HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-04015_Well Construction - GW1_20210823 828-622-7241 p•j Felt 1519 05*,43p CleaiwaterWell Drilling - W ELL CONSTRUCTION RECO (Gw—1 l lF nr ln(cmnn)Uge Only: I-wid14.•,nntrastor Information: . ---- — �.�.�.�Q,���S-- >---ores p Ion %Veil Caouaelor Ntme (L ft. • v�1C,�IXA11'fellCantmelatComficationNumber ��\Vnnn\1`r 1 111n1 g.ODiiSRCASINH' torrt►al � a 1lC 0 a� � 1 v L � l 1 ' ateoM RI TO �JL Cwnpany Name +6.1fYNBR C ING t7R7'�►H1tVC � yt To CIA TAI 2.Well Construction Permit#: f(, & I° i.l+1 all ngrliroble wall rnnrtrtrm/on parlP+Os(La G.Cnt+ary,Stair V-yam:r,err_) R. ft. 3.WON li9e(Cheek well use): 17.9CRB s r rxtctarttse resat. Water Snpplp RteA: ro of Agricultaral E)Mtmicipallpuhlic () o• tL CKIMhcrsnal(Hesting1coolingSupply) Residential Water Suppiv(single) Industrial/Commercial Residential Water Supply(shared) 18, Oijf MA L; eMPI.hCetMt;�itN Ddt MOI11Qr raoM To tM noon R. p IL 1 IVnn Iftler Supply WL41: tt• ft Monitoring ©Recovery — Injection ell: f1. it Aquiferitecharge E3GroundwaterRcmcdiatine 19,3ANIllG(tAVBLPACK [I+ la Salinity Barrier RDR MA ywCEttt8l�rt1lCtII6D aquifer storaae and Recnvery' Q• - Aquifer Tc<t 133mrmwater Drainage Subsidence Control M �- kxperimenta)TrOutology (��(� Geothermal [.1'(Closed Loop) T�r, �� LOG S fir• eit" "e PROM (ieothcrtnal Hcatin ing Return) 'Other arc lain under N21 Rcmnrks) it. t 1 ;nL Wc111Uf1 ,� R• tt• A.RAte W<tl(a)Cnrapleted: --� p in.WellLaratinn: r Facility[Di)(ifUrtplicable n' ,I�^h V n Nl t I J � 5 (•,(1Kn 1J1,1 I V t�Li � Pby cal Addracr,Clt ,and 7' N� C:,u,tty -- )nccnl fdantifientioa Na. .'�.'�tit1' C_C•r.• Fn" 51).Utfltude Ono i ni7ade indcgrw4lmimites/secoadsordecimnl degrm-c (ii wall field,Una htt%4.is sntncicrit) c I I r 22.Certifies SiEurol UfrketifiriVlenCantractnr Dtl<e A.Is(arc)the welf(s) Pei iltaneot or ©ITemMrar?' rha{rhr.turf! ear fwarnJ cUnasvdrd in=Mrda»re /t• prtipg dNs jbrm,I hrrrhvrmrnf} 61 i.is this a repair m an crdtttiag wdt }Xas or No it 1S.l tif_',tC'e2C_R100 er 1SA,YCAC OIC,010D Well Curtsfrncrinrr standardc am'rhm.r ;rd ls;x n r J_1r..fiM maJbrawn 1vdd1.V&,mcifaa ut(on ufrtan and exprairr the nn,un�.!jdra Grey ofrlds record her Mar pmtgdad to the wall MWer. rtynair tinder A 21 minarks sa:oan or m+11ir,hark 90OWS.faml. 2•g_ylte diagram or additional well demtls: 8.f or Geo rabeMPT or Closed-Lan Geatheruml Welis having fie same 1'9u may usU dHthe-S. Y u 1i1Y gaga to ch Mido adstpag fllell ces detai)s aI well p P ayn9tntGinn drtails, You may also Mtach additional pages if necessary. :xinalnlctinn,only 1 GW-I is needed. lildlc tto TOTAL NUM13ER of-m-Ils drill+:d' —. _—_.. �<7 �nay..Tr.r.rn'Cl'Rt(CIYONfi 9.A'atnt well deptli bel(yw land surface:, (R) 2Ia. 6or A____�I.Wl�ls: Submit[ilia form aitlan 30 dabs of camp![uon of welt I--nr mnlN,prc x r11.r fill afideprhr ifq�'er"It jrxampk-3C1N1�0��Mul;a11QOq oxistruction to the following: 10.Statie Water level below top of easing: _- 0t) Divlsiaa of Water Rewurees.lafhrotation processing Unit, 1!'aa(r?r hnz:!is r7rvlvu casing.Irann" •l )619 t�A Service Center,)Ralcigb,NC 27699-1617 ti.ilorehofedlsmetcr:�ed:��(lo•) 2tlb.Fes Iwlectiog t,Veilx In additian to sanding the form to the sddm a in 24a atrave,also suhtni:one copy of this form w)Ihin 30 days of eomPletian of well 12-Wa construction mclbod: ( 'f�r—_ OKStruction to the following: (i c,augc,mrtry.sable,divot t push.'Ac') Division of W arcs Reaaut•cec.Underground 11{)ertion ControlProgram, !bR WATERSSCPPLY WELLS ONLY: %36 mail Servi¢e eelnmr,RAt¢)gh,NC27699-1636 13R.Yield(gpm) ptethad of test:J . 24c Der Walcr SurlDly&fnitx on wilts in addition to s uldillg the lbrm to the addtoss(cs) above,also submu one copy of this form within 30 days of eomptetion of wven consunan to,the conitty health deoRnMent Of the comnY t3h.1)islnfectian type: --— ,Amotmr. whore conanucted. Raaatlrcea Fain GW-1 Nc rth t mlinnAcpn1lmont of tin�trtinmt nrnl QtmGty-Atvisutn ox[Vase[ ReviseA2-22 Ial b