HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131096 Ver 1_Emails_20131003Burdette, Jennifer a From: Lucas, Annette Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2013 11:05 AM To: Burdette, Jennifer a Subject: FW: Turnaround Plan for Cheswick Drive Transaction No. 363737 Attachments: Home Owner Turnaround Site Plan.pdf; ECS Report.pdf Z From: Lindsay Veit [mai Ito: lindsay.veit amail.com] Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 3:47 PM To: Lucas, Annette Subject: Fwd: Turnaround Plan for Cheswick Drive Transaction No. 363737 Please see the attached plans at the bottom :) ---- - - - - -- Forwarded message ---- - - - - -- From: Alan R Keith <arkeith c ,bell south.net> Date: Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 1:34 PM Subject: Turnaround Plan for Cheswick Drive Transaction No. 363737 To: Kathryn.Beard2ralei hhg nc.gov Cc: Lindsay Veit Qindsay.veit2gmaitcom> Kathryn: Attached is a pdf of a plan for a turnaround for Cheswick Drive. The plan is based on the layout from Ward Surveying. If the existing curb is remove as shown and replaced with asphalt, it looks like all of the work can be confined within the right of way. Also attached is a geotechnical report from ECS related to subgrade conditions and pavement design. We propose 8 inches of CABC and 3 inches of S9.513 per their recommendations. The existing curb inlet can be left in place, and the grading as shown will maintain the existing drainage patterns. Please review the attached. We can submit hard copies if you need them. Call if you have questions. Alan Keith, PE Diehl & Phillips, PA 219 East Chatham Street Cary, NC 27511 919 467 9972 x 25 / L � it M �Z.O 1z 03 --------- RE: Subgrade Evaluation and Pavement Recommendations Cheswick Drive Raleigh, North Carolina ECS Project Number 06:20863 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bayer: As authorized, ECS Carolinas, LLP (ECS) has completed the subgrade evaluation and pavement recommendations for the above referenced project. Project Understanding We understand that the existing dead -end of Cheswick Drive will be expanded to accommodate three new fire lane access areas, as shown in the attached Boring Location Diagram. The subgrade soils within the three roadway expansion areas needed to be evaluated and pavement recommendations provided. No traffic loading information is available at this time. Exploration Procedures Three hand auger borings (HA -1 through HA -3) were performed (one in each expansion area as shown in the attached Boring Location Diagram) by hand turning a sharpened three -inch diameter hand auger into the soil. In addition, Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) tests were performed in the hand auger boreholes at the depths noted on the hand auger records in general accordance with ASTM procedure STP -399. This test consists of driving a 1.5 -inch diameter conical point into the soil using a 15 pound ring weight, free - falling a height of 20 inches. The number of blows required to drive the cone into the soil a distance of 1.75 inches is termed the DCP Resistance Value and is indicated for each test on the hand auger logs. Field logs of the soils encountered in the boring were maintained by the field crew. The soil samples obtained from the field exploration were sealed and were brought to our laboratory for further examination. Soil Conditions The specific soil conditions at the boring locations are noted on the hand auger boring records in the attachment. A general description is also provided below. Subsurface conditions may vary between and outside of the hand auger boring locations. The soils encountered at the site consisted of silty SANDS (SM), clayey SILTS (ML), and silty CLAYS (CL). The average DCP blow counts ranged from 3.5 to 15 blows per increment (bpi). Softer soils were encountered at the surface of the hand auger borings. Some remedial activities, such as isolated undercut, should be anticipated. 9001 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27617 -7505 . T: 919 -861 -9910 . F: 919 -661 -9911 . www.eeslimited.com ECS Capitol Services, PLLC a ECS Carolinas, LLP - ECS Florida, LLC , ECS Midwest, LLC a ECS Mid- Aflanttc, LLC a ECS Southeast, LLC - ECS Tees, LLP Subgrade Evaluation and Pavement Recommendations Cheswick Drive Raleigh, North Carolina ECS Project Number 06:20863 Laboratory Testing A representative bulk soil sample was obtained within the proposed roadway expansion area from Boring HA -2 and tested in our laboratory to help estimate pertinent engineering properties of the site soils. Laboratory testing included California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests (ASTM D 1883) and standard Proctor tests (ASTM D 698). The laboratory testing was performed in general conformance with the referenced ASTM standards. Laboratory test results are presented in the attached individual test data sheets. Site and Subgrade Preparation The site should be cleared of topsoil, vegetation, and any other deleterious materials within the proposed construction areas. The pavement subgrade should be proofrolled using a loaded dump truck, having an axle weight of at least 10 tons and observed by an experienced geotechnical engineer, or his representative, at the time of construction to aid in identifying any areas with soft or unsuitable materials. Probing may be used at this time to aid in identifying areas of soft or unsuitable material. Proofrolling will be particularly important at this site. Any soft or unsuitable materials encountered during this proofrolling should be removed and replaced with an approved backfill. Soils used as fill should be approved materials, free of organics, debris, frozen and foreign material, and generally having a maximum Liquid Limit of 50 and a maximum Plasticity Index of 20. Fill or backfill placed in pavement areas should be compacted to at least 100 (95 below upper 12 inches) percent of the maximum dry density obtained in accordance with AASHTO T -99 method. The ABC stone should be compacted to at least 100 percent of the maximum dry density obtained in accordance with AASHTO T -180 method. We recommend that the placement of compacted structural fill, recompaction of the subgrade soils, and ABC stone in the construction area be observed by a geotechnical engineer, or his representative, to determine if proper compaction is being achieved. In -place density tests made in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or equivalent should be used to verify compaction. We recommend a minimum of one test per lift for every 1,500 square foot area or fraction thereof. Pavement Considerations We understand the roadway will primarily be trafficked by passenger vehicles with the occasional trash collection trucks and must be substantial enough to be used as a fire lane. For pavement areas, it is assumed the pavement is used 365 days a year and the design is based on a 20 -year design life. We have assumed traffic loads of 15,000 18 -kip equivalent axle loadings for light- and medium -duty pavements. We recommend that the pavements be designed as flexible pavements using guidelines established by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Based on laboratory results, a CBR of 5.5 was used for low plasticity soils compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density, determined in accordance with ASTM D 698 (standard Proctor method), under saturated conditions. Material Designation Asphalt Pavement Asphalt Surface Course S9.513 3.0 inches Aggregate Base Course NCDOT 8.0 inches Subgrade Evaluation and Pavement Recommendations Cheswick Drive Raleigh, North Carolina ECS Project Number 06:20863 ECS should be allowed to review these recommendations and make appropriate revisions based upon the formulation of the final traffic design criteria for the project. It is important to note that the design section do not account for construction traffic loading. The asphaltic concrete and the crushed stone materials should conform to the current North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. Regardless of the section and type of construction utilized, saturation of the subgrade materials will result in softening of the subgrade materials and shortened life span for the pavement. Risk of subgrade softening can be reduced by means of quickly removing surface and subsurface water, resulting in an increased likelihood of improved pavement performance. Therefore, we recommend that both the surface and subsurface materials for the pavement be properly graded to enhance surface and subgrade drainage. In addition, placement of '/ -inch diameter holes drilled through catch basins at or slightly above the subgrade elevation can help facilitate base course drainage into the catch basin. It should be noted that these pavement design recommendations may not satisfy the North Carolina Department of Transportation traffic guidelines. Any roadways constructed for public use and to be dedicated to the State for repair and maintenance must be designed in accordance with the State requirements. General Comments This letter report has been prepared in order to aid in the evaluation of these specific roadways and to assist the contractor in the construction of this project. The scope is limited to the specific project and locations described herein and our description of the project represents our understanding of the significant aspects relative to soil and pavement characteristics. In the event that any changes in the nature or location of the proposed construction outlined in this report are planned, we should be informed so that the changes can be reviewed and the conclusions of this report modified or approved in writing by the geotechnical engineer. It is recommended the construction operations dealing with earthwork and pavement are reviewed by an experienced geotechnical engineer to provide information as to whether the design requirements are fulfilled in the actual construction. The recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the field and laboratory tests performed and other information referenced in this report. This report does not reflect any variations which may occur between the sampled locations. In the performance of the pavement exploration, specific information is obtained at specific locations at specific times. However, it is a well -known fact that variations in soil conditions exist on most sites between explored locations. The nature and extent of variations may not become evident until the course of construction. If site conditions vary from those identified during the exploration, the recommendations contained in this report may require revision. Subgrade Evaluation and Pavement Recommendations Cheswick Drive Raleigh, North Carolina ECS Project Number 06:20863 Thank you for the opportunity to work with you on this project. Should you have any questions or if we could be of further assistance, please contact us. Respectfully, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Firm License No. F -1078 •,,�`����►��i�,i, L3'� Christina N. Warr, PE Project Manager NC PE License No SEAL • 39,235 = .�, '� AMA �8 • `� 039235 Attachments: Vicinity Map Boring Location Diagram Laboratory Test Results c q1 /"/p C. (Nathan) Nallalnathan, PE Principal Engineer NC PE License No. 019937 I:\ PROJECTS \T20000- 120999\20863 - Cheswick Pavement Eval\20863.doc E N 0 t e } U , s r.� s y "y °u3a,gffii,,v ij'y } yiA It i t i! $Nortl R `t a4,y� tips r, tft {,tt2:,,... 17 ak �i m V {.. b *a a Kt ko VICINITY MAP Subgrade Evaluation & Pavement Recommendations Cheswick Drive Raleigh, North Carolina SOURCE: Google Maps JOB NO. FIGURE NO. 20863 1 OF 2 DRAWN CNw BY I CHECKED BY I SCALE I DATE NTS 09 -03 -2013 s HA -2 ra HA -3 �. F HA -1 I6 PAVM? R' g I' ko i yy t Approximate Locations of Hand Auger Borings BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM JOB NO. FIGURE NO. 20863 2 of 2 Subgrade Evaluation & Pavement DRAWN BY CHECKED BY Recommendations CNW CN01 Cheswick Drive SCALE DATE Raleigh, North Carolina NTS 09 -03 -2013 SOURCE: Ward Surveying Services, PLLC HAND AUGER BORING RECORDS Cheswick Pavement Evaluation Raleigh, North Carolina ECS Project Number 06:20863 HA -1 Depth (ft) Blows /Increment Visual Classification 0 3 4 3 Moist, Dark Brown, Topsoil with Roots and Rock Fragments -1 6 7 9 Brownish Orange, Sandy SILT (ML) trace Mica -2 8 9 12 Brownish Orange, Sandy SILT (ML) trace Roots -3 12 13 12 Hand Auger Terminated @ 3 feet HA -2 Depth (ft) Blows /Increment Visual Classification 0 3 5 5 Moist, Brown, Topsoil with Roots -1 7 7 8 Moist, Brown, Silty Fine SAND (SM) with Mica -2 8 8 11 Moist, Dark Gray and Brown, Silty Sandy CLAY (CL) -3 6 1 7 8 Grayish Orange, Silty CLAY (CL) with Roots Hand Auger Terminated @ 3 feet HA -3 Depth (ft) Blows /Increment Visual Classification 0 4 5 7 Moist, Brown, Sandy SILT (ML) with Roots -1 6 7 7 Moist, Orange, Silty Fine to Medium SAND (SM) with Rocks and Roots -2 7 7 10 Moist, Brown, Silty Fine SAND (SM) with Rocks, Quartz, and Roots -3 9 14 16 Moist, Orange, Sandy CLAY /Clayey SAND (CL /SC) with Roots Hand Auger Terminated @ 3 feet COMPACTION TEST REPORT For Curve No. HA -2/S -1 115 112.5 12.5% c 111.8 U 110 Q .N C N 0 107.5 105 ZAV for Sp.G. _ 102.51 2.65 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 698 -07 Method A Standard Elev/ Depth Classification Nat. Moist. Sp.G. LL PI %> #4 %< No.200 USCS AASHTO 0.00 -0.00 2.65 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry- density = 111.8 pcf Optimum moisture = 12.5 % Dark Brovoi Silty Sand Project No. 20863 Client: Prevvitt Custom Homes Project: Sub,rade Evaluation & Pavement Recommendation Date: 9 26 2013 O Source of Sample: HA -2 Sample Number: S -1 Remarks: Figure ECS Carolinas, LLP 16 3 9001Glan 1Avenue flalegh, NC 27616 Phone'.(919) 8619910 Fax:(919)882 -8639 " Tested By: MB BEARING RATIO TEST REPORT ASTM D 1883 -05 200 1 160 0.8 N C. v 120 0.6 c R ^ a. N c Gl 0 a+ lG Y 80 0.4 N c a 40 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 48 0 0.1 0.5 0 24 72 96 Penetration Depth (in.) Elapsed Time (hrs) Molded Soaked CBR ( %) Linearity Max. Correction Surcharge (Ibs.) Density Percent of Moisture Density Percent of Moisture 0.10 in. 0.20 in. (pcf) Max. Dens. ( % ) (pcf) Max. Dens. (�) (in) (� ) 1 ❑ 107.2 95.9 13.0 106.2 95 16.2 5.7 6.0 0.011 10 0.9 2 A 3 ❑ Material Description USCS Max. Dens. (Pcf) Optimum Moisture M LL PI Dark BroNvn Silt- Sand 111.8 12.5 Project No: 20863 Test Description /Remarks: Project: Subarade Evaluation & Pavement Recommendation Source of Sample: HA -2 Depth: 0.00 -0.00 Sample Number: S -1 Date: ECS Carolinas, LLP 9001 Glenwood Avenue PalegM1, NG 2]616 PM1One'. (919) 061 -9910 Fax'. (919) 8828039 Figure