HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201095 Ver 1_Meeting Minutes 9 2021_20211020Meeting: Date: Location: W WILDLANDS ENGINEERING MEETING MINUTES Preliminary JD Field Review and Project Review Site Walk with new IRT members Catawba Umbrella Mitigation Bank — Double Rock Mitigation Site Wildlands Project No. W45024 September 9, 2021, 10:00 am Double Rock Mitigation Site — Stikeleather Road, Hiddenite, NC Attendees Andrea Eckardt, Wildlands Engineering Bank Manager Kirsten Gimbert, Wildlands Engineering Project Manager Christine Blackwelder, Wildlands Engineering Designer Ian Eckardt, Wildlands Engineering PWS, Wetland Delineation Kim Browning, US Army Corps of Engineers Steve Kichefski, US Army Corps of Engineers Brandee Boggs, US Army Corps of Engineers Erin Davis, NC DEQ Minutes The group met at the Double Rock Mitigation Site where Steve provided an overview of mitigation banking and the permitting process to the group. The group then proceeded to walk the site streams (Randell Tributary, Elk Shoals, Stikeleather Tributary, Matheson Tributary and Matheson Tributaries A and B) together. There were two agendas for the field walk: 1. Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (pJD) site walk and 2. a project review with new IRT members. Steve, Brandee, and Ian grouped together to review the jurisdictional wetlands and streams submitted in the pJD by Wildlands. Kim, Erin and remaining Wildlands' staff (Kirsten, Andrea, and Christine) grouped together and reviewed the proposed design approach, crossings, easement boundary adjustments, and expectations for the mitigation plan. 1. Design Approach Randell Tributary • Per IRT's request in the prospectus site walk on 9/28/2020, Wildlands shifted the internal crossing to the upstream end of Randell Tributary. • Kim verbally approved the new location of the crossing; however, she discussed the desire to have crossings external as well as having them built at the time of construction. • Wildlands discussed this option and determined it is critical to keep the crossing internal to protect the stream assets from future cattle on the property north of Elk Shoals Creek. Wildlands will add language in the conservation easement document that requires the long- term steward's (Unique Places) approval of ford crossing construction. Elk Shoals Creek • The group agreed that the level of work should incorporate more restoration than proposed in prospectus. Wildlands will revise the design approach to continue restoration further downstream on Reach 1 and begin Reach 2 restoration further upstream at the confluence with Stikeleather Tributary. • Kim agreed with the easement boundary adjustment to exclude the well house near the stream from the easement with enough width to provide landowner enough room to mow/maintain well; this is the well for the landowner's house. • Wildlands reviewed with Kim where the crossing on Elk Shoals Creek was shifted upstream to facilitate better access to the southern field on Randell's property. • Kim verbally approved the new location of the crossing; however, she discussed the desire to have crossings external as well as having them built at the time of construction. Stikeleather Tributary • The group agreed that the level of work should incorporate more restoration than proposed in prospectus. Wildlands will extend restoration upstream to the culvert at Stikeleather Road. Matheson Tributary, Matheson Tributary A, and Matheson Tributary B • The IRT felt that the streams on this portion of the project do not reflect the true intent of preservation due to an early successional and thus lower quality riparian buffer. The IRT asked when the buffer was last logged. A review of aerials placed logging over 10 years ago. • At a 10:1 ratio, these streams will generate approximately 107 credits, which is 2.5% of the overall proposed credit for the site. • The IRT stated they would like to see wider buffers along the preservation reaches to protect the site from future development. Erin asked Wildlands to consider extending conservation easement to ridgeline along Matheson Tributary. • Wildlands reviewed the additional area required to have 100 ft buffers and extend the easement to the ridgeline. Wildlands' desire is to capture and protect headwaters whenever possible. However, acquiring additional land for wider buffers would only be feasible with a higher credit ration than 10:1. Additionally, as previously discussed in the IRT prospectus walk, a lower credit ratio than 10:1 may potentially impact the financial viability of including these streams in the project. 2. Planting Plan • As previously discussed in the prospectus site walk, IRT is concerned with Black walnuts and the allelopathic properties of the plant. Wildlands surveyed black walnuts trees with a minimum diameter of 12" as part of the existing conditions survey. The black walnuts line the existing top of bank on Elk Shoals Reach 2. Upon review of site grading requirements, Wildlands is proposing removal of these trees due to the anticipated construction impacts to the root systems. Additionally, these mature black walnuts will likely not respond well to the expected higher water tables. We anticipate that, if not impacted by construction, they will die anyway due to the change in local hydrology. • Steve, Kim, and Erin discussed the importance of tuning the planting plans to the local communities. Steve noted that more species with lower percentages may be a way to increase diversity, and that he would like to see more understory and shrub species proposed. Both noted the importance of communication during planting when substitutions must occur and making sure these are documented on the as -built plans. Wildlands will look into providing back up plant list options and will communicate directly with IRT when unavoidable substitutions are made. • Kim pointed out that warmer grasses are preferred and found to be more nutritional for cattle. 3. HENA population • IRT discussed with Wildlands to keep them in the loop on final biological conclusions. • IRT discussed the importance of fencing/flagging HENA populations prior to construction. 4. Mitigation Plan Kim, Erin, and Steve discussed they would like to see the following in the mitigation plan and plan set. • Design approaches need strong justification in write up to support proposed credit ratios. • In Enhancement Reaches, include % of reach with bank grading, structures, etc. to support proposed credit ratios. • Include a map and short discussion in the mitigation plan for the proposed buffer bank that will be adjacent to the streams associated with the Double Rock Mitigation Site. • Include HENA map, field assessments, biological conclusion from USFWS and any correspondence applicable. • Erin asked the WAM forms be included in mitigation plan for wetlands that will be impacted. 5. JD/Wetlands • Ian, Steve, and Brandee walked to all wetland areas and determined that we would add Wetland I in an old oxbow/tight meander bend feature near the top of Randell Tributary Action Items Based on the Site Walk • Wildlands will revise the pJD and resubmit to Steve K. (This was submitted on 10/1/2021.)