HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL Beane Mitigation Plan_All Components_20210810FINAL WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, North Carolina Contract Number: 7000016058 WBS Element: 40237.4.sl TIP Number: R-3300 USACE Action ID No. SAW-2007-01386 Cape Fear River Basin HUC 03030007 Prepared for: North Carolina Department of Transportation August 2021 Prepared by: 1150 SE Maynard Road, Suite 140 Cary, NC 27511 3300 Regency Parkway #100 Cary, NC 27518 I Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 BASELINE INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 1 2.0 SITE SELECTION ........................................................................................................................... 1 3.0 SITE PROTECTION INSTRUMENT .............................................................................................. 2 4.0 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................... 2 4.1 Functional and Ecological Uplift .................................................................................................. 3 5.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................... 5 5.1 Potentially Jurisdictional Features ................................................................................................ 5 5.1.1 Potentially Jurisdictional Streams ........................................................................................ 5 5.1.2 Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands ...................................................................................... 7 5.1.3 Potentially Jurisdictional Ponds ........................................................................................... 7 5.2 Vegetation ..................................................................................................................................... 8 5.3 Natural Communities .................................................................................................................... 8 5.4 Soils............................................................................................................................................. 12 5.5 Threatened and Endangered Species Assessment ....................................................................... 12 5.5.1 American Alligator .............................................................................................................. 13 5.5.2 Golden Sedge ...................................................................................................................... 13 5.5.3 Black Rail ............................................................................................................................ 14 5.5.4 Rough-Leaved Loosestrife ................................................................................................... 14 5.5.5 Northern Long-eared Bat .................................................................................................... 14 5.5.6 Red-Cockaded Woodpecker ............................................................................................... 15 5.5.7 Cooley’s Meadowrue ......................................................................................................... 15 5.5.8 Other Federally Listed Species .......................................................................................... 15 5.6 Endangered Species Act Candidate Species ............................................................................... 16 5.7 State Rare and Federal Species of Concern ................................................................................ 16 5.8 Cultural Resources ..................................................................................................................... 16 5.9 Existing Anthropogenic Features ............................................................................................... 16 5.10 Hazardous Materials .................................................................................................................. 17 6.0 WETLAND MITIGATION STUDIES .......................................................................................... 17 6.1 Soil Investigations ....................................................................................................................... 17 6.2 Drainage Ditches and Lateral Effects ......................................................................................... 18 6.3 Groundwater Monitoring Gauges ............................................................................................... 18 6.4 Surface Water Modeling ............................................................................................................. 19 6.4.1 Hydrologic Trespass ................................................................................................................... 21 6.5 Reference Wetland Vegetation ................................................................................................... 22 7.0 WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN ................................................................................................ 23 7.1 Proposed Vegetation Treatments ................................................................................................ 23 II Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 7.2 Proposed Hydrology Treatments ................................................................................................ 23 7.2.1 Ditch Removal ..................................................................................................................... 24 7.2.2 Road Removal ..................................................................................................................... 25 7.2.3 Stream Plugs ....................................................................................................................... 25 7.2.4 Depressions ......................................................................................................................... 25 7.2.5 Surface Water Conveyance ................................................................................................. 26 7.3 Target Plant Communities .......................................................................................................... 26 7.3.1 Invasive Species Management ............................................................................................ 28 8.0 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS .................................................................................................. 28 8.1 Wetland Vegetation .................................................................................................................... 29 8.2 Wetland Hydrology ..................................................................................................................... 29 9.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................... 30 9.1 Wetland Vegetation Monitoring ................................................................................................. 30 9.2 Wetland Hydrology Monitoring.................................................................................................. 30 10.0 Adaptive Management Plan ............................................................................................................ 31 11.0 LONG TERM ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PLAN ................................................................... 31 12.0 GEOGRAPHIC SERVICE AREA ................................................................................................. 31 13.0 MAINTENANCE PLAN ................................................................................................................ 32 14.0 DETERMINATION OF UNITS ..................................................................................................... 33 15.0 FINANCIAL ASSURANCES ........................................................................................................ 34 16.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 35 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Goals and Objectives Table 2. NC WAM Summary Table 3. Wetland Work Plan Components and Functional Objectives Table 4. Potentially Jurisdictional Streams and Tributaries Table 5. Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands Table 6. Potentially Jurisdictional Ponds Table 7. Existing Natural Communities Table 8. Soil Map Units Table 9. Federally Protected Species that May Occur on the Site Table 10. Existing Anthropogenic Features Table 11. Pre-Construction Wetland Monitoring Gauges Table 12. Reference Wetlands Table 13. Anthropogenic Features Remaining Table 14. Culvert Information Table 15a. Zone 1 – Non-Riverine Wet Hardwood Forest - Oak Flat Subtype Table 15b. Zone 2 – Coastal Plain Depression Swamp - Mixed Subtype Table 15c. Zone 3 – Blackwater Bottomland Hardwoods III Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 Table 16. Vegetation Monitoring Summary Table 17. Wetland Hydrology Monitoring Summary Table 18. Wetland Asset Table LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Project Vicinity Figure 2. Historic 1949 Aerial Photograph Map Figure 3. Historic 1956 Aerial Photograph Map Figure 4. QL2 LiDAR Map Figure 5. Potentially Jurisdictional Features Map Figure 6. Lateral Effect Map Figure 7. Natural Communities Map Figure 8. Soils Map Figure 9. State Listed Species Map Figure 10. Existing Anthropogenic Features Overview Map Figure 10a. Existing Road Network Map Figure 10b. Existing Ditch Network Map Figure 11. 2015 Hydric Soil Investigations Figure 12. Existing Wetland Monitoring Gauge Locations Map Figure 13. Reference Wetlands Map Figure 14. Wetland Design Map Figure 15. Target Plant Communities Map Figure 16. Vegetation Monitoring Plan Map Figure 17. Hydrology Monitoring Plan Map LIST OF GRAPHS Graph 1. 100-year and 2-year Existing and Proposed Hydrographs for the FSI Model Boundary Graph 2. 100-year and 2-year Existing and Proposed Hydrographs at the Intersection of Farm Road and Road 1 Graph 3. 100-year and 2-year Existing and Proposed Hydrographs at the Intersection of Farm Road and Road 3A LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1. Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Information Appendix 2. Photographic Log Appendix 3. Wetland Monitoring Gauge Data Appendix 4. Surface Water Modeling Page 1 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 1.0 BASELINE INFORMATION The Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site (Site, Project) is located within US Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit (HU) 03030007 and NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) Cape Fear sub-basin 03-06-23, just east of Island Creek and south of the Cape Fear River. The Site is situated within the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain and Carolina Flatwoods Level III and Level IV US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Ecoregions, respectively. The Site is located approximately 0.6 miles southwest of the New Hanover / Pender County line and State Road 1572 / 1336 (Sidbury Road) and 1.6 miles north of Scotts Hill (Figure 1). The Site encompasses 312.9 acres under the ownership of the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT). Of this total, approximately 3.9 acres are part of an easement held by the Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc. The remaining 309.0 acres will be described in this document and be used to provide mitigation for authorized jurisdictional impacts associated with R-3300 (Hampstead Bypass). The Site is relatively flat with most of the current topography resulting from anthropogenic modification (roads, ditches, spoil piles, silviculture planting beds, etc.). Early aerial photographs indicate that intensive modifications took place between the late 1940s and mid-1950s (Figures 2 and 3). The Site is primarily used for intensive pine silviculture with the loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) being the dominant species planted across the Site. Subtle elevation differences exist between the existing wetlands and uplands found within the Site. Soil properties across the Site, coupled with lateral ditch effects, have the greatest impact on the presence of wetlands or uplands. Elevations across the Site range from 23 to 49 feet above mean sea level (msl). The existing topography and anthropogenic features for the Site are shown in Figure 4 using Quality Level 2 (QL2) Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) (NCDPS, 2019). The average precipitation for the nearby Wilmington Airport over the period from 1935 to 2018 (83-years) was 55.9 inches, with approximately 50 percent of the precipitation occurring between the months of June and September. Soils on the Site are generally poorly drained and sandy in texture. The Site primarily consists of planted loblolly pines with scattered remnants of natural vegetation combined with areas of cutover forest. 2.0 SITE SELECTION The Site was first identified during field investigations related to the U-4571 (Military Cutoff) / R-3300 US 17 Corridor Study conducted between 2007 and 2010. The Site was considered for its potential to mitigate some of the roadway’s proposed impacts due to its proximity to the proposed R-3300 corridor. During this initial period, only streams and wetlands associated with the proposed roadway corridors were delineated and verified. Additional field investigations were conducted in 2013 to delineate all streams or wetlands within the Site. To evaluate the Site for mitigation potential, an existing conditions assessment was performed in October and November 2014 to identify, map, and characterize soils, hydrology, biotic communities, and existing jurisdictional Page 2 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 features within the Site. Utilizing data obtained from wetland delineations, soil characterizations, hydrologic trespass modeling, and decade long field observations, along with feedback received from state and federal agencies, the Site showed strong mitigation potential. 3.0 SITE PROTECTION INSTRUMENT NCDOT will manage the Site to prohibit all uses inconsistent with its status as a mitigation property, including any activity that would materially alter the biological integrity or functional and educational value of the Site, consistent with the approved Mitigation Plan. The purpose of the protection agreements will be to assure that future use of the Site will result in the protection, maintenance, and enhancement of functions described in the Mitigation Plan. 4.0 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The Site will provide many hydrological and ecological benefits due to its location near the headwaters of Island Creek, which drains directly to the Cape Fear River. The over-arching goal of the Project is to improve the overall quality of the non-riparian and riparian wetlands by restoring/enhancing the hydrology and vegetative conditions that have been altered over the last century. The removal and conversion of existing ditches, culverts, roads, and spoil piles into functional wetland areas will provide greater on-site water holding capacity that will promote denitrification and filtration. This will ultimately help attenuate flows and provide reductions in nutrients and sediment leaving the Site. The conversion of the existing pine plantations to native plant communities will also provide greater species diversity and long-term ecological benefits to both plants and animals that inhabit the Site. The proposed wetland mitigation Project will provide approximately 79 acres of wetland restoration, 78 acres of wetland enhancement, and 31 acres of wetland preservation. Project goals and associated objectives are summarized in Table 1. Table 1. Goals and Objectives Goals Objectives Restore hydrology and native species vegetation in altered wetlands o Remove ditches, roads and culverts within non-riparian and riparian wetlands, o Convert loblolly pine plantations to native plant communities, o Protect all restored wetlands with intact upland buffers, Page 3 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 Reduce nutrient and sediment inputs into nearby Island Creek •Restore non-riparian and riparian wetlands plant communities to trap sediment and to facilitate increased uptakes of water and nutrient inputs, •Remove ditches, roads, and culverts allowing surface and sub-surface water to move naturally across the Site, •Improve the water storage capacity and residence time of surface flows by removing ditches, roads, and culverts, •Promote higher water table conditions, and thus denitrification, within the restored wetlands Long-term protection •The Site is owned by NCDOT in fee simple. Long-term protection will be through the NCDOT Stewardship Program. 4.1 Functional and Ecological Uplift Of the impairments present on the site, past ditching, stream channelization, road construction, and intensive pine silvicultural activities are the most severe, resulting in extensive anthropogenic features, altered plant communities, increased nutrient and sediment loading, and loss of wetland function. Ecological uplift will come from removing anthropogenic features, restoring wetland connections, and establishing native plant communities. Restored and enhanced wetlands will: 1) provide increased water storage capacity and help attenuate large rainfall events (i.e., hurricanes); 2)Reduce stormwater runoff and sedimentation to FSH and FSI and ultimately Island Creek; 3) provide a natural plant community that is suited to the site conditions; and 4) provide a diversity of aquatic and terrestrial habitats appropriate for the ecoregion and landscape setting. Approximately 189 acres of wetlands will be restored, enhanced and/or protected as part of the project. Uplands comprising approximately 111 acres will also provide additional buffer to wetland and stream areas. Potentially jurisdictional stream channels and their streambanks (FSH and FSI) will remain unchanged and comprise 2.6 acres (3,647 linear feet). Over 75% (20.3 acres) of the anthropogenic features will be removed, leaving approximately 6.1 acres of acres of ditches, ditch banks, and roads within the project to provide site access and to maintain hydrologic connections entering and leaving the Site. Site specific wetland mitigation goals and objectives have been developed using North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM) analyses of degraded and reference systems (NC WFAT 2016). This method rates functional metrics for wetlands as high, medium, or low based on field data collected on forms and transferred into a rating calculator. Using Boolean logic, the rating Page 4 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 calculator assigns a high, medium, or low value for each metric and overall function. Table 2 summarizes NC WAM model output for forested reference wetlands on the Site proposed for wetland preservation and a degraded wetland that represents most of the wetlands found on the Site. Table 2. NC WAM Summary NC WAM Sub-function Rating Summary Ref. Wetland 1 Ref. Wetland 2 Ref. Wetland 3 Ref. Wetland A Degraded Wetland Wetland Type Pine Flat Pine Flat Pine Savanna Non- Riverine Swamp Forest Pine Flat A (1)HYDROLOGY HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW - MED. (2) Surface Storage & Retention HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW - MED. (2) Sub-surface Storage and Retention HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW - MED. (1)WATER QUALITY HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW (2)Pollution Change HIGH HIGH HIGH MEDIUM LOW (1)HABITAT HIGH MEDIUM HIGH HIGH LOW (2)Physical Structure HIGH MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH LOW - MED. (2)Landscape Patch Structure MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH LOW LOW (2)Vegetative Composition NA NA HIGH HIGH NA OVERALL HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW A – Degraded Pine Flats comprise over 70% of the existing wetlands. Based on the above NC WAM analysis, in areas proposed for wetland restoration and enhancement, all metrics are being targeted for functional improvements. Table 3 provides an overview of the Sites wetland functional improvement objectives and the specific actions proposed to accomplish them. Page 5 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 Table 3. Wetland Work Plan Components and Functional Objectives Functional Improvement Objectives Proposed Actions Hydrology Surface Storage and Retention Removal of ditches, roads, and culverts to reestablish hydrology; establish natural plant communities through the planting of native forest vegetation. Sub-surface Storage and Retention Water Quality Pollution Change Conversion of pine silvicultural to native forest vegetation; Removal of ditches, roads, and culverts to allow water to move naturally across the Site, whereby reducing runoff and sedimentation in downstream waterbodies Habitat Physical Structure Establish native plant communities that connect to adjacent natural resources. Landscape Patch Structure Vegetation Composition 5.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 5.1 Potentially Jurisdictional Features Stream and wetland delineations conducted for the U-4571 / R-3300 US 17 Corridor Study were verified in 2010. To fully assess existing jurisdictional features on-site, additional wetland delineations were completed in August 2013; these delineations were never verified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) or DWR. In the Fall of 2019, EPR reassessed the streams and wetlands within the Site to provide the most up-to-date information available and to have the delineated resources verified. Following the field assessment, a jurisdictional review package was prepared and submitted to USACE for the Site on February 13, 2020. A field meeting was held on February 26, 2020, to review the delineated resources with USACE, NCDOT, and EPR present. The submitted Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD) Package was updated following the February 26, 2020, field visit and following a final review by USACE on January 6, 2021. A determination letter (USACE Action ID – SAW-2007-01386) dated March 5, 2021, and a final version of the PJD package can be found in Appendix 1. Streams, wetlands, and a pond identified within the 312.9 acres of the Site are described in the following sections. 5.1.1 Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Two potentially jurisdictional streams and seventeen tributaries were identified within the Site during field investigations (Table 4 and Figure 5). Field evaluations of flow status (intermittent or perennial) and quality of Site streams were conducted by CALYX (now NV5) biologists in Page 6 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 October and November 2014 and further reviewed by EPR staff in 2019 and 2020. These assessments were based on the DWR Methodology for Identification of Intermittent and Perennial Streams and Their Origins stream assessment protocols, Version 4.11. Associated Waters and Classification The NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) assigns classifications of best usage to State Waters that indicate water quality and potential use as a resource. All three streams identified within the Project area flow into Island Creek. Island Creek carries a Class C designation, indicating that the stream supports aquatic life, fresh water uses, and secondary recreation. Island Creek is also classified as Swamp Waters (Sw), indicating a low velocity, and natural characteristics different from nearby streams. Island Creek is not located within the Site. There are no High-Quality Waters (HQW), Water Supply (WS), or Outstanding Water Resources (ORW) within or near the Site. Table 4. Potentially Jurisdictional Streams and Tributaries Stream Name Length (lf) Water Types Tributary 2 954 NRPW Tributary 4 3,391 NRPW Tributary 5 364 NRPW Tributary 7 934 NRPW Tributary 10 1,088 NRPW Tributary 11 3,589 NRPW Tributary 12 1,662 NRPW Tributary 13 1,938 NRPW Tributary 14 646 NRPW Tributary 15 964 NRPW Tributary 16 1,946 NRPW Tributary 17 2,361 NRPW Tributary 18 1,687 NRPW Tributary 19 1,369 NRPW Tributary 20 879 NRPW Tributary 21 861 NRPW Tributary - FSH 48 NRPW FSH (Intermittent) 608 RPW FSI (Perennial) 3,039 RPW Total 28,328 NRPW - Non-Relative Permanent Waters that flow directly or indirectly into Traditional Navigable Waters. RPW - Relatively Permanent Waters that flow directly or indirectly into Traditional Navigable Waters. lf = linear feet Page 7 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 5.1.2 Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands Currently, sixteen potentially jurisdictional wetlands are located within the Site, totaling approximately 110 acres (35%) of the Site’s total area (Table 5 and Figure 5). These wetlands were identified and delineated using the 3-parameter approach outlined by the 1987 USACE Wetland Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory, 1987) and the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Regional Supplement to the USACE Wetland Delineation Manual, V2.0 (USACE, 2010). Additionally, lateral effect was utilized to determine the hydrologic drawdown and subsequent effects on wetlands adjacent to the extensive ditch network on the property. The Lateral Effect program developed by Phillips et al. 2015 was utilized to determine the lateral effect of the ditches at the Site. Approximately 126 acres of lateral effect was determined to be present for the Site and wetlands delineated wetlands within these lateral effect areas were removed as a part of the preliminary jurisdictional package (Appendix 1 and Figure 6). Table 5. Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands Wetland Name Total (ac) Water Types Cowardin Code NC WAM Type NC WAM Rating FWC1 9.77 NRPWW PFO1/4 Headwater Forest Low FWC2 18.95 NRPWW PFO4 Pine Flat Low FWC3 0.88 NRPWW PFO2 Non-Riverine Swamp Forest Medium FWC4 0.47 RPWWD PFO1 Riverine Swamp Forest Low FWD 31.62 NRPWW PFO4 Pine Flat Low FWF 6.29 NRPWW PFO1/4 Pine Flat Low MWA 24.12 NRPWW PSS4/PFO4 Pine Flat Low MWC1 2.87 NRPWW PFO4 Pine Flat Medium MWC2 1.14 NRPWW PFO1/4 Pocosin Low MWD 0.50 NRPWW PFO1/4 Headwater Forest Low MWE 9.73 RPWWN PFO4 Pine Savanna Medium MWF 2.52 NRPWW PFO4 Pine Flat Medium MWG 0.25 RPWWN PFO1 Headwater Forest Low MWI 0.10 NRPWW PFO4 Pine Flat Low TWA 0.70 NRPWW PFO1 Hardwood Flat Low TWB 0.15 NRPWW PFO1 Non-Riverine Swamp Forest Low Total 110.06 NRPWW – Wetlands adjacent to Non-Relatively Permanent Waters that flow directly or indirectly into Traditional Navigable Waters. RPWWD – Wetlands directly abutting Relatively Permanent Waters that flow directly or indirectly into Traditional Navigable Waters. RPWWN – Wetlands adjacent to but not directly abutting Relatively Permanent Waters that flow directly or indirectly into Traditional Navigable Waters. 5.1.3 Potentially Jurisdictional Ponds Currently, only one pond was delineated within the Site, totaling approximately 0.04 acres (Table 6 and Figure 5). This pond is associated with Tributary 11. Page 8 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 Table 6. Potentially Jurisdictional Ponds Pond Name Total (ac) Cowardin Connection PA 0.04 PUB2 Connection to Tributary 11 Total 0.04 5.2 Vegetation A variety of vegetation species have been encountered over numerous visits to the Site. The most common species found within the Site are listed below by their stratum. Canopy cover across the Site consists primarily of loblolly pine, pond pine (Pinus serotina), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), swamp bay (Persea palustris), red maple (Acer rubrum), persimmon (Diospyros virginiana), water oak (Quercus nigra), black cherry (Prunus serotina), and longleaf pine (Pinus palustris). The understory layer is comprised of a combination of saplings and shrubs consisting of wax myrtle (Morella cerifera), sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia), beautyberry (Callicarpa americana), titi (Cyrilla racemiflora), loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus), multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora) and winged sumac (Rhus copallinum). Herbaceous vegetation includes bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum), royal fern (Osmunda regalis), cinnamon fern (Osmundastrum cinnamomeum), chalky bluestem (Andropogon capillipes), sensitive fern (Onoclea sensibilis), dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium), giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea), switchcane (Arundinaria tecta), and broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus). Vine species present include Carolina jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens), laurel greenbrier (Smilax laurifolia), muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia), trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans), and Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia). Invasive species identified at the Site primarily include multiflora rose and fescue. One Japanese climbing fern (Lygodium japonicum) plant was noted along Road 2 between Roads 4 and 5a. 5.3 Natural Communities There are 10 primary biotic communites that have been identified within the Site (Table 7 and Figure 7). The names and description of the communities are derived from Schafale’s Guide to the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Fourth Approximation (2012), and field observations of the reference communities. Because communities were initially described using Schafale and Weakley’s Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Third Approximation (1990), a crosswalk to the 4th approximation is provided in Table 7. A description of each community classification is described below using the guidance of the natural community documents and/or field observations. Page 9 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 Table 7. Existing Natural Communities 3rd Approximation - Natural Community 4th Approximation – Natural Community Coverage – acres (%) Loblolly Pine Plantation A Loblolly Pine Plantation A 143.9 (46.6) Mesic Pine Flatwoods Mesic Pine Savanna 82.4 (26.7) Maintained/Disturbed A Maintained/Disturbed A 29.1 (9.4) Xeric Sandhill Scrub Xeric Sandhill Scrub (Typic Subtype) 13.8 (4.5) Pond Pine Woodland Pond Pine Woodland (Typic Subtype) 10.3 (3.3) Wet Pine Flatwoods Wet Pine Flatwoods (Typic Subtype) 9.9 (3.2) Pine Savanna Sandy Pine Savanna (Typic Subtype) 9.7 (3.1) Non-Riverine Wet Hardwood Forest (Disturbed Version) Non-Riverine Wet Hardwood Forest (Oak Flat Subtype) 6.9 (2.2) Non-Riverine Swamp Forest (Cypress-Gum Subtype) Coastal Plain Depression Swamp (Mixed Subtype) 1.9 (0.6) Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwood (Blackwater Subtype) Blackwater Bottomland Hardwoods 1.1 (0.4) Totals 309.0 (100) A – Not described by Schafale and Weakely (1990) or Schafale (2012), but described in section below. Loblolly Pine Plantation: The loblolly pine plantation or managed pine stand occurs across a wide range of Site conditions and covers almost half of the Site. The loblolly pines can be grown across the Site due to extensive hydrologic manipulation via ditching and bedding. Ditching controls the elevation of the water table, and the addition of planting beds elevates the pines above this water table. The vegetation is dominated by loblolly pines with varying growth rates due to changes in hydrology across the Site. In areas where the hydrology is more suitable to the growth of loblolly pine, the trees are larger in both height and diameter and the tree canopy is completely closed, shading out mid- and understory vegetation. Wetter areas of this community generally contain stunted loblolly pines, such as those areas bounded by existing access roads 3a and 5b with no outlets. In these wetter conditions, the vegetation is generally thicker and contains species such as inkberry (Ilex glabra), gallberry (Ilex coriacea), swamp bay, loblolly bay, laurel greenbrier, chalky bluestem, sundews (Drosera spp.), and pitcher plants (Sarracenia spp.). Mesic Pine Savanna: This community occurs on mesic (non-wetland) sites of either flat or rolling Coastal Plain sediments. These sites are neither excessively drained nor have a significant seasonal high water table. These communities naturally experienced frequent low to moderate intensity surface fires which maintained a somewhat open canopy, open to sparse shrub layer, and vigorous herb layer. At the Site, Mesic Pine Flatwoods commonly occur on the breaks of interstream divides and are characterized by a closed to open canopy of longleaf pine, sometimes mixed with loblolly pine. The understory is sparse (in frequently burned sites) to dense (in unburned sites), and contains species such as southern red oak (Quercus falcata), water oak, post oak (Quercus stellata), blackjack oak (Quercus marilandica), mockernut hickory (Carya tomentosa), and sweetgum. A Page 10 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 low shrub layer of varying density is generally present, including species such as inkberry, gallberry, fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), sweet bay (Magnolia virginiana), swamp bay, giant cane, and creeping blueberry (Vaccinium crassifolium). The herb layer was generally dominated by wiregrass (Aristida stricta) in frequently burned areas, with bracken fern dominating elsewhere. Other typical herb species include broomsedge and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). Maintained/Disturbed: Maintained/Disturbed areas are scattered throughout the Site in places where the vegetation is periodically mowed or the area is maintained and include access roads, ditches/ditchbanks, and fields. The vegetation in this community is comprised of low growing grasses and herbs, including fescue (Festuca spp.), clover (Trifolium spp.), wild onion (Allium spp.), broom sedge, and henbit (Lamium amplexicaule). However, along the ditches and ditchbanks, shrubs and trees are also present. Xeric Sandhill Scrub (Typic Subtype): This community consists of coarse, deep sands of ridge and swale systems, Carolina bay rims, and sandy uplands. These areas are the driest in the Coastal Plain. On the Site, the Xeric Sandhill Scrub community most commonly occurs on the sand ridge rims of pocosin-like wetlands. This community expressed an open canopy of longleaf pine, with an open-to-dense understory of turkey oak (Quercus laevis). Occasional sassafras (Sassafrass albidum) and persimmon were observed. A sparse low shrub layer consisting primarily of huckleberry (Gaylussacia ursina) and poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) is sometimes present. A sparse to moderately dense herb layer consists of species such as wiregrass and spikemoss (Selaginella spp.). Pond Pine Woodland (Typic Subtype): This community occurs on oligotrophic mineral soils or histosols in interstream flatlands or shallow swales. Pond pine woodlands almost always occur in wet soils, but may be persistent following hydrologic modifications. On the Beane site, this community type occurs in scattered sites of varying stand sizes. It often borders pocosin-like wetlands and young stands share many characteristics with both low and high pocosins. This community is best characterized by a canopy dominated by pond pine mixed with sometimes co-dominant loblolly bay, and with lesser amounts of sweet bay, red maple, longleaf pine, loblolly pine, and swamp bay. Shrub layers are generally dominated by inkberry, titi, and swamp bay with lesser amounts of black highbush blueberry (Vaccinium fuscatum), and small bayberry (Morella caroliniensis). At the Site, most pond pine woodlands have sparse herbaceous layers, but where they do occur, they are often dominated by sphagnum mosses (Sphagnum spp.) and switchcane. Laurel greenbrier is abundant in some stands. Wet Pine Flatwoods (Typic Subtype): This community occurs on seasonally wet to usually wet sites; typically on flat or nearly flat Coastal Plain sediments. Though seasonally saturated, this community may become quite dry for part of the year. On the Site, the Wet Pine Flatwoods community is most commonly found in Page 11 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 broad areas of interstream divides. The canopy of this community consists of longleaf, loblolly or pond pine, or a combination of the three. The understory is sometimes absent but often contains invading hardwoods. The shrub layer varies in density and contains species similar to those in the Mesic Pine Flatwoods community. The herb layer generally characterized by bushy bluestem (Andropogon glomeratus), cinnamon fern, and royal fern with scattered occurrences of wiregrass and bracken fern. Sandy Pine Savanna (Typic Subtype): This community occurs in wet flat areas where frequent fires have occurred or other conditions have encouraged sparse canopies dominated by longleaf pine. Occasionally the canopy is shared with less frequent occurrences of pond pine, swamp tupelo (Nyssa biflora) and red maple. The shrub layer can be dense in some areas, especially where fire suppression has occurred. Dominant shrubs consist of inkberry, and loblolly bay. Small bayberry, wax myrtle, and black highbush blueberry are infrequent components. Longleaf and pond pine saplings share the midstory. The herbaceous layer is rich and diverse, dominated by various graminoids such as purple bluestem (A. glomeratus var. glaucopsis) and little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium). Many carnivorous plants occur at the Site in this community type including yellow pitcher plant (Sarracenia flava), purple pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea var. venosa), pink sundew (Drosera capillaris), dwarf sundew (Drosera brevifolia), Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) and various bladderworts (Utricularia spp.). Non-Riverine Wet Hardwood Forest (Oak Flat Subtype): This community type occurs on sites that have poorly drained clayey or mineral soils and have canopies dominated by various hydrophytic hardwoods such as sweetgum, red maple, and swamp tupelo. Other hardwoods such as tulip-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) and cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda) occur less frequently. Often these sites occur as climax communities, rarely succeeding without natural or unnatural modifications. At the Site, much of the midstory is dominated by various age classes of the canopy species. Coastal doghobble (Leucothoe axillaris) and various staggerbush species (Lyonia spp.) often dominate the shrub layer. In some sites, the shrub layer can be quite dense and diverse. Herbaceous layer is often lacking but may include sedges (Carex spp.) and netted chain fern (Woodwardia areolata). Laurel greenbrier (Smilax laurifolia) and Carolina jessamine are frequent and dense components of the plant community. Coastal Plain Depression Swamp (Mixed Subtype): This community occurs on a small portion of the Site that is generally saturated to shallowly flooded throughout the year due to a high-water table. The community likely covered much greater portions of the Site, but these areas were probably logged due to the high demand for cypress lumber. The depressional nature of the community provides both a source and a storage area for water on the Site. Within the Site, the canopy is dominated by bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), swamp tupelo, and red maple. The understory was dense and was comprised primarily of swamp Page 12 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 bay, titi, and American holly (Ilex opaca). The shrub layer is also rather dense and mainly contains fetterbush, sweet pepperbush, and laurel greenbrier. The herb layer was limited due to the density of the understory and shrub layer; however, cinnamon fern and netted chain fern were noted within the community. Blackwater Bottomland Hardwoods: This community type occurs along areas of seasonal flooding, especially where sandy alluvial deposits accumulate, creating slightly raised topographical relief. This community type is infrequent at the Site and only a small remnant remains near the western portion of the Site. Dominant canopy species include laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia), sweetgum, and willow oak (Quercus phellos). The shrub layer can be incredibly dense and diverse. Inkberry, coastal doghobble, staggerbushes, and sweet pepperbush are often dominant species. The herbaceous layer is generally lacking, but in instances where it does occur, it often contains various sedges (Carex spp.) and netted chain fern. Vines such as laurel greenbrier and Carolina jessamine create dense tangles. 5.4 Soils The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) identifies eight soil map units as occurring within the Site (Soil Survey Staff, 2019). The most common soil within the Site is the Murville series, accounting for more than 50% of the Site area. Hydric soil map units account for approximately 97% of the Site, with a wide range of hydric status ratings. A description of the soils located within the Site are described in Table 8 and shown on Figure 8. Table 8. Soil Map Units Symbol Soil Map Unit Drainage Class Hydric Status (Rating) A Coverage (ac) Coverage (%) Mu Murville fine sand Very poorly Hydric (66 to 99%) 158.5 51.3 Se Seagate fine sand Somewhat poorly Hydric (1 to 32%) 60.0 19.4 Pn Pantego loam Very poorly Hydric (66 to 99%) 25.1 8.1 Le Leon sand Poorly Hydric (66 to 99%) 19.9 6.5 St Stallings fine sand Somewhat poorly Hydric (1 to 32%) 18.1 5.9 JO Johnston soils Very poorly Hydric (66 to 99%) 16.4 5.3 Wr Wrightsboro fine sandy loam Moderately well Non-Hydric 9.0 2.9 Be Baymeade fine sand Well Hydric (1 to 32%) 2.0 0.6 Total 309.0 ~100.0 A – Hydric status corresponds to the NRCS hydric soil rating (Soil Survey Staff, 2019). 5.5 Threatened and Endangered Species Assessment The US Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) website updated June 17, 2021, identifies 16 federally protected species for New Hanover County (Table 9). A brief description of each species’ habitat requirements follows, along with the Biological Conclusion rendered based on Page 13 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 survey results in the study area. Habitat requirements for each species are based on the current best available information from referenced literature and/or the USFWS. Table 9. Federally Protected Species That May Occur on the Site Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status Habitat Present Biological Conclusion Alligator mississippiensis American alligator T (S/A) Yes Not Required Amaranthus pumilus Seabeach amaranth T No No Effect Calidris canutus rufa Red knot T No No Effect Caretta caretta Loggerhead sea turtle T No No Effect Carex lutea Golden sedge E Yes MA-NLAA Charadrius melodus Piping plover T No No Effect Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle T No No Effect Dermochelys coriacea Leatherback sea turtle E No No Effect Eretmochelys imbricata Hawksbill(=carey) sea turtle E No No Effect Laterallus jamaicensis ssp. jamaicensis Eastern Black rail T No No Effect Lepidochelys kempii Kemp’s (=Atlantic) ridley sea turtle E No No Effect Lysimachia asperulaefolia Rough-leaved loosestrife E Yes MA-NLAA Myotis septentrionalis Northern long-eared Bat T Yes MA-LAA Picoides borealis Red-cockaded woodpecker E Yes MA-NLAA Thalictrum cooleyi Cooley’s meadowrue E Yes MA-NLAA Trichechus manatus West Indian Manatee E No No Effect E – Endangered, T – Threatened, T (S/A) – Threatened by Similarity of Appearance, MA-LAA – May Affect – Likely to Adversely Affect, MA-NLAA – May Affect – Not Likely to Adversely Affect. 5.5.1 American Alligator USFWS Recommended Survey Window: Year-round (only warm days in winter) Biological Conclusion: Not Required Species listed as Threatened due to Similarity of Appearance do not require Section 7 consultation with the USFWS. Suitable aquatic habitat for American alligator in the form of canals (e.g. ditches) does exist within the Site. However, review of North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) records in July 2021 indicates no known American alligator occurrences within 1.0 mile of the Site. 5.5.2 Golden Sedge USFWS Recommended Survey Window: Mid-April – Mid June Biological Conclusion: May Affect – Not Likely to Adversely Affect Page 14 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 Suitable habitat for golden sedge consisting of the ecotone between pine savanna and adjacent wet hardwood or hardwood/conifer forest exists within the Site. However, NV5 biologists surveyed for the species on June 10, 2021, and no individuals were observed. A review of NCNHP records in July 2021 indicates no known golden sedge occurrences within 1.0 mile of the Site. 5.5.3 Black Rail USFWS Recommended Survey Window: April 1-June 30 Biological Conclusion: No Effect The eastern black rail is one of the four recognized subspecies of black rail and is the only subspecies that occurs along the Atlantic coast of the United States. Habitats used by the eastern black rail along the southern Atlantic coast includes impounded and unimpounded marshes, which can be tidally or non-tidally influenced and range in salinity from salt to fresh. Nests may be built within the marsh or along the edge and hidden within dense vegetation. Black rails are extremely secretive and seldom seen. While some vocalizations occur at dusk, they are often only heard calling at night, when they vocalize at all. Eastern black rails are year-round residents in North Carolina. No suitable habitat for black rail is present within the Project study area. A review of NCNHP records in July 2021 indicates no known eastern black rail occurrences within 1.0 mile of the Site. 5.5.4 Rough-Leaved Loosestrife USFWS Recommended Survey Window: Mid May – September Biological Conclusion: May Affect – Not Likely to Adversely Affect Suitable habitat for rough-leaved loosestrife in the form of ecotones or edges between longleaf pine uplands and pond pine pocosins, in dense shrub and vine growth and shallow organic soils overlaying sand (spodosolic soils) exists within the Site. However, NV5 biologists surveyed for the species on June 10, 2021, and no individuals were observed. A review of NCNHP records in July 2021 indicates no known rough-leaved loosestrife occurrences within 1.0 mile of the Site. 5.5.5 Northern Long-eared Bat USFWS Recommended Survey Window: June 1 – August 15 Biological Conclusion: May Affect – Likely to Adversely Affect The USFWS has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO; signed 11/6/2020) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the USACE, and NCDOT for the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic Page 15 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is “May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect”. The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for ten years (December 2030) for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1-8, which includes New Hanover County. A review of NCNHP records in July 2021 indicates one northern long-eared bat occurrence (EO# 32126) in New Hanover County, but no specific location is given. The specimen was brought into the county lab for rabies testing in 1994. No other occurrences of northern long eared bat are reported within 1.0 mile of the Site. 5.5.6 Red-Cockaded Woodpecker USFWS Recommended Survey Window: Year-Round; November – Early March (optimal) Biological Conclusion: May Affect – Not Likely to Adversely Affect Suitable RCW foraging and nesting/roosting habitat in the form of open, mature stands of longleaf pine exists within the Site. However, NV5 biologists surveyed for the species on June 10, 2021, and no individuals were observed. A review of NCNHP records in July 2021 indicates one historical RCW occurrence (EO# 18108) within 1.0 mile of the Site. 5.5.7 Cooley’s Meadowrue USFWS Recommended Survey Window: Mid-June – Early July Biological Conclusion: May Affect – Not Likely to Adversely Affect Suitable habitat for Cooley’s meadowrue in the form of moist to wet grass-sedge bogs, wet-pine savannas over calcareous clays, and the edges of disturbed open habitats exists within the Project area. However, NV5 biologists surveyed for the species on June 10, 2021, and no individuals were observed. A review of NCNHP records in July 2021 indicates a known population of Cooley’s meadowrue (EO# 27826) within 1.0 mile of the Site. This population was identified by Mulkey, Inc. (NV5) field biologists during the original field investigations. 5.5.8 Other Federally Listed Species Nine of the federally listed species for New Hanover County require habitats with no possible occurrence within or near the Project area, and as such have been removed from consideration for this Mitigation Plan. These species include green sea turtle, hawksbills sea turtle, Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, leatherback sea turtle, loggerhead sea turtle, piping plover, red knot, West Indian manatee, and sea beach amaranth. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 Suitable habitat for these species in the form of marine or estuarine bodies of water, beaches, or shoreline do not exist within the Project area. A review of NCNHP records in July 2021 indicates no known occurrence of any of these species within 1.0 mile of the Site. 5.6 Endangered Species Act Candidate Species Following a review of the USFWS website on June 17, 2022, two federal candidate species were listed for New Hanover County, NC (USFWS, 2021): ·Magnificent ramshorn (Planorbella magnifica) -11/16/2020, Citation 85 FR 73164 73179 ·Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) -12/17/2020, Citation 85 FR 81813 81822 5.7 State Rare and Federal Species of Concern A formal query of the NCNHP database was requested on November 10, 2020, for records of potential occurrence of rare species, important natural communities, natural areas, or conservation managed documented within a 1-mile radius of the Project boundary (NCNHP, 2020). The formal query shows the Sidbury Pine Savanna, a NCHNP Natural Area, abuts the Project boundary on its eastern and southeastern boundary. Multiple plants of Dionaea muscipula (Venus flytrap) have been observed along the eastern boundary (Figure 9). These plants exist along an ecotone / access path that has been regularly maintained through mowing over the last decade (Barrett, 2021). The plant species is listed as State Threatened by the NCNHP (NCNHP, 2021). 5.8 Cultural Resources NCDOT has received letters of concurrence from both the State Historic Preservation Office (dated August 11, 2021) and the Tribal Historic Preservation Office (dated August 18, 2021) stating that there are no immediate concerns with regard to impacts to historic resources. 5.9 Existing Anthropogenic Features The Site has been modified over the last century, with many man-made (anthropogenic) features remaining to the present-day. These anthropogenic features include ditches, culverts, unpaved access roads, and fields. An attempt has been made to quantify these features to show their relative presence across the Site prior to any restoration activities. Existing anthropogenic features cover approximately 26 acres, span over 8 miles and comprise around 8% of the Site. These features are shown on Figures 10, 10a, and 10b and are detailed in Table 10. These existing man-made features are described in greater detail below. An existing network of ditches and culverts has existed on the Site since the mid-1950s. These ditches and culverts were constructed to facilitate timber production and to improve Page 16 Page 17 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 overall site drainage. The ditches, culverts and their embankments currently span approximately 25,024 linear feet (4.8 miles) and cover almost 17 acres. Site access is via a network of unpaved access roads spanning approximately 18,261 linear feet (3.5 miles) and covering over 7 acres of the Site. Some of these roads were likely constructed from spoil material excavated during the ditch construction. The main access into the Site off Sidbury Road (SR 1336) is along Farm Road; however, Farm Road is not located within the Site. More recent activities have included the addition of two small fields totaling approximately 2 acres. These fields are maintained as wildlife management and equipment storage areas. Photographs showing some of these features described above can be found in Appendix 2. Table 10. Existing Anthropogenic Features Features Length (lf) Existing Acres (%) C Ditches / Ditch Banks A 24,610 16.8 (5.4) Access Roads 18,261 7.4 (2.4) Culverts 414 -- B Fields -- 2.2 (0.7) Totals 43,285 26.4 (8.5) A – Only includes tributaries shown in Table 4 and not RPW’s. B - Considered to be part of the unpaved roads footprint. C – Percentage of existing acres within entire Site (309.0 ac) 5.10 Hazardous Materials During field visits covering more than a decade, only hunting stands, shooting targets, and scrap wood and metal have been observed across the Site. Based on field observations and limited research, no obvious sources of contamination are associated with the Site that may affect its use or development as a wetland mitigation site. 6.0 WETLAND MITIGATION STUDIES The following sections describe work conducted to characterize the Site and to support the overall design. 6.1 Soil Investigations Following a November 2014 site visit, the USACE recommended additional soil investigations to document the hydric soils potential across the Site. Soil profile information was collected and summarized for 52 locations within the Site. The soil profiles correlated very well with the existing wetland boundaries. Of the 52 soil profiles, 75% (39) were considered to meet hydric soil status, 17% (9) were determined to have non-hydric soils conditions, and 8% (4) had relict hydric soil features, indicating the potential for restoration. The locations of these soil investigations are shown on Figure 11. Page 18 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 6.2 Drainage Ditches and Lateral Effects The Site hydrology has been significantly altered because of ditching dating back to the late 1940s and early 1950s (Figures 2 and 3). These ditches result in a lateral drawdown effect on the surrounding wetlands, negatively influencing their overall wetland hydrology. The method used to determine lateral effect was developed by R.W. Skaggs and was used on the Site to estimate the distance of hydrologic influence of a drainage ditch though a wetland. This distance of influence is the width of the area immediately adjacent to the ditch that is drained or influenced to a degree that the water table is no longer within 1.0 foot of the surface. It was estimated that approximately 33% (54.3 acres) of on-site wetlands were affected by lateral effect and were removed from the final potentially jurisdictional wetlands list. A field review meeting conducted on November 19, 2014, with personnel from NCDOT, DWR, USACE, and CALYX confirmed that hydrology was absent within the lateral effect zones. Additional lateral effect was determined for the southern perimeter ditch in January 2021 following reviews by USACE. These additional lateral effects are included in the final jurisdictional determination letter in Appendix 1 and acreages shown in Table 5. Figure 6 shows the portion of the Site affected by the lateral effects. 6.3 Groundwater Monitoring Gauges Fifteen subsurface monitoring gauges currently exist across the Site. Of this total, six gauges were established in existing wetland areas and another six were installed within reference wetland areas in May 2018. The remaining three gauges were installed within proposed wetland restoration areas in December 2018. These three areas are characteristic of the proposed wetland restoration across the Site since they contain soil and hydrologic characteristics that border on jurisdictional wetland status. A rain gauge was also installed during December 2018. A description of these gauges can be found in Table 11 and their locations are shown on Figure 12. Appendix 3 provides the graphical outputs of the annual groundwater and precipitation data for the Site. Soil profiles at each of the gauge locations were documented at the time of installation. These soil profiles are included in Appendix 3 alongside their respective monitoring gauge data. For the information contained in Table 11, it is assumed that the growing season length is February 28 – December 2 (277 Days). Page 19 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 Table 11. Pre-Construction Wetland Monitoring Gauges Gauge Location (Year 1) Consecutive Growing Season Days Met (%) A (Year 2) Consecutive Growing Season Days Met (%) B (Year 3) Consecutive Growing Season Days Met (%) C 1 Existing Wetlands 20 (7.2) 23 (8.3) 30 (10.8) 2 48 (17.5) 59 (21.3) 77 (27.8) 3 52 (18.8) 65 (23.5) 109 (39.4) 4 27 (9.7) 60 (21.7) 77 (27.8) 5 65 (23.5) 64 (23.1) 107 (38.6) 6 68 (24.5) 67 (24.2) Not working 7 Existing Uplands 0 (0) D 10 (3.6) 16 (5.8) 8 0 (0) D 23 (8.3) 31 (11.2) 9 0 (0) D 16 (5.8) 23 (8.3) 1-1 Reference (Edge) 35 (12.6) 25 (9.0) 44 (15.9) 1-2 Reference (Center) 47 (17.0) 30 (10.8) 53 (19.1) 2-1 Reference (Edge) 24 (8.7) 17 (6.1) 28 (10.1) 2-2 Reference (Center) 52 (18.8) 62 (22.4) 105 (37.9) 3-1 Reference (Edge) 28 (10.1) 27 (9.7) 38 (13.7) 3-2 Reference (Center) 50 (18.1) 58 (20.9) 77 (27.8) A – Period shown is from May 2018 through December 2, 2018, unless specified. % = Percent of days in the growing season. B – Period shown is from February 28, 2019 through December 2, 2019, unless specified. % = Percent of days in the growing season. C – Period shown is from February 28, 2020 through December 2, 2020, unless specified. % = Percent of days in the growing season. D – Gauges 7 – 9 were installed (12/19/18) after the 2018 growing season had ended. % = Percent of days in the growing season. 6.4 Surface Water Modeling A 2D hydraulic model was developed using HEC-RAS v5.0.7 to evaluate existing flow paths, proposed flow paths, and hydrologic trespass. Watersheds were delineated using QL2 LiDAR data and observed conditions of the direction of flow in ditches throughout the Site. The model area covered the entire suspected watershed, noting that less information regarding flow direction and culverts is known on the surrounding properties. The locations of existing culverts throughout the Site were recorded and connections between ditches were input into the existing model terrain at culvert locations. The grid size was optimized to minimize instability at low flow and reduce model time, an 8 ft square grid was implemented with break lines along the existing ditches. Model results at all outlets exhibit some instability (e.g., pulsing) at low flows. Precipitation data for the 2- and 100-year, 24-hour frequency events were obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3. Hyetographs were created using HEC-HMS and input as rain-on-grid over the entire model area. Water depth maps of model results for the maximum and last time step were created (Appendix 4). The model time step was optimized to minimize instability at low flow and reduce model time, a 30-second computation interval was used with 5-minute output intervals. The existing conditions model shows the two main drainages off the site as FSI, flowing north, and FSH flowing west. The Site is divided into cells by the roads and ditches drain runoff to FSI Page 20 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 and FSH. The primary model boundary condition is along the western edge of the project area, downstream of the confluence of FSI and FSH. Smaller volumes of water leave the Site along Farm Road which runs along the northeastern edge of the project and are examined below in Section 6.4.1. Overall, the existing conditions model is consistent with the observed site conditions. Existing condition water depths are provided in Appendix 4. The proposed terrain was created by altering the existing terrain to incorporate the highway construction and proposed activities, including road, ditch, and culvert removal. The same grid spacing, computation interval, and output intervals were used for the proposed model. Break lines were updated to follow the proposed highway, and remaining roads and ditches. Maps of the proposed condition water depths and the difference between proposed and existing conditions are provided in Appendix 4. The proposed highway will cut off the natural drainage path of FSH. This will leave the conditions to the west of the proposed highway slightly drier than the existing conditions. More water will be retained on Site, east of the proposed highway, with less water making it to the main downstream outlet (Graph 1). Following rain events, water will pond approximately 4 feet deep on the eastern side of the proposed highway in the FSH drainage without an outlet. This area, previously bounded by Roads 2, 3A, 4 and 5A, will be wetter than the existing conditions. Due to road and ditch removal, water that previously had no outlet east of Road 3A will drain to this 4-foot-deep ponded area. This will leave the area east of Road 3A slightly drier than the existing condition. The areas that are modeled to be drier than the existing conditions have been observed as considerably wet, and the drier modeled conditions are not anticipated to prevent performance standards from being met. Graph 1. 100-year and 2-year Existing and Proposed Hydrographs for the FSI Model Boundary Page 21 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 6.4.1 Hydrologic Trespass Hydrologic trespass was investigated as part of the design process. There were two primary areas along Farm Road where hydrologic trespass was investigated: at the intersections of Road 1 and Road 3A. In the northern corner of the Site, at the intersection of Road 1 and Farm Road, there is a culvert connecting the ditches on either side of Farm Road. There is a model boundary condition showing the amount of water leaving the model area on the northwest end of the southern ditch along Farm Road. The model shows that the proposed work will decrease the peak discharge, as more water is held on-site; however, there are likely to be elevated flows within the ditch along the receding limb of a rain event (Graph 2). Examination of the ditches and connections in this area, show that conditions under Farm Road are largely unchanged as a result of the Project. The channel block within T4 is effective at eliminating the flow coming from the Site unless overtopped. There is increased flow coming from the Site along the south side of Farm Road. The water retained on- site is draining around this field. Due to the peak flow reduction and slow release of the water from elsewhere on the Site, the proposed work is not anticipated to result in hydrologic trespass. Graph 2. 100-year and 2-year Existing and Proposed Hydrographs at the Intersection of Farm Road and Road 1 The second area examined for potential hydrologic trespass is the northeast corner, where there are multiple flow paths exiting the Site. There is the main natural drainage path that extends northeast from Road 3A, a reduction in flow leaving the Site during the 100-year event, and little change from existing condition during the 2-year event (Graph 3). The other, smaller drainages Page 22 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 (west of the primary drainage) exhibited minimal change from existing conditions. Similar to the other area of investigation, the proposed work is not anticipated to result in hydrologic trespass. Graph 3. 100-year and 2-year Existing and Proposed Hydrographs at the Intersection of Farm Road and Road 3A 6.5 Reference Wetland Vegetation Three on-site reference wetlands were identified and approved for study by NCDOT. These reference wetlands were characterized for soils and hydrology as previously described in Section 6.3. To characterize the existing vegetation within these reference wetlands, EPR and NV5 conducted vegetation surveys on February 4, 2020, in the centers of these wetlands. Additionally, one other wetland area was inventoried later due to its natural landform and presence of native species vegetation. This wetland area was first identified in 2007 during the R-3300 wetland delineations due to its concave landform, standing water, and large pond cypress that were present. Table 12 describes the natural communities that best characterize these wetlands as described by Schafale and Weakley (1990), Schafale (2012), and the NC WAM Wetland Type. Figure 13 shows the location of these wetlands. Page 23 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 Table 12. Reference Wetlands Ref. Wetland Location (Wetland) NCNHP 3rd Approx. NCNHP 4th Approx. NCWAM NC WAM Rating 1-2 (Center) On-Site (MWC1) Pond Pine Woodland Pond Pine Woodland (Typic subtype) Pine Flat High 2-2 (Center) On-Site (MWF) Pond Pine Woodland Pond Pine Woodland (Typic subtype) Pine Flat High 3-2 (Center) R-3300 ROW Pine Savanna Sandy Pine Savanna (Typic subtype) Pine Savanna High A- Pond Cypress / Gum On-Site (FWC3) Non-Riverine Swamp Forest Coastal Plain Depression Swamp (Mixed Subtype) Non-Riverine Swamp Forest High 7.0 WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN The Site is currently used for timber production and recreational hunting. Since the early 1950s this Site has been manipulated through site clearing, ditching, road construction, and pine silviculture resulting in the conversion of native plant communities and hydrology on the Site. A wetland mitigation plan design has been developed to restore, enhance, and preserve both the hydrologic and natural communities within the Site, where feasible. A description of the proposed treatments necessary to restore and enhance the Site are described below. The wetland design is shown on Figure 14. 7.1 Proposed Vegetation Treatments Prior to any major hydrologic treatments (ditch and/or road removal), clearing and grubbing will occur in areas designated on the design plans. The Site conditions will be closely monitored following these treatments; if the existing vegetation conditions present a competition problem for re-planting, a vegetation management plan will be developed. This vegetation plan may include chemical or mechanical methods, but all treatments within the plan will be in accordance with all state and federal regulations. All work will be conducted by the NC Forest Service (NCFS) through coordination with NCDOT and other various consultants. 7.2 Proposed Hydrology Treatments Mitigation construction activities will involve various treatments of hydrologic restoration, which will include removal, modification, and/or filling of existing ditch channels, removal of existing conveyance structures (culverts/pipes), removal and/or modifications of the Site road network, and the restoration of natural depressions. The silvicultural beds on the Site will not be removed, to prevent any further compaction of the Site by heavy equipment. The proposed hydrologic treatments will reduce the man-made features by over 75% on the Site. Table 13 lists the anthropogenic features that are proposed for removal and those that will remain following these Page 24 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 hydrologic treatments. Table 14 lists the existing culvert information for those found within the project area. Table 13. Anthropogenic Features Remaining Features Removed Total (lf) Removed Total (ac) Remaining Total (lf) Remaining Total ac (%) C Ditches / Ditch Banks A 17,147 12.9 7,463 3.9 (1.3%) Access Roads 12,317 5.2 5,944 2.2 (0.7%) Culverts 414 -- B 0 -- A Open Areas/Fields -- 2.2 -- 0.0 (0.0%) Totals 29,878 20.3 13,407 6.1 (2.0%) A – Only includes tributaries shown in Table 4 and not RPW’s. B - Considered to be part of the unpaved roads footprint. C – Percentage of existing features remaining within entire Site (309.0 ac) Table 14. Culvert Information Size, Type, (Qty.) Location Existing Length (ft) Culvert Status Length Removed (ft) 48-in, CMP (2) FSI @ Road 6 45.3 To-be- Removed Entire Length 48-in, CMP (2) FSI @ Road 3a 58.3 60-in, CPP, (1) FSI @ Road 3a 39.4 24-in, CPP, (1) T16/T17 40.1 42-in, CMP, (1) T19 @ Road 3a 28.8 36-in, CMP, (1) T17 @ Road 5a 28.3 24-in, CPP, (1) T13/T15 @ Roads 3a & 4 19.8 24-in, CPP, (1) T10/T13 @ Road 3a 39.4 24-in, CPP, (1) T10/T18 19.2 24-in, CPP, (1) T15/T17 @ Road 4 39.9 18-in, CMP, (1) T11/T20 @ Road 2 27.5 12-in, CPP, (1) T16/T20 @ Road 5a 28.2 Total (14) 413.8 413.8 7.2.1 Ditch Removal The removal of existing ditch channels and their associated ditch banks must be done in a specific sequence to allow conveyance of surface and groundwater across the Site. The construction sequence outlined in the design plans will determine the order in which ditches will be removed. Extensive spoil material areas were placed beside most of the ditch and road network during their original construction. Spoil material and excavated soil road material will be mixed and moved into the existing ditch channels until the approximate natural ground is achieved. Approximately 70% of the ditches and ditch banks will be removed to allow water to move naturally across the Page 25 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 Site. Ditches identified for removal, a typical drawing for ditch filling, and the construction sequence can be found in the design plans. 7.2.2 Road Removal Specific roads such as Road 1 and a small portion of Road 3a will be left in place to facilitate access to the Site and to provide a buffer to the adjacent property. Over 65% of the existing road network will be removed to allow surface and groundwater to move naturally across the Site. Road removal will consist of 4 Phases: Phase 1 - Ripping the road material with a bulldozer fitted with ripping teeth, Phase 2 – Moving the ripped soil road material and adjacent spoil material into the adjacent ditches, Phase 3 – Repeat of Phases 1 and 2 continuing to remove soil road material and filling ditches until they are at the approximate natural ground. Once the natural ground elevation is achieved in the ditches, the soil road material will be ripped to original depths of the ditches or as deep as is feasible. Phase 4 – The original footprints of the road and the ditches will be final graded using adjacent spoil material and existing soil until the entire disturbed area is back to the approximate natural ground. This approximate natural ground will likely be found on the outer edge of the existing spoil material areas. Roads that will be removed, a typical drawing for road removal, and the construction sequence can be found in the design plans. 7.2.3 Stream Plugs Stream plugs will be placed in specific areas of the existing ditch network to ensure that flows are redirected into the Site. Ditch channels that abut the R-3300 ROW will receive stream plugs to prevent any damage to the roadway slopes. The location of the stream plugs is shown on the design plans. 7.2.4 Depressions Nine depressions were identified (D1 – D9) across the Site using QL2 LiDAR. These areas were identified for two primary reasons. First, due to their lower elevations and concave nature, these areas were identified for the purposes of re-establishing the appropriate plant community following construction. Second, these areas provided an opportunity to increase water storage capacity across the Site through grading of specific depressions (D3, D6–D9) and removal of anthropogenic Page 26 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 features. Grading in these depressions is primarily to remove existing spoil pile areas or to connect two depressions that are currently separated by an existing road. All grading will be equal to or less than 12” (1-ft). Some overburden (spoil piles or roads) exist in some of the depressions and its removal may exceed 12” (1-ft) above the existing natural ground. The depressions will be comprised of wetland enhancement, restoration, and preservation areas that will comprise the Coastal Plain Depression Swamp plant community totaling 9.3 acres. Information related to the depressions and a depression typical can be found in the design plans. 7.2.5 Surface Water Conveyance With the removal of roads and subsequent backfilling of ditches within the Site, water will be allowed to move naturally across the Site. No graded flow paths are utilized in the design. The residence time and storage capacity of the water on the Site should increase following the hydrologic treatments. 7.3 Target Plant Communities Vegetative restoration within the Site is based on reference wetlands, professional knowledge of the region, and the availability of vegetative resources. Most of the wetland restoration, enhancement, and preservation activities are comprised of non-riparian wetlands with a small component of riparian wetlands. The location of the Site at an interstream divide coupled with flat topography and small watershed size does not allow for the formation of stream channels on most of the Site. Additionally, the conversion of anthropogenic features will create much wetter conditions due to increased water storage capacity on the Site. Therefore, the proposed target plant communities will be comprised of native species found mainly in non-riparian wetlands with a tolerance for wet to extremely wet conditions throughout the year. However, a small percentage of riparian wetlands are located on the western edge of the Site beside potentially jurisdictional streams (FSH and FSI). Approximately 158 acres of wetland plant communities will be established (planted) as part of the restoration and enhancement activities. Additionally, over 31 acres of wetland plant communities will be preserved. The remaining upland plant communities will be allowed to regenerate naturally following the removal of loblolly pine and will comprise approximately 111 acres. No single species may account for more than 50% of the species proposed for planting in a particular plant community if substitutions are necessary. Vegetative plantings should be installed between December 1 and March 1 to coincide with the approximate dormant season at the Site. The proposed target plant communities for this proposed wetland areas of the Site may include but are not limited to the following as described by Schafale (2012): Non-Riverine Wet Hardwood Forest (Oak Flat Subtype), Coastal Plain Depression Swamp (Mixed Subtype), and Blackwater Page 27 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 Bottomland Hardwoods. Native plant species that may be established across these proposed wetland plant communities are shown in Tables 15a-c. The location of the target plant communities is shown on Figure 15. Table 15a. Zone 1 – Non-Riverine Wet Hardwood Forest - Oak Flat Subtype (148.6 acres) Scientific Name Common Name Percent Planted Wetland Indicator Status1 Trees Per Acre (Spacing) No. of Trees Gordonia lasianthus Loblolly Bay 5.0% FACW 680 (8’ x 8’) 5,052 Magnolia virginiana Sweet Bay 5.0% FACW 5,052 Nyssa biflora Swamp Tupelo 15.0% OBL 15,157 Persea palustris Swamp Bay 5.0% FACW 5,052 Quercus laurifolia Laurel Oak 10.0% FACW 10,105 Quercus lyrata Overcup oak 15.0% OBL 15,157 Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak 12.5% FACW 12,631 Quercus nigra Water Oak 5.0% FAC 5,052 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak 10.0% FACW 10,105 Quercus phellos Willow Oak 10.0% FACW 10,105 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 7.5% OBL 7.579 Total 101,048 1 - National Wetland Plant List, Version 3.4 (2018), Atlantic Gulf and Coastal Plain Region. Table 15b. Zone 2 – Coastal Plain Depression Swamp - Mixed Subtype (8.6 acres) Scientific Name Common Name Percent Planted Wetland Indicator Status1 Trees Per Acre (Spacing) No. of Trees Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic White Cedar 10.0% OBL 680 (8’ x 8’) 585 Nyssa aquatica Water Tupelo 15.0% OBL 877 Nyssa biflora Swamp Tupelo 25.0% OBL 1,462 Taxodium ascendens Pond Cypress 10.0% OBL 585 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 40.0% OBL 2,339 Total 5,848 1 - National Wetland Plant List, Version 3.4 (2018), Atlantic Gulf and Coastal Plain Region. Page 28 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 Table 15c. Zone 3 – Blackwater Bottomland Hardwoods (0.5 acres) Scientific Name Common Name Percent Planted Wetland Indicator Status1 Trees Per Acre (Spacing) No. of Trees Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic White Cedar 7.5% OBL 680 (8’ x 8’) 23 Cyrilla racemiflora Titi 5.0% FACW 15 Gordonia lasianthus Loblolly Bay 5.0% FACW 15 Magnolia virginiana Sweet Bay 5.0% FACW 15 Nyssa biflora Swamp Tupelo 15.0% OBL 46 Persea palustris Swamp Bay 5.0% FACW 15 Quercus laurifolia Laurel Oak 10.0% FACW 31 Quercus lyrata Overcup oak 15.0% OBL 46 Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak 12.5% FACW 39 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak 10.0% FACW 31 Quercus phellos Willow Oak 7.5% FACW 31 Total 309 1 - National Wetland Plant List, Version 3.4 (2018), Atlantic Gulf and Coastal Plain Region. 7.3.1 Invasive Species Management During construction, the invasive vegetation species will be controlled using mechanical methods. During the monitoring period, the Site will be reviewed during the monitoring gauge downloads and other site visits. Invasive species issues or occurrences will be documented and summarized annually in the monitoring report. If immediate attention is necessary, invasive plant species shall be controlled by mechanical and/or chemical methods. Any vegetation control requiring herbicide application will be performed in accordance with NC Department of Agriculture (NCDA) rules and regulations and the herbicide label. Invasive species will be managed and controlled using a combination of chemical and/or mechanical methods to ensure that all invasive species shall comprise less than 5% of the total easement acreage. Management and control will continue throughout the project until this percentage is achieved. 8.0 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Following the Wilmington District (District) Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update from the USACE dated October 24, 2016, the specific goals for vegetative and hydrologic success are outlined below: The Site will be monitored for five (5) years post-construction, unless the District, in consultation with the USACE, agrees that monitoring may be terminated early. Page 29 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 8.1 Wetland Vegetation The required performance criteria for planted vegetation, per USACE Guidance are summarized below: 1.Within planted portions of the Site, a minimum of 320 stems per acre must be present at Monitoring Year 3 and a minimum of 260 stems per acre must be present at Monitoring Year 5. 2.For any stem to count toward success for No. 1, it may be either planted or volunteer. Volunteer species shall include those from the planting list in the approved Mitigation Plan or from acceptable volunteer species approved by the agencies. All volunteer species shall be documented separately and not combined with the planted stems in the monitoring report. 3.If any species exhibits greater than 50% mortality, the species will be either replanted, an acceptable replacement species be planted in its place, or as stated in No. 2, acceptable volunteer species may be accepted. 4.No single volunteer species shall comprise more than 50% of the total composition at each year monitoring event. During Year 3 & Year 5, no single volunteer species, comprising over 50% of the total composition, may be more than twice the height of the planted trees. If this occurs, remedial action, as approved by the Corps and agencies, may be required. 5.Vegetation must be planted, and plots established, at least 180 days prior to the initiation of the first year of monitoring. 6.Permanent plots will be randomly located throughout the planted portion of the Site. 8.2 Wetland Hydrology All restored wetland areas within the project easement are proposed to have consistent monitoring and success criteria, including appropriate wetland hydroperiod and vegetation indicative of a jurisdictional wetland as defined by the USACE guidelines. Since the majority of the Site is comprised of Murville soils, the lower range of its hydroperiod (12-16%) will be used as the minimum hydroperiod for the Site. The required hydrologic performance criteria per USACE Guidance are summarized below: 1.A minimum hydroperiod of 12% will be applied to all wetland restoration areas. 2.The hydroperiod for restoration/enhancement areas shall be within 50-percent of the reference saturation or inundation depth, duration, and frequency for the first 3 years and shall be within 20-percent for years 4 and 5. 3.Areas that do not exhibit sufficient hydroperiod and/or hydric soil indicators will not be added to the wetland units upon the completion of the monitoring period. Page 30 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 9.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS The monitoring plan for the Site will follow the guidance outlined in the US Army Corps of Engineers – Wilmington District Public Notice: Notification of Issuance of Guidance for Compensatory Stream and Wetland Mitigation Conducted for Wilmington District (October 24, 2016). Monitoring data collected on the Site will include plant survival analyses and hydrologic data. All annual monitoring reports will be prepared in accordance with RGL No. 08-03. Annual monitoring will be conducted for a period of five years, unless the USACE, in consultation with the resource agencies, agrees that monitoring may be terminated early. Early closure will only be provided through written approval from the USACE. Annual monitoring reports will be submitted to the USACE no later than January 31st of the year following the monitoring. 9.1 Wetland Vegetation Monitoring Vegetation monitoring will evaluate the establishment of planted vegetation across the Site. In addition to planted species, all volunteer and invasive species identified within the permanent vegetation plots shall be included in each monitoring year’s report. Permanent vegetation monitoring plots shall be installed and make up 2% of the planted acreage. The planted acreage includes the wetland enhancement and restoration areas and totals approximately 158.4 acres. Monitored parameters, methods, schedule/ frequency, and number of permanent vegetation plots and their extent are summarized in Table 16. The proposed locations of permanent vegetation plots are shown in Figure 16. Table 16. Vegetation Monitoring Summary. 9.2 Wetland Hydrology Monitoring Groundwater monitoring gauges will be installed to take measurements after hydrological modifications are performed at the Site. Hydrological samplng will continue throughout the Parameter Method Schedule/ Frequency Number / Extent Data Collected Vegetation establishment and vigor Permanent vegetation plots, 0.02-acre in size (minimum) As-built, Years 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Between July 1st and leaf drop 64 permanent plots (0.05-ac) 1 permanent plot (0.02-ac) Randomly located across the wetland enhancement and restoration areas Species for planted, volunteer or invasive stems if present in each plot Page 31 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 growing season at intervals necessary to satisfy the jurisdictional hydrology success criteria within each wetland restoration area (USEPA, 1990). Growing Season Growing season was investigated for the Site using multiple sources including the Wilmington International Airport WETS data (1935 – 2018), Wilmington 7N WETS data (1971 - 2000) and the New Hanover Soil Survey (USDA-NRCS, 1977; 2019). Growing season data from the Wilmington Aiport and the New Hanover Soil Survey closely corresponded. Using the WETS data for the Wilmington International Airport (1935- 2018), the growing season was determined to be February 28 to December 2. Monitored parameters, methods, schedule/frequency, and extent are summarized in Table 17, The proposed locations for the groundwater gauges are shown on Figure 17. Table 17. Wetland Hydrology Monitoring Summary. Parameter Method Schedule/ Frequency Number / Extent Data Collected Wetland Restoration Groundwater gauges: Rain gauges Continuous recording through each growing season 30 gauges spread across the wetland restoration areas Groundwater and rain data for each monitoring period Wetland Enhancement 6 gauges spread across the wetland enhancement areas Wetland Preservation 4 gauges in wetland preservation areas 10.0 ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PLAN In the event the mitigation site or a specific component of the mitigation site fails to achieve the necessary performance standards as specified in the approved mitigation plan, NCDOT will notify the resource agencies to develop contingency and remedial plans. 11.0 LONG TERM ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PLAN The Site will be managed by the NCDOT according to the Site plans and other documents. If unforeseen issues arise that affect the management of the Site, any remediation will be addressed by NCDOT in coordination with the resource agencies. 12.0 GEOGRAPHIC SERVICE AREA The proposed wetland mitigation units will be used for on-site mitigation for the R-3300 Project. Page 32 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 13.0 MAINTENANCE PLAN The Site will be held by NCDOT and placed in the EAU mitigation geodatabase. Once monitoring is completed and the Site is closed out, it will be placed in the NCDOT Stewardship Program for long term maintenance and protection. If an appropriate third-party recipient is identified in the future, then the transfer of the property will include a conservation easement or other measure to protect the natural features and mitigation value of the Site in perpetuity. Page 33 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 14.0 DETERMINATION OF UNITS Mitigation units presented in Table 18 are projections based on mitigation design. Upon completion of site construction, the project components and unit data will be adjusted, if necessary to be consistent with the wetland mitigation units determined and approved by the USACE for the Site. Table 18. Wetland Asset Table. Asset Type Acreage Wetland Mitigation Type Mitigation Ratio Mitigation Units Notes / Comments Area 1 Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 70.59 Restoration 1:1 70.59 Area 2 Riparian, Riverine 0.44 Restoration 0.44 FWC4 (Area along FSH and FSI) Depressions Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 8.08 Restoration 8.08 D1 – D9 FWC2 Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 22.63 Enhancement 2:1 11.32 FWD Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 31.62 Enhancement 15.81 MWA Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 24.12 Enhancement 12.06 MWG Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 0.04 Enhancement 0.02 MWI Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 0.10 Enhancement 0.05 FWC1/3 Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 0.88 Preservation 5:1 0.18 Existing Pond Cypress Area FWC1/3 Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 6.09 Preservation 10:1 0.61 FWC4 Riparian, Riverine 0.47 Preservation 0.05 FWF Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 6.29 Preservation 0.63 MWC1/MWC2 Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 4.00 Preservation 0.40 MWD Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 0.50 Preservation 0.05 MWE Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 9.73 Preservation 0.97 MWF Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 2.52 Preservation 0.25 MWG Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 0.21 Preservation 0.02 TWA Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 0.70 Preservation 0.07 TWB Non-Riparian, Non-Riverine 0.15 Preservation 0.02 Total Acreage 189.16 Total WMUs 121.61 Page 34 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 15.0 FINANCIAL ASSURANCES The Site will be managed by NCDOT with its own distinct cost center number within the NCDOT budgeting and financial tracking system. Therefore, all accounting for revenues, contract encumbrances, fund transfers, and expenses will be performed and reported independent from other capital budget or operating budget accounting. Page 35 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 16.0 REFERENCES Barrett, T.B. 2021. Personal Communication. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. NatureServe. 2020. NatureServe Explorer [web application]. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available https://explorer.natureserve.org/. (Accessed: December 7, 2020). North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). Cape Fear River Basin. https://deq.nc.gov/cape-fear-river-basin Accessed: August 28, 2018 North Carolina Department of Public Spatial Data Download (2019) QL2 data source, NC Floodplain Mapping Program https://sdd.nc.gov/sdd/DataDownload.aspx North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP). 2021. Rare Plant List (June 2021). https://www.ncnhp.org/publications/nhp-publications/rare-plant-list North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP). 2020. Natural Heritage Data Explorer [web application]. NCDNCR, Raleigh, NC. https://www.ncnhp.org/ (Formal Database Query Request (1-mile buffer) on August 28, 2017). North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP). 2018. Natural Heritage Data Explorer [web application]. NCDNCR, Raleigh, NC. (Download and Review of July 2018 Shapefile Data). https://www.ncnhp.org/ North Carolina Wetland Functional Assessment Team (NC WFAT). 2016. N.C. Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM) User Manual. Version 5. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Raleigh, NC. 325 pp. Schafale, M.P. 2012. Guide to the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Fourth Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh, NC. 208 pp. Page 36 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 Soil Survey Staff, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Web Soil Survey. Available online at the following link: http://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/ Accessed [February 14, 2019]. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2010. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region (Version 2.0). Editors – J.S. Wakeley, R.W. Lichvar, and C.V. Noble. ERDC/EL TR-10-20. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2016. Federal Public Notice – Notification of Issuance of Guidance for Compensatory Stream and Wetland Mitigation Conducted for Wilmington District. Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update. North Carolina Interagency Review Team – October 24, 2016 United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA- NRCS). 1977. Soil Survey of New Hanover County, North Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA- NRCS). United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS). 2019. National Water and Climate Center. https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/wcc/home/climateSupport/agAcisClimateData/ United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) species profile. https://ecos.fws.gov/speciesProfile/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=C000 (Accessed: July 12, 2021). United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Eastern black rail Eastern black rail | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (fws.gov) (Accessed: July 12, 2021). United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Cooley’s Meadowrue (Thalictrum cooleyi) species profile. https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/es_cooleys_meadowrue.html Accessed: October 27, 2020. United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2019. Species Status Assessment Report for the Eastern Black Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis jamaicensis), Version 1.3. https://ecos.fws.gov/ServCat/DownloadFile/186791 Page 37 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) species profile. https://ecos.fws.gov/speciesProfile/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=C00S. (Accessed: July 12, 2021). United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Golden Sedge (Carex lutea) species profile. https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/es_golden_sedge.html. (Accessed: July 12, 2021). United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) species profile. https://ecos.fws.gov/speciesProfile/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=C00S. (Accessed: July 12, 2021). United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys kempii) species profile. https://ecos.fws.gov/speciesProfile/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=C00S. (Accessed: July 12, 2021). United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) species profile. https://ecos.fws.gov/speciesProfile/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=C00S (Accessed: July 12, 2021). United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta) species profile. https://ecos.fws.gov/speciesProfile/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=C00S (Accessed: July 12, 2021). United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) species profile. https://ecos.fws.gov/speciesProfile/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=A0JE (Accessed: July 12, 2021). United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Piping plover (Charadrius melodus) species profile. https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/es_pipl.html (Accessed: July 12, 2021). United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Red-Cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) species profile. https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/es_red- cockaded_woodpecker.html (Accessed: July 12, 2021). Page 38 Beane Property Wetland Mitigation Site NCDOT TIP: R-3300 Final Mitigation Plan August 2021 United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Rough-leaf Loosestrife (Lysimachia asperulaefolia) species profile. https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/es_rough- leaf_loosestrife.html (Accessed: July 12, 2021). United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Rufa Red Knot (Calidris canutus rufa) species profile. https://www.fws.gov/northeast/redknot/ (Accessed: July 12, 2021). United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Seabeach Amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) species profile. https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/es_seabeach_amaranth.html (Accessed: July 12, 2021). United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus) species profile. https://ecos.fws.gov/speciesProfile/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=A007 (Accessed: July 12, 2021). United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2020. Endangered and Threatened Species of Concern by County for North Carolina. Available at https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/cntylist/new_hanover.html (Accessed: July 12, 2021). Figures Project Area Project Vicinity Figure 1 Beane Property New Hanover County, North Carolina I North CarolinaDepartment of Transportation Project Vicinity Project Location Source: NCDOT, ESRI and USGS Figure Date: 3/11/2019 0 4,0002,000 Feet Proposed ROW S id b u r y R d (S R 1 3 3 6 ) Sidbury Rd (SR 1572) S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 )SidburyRoad(SR1336) I sl andCreekSource: New Hanover County GIS Portal https://maps.nhcgov.com/find-download-data/ Legend Beane Project Boundary 1949-5f-138.tifValue High : 249 Low : 1 1949-5f-28.tifValue High : 245 Low : 1 Figure207001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet 1949 Aerial Photography MapBeane Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 )I sl andCreekSource: New Hanover County GIS Portal https://maps.nhcgov.com/find-download-data/ Legend Beane Project Boundary 1956-2n-142.tifValue High : 253 Low : 4 Figure307001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet 1956 Aerial Photography MapBeane Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 )SidburyRoad(SR1336) I sl andCreekFarm RoadSource: NC Department of Public Spatial Data Download https://sdd.nc.gov/sdd/DataDownload.aspx Legend Beane Project Boundary b_ql2Value High : 50.816 Low : 10.161 HillShade_ql2.tifValue High : 251 Low : 0 Figure407001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet QL2 LiDAR MapBeane Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 )SidburyRoad(SR1336) I sl andCreekFarm RoadFWD TWB TWA FWC2 MWA MWF MWE MWC1MWC1 MWD MWG MWI FWF FWC4 FSI FSI FSI T7 T2 FSI FSHPA T4 T4 T5 T10 T11 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 MWC2 FWC1 FWC3 T = Tributary (e.g. T10) RPWWD = Wetlands directly abutting RPW s that flow directly o r in directly into TNW s RPWWN = Wetlands adjacent to but not directly abutting RPWs that flow d irectly or indirectly into TNW s Waters Types RPW = Relatively Pe rman ent W aters that flow directly or ind irectly into Traditional Navigable Waters (TNW s) NRPW = Non-RPWs that flo w d irectly or indirectly into TNW s NRPWW = Wetlands adjacent to non-RPW s that flow directly or ind irectly into TNW s Legend Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW ) Perennial (RPW ) Tributary (NRPW ) Not On Beane Property Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands Waters Type NRPW W RPWW D RPWW N Potentially Jurisdictional Ponds Beane Property Boundary Figure507001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features MapBeane Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 )SidburyRoad(SR1336) I sl andCreekFarm RoadLegend Lateral Effects Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands Potentially Jurisdictional Ponds Beane Project Boundary Beane Parcel Wetlands (Prior to Lateral Effect) Figure607001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Lateral Effect MapBeane Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 )SidburyRoad(SR1336) I sl andCreekFarm RoadLegend Natural Communities - 4th Approximation Blackwater Bottomland Hardwoods Coastal Plain Depression Swamp (Mixed Subtype) Loblolly Pine Plantation Maintained/Disturbed Mesic Pine Savanna Non-Riverine Wet Hardwood Forest (Oak Flat Subtype) Pond Pine Woodland (Typic Subtype) Sandy Pine Savanna (Typic Subtype) Wet Pine Flatwoods (Typic Subtype) Xeric Sandhill Scrub (Typic Subtype) Beane Project Boundary Figure707001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Natural Communities MapBeane Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 ) Sidbury Road(S R 1336) Mu Se Pn Le St Se Se JO Wr JO Le Pn St Pn Se St Be JO Wr Se Be Legend NRCS Soil Map Units Baymeade fine sand (Be) Johnston soils (JO) Leon sand (Le) Murville fine sand (Mu) Pantego loam (Pn) Seagate fine sand (Se) Stallings fine sand (St) Wrightsboro fine sandy loam (Wr) Beane Project Boundary Figure807001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Soils MapBeane Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 ) Sidbury Road(S R 1336) Legend Venus Flytrap (General Location) Existing Access Roads Beane Project Boundary Figure907001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet State Listed Species MapBeane Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC Venus Flytraps S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 ) Sidbury Road(S R 1336) Legend Ditches with Flow Directions Existing Access Roads Existing Fields Beane Project Boundary Figure1007001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Existing Anthropogenic Features Overview MapBeane Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 ) Sidbury Road(S R 1336) 3a 3a Farm Road3a 2 41 2 6 1 6 5a 5b 3b Legend Existing Access Roads Within Site Within Right-of-Way Beane Project Boundary Figure10a07001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Existing Road Network MapBeane Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 ) Sidbury Road(S R 1336)4111 6 17 19134113 8 216 71712613 1015 2019 14 213 18713167 5 Legend Existing Ditches within Site Existing Streams within Site Existing Ditches within ROW or Off-Site Existing Ditches and Ditchbanks Existing Culverts within Site Existing Culverts within ROW or Off-Site Existing Fields Beane Project Boundary Figure10b07001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Existing Ditch Network MapBeane Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC !( !( !(!( !(!( !( !(!( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(!( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 ) Sidbury Road(S R 1336) 9 8 7 6 5 43 2 1 28 27 25 24 5251 50 494847 46 45 44 43 42 41 4039 38 37 36 3534 33 30 29 31 32 26 2322 212019 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1110 Legend Soil Sampling Locations !(Hydric Soil Profiles !(Potentially Hydric Soil Profiles !(Non-Hydric Soil Profiles 2021 Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands Beane Project Boundary Figure1107001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet 2015 Hydric Soils InvestigationsBeane Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC ") !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 ) Sidbury Road(S R 1336) 5 4 6 2 3 1 9 8 7 2-2 1-2 2-1 3-2 1-1 3-1 Legend !(Reference Wetlands Gauges !(Existing Wetlands Gauges !(Existing Uplands Gauges ")Rain Gauge Location Potentially Jurisdictional W etlands R-3300 Delineated W etlands Other Delineated W etlands Beane Project Boundary Figure 1207001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Existing Wetland Monitoring Gauge Locations Map Beane Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC # # # # S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 ) Sidbury Road(S R 1336) A 2-2 1-2 3-2 Legend #Reference W etlands Potentially Jurisdictional W etlands R-3300 Delineated W etlands Other Delineated W etlands Beane Project Boundary Natural Communities - 4th Approximation Non-Riverine Swamp Forest Pine Savanna Pond Pine Woodland Figure1307001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Reference Wetlands MapBeane Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC A S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 ) Sidbury Road(S R 1336) Farm Road FSI T7 T10/T21 Road 3a T4 T4 StreamPlugs StreamPlug StreamPlug Area 1 Area 1 Area 1 Area 1 FSI Road 1 Road 6 Road 5b Road 1 T2 FSIFSI FSH FWD MWA FWC2 FWC1 MWE FWF MWF MWC1 MWC2 MWC1 FWC3 TWA MWD MWG TWA TWB MWIArea 2 (FWC4)Legend Wetland Restoration Wetland Enhancement Wetland Preservation Uplands Remaining Roads Remaining Ditches and Ditch Banks Remaining Streams and Stream Banks Beane Project Boundary Figure 0 700 1,400 2,100350 Feet 1 inch = 700 feet Wetland Design MapBeane Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC 14 £ S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 ) Sidbury Road(S R 1336) Farm Road Legend Target Plant Community (Planting Areas) Zone 1 - Non-Riverine Wet Hdwd Forest (Oak Flat Subtype) Zone 2 - Coastal Plain Depression Swamp (Mixed Subtype) Zone 3 - Blackwater Bottomland Hardwoods Naturally Regenerated Areas (No Planting) Wetland Preservation Uplands Remaining Streams, Ditches, and Roads Remaining Ditches and Ditch Banks Remaining Streams and Stream Banks Remaining Roads Beane Project Boundary Figure1507001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Target Plant Communities MapBeane Property Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 ) Sidbury Road(S R 1336) Farm Road Legend Permanent Vegetation Plots Target Plant Community (Planting Areas) Zone 1 - Non-Riverine Wet Hdwd Forest (Oak Flat Subtype) Zone 2 - Coastal Plain Depression Swamp (Mixed Subtype) Zone 3 - Blackwater Bottomland Hardwoods Naturally Regenerated Areas (No Planting) Wetland Preservation Uplands Remaining Streams, Ditches, and Roads Remaining Ditches and Ditch Banks Remaining Streams and Stream Banks Remaining Roads Beane Project Boundary Figure1607001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Vegetation Monitoring Plan MapBeane Property Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC ") ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 ) Sidbury Road(S R 1336) Farm Road Legend !Wetland Monitoring Gauges ")Rain Gauge Location Target Plant Community (Planting Areas) Zone 1 - Non-Riverine Wet Hdwd Forest (Oak Flat Subtype) Zone 2 - Coastal Plain Depression Swamp (Mixed Subtype) Zone 3 - Blackwater Bottomland Hardwoods Naturally Regenerated Areas (No Planting) Wetland Preservation Uplands Remaining Streams, Ditches, and Roads Remaining Ditches and Ditch Banks Remaining Streams and Stream Banks Remaining Roads Beane Project Boundary Figure1707001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Hydrology Monitoring Plan MapBeane Property Wetland Mitigation Site New Hanover County, NC Appendix 1 Preliminary Jurisdictional Resource Information U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. SAW-2007-01386 County: New Hanover U.S.G.S. Quad: NC- Scotts Hill NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Requestor: NCDOT Phil Harris Address: 1546 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 E-mail: pharris@ncdot.gov Size (acres) 313 Nearest Town Wilmington Nearest Waterway Island Creek River Basin Cape Fear USGS HUC 03030007 Coordinates Latitude: 34.330834 Longitude: -77.805065 Location description: The project area (known as the Beane property) is located along Farm Road which is accessed off Sidbury Road north of Wilmington near the New Hanover/Pender County Line. Indicate Which of the Following Apply: A.PreliminaryDetermination ܈ There appear to be waters, including wetlands on the above described project area/property, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). The waters, including wetlands have been delineated, and the delineation has been verified by the Corps to be sufficiently accurate and reliable. The approximate boundaries of these waters are shown on the enclosed delineation map dated 2/23/2021. Therefore this preliminary jurisdiction determination may be used in the permit evaluation process, including determining compensatory mitigation. For purposes of computation of impacts, compensatory mitigation requirements, and other resource protection measures, a permit decision made on the basis of a preliminary JD will treat all waters and wetlands that would be affected in any way by the permitted activity on the site as if they are jurisdictional waters of the U.S. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). However, you may request an approved JD, which is an appealable action, by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. ܆ There appear to be waters, including wetlands on the above described project area/property, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). However, since the waters, including wetlands have not been properly delineated, this preliminary jurisdiction determination may not be used in the permit evaluation process. Without a verified wetland delineation, this preliminary determination is merely an effective presumption of CWA/RHA jurisdiction over all of the waters, including wetlands at the project area, which is not sufficiently accurate and reliable to support an enforceable permit decision. We recommend that you have the waters, including wetlands on your project area/property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner, you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. B. Approved Determination ܆ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described project area/property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ܆ There are waters, including wetlandson the above described project area/property subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ܆We recommend you have the waters, including wetlands on your project area/property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner, you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. ܆The waters, including wetlands on your project area/property have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. The approximate boundaries of these waters are shown on the enclosed delineation map dated DATE. We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed. Upon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps. Once SAW-2007-01386 verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA jurisdiction on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. ܆The waters, including wetlands have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below onDATE. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ܆ There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described project area/property which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ܆ The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Morehead City, NC, at (252) 808-2808 to determine their requirements. Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US, including wetlands, without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). Placement of dredged or fill material, construction or placement of structures, or work within navigable waters of the United States without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Sections 9 and/or 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC § 401 and/or 403). If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact Brad Shaver at 910-251-4611 or brad.e.shaver@usace.army.mil. C. Basis For Determination: Basis For Determination: See the preliminary jurisdictional determination form dated 03/05/2021. D. Remarks: The site was field verified on 2/26/2020 and has been visited several times between that initial visit and the issuance date of this PJD. E. Attention USDA Program Participants This delineation/determination has been conducted to identify the limits of Corps’ Clean Water Act jurisdiction for the particular site identified in this request. The delineation/determination may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, prior to starting work. F. Appeals Information (This information applies only to approved jurisdictional determinations as indicated in B. above) This correspondence constitutes an approved jurisdictional determination for the above described site. If you object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and request for appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Attn: Phillip Shannin, Review Officer 60 Forsyth Street SW, Room 10M15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by Not applicable. **It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the Division Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence.** Corps Regulatory Official: ______________________________________________________ Date of JD: 03/05/2021 Expiration Date of JD: Not applicable Digitally signed by Brad Shaver Date: 2021.03.05 11:18:04 -05'00' SAW-2007-01386 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 Copy furnished(electronic): NCDOT-Div 3 attn: Mason Herndon NCDEQ-DWR attn: Joanne Steenhuis EPR attn: Thomas Barrett NCDOT attn: Brad Chilton S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 )SidburyRoad(SR1336) I sl andCreekFarm RoadFWD TWB TWA FWC2 MWA MWF MWE MWC1 MWC1MWD MWG MWI FWF FWC4 FSI FSI FSI T7 T2 FSI FSHPA 2a 2f 2e 2b 2c 2d T4 T4 T5 T10 T11 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 MWC2 Initial JD Site Visit February 26, 2020 Figure Created February 23, 2021 FWC1 FWC3 T = Tributary (e.g. T10) RPWWD = Wetlands directly abutting RPW s that flow directl y or indirectly into TNW s RPWWN = Wetlands adjacent to but not directly abutting RPW s that flow directly or indirectly into TNW s Waters Types RPW = Relatively Permanent W aters that flow directly or indirectly into Traditional Navigable Waters (TNW s) NRPW = Non-RPWs that flow di rectly or indirectly into TNW s NRPWW = Wetlands adjacent to non-RPW s that flow directly or indirectly into TNW s Legend Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW ) Perennial (RPW ) Tributary (NRPW ) Not On Beane Property Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands Waters Type NRPW W RPWW D RPWW N Potentially Jurisdictional Ponds Beane Property Boundary Figure1a07001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features - Index / Overview MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC TABLE OF AQUATIC RESOURCES IN REVIEW AREA WHICH "MAY BE" SUBJECT TO REGULATORY JURISDICTION. Site Number Latitude (decimal degrees) Longitude (decimal degrees) Estimated amount of aquatic resources in review area (acreage and linear feet, if applicable Type of aquatic resources (i.e., wetland vs. non- wetland waters) Geographic authority to which the aquatic resource “may be” subject (i.e., Section 404 or Section 10/404) Tributary 2 34.327100 -77.804703 954 Non-wetland Section 404 Tributary 4 34.333853 -77.808251 3,391 Non-wetland Section 404 Tributary 5 34.329304 -77.808518 364 Non-wetland Section 404 Tributary 7 34.325427 -77.809884 934 Non-wetland Section 404 Tributary 10 34.331633 -77.800104 1,088 Non-wetland Section 404 Tributary 11 34.333824 -77.806053 3,589 Non-wetland Section 404 Tributary 12 34.335113 -77.803379 1,662 Non-wetland Section 404 Tributary 13 34.332449 -77.799119 1,938 Non-wetland Section 404 Tributary 14 34.333283 -77.804880 646 Non-wetland Section 404 Tributary 15 34.331739 -77.802971 964 Non-wetland Section 404 Tributary 16 34.333695 -77.806012 1,946 Non-wetland Section 404 Tributary 17 34.329892 -77.803132 2,361 Non-wetland Section 404 Tributary 18 34.329267 -77.803788 1,687 Non-wetland Section 404 Tributary 19 34.327834 -77.806303 1,369 Non-wetland Section 404 Tributary 20 34.329892 -77.810865 879 Non-wetland Section 404 Tributary 21 34.333522 -77.799307 861 Non-wetland Section 404 FSH-Tributary 34.330298 -77.809717 48 Non-wetland Section 404 FSH 34.329315 -77.810772 608 Non-wetland Section 404 FSI 34.327012 -77.807723 3,039 Non-wetland Section 404 PA 34.329484 -77.812190 0.04 Non-wetland Section 404 FWC1 34.331545 -77.806850 9.77 Wetland Section 404 FWC2 34.330606 -77.805218 18.95 Wetland Section 404 FWC3 34.333002 -77.805943 0.88 Wetland Section 404 FWC4 34.328473 -77.811841 0.47 Wetland Section 404 FWD 34.333658 -77.801671 31.62 Wetland Section 404 FWF 34.339064 -77.805359 6.29 Wetland Section 404 MWA 34.329552 -77.801117 24.12 Wetland Section 404 MWC1 34.325142 -77.810260 2.87 Wetland Section 404 MWC2 34.326024 -77.811569 1.14 Wetland Section 404 MWD 34.325392 -77.812129 0.50 Wetland Section 404 MWE 34.325946 -77.806574 9.73 Wetland Section 404 MWF 34.329984 -77.797542 2.52 Wetland Section 404 MWG 34.326584 -77.810678 0.25 Wetland Section 404 MWI 34.327766 -77.807626 0.10 Wetland Section 404 TWA 34.334421 -77.806278 0.70 Wetland Section 404 TWB 34.336259 -77.805017 0.15 Wetland Section 404 Project Area Project Vicinity Figure 1 Beane Property New Hanover County, North Carolina I North CarolinaDepartment of Transportation Project Vicinity Project Location Source: NCDOT, ESRI and USGS Figure Date: 3/11/2019 0 4,0002,000 Feet Proposed ROW S id b u r y R d (S R 1 3 3 6 ) Sidbury Rd (SR 1572) S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 )SidburyRoad(SR1336) I sl andCreekFarm RoadFWD TWB TWA FWC2 MWA MWF MWE MWC1 MWC1MWD MWG MWI FWF FWC4 FSI FSI FSI T7 T2 FSI FSHPA 2a 2f 2e 2b 2c 2d T4 T4 T5 T10 T11 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 MWC2 Initial JD Site Visit February 26, 2020 Figure Created February 23, 2021 FWC1 FWC3 T = Tributary (e.g. T10) RPWWD = Wetlands directly abutting RPW s that flow directl y or indirectly into TNW s RPWWN = Wetlands adjacent to but not directly abutting RPW s that flow directly or indirectly into TNW s Waters Types RPW = Relatively Permanent W aters that flow directly or indirectly into Traditional Navigable Waters (TNW s) NRPW = Non-RPWs that flow di rectly or indirectly into TNW s NRPWW = Wetlands adjacent to non-RPW s that flow directly or indirectly into TNW s Legend Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW ) Perennial (RPW ) Tributary (NRPW ) Not On Beane Property Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands Waters Type NRPW W RPWW D RPWW N Potentially Jurisdictional Ponds Beane Property Boundary Figure1a07001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features - Index / Overview MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 )SidburyRoad(SR1336) I sl andCreekFarm RoadFWD TWB TWA FWC2 MWA MWF MWE MWC1 MWC1MWD MWG MWI FWF FWC4 FSI FSI FSI T7 T2 FSI FSHPA T4 T4 T5 T10 T11 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 MWC2 T = Tributary (e.g. T10) Initial JD Site Visit -- February 26, 2020 Figure C reated -- February 23, 2021 FWC1 FWC3 Legend Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW ) Perennial (RPW ) Tributary (NRPW ) Not On Beane Property Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands Waters Type NRPW W RPWW D RPWW N Potentially Jurisdictional Ponds Beane Property Boundary Figure207001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features - Overview MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 )SidburyRoad(SR1336) I sl andCreekFarm RoadFWD TWB TWA FWC2 MWA MWF MWE MWC1 MWC1MWD MWG MWI FWF FWC4 FSI FSI FSI T7 T2 FSI FSHPA T4 T4 T5 T10 T11 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 MWC2 T = Tributary (e.g. T10) Initial JD Site Visit -- February 26, 2020 Figure C reated -- February 23, 2021 FWC1 FWC3 Legend Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW ) Perennial (RPW ) Tributary (NRPW ) Not On Beane Property Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands Waters Type NRPW W RPWW D RPWW N Potentially Jurisdictional Ponds Beane Property Boundary b_ql2Value High : 49.032 Low : 10.613 HillShade_ql2.tifValue High : 251 Low : 0 Figure207001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features - Overview MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC Farm RoadTWB FWF S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 )Tributary 4Tributary 11Tributary 12FWD Initial JD Site Visit -- February 26, 2020 Figure C reated -- February 23, 2021 TWB003 FWF507 Legend Potentially Jurisdictional WetlandsWaters Type NRPWW RPWWD RPWWN Datapoints !(Upland !(Wetland Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW) Perennial (RPW) Tributary (NRPW) Flow Direction Beane Property Boundary Figure2a0200400600100 Feet £ 1 inch = 200 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC Farm Road ditch is not included in JD package Farm RoadTWB FWF S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 )Tributary 4Tributary 11Tributary 12FWD Initial JD Site Visit -- February 26, 2020 Figure C reated -- February 23, 2021 TWB003 FWF507 Legend Potentially Jurisdictional WetlandsWaters Type NRPWW RPWWD RPWWN Datapoints !(Upland !(Wetland Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW) Perennial (RPW) Tributary (NRPW) Flow Direction Beane Property Boundary Elevation_ql2Value High : 42.634 Low : 20.464 Hill Shade_ql2Value High : 244 Low : 72 Figure2a0200400600100 Feet £ 1 inch = 200 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC Farm Road ditch is not included in JD package Farm RoadFWD TWB TWA FWC Tributary 11Tributary 12Trib utary 1 4 Trib utary 1 5Tributary 16Trib utary 1 7Tributary 11Tributary 16Tributary 13Tributary 21Tributary 10Tributary 13Farm Road ditch not included in the JD package Initial JD Site Visit February 26, 2020 Figure Created February 23, 2021Tributary 4FWC3 FWC1 FWC2 MWA TWB003 TWA021 FWD950 FWD030 FWC724 FWC722 FWC702 Legend Potentially Jurisdictional WetlandsWaters Type NRPWW RPWWD RPWWN Datapoints !(Upland !(Wetland Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW) Perennial (RPW) Tributary (NRPW) Flow Direction Beane Property Boundary Figure2b0200400600100 Feet £ 1 inch = 200 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC Farm RoadFWD TWB TWA FWC Tributary 11Tributary 12Trib utary 1 4 Trib utary 1 5Tributary 16Trib utary 1 7Tributary 11Tributary 16Tributary 13Tributary 21Tributary 10Tributary 13Farm Road ditch not included in the JD package Initial JD Site Visit February 26, 2020 Figure Created February 23, 2021Tributary 4FWC3 FWC1 FWC2 MWA TWB003 TWA021 FWD950 FWD030 FWC724 FWC722 FWC702 Legend Potentially Jurisdictional WetlandsWaters Type NRPWW RPWWD RPWWN Datapoints !(Upland !(Wetland Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW) Perennial (RPW) Tributary (NRPW) Flow Direction Beane Property Boundary Elevation_ql2Value High : 44.729 Low : 30.492 HillShade_ql2Value High : 245 Low : 56 Figure2b0200400600100 Feet £ 1 inch = 200 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC FWC2 MWA MWF MWE FSITributary 18Tributary 17FSI Tributary 19 MWA FSI Tributary 10Tributary 2 Tributary15 Tributary 17 Tributary 13FWC1 FWD Initial JD Site Visit -- February 26, 2020 Figure Created -- February 23, 2021MWE MWF006 MWE011 MWE011 MWB016 MWB016 MWA017 MWA017 / MW F006 FWC600 Legend Potentially Jurisdictional WetlandsWaters Type NRPWW RPWWD RPWWN Datapoints !(Upland !(Wetland Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW) Perennial (RPW) Tributary (NRPW) Flow Direction Beane Property Boundary Figure2c0200400600100 Feet £ 1 inch = 200 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC FWC2 MWA MWF MWE FSITributary 18Tributary 17FSI Tributary 19 MWA FSI Tributary 10Tributary 2 Tributary15 Tributary 17 Tributary 13FWC1 FWD Initial JD Site Visit -- February 26, 2020 Figure Created -- February 22, 2021MWE MWF006 MWE011 MWE011 MWB016 MWB016 MWA017 MWA017 / MW F006 FWC600 Legend Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands Datapoints !(Upland !(Wetland Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW) Perennial (RPW) Tributary (NRPW) Flow Direction Beane Property Boundary ElevationValue High : 48.922 Low : 28.933 Figure2c0200400600100 Feet £ 1 inch = 200 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC FWC2 MWA MWF MWE FSITributary 18Tributary 17FSI Tributary 19 MWA FSI Tributary 10Tributary 2 Tributary15 Tributary 17 Tributary 13FWC1 FWD Initial JD Site Visit -- February 26, 2020 Figure Created -- February 23, 2021MWE MWF006 MWE011 MWE011 MWB016 MWB016 MWA017 MWA017 / MW F006 FWC600 Legend Potentially Jurisdictional WetlandsWaters Type NRPW W RPWW D RPWW N Datapoints !(Upland !(Wetland Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW ) Perennial (RPW ) Tributary (NRPW ) Flow Direction Beane Property Boundary ElevationValueHigh : 48.922 Low : 28.933 HillShade_ql2.tifValue High : 252 Low : 23 Figure2c0200400600100 Feet £ 1 inch = 200 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC MWE MWC1MWC1 MWD MWG MWI FSI FSI FSI Tributary 7 FSI Tributary 2 FSI Tributary 19MWC006 MWD008 FWC4 MWG005 MWH010 MWG005 Tributary 17MWI017 FSI Tributary 19 Tributary 18MWC008 Tributary 7 MWC2 Initial JD Site Visit -- February 26, 2020 Figure Created -- February 23, 2021 FWC4 MWA MWA MWE011 MWB016 MWE011 FWC600 Legend Potentially Jurisdictional WetlandsWaters Type NRPW W RPWW D RPWW N Datapoints !(Upland !(Wetland Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW ) Perennial (RPW ) Tributary (NRPW ) Not On Beane Property Flow Direction Beane Property Boundary Figure2d0200400600100 Feet £ 1 inch = 200 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC MWE MWC1MWC1 MWD MWG MWI FSI FSI FSI Tributary 7 FSI Tributary 2 FSI Tributary 19MWC006 MWD008 FWC4 MWG005 MWH010 MWG005 Tributary 17MWI017 FSI Tributary 19 Tributary 18MWC008 Tributary 7 MWC2 Initial JD Site Visit -- February 26, 2020 Figure Created -- February 23, 2021 FWC4 MWA MWA MWE011 MWB016 MWE011 FWC600 Legend Potentially Jurisdictional WetlandsWaters Type NRPW W RPWW D RPWW N Datapoints !(Upland !(WetlandPotentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW ) Perennial (RPW ) Tributary (NRPW ) Not On Beane Property Flow Direction Beane Property Boundary ElevationValueHigh : 48.922 Low : 22.888 HillShade_ql2.tifValueHigh : 252 Low : 0 Figure2d0200400600100 Feet £ 1 inch = 200 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC FWC2 MWI FWC FSI FSI FSHPA Trib utary 1 5 Tributary 17Tributary 19FWC4 Tributary 17MWI015MWI017 FSI F S H -T rib u ta ryTributary 4Tributary 18Tributary 11T ributary 20Tributary 11Tributary 16Tributary 16FWC607 FWC045 FWC045 Tributary 16Tributary 2Tributary 5Tributary 19 Initial JD Site Visit February 26, 2020 Figure Created February 23, 2021 FWC4 FWC1 FWC3 MWA MWI FWD030 FWC702 FWC600 Legend Potentially Jurisdictional WetlandsWaters Type NRPW W RPWW D RPWW N Datapoints !(Upland !(Wetland Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW ) Perennial (RPW ) Tributary (NRPW ) Not On Beane Property Flow Direction Potentially Jurisdictional Ponds Beane Property Boundary Figure2e0200400600100 Feet £ 1 inch = 200 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC FWC2 MWI FWC FSI FSI FSHPA Trib utary 1 5 Tributary 17Tributary 19FWC4 Tributary 17MWI015MWI017 FSI F S H -T rib u ta ryTributary 4Tributary 18Tributary 11T ributary 20Tributary 11Tributary 16Tributary 16FWC607 FWC045 FWC045 Tributary 16Tributary 2Tributary 5Tributary 19 Initial JD Site Visit February 26, 2020 Figure Created February 23, 2021 FWC4 FWC1 FWC3 MWA MWI FWD030 FWC702 FWC600 Legend Potentially Jurisdictional WetlandsWaters Type NRPW W RPWW D RPWW NDatapoints !(Upland !(Wetland Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW ) Perennial (RPW ) Tributary (NRPW ) Not On Beane Property Flow Direction Potentially Jurisdictional Ponds Beane Property Boundary ElevationValueHigh : 47.333 Low : 22.888 HillShade_ql2.tifValueHigh : 252 Low : 0 Figure2e0200400600100 Feet £ 1 inch = 200 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC FWD TWB TWA Tributary 11Tributary 12Tributary 14Trib utary 1 5 Ditch 17Tributary 16Tributary 11Ditch 16Tributary 16Tributary 4FWC2 FWC1 FWC3 Initial JD Site Visit -- February 26, 2020 Figure Created -- February 23, 2021 FWD030 TWB003 TWA021 FWD030 FWC724 FWC722 FWC702 Legend Potentially Jurisdictional WetlandsWaters T ype NRPWW RPWWD RPWWN Datapoints !(Upland !(Wetland Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW ) Perennial (RPW ) Tributary (NRPW ) Not On Beane Property Flow Direction Beane Property Boundary Figure2f0200400600100 Feet £ 1 inch = 200 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC FWD TWB TWA Tributary 11Tributary 12Tributary 14Trib utary 1 5 Ditch 17Tributary 16Tributary 11Ditch 16Tributary 16Tributary 4FWC2 FWC1 FWC3 Initial JD Site Visit -- February 26, 2020 Figure Created -- February 23, 2021 FWD030 TWB003 TWA021 FWD030 FWC724 FWC722 FWC702 Legend Potentially Jurisdictional WetlandsWaters Type NRPW W RPWW D RPWW N Datapoints !(Upland !(Wetland Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW ) Perennial (RPW ) Tributary (NRPW ) Not On Beane Property Flow Direction Beane Property Boundary ElevationValue High : 44.2 Low : 25.57 HillShade_ql2.tifValueHigh : 245 Low : 52 Figure2f0200400600100 Feet £ 1 inch = 200 feet Potentially Jurisdictional Features MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC I sl andCreekLegend Beane Property Boundary Figure302,000 4,000 6,0001,000 Feet £ 1 inch = 2,000 feet USGS Topographic Overview MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC Initial JD Site Visit February 26, 2020 Figure Created February 23, 2021 S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 ) Sidbury Road(S R 1336) Mu Se Pn Le St Se Se JO Wr JO Pn Le St Pn St Be JO Wr Se Se Be Legend NRCS Soil Map Units Beane Property Boundary Figure407001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet NRCS Soils MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC Symbol Soil Map Unit Be Baymeade fine sand JO Johnston soils Le Leon sand Mu Murville fine sand Pn Pantego loam Se Seagate fine sand St Stallings fine sand Wr Wrightsboro fine sandy loam Initial JD Site Visit (February 26, 2020) Figured Created February 23, 2021 !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 )SidburyRoad(SR1336) I sl andCreekFarm RoadFWD TWB TWA FWC2 MWA MWF MWE MWC1 MWC1MWD MWG MWI FWF FWC4 FSI FSI FSI T7 T2 FSI FSHPA T4 T4 T5 T10 T11 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 MWC2 T = Tributary (e.g. T10) Initial JD Site Visit -- February 26, 2020 Figure C reated -- February 23, 2021 FWC1 FWC3 Legend !(NCWAM Dataforms Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands NCWAM Hardwood Flat Headwater Forest Non-Riverine Swamp Forest Pine Flat Pine Savanna Pocosin Riverine Swamp Forest Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW ) Perennial (RPW ) Tributary (NRPW ) Not On Beane Property Potentially Jurisdictional Ponds Beane Property Boundary Figure507001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet NCWAM MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC S id b u r y R o a d (S R 1 3 3 6 )SidburyRoad(SR1336) I sl andCreekFarm RoadFWD TWB TWA FWC2 MWA MWF MWE MWC1 MWC1MWD MWG MWI FWF FWC4 FSI FSI FSI T7 T2 FSI FSHPA T4 T4 T5 T10 T11 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 MWC2 T = Tributary (e.g. T10) Initial JD Site Visit -- February 26, 2020 Figure C reated -- February 23, 2021 FWC1 FWC3 Legend Lateral Effects Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands Potentially Jurisdictional W etlands Potentially Jurisdictional Streams Intermittent (RPW ) Perennial (RPW ) Tributary (NRPW ) Not On Beane Property Potentially Jurisdictional Ponds Beane Property Boundary Figure607001,400 2,100350 Feet £ 1 inch = 700 feet Lateral Effects MapBeane Property New Hanover County, NC Appendix 2 Photographic Log Photo 1. View looking southwest across the gas line easement along road #1 (July 2019). Photo 2. View looking southwest along road #1 (July 2019). Existing Road Network (Beane Wetland Mitigation Site) Page 1 Beane Property Photo 3. View looking northwest along farm road from the intersection with road #2 (July 2019). Photo 4. View looking southeast along farm road from the intersection with road #2 (July 2019). Photo 5. View looking southwest along road #2 from the intersection with farm road (July 2019). Photo 6. View looking northwest along farm road from the intersection with road #3a (July 2019). Photo 7. View looking northeast along road #2 from the intersection with road #4 (July 2019). Photo 8. View looking southwest along road #2 from the intersection with road #4 (July 2019). Page 2 Beane Property Photo 9. View looking southeast along road #4 from the intersection with road #2 (July 2019). Photo 10. View looking northwest along road #4 from the intersection with road #3a (July 2019). Photo 11. View looking northeast along road #3a from the intersection with road #4 (July 2019). Photo 12. View looking southwest along road #3a from the intersection with road #4 (July 2019). Existing Road Network (Beane Wetland Mitigation Site) Photo 13. View looking southwest along road #3a (July 2019). Photo 14. View looking northwest along road #3a (July 2019). Page 3 Beane Property Photo 15. View looking northeast along road #3a toward gas line and farm road (July 2019). Photo 16. View looking northeast along road #3a from the intersection of road #’s 5A and 5B (July 2019). Photo 17. View looking southwest along road #3a from the intersection of road #’s 5A and 5B (July 2019). Photo 18. View looking northwest along road #5a toward proposed R-3300 right of way (July 2019). Existing Road Network (Beane Wetland Mitigation Site) Photo 19. View looking southeast along road #5a toward intersection with road #3a (July 2019). Photo 20. View looking northwest along road #5b toward intersection with road #3a (July 2019). Page 4 Beane Property Photo 21. View looking southeast along road #5b toward edge of property boundary (July 2019). Photo 22. View looking west southwest toward field entrance along road #3a (July 2019). Existing Road Network (Beane Wetland Mitigation Site) Photo 1. View looking southwest on north side of road #5b (March 2019). Photo 2. View looking south at tributary 4 at intersection of R-3300 right and road #1(May 2021). Page 5 Beane Property Photo 3. View looking northeast at tributary 4 at southwest edge of property along road #1 (May 2021). Photo 4. View looking northwest along tributary 5 with road #5a on the right side of picture (March 2019). Photo 5. View south of 42-inch culvert where it crosses under road #3a and enters Stream FSI (July 2019). Photo 6. View looking north at Pond A that receives water from Tributary 4 and is bordered by road #6 and road #2 (May 2021). Existing Stream and Ditch Network (Beane Wetland Mitigation Site) Photo 7. View looking southeast along Stream FSI on south side of road #5b (March 2019). Photo 8. View looking northwest at 90°turn where Roads #5a and #5b come together (March 2019). Page 6 Beane Property Photo 9. View looking south showing 2 –48-inch culverts (damaged) at Stream FSI near Road #3a (May 2021). Photo 10. View looking west toward 60-inch culvert near confluence with Stream FSI and Tributary 7. Car is parked along road#3a (March 2019). Photo 11. View northeast along Stream FSI between 60-inch culvert and R-3300 Right of way (March 2019). Photo 12. View looking northwest along Stream FSI showing 2 –48-inch culverts (damaged) at Road #6 crossing near property line . Existing Stream and Ditch Network (Beane Wetland Mitigation Site) Photo 1. Panoramic View of Field #1 looking southwest from gas line easement (July 2019). Photo 2. Panoramic View of Field #2 View looking northeast near entrance to field from Road #3a (March 2019). Page 7 Beane Property Existing Fields (Beane Wetland Mitigation Site) Appendix 3 Wetland Monitoring Gauge Data !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( " 2-2 1-2 2-1 3-2 1-1 3-1 9 8 7 5 4 6 2 3 1 £ 0 600 1,200 1,800 2,400300 Feet Legend "Rain Gauge !(Reference Wetland Gauges !(Existing Wetland Gauges !(Existing Upland Gauges R-3300 Wetlands Potentially Jurisdicitional W etlands Beane Project Boundary Beane Monitoring Gauge Locations YEAR 1 (2018) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 1/1/2018 1/31/2018 3/2/2018 4/1/2018 5/1/2018 5/31/2018 6/30/2018 7/30/2018 8/29/2018 9/28/2018 10/28/2018 11/27/2018 12/27/2018 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -1 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 1 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 5/5/2018 End Date 12/31/2018 Total Days of Well Data 241.67 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Site Info (Year 1)Growing Season Information (Year 1) Beane Property Gauge ID 1 (Existing Wetland) Serial #20331486 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 20.00 Percent of Growing Season 7.2% Site NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season YEAR 2 (2019) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 1/1/2019 1/31/2019 3/2/2019 4/1/2019 5/1/2019 5/31/2019 6/30/2019 7/30/2019 8/29/2019 9/28/2019 10/28/2019 11/27/2019 12/27/2019 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -1 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 1 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2019 End Date 12/31/2019 Total Days of Well Data 335.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 2) Site Growing Season Information (Year 2) Beane Property 1 (Existing Wetland) 20331486 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 23.00 Percent of Growing Season 8.3% NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season Site Gauge ID Serial # YEAR 3 (2020) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 1/1/2020 1/31/2020 3/1/2020 3/31/2020 4/30/2020 5/30/2020 6/29/2020 7/29/2020 8/28/2020 9/27/2020 10/27/2020 11/26/2020 12/26/2020 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -1 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 1 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2020 End Date 12/31/2020 Total Days of Well Data 301.50 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 3) Site Growing Season Information (Year 3) Beane Property 1 (Existing Wetland) 20331486 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 30.00 Percent of Growing Season 10.8% Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season NRCS Soil Series Site Gauge ID Serial # Sampling Date: Investigator(s):Sampling Point: County: Soil Map Unit Name:34.335017 Long: %%Type1 Location 10YR 100% 10YR 100% 7.5YR 100% 7.5YR 80%20%C M 10YR 60%40%C M 5R 80%20%C M 1 Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains Hydric Soil Indicators:Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches):Yes x No 2 Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Notes: Site is located off of Sidbury Road near Island Creek in Hanover County, NC. MLRA 153A, LRR T Dark Surface (S7) (LRR P, S, T, U) Hydric Soil Present? Remarks: Murville fine sand -77.801229Lat: Existing Well 1 New Hanover Soil Profile Description Project/Site:Beane Property (Groundwater Well Installations)5/3/2018 City/County:Scotts Hill / Pender County, NC Tom Barrett, Ecosystem Planning & Restoration Texture Remarks Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of incators Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches)Color (moist)Color (moist) 4-16 2/1 ~90% masked sand grains, greasy feel, fine sandSandy Loam 34-41 5/2 10YR 5/3 Loamy Sand 16-34 4/1 Sandy Loam 0-4 2/1 Loam 41-45 6/4 10YR 6/6 Loamy Sand 45-50 8/1 10YR 6/8 Loamy Sand Fine sand 0"50"Soil -Existing Well 1 US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain - Version 2.0 YEAR 1 (2018) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2018 1/31/2018 3/2/2018 4/1/2018 5/1/2018 5/31/2018 6/30/2018 7/30/2018 8/29/2018 9/28/2018 10/28/2018 11/27/2018 12/27/2018 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -2 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 2 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 5/5/2018 End Date 12/31/2018 Total Days of Well Data 241.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Site Info (Year 1)Growing Season Information (Year 1) Beane Property Gauge ID 2 (Existing Wetland) Serial #20331487 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 48.50 Percent of Growing Season 17.3% Site NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season YEAR 2 (2019) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2019 1/31/2019 3/2/2019 4/1/2019 5/1/2019 5/31/2019 6/30/2019 7/30/2019 8/29/2019 9/28/2019 10/28/2019 11/27/2019 12/27/2019 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -2 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 2 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2019 End Date 12/31/2019 Total Days of Well Data 365.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 2) Site Growing Season Information (Year 2) Beane Property 2 (Existing Wetland) 20331487 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 59.33 Percent of Growing Season 21.3% Site Gauge ID Serial # NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days withint Growing Season YEAR 3 (2020) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2020 1/31/2020 3/1/2020 3/31/2020 4/30/2020 5/30/2020 6/29/2020 7/29/2020 8/28/2020 9/27/2020 10/27/2020 11/26/2020 12/26/2020 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -2 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 2 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2020 End Date 12/31/2020 Total Days of Well Data 301.33 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 3) Site Growing Season Information (Year 3) Beane Property 2 (Existing Wetland) 20331487 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 77.33 Percent of Growing Season 27.8% Site Gauge ID Serial # NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days withint Growing Season Sampling Date: Investigator(s):Sampling Point: County: Soil Map Unit Name:34.333267 Long: %%Type1 Location 10YR 100% 7.5YR 100% 10YR 100% 2.5Y 80%20% 7.5YR 80%20% 10YR 90%10% 10YR 70%30% 2.5Y 80%20% 10YR 100% 1 Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains Hydric Soil Indicators:Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches):Yes x No Soil Profile Description Project/Site:Beane Property (Groundwater Well Installations)5/3/2018 Tom Barrett, Ecosystem Planning & Restoration Existing Well 2 City/County:Scotts Hill / Pender County, NC New Hanover Murville fine sand Lat:-77.801269 (inches)Color (moist)Color (moist)Texture Remarks Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of incators Depth Matrix Redox Features 75 - 90% masked sand grains, fine sand 11-14 3/2 Sandy Loam 6-11 2.5/1 Loamy Sand 0-6 2/1 Loamy Sand 14-21 6/3 2.5Y 6/4 Sandy Loam 32-36 6/3 10YR 4/1 Loamy Sand 4/1 Loamy Sand 27-32 6/3 10YR 5/4 Loamy Sand 36-43 6/3 10YR 3/1 Loamy Sand 43-50 6/6 Loamy Sand 2 Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Dark Surface (S7) (LRR P, S, T, U) fine sand 21-27 5/2 10YR Notes: Site is located off of Sidbury Road near Island Creek in Hanover County, NC. MLRA 153A, LRR T Hydric Soil Present? Remarks: Soil -Existing Well 2 0"50"US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain - Version 2.0 YEAR 1 (2018) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1/1/2018 1/31/2018 3/2/2018 4/1/2018 5/1/2018 5/31/2018 6/30/2018 7/30/2018 8/29/2018 9/28/2018 10/28/2018 11/27/2018 12/27/2018 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -3 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 3 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 5/5/2018 End Date 12/31/2018 Total Days of Well Data 241.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Site Info (Year 1)Growing Season Information (Year 1) Beane Property Gauge ID 3 (Existing Wetland) Serial #20331488 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 52.67 Percent of Growing Season 18.8% Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season Site NRCS Soil Series YEAR 2 (2019) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1/1/2019 1/31/2019 3/2/2019 4/1/2019 5/1/2019 5/31/2019 6/30/2019 7/30/2019 8/29/2019 9/28/2019 10/28/2019 11/27/2019 12/27/2019 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -3 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 3 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2019 End Date 12/31/2019 Total Days of Well Data 365.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 2) Site Growing Season Information (Year 2) Beane Property 3 (Existing Wetland) 20331488 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 65.83 Percent of Growing Season 23.5% NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season Site Gauge ID Serial # YEAR 3 (2020) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1/1/2020 1/31/2020 3/1/2020 3/31/2020 4/30/2020 5/30/2020 6/29/2020 7/29/2020 8/28/2020 9/27/2020 10/27/2020 11/26/2020 12/26/2020 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -3 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 3 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" 43159 Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2020 End Date 12/31/2020 Total Days of Well Data 301.67 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 3) Site Growing Season Information (Year 3) Beane Property 3 (Existing Wetland) 20331488 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 109.83 Percent of Growing Season 39.4% Site Gauge ID Serial # NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season Sampling Date: Investigator(s):Sampling Point: County: Soil Map Unit Name:34.330953 Long: %%Type1 Location 10YR 100% 10YR 100% 10YR 100% 1 Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains Hydric Soil Indicators:Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches):Yes x No Soil Profile Description Project/Site:Beane Property (Groundwater Well Installations)5/3/2018 Tom Barrett, Ecosystem Planning & Restoration Existing Well 3 City/County:Scotts Hill / Pender County, NC New Hanover Murville fine sand Lat:-77.803808 (inches)Color (moist)Color (moist)Texture Remarks Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of incators Depth Matrix Redox Features 0-2 0rganic Matter/Root Mat 2-12 2/1 Sandy Loam 75 - 90% masked sand grains, fine sand12-30 3/1 Sandy Loam 30-48 4/1 Sandy Loam 2 Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Dark Surface (S7) (LRR P, S, T, U) Notes: Site is located off of Sidbury Road near Island Creek in Hanover County, NC. MLRA 153A, LRR T Hydric Soil Present? Remarks: Soil -Existing Well 3 0"48"US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain - Version 2.0 YEAR 1 (2018) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2018 1/31/2018 3/2/2018 4/1/2018 5/1/2018 5/31/2018 6/30/2018 7/30/2018 8/29/2018 9/28/2018 10/28/2018 11/27/2018 12/27/2018 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -4 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 4 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 10/31/2018 End Date 12/31/2018 Total Days of Well Data 62.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Site Info (Year 1)Growing Season Information (Year 1) Beane Property Gauge ID 4 (Existing Wetland) Serial #20234979 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Seagate 5.0%Growing Season (Days)14 12.5%Growing Season (Days)35 27.83 Percent of Growing Season 9.7% NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season Site YEAR 2 (2019) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2019 1/31/2019 3/2/2019 4/1/2019 5/1/2019 5/31/2019 6/30/2019 7/30/2019 8/29/2019 9/28/2019 10/28/2019 11/27/2019 12/27/2019 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -4 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 4 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2019 End Date 12/31/2019 Total Days of Well Data 365.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 2) Site Growing Season Information (Year 2) Beane Property 4 (Existing Wetland) 20234979 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Seagate 5.0%Growing Season (Days)14 12.5%Growing Season (Days)35 60.67 Percent of Growing Season 21.7% Serial # NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season Site Gauge ID YEAR 3 (2020) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2020 1/31/2020 3/1/2020 3/31/2020 4/30/2020 5/30/2020 6/29/2020 7/29/2020 8/28/2020 9/27/2020 10/27/2020 11/26/2020 12/26/2020 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -4 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 4 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" 0 Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2020 End Date 12/31/2020 Total Days of Well Data 301.67 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 3) Site Growing Season Information (Year 3) Beane Property 4 (Existing Wetland) 20234979 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Seagate 5.0%Growing Season (Days)14 12.5%Growing Season (Days)35 77.33 Percent of Growing Season 27.8% NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season Site Gauge ID Serial # Sampling Date: Investigator(s):Sampling Point: County: Soil Map Unit Name:34.331562 Long: %%Type1 Location 10YR 100% 10YR 100% 10YR 100% 7.5YR 100% 7.5YR 60%40%C M 10YR 70%15% 15%C M 1 Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains Hydric Soil Indicators:Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches):Yes X No Soil Profile Description Project/Site:Beane Property (Groundwater Well Installations)5/3/2018 Tom Barrett, Ecosystem Planning & Restoration Existing Well 4 City/County:Scotts Hill / Pender County, NC New Hanover Seagate fine sand Lat:-77.806441 (inches)Color (moist)Color (moist)Texture Remarks Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of incators Depth Matrix Redox Features 0-1 0rganic Matter/Root Mat 1-6 2/1 Loamy Sand ~75% Masked Sand Grains6-8 3/1 Loamy Sand 8-11 2/1 Sandy Loam 11-14 4/2 Sandy Loam 14-20 4/1 2.5Y 6/6 Sandy Loam 20-48 6/1 2.5Y 7/3 Sandy Loam 2.5Y 4/1 Sandy Loam 2 Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Dark Surface (S7) (LRR P, S, T, U) Notes: Site is located off of Sidbury Road near Island Creek in Hanover County, NC. MLRA 153A, LRR T Hydric Soil Present? Remarks: Soil -Existing Well 4 0"48"US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain - Version 2.0 YEAR 1 (2018) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2018 1/31/2018 3/2/2018 4/1/2018 5/1/2018 5/31/2018 6/30/2018 7/30/2018 8/29/2018 9/28/2018 10/28/2018 11/27/2018 12/27/2018 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -5 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 5 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 5/5/2018 End Date 12/31/2018 Total Days of Well Data 241.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Site Info (Year 1)Growing Season Information (Year 1) Beane Property Gauge ID 5 (Existing Wetland) Serial #20331491 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 65.83 Percent of Growing Season 23.5% NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season Site YEAR 2 (2019) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2019 1/31/2019 3/2/2019 4/1/2019 5/1/2019 5/31/2019 6/30/2019 7/30/2019 8/29/2019 9/28/2019 10/28/2019 11/27/2019 12/27/2019 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -5 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 5 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2019 End Date 12/31/2019 Total Days of Well Data 365.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 2) Site Growing Season Information (Year 2) Beane Property 5 (Existing Wetland) 20331491 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 64.67 Percent of Growing Season 23.1% Serial # NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season Site Gauge ID YEAR 3 (2020) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2020 1/31/2020 3/1/2020 3/31/2020 4/30/2020 5/30/2020 6/29/2020 7/29/2020 8/28/2020 9/27/2020 10/27/2020 11/26/2020 12/26/2020 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -5 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 5 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" 0 Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2020 End Date 12/31/2020 Total Days of Well Data 301.67 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 3) Site Growing Season Information (Year 3) 0 0 0 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 107.17 Percent of Growing Season 38.6% NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season Site Gauge ID Serial # Sampling Date: Investigator(s):Sampling Point: County: Soil Map Unit Name:34.328685 Long: %%Type1 Location 10YR 100% 10YR 100% 10YR 100% 10YR 100% 1 Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains Hydric Soil Indicators:Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches):Yes X No Soil Profile Description Project/Site:Beane Property (Groundwater Well Installations)5/4/2018 Tom Barrett, Ecosystem Planning & Restoration Existing Well 5 City/County:Scotts Hill / Pender County, NC New Hanover Murville fine sand Lat:-77.803306 (inches)Color (moist)Color (moist)Texture Remarks Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of incators Depth Matrix Redox Features 75 - 90% Masked sand grains, fine sand 0-2 0rganic Matter/Root Mat 2-14 2/1 Sandy Loam 14-27 3/1 Sandy Clay Loam 27-41 4/1 Sandy Loam 41-48 6/1 Sandy Loam 2 Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Dark Surface (S7) (LRR P, S, T, U) Notes: Site is located off of Sidbury Road near Island Creek in Hanover County, NC. MLRA 153A, LRR T Hydric Soil Present? Remarks: Soil -Existing Well 5 0"48"US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain - Version 2.0 YEAR 3 (2020) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2020 1/31/2020 3/1/2020 3/31/2020 4/30/2020 5/30/2020 6/29/2020 7/29/2020 8/28/2020 9/27/2020 10/27/2020 11/26/2020 12/26/2020 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -6 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 6 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2020 End Date 2/4/2020 Total Days of Well Data 34.50 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 3) Site Growing Season Information (Year 3) Beane Property 6 (Existing Wetland) 20331492 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Leon 7.0%Growing Season (Days)19 9.0%Growing Season (Days)25 0.00 Percent of Growing Season 0.0% Site Gauge ID Serial # NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season YEAR 1 (2018) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2018 1/31/2018 3/2/2018 4/1/2018 5/1/2018 5/31/2018 6/30/2018 7/30/2018 8/29/2018 9/28/2018 10/28/2018 11/27/2018 12/27/2018 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -6 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 6 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 5/5/2018 End Date 12/31/2018 Total Days of Well Data 241.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Site Info (Year 1)Growing Season Information (Year 1) Beane Property Gauge ID 6 (Existing Wetland) Serial #20331492 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Leon 7.0%Growing Season (Days)19 9.0%Growing Season (Days)25 68.50 Percent of Growing Season 24.5% NRCS Soil Series Site Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season YEAR 2 (2019) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2019 1/31/2019 3/2/2019 4/1/2019 5/1/2019 5/31/2019 6/30/2019 7/30/2019 8/29/2019 9/28/2019 10/28/2019 11/27/2019 12/27/2019 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -6 (Existing Wetland) Water Table - 6 (Existing Wetland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2019 End Date 12/31/2019 Total Days of Well Data 365.17 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 2) Site Growing Season Information (Year 2) Beane Property 6 (Existing Wetland) 20331492 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Leon 7.0%Growing Season (Days)19 9.0%Growing Season (Days)25 67.83 Percent of Growing Season 24.2% NRCS Soil Series Site Gauge ID Serial # Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season Sampling Date: Investigator(s):Sampling Point: County: Soil Map Unit Name:34.33123 Long: %%Type1 Location 10YR 100% 10YR 100% 7.5YR 100% 7.5YR 75%25%C M 1 Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains Hydric Soil Indicators:Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches):Yes X No Soil Profile Description Project/Site:Beane Property (Groundwater Well Installations)5/4/2018 Tom Barrett, Ecosystem Planning & Restoration Existing Well 6 City/County:Scotts Hill / Pender County, NC New Hanover Leon sand Lat:-77.798242 (inches)Color (moist)Color (moist)Texture Remarks Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of incators Depth Matrix Redox Features 75 - 90% Masked sand grains, fine sand 0-2 0rganic Matter/Root Mat 2-13 2/1 Sandy Loam Sandy Loam 30-40 4/1 Sandy Loam 40-48 5/2 10YR 5/6 Sandy Loam fine sand 13-30 3/1 2 Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Dark Surface (S7) (LRR P, S, T, U) Notes: Site is located off of Sidbury Road near Island Creek in Hanover County, NC. MLRA 153A, LRR T Hydric Soil Present? Remarks: Soil -Existing Well 6 0"50US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain - Version 2.0 YEAR 1 (2018) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2018 1/31/2018 3/2/2018 4/1/2018 5/1/2018 5/31/2018 6/30/2018 7/30/2018 8/29/2018 9/28/2018 10/28/2018 11/27/2018 12/27/2018 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -7 (Existing Upland) Water Table - 7 (Existing Upland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 12/20/2018 End Date 12/31/2018 Total Days of Well Data 12.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Site Info (Year 1)Growing Season Information (Year 1) Beane Property Gauge ID 7 (Existing Upland) Serial #20508149 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/18 Growing Season End Date 12/2/18 Total Growing Season Days 277 Johnston 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 0.00 Percent of Growing Season 0.0% Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season NRCS Soil Series Site YEAR 2 (2019) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2019 1/31/2019 3/2/2019 4/1/2019 5/1/2019 5/31/2019 6/30/2019 7/30/2019 8/29/2019 9/28/2019 10/28/2019 11/27/2019 12/27/2019 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -7 (Existing Upland) Water Table - 7 (Existing Upland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2019 End Date 12/31/2019 Total Days of Well Data 362.67 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 2) Site Growing Season Information (Year 2) Beane Property 7 (Existing Upland) 20508149 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/19 Growing Season End Date 12/2/19 Total Growing Season Days 277 Johnston 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 10.50 Percent of Growing Season 3.6% Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season NRCS Soil Series Site Gauge ID Serial # YEAR 3 (2020) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2020 1/31/2020 3/1/2020 3/31/2020 4/30/2020 5/30/2020 6/29/2020 7/29/2020 8/28/2020 9/27/2020 10/27/2020 11/26/2020 12/26/2020 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -7 (Existing Upland) Water Table - 7 (Existing Upland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" 0 Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2020 End Date 12/31/2020 Total Days of Well Data 301.67 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 3) Site Growing Season Information (Year 3) Beane Property 7 (Existing Upland) 20508149 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/20 Growing Season End Date 12/2/20 Total Growing Season Days 277 Johnston 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 16.83 Percent of Growing Season 5.8% Gauge ID Serial # NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season Site Sampling Date: Investigator(s):Sampling Point: County: Soil Map Unit Name:34.330637 Long: %%Type1 Location 10YR 90%10%C M 2.5Y 100% 2.5Y 60%40%C M 10YR 100% 7.5YR 100% 1 Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains Hydric Soil Indicators:Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches):Yes X No Soil Profile Description Project/Site:Beane Property (Groundwater Well Installations)12/19/18 Tom Barrett, Ecosystem Planning & Restoration Existing Well 7 City/County:Scotts Hill / Pender County, NC New Hanover Johnston soils Lat:-77.807523 (inches)Color (moist)Color (moist)Texture Remarks Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of incators Depth Matrix Redox Features 0 - 9 3/1 7.5YR 3/4 Sandy Clay Loam oxidized rhizospheres 9 - 25 6/6 Sandy Clay Loam 25 - 41 6/6 7.5YR 5/8 Sandy Clay 41 - 48 5/6 Loamy Sand 48 - 55 8/1 Loamy Sand 2 Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Redox Dark Surface (F6) Notes: Site is located off of Sidbury Road near Island Creek in Hanover County, NC MLRA 153A, LRR T Hydric Soil Present? Remarks:0"55US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain - Version 2.0 YEAR 1 (2018) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2018 1/31/2018 3/2/2018 4/1/2018 5/1/2018 5/31/2018 6/30/2018 7/30/2018 8/29/2018 9/28/2018 10/28/2018 11/27/2018 12/27/2018 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -8 (Existing Upland) Water Table - 8 (Existing Upland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 12/20/2018 End Date 12/31/2018 Total Days of Well Data 12.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Site Info (Year 1)Growing Season Information (Year 1) Beane Property Gauge ID 8 (Existing Upland) Serial #20508152 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/18 Growing Season End Date 12/2/18 Total Growing Season Days 277 Seagate 5.0%Growing Season (Days)14 12.5%Growing Season (Days)35 0.00 Percent of Growing Season 0.0% Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season NRCS Soil Series Site YEAR 2 (2019) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2019 1/31/2019 3/2/2019 4/1/2019 5/1/2019 5/31/2019 6/30/2019 7/30/2019 8/29/2019 9/28/2019 10/28/2019 11/27/2019 12/27/2019 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -8 (Existing Upland) Water Table - 8 (Existing Upland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2019 End Date 12/31/2019 Total Days of Well Data 364.83 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 2) Site Growing Season Information (Year 2) Beane Property 8 (Existing Upland) 20508152 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/19 Growing Season End Date 12/2/19 Total Growing Season Days 277 Seagate 5.0%Growing Season (Days)14 12.5%Growing Season (Days)35 23.33 Percent of Growing Season 8.3% Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season Serial # NRCS Soil Series Site Gauge ID YEAR 3 (2020) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2020 1/31/2020 3/1/2020 3/31/2020 4/30/2020 5/30/2020 6/29/2020 7/29/2020 8/28/2020 9/27/2020 10/27/2020 11/26/2020 12/26/2020 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -8 (Existing Upland) Water Table - 8 (Existing Upland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2020 End Date 12/31/2020 Total Days of Well Data 301.67 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 3) Site Growing Season Information (Year 3) Beane Property 8 (Existing Upland) 20508152 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/20 Growing Season End Date 12/2/20 Total Growing Season Days 277 Seagate 5.0%Growing Season (Days)14 12.5%Growing Season (Days)35 31.33 Percent of Growing Season 11.2% Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season Site Gauge ID Serial # NRCS Soil Series Sampling Date: Investigator(s):Sampling Point: County: Soil Map Unit Name:34.329547 Long: %%Type1 Location 10YR 100% 7.5YR 100% 7.5YR 60%40%C M 7.5YR 100% 7.5YR 100% 7.5YR 100% 5YR 100% 2.5Y 100% 1 Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains Hydric Soil Indicators:Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches):Yes No Soil Profile Description Project/Site:Beane Property (Groundwater Well Installations)12/19/18 Tom Barrett, Ecosystem Planning & Restoration Existing Well 8 City/County:Scotts Hill / Pender County, NC New Hanover Seagate fine sand Lat:-77.807623 (inches)Color (moist)Color (moist)Texture Remarks Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of incators Depth Matrix Redox Features 100% masked sand grains 0 - 7 3/1 Loamy Sand 60% masked sand grains 7 - 17 2.5/1 Sandy Clay Loam 95% masked sand grains 17 - 25 3/2 10YR 5/3 Sandy Loam 90 - 100% masked sand grains 25 - 29 5/1 Sandy Loam 29 - 32 3/1 Sandy Loam 32 - 40 4/1 Sandy Loam buried wood at this depth 40 - 50 5/1 Loamy Sand 50 - 55 8/1 Loamy Sand 2 Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Notes: Site is located off of Sidbury Road near Island Creek in Hanover County, NC MLRA 153A, LRR T Hydric Soil Present? Remarks:0"55US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain - Version 2.0 YEAR 1 (2018) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2018 1/31/2018 3/2/2018 4/1/2018 5/1/2018 5/31/2018 6/30/2018 7/30/2018 8/29/2018 9/28/2018 10/28/2018 11/27/2018 12/27/2018 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -9 (Existing Upland) Water Table - 9 (Existing Upland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 12/20/2018 End Date 12/31/2018 Total Days of Well Data 12.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Site Info (Year 1)Growing Season Information (Year 1) Beane Property Gauge ID 9 (Existing Upland) Serial #20508153 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/18 Growing Season End Date 12/2/18 Total Growing Season Days 277 Seagate 5.0%Growing Season (Days)14 12.5%Growing Season (Days)35 0.00 Percent of Growing Season 0.0% Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season Site NRCS Soil Series YEAR 2 (2019) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2019 1/31/2019 3/2/2019 4/1/2019 5/1/2019 5/31/2019 6/30/2019 7/30/2019 8/29/2019 9/28/2019 10/28/2019 11/27/2019 12/27/2019 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -9 (Existing Upland) Water Table - 9 (Existing Upland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2019 End Date 12/31/2019 Total Days of Well Data 365.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 2) Site Growing Season Information (Year 2) Beane Property 9 (Existing Upland) 20508153 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/19 Growing Season End Date 12/2/19 Total Growing Season Days 277 Seagate 5.0%Growing Season (Days)14 12.5%Growing Season (Days)35 16.67 Percent of Growing Season 5.8% Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season Site Gauge ID Serial # NRCS Soil Series YEAR 3 (2020) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2020 1/31/2020 3/1/2020 3/31/2020 4/30/2020 5/30/2020 6/29/2020 7/29/2020 8/28/2020 9/27/2020 10/27/2020 11/26/2020 12/26/2020 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -9 (Existing Upland) Water Table - 9 (Existing Upland)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2020 End Date 12/31/2020 Total Days of Well Data 275.50 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 3) Site Growing Season Information (Year 3) Beane Property 9 (Existing Upland) 20508153 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/20 Growing Season End Date 12/2/20 Total Growing Season Days 277 Seagate 5.0%Growing Season (Days)14 12.5%Growing Season (Days)35 23.83 Percent of Growing Season 8.3% Site Gauge ID Serial # NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season Sampling Date: Investigator(s):Sampling Point: County: Soil Map Unit Name:34.328673 Long: %%Type1 Location 10YR 100% 5YR 100% 7.5YR 100% 10YR 100% 7.5YR 100% 10YR 100% 10YR 100% 1 Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains Hydric Soil Indicators:Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches):Yes No Soil Profile Description Project/Site:Beane Property (Groundwater Well Installations)12/19/18 Tom Barrett, Ecosystem Planning & Restoration Existing Well 9 City/County:Scotts Hill / Pender County, NC New Hanover Seagate fine sand Lat:-77.808841 (inches)Color (moist)Color (moist)Texture Remarks Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of incators Depth Matrix Redox Features 50% masked sand grains 0 - 3 2/1 Loamy Sand 75% masked sand grains 3 - 8 4/1 Loamy Sand 100% masked sand grains 8 - 11 3/1 Loamy Sand 80% masked sand grains 11-16 2/1 Loamy Sand 16 - 31 3/2 Sandy Loam 31 - 47 4/2 Sandy Loam 47 - 55 5/2 Loamy Sand 2 Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Thin Dark Surface (S9) (LRR S, T, U) Notes: Site is located off of Sidbury Road near Island Creek in Hanover County, NC MLRA 153A, LRR T Hydric Soil Present? Remarks:0"48US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain - Version 2.0 YEAR 1 (2018) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2018 1/31/2018 3/2/2018 4/1/2018 5/1/2018 5/31/2018 6/30/2018 7/30/2018 8/29/2018 9/28/2018 10/28/2018 11/27/2018 12/27/2018 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 1-1 (edge) Water Table - Reference 1-1 (edge)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 5/12/2018 End Date 12/31/2018 Total Days of Well Data 234.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Site Info (Year 1)Growing Season Information (Year 1) Beane Property Gauge ID Reference 1-1 (edge) Serial #20331494 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/18 Growing Season End Date 12/2/18 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 35.83 Percent of Growing Season 12.6% Site NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season YEAR 2 (2019) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2019 1/31/2019 3/2/2019 4/1/2019 5/1/2019 5/31/2019 6/30/2019 7/30/2019 8/29/2019 9/28/2019 10/28/2019 11/27/2019 12/27/2019 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 1-1 (edge) Water Table - Reference 1-1 (edge)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2019 End Date 12/31/2019 Total Days of Well Data 365.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 2) Site Growing Season Information (Year 2) Beane Property Reference 1-1 (edge) 20331494 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/19 Growing Season End Date 12/2/19 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 25.83 Percent of Growing Season 9.0% Site NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season Serial # Gauge ID YEAR 3 (2020) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1/1/2020 1/31/2020 3/1/2020 3/31/2020 4/30/2020 5/30/2020 6/29/2020 7/29/2020 8/28/2020 9/27/2020 10/27/2020 11/26/2020 12/26/2020 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 1-1 (edge) Water Table - Reference 1-1 (edge)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2020 End Date 12/31/2020 Total Days of Well Data 301.67 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 3) Site Growing Season Information (Year 3) Beane Property Reference 1-1 (edge) 20331494 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/20 Growing Season End Date 12/2/20 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 44.50 Percent of Growing Season 15.9% Site Gauge ID Serial # NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season Sampling Date: Investigator(s):Sampling Point: County: Soil Map Unit Name:34.324844 Long: %%Type1 Location 10YR 100% 10YR 100% 1 Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains Hydric Soil Indicators:Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches):Yes X No Soil Profile Description Project/Site:Beane Property (Groundwater Well Installations)5/11/2018 Tom Barrett, Ecosystem Planning & Restoration Ref Well 1-1 edge City/County:Scotts Hill / Pender County, NC New Hanover Murville fine sand Lat:-77.811679 (inches)Color (moist)Color (moist)Texture Remarks Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of incators Depth Matrix Redox Features Thick Organic Matter 4-19 2/1 Sandy Loam 0-4 19-48 3/1 Sandy Clay Loam 75 - 90% masked sand grains, fine sand 2 Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Dark Surface (S7) (LRR P, S, T, U) Notes: Site is located off of Sidbury Road near Island Creek in Hanover County, NC. MLRA 153A, LRR T Hydric Soil Present? Remarks: Soil -Reference Well 1-1 (Wetland Edge)0"48"US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain - Version 2.0 YEAR 1 (2018) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 1/1/2018 1/31/2018 3/2/2018 4/1/2018 5/1/2018 5/31/2018 6/30/2018 7/30/2018 8/29/2018 9/28/2018 10/28/2018 11/27/2018 12/27/2018 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 1-2 (center) Water Table - Reference 1-2 (center)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 5/12/2018 End Date 12/31/2018 Total Days of Well Data 234.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Site Info (Year 1)Growing Season Information (Year 1) Beane Property Gauge ID Reference 1-2 (center) Serial #20331495 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/18 Growing Season End Date 12/2/18 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 47.83 Percent of Growing Season 17.0% NRCS Soil Series Site Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season YEAR 2 (2019) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 1/1/2019 1/31/2019 3/2/2019 4/1/2019 5/1/2019 5/31/2019 6/30/2019 7/30/2019 8/29/2019 9/28/2019 10/28/2019 11/27/2019 12/27/2019 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 1-2 (center) Water Table - Reference 1-2 (center)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2019 End Date 12/31/2019 Total Days of Well Data 365.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 2) Site Growing Season Information (Year 2) Beane Property Reference 1-2 (center) 20331495 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/19 Growing Season End Date 12/2/19 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 30.67 Percent of Growing Season 10.8% NRCS Soil Series Site Gauge ID Serial # Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season YEAR 3 (2020) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 1/1/2020 1/31/2020 3/1/2020 3/31/2020 4/30/2020 5/30/2020 6/29/2020 7/29/2020 8/28/2020 9/27/2020 10/27/2020 11/26/2020 12/26/2020 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 1-2 (center) Water Table - Reference 1-2 (center)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" 0 Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2020 End Date 12/31/2020 Total Days of Well Data 301.67 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 3) Site Growing Season Information (Year 3) Beane Property Reference 1-2 (center) 20331495 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/20 Growing Season End Date 12/2/20 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 53.67 Percent of Growing Season 19.1% Site Gauge ID Serial # NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season Sampling Date: Investigator(s):Sampling Point: County: Soil Map Unit Name:34.324893 Long: %%Type1 Location 10YR 100% 10YR 100% 10YR 100% 1 Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains Hydric Soil Indicators:Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches):Yes X No Soil Profile Description Project/Site:Beane Property (Groundwater Well Installations)5/11/2018 Tom Barrett, Ecosystem Planning & Restoration Ref Well 1-2 center City/County:Scotts Hill / Pender County, NC New Hanover Murville fine sand Lat:-77.811027 (inches)Color (moist)Color (moist)Texture Remarks Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of incators Depth Matrix Redox Features 75 - 90% masked sand grains, fine sand 0-3 0rganic Matter/Root Mat 3-20 2/1 Sandy Loam fine sand 20-38 3/1 Sandy Clay Loam fine sand 38-48 4/1 Sandy Loam 2 Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Dark Surface (S7) (LRR P, S, T, U) Notes: Site is located off of Sidbury Road near Island Creek in Hanover County, NC. MLRA 153A, LRR T Hydric Soil Present? Remarks:0"48"Soil -Reference Well 1-2 (Wetland Center) US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain - Version 2.0 YEAR 1 (2018) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1/1/2018 1/31/2018 3/2/2018 4/1/2018 5/1/2018 5/31/2018 6/30/2018 7/30/2018 8/29/2018 9/28/2018 10/28/2018 11/27/2018 12/27/2018 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 2-1 (edge) Water Table - Reference 2-1 (edge)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 5/12/2018 End Date 12/31/2018 Total Days of Well Data 234.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Site Info (Year 1)Growing Season Information (Year 1) Beane Property Gauge ID Reference 2-1 (edge) Serial #20331496 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/18 Growing Season End Date 12/2/18 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 24.83 Percent of Growing Season 8.7% NRCS Soil Series Site Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season YEAR 2 (2019) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1/1/2019 1/31/2019 3/2/2019 4/1/2019 5/1/2019 5/31/2019 6/30/2019 7/30/2019 8/29/2019 9/28/2019 10/28/2019 11/27/2019 12/27/2019 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 2-1 (edge) Water Table - Reference 2-1 (edge)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2019 End Date 12/31/2019 Total Days of Well Data 364.83 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 2) Site Growing Season Information (Year 2) Beane Property Reference 2-1 (edge) 20331496 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/19 Growing Season End Date 12/2/19 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 17.33 Percent of Growing Season 6.1% NRCS Soil Series Site Gauge ID Serial # Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season YEAR 3 (2020) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1/1/2020 1/31/2020 3/1/2020 3/31/2020 4/30/2020 5/30/2020 6/29/2020 7/29/2020 8/28/2020 9/27/2020 10/27/2020 11/26/2020 12/26/2020 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 2-1 (edge) Water Table - Reference 2-1 (edge)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" 0 Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2020 End Date 12/31/2020 Total Days of Well Data 301.50 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 3) Site Growing Season Information (Year 3) Beane Property Reference 2-1 (edge) 20331496 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/20 Growing Season End Date 12/2/20 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 28.17 Percent of Growing Season 10.1% Site Gauge ID Serial # NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season Sampling Date: Investigator(s):Sampling Point: County: Soil Map Unit Name:34.330362 Long: %%Type1 Location 10YR 100% 10YR 100% 10YR 98%2%C PL 10YR 75%25%C M 2.5Y 70%30%C M 10YR 80%20%D M 2.5Y 85%15%C M 1 Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains Hydric Soil Indicators:Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches):Yes X No Soil Profile Description Project/Site:Beane Property (Groundwater Well Installations)5/10/2018 Tom Barrett, Ecosystem Planning & Restoration Ref Well 2-1 edge City/County:Scotts Hill / Pender County, NC New Hanover Murville fine sand Lat:-77.797341 (inches)Color (moist)Color (moist)Texture Remarks Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of incators Depth Matrix Redox Features Fine roots; fine sand 0-5 2/1 Sandy Loam 80% masked sand grains, fine sand 5-10 3/1 Sandy Loam oxidized rhizospheres, fine sand 18-28 5/2 10YR 7/2 Sandy Loam 10-18 5/2 10YR 5/8 Sandy Loam Loamy Sand 34-46 5/3 10YR 7/2 Loamy Sand 46-48+6/6 10YR 6/8 Loamy Sand fine sand28-34 7/1 2.5Y 6/6 2 Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Dark Surface (S7) (LRR P, S, T, U) Notes: Site is located off of Sidbury Road near Island Creek in Hanover County, NC. MLRA 153A, LRR T Hydric Soil Present? Remarks:0"48Soil -Reference Well 2-1 (Wetland Edge) US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain - Version 2.0 YEAR 1 (2018) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1/1/2018 1/31/2018 3/2/2018 4/1/2018 5/1/2018 5/31/2018 6/30/2018 7/30/2018 8/29/2018 9/28/2018 10/28/2018 11/27/2018 12/27/2018 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 2-2 (center) Water Table - Reference 2-2 (center)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 5/12/2018 End Date 12/31/2018 Total Days of Well Data 234.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Site Info (Year 1)Growing Season Information (Year 1) Beane Gauge ID Reference 2-2 (center) Serial #20331497 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/18 Growing Season End Date 12/2/18 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 52.33 Percent of Growing Season 18.8% Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season NRCS Soil Series Site YEAR 2 (2019) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1/1/2019 1/31/2019 3/2/2019 4/1/2019 5/1/2019 5/31/2019 6/30/2019 7/30/2019 8/29/2019 9/28/2019 10/28/2019 11/27/2019 12/27/2019 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 2-2 (center) Water Table - Reference 2-2 (center)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2019 End Date 12/31/2019 Total Days of Well Data 365.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 2) Site Growing Season Information (Year 2) Beane Reference 2-2 (center) 20331497 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/19 Growing Season End Date 12/2/19 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 62.50 Percent of Growing Season 22.4% Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season NRCS Soil Series Site Gauge ID Serial # YEAR 3 (2020) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1/1/2020 1/31/2020 3/1/2020 3/31/2020 4/30/2020 5/30/2020 6/29/2020 7/29/2020 8/28/2020 9/27/2020 10/27/2020 11/26/2020 12/26/2020 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 2-2 (center) Water Table - Reference 2-2 (center)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2020 End Date 12/31/2020 Total Days of Well Data 301.50 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 3) Site Growing Season Information (Year 3) Beane Reference 2-2 (center) 20331497 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/20 Growing Season End Date 12/2/20 Total Growing Season Days 277 Murville 12.0%Growing Season (Days)33 16.0%Growing Season (Days)44 105.17 Percent of Growing Season 37.9% Site Gauge ID Serial # NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season Sampling Date: Investigator(s):Sampling Point: County: Soil Map Unit Name:34.330211 Long: %%Type1 Location 10YR 100% 7.5YR 100% 7.5YR 100% 2.5Y 100% 1 Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains Hydric Soil Indicators:Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches):Yes X No Soil Profile Description Project/Site:Beane Property (Groundwater Well Installations)5/10/2018 Tom Barrett, Ecosystem Planning & Restoration Ref Well 2-2 center City/County:Scotts Hill / Pender County, NC New Hanover Murville fine sand Lat:-77.797179 (inches)Color (moist)Color (moist)Texture Remarks Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of incators Depth Matrix Redox Features 95%-100% masked sand; fine sand 0-3 0rganic Matter/Root Mat 3-14 2/1 Sandy Clay Loam Sandy Loam 26-46 4/1 Sandy Loam 46-48 7/1 Loamy Sand fine sand 14-26 3/1 2 Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Dark Surface (S7) (LRR P, S, T, U) Notes: Site is located off of Sidbury Road near Island Creek in Hanover County, NC. MLRA 153A, LRR T Hydric Soil Present? Remarks:0"48"Soil -Reference Well 2-2 (Wetland Center) US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain - Version 2.0 YEAR 1 (2018) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1/1/2018 1/31/2018 3/2/2018 4/1/2018 5/1/2018 5/31/2018 6/30/2018 7/30/2018 8/29/2018 9/28/2018 10/28/2018 11/27/2018 12/27/2018 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 3-1 (edge) Water Table - Reference 3-1 (edge)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 5/12/2018 End Date 12/31/2018 Total Days of Well Data 234.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Site Info (Year 1)Growing Season Information (Year 1) Beane Property Gauge ID Reference 3-1 (edge) Serial #20331498 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Stallings 7.0%Growing Season (Days)19 9.0%Growing Season (Days)25 28.00 Percent of Growing Season 10.1% Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season Site NRCS Soil Series YEAR 2 (2019) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1/1/2019 1/31/2019 3/2/2019 4/1/2019 5/1/2019 5/31/2019 6/30/2019 7/30/2019 8/29/2019 9/28/2019 10/28/2019 11/27/2019 12/27/2019 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 3-1 (edge) Water Table - Reference 3-1 (edge)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2019 End Date 12/31/2019 Total Days of Well Data 365.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 2) Site Growing Season Information (Year 2) Beane Property Reference 3-1 (edge) 20331498 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Stallings 7.0%Growing Season (Days)19 9.0%Growing Season (Days)25 27.33 Percent of Growing Season 9.7% Site Gauge ID Serial # Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season NRCS Soil Series YEAR 3 (2020) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1/1/2020 1/31/2020 3/1/2020 3/31/2020 4/30/2020 5/30/2020 6/29/2020 7/29/2020 8/28/2020 9/27/2020 10/27/2020 11/26/2020 12/26/2020 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 3-1 (edge) Water Table - Reference 3-1 (edge)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2020 End Date 12/31/2020 Total Days of Well Data 301.67 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 3) Site Growing Season Information (Year 3) Beane Property Reference 3-1 (edge) 20331498 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/20 Growing Season End Date 12/2/20 Total Growing Season Days 277 Stallings 7.0%Growing Season (Days)19 9.0%Growing Season (Days)25 38.17 Percent of Growing Season 13.7% Site Gauge ID Serial # NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season Sampling Date: Investigator(s):Sampling Point: County: Soil Map Unit Name:34.338065 Long: %%Type1 Location 10YR 100% 10YR 85%15%C M 10YR 60%40%C M 10YR 70%30%C M 1 Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains Hydric Soil Indicators:Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches):Yes X No Soil Profile Description Project/Site:Beane Property (Groundwater Well Installations)5/11/2018 Tom Barrett, Ecosystem Planning & Restoration Ref Well 3-1 edge City/County:Scotts Hill / Pender County, NC New Hanover Stallings fine sand Lat:-77.807218 (inches)Color (moist)Color (moist)Texture Remarks Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of incators Depth Matrix Redox Features fine sand 0-8 2/1 Sandy Clay Loam 75 - 90% masked sand grains, fine sand 8-13 4/1 10YR 4/6 Sandy Clay Loam 30-48 6/1 10YR 5/8 Sandy Clay Loam 13-30 5/1 10YR 6/8 Sandy Clay Loam 2 Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Notes: Site is located off of Sidbury Road near Island Creek in Hanover County, NC. MLRA 153A, LRR T Hydric Soil Present? Remarks:0"48Soil -Reference Well 3-1 (Wetland Edge) US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain - Version 2.0 YEAR 1 (2018) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1/1/2018 1/31/2018 3/2/2018 4/1/2018 5/1/2018 5/31/2018 6/30/2018 7/30/2018 8/29/2018 9/28/2018 10/28/2018 11/27/2018 12/27/2018 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 3-2 (center) Water Table - Reference 3-2 (center)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 5/12/2018 End Date 12/31/2018 Total Days of Well Data 121.67 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Site Info (Year 1)Growing Season Information (Year 1) Beane Property Gauge ID Reference 3-2 (center) Serial #20331499 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Stallings 7.0%Growing Season (Days)19 9.0%Growing Season (Days)25 50.00 Percent of Growing Season 18.1% NRCS Soil Series Site Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season YEAR 2 (2019) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1/1/2019 1/31/2019 3/2/2019 4/1/2019 5/1/2019 5/31/2019 6/30/2019 7/30/2019 8/29/2019 9/28/2019 10/28/2019 11/27/2019 12/27/2019 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 3-2 (center) Water Table - Reference 3-2 (center)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2019 End Date 12/31/2019 Total Days of Well Data 365.00 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 2) Site Growing Season Information (Year 2) Beane Property Reference 3-2 (center) 20331499 Growing Season Start Date 2/28 Growing Season End Date 12/2 Total Growing Season Days 277 Stallings 7.0%Growing Season (Days)19 9.0%Growing Season (Days)25 58.67 Percent of Growing Season 20.9% NRCS Soil Series Site Gauge ID Serial # Total Consecutive Days w/in Current Growing Season YEAR 3 (2020) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1/1/2020 1/31/2020 3/1/2020 3/31/2020 4/30/2020 5/30/2020 6/29/2020 7/29/2020 8/28/2020 9/27/2020 10/27/2020 11/26/2020 12/26/2020 Inches/dayElevation (ft)Date Wetland Gauge -Reference 3-2 (center) Water Table - Reference 3-2 (center)Ground Elevation (ft)12 in. Below Ground "Daily Rain Data" Beane Property Stream/Wetland Wetland Begin Date 1/1/2020 End Date 12/31/2020 Total Days of Well Data 301.67 Water Table Criteria -1 Site Info (Year 3) Site Growing Season Information (Year 3) Beane Property Reference 3-2 (center) 20331499 Growing Season Start Date 2/28/20 Growing Season End Date 12/2/20 Total Growing Season Days 277 Stallings 7.0%Growing Season (Days)19 9.0%Growing Season (Days)25 77.33 Percent of Growing Season 27.8% Site Gauge ID Serial # NRCS Soil Series Total Consecutive Days within Growing Season Sampling Date: Investigator(s):Sampling Point: County: Soil Map Unit Name:34.337517 Long: %%Type1 Location 10YR 100% 10YR 90%10%C M 10YR 60%40%C M 10YR 60%20%C M 20%C M 1 Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains Hydric Soil Indicators:Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches):Yes X No Soil Profile Description Project/Site:Beane Property (Groundwater Well Installations)5/11/2018 Tom Barrett, Ecosystem Planning & Restoration Ref Well 3-2 center City/County:Scotts Hill / Pender County, NC New Hanover Stallings fine sand Lat:-77.806900 (inches)Color (moist)Color (moist)Texture Remarks Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of incators Depth Matrix Redox Features 75 - 90% masked sand grains, fine sand 16-21 5/1 10YR 5/8 Sandy Clay Loam 0-16 2/1 Sandy Clay Loam Sandy Clay 44-48 5/1 10YR 5/8 Sandy Clay Loam 10YR 5/3 Sandy Clay Loam fine sand21-44 5/1 10YR 5/8 2 Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Thick Dark Surface (A12) Notes: Site is located off of Sidbury Road near Island Creek in Hanover County, NC. MLRA 153A, LRR T Hydric Soil Present? Remarks:0"48Soil -Reference Well 3-2 (Wetland Center) US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain - Version 2.0 20 27 47 48 50 52 52 65 68 0 0 0 24 28 35 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 1 - Wetland 4 - Wetland 1-1 Reference Wetland Center 2 - Wetland 3-2 Reference Wetland Center 3 - Wetland 2-2 Reference Wetland Center 5 - Wetland 6 - Wetland 7 - Upland 8 - Upland 9 - Upland 2-1 Reference Wetland Edge 3-1 Reference Wetland Edge 1-1 Reference Wetland EdgeConsecutive Days MetAxis Title Year 1 -Beane Wetland Gauges Year 1 (Days)5%12.5% 23 60 30 59 58 65 62 64 67 10 23 16 17 27 25 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 1 - Wetland 4 - Wetland 1-1 Reference Wetland Center 2 - Wetland 3-2 Reference Wetland Center 3 - Wetland 2-2 Reference Wetland Center 5 - Wetland 6 - Wetland 7 - Upland 8 - Upland 9 - Upland 2-1 Reference Wetland Edge 3-1 Reference Wetland Edge 1-1 Reference Wetland EdgeConsecutive Days MetMonitoring Gauges Year 2 -Beane Wetland Gauges Year 2 (Days)5%12.50% 30 77 53 77 77 109 105 107 0 16 31 23 28 38 44 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1 - Wetland 4 - Wetland 1-1 Reference Wetland Center 2 - Wetland 3-2 Reference Wetland Center 3 - Wetland 2-2 Reference Wetland Center 5 - Wetland 6 - Wetland 7 - Upland 8 - Upland 9 - Upland 2-1 Reference Wetland Edge 3-1 Reference Wetland Edge 1-1 Reference Wetland EdgeConsecutive Days MetMonitoring Gauges Year 3 -Beane Wetland Gauges Year 3 (Days)5%12.50% Appendix 4 Surface Water Modeling