal Tedroology oSubsidence Control I.dGcothtmial(Clowd Loop) � raertTO coOrrmat Kmtin IinR Rewm) ��'��Lb�undcr fi21 Rcrnarks) ! [r. R a,riots►b'eti(b)ClltttpletRd - ell llNl_ r► L f.� ) t"- 'II".Well Locotlon: 3 �n, n, Lip I�xilit►dOnmer Name Faelity IDil(ifttnpl)agble - !t. Plivsic,tl Addrm,City,and Zip 2t, AR Parmlidontification No.(PIN) Sb.t.atitudt oral IonRlltade indegi�shnim[tellaecondsordccitnat dcgrccs ------' (ii wo)I ridd,wa lnt4anFt is sutielent} .---Z e f 6 i ;12.(ertiRcation: !�� IQ n I scetno,gcet•Ometrrortwetcw1 T1=tor' ,6.Itl(ttre)the well(s)12Pcrmaoetn or iTernparary ,Oarr ika„el►c ,"(l W4 aorr""wisd In orwrAwrc „Rg,txs.rarnr f nrr./n cwrjy <I ',.iethlcarcpairtnnncxly8ngwcJl: �Xcs or [ 190 a+ralSd!w.'ar'n71.4MOMlSA,YCAC111C.,aV10WrJlCumtlrmainr* i'h°"r rmatk,n6irda atoll,.-unrun-nrbc ��'AYn(1GfFhky,rrfhaRlta'J7�PfdP.d[Drhl:Wt!UfrW/ld'. ifddrivargw1r,All mirknnmmrvifieanan,clipaOP id —.—Ir raider All remarb wxtim aron tfie eork t f this filim'. Sim tgoRram or 144111oml Wilt dam: �flg m rasp You matt ttso file bosh.of pus page to piovldo nidditimlel weir sire R.For GeaproCefDPT or Q wed-t.cmp Geatbw ail Werra hoving fie-spine G>A9lrurai�drtnils. Yeu nmy also at�eh addi�anat pates if noecom txmsFntctian.onty 1 OW-1 is needed. fndimil TOTAL NUMBERofwclls 9.lrl)tat well depth fRIOW[Find Sadme (R•T ZiIR. har Alt Wes: Sttbrilk tftis lbrm wWri 30 days of campia11011 of well i�arMulN,afawtA.rGttnfldekN�sjtl�arrnr{extaop(u-3@/1Q,f,Poad�lnfAO� atnatTuc►iontnthclbllay�l6: In.Static watw lev el h tow top of casing: �! — T < ) Dividon of Wlkter Reltnn'OM fJ"Kti ler 8naf is nhntta CAsln$,tie/"•�! JAl8t� )"ly 1617 V%i Srvec llC 7 i i.Rot>•hoic diatncrer: w (tn.) �+bfi For 1n add Lion to sanding the fop"lD*a adlimm in TAn f n� above,FAW submit one e of this form within 30 days of 01111 lt3lott of Walt 17.Well mubtractton meteod: __- t _ c�rnsicoctioteto the fafttnvin� (i c.-em,-ail -cabk,arw pusli,ctc,) mvlstott of Witter 8raatttses.Uudctrground tgjeetion Coatral Frogratn. IN)R WATER gCPP_'V VVEUA ONLY: teas Mailserviee cer�r,tmteto.HC 27091-1i636 G wthad of teat: _ Itor Wafer 4nQa1v&i(ptMHor We1R in addition in stmding the Omn W 1Ja.Yield(Rpm) the oddt'fss(cs) above, niso subet h om: copy of tills foms within 30 days of Amount. completion of:vdl constriction to the comity health depaea M of tilt:cwM t ib,Disinfection type _ whore corm tncted. i txevtt,ea2-n-Snta NnrmGw-t NanS[�SmlitmDapndtnontortdn�IrciamrmtelQnalhy-rMvismnnl'Wetet Rasotueas 4