HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140129 Ver 1_Mitigation Remediation Plans_20210519 NN S I ) May 17th,2021 Paul Wiesner NCDEQ—DMS 5 Ravenscroft Drive Asheville,NC 28801 RE: Little Buffalo Creek Stream Restoration Project Repair Complete Memo NCDEQ—Division of Mitigation Services Contract#002029 DMS Project#94147 Cabarrus County,NC Yadkin River Basin—03040105 Dear Paul, Below please find the Repair Complete Memo(RCM)for the Little Buffalo Creek Stream Restoration Project. The RCM has been developed to summarize completed work performed according the Adaptive Management Plan(AMP)dated November 16th,2020.The issues and subsequent repair work addressed in this memo include stream channel improvements,additional plantings,cattle encroachment,and invasive plant removal.The AMP was submitted to the Interagency Review Team(IRT)on November 23rd,2020 and a response was provided via email on December 10th,2020 with no formal comments.Permit approvals were received from the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers(USACE)on January 28',2021 for a Nationwide Permit 3—Maintenance,and from NCDEQ Division of Water Resources on February 12',2021 for a Water Quality General Certification No.4123. The work described herein began in February 2021 and was completed by April 2021. UT-2: Issue: An approximately 75-foot segment of the UT-2 channel had an undefined bed and bank as a result of past sediment accumulation. Repair Completed:A 75-foot single thread channel was excavated on February 25th using the originally designed channel dimensions as a guide for the appropriate width and depth(See Appendix B,Plan Sheet 10). The repaired section begins at Station 16+25 and extends downstream to Station 17+00. The location of the channel construction is shown in Appendix A,Plan Sheet 15.All excavation was completed using hand tools to minimize potential damage to trees and shrubs along the banks,and the excavated material was cast upslope into non-wetland riparian areas. On March 14th the channel edges were planted with a 1-2 rows of live stakes, approximately 3 feet apart,within the construction limits(approximately 125 stakes in total).The live stakes consisted of native species of silky willow(Salix sericea),buttonbush(Cephalanthus occidentalis),elderberry (Sambucus canadensis)and silky dogwood(Cornus amomum).The typical planting detail for the live stakes can be found in Appendix A,Plan Sheet 51.The live stakes were observed to be healthy and budding during a follow- up site-visit on April 13th 2021. The pond outfall upstream of UT-2 has remained stable since the removal of the beavers and is no longer a major source of sediment. WSP will continue to periodically observe the outfall. The improved channel section has maintained well-defined bed and banks and should continue to stabilize over time with a consistent geomorphology and vegetated overbanks.Photos of the excavated channel and live stakes are also included in Appendix A. UT-3: Issue: An approximately 400-foot section of the UT-3 channel was poorly defined and damaged by previous cattle encroachment and sediment accumulation from the erosion of an off-site,unused cattle crossing. 1 NN S I ) Repair Completed: Channel: A 400-foot single thread channel was excavated on February 18th and 25`h. The repaired section begins at the upstream end of the conservation easement at Station 10+00 and extends downstream to Station 14+00.The location of the channel construction is shown in Appendix B,Plan Sheet 17. The originally designed channel dimensions were used as a guide for the appropriate width and depth(see Appendix B,Plan Sheet 10). All excavation was performed using hand tools rather than a small,tracked excavator as oringinally decribed in the AMP. The decision to excavate the channel by hand was due to concern that the machinery would have trouble accessing the channel through wet/mucky ground conditions at the upstream end of UT-3,and to mitigate the risk of damaging the trees and shrubs within the riparian buffer. On March 13th,the reconstructed channel edges were planted with a double row of live stakes at approximately 3-foot spacing. The species of live stakes were the same as mentioned for UT-2(above). Live stakes were also installed along the overbanks of the channel near the groundwater seep(10+00 to 12+00). Approximately 800 live stakes were planted along UT-3 in total.The combination of channel excavation and planting of live stakes has restored the channel to its original,functional condition before the bank erosion at the cattle crossing and the cattle encroachment occurred.The area of prior bank erosion at the culvert has since remained stable and is no longer a significant source of sediment. The improved channel section has maintained its well-defined bed and banks thus far and should continue to improve over time with a consistent geomorphology and vegetated overbanks. Riparian Vegetation:WSP completed an initial fall herbicide treatment of the densest areas of tall fescue within the easement and an additional spot treatment was conducted in April 2021. Supplemental planting of native trees and shrubs within the conservation easement was conducted concurrent with the channel work. Approximately 800 live stakes were installed along the channel as noted above. Additional riparian planting included a mixture of native containerized plants as follows:willow oak(Quercus phellos),pin oak(Quercus palustris), sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), persimmon(Diospyros virginiana),elm(Ulmus americana),black gum(Nyssa sylvatica),and river birch(Betula nigra).The plant stock consisted of container-grown plants in No. 1 sized containers(1-gallon),as specified in the AMP.The primary areas covered by these containerized plants in UT-3 measure approximately 1.0 acres in size,as highlighted in Appendix B,Plan Sheet 17. Additional planting areas within the conservation easement along UT-3 were included as plant material allowed. In total,approximately 300 container-grown plants were installed at a spacing of 10-15 feet on-center. Additionally,as a result of successful cattle exclusion, site observations suggest that there have been improvements in the hydrology and soils along this reach since the initial planting effort which should promote vegetative growth. Cattle Encroachment: Issue: Frequent cattle encroachment during the spring and summer months of 2020 had impacted the condition of the stream channel and riparian zone in UT-3 and to a lesser degree along portions of UT-4 and the mainstem of Little Buffalo Creek below(downstream)of Old Mine Road. Repair Completed: Total exclusion of cattle from the easement has been achieved over the past 6 months and has significantly improved the condition of the site.The last instance of cattle encroachment was limited to a single calf in October of 2020. That calf was promptly removed and caused minimal damage within the easement.Evidence of cattle damage from previous encroachments during the first half of 2020,such as cattle trails,damage to the stream channel,and browsing of vegetation is naturally recovering and much less notable. Frequent communication has been ongoing with Mr.Marcus Harward(cattle owner and lessee of pasture),Mr. Phillip Cline(pasture owner),as well as Mr. Allen Hammill(the primary landowner of the western crop and hay fields). Mr.Harward agreed to have his ranchers ride the perimeter of the easement fence weekly to ensure there are no damaged sections of fence through which cattle may enter the easement.Mr.Harward also agreed to perform maintenance on the fencing and crossing,and to keep the gate closed at the eastern side of the cattle crossing until such time as the cattle were moved to the lower western pasture.We are still engaged with Mr. Harward and Mr. Cline to develop a permanent water source for cattle in the lower western pasture owned by Mr. Cline. Mr. Cline has been clearly informed that as the landowner he will be responsible for any cattle incursions within the easement.To date,limiting cattle access to the crossing and regular fence inspection and maintenance 2 NN I ) has alleviated the risk that cattle may attempt to enter the easement. Additionally,monthly site visits by WSP and NC DMS as well as routine inspection by Mr.Harward will ensure that any fence damage is promptly addressed. The joint effort between WSP,Mr.Harward,and Mr.Hammill to prevent cattle encroachment has proven successful thus far and will continue throughout 2021 to meet the IRT requirement of no encroachment for a full year of monitoring. The additional wire fence previously installed by WSP at the Old Mine Road bridge has remained in place. Several sections of the main easement fence were damaged during a recent flood but have since been repaired and are fully functional.All of the fence damaged during the flood was located on the western side of the easement, where no cattle are kept in the adjacent fields. WSP has been conducting monthly inspections of the conservation easement,checking fence condition,and looking for signs of cattle encroachment.WSP will continue the monthly inspections throughout the summer/fall and has discussed coordinating the site visits with DMS,who has also been inspecting the site monthly. Moving forward the site will be inspected by either party on a bi-weekly basis. Invasive Plants: Issue: Some recurrence of treated invasive species including Chinese privet and tree-of-heaven has been observed within the easement.Multiflora rose and Japanese honeysuckle have also been noted by WSP and DMS staff. Repair Completed/Ongoing: The presence of invasive plants has been greatly reduced within the easement,as noted by the IRT during the initial site review on July 2nd,2020. Invasive plant removal has since been performed regularly throughout the winter of 2020 and spring of 2021. The stream restoration and enhancements corridors are walked regularly and invasive plants have been cut down or removed by hand-pulling as encountered. Additionally,patches of fescue along UT-3 were sprayed with an herbicide treatment in October 2020 and again in April 2021.Treatment and removal of invasive species will continue throughout the year,with an emphasis on treating and removing remaining patches of Japanese honeysuckle,Chinese privet,and multiflora rose along the main stem near the confluences with UT-2 and UT-3,as well as near the confluence of UT-7 and UT-8. Future treatment will consist of herbicide application,in addtion to mechanical removal. Monitoring: Since the completion of the stream channel corrections and additional plantings on March 14th,WSP has begun periodic visual monitoring of site conditions along the entire channel and riparian zones of UT-2 and UT-3. Photographs of UT-2 and UT-3 from a recent site visit on April 5th are included at the end of both Appendix A and B. No significant degredation or channel issues have been noticed wihtin the repair reaches nor along the mainstem and other tributaries. Visual inspection and associated documentation will continue throughout 2021. The beaver dam at the pond outfall above UT-2 has been removed and according to Mr. Hammill,the beavers have been removed as well.The pond outfall has been stable since the removal of the beaver dam and there have been no signs of excessive sediment loads from the pond outfall. Five additional l Om by l Om plots have been assessed for tree and shrub density within the UT-3 riparian zones following the supplemental planting. The location of the plots,data collected,and photos from monitoring on April 5th can be found in Appendix C. The plots were set as close as possible to the locations of the random vegetation plots previously conducted(April 2020).The monitoring will be repeated again in the fall toward the end of the growing season and will also include the original monitoring plot and at least one additonal monitoring plot for a total of seven plots. Permitting: WSP received the following permits prior to performing in-stream channel corrections: • Section 404 Nationwide Permit 03 authorized by USACE on January 28th,2021 (See Appendix D) • Section 401 Water Quality Certificate General Certification 4132 approved by NCDEQ on February 12th, 2021 (See Appendix D) 3 NN S I ) The work outlined above was completed in accordance with permit conditions. Project Closeout: WSP is proposing a project closeout visit to be scheduled for November or early December of 2021.Based on the completion of the repair work described above,and continued exclusion of cattle from the easement,WSP anticipates requesting a full credit release for UT-2 and UT-3 for a combined total of 1,259 SMUs. Please let me know if you have any quesitons regarding the Repair Complete Memo. Sincerely, WSP USA Solutions,Inc. Edward Samanns Senior Program Manager Cc:J.Becker,WSP M.Holthaus,WSP C.Baker,WSP (See Appendices Below) 4 PPENDIX A UT- w 0 Cn U2 _____y/ ,n '. .. It i 0 \ Ls .s. \ \ \\-' .\ ii v., 6 AMMILL FARM INC -238 \ '\ \ �. 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FOUR FIFTHS OF THE LENGTH OF THE LIVE STAKE SHALL BE INSTALLED INTO `A,, THE GROUND AND SOIL FIRMLY PACKED AROUND IT AFTER INSTALLATION. 0 .1\1 5. STAKES THAT SPLIT DURING INSTALLATION SHALL BE REPLACED AT THE ���������"��� �,, CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. v' vv" '- ik o 6. AN IRON BAR CAN BE USED TO MAKE A PILOT HOLE IN FIRM SOIL. DRIVE THE ��� LIVE STAKE INTO THE GROUND WITH A DEAD HAMMER (HAMMER HEAD FILLED \���\` / 3 FT ��NG) 6 IN BY 6 IN BACKFILLED WITH SHOT OR SAND). 4, k, T6 fxR SP \\\ I I LI I .r (TR�AO' INITIAL ANCHOR TRENCH 4 ACCEPTABLE LIVE STAKE SPECIES SCIENTIFIC NAME 4 - ` ci BLACK WILLOW SAL IX NIGRA - D ti SILKY DOGWOOD CORNUS AMOMUM STREAM BED ct D03 NOTE: REFER TO PLANTING NOTES 6 IN BY 6 IN BACKFILLED Q o 1 — D I A. -- TERMINAL ANCHOR TRENCH w w a mrZ LIVE STAKE INSTALLATION � ._ N.T.S. o w I L 1- cr m LIVE STAKE DETAIL W o LIVE STAKE GUIDELINES: N.T.S. W W r a � a � I a cc 1. LIVE STAKE CUTTINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE PLANTING ZONE I AS INDICATED ON THE PLANTING NOTES. �-'Z Z Z 2. LIVE STAKE CUTTINGS SHALL BE 0.5 TO 1.5 INCHES IN DIAMETER AND A MINIMUM OF THREE FEET LONG. 000� o le 3. CUTTINGS SHOULD BE UNDAMAGED, DISEASE AND INSECT FREE STOCK, AND FROM THE LIST OF ACCEPTABLE SPECIES PROVIDED ON THE PLANS. u- cr to z z 4. MATERIALS MUST HAVE SIDE BRANCHES CLEANLY REMOVED AND BARK INTACT. D o Ct = m m N 1 Z , 5. THE BASAL ENDS SHOULD BE CUT AT AN ANGLE FOR EASY INSERTION INTO THE SOIL. THE TOP SHOULD BE SQUARE. STAKES SHOULD BE ,,,uj m w a PLANTED WITH BUTT-END INTO THE GROUND. BUDS SHOULD BE ORIENTED UP. 1- m (w cr w 6. MATERIALS SHALL BE SOAKED IN WATER A MINIMUM OF 10 DAYS IMMEDIATELY AFTER PREPARATION. MATERIALS SHOULD BE INSTALLED THE Jw } cn SAME DAY THAT THEY ARRIVE ON SITE. THE MATERIAL MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO DRY OUT; KEEP MATERIALS IN WATER OR IN A COOL, 1- 0 0o SHADED, WET ENVIROMENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 1 W 7. PLANTS SHALL BE BOTH CUT AND INSTALLED WHEN THEY ARE DORMANT: THAT IS, PRIOR TO BUD SWELL AND LEAF EMERGENCE IN THE o `�TT1iA"'''., SPRING AND AFTER LEAVES HAVE TURNED COLOR AND FALLEN OFF IN THE FALL. THE INSTALLATION PERIOD IN THE SPRING IS BETWEEN _. �` `ss' �.�7°, DATE JUNE 2014 SEAL HHOJECT NO. 94147 MARCH 1 AND APRIL 15, AND IN THE FALL BETWEEN OCTOBER 30 AND NOVEMBER 30. 160031 _ FILENAME 1: .t6/4(,�V�.� SHEET NO. 51 OF 54 'iii'tA ijA oV•`� DRAWING NO. DT9 MO ,DRAWN BE JAD Filename: V:\Operations\121\1008 — Little Buffalo Creek\Deliverables\Drawings\Final Design\Design\Constuction Plan Set_redesign\51_buffalo_DETAILS.dgn Dote: 6/12/2014 Time: 10:29:16 AM — r I ,ktn r ir,,�� a"K Ec ''rl y-- ,ret4`"tl f i�tf 3 I 1 t 3 , y ,r �r ^sx y �� � P�1 jr�id °. ;iy . / + ) 1 i! { t i. 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PC6 SCALE 1'.100 DRAWN BY JAD Filename: V:\Operations\121\1008 - Little Buffalo Creek\Deliverables\Drawings\Final Design\Design\Constuction Pion Set_redesign\17_buffalo_PLN_SHT_6.dgn Dote: b/12/2014 Iiroe: 10:2d:Ob AM w 0 CONSTRUCTION LIMITS Y U CONSTRUCTION LIMITS Lt z 0 OUTER EDGE OF OUTER EDGE OF VARIES 0.5' 0.5' VARIES I :ANKFULL BENCH BANKFULL BENCH OUTER EDGE OF EXISTNG BANKFULL BENCH GROUND MEET EXISTING GROUND OUTER EDGE OF EXISTING ga \7'-\7\-T`' BANKFULL BENCH EXISTING 10 GROUND /\/\//�/%�j��%�j�/ GROUND GROUND 0 Nj\\�j/\�//\/ p/\\//\\//\\/j\��\ 7/7 7-- -/-V- \ylik ,r 7. �1\�\j�\j�\j /\\/\\j / %//.\//.\:\:\:\�/�/\//\// \y\\j\\i\\i\\i\\i\�i\\\i\\i�\ c, I::'IVI,,,,I/l:%2i.��If,=1,•��.7e/ /, ,\ \ \ \��\//�\//�\//�\//�\//�\ //\� \\\\\j � /�/\�j�// • \ j\ //���/ \/ \ \ 7/ \/\ ' / /i NOTE: CHANNEL DEPTH SHALL \\\/\/\/\/\ \/X/„//, LOW FLOW CHANNEL / //\/ \ \\�� BE 6 INCHES MINIMUM. 6" GRAVEL LINED BOTTOM i i LOW FLOW CHANNEL MAINSTEM CONCRETE REMOVAL RIFFLE UT2 AND UT3 CHANNEL CREATION ALIGNMENT STATIONS ALIGNMENT STATIONS UT2 13+72.14 TO 14+23.88 ?�cu^E. 64+06 TO 64+21.15 UT3 10+00 TO 11+97.12 64+56.15 TO 64+66.15 LP 65+06.15 TO 65+27.87 N.T.S. 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M I- Q V1 U W Z W O Y OO IX 1 _ WarLLI d U J I—I— W W U Z Z Z N W O�OM J -J Q Q U V U Z li Cr to Z d W IiOa M m~ CCz Hid _yam Wx _ Q 1_ Oz J w ti W O I- 0 d tN 0 (...) W JoaA 1 CA,1/,,i�i i:. isll.4:VeS. DATE JUNE 2014 , "S��++E A71L F'H0JLCT NO. 94147 1p003 t - FILENAME ii 61��40/111 SHEET NO. 10 OF 54 '///7�•figi•�"• DRAWING NO. TY5 iiiiiiit DRAWN BY JAD Filename: V,\Operations\121\1008 - Little Buffalo Creek\Deliverables\Drawings\Final Design\Design\Constuction Plan Set_redesign\10_buffalo_TYP_5.dgn Date: b/12/2014 lime: 10:2/:56 AM t. .-,-, ' g.,,-'1,!,'''',,:lilf6t,.C1 f d'''If: ( • � a 1 n V e ➢f • �p1. .9I y , I'' 'p 1 t # Y tp `P� ' f yi ' ar'i -"• {.-.-�R.,rr Y r,, • 3 .' 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O r h Species UT 3 Scientific Name* Common Name Type RVP 1 RVP 2 RVP 4 RVP 5 RVP 6 Betula nigra river birch Tree 2 Celtis laevigata sugarberry Tree 1 Diospyros virginiana persimmon Tree 3 1 1 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 1 1 Nyssa sylvatica blackgum Tree 1 2 2 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 3 1 1 2 Quercus sp. oak Tree 1 5 4 2 Ulmus americana American elm Tree 7 2 4 Stem count 11 14 7 7 8 size(ares) 0.836 0.836 0.836 0.836 0.836 Size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 6 3 3 4 4 Stems per ACRE 532 678 339 339 387 *species identified when some trees were not leafed out, species subject to change Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% '� 4 di.,IiiA\ ' • • -1-- - - I'', .': I.': '''''' : ,). '. _ l d1 :.t '�rr�(.fit- �� 7 " '�",. r iSn �'"`✓ ''w' . J N • �,,.§ ' E--_,A 14k ,s d " f 11 •y r-o 1 F w.iy k ✓ I r'. r �. l - - - S.n A 5 RVP 1 j %y`'.r.7 i v • ." ..• y, •• V ate";' r o �•.. RVP2 • li ,JrJ'',r Y ` r. ;, W• r41y,,. rdy,- I ='�..n. •- '� • • • ir �f r '�A s � ° J ' ^ �I I Ik l ' ,N4iti Y -' " R 4' l ,oit % .7 ,j 1f' G.- !y ,i AN Ii•Ixi - r r 0. ''�` 'n ' .G ` f :x • 4 6 r rl• ln r , h M ,, dij y 03,.....s,r cR y'.° _' yy, : rii, � ? "�1 Gf`�`I f .'w/K ., S.r �S k fs , i.�M1 Off l�ba •y 46^` t yti u i kr n 9 - *i. ', 1 Gf 1 `RYA�� - i I� , E.4 � �fik�Ah p 1 •v Y�4Fr_1K ri Cr F Aoy� Q 'i'#'.T'S "r k'�'" ,vi ,�� 1 'b'��'"l':ks-� Ww . Y{.g'��;�/r�„ ,: ; yin r � ,, i � a p 7, - u r t t ''. b �,.lY r 3 a� ( tl�', Y�;y n x ^�' Y 1' r - a! a 'y pY�' 7A y T - ux��Sr u„7 v.-+a Ga2.��>"/ /4.. ' `� A �;,;�. "... . W l -S. Slit, � w , �' at r� , � \T, ��`_`� '�1' a" r,'t rc c `y r � v+�ij l-e _ / nae �r`@ 4..°'� Y� s7 � ' iR'r..� ! �J.N•1" ..6Y'�i r�r'.,,t,r .a.t'_. RVP 4 i-21.,. V1 i 5f RYl ti S_ ti , J d , RVP 5 • ti ,4 Y I !J r <I. r 1 -f r ' fi. '7 RVP 6 PPENDIX D PERMITTING a SAW-2014-00386 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action ID: 2014-00386 County: Cararrus USGS Quad: NC-Richfield GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Applicant: Edward Samanns WSP Address: 434 Fayetteville Street, #1500 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Size and location of property (water body, road name/number, town, etc.): The project site is located on unnamed tributaries to and Little Buffalo Creek proper, approximately 12 miles east of Kannapolis and 2 miles southwest of Gold Hill, Cabarrus County, NC. Yadkin River Basin, HUC 03040105. PIN 5693372834. Coordinates: 35.491041°N, -80.366698 °W Waterway: Dutch Buffalo Creek River Basin: Yadkin Description of project area and activity: This permit authorizes mechanized land clearing, excavation, and the placement of fill material associated with stream repair, restoration and enhancement activities for the Little Buffalo Creek Mitigation Site. The impacts associated with this permit include 475 linear feet of stream channel. See page 2 for details. Applicable Law: IX Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) ❑ Section 10 (Rivers and Harbors Act, 33 USC 403) Authorization: Nationwide or Regional General Permit Number(s): NWP 3 - Maintenance SEE ATTACHED NATIONWIDE CONDITIONS AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS ON PAGE 2 OF THIS FORM Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted application and attached information dated January 20, 2021. Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order and/or appropriate legal action. • This verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below unless the nationwide authorization is modified, suspended or revoked. If, prior to the expiration date identified below, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued and/or modified, this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below, provided it complies with all requirements of the modified nationwide permit. If the nationwide permit authorization expires or is suspended, revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide permit, will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve months of the date of the nationwide permit's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend or revoke the authorization. • Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Resources (telephone 919-807-6300) to determine Section 401 requirements. 1 SAW-2014-00386 • For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management in Wilmington, NC, at (910) 395-3900. • This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State or local approvals/permits. • If there are any questions regarding this verification, any of the conditions of the Permit, or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Kim Browning at (919) 554-4884 x60 or Kimberly.d.browning@usace.army.mil. BROWNING.KIMBERLY. BROWININby G.KIMd BERLY.DANIELLE.152768 DANIELLE.1527683510 Date:2021.01.2815:46:28-0500' Corps Regulatory Official: Date: January 28, 2021 Expiration Date of Nationwide Permit Verification: March 18, 2022 Summary of Authorized Impacts: NCDMS Little Buffalo Mitigation Site (SAW-2014-00386) Stream JD Permanent Type of Perinnial Average Impact Impact Stream (P) or Impact (PER) or stream length (linear Number Name Temporary (Linear Feet) Intermitten width feet) (T) t (INT) (feet) Repair UT-2 T Stabilization INT 2 75 Area 1 / excavation Repair UT-3 T Stabilization INT 1 400 Area 2 / exavation Total Loss 0* TOTAL 475 of Waters IMPACTS of the US (LF) *Impacts are associated with stream restoration activities and are expected to result in a net gain in Waters of the US. Additional Remarks and/or Special Permit Conditions: 1. The activities will be conducted in accordance with the information submitted and meet the conditions applicable to the NWP, as described at Part C of the NWP Program and the Wilmington District NWP Regional Conditions. 2. This Nationwide Permit verification does not imply approval of the suitability of this property for compensatory mitigation for any particular project. The use of any portion of this site as compensatory mitigation for a particular project will be determined during our public interest review and 404 (b) (1) Guidelines analysis during the permit review process for that project. Copy Furnished: NCIRT (Electronic Copy) , NCDMS 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:49E03A68-0E6D-437F-B124-94DE856A883D -,, STATE ' : �_ , r, RC►Y COOPER -- Governor h 1 f i MICHAEL S.REGAN 12 r. Secretary `",'w^*+"'O S.DANIEL SMITH NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality February 12, 2021 DWR#20140129 Cabarrus County WSP Attn: Edward Samanns 434 Fayetteville Street,#1500 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Subject: APPROVAL OF 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Site Dear Mr. Samanns: You have our approval for the impacts listed below for the purpose described in your application dated February 2, 2021, received by the Division of Water Resources (Division) February 3, 2021 and payment received February 10, 2021. These impacts are covered by the attached Water Quality General Certification Number 4132. This certification is associated with the use of Nationwide Permit Number 3 once it is issued to you by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Please note that you should get any other federal, state or local permits before proceeding with your project, including those required by(but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge, and Water Supply Watershed regulations. The Division has determined that the proposed project will comply with water quality requirements provided that you adhere to the conditions listed in the enclosed certification. The following proposed impacts are hereby approved. No other impacts are approved, including incidental impacts. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)] Type of Impact Amount Approved (units) Amount Approved (units) Permanent Temporary Stream S1 75 (linear feet) 0 (linear feet) S2 400 0 Total 475 0 North Carontmom Quality I Division of Water Resources `J��IIn 5l2 North SalisburyliaDepar Streetent 11617 ofEnvir Mail n Serviceental Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 r:rn:irrr_-.::yin•.. t '- oepvu.�entcr�.i�mo„r.i m�ar\yr 919,707.9004 DocuSign Envelope ID:49E03A68-0E6D-437F-B124-94DE856A883D Little Buffalo Creek DWR#20140129 401 Certification Page 2 of 3 This approval is for the purpose and design described in your application.The plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference as part of this Certification. If you change your project, you must notify the Division and you may be required to submit a new application package with the appropriate fee. If the property is sold,the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and is responsible for complying with all conditions. [15A NCAC 02H .0507(d)(2)]. If you are unable to comply with any of the conditions of the attached Water Quality General Certification,you must notify the DWR Central Regional Office within 24 hours (or the next business day if a weekend or holiday)from the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The permittee shall report to the Regional Office any noncompliance with, and/or any violation of, stream or wetland standards [15A NCAC 02B .0200] including but not limited to sediment impacts to streams or wetlands. Information shall be provided orally within 24 hours (or the next business day if a weekend or holiday)from the time the permittee became aware of the non-compliance circumstances. The issuance of the 401 Water Quality Certification for the restoration/enhancement project does not represent an approval of credit yield for the project. This approval and its conditions are final and binding unless contested. [G.S. 143-215.5] This Certification can be contested as provided in Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes by filing a Petition for a Contested Case Hearing(Petition) with the North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH)within sixty(60)calendar days. Requirements for filing a Petition are set forth in Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and Title 26 of the North Carolina Administrative Code. Additional information regarding requirements for filing a Petition and Petition forms may be accessed at or by calling the OAH Clerk's Office at (919)431- 3000. One (1) copy of the Petition must also be served to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality: William F. Lane, General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 DocuSign Envelope ID:49E03A68-0E6D-437F-B124-94DE856A883D Little Buffalo Creek DWR#20140129 401 Certification Page 3 of 3 This letter completes the review of the Division under section 401 of the Clean Water Act and 15A NCAC 02H .0500. Please contact Erin Davis at 919-817-0360 or erin.davis@ncdenr.gov if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, a—DocuSigned by: 2,1441100/.0dei �949D91BA53EF4E0... Paul Wojoski 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Supervisor DWR Central Office Enclosures: GC 4132 cc: Todd Tugwell, Kim Browning, USACE Raleigh Regulatory Field Office (via email) Olivia Munzer, NCWRC(via email) Alan Johnson, DWR Mooresville RO 401 file (via email) DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit file subject evize,r,na,eerAdapeve management man compete memo/ICONS Litie /Cabana /SAW201.4,0386, 201,1m29 Laserficbe Upload:Email Annellment DoeMat Doc Type: ReoedialinnPlane Sent Wednesday,...),9°2 II ^ W USA, KimEd.Dero nod,,.ar, v� T,Wiesner,Pant mer@nceenrgav>:x,y>9902C000yMCIV(USA)Ca.er.Mxaywana@a.arearm>,w1:Dm.,Eri ennea.4w0009809,:T,OweU.Todd 3GVUSARMYC6SAW(BE)>Tae8LTO�eh@a.a<ea,m,m,4>:wlx 8, W.<aa,.Hadson@lo lefenrg>:Bower,Todd<nnwemmea@epa�> h.;n edeMg�hil ie.@n<aam gnv>:Allen,Mwonm<melmueellen@nceon.g0.>,Berke.,3ona0m,W.<JON.BECKBR@woy con,Sammm.,Edward<ea,.m,m,.@wapc0m>:Baker,cam.mu J.ecame�.Baker@w,cnm>,x0lthaua Matthew tthew nnitham@w cm�:Horton,Jeffrey 9eter.har07@nra00 go,;Ha;,mr,Edward A Subject[External]RE:Adaptive Management Plan(AMP)Complete Memo/NCOMS Little Buffalo Creek/Caham.Ca/SAW-aal..g0386/DWR.zel,al29 RQN Bx m lem.,I Dnnwcheknw. rip aachmm0m r y 6 cal p aemml.,.nammnmew > p.m<m,;Bp:Ie0on,namwm,ov> Thanks Paul and PA, It appears that all tbe IRT's concems were addressed with inlementationoftheAMP Hopefully the fescue treatment.nsupplemmtal planting willbe successful,and beaver,mvaetve,managementshouldcontinue.Keeping the cattle out oftheeaa<ment sounds Eketh gge hurdle,sohopefully the d,rr4mn,with landowners and additional f g will pare successful.We'll plan on a site visit in November. Thanks Kim Kim Browning Mitigation Project Manager,Regulatory Division I U.S.Anny Corps of Engineers a0e7@nceemg Casey,E.,Kim and Todd, cIV(CSA)C yM8ywoata@0sana.atmy�uv Dmis,uiae�„w.eavi.pwdo gov>,B.owawg,KItlr BCIVUSARmv CESAWOSA)thearDa 03,96 ..ce+]oy,o.n,swen,Toaa.JCIVDSARIuv CESAWNSA)<I'ma.LTI,000 @o.aad,a,rmil> he•@ncaem.e0v>;Allen,Memnie<mel0maa0oi@nao,r.gov>;xatrs,)mlwhan W.<JON.BECK2R@wapc0m>;Smmmms,Bew.rt<ea.aamamo@wapc0m>;Bake.,Cameron°.<Came>mcB.ter@wae.cm0>xolwwa,Mawi.,vwafinew.hohhmo@w.p.c0m>;BBrten,3elner<jeBrey.honmi@ndon.gov>;wino..Eew.ra A najnm@md ix Moo-o9DSoaro.]AaapnveMoogo,00m PIaaUMPI Comelne Memo/NCAMSLinleeurf to crtak/Gn.noa co/sAw-zolaua386/DwRx zolaolz9 WSP has completedthe Adaptive Management Plan(AMP)Work that was approved by the 1RT on December 10,2020 foray Little Buffalo Creek slrc(Dm.901m)in Cwwmntbuny. The completion memo is attached for your review. memo was also posted to the IRT Sbarepoint site and DAR Laserfiehe site on May 18,2021. Please review Me doament and let us know if you have any questions.comments or concems. DMS and WSP would like to schedule an IRT site visit in November or early...ember 2021 for proposed project closure. Buffalo Ovek Mit Site REP.16.110.1122 mm.dm,Daa.-Issued a09-Ewl Dn ety ak,mwvcre..mc ar g nmwolaa o6o,un aimry,rvotm camwa Proposed Asst..at Closeout(202D: 6,337.533 SW.4(warm) rD Provider.WSP-Contact En Sammam,CE,PWS.CERP,ee.umam,s@wsp.com 973407-M6S(office),973951-3286(cell) NCDEQ-EMS PM:Paul Wiesner paul.wievner@neaar.gov,(828)2731673 The AMP Complete Memo can be accessed directly on the DMS SharePoint site Fere: eockeemrys,nocmmaeenarepo convenes/RT-DMelgieages.emeas0. Lmin Bosun _ _ p M _ Bluct m ccooiow 90 twm/aim89T-DMCSu.20Doamnwmocmo-Allh a.se -izEans.zElR'rv/aoDMS.zEfn.aaODomm�o,e%zELiulevaoeortuo.zat>°RSE9aIa05sEAMW.zacomplme%zoMono^,:sazOZl%zeeare,pacaoFvaEnua%z9IRT%zo5MSi ZEMf.c%28Doamnxs Westem onal North Carolina Depuwnntt of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 828-273-1673 Mobile paul.wiesnergnodenr.gov Western DMS Field Office Suite 102 Asheville.N.C.28801 Emaecmmxwnamce*0922 th,e aaeress,e ) mare NOrth Camlm.Public Rxow LaWan y e,xloseam 008010a Cc:Phillips,Kelly SAW(OSAI acimberly.D.emwwng@mace.e>0CVD oamr@rce h.rm,;d Ms@wse .Bowe,Todd< nus@wae wlen(aymd AW(CSAl4Dofe.org.Smnnn,Olivia ywooq as0YMCWNSA) @naae,'6mr.ln- >a W)CSCreek barrusl@tarn rs,Tdd<bowers:dd(rye902 Davis,Erin Bann dvs@ncden go xamste yronAN7900h 58atl@fwagov,Wilson,Timis rn'av @cw ldl g r,olva<nlva.murttr@row'dife o,g> SubTuyWCI TddJCIV USARMV CES «. yam b;Bowe leet:IExtemnll RE.Notucuf Adaptive Management Ran/NCDMS Male Buffalo Creek/Cebm,t¢Co I SAW.201400.386 CAUTION.External email.Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.<meilloyrmn.n,mrdnc oo,e fpnl DWI/an,ERA and th,have no funnel questionakomments on Me adaptive management plan.It appean to address our concerns.We would.to request another site visit in Nov.2021 to review site conditions and a.m.if closeout aaeptable or if a.mber Y....m..0s wan.... Thanks Kim Brolming Mitigation Project Manager,Regulatory Division I U.S.Army Corps of Engineer's --Original Mayse--- ROM,Haywood.Casey M IV(CSA)<CBNy.M.Eaywod@usace.atmym,b Sent:Monday,November 23.2020 12:43 PM AW(USA)<T2dL u.rvgwell@uce.mmy.mil>;Browning,Kimberly DGv USARMY CESAW(USA)<Kimberly.E.Buwwng@usace.amy.mi<;Sowers,Todd Ibowers.ndd@e0a.gav)<dwers.mda@s0a.g0v>,Haywood.Casey M CIV(USA)<Casey.M.Haywod@usaee.cmy.mil>;Davis,Erin B mvis@ardent¢olv C �n 1 oIamstead<byron_xamcaa@tws.gw>;Wilson,Travis W.<, so.@cweelife.org>;Munver,Olivia<aliviammtur@newildlitemg> a�wKee ':P 3ogoI m wPhfll ids@ndenr gov>;Somm a ns.Edward monns@map.com>;Becker,Jonathan W.UON.BECKER@wse.com>;Holthaus,MaNuw<ma@ewlwltbaus@wsp.com>:Allen.Melonie<melonie.ullen@nedem.gov>;Horton.Jeffrey<jeffrey.hwmn@nedenr.gov>.Hajnos.Edward mNoteeofAdtive m aptigoManage (u/CabarnnlCo SAW-2mareormy>nIVMCLanaomcsGvusARMYCBSAw(ueA)6aon.CMaLenaon@usace.army.mlP ent Plan..'NCOMS Little Buffalo Creek ms Good morning IRT, ed Aeagive uns 2.6(OM9)or e2008 g Rwe,mwawewf0B00.theso-eamhnedrev R d,wh,c q annT,ev n oflaaleneme.ya Somimsemail nd8can0o.el w a any r Moo m.I r aeamine anowo xmw. eomm a teeaasermel r emaedlme(anowonlowglm r he eonawoed At the conclusion ofmts comment period,a copy of all comments will be provided toNCOMS and the NMI'along with District Engineer intent to approve or disapprove this AMP. Project Information: Buffalo Creek Mit.She Institution Date:OW18/2009-Full Delivery Yadkin River Basin Proposed Assents Closeout(2021): 6,337S33SMDs(wen) EDPmv...WSP-Conan.va S.mmna,,CE.Puns,CRV,da.m.m,a@wap.aom<m,mmn..m,...0<aw 973.e0i.I068(once),973951a286(cell) NCDEQ-DMSPM:Paul Wiesner pw.wleaner@nedenr.govgmlI9'wul wlecnrc<ncdenr ao9>,(636(173-l878 The Adaptive Management Plan can be accessed directly on the DMS SharePolnt site hove: BmnkeentTai/mleema,acomw3/ un m,.v.n=iaomt commaIRT DM.vSucP.Pdtlom.a.ox xvmaroo 3EmnMA9lMavfvDMwoioiMmno9�mN.nnxw:aUasknnRSJPwetl>vMUw6lrn+nE�<Blonkdnmpa/mrsonn.cu .e iom✓on.nRT.DMs/ei gr. oar Crap Blockedhltpad/urldefertic....https://nceonnectsber,...site0111,31,15.1i,20Documcn.Torms/Alllions.espx? i..).Fsiles.2111,2130MS,FMig02013octuaron.2F1.,20.,E,F9410,5FAtleptive.20Managernen1.20Plen,F11.5F16.5F2020.2E927ap2ren,,F2i92.2FIRP2DO0IS2.1,2013onmen2_jSIMSUllsalsullsullsyllsuAlstAllrfinsT92.F92oblez51.1.7y1.160oi0iMttl0044.G2X96elc.p5IEWITWPIlzymIlwb5131_5qN88 <0l24kedl.2//neconnectsberepoini.com/siles/MT.DMS/M1tise/SODoctuan,Forms/Alltiem.spAd,62Fsites%2FIRPAMOMSMFMiuMiODocuments,2Flinl.2013.1.20C6626,45F.147%5FAdaptive620MenagemeNMOPIen%5F1 1,5Figiff 2020%2Epdf.peren,%2Fsiles%2FIRTMOON15.2FMisc.2013ocumen, IS-Day Comment November 23.2020 15-Day Comment Deadline:December OP.EON 45-Day DE Decision:January 07,2020 Wr. Casey Haywood S,RONG