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GW1-2021-03900_Well Construction - GW1_20210823
i 't) 15 19 45;43 Clearwater Well Drilling 828�$22 72h4 �'� p ..nr.,.,r... WEX,L tCgN UCTIUN�2ECOI?33[GW X� ins tntcmni U4c ny; I.Wei I<;ontratto1inrormatlom iirtll f.'onlractlx Mann �� Tn - R, p. A:Well Cnnwanm VedifiaMfnn 1+4+mhW C "MR-tr i ft in. TORML =�mjfnny Natnr. b.WNBIt --- ?.. Oxi all OPlrkralrtr,,It rMwnwilm PwMffV(Lr.11iL,Gonwy,SMlr,Ya'r—A rrr.) ft, 3,lYcil tisc(chcck well qsr}; ft in IYe ter Supply Welt: n Agricultural tmieiphUpuhlic rt te. K _ CleothcM I tlieatfug(c(cNiag 4tlppty) Residential water Soppy(single) fw (a. IndnstriallCnmmarcini esidential Water Siipply(shored) iris ration T a 1Vrm�lrnttr`�i►Ply 1R e11.^ I f'^ R' l Monitoring ©>: > fM in, WM fgicetion I: rim ft. AquiferReahntgc Qfiroundwatcr Remedivinn A AgoifcrSt9raAa IndRacnvcr, a _f9 ttmstton - Salinitp Rtittiet AquilcrTcsl OStnrmwaterDrainagc n• w EXperimental Techuntogy Ostitsidence control fl. t1. GcWheimal(clo,9ed I,opp) [)Trnccr p .- Ocntl,rnitat 4Hcatin�Cnalint;Rs:ntm) 13Alher(exelain un!c-021 Remeft) am ft, fR _1 4,11atr.}V.'J)(s)CnnnplMcd; lCl� �!.�i Well ID# ft. // i1QC � •Well l ncatinn. sO p. f R (Faetlit). h"w_rMon, l:neilttyIDJOfffnpPllcgDlr•) R. l4.MiZ071 tlCtry,and E� G� �l.R1i:MARir rs� Co+uay Yaleet idclnitieatiln Nn,(Pits) ._ .�"^���..:� Sb.t.tttitnde nml longitude in degrwOnhultelfseconds or dccimni degree-,; --�--- (f 6i A"nll 601d.one lntllang in Iniiioicnt) � r (c ;,�. a lamon• iS.lt(urc.)the wells FigrtotoreoPCle*ttfrod lCmtartotor prate t� () PIMBacnt or D etilpnrary l.?r+,ttprl(nq ON jar-,l JIMAvc-r(jy toot flnr tWd1(r)Nm lirivrJ erlww.ar tmW M nacv+MO-M-e %•',this a repair rn ran t�ftisdag welts Dyes or ONG, udN,!!v( Yr.+f n�C•.Qlnp qr 1.1A N!RC A2C,nRaD WMICo»srmcnn,r 57tnratanta mrr(rhar.r +Yh(s(x:r rrr/�nir,rail m,rMtnnm andf annslruct(nn lr rmeltan mul crplMn tl,r,rxrrtnv rr(iho rn/v nflhlc hxiad A4cbtltl n/Oi Mffn llN!well ftw-. r rrlr dndrr 17t rc/Ia/tic yayryNl nrmtdm,hart nflhiHfnror, 9',1;.81t!dfAgrrgo or tldditlWutt ti�tdatalls: R !'nr Getrprohetflfrl'or[^dosed-1,onp Geolbermal Wells httvtng she slmc lrou may use the back of thispa$e to provide addhiotni well site deae[is err wc11 xnnmrction,anl' I G%%r-1 is needed. I'nstininta TOTAL NUMBER nT+vcllt com9tfnsiiDo details. You may also,plt8oh additional pegs a if nOcemly, rngl well date[[boi(nv[anti surtitec: T y 4 5 ,(Q i l-nrnrrrlutrlr.,,11r1lttalle-1191rifdffieraw(r�nmp/a-3(gll?((.m�'�.titao� 2*.r4w Au wells) Sultmit this JbMJvi0tin 30 dayw of completion of%veil J ��� ronsMoRion W the fblloieing. 8110k,wAlMr 1evcl below top of casing:__l 1l (R.) i?lvigfon of Water Raanreea,ltsaihRaratit»r (fuvHer(cn�r!(AnM+ t¢Hng,nae"• PnMetsiegllA 1617 MAR Serv[ce& Mr,Iwldgb.AiC 27i"461? IA_Ifort+.botedit►taeMr, � (ln,) 24h.Rnr l6,, c1111A JK4W To addition to°Mnding t1w f0m)10 the nddtra9 to 24n 17"1Veir c(MI' effon melhnd: f� 'dmvq seen submit ono atpp Of this frnm,wilhin 30 days of compretlen of,Weil Cie,"W"Mrs.cools,4irca,posh,otca coostinction to the fotinw)nX WATrR tiC — Division of Wetter Bcaoitraes.Undtlrground i ettloa Control fR ram, Pt9 4 f i.9 ONLY: 163ft MR"SM Moe Catrterr RAMP,TiC l•7ti99616'36 � 13a.Yield(i;pin) "Afto of lesh Me Par Water Vantfllr&InMetlea WNttr In addition to:attMing Iht litrtru to r.th.nlsinfection tyfro; Ammmt: die nddress(cs) above, also submit nac copy Of[big fbrm Kdthin 30 day9 oP completion of well lxmuactw to the curly IMBIM dt(wMcnt Of tilt tailllify _ vrtlera oonstritclnal. I�m+n GW.1 — NarfhCmnNnnAapnrtmnnr.oftinWrAnmrnmiQemitl:+-Alvisrnn of Water Ra9acrcex