HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071235 Ver 1_Site Plan_20070716° ° JOINS PANEL 0724 ° ° LEGE(~D 78 55 30" 78 55'00 78 54 30" 78 54'00 2 020 000 FEET 687 ~ M 2 022 500 FEET 668 ~ M 68.9 ~ M 2027 500 FEET 78°54'00" 2 D30 ODD FEET SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFHAs) SUBJECT TO 740 000 FEET ~ • r w,Y~ -3e-;,., .a7 ~ r q . , ~ , 7aD ooD fEET P~~r,~R~~~, INUNDATION BY THE 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD - , . a Y r T , ~ r ~n r~v.:5 ,;.e. '.h E is y, ~ z. as!~/ ~ ry".% f.Y s.~„ ~ a ~ :,U 7 The 1 % annual chance flood (100 year flood), also known as the base flood, is the flood k C T t~ . ~ '.r - .Y fib. ,e&.,. r+j': - ~ 2 4 ' ~r r' ^ ~f, %F.- ~ u:... ;'.4 v~, r,.r , n.}Yt. vr. ~it' .at ~.~j ri ~7~ ~'r ~NE X"' d, a- i that has a 1 % chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The Special ZONE X Ffood Hazard Area is the area subect to floodin b the 1% annuaichance flood. Areas ..".Pr' - : ` +6'r .^@. e 1 ~ i' 2'..+s: Ts. .~'Y •'lY.~~~ rc,~ s , s:~~:1 a.i Hr}::i c+ ,y> . ~ . a ~ ~ +t ~ ..e ilf~. ;~FU(URE~ r~ ~ , ~;y. ~ I °~S+n' tip>~~' . , , a ~ . « xT.a i , n., -.y ~r k ~1 1 .~`..w a r' . ~ ~ "i ~ =:ZONE~A ~FU(URE~ r~ dti " } g y _ of Special flood Hazard include Zones A, AE, AH, AO, AR, A99, V, and VE. The Base 11 . ' ` 1 b "fir"• .T 1' .I- nc' I. I.Iri ~ n pp [ , .'~i. )t ~ - '.r. .ice is ~ > ...i. ~ ~ kn r. t~: y , D y e flood Elevation is the water-surface elevation of the 1°k annual chance flood. ' ZONE A No Base Flood Elevations determined. L. t ~,y: ~.y •035 .8 '.d` r" :+~w. , .F rc ~ k.. { 4 .•C....- i.'. t d. . .t. z ~ fir:.. z?~ , r.:.. y, ~ " t 7' ~ ,Y - ~ ~:5.. r.; ° ZONE AE Base Flood Elevations determined. y . / RV~ ' ~ 4 j ~"~•.It'. A ~ * ~y... 15.E/..- , ~ ~ ~J~ 1 ~ _ ~!~'~"'1~ - 1~- q q, ~ . I ~ vi -:,n~ ~ v ,M 'r. f r`. ~-031 © ~ t~~ ~~d l ) . ~i77 ZONE AH Flood depths of 1 to 3 #eet (usually areas of ponding); Base flood i j. , ~t , e. , ~ ,....e fc .f.. 19" ~ ' 3 j N. t 'S/. ~ 4 b: h y f<.'' ,y;~Y~,'.- ~ ~ ? z~-"F~l+e yv i? °'a d" i;.~'~' ..j.. x:~. w - ' - y. y. ;,ry:, " t . ~ Elevations determined. : „ n , is fiw ,-a~ ~i + ~f,.;, i5 1i , f 1,~ a M, w„ '~r•'i - . . , ' - ~ ' ' - _ ' ~ - , : "nJw =+L S°•8." •h!1 Ir..°ei , I! '~5 d' ""Y.7. ~ ~ h,' ~ . ' ~ ~ xt~aterrit~rial,~ u.nsdi~tion ~ 2x74 ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain); ' ~ average depths determined. For areas of alluvial Fan flooding, velocities ~J . € Y r s ~r . • ~ n r a ~ yn s ~ T ~r '~~f ' a , , , r~ ~ r ~ w, ; , c.,. a f "'k«, i y ~ ti r 6 ~ A t:,. i ! ;F I° , .,r.. ~ F~ v»'' H. ' , also determined, ya, Q. sat ~.'1` ~ -;p g r,. r; n ~ ~ ..pt ~i=di~ r~ ~Iri ` s 3 37~0238~ ~ r_ E s - ~ . ~ Y ~t~. ~.I. t,. , , ~•~y 1` , ~ . >-r_ _ t ` ZONE AR Special flood Hazard Area formerly protected from the 1% annual ~;r,:., - - ,t ~ ~f Ja s 1,, ~ .1 ~I ~ ~ 2 268 L1 ~"`i' s„ ;e .1 f. dt ' ~ ~ ~ .f , . { { chance flood by a flood control system that was subsequently ' ~ ,E • ~ . 7 r, ZQ y decertified. Zone AR indicates that the former flood control system is ZONE Af being restored to provide protection from the 1% annual chance or lrj„ } ^s' ,'n ~ 7l~rr .014 4 't ~i~ _ r ~ .w I : . greater flood. ZONE A94 Area to be protected ftom 1 annual chance flood by a Federal . r ~ 1. 3 li ~ ,~M,.~.- , P^ ~'q Ty r, ,tfi ~ s flood protection system under construction; no Base Flood Elevations ZONE AE ~ - ~~I', , i _ , I , , .;,d it '?y.. 1.. i. ' A' determined. ~3 t t ~ A ~ } 021 , +,~tc _ ~ri'1 ~ ~ z .y ZONE YE Coastal flood zone with velocity hamrd (wave action); Base flood Elevations determined. . M ~ ~ ' ~ _ ZONE X- t ~ ~;`j e+~:~ l~Y'b.'~~,:~ t7 7ie, i, ..r _ ~FUTURE~: ',t s~ ,t~ i. .'~"~i, ~+~a!~.~f 'f OZONE X " • FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE ~ a, w. r~ :::~a A°L .aW ~ rryl~~~e~t"~~ ;f s. ~ ' ,,.~..r.. ~T:~,. +.y,~tli 9, 1! ,jY~' r. 'C:P.. 7Y i,. r~W C '~,w r a'J' l ! h pML I~~T { Y ti „ , ~ ~ ~ ~3~ a ,r,ETJ,~. ~ `R . - ; 4 4 r, i ' I. (FIrNREJ f'' 't~ r _<.k°,.a,~-. Cy'~'h ~ ,.+g i f~ ICI i : t, 2 , F,, t .V., 'y° %Y~.` ~ 2~,f~s I.+ „X- 'V' . .r' i . r . . ,,y 4 S~ .;~~~w ' r ~r• a) ~w n Bachelor Branch - ' ; for Branch ~ ZONE X The floodway is the channel of a stream plus any adjacent floodplain areas that must be - _~6 r .k A, . , p< a a K. : ZONE X ~ r f ~ k, ~ `~FllfUREj ~ru_ ~ ~ 1 I(BaSCn 28 4L' L d t ' h . 262 .Stream 6) ~ crsin 28 kept free of encroachment so that the 1 % annual dance flood can be carried without ~ i~ . y' :f ZONE X ' ~ t ,°3, h X r~ ~FUTUREJ ~°t~'eam 6) substantial increases in flood heights. • ~ c . ' ~ . : ~ , + ra u OTHER FLOOD AREAS 1. n t- r N ? ;y ~ F: aha. ~ . a ZONE X Areas of D.2% annual chance flood; areas of future conditions 1°/ annual ~ - 1 ~ - - - oaa ~ - ,y ~ x - chance flood; areas of 1 % annual chance flood with average depths of less LIMIT OF FLOODWAY than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; and areas "4 5 :X1i protected by levees from 1°1 annual chance flood. ,..-w....~-six Y..~ ' "l v y. 9 ` ~ k ~'~aNCE LN ~ ~u, F~ Cr?e 737 500 FEET C' ~ ~ OTHER AREAS ' +~.j J~ ,tom. { y f" fi,:. r q . ~ r~s ~ ~ ~ 8 ,Strea Er,' ~ man 2 , stream 1) ZONE X Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance and future conditions 1 % anneal chance floodplain. 3}7, ' ZONED Areas in which flood hazards are undetermined, but possible. 3.961 OOOM ~'~J'iq~s ~K s ~ tR. 1,6,, fns 1 a'..d r,;: ~y~ 'n4: " r x,~ ~ ~ „ ZONE AE m ~ ~i 3,2 Fr s a 3is 35°46'3D° ~ COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS) AREAS 6 f ~ ~ ~ ZONE X ~ ~ ZONE X4 . ~ ~izi ~ - r Z©NE X 396t ~ M iFUfURE~ ~ OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS tOPAs} y;;~ k W~ a .r Yid s ~ t jFUTURE~ TONE AE ,r~~L t1 ~~"¢7 ~FlfR1RE~ ~ ~ f '.5. ~ I-'' G.'t`'~4 t ~ti,z ~~~Te ~ .m, 1' i' T`, r .(r3~ J.. r«~ea,: ~~~'3g~ Y I ~.y CBRS areas and OPAs are normally located within or adjacent to Special flood Hazard Areas, ` I '1'~~•. ~ S~X. v., t F . ly% ~r, , t' ~1 s ' ~'µY 5v 1% annual chance floodplain boundary f : 0.23'° annual chance floodplain boundary and future •~"'~~y., conditions 1% annual chance floodplain boundary 'f f,-~ C r'~~~ ~l. E' , ie~ I" Y `e r).:, ~ {.~,y~ rte, :~`rx ,t. S^.. i'wc •.~G 222 4t 4 S #.Y yY~I S p ~8~ _ - - - - • Floodway boundary , , a.99 ' ~%t p y y 3. _ ; ?~i ~ ~ . ~ :280 29 ~ , ^~4-t~'~'.e 5 ~a ~ 1~"r ~4' ~ 'a,, a `3~ ~ •.t ' I~NE X ..,x~ } ~ s c rtj 4E,y f,. 276 -.:i fIJTU Zone D Boundary ~ ~.3", ~ ~ sw~~~~~~~s~~s~~~s~~ CBRS and OPA boundary F 1 to Oak Creek , ~ v`.~. < ~~.h:.~~• ~ ,~z = ykk },~.~'yU,TURE ~dd~ ~~r`-~.; ?Y a rr ~ >yr.:~,, , ° ~ ~ r ~.a , ''b;~ r„ ~ ~ :,;'4' `~",y BaSln ZB, Stream , , > ~ Boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Area Zones and h ~ , n t ax., R.. r "dq c> ~ .~.~a. ls;.. ;;w,•',,. y F h, r , ~ ~.•-sj ^.`,~E- boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Areas of different 4 ~y ~ ,,y+ t ^'11'~ R.'. SF, 4 3 5 3 r.. Str;r+ , ~ < f a MS , ?~'G 4r r i '4~r ~,~1{ ~'1 w ~~l` ,r ei ~ , x ' r fit, pp ..t: f,. :T al~. Y ~ t -i , {.E r1 ~-'.~a, I.v'.A~'. ~k M"~ti ia'A: ' Base Flood Elevations, flood depths or flood velocities. s3., M' I', YL ~ v. c r_. ,7 I . k.. ~ v. rs.aK . - r L ~4 -s .r >r.l ZONE>X,. . y i t5 , S'i.. , ~ . ?Er.~' ~ ~?•r~?n.kr ~ t"= fir; ~,Fq ~ ^~^^•^'513^"^~^^- Base flood Elevation line and value; elevation in feet* ~eF St'` (EL 987) Base Flood Elevation value where uniform within zone; ti~ I r,r , ,,.r~,. , y~;. ZONE X+. ° ' . r< •r a y= ~.r r. t - elevation in feet* ` • ~ ` ' ~i~'t ~ '255 d.~'i'r `v r/ -.mss ,c I O ~n j~~: v;t i i~ L. `"7f~. ~ s..~y V.4 .:1 +i ~ / in. st; ~ ',N , . t w..yyyyyy~i 3tv " ~ 1~ T <P F *Referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 .~y : t n ,.r. t r. 1L : E~ ~i 251 } e. . 0''''~ °f;;- 1 ,v *'f L. MS S ~ ~ os ~ G Ott a , i { ~ f < .T ,=~n~. s ~ ois Cross section line ' ' s N ~ ri ~ ' Wake o~xrty ~ ~ rF~ ~ t' a ~ ~ BEGKWT FA M RD ~ r" ~ yr~;t~~ ~fi r w~;; ~ ~ ~ M~ T3 23 Trartsectline ~ n>ncorporated Area's r x t r n! I r T ~ r~'- ~•t' Td2' 4 t„ , m r~ 97°D?'30", 32°22'3D° Geographic coordinates referenced to the North American " o Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) <l:.. - a. ~ ~ .3.70368 ~ , ~ ~~v,,~ ~ ~ t ~ .p ~ ~ 02< ~ ~ ~ZONE~ X4~x ~ ,f ' Kit J s e u! 4276~M 1000-meter Universal Transverse Mercator grid ticks, zone 17 q' Z r, 'yFi+ f~((~~iEUTUREii~ti~~ ~ ~ _.a~ i;i ' > L: 1:w,9..V..br,.. ~ut. fli .~.4Y Ci. ' i Z 2500-foot ggrid values: North Carolina State Plane coordinate ~ . 4r ~ k~ ZO~N ~ rr~ 1477 500 fEET system (FIPSZONE 3200, State Plane NAD 83 feet) (!7 y"a!G w~,•a%~4 ~2i ~ t a ~FUiURE) °x,~yt ~ ,3 , Z ~ 6f7e~ite Oak Creek ~ = d ~ ~ ~ BM5510 North Carolina Geodetic Survey bench mark isee explanation .~i T ~ ~ X in the Datum lnformadon section of this FIRM panel), . E. A h. A~)y ` ~ '1y 034 ~ 0 : ' o ~ . - SIT rx Bastn 28 Stream I) , ; ~ i ~ , i I b>~ 4 ~ p ~ z~ , E,r 7 Try I ~I:i '?a . , . N ~ 'fty~r , ' ~ BM5510 National Geodetic Survey bench mark (see explanation in ~~I,~, ® the Datum Information section of this FIRM panel}, , ,I , f dos ° a~ ~ s 233 (F ~ ~r'r~', ' w ~ a.2i~ l.~ ZO~NE~ ~ M1.5 River Miie FUTURE ~ ~?S , ~,"C'prk Branch x ~ ~ ~ .,'rl~a+ it ~28 Stream 3 ~ ti x~,~.. ~ ; ~ r , ,e zoNE X' L , ~/j,. ~ ~~IY Tom'. :Tl :1 ,,~0, t r~. ~ r r~" ~ 9~z,~t. 6 '~3 ~ h, 224 ~a C~ A.~-,. ~ ~ E F a w : u t ~ w~N, ~ ~ S ti , X a`- o r m , i, r ~ ' .n . a ~ x ~ t~?s .X EX ~8 . ~ 1.S 35°46'00° a `+~,a, ~ ~ s:~~ OZONE X~ ,rv i FUTURE . G ~~+y , ' v ~:fz r~' ~ ~ 35°45'00" ~ , r . . ; OOU M ~•`I~ ~4 f ~ a' ' 3960 { s p cif` ~ ra N ' P, , r • M.~; s , c'L. ~ e.rt 3 ~ y i~ f- , ~ b 3 s n;~~~ f~. s r~~~i 's ~t 395D 000 M ±p, k " yt''t~ ; : s .R. ~ , ~ ~ ZONE AE ~ ~r 'r y , x~, i 4 t. n:> .S. dew r ~ - J , . a v : , , , ( O ~ Ms~!{i{; ic*W,ro, `a.J t , ~ *Y) ~ 'fi ~ i.~>E.;~.:,. ri: • t. "~v $ ~ h ;1 ,"h• 1 v. ~ ;ti' t4'Y. ,:.g { :i=.t il; ) GP; s. .a ry ri~"~ T'; .p . ` . .;t ~ s. y. r r, ::x• ,tir..:.. , , , ~.+v,, ~ S'ri` + .f~ . ~y Yr a ~ A`7. ~ E i~ i any, Y..' ~ fi{'-....: 1•~•il. ~r,.ft ~ v. ,r~'C" /i •..,y. r~'L°'{,('+1 `t ~.v: 11°':x/ .1_t. ~ f., N , ~~W ryY Y:11 I t ,,,.t,,. 4.,. t,{ t:~P.r~" e,~~'w~ . r .r:i' ,+1` a,,:,r r m . 1 I 1 - : ~ r ~ ' Y5 ~ ~ ) . , ~ v fir;. 'u e '?~w' >Y r_ "K •a.,~.tf r7,, 'y, r. 214 3 +a ff t t{. + k>d~; :Ir y} w" /L ~ ' r e ' t" , ~ #r a , * , r`"rf YAK' ~ ~f' ~1~ `~4 e ~ r ~9 lw ~s :T ~ ~ ' xN 1 t.. Y yYyyv R Yr al.: i~ N. ~ - - ~ - , s ~ ~ ~a k~ x,.l i' 4~e ~ ~ U ~ ~~,~~~f:. rr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ZONE ' 1 ,a - ~ G w . .1 Lt rater. ..abtii~.. , i1~'~ r+ ',+~~',a;; N ~:vz. ..d>,~l~w.~' 4 732 500 FEET ~ M r~~ . Y - h Lam! GRID NORTH g ' ~=OZONE-x".t ~ , ~ ..v r. , < t A {FUTUB~E~~' .L =..t''.a 's. x ~ ~n t , , . z ~ :k ;r mt v _ . , r d ,13 l` k r ,.n' a~ r~ t I MAP SCALE 1 " = 500 ` (1 6, 000 ) , 250 0 500 1000 ZONE X + ` '.j ~ ~ E •FilRJRE ~ FEET ~+~'et x • ~ ~ . I i ~ . t Iraq I PI ~ ~ ~i o b F i ~~`~t'''~ METERS , i' r u, ~.t 1 ..4,. fi, yl * ; ~ ' t , u; 150 0 150 300 r,~rti y; . , Y~~ ~ ~ s'; r ~r I ~ _ i~ _ . ~ , s r u a ~ ~ ' a~ 248 ZON X , a; ~ t. , ~ o ~ ~ of S~CL R. m PANEL 0723) f ,i ~ .}~"G"^i~ w " '1[~~ I` t~-'; M ~~SF r ~.~~i~! {f,.. L N` tF:, . , } » r M +p 1 ` 1 ,l' M'r? ,.-r ~ y; ~a ~3t 1`i ~ ',..i~.! ~ , i ,y,J,.:. r k K 250 ; ° • °y~ ~ ~s W. s FIRM ~,~ti+;rr f ~ vo r ~ r. ' ~ a _ ~ , r;~_ ; o `E~. ~ FLOOD INSURANCE RAtE I~AP ~r Ldp z?,, 1~~ ~ ~r . 35 45'30 ZONE E t;~ 35°45'30" r r: ~.a ~ z , ' I sa ZON E X ~ , ' 1 NORTH CARC}LINA ' . • ISI ~ ~fUTUREf,~: A e...:: tt . x. ~v 1'~F 166 t ~ _`1 ~ ,,q 11 ~t r~u tJ sic w .p ~ ar I f r • 3959 ~ M 'rte . Nrlr1 ~'N ~ { ~ a ° .~r ~ m PANEL 0723 y ~ 1 P YY 136 N X 4~r'!s' a % i n " ' (SEE LOCATOR DIAGRAM OR MAP INDEX FOR FIRM ,,'*°s - 3959 ~ M PANEL LAYOUT) P~ . , , N W ZONE AE, r j CONTAINS; s r~ , ~b 4; COMMUNiT'f CID No. PANEL SUFFIX `u; yk.r'~Y by 730 000 FEET ° ~ ~ -¢I CARY, TOWN OF 370238 D723 J °.730 DOD FEET 000 M /r 000 M 689 C00 M 2 020 000 FEET ~ 7 °55' 0" ZONE X 6~ 78°55'00° 78°54'30" 78°54'00 2 030 000 FEET WAKE COUMY 370368 D723 J 8 ~ ZONE X J4WS PANEL 0722 78°54'00" ~ t~u~l IVV 1 CJ 1 %_J U3E:M3 ~eca This map is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program. It does not Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood control This map reflects more detailed and up-to-date stream channel configurations than MAP REPOSITORY necessarily identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local drainage sources structures. Refer to Section 4.4 "Flood Protection Measures" of the Flood Insurance those shown on the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The floodplains and floodways Refer to listing of Map Repositories on Map Index or vi REPOSITORY on Map Index or visit www.nefloodmaps.com, of small size. The community map repository should be consulted for possible Study report for information on flood control structures in this jurisdiction, that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have been adjusted to conform to updated or additional flood hazard information, these new stream channel configurations. As a result, the Flood Profiles and Floodway To obtain more detailed information in areas where Base Flood Elevations BFEs Base map information and geospatial data used to develop this FIRM were obtained from Data tables in the Flood Insurance Study report (which contains authoritative hydraulic EFFECTIVE DATE OF FLOOD INSURANCE RA ( ) various organizations, including the participating local community(ies), state and federal data) may reflect stream channel distances that differ from what is shown on this map. MAY 2, 2006 )D INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL and/or floodways have been determined, users are encouraged to consult the Flood agencies, and/or other sources. The primary base for this FIRM is aerial imagery acquired by AY 2, 2006 Profiles, Floodway Data, Limited Detailed Flood Hazard Data, and/or Summary of Stillwater Wake County. The time period of collection for the imagery is 1999. Information and Please refer to the separately printed Nap Index for an overview map of the county Elevations tables contained within the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report that accompanies geospatial data supplied by the local community(ies) that met FEMA base map specifications showing the layout of map panels, community map repository addresses, and a Listing of EFFECTIVE DATE(S) OF REVISION(S) TO F REVISION(S)TO TO THIS PANEL Notice to User: The Nap Number shown below should be used this FIRM. Users should be aware that BFEs shown flood insurance the FIRM represent rounded were considered the preferred source for development of the base map. See geospatial Communities table containing National Flood Insurance Program dates for each community when placing map orders, the Community Number shown above should be used on Insurance applications forthe subject community, only whole-foot and should not elevations be . used These as B the e sole are intended source of ded for flood elevation information, rating Accordingly, metadata for the associated digital FIRM for additional information about base map as well as a listing of the panels on which each community is located. and preparation. flood elevation data presented in the FIS report should be utilized in conjunction with If you have questions about this map, or questions concerning the National Flood EFFECTIVE DATE MAP NUMBER the FIRM for purposes of construction and/or fioodplain management. Base map features shown on this map, such as corporate limits, are based on the Insurance Program in general, please call 1-877-FEMA NAP (1-877-336-2627) or visit the Boundaries of regulatory floodways shown on the FIRM for flooding sources studied most up-to-date data available at the time of publication. Changes in the corporate FEMA website at www.fema.gov. For community map revision history prior to statewide mapp MAY 2, 2006 3720012300a by detailed methods were computed at cross sections and interpolated between cross limits may have occurred since this map was published. Map users should History table located in the Flood Insurance Study report for l statewide mapping, refer to the Community Map CID d*n eQ"aTM Study report for this jurisdiction, a sections. The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations with regard to requirements consult the appropriate community official or website to verify current conditions of An accompanying Flood Insurance Study report, Letter of Map Revision (LOMB) or Letter in this community, contact your insurance agent, the o of the National Flood Insurance Program. Floodway widths and other pertinent Floodway jurisdictional boundaries and base map features. This map may contain roads that were of Map Amendment (LOMA) revising portions of this panel, and digital versions of this To determine if flood insurance is available in this community, data for flooding sources studied by detailed methods as well as non-encroachment widths not considered in the hydraulic analysis of streams where no new hydraulic model was FIRM maybe available. Visit the North Carolina Floodplain Napping Program website North Carolina Division of Emergency Management or the Natio ement or the National Flood Insurance Program at then ,ter ~~~ND S~~J¢ for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods are provided in the FIS report created during the production of this statewide format FIRM. at www.ncfloodmaps.com, or contact the FEMA Nap Service Center at 1-800-358-9616 following phone numbers or websites: for this jurisdiction. The FIS report also provides instructions for determining a Floodway for information on all related products associated with this FIRM. The FEMA Map Service NC Division of Emergency Management Ni (919) National Flood Insurance Program State of North Carolina P;Mka /n~fi 1-800-638-6620 www.fema.goY/afip Federal Emergency Management Agency using non-encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods. Center may also be reached by Fax at 1-800-358-9620 and its website at www.mscJema.gov. 715-8000 www.nccrimecontroi.org/nfip 1-soa