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July 11, 2007
Ms. Amy Chapman
North Carolina Division of Water Quality
401 Express Review Permits Unit
1650 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650
Dear Ms. Chapman:
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Thank you for meeting with us last October to discuss the results of the Division of Water
Quality's (DWQ) review of the Greensboro Stream Map. Based upon the outcome of
that meeting the City of Greensboro submitted the project summary performed by
MACTEC Engineer per DWQ Staff review. After the review, a letter was sent to the City
on May 23, 2007. The conditions of said letter will be addressed as follows:
1. As stated in the letter dated April 4, 2003 (enclosed for reference), it is the
City's understanding was that sub meter GPS accuracy is deemed adequate
and that no permanent markers were required in the future. We would
appreciate DWQ's stands regarding this statement since at this time a
second phase of this project is under way with Kimley-Horn and Associates
(covering annexations from 2004-2006)
2. A five-year time frame for reevaluation of the map by the DWQ is appropriate.
We recognize that this may require additional field determinations using
current DWQ methodologies. As stated in the previous letter Greensboro
does not have an ETJ but does annex property into the City on a regular
basis. Due to the variable nature of annexations in Greensboro (occurring at
most Council meetings, can be single lot or large acreage tracts), we propose
to provide documentation of streams in newly annexed areas on an annual
basis. We currently visit the areas before any development takes place and
perform stream classifications of watersupply watershed areas so buffer
enforcement can take place. We propose to submit written documentation to
the DWQ's Winston-Salem Regional office summarizing to the extent
practicable the additional stream locations annexed into the City of
Greensboro over the previous year. It is requested that DWQ provide a
written approval within 30 days so that we may update the locations of these
streams on the official map. Please note that the Greensboro Ordinance does
stipulate that if an area is not included on the official stream map, City staff
(using DWQ approved methodology) will make a site specific identification of
stream locations on the site prior to issuing any development permits. This
measure will ensure that all perennial streams within Greensboro's portion of
1505 P. O. Bow 3136. Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 • www.ci.greensboro.nc.us • TDD (336) 373-2376
the watersupply watershed will have adequate stream buffer protection even
if they have not yet been officially indicated on the approved map.
3. As stated on the official stream map, the City of Greensboro may make a
written request to DWQ's Winston-Salem Regional office if questions are
raised by landowners regarding any stream location shown on the map.
4. This disclaimer was added to the official map.
Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to
contact me at (336) 373-3260 or via email at virginia.spillman(a)greensboro-nc.gov
Virgirna`~ an, PE
Stormwater Engineering Designer
Stormwater Management Division
cc: Daryl Lamb, DWQ Winston Salem Regional Office
Sue Homewood, DWQ Winston Salem Regional Office
Michael Borchers, Stormwater Management Division, Water Resources
Steve Galanti, Planning Department
Alec Macintosh, Planning Department
City of `-~G~~ee~s~oro
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4 ,April 2003
Mr. John Dorney
North Carolina Division of Water Quality
401 Wetlands Certification Unit
1650 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650
Dear Mr. Dorney:
Thank you for meeting with us in November to discuss the results of the Division of Water
Quality's (DWQ) Quality Control Review of the Greensboro Stream Map. Based upon the
outcome of that meeting DWQ Staff and our consultant, MACTEC (formerly lAW Engineering)
met in the field to resolve the remaining breakpoint discrepancies. Per the attached memo
prepared by MACTEC, it is our belief that the location of these points has been resolved
between the City if Greensboro and DWQ.
The conditions of your memo dated September 25, 2002 will be addressed as follows:
1. See enclosed MACTEC memo.
2. Completed.
3. Submeter GPS accuracy was deemed adequate, so no permanent markers will be
required in the future.
4. Note #6 in memo addresses this issue. --
5. Greensboro does not currently have an ETJ, but does annex properties into the Liry
on a regular basis. Due to the variable nature of annexations in Greensboro
(occurring at most Council meetings, can be single lot or large acreage tracts), we
propose to provide documentation of streams within these annexed areas on an
annual basis. A written document will be presented to the DWQ Winston Salem
Regional Office summarizing to the extent practicable the additional stream locations
annexed into the City of Greensboro over the previous year. We propose that DWQ
provide a written approval within 30 days, so that we may update the locations of
these streams on the official map.
Please note that the Greensboro Ordinance does stipulate that if an area is not
included on the official stream map, City staff, using DWQ approved methodology,
will make a site specific identification of stream locations on the site prior to issuing
any development permits. This measure wilt insure that all perennial streams within
Greensboro's portion of the watersupply watershed will have adequate stream buffer
protection even if they have not yet been officially indicated on the approved map.
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~1r. John Dorsey
4 AQril 2C03
Page 2 of 2
A ten-year timeframe for reevaluation of the map by the DWQ is appropriate. We
recognize that this may require additional field determinations using current DWQ
6. This information will be included on the Stream Map or in the associated ordinance.
7. These disclaimers will be added to the map.
Once you have reviewed our proposal to address the remaining quality control conditions and
have given your approval to these methods, we will submit a revised copy of the map for your
final review and approval. Based upon a recent discussion with Steve Zoufaly, we hope to bring
the map to the Environmental Management Commission at their July meeting. Should you have
any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (336) 373-2527
or via email at tori.small(c~ci.greensboro.nc.us.
Victoria Waldron Small, PE
Planning 8 Engineering Supervisor
Stormwater Management Division
cc: Bob Zarzecki, DWQ Wetlands/401 Unit
Steve Zoufaly, DWQ Local Gov't Assistance
Jay Lawson, MACTEC
Scott Bryant, Water resources Department
Steve Galanti, Planning Department
Alec Macintosh, Planning Department
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