HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-03560_Well Construction - GW1_20210823 828-622 7241 P'1 Feb 1519 05;43p Clearwater Well Drilling WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD{GW 11 Fnr interrinl Use Only: t. 1l',nntrAttnr Inferno flop: TO ABSCRt1'{'ION Well C:onaaua Name fR fe. mnttisncdttrt:tb ORL(+il�t a e vC Well Cnntracrat(ettifieationNumber 1s.t�flfsRCASINcDiAMCfGt tL[CKN68S aiAT/mow 1 8 6 d•t avf 1+ROla m tL (/kin. y � � Comp,myName �� -16.INN6RCAl31NGt�R fttRtNG 1ltormaT ljaed-1au D "L...�---..-- traox TO gtwnfcrEa 2.Well Construction Permit#: i.frr ail opplicable+ulf martnrerinn parmnr(l e:w ,Gonruy,Stale,V-1-ce,et-) n. p•, ft. i 3.INN Uir(check wdl list): 17.sCR8 N uuTttalAL Water Supply Well: aaotbr TO AtNBrr�t at of rptc ess Agricultural 0Manicipotlpubl'tc p n' Geothermal(IiCAClllgft'oaling Supply) i2esidentiDi Water Supply(single) R ft. fln' industriallCommercial �ResidentialWat-Supply(shared) 1&GRQ1pf To >tirAr6nrAt .R�tfrµo0&AMMMI te1MIM lrrl^Dtlan IL Non-Wntcr Supply Will: A4anitoring Recovery n. fnjecton AquiferRecbAr�c �GronndwnterRcmedintinn / 419.5 � �LPp E hieNMy�tton Snlini Barrier t_BROM 1AL Aquifer Storage and Recnven 1Y tt, o_ Aquifer Test [3St ormwater Drainage n. Suhsidence Control fL Experilnenial Technnlopr fill Geothermal(Closed Lttop) nTfACOr 20.DRILT.iP1G f.00 coact+ r pip toe un To Geothermal(Heat Dolirrft Return) Other eht lain tinder#21 Remarks) FRo>R to `®®ft fr. fa d,Date WWell(s)Completed: t� WORMYP WellLomfiri EAVVILA n. I�aeility.'[lelmer}! �� l'aea1 iDi!(ifApplreablr.) O ft. Ph Stir. I Address,City,and yap �o 2l. ARKS •. � J<,G•l O Camay Pareel ideMifleation No.(PIN) �G(C• O 51).latitude And longitude in degrees/minutes/secoads or decimal degrees: (dwelt fte�ttl�nc int%%n in sufiiefcnt) to I 22.Certi(i ti 1 72` V y 6)ya / UT :w 2 _ tide e orA SiJatAlArc of Geetlfaf Wel!Commraor b.is(arc)Me well(s) Permanent or orp r?' t 1?v s+)ming chic.;+rm,l lirrrhrcvrlfy call!+hr•nvdl(xJ m+r ftrmx)rurtr+►arl+xl lr+a�+M°n C :,is this a repair to An cxistiag svr31: �Yrs or tjjNo w+tlt fSA ti(,.,i ox.ti or iJA,V(:AC.a2C.'.01D0 Welt Conslrnerinn SYuudarrie mrrf+hm a !t'tl,Tr i.:r rrpair.fill rnulomnm uvll aoaan,afnn a�nrmatian mid rxpfain tl�c:nnn+rr r+fnc� copy nflim rexrril Aar hpm prolo d In im M:ll molter. r:rpair under A21 remar/Gr.sRTtimt aronike hi offiitr fame. 2,;-,%*diagram or additiwml well deftils: ),ou may usn the back of dais PAge to provide additional well site derails ar well R.For G-probefDPT or Closed-ii Geothermal Wells hAving the same conatructinn clriAits. You may also attach additional pages ifncewitty. constntctian,anly I C.1N•I is needed. indicato TOTAL NUMBER or-''elis Vq ,�ttt><•_•r-r'Ar insrRLc�o_l� 9,Total well depth below land surface: iR•) 218.EOC.A1L�'t h: Submit this form vdiltin 30 days of completion of well Far neuA+plewrlLr fit rnl;dtptlerfdr,((crrnr(rtamp/c-3n10(+'atd fn0� congtritCtianto the foliotring: 10.Static WAtVr level betotr top of CSA RI (ft.} Division ofVWAter Resoureos.Information PrOCCOft UP", tJ'anfrrlcnrlirnhnertcasing.the"•" / 1617 Mail Service Ceifter,Raldgil.MC27699-1617 ti_Roreholcdiameter ll� (in.) 24t,For injection WAJ In addition to standing the form 10 the address in 248 above,also submit ono copy of thin form~within 30 dayt of completion of well 17.Well construction method:_ �L cttnsMLctinn to the following 0c,mege,nutty.table,direst push,ctc.l Division of Water Reanslrce.R.Underground 11dectioa Control Program, POR WATER St:PPI V WFLLS ONLV: 106 Mail Service Center,Ratcigh,NC 7.709-1636 132.Yield(gpml iNethod of test' 24c i/or V►eatcr CunQly&ipleetlon R'Nt9r In addition tit somling the form to the nddr s(cs) above, also submeL!anc copy of this ferns within 30 days of 131h.Disinfection type: Amotmt. completion of Well construction to the county health depallment of the county where constructed. Fonn C14-1 N^rfi C:nmlimt>]epnnntent of tin.•imntrtr�tni Qtrdity-Aivisinn oP Water Itononreese Re:vinexl2 2]-2016 Date: 2, Well Case. Well Name: Address: pump has been installed, well head ready for inspection. Sign: — �� WaL Drrul'+"