HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010357 Ver 1_Stormwater Info_20070717~^ BSC R~cE Assoc~aTEs providing solutions that create value July 13, 2007 Ms. Annette Lucas Environmental Engineer III NCDENR -Division of Water Quality 401 Oversight & Express Permits Unit 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Re: Upchurch Farms -Wet Detention Basin Dear Ms. Lucas: 01-035'1 IUf JUL 1 i 2007 ~er~~ - wAT~~ >h1wTt,~,NUA~ypS7:?~,y~,yq ARl$r~,JGh On July 2, 2007 a meeting was held with you concerning the wet detention basin at Upchurch Farms. Attendees at this meeting were Marco Hilhorst, Peter Fraccaroli, Mike Jones, Ian McMillan, and Annette Lucas. During this meeting we reviewed the storm water design and certain information was requested from BSC Rice Associates. Below are the items that were requested. 1. The hydraulic study is attached for the Upchurch Farms Subdivision. This study confirms that the wet detention basin is sized properly to treat the stormwater from the 44.8 acres that includes both the townhome section and the single-family section. The required surface area and volume, 22,052 SF and 60,548 CF respectively, were determined by using the NCDENR Best Management Practices Manual. The asbuilt survey indicates that 22,139 SF of surface area and 71,069 CF of volume were provided. 2. The storm drainage system tabulation is attached that indicates the flows received by the two storm drain pipes related to the single-family section. The 36" pipe (SD203) introduces 52.33 CFS into the wet detention basin for the 10-year storm event and the 15" pipe (SD217) introduces 7.03 CFS. 3. During the July 2, 2007 meeting it was determined that the stormwater from the single-family site entered directly into the stormwater detention basin and was not being pretreated by the forebay. Therefore, we agreed to modify the operations and maintenance agreement (O&M) to provide language specifically addressing the two storm drain pipes from the single family section. BSC has attached a copy of the modified O&M and highlighted the area that we have changed to reflect this unique circumstance. Please review and provide comments. I will forward this 978 Trinity Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Te I: 919-854-0811 Fax: 919-854-0812 Engineers Environmental Scientists GIS Consultants Landscape Architects Planners Surveyors e'r document to my client for signature once the language of this document has been approved by DWQ. 4. Afield visit was conducted to determine if the wetland adjacent to the wet detention basin was still functional. Wetland delineation forms were filled out (see attached data form) and it was determined that wetland characteristics were still present. BSC recommends not impacting the wetlands. 5. Photos were taken of the area surrounding the wetland to determine if there were areas that required maintenance due to erosion. Please see attached photo log. There was one area adjacent to the wetland that we identified as an area of concern. BSC would recommend the use of either turf reinforced matting or rip-rap to stabilize this area to prevent future erosion. If you have any questions, I can be contacted at (919) 854-0811. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, BSC RICE ASSOCIATES ~~ Peter Fraccaroli, P.E. Director of Operations cc: BSC File # 02063.00 (w/ attachments) Mike Jones (w/ attachments) ~~ A Upchurch Farms Subdivision Residential Development ~I-o3 S1 Cary Wake County, North Carolina Jenks Carpenter Road at Collins Road HYDRAULIC STUDY prepared by: ~~ i ~ &. RICE & ASSOCIATES 978 Trinity Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Voice: 919.854.081 1 Fax: 919.854.0812 October 14, 2002 (Second submittal ~eti~<<c:rr,,~~ ~,~ ~: ~ ~ ~' ~ 0 0 ~, ~~}.^ rn o H ~ ~ ` ~ M o , «_ ,, •.aQ.o~ ~~~. ,~ ~'~~rrrrrrir~i~~`®, 4q , HYDRAULIC STUDY -UPCHURCH FARMS SUBDIVISION- POND CALCULATIONS Permanent Water Quality Pool: Depth of Permanent Pool = 5.0 ft Surface area based upon surface area /drainage area ratio per NCDENR Best Management Practices manual. 35.9 ~o impervious at 5.0 feet of depth = 1.1 13 SA/DA ratio 44.8 acres x .Ol 13 = 0.506 acres 22,052 SF Surface area required at elevation 344 = 22,052 sf Surface area provided at elevation 344 = 22,080 sf Temporary Water Quality Pool: Water quality pool is sized to detain the runoff volume from the first inch of rain. Determine Runoff Volume Rv=0.05+0.009(1) Rv= runoff coefficient =storm runoff (inches)/storm rainfall (inches) I =Percent Impervious Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(35.9) Rv = 0.373 Upchurch Farms Hydraulic Study Page 2 Volume to be controlled = 1 inch rainfall x 0.373 inch/inch x 1 inch/12 feet x 44.8 acres Volume = 1.39 acre-ft = 60,548 cf Volume obtained at elevation 346.43 Drawdown of Temporary Pool: The temporary water quality pool must be drawn down over a period of 2 to 4 days. The volume of the pool is 60,548 cf. 2-day drawdown: 60,548 cf / (2 days x 24hours/day x 60 min/hour x 60 sec/min) = 0.35 cfs 4-day drawdown: 60,548 cf / (4 days x 24hours/day x 60 min/hour x 60 sec/min) = 0.175 cfs Maximum head during drawdown = 346.43 - 344 = 2.43 ` Orifice flow of 3" diameter drawdown Head (feet Flow cfs 2.43 0.375 2.0 0.340 1.5 0.294 1.0 0.240 0.5 0.170 Upchurch Farms Hydraulic Study Page 3 WATERSHED MODELING The SCS method of developing an inflow hydrograph was used to determine rainfall volumes. The soils were mapped to determine type and hydrologic category. All soils are Creedmore and Granville series. 9.98 Acres are Hydrologic group B and 34.82 acres are hydrologic group C. A curve number of 74 was used for the B soils and a curve number of 82.3 was used for the C soils. This is based upon a 35~ impervious area using the TR-55 modeling. A composite curve number of 80.4 was used for modeling purposes. Inflow hydrographs were developed for the 10-year and 100-year events. The proposed pond was modeled and the 10-year and 100-year storms were routed. The inflow hydrographs and routed data are attached. SUMMARY OF RESULTS When the 10-year storm was modeled the water surface elevation of the pond reached 347.68 with a peak discharge of 126.53 cfs. The 100-year storm reached a maximum water surface elevation of 348.38 with a peak discharge of 218.34 cfs. ':` j/ \~a. e ".^ I ~• • at• / ~ as 1 1 ~ l `~,'~~ a7;~ ' / ,• • i~~~ ~ ~~ , ~ \ ,,, 'ry 1111' S I ~ , j ``'' ,,~~, ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ ~ 1 + Z , ~ '~01 ~ ~ ~ 1 ai~~~i~ ~\ ~ ~/ ~ 1 (~ ~ t~ ~ .411-E \~\~ • « / ~Su !/ I 1 en.' ~ ~' ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ / ~ ~ I I ~ 1 ~~~ ~ ~~ I ~ i ~' A ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ _ I ; ~ ~ I ~~~ o , ~ . ; ~ ~,~ 1l (', . ~~;~~' ~,~~a ~ ~ /iii (, , ~~,' N ~ i i -I~~•/!!i, ~t ,`~ , ~ ; ~', ` i ` ~ `_' /~ ; ~'` ~, ~ ~~ i \ Y~ ~ /iiG ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . i a l 1 ~ ~ ~,~ ///~/j~ ~. __' •~ ~~ i t 1 , • , ~ Y--;- _ / (_. ~ ' / // it ~-~ . , ~ r ~~~~! ! `/t ~ ; O , ~~ _~ 1 ~~•' ~ , (i~1 '~ ~ / \ ~ ~;,~~ ,,.~;~,,~ -~_~ ~ ~ -, ~-r;. ,~~,,, - ~ ,~~~, ,~~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I r ; ~ ~ 1 ~ "~~ ,_A ~ ~" ~ ~ ~ b '~~b:':~ ~_ ~'}, i , .~ ~ ~ / lse ~~ ~ ~ ~ , i ti ~ ya ~ /`~ = > ~1 ~ -t~,_; -- ; 7 ~ (~/'~~, //~ ~ ~/, ~~~, I~ ; ,, .v~i~/ ~ M ~~~1`1J L\p l'j ~i~~ / !1J __: l.\~~ \O ./ t, ~~ ~~;/!1/~ ~~~~~: 1 ~'~~ y ,,`~Jr, ~"/~~ ~\l~i ®\~ rte'' / '~l ~ \~~'/. ~ ~ 1 m / ®~ /~~/~~ ~ ~J~`l1~ ` l ~ 1 J / / ~ ~ ~ .. 1 % f ~~ ~/ i~~i;I~t~~~~,1; ~~~~~ DRAINAGE EXHIBIT "A" ~ ENGINEERING ~~~~~ ~ ~ UPCHURCH FARMS G 918 Trinity Road SUBDIVISION Z Raleigh, North Carolina 21601 CARY QQ Voice: 919.854.6811 wAtCE CO., NORTH CAROLINA I ~ ~ OZ Fax 919.854.0812 ~a ocT zoo2 www. ri ceassaciates.net ASSOCIATES ~° '°° ~° SCALE: 1" = 400 Hydrograph Report Page 1 English Hyd. No. 1.0 10 year added ph 1 &2 Hydrograph type Storm frequency Drainage area Basin Slope Tc method Total precip. Storm duration = SCS Runoff = 10 yrs = 44.80 ac = 4.3 = LAG = 5.80 in = 24 hrs Peak discharge = 140.37 cfs Time interval = 5 min Curve number = 80.4 Hydraulic length = 2000 ft Time of conc. (Tc) = 26.5 min Distribution = Type it Shape factor = 484 Total Volume = 610,690 cult Hydrograph Discharge Table Time --Outflow Time --Outflow Time --Outflow (hrs cfs) (hrs cfs) (hrs cfs) Time --Outflow (hrs cfs) 8.92 1.49 11.58 12.99 14.25 9.33 16.92 5.16 9.00 1.59 11.67 17.22 14.33 9.04 17.00 5.12 9.08 1.70 11.75 25.36 14.42 8.79 17.08 5.07 9.17 1.81 11.83 40.95 14.50 8.58 17.17 5.02 9.25 1.91 11.92 68.73 14.58 8.40 17.25 4.97 9.33 2.01 12.00 99.88 14.67 8.24 17.33 4.92 9.42 2.10 12.08 125.71 14.75 8.09 17.42 4.88 9.50 2.19 12.17 140.37 « 14.83 7.96 17.50 4.83 9.58 2.27 12.25 134.31 14.92 7.82 17.58 4.78 9.67 2.36 12.33 117.63 15.00 7.69 17.67 4.73 9.75 2.45 12.42 99.52 15.08 7.56 17.75 4.68 9.83 2.56 12.50 80.55 15.17 7.43 17.83 4.64 9.92 2.69 12.58 61.69 15.25 7.29 17.92 4.59 10.00 2.84 12.67 44.24 15.33 7.16 18.00 4.54 10.08 3.00 12.75 30.53 15.42 7.03 18.08 4.49 10.17 3.19 12.83 24.23 15.50 6.89 18.17 4.44 10.25 3.40 12.92 21.76 15.58 6.76 18.25 4.39 10.33 3.63 13.00 19.74 15.67 6.62 18.33 4.34 10.42 3.88 13.08 18.11 15.75 6.49 18.42 4.30 10.50 4.15 13.17 16.80 15.83 6.35 18.50 4.25 10.58 4.44 13.25 15.75 15.92 6.22 18.58 4.20 10.67 4.76 13.33 14.90 16.00 6.08 18.67 4.15 10.75 5.12 13.42 14.17 16.08 5.95 18.75 4.10 10.83 5.51 13.50 13.50 16.17 5.82 18.83 4.05 10.92 5.95 13.58 12.89 16.25 5.70 18.92 4.00 11.00 6.42 13.67 12.32 16.33 5.60 19.00 3.95 11.08 6.88 13.75 11.80 16.42 5.51 19.08 3.90 11.17 7.41 13.83 11.33 16.50 5.44 19.17 3.86 11.25 8.04 13.92 10.88 16.58 5.37 19.25 3.81 11.33 8.81 14.00 10.45 16.67 5.31 19.33 3.76 11.42 9.83 14.08 10.04 16.75 5.26 19.42 3.71 11.50 10.98 14.17 9.67 16.83 5.21 19.50 3.66 Continues on nexf page... 10 year added ph182 Hydrograph Discharge Table Time -- Outflow Time -- Outflow (hrs cfs) (hrs cfs) 19.58 3.61 23.67 2.76 19.67 3.56 23.75 2.75 19.75 3.51 23.83 2.74 19.83 3.46 23.92 2.73 19.92 3.41 24.00 2.72 20.00 3.36 24.08 2.59 20.08 3.31 24.17 2.34 20.17 3.27 24.25 1.97 20.25 3.23 24.33 1.47 20.33 3.19 20.42 3.16 20.50 3.14 ...End 20.58 3.12 20.67 3.11 20.75 3.10 20.83 3.09 20.92 3.08 21.00 3.07 21.08 3.06 21.17 3,.05 21.25 3.04 21.33 3.03 21.42 3.02 21.50 3.01 21.58 3.00 21.67 2.99 21.75 2.98 21.83 2.97 21.92 2.96 22.00 2.95 22.08 2.94 22.17 2.93 22.25 2.92 22.33 2.91 22.42 2.91 22.50 2.90 22.58 2.89 22.67 2.88 22.75 2.87 22.83 2.86 22.92 2.85 23.00 2.84 23.08 2.83 23.17 2.82 23.25 2.81 23.33 2.80 23.42 2.79 23.50 2.78 23.58 2.77 Page 2 V i~ M 0 P ~~ v L 0 r 1 0 1 0 r !.C) N O N r Ln 0 O L ~ ~ ~ ~~ s~~ ~ ~n o ~n Hydrograph Report Page , English Hyd. No. 11 100 yr added phase1 &2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 226.48 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time interval = 6 min Drainage area = 44.80 ac Curve number = 80.4 Basin Slope = 4.3 % Hydraulic length = 2000 ft Tc method =LAG Time of conc. (Tc} = 26.5 min Total precip. = 8.00 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Total Volume = 922,386 cult Hydrograph Discharge Table Time --Outflow Time --Outflow Time --Outflow Time --Outflow (hrs cfs) (hrs cfs) (hrs cfs) (hrs cfs) 8.20 2.29 11.40 17.59 14.60 11.65 17.80 6.49 8.30 2.41 11.50 19.97 14.70 11.41 17.90 6.40 8.40 2.56 11.60 25.17 14.80 11.18 18.00 6.32 8.50 2.73 11.70 38.07 14.90 10.96 18.10 6.24 8.60 2.91 11.80 65.77 15.00 10.73 18.20 6.16 8.70 3.11 11.90 120.35 15.10 10.50 18.30 6.07 8.80 3.32 12.00 184.49 15.20 10.27 18.40 5.99 8.90 3.54 12.10 226.48 « 15.30 10.04 18.50 5.91 9.00 3.77 12.20 219.32 15.40 9.81 18.60 5.82 9.10 4.00 12.30 177.34 15.50 9.58 18.70 5.74 9.20 4.22 12.40 133.57 15.60 9.36 18.80 5.66 9.30 4.41 12.50 91.45 15.70 9.13 18.90 5.58 9.40 4.58 12.60 56.03 15.80 8.89 19.00 5.49 9.50 4.72 12.70 38.09 15.90 8.66 19.10 5.41 9.60 4.85 12.80 32.92 16.00 8.43 19.20 5.33 9.70 5.01 12.90 29.00 16.10 8.21 19.30 5.24 9.80 5.21 13.00 26.07 16.20 8.00 19.40 5.16 9.90 5.48 13.10 23.86 16.30 7.83 19.50 5.08 10.00 5.80 13.20 22.18 16.40 7.69 19.60 4.99 10.10 6.16 13.30 20.79 16.50 7.57 19.70 4.91 10.20 6.58 13.40 19.58 16.60 7.47 19.80 4.83 10.30 7.05 13.50 18.50 16.70 7.39 19.90 4.74 10.40 7.57 13.60 17.53 16.80 7.31 20.00 4.66 10.50 8.13 13.70 16.65 16.90 7.23 20.10 4.58 10.60 8.74 13.80 15.84 17.00 7.14 20.20 4.50 10.70 9.42 13.90 15.08 17.10 7.06 20.30 4.45 10.80 10.20 14.00 14.37 17.20 6.98 20.40 4.40 10.90 11.07 14.10 13.71 17.30 6.90 20.50 4.37 11.00 12.04 14.20 13.13 17.40 6.82 20.60 4.35 11.10 12.95 14.30 12.63 17.50 6.73 20.70 4.33 11.20 14.08 14.40 12.24 17.60 6.65 20.80 4.31 11.30 15.52 14.50 11.91 17.70 6.57 20.90 4.30 Continues on next page... 100 yr added phase18~2 Hydrograph Discharge Table Time --Outflow (hrs cfs} 21.00 4.28 21.10 4.27 21.20 4.25 21.30 4.23 21.40 4.22 21.50 4.20 21.60 4.18 21.70 4.17 21.80 4.15 21.90 4.13 22.OG 4.12 .22.10 4.10 22.20 4.09 22.30 4.07 22.40 4.05 22.50 4.04 22.60 4.02 22.70 4.00 22.80 3.99 22.90 3.97 23.00 3.95 23.10 3.94 23.20 3.92 23.30 3.90 23.40 3.89 23.50 3.87 23.60 3.86 23.70 3.84 23.80 3.82 23.90 3.81 24.00 3.79 24.10 3.46 24.20 2.83 Page 2 ..End 11 - SCS Runoff - 100 Yr - Qp = 226.48 cfs 250 -- -------- 200 -- - --------- cn 150 ------ v C~ 100 ----- 50 - --------- 0 - 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time {hrs) Hyd. 11 t Reservoir Report Page , English Reservoir No. 1 -revised pond Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas Stage /Storage Table Stage Elevation ft ft 0.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 339.00 341.00 342.00 343.00 344.00 345.00 346.00 347.00 348.00 349.00 350.00 Contour area Incr. Storage Total storage sgft tuft tuft 8,258 0 0 11,410 19,668 19,668 13,122 12,266 31,934 16,768 14,945 46,879 22,080 19,424 66,303 23,939 23,010 89,313 26,674 25,307 114,619 29,724 28,199 142,818 32,937 31,331 174,149 35,964 34,451 208,599 38,723 37,344 245,943 Culvert /Orifice Structures [A] [g] [C] [D] Rise in = 48.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 Span in = 48.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 No. Barrels = 1 1 0 0 Invert EI. ft = 339.00 344.00 0.00 0.00 Length ft = 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Slope % = 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .013 .000 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.00 Multi-Stage = ----- Yes No No Weir Structures LAJ [B] [C] [DJ Crest Len ft = 0.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 Crest EI. ft = 0.00 346.43 0.00 0.00 Weir Coeff. = 3.00 2.64 3.00 0.00 Eqn. Exp. = 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.00 Multi-Stage = No Yes No No Tailwater Elevation = 338.00 ft Stage /Storage /Discharge Table Note: AU outflows have been analyzed untler inlet and outlet control. Stage Storage Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Discharge ft tuft ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 0.00 0 339.00 0.00 0.00 --- --- --- 0.00 --- --- 0.00 2.00 19,668 341.00 35.60 0.00 --- --- --- 0.00 --- --- 0.00 3.00 31,934 342.00 72.90 0.00 --- --- --- 0.00 --- --- 0.00 4.00 46,879 343.00 98.85 0.00 --- -- -- 0.00 --- --- 0.00 5.00 66,303 344.00 149.47 0.00 --- --- -- 0.00 --- --- 0.00 6.00 89,313 345.00 176.85 0.38 --- --- --- 0.00 --- --- 0.38 7.00 114,619 346.00 200.53 0.57 --- --- --- 0.00 --- --- 0.57 8.00 142,818 347.00 220.42 0.71 -- --- --- 54.10 --- --- 54.80 9.00 174,149 348.00 241.01 0.82 --- --- --- 165.94 --- --- 166.76 10.00 208,599 349.00 258.88 0.00 --- --- --- 312.90 --- --- 258.88 11.00 245,943 350.00 275.60 0.00 --- --- --- 487.99 --- --- 275.60 revised pond 1 ~~ T .~ c~ / Tota I ,~ Guly A Culv B ~' Culy C / Culv D Weir A 250 300 Weir B / Weir C / Weir D Discharge (cfs) 0 50 100 150 200 revised pond 15 - - 10 a~ ~. ~ 5 ----- -- - - - 0 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 Storage (cuft) Hydrograph Report Page 1 English Hyd. No. 13 Routed 10 yr Hydrograph type =Reservoir Storm frequency = 10 yrs Inflow hyd. No. = 10 Max. Elevation = 347.68 ft Peak discharge Time interval Reservoir name Max. Storage = 126.42 cfs _ 5 min = revised pond = 164,059 cult Storage indi;ztion method use0. Hydrograph Discharge Table Total Volume =543,959 cult Time Inflow Elevation GIv A G!v B Civ C C!v ~ wr A wr S Wr C Wr D Qutflow (hrs) cfs ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 12.08 125.71 346.82 217.63 0.68 ----- ----- ----- 38.70 ----- ----- 39.39 12.17 140.37 « 347.45 230.49 0.76 ----- ----- ----- 98.94 ----- ----- 99.70 12.25 134.31 347.68 « 234.96 0.79 ----- ----- ----- 125.63 ----- ----- 126.42 « 12.33 117.63 347.68 234.91 0.79 ---- ----- ----- 125.30 ----- ----- 126.09 12.42 99.52 347.57 232.85 0.77 ----- ----- ----- 112.72 ----- ----- 113.49 12.50 80.55 347.42 230.03 0.76 ----- ----- ----- 96.32 ----- ----- 97.08 12.58 61.69 347.26 226.81 0.74 ----- ----- ----- 78.89 ----- ----- 79.62 12.67 44.24 347.08 222.70 0.72 ----- ----- ----- 61.82 ----- ---- 62.53 12.75 30.53 346.91 217.90 0.70 ----- ---- ----- 46.11 ----- ----- 46.80 12.83 24.23 346.76 216.89 0.68 ----- ----- ----- 34.39 ----- ----- 35.07 12.92 21.76 346.67 214.99 0.67 ----- ----- ----- 27.52 ----- ----- 28.19 13.00 19.74 346.62 213.79 0.66 ----- ----- ----- 23.47 ----- ----- 24.13 13.08 18.11 346.57 212.94 0.65 ----- ----- ----- 20.76 ----- ----- 21.41 13.17 16.80 346.54 212.28 0.65 ----- ----- ----- 18.76 ----- ----- 19.40 13.25 15.75 346.52 211.75 0.64 ---- ---- ----- 17.17 ----- ----- 17.82 13.33 14.90 346.50 211.34 0.64 ---- ----- ----- 15.92 ---- ----- 16.57 13.42 14.17 346.48 210.98 0.64 ----- ----- ----- 14.99 ----- ----- 15.63 13.50 13.50 346.47 210.67 0.64 ----- ----- ---- 14.17 ----- ----- 14.80 13.58 12.89 346.45 210.39 0.64 ----- ----- ---- 13.43 ----- ----- 14.06 13.67 12.32 346.44 210.14 0.63 ----- ----- ---- 12.76 ----- ----- 13.39 13.75 11.80 346.43 209.91 0.63 ----- ----- ---- 12.15 ----- ----- 12.78 13.83 11.33 346.42 209.70 0.63 ----- ----- ----- 11.59 ----- ----- 12.22 13.92 10.88 346.41 209.50 0.63 ----- ----- ----- 11.07 ----- ----- 11.70 14.00 10.45 346.40 209.32 0.63 ----- ----- ----- 10.60 ----- ----- 11.22 14.08 10.04 346.40 209.15 0.63 ----- ----- ----- 10.18 ----- ----- 10.81 14.17 9.67 346.39 208.97 0.63 ----- ----- ---- 9.80 ----- ----- 10.42 14.25 9.33 346.38 208.80 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 9.42 ---- ----- 10.05 14.33 9.04 346.37 208.65 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 9.08 ----- ----- 9.70 14.42 8.79 346.37 208.50 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 8.76 ----- ----- 9.38 14.50 8.58 346.36 208.38 0.62 ----- ---- ----- 8.48 ----- ----- 9.10 14.58 8.40 346.35 208.27 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 8.23 ----- ----- 8.85 14.67 8.24 346.35 208.17 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 8.01 ----- ----- 8.64 14.75 8.09 346.35 208.08 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 7.82 ----- ----- 8.44 14.83 7.96 346.34 208.00 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 7.66 ----- ----- 8.27 14.92 7.82 346.34 207.93 0.62 ----- ---- ----- 7.50 ----- ----- 8.12 15.00 7.69 346.34 207.87 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 7.35 ----- ----- 7.97 Continues on next page... Routed 10 yr Hydrograph Discharge Table Page 2 Time Inflow Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Outflow (his) cfs ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 15.08 7.56 346.33 207.81 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 7.22 ----- ----- 7.83 15.17 7.43 346.33 207.74 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 7.08 ----- ----- 7.70 15.25 7.29 346.33 207.68 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 6.94 ----- ----- 7.56 15.33 7.16 346.32 207.62 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 6.81 ----- ----- 7.43 15.42 7.03 346.32 207.56 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 6.68 ----- ----- 7.29 15.50 6.89 346.32 207.50 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 6.54 ----- ----- 7.16 15.58 6.76 346.32 207.44 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 6.41 ----- ----- 7.02 15.67 6.62 346.31 207.38 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 6.27 ----- ----- 6.89 15.75 6.49 346.31 207.32 0.62 ----- ----- ---- 6.14 ----- ----- 6.75 15.83 6.35 346.31 207.26 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 6.00 ----- ----- 6.62 15.92 6.22 346.30 207.20 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 5.87 ----- ----- 6.49 16.00 6.08 346.30 207.14 0.61 ----- ---- ----- 5.74 ----- ----- 6.35 16.08 5.95 346.30 207.07 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 5.62 ----- ----- 6.23 16.17 5.82 346.30 207.01 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 5.50 ----- ----- 6.12 16.25 5.70 346.29 206.94 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 5.39 ----- ----- 6.00 16.33 5.60 346.29 206.87 0.61 ---- ---- ----- 5.28 ----- ----- 5.89 16.42 5.51 346.29 206.81 0.61 ----- ---- ----- 5.17 ----- ----- 5.78 16.50 5.44 346.28 206.75 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 5.07 ----- ----- 5.68 16.58 5.37 346.28 206.70 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.98 ----- ----- 5.59 16.67 5.31 346.28 206.65 0.61 ----- ----- ---- 4.90 ----- ----- 5.51 16.75 5.26 346.28 206.61 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.82 ----- ----- 5.44 16.83 5.21 346.28 206.57 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.76 ----- ----- 5.37 16.92 5.16 346.27 206.53 0.61 ----- ---- ---- 4.70 ----- ----- 5.31 17.00 5.12 346.27 206.50 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.64 ----- ----- 5.25 17.08 5.07 346.27 206.47 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.59 ----- ----- 5.20 17.17 5.02 346.27 206.44 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.54 ----- ----- 5.15 17.25 4.97 346.27 206.41 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.49 ----- ----- 5.10 17.33 4.92 346.27 206.38 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.44 ----- ----- 5.05 17.42 4.88 346.27 206.35 0.61 ----- ---- ----- 4.39 ----- ----- 5.00 17.50 4.83 346.26 206.32 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.34 ----- ----- 4.95 17.58 4.78 346.26 206.29 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.30 ----- ----- 4.90 17.67 4.73 346.26 206.26 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.25 ----- ----- 4.86 17.75 4.68 346.26 206.24 0.61 ----- ---- ----- 4.20 ----- ----- 4.81 17.83 4.64 346.26 206.21 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.15 ----- ----- 4.76 17.92 4.59 346.26 206.18 0.61 ---- ----- ----- 4.10 ----- ----- 4.71 18.00 4.54 346.26 206.15 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.05 ----- ----- 4.66 18.08 4.49 346.25 206.12 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.01 ----- ---- 4.61 18.17 4.44 346.25 206.09 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.96 ----- ----- 4.57 18.25 4.39 346.25 206.06 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.91 ----- ----- 4.52 18.33 4.34 346.25 206.04 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.86 ----- ----- 4.47 18.42 4.30 346.25 206.01 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.81 ----- ----- 4.42 18.50 4.25 346.25 205.98 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.76 ----- ----- 4.37 18.58 4.20 346.25 205.95 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.72 ----- ----- 4.32 18.67 4.15 346.25 205.92 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.67 ----- ----- 4.27 18.75 4.10 346.24 205.89 0.61 ---- ----- ----- 3.62 ----- ----- 4.22 18.83 4.05 346.24 205.86 0,61 ----- ----- ----- 3.57 ----- ----- 4.18 18.92 4.00 346.24 205.84 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.52 ----- ----- 4.13 19.00 3.95 346.24 205.81 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.47 ----- ----- 4.08 19.08 3.90 346.24 205.78 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.42 ----- ----- 4.03 Continues on next page... Routed 10 yr Hydrograph Discharge Table Page 3 Time Inflow Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Outflow (hrs) cfs ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 19.17 3.86 346.24 205.75 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.38 ----- ----- 3.98 19.25 3.81 346.24 205.72 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.33 ----- ----- 3.93 19.33 3.76 346.23 205.69 0.60 ----- ----- ---- 3.28 ----- ----- 3.88 19.42 3.71 346.23 205.66 0.60 ---- ----- ----- 3.23 ----- ----- 3.83 19.50 3.66 346.23 205.63 0.60 ---- ---- ----- 3.18 ----- ----- 3.78 19.58 3.61 346.23 205.60 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.13 ----- ----- 3.73 19.67 3.56 346.23 205.57 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.08 ----- ----- 3.69 19.75 3.51 346.23 205.55 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.03 ----- ----- 3.64 19.83 3.46 346.23 205.52 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.98 ----- ---- 3.59 19.92 3.41 346.23 205.49 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.94 ---- ----- 3.54 20.00 3.36 346.22 205.46 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.89 ----- ----- 3.49 20.08 3.31 346.22 205.43 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.84 ----- ----- 3.44 20.17 3.27 346.22 205.40 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.79 ----- ----- 3.39 20.25 3.23 346.22 205.37 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.74 ----- ----- 3.34 20.33 3.19 346.22 205.35 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.70 ----- ----- 3.30 20.42 3.16 346.22 205.32 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.66 ----- ----- 3.26 20.50 3.14 346.22 205.30 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.62 ----- ----- 3.22 20.58 3.12 346.22 205.28 0.60 ----- ---- ----- 2.59 ----- ----- 3.19 20.67 3.11 346.22 205.27 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.57 ----- ----- 3.17 20.75 3.10 346.21 205.26 0.60 ---- ----- ----- 2.54 ----- ----- 3.15 20.83 3.09 346.21 205.25 0.60 ----- --- ----- 2.53 ----- ----- 3.13 20.92 3.08 346.21 205.24 0.60 ---- ----- ----- 2.51 ----- ----- 3.11 21.00 3.07 346.21 205.23 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.50 ----- ---- 3.10 21.08 3.06 346.21 205.22 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.49 ----- ----- 3.09 21.17 3.05 346.21 205.22 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.48 ----- ----- 3.08 21.25 3.04 346.21 205.21 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.46 ----- ----- 3.07 21:33 3.03 346.21 205.20 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.45 ----- ----- 3.06 21.42 3.02 346.21 205.20 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.44 ----- ----- 3.05 21.50 3.01 346.21 205.19 0.60 ----- ----- ---- 2.44 ----- ----- 3.04 21.58 3.00 346.21 205.19 0..60 ---- ----- ----- 2.43 ----- ----- 3.03 21.67 2.99 346.21 205.18 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.42 ----- ----- 3.02 21.75 2.98 346.21 205.17 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.41 ----- ----- 3.01 21.83 2.97 346.21 205.17 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.40 ---- ----- 3.00 21.92 2.96 346.21 205.16 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.39 ----- ----- 2.99 22.00 2.95 346.21 205.16 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.38 ----- ----- 2.98 22.08 2.94 346.21 205.15 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.37 ----- ----- 2.97 22.17 2.93 346.21 205.15 0.60 ---- ----- ----- 2.36 ----- ----- 2.96 22.25 2.92 346.21 205.14 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.35 ----- ----- 2.95 22.33 2.91 346.21 205.14 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.34 ----- ---- 2.94 22.42 2.91 346.21 205.13 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.33 ----- ----- 2.93 22.50 2.90 346.21 205.12 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.32 ----- ----- 2.92 22.58 2.89 346.21 205.12 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.31 ----- ----- 2.91 22.67 2.88 346.21 205.11 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.30 ----- ----- 2.90 22.75 2.87 346.21 205.11 0.60 ---- ---- ----- 2.29 ----- ---- 2.89 22.83 2.86 346.21 205.10 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.28 ----- ----- 2.88 22.92 2.85 346.21 205.10 0.60 ----- ---- ----- 2.27 ----- ----- 2.87 23.00 2.84 346.21 205.09 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.26 ---- ----- 2.86 23.08 2.83 346.21 205.08 0.60 ----- ----- ---- 2.25 ----- ----- 2.85 23.1.7 2.82 346.21 205.08 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.24 ----- ---- 2.84 Continues on next page... Routed 10 yr Page 4 Hydrograph Discharge Table Time Inflow Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Outflow (hrs) cfs ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 23.25 2.81 346.21 205.07 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.23 ----- ----- 2.83 23.33 2.80 346.21 205.07 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.22 ----- ----- 2.82 23.42 2.79 346.21 205.06 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.21 ----- ----- 2.81 23.50 2.78 346.21 205.06 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.21 ----- ----- 2.80 23.58 2.77 346.21 205.05 0.60 --- ----- ----- 2.19 ----- ----- 2.80 23.67 2.76 346.20 205.04 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.19 ----- ----- 2.79 23.75 2.75 346.20 205.04 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.18 ----- ---- 2.78 23.83 2.74 346.20 205.03 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.17 ----- ---- 2.77 23.92 2.73 346.20 205.03 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.16 ----- ----- 2.76 24.00 2.72 346.20 205.02 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.15 ----- ----- 2.75 24.08 2.59 346.20 205.00 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.12 ----- ----- 2.72 24.17 2.34 346.20 204.96 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.04 ----- ----- 2.63 24.25 1.97 346.20 204.85 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 1.93 ----- ----- 2.53 24.33 1.47 346.19 204.68 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 1.77 ----- ----- 2.37 24.42 1.05 346.18 204.45 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 1.56 ----- ----- 2.16 24.50 0.70 346.17 204.18 0.59 ----- ----- ----- 1.31 ----- ----- 1.91 24.58 0.42 346.15 203.90 0.59 ----- ----- ----- 1.05 ----- ----- 1.65 24.67 0.21 346.14 203.62 0.59 ----- ----- ----- 0.80 ----- ----- 1.39 ...End 13 - Reservoir - 10 Yr - Qp = 126.53 cfs 150 - -- -- -- - - -- ---- ---- 100 -- --_ --__------- v C1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (hrs) Hyd. 10 Hyd. 13 13 -Reservoir - 101(r -Max. EI. = 347.68 ft 350.0 - -- - -- 347.8 ----- - ----- 345.6 - 0 w 343.4 - - -- 341.2 ----- 339.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (hrs) Hydrograph Report Page , English Hyd. No. 72 Routed 100 year Hydrograph type =Reservoir Peak discharge = 218.34 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time interval = 6 min Inflow hyd. No. = 11 Reservoir name =revised pond Max. Elevation = 348.38 ft Max. Storage = 187,132 tuft Storage tndlcafion method uses Total Volume = 855.914 CUR Hydrograph Discharge Table Time l~~fl:.w Elevation C!v A C!v B C!v C C!v J Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D O:~tflo~ti~ (hrs) cfs ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 11.80 65.77 346.51 211.51 0.64 ----- ----- ----- 16.42 ----- ---- 17.06 11.90 120.35 347.14 224.11 0.72 ----- ----- ----- 67.02 ----- ----- 67.74 12.00 184.49 347.73 236.03 0.79 ----- ----- ----- 132.43 ----- ----- 133.22 12.10 226.48 « 348.20 244.67 0.74 ---- ----- ----- 192.68 ----- ----- 193.42 12.20 219.32 348.38 « 247.89 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 217.71 ----- ----- 218.34 « 12.30 177.34 348.26 245.71 0.70 ----- ----- ----- 200.68 ----- ----- 201.38 12.40 133.57 347.97 240.50 0.82 ---- ----- ---- 162.46 ----- ----- 163.28 12.50 91.45 347.63 234.09 0.7$ ----- ----- ----- 120.25 ----- ----- 121.03 12.60 56.03 347.30 227.68 0.74 ----- ----- ----- 83.40 ----- ----- 84.15 12.70 38.09 347.03 221.20 0.71 ----- ----- ---- 56.73 ----- ----- 57.44 12.80 32.92 346.85 217.64 0.69 ----- ----- ----- 41.26 ----- ----- 41.95 12.90 29.00 346.76 216.75 0.68 ----- ----- ----- 33.86 ----- ----- 34.53 13.00 26.07 346.70 215.51 0.67 ----- ----- ---- 29.27 ----- ----- 29.94 13.10 23.86 346.65 214.60 0.66 ----- ----- ----- 26.19 ----- ----- 26.85 13.20 22.18 346.62 213.90 0.66 ----- ---- ----- 23.81 ----- ----- 24.47 13.30 20.79 346.59 213.34 0.65 ----- ----- ----- 21.99 ----- ----- 22.65 13.40 19.58 346.57 212.87 0.65 ----- ----- ----- 20.57 ----- ----- 21.22 13.50 18.50 346.55 212.46 0.65 ----- ----- ----- 19.31 ---- ----- 19.96 13.60 17.53 346.53 212.09 0.65 ----- ----- ----- 18.19 ----- ----- 18.84 13.70 16.65 346.52 211.76 0.64 ----- ----- ----- 17.18 ---- ----- 17.82 13.80 15.84 346.50 211.45 0.64 ---- ----- ----- - 16.27 ----- ----- 16.91 13.90 15.08 346.49 211.17 0.64 ----- ----- ----- 15.48 ----- ----- 16.12 14.00 14.37 346.48 210.89 0.64 ----- ----- ----- 14.75 ----- ----- 15.39 14.10 13.71 346.46 210.62 0.64 ----- ---- ---- 14.04 ----- ----- 14.68 14.20 13.13 346.45 210.37 0.64 ----- ----- ----- 13.38 ----- ----- 14.01 14.30 12.63 346.44 210.15 0.63 ----- ----- ----- 12.78 ----- ---- 13.41 14.40 12.24 346.43 209.95 0.63 ----- ----- ----- 12.26 ----- ----- 12.90 14.50 11.91 346.43 209.79 0.63 ----- ----- ----- 11.83 ---- ----- 12.46 14.60 11.65 346.42 209.65 0.63 ----- ----- ----- 11.47 ----- ----- 12.10 14.70 11.41 346.41 209.54 0.63 ----- ----- ----- 11.17 ----- ----- 11.80 14.80 11.18 346.41 209.44 0.63 ---- ----- ----- 10.90 ----- ----- 11.53 14.90 10.96 346.40 209.35 0.63 ----- ----- ---- 10.66 ----- ----- 11.29 15.00 10.73 346.40 209.26 0.63 ----- ----- ---- 10.42 ----- ----- 11.05 15.10 10.50 346.40 209.16 0.63 ----- ----- ----- 10.22 ----- ----- 10.85 15.20 10.27 346.39 209.07 0.63 ----- ----- ----- 10.01 ----- ----- 10.63 15.30 10.04 346.39 208.97 0.63 ----- ----- ----- 9.79 ----- ---- 10.41 Continues on next page... Routed 100 year Hydrograph Discharge Table Page 2 Time Inflow Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Outflow (hrs) cfs ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 15.40 9.81 346.38 208.87 0.63 ----- ---- ----- 9.56 ----- ----- 10.19 15.50 9.58 346.38 208.76 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 9.33 ---- ----- 9.96 15.60 9.36 346.37 208.66 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 9.11 ---- ----- 9.73 15.70 9.13 346.37 208.56 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 8.88 ----- ----- 9.50 15.80 8.89 346.36 208.45 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 8.65 ----- ----- 9.27 15.90 8.66 346.36 208.35 0.62 ----- ----- ---- 8.42 ----- ----- 9.04 16.00 8.43 346.35 208.25 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 8.19 ----- ----- 8.81 16.10 8.21 346.35 208.14 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 7.96 ----- ----- 8.58 16.20 8.00 346.34 208.04 0.62 ----- ---- ----- 7.74 ----- ---- 8.36 16.30 7.83 346.34 207.95 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 7.53 ----- ----- 8.15 16.40 7.69 346.34 207.87 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 7.35 ----- ----- 7.97 16.50 7.57 346.33 207.79 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 7.19 ----- ----- 7.81 16.60 7.47 346.33 207.73 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 7.06 ----- ----- 7.68 16.70 7.39 346.33 207.68 0.62 ----- ----- ---- 6.94 ---- ----- 7.56 16.80 7.31 346.32 207.64 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 6.84 ----- ----- 7.46 16.90 7.23 346.32 207.60 0.62 ----- ---- ----- 6.75 ----- ----- 7.37 17.00 7.14 346.32 207.56 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 6.67 ----- ----- 7.28 17.10 7.06 346.32 207.52 0.62 ----- ----- ---- 6.58 ----- ----- 7.20 17.20 6.98 346.32 207.48 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 6.50 ----- ----- 7.12 17.30 6.90 346.32 207.44 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 6.42 ----- ----- 7.03 17.40 6.82 346.31 207.41 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 6.34 ----- ----- 6.95 17.50 fi.73 346.31 207.37 0.62 ----- ---- ----- 6.25 ----- ----- 6.87 17.60 6.65 346.31 207.33 0.62 ----- ----- ----- 6.17 ----- ---- 6.79 17.70 6.57 346.31 207.30 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 6.09 ----- ----- 6.70 17.80 6.49 346.31 207.26 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 6.01 ----- ----- 6.62 17.90 6.40 346.31 207.22 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 5.93 ----- ----- 6.54 18.00 6.32 346.30 207.18 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 5.84 ----- ---- 6.46 18.10 6.24 346.30 207.15 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 5.76 ----- ----- 6.37 18.20 6.16 346.30 207.11 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 5.68 ----- ----- 6.29 18.30 6.07 346.30 207.07 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 5.61 ----- ----- 6.22 18.40 5.99 346.30 207.03 0.61 ----- ---- ----- 5.54 ----- ----- 6.15 18.50 5.91 346.29 206.98 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 5.46 ---- ----- 6.07 18.60 5.82 346.29 206.94 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 5.38 ----- ----- 5.99 18.70 5.74 346.29 206.89 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 5.30 ----- ----- 5.91 18.80 5.66 346.29 206.84 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 5.22 ----- ----- 5.83 18.90 5.58 346.29 206.79 0.61 ----_ ____ ____ 5.14 ----- ----- 5.75 19.00 5.49 346.28 206.74 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 5.06 ----- ----- 5.67 19.10 5.41 346.28 206.69 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.97 ----- ----- 5.59 19.20 5.33 346.28 206.65 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.89 ----- ----- 5.50 19.30 5.24 346.28 206.60 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.81 ----- ----- 5.42 19.40 5.16 346.27 206.55 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.73 ----- ----- 5.34 19.50 5.08 346.27 206.50 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.64 ----- ----- 5.25 19.60 4.99 346.27 206.45 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.56 ----- ----- 5.17 19.70 4.91 346.27 206.40 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.48 ----- ----- 5.09 19.80 4.83 346.27 206.35 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.39 ----- ----- 5.00 19.90 4.74 346.26 206.30 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.31 ---- ----- 4.92 20.00 4.66 346.26 206.25 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.23 ----- ----- 4.84 20.10 4.58 346.26 206.20 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.14 ----- ----- 4.75 20.20 4.50 346.26 206.16 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 4.07 ----- ----- 4.67 Continues on next page... Routed 100 year Hydrograph Discharge Table Page 3 Time Inflow Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Outflow (hrs) cfs ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 20.30 4.45 346.25 206.11 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.99 ----- ----- 4.60 20.40 4.40 346.25 206.07 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.92 ----- ----- 4.53 20.50 4.37 346.25 206.04 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.87 ----- ----- 4.48 20.60 4.35 346.25 206.02 0.61 ----- ---- ----- 3.83 ----- ----- 4.43 20.70 4.33 346.25 205.99 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.79 ----- ----- 4.40 20.80 4.31 346.25 205.98 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.76 ----- ----- 4.37 20.90 4.30 346.25 205.96 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.74 ----- ----- 4.34 21.00 4.28 346.25 205.95 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.72 ----- ----- 4.32 21.10 4.27 346.25 205.94 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.70 ----- ----- 4.30 21.20 4.25 346.25 205.93 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.68 ----- ----- 4.29 21.30 4.23 346.25 205.92 0.61 ----- ----- ---- 3.66 ----- ----- 4.27 21.40 4.22 346.24 205.91 0.61 ----- ---- ----- 3.65 ----- ----- 4.25 21.50 4.20 346.24 205.90 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.63 ----- ----- 4.24 21.60 4.18 346.24 205.89 0.61 ---- ----- ----- 3.61 ---- ----- 4.22 21.70 4.17 346.24 205.88 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.60 ----- ----- 4.20 21.80 4.15 346.24 205.87 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.58 ----- ----- 4.19 21.90 4.13 346.24 205.86 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.56 ----- ----- 4.17 22.00 4.12 346.24 205.85 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.55 ----- ----- 4.15 22.10 4.10 346.24 205.84 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.53 ----- ----- 4.14 22.20 4.09 346.24 205.83 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.52 ----- ----- 4.12 22.30 4.07 346.24 205.82 0.61 ----- ----- ----- 3.50 ----- ---- 4.10 22.40 4.05 346.24 205.81 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.48 ----- ----- 4.09 22.50 4.04 346.24 205.80 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.47 ----- ----- 4.07 22.60 4:02 346.24 205.79 0.60 ---- ----- ----- 3.45 ----- ----- 4.05 22.70 4.00 346.24 205.78 0.60 ---- ----- ----- 3.43 ----- ----- 4.04 22.80 3.99 346.24 205.77 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.42 ----- ----- 4.02 22.90 3.97 346.24 205.76 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.40 ----- ----- 4.01 23.00 3.95 346.24 205.75 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.38 ----- ----- 3.99 23.10 3.94 346.24 205.74 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.37 ----- ----- 3.97 23.20 3.92 346.24 205.73 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.35 ----- ----- 3.96 23.30 3.90 346.24 205.72 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.34 ----- ----- 3.94 23.40 3.89 346.24 205.71 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.32 ----- ----- 3.92 23.50 3.87 346.24 205.71 0.60 ----- ---- ----- 3.30 ----- ----- 3.91 23.60 3.86 346.24 205.70 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.29 ----- ----- 3.89 23.70 3.84 346.23 205.69 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.27 ----- ----- 3.87 23.80 3.82 346.23 205.68 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.25 ---- ----- 3.86 23.90 3.81 346.23 205.67 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.24 ----- ----- 3.84 24.00 3.79 346.23 205.66 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.22 ----- ----- 3.82 24.10 3.46 346.23 205.61 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.15 ----- ----- 3.75 24.20 2.83 346.22 205.48 0.60 ----- ----- ---- 2.92 ---- ----- 3.52 24.30 1.88 346.21 205.22 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.47 ----- ----- 3.08 24.40 1.13 346.20 204.85 0.60 ----- ----- ----- 1.93 ---- ----- 2.53 End 12 -Reservoir - 100 Yr - Qp = 218.34 cfs 250 -- - - ------ 200 -- - ----- cn 150 -- _ __ C~ 10 0 - - ------_ __ __ __ - 50 -- --------- 0 _ - - 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (hrs) Hyd. 11 Hyd. 12 1~2 -Reservoir - 100 Yr -Max. EI. = 348.38 ft 350. 347. 345. ...~ a~ w 343. 341. 339. Time (hrs) 0 5 10 15 20 25 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABULATION PIPE PIPE PIPE STRUCTURE ELEVATIONS STRUCT. STRUCT. AREA, 0-10, CUMUL. DIA., LENGTH, SLOPE, VEL., NUMBER TYPE ACRES CF$ CFS IN. FT % FPS TOC/TOP INV. IN INV. OUT EX CB CB - - •• • •• ••• • •• •• •• 378.50 373.30 373.20 21.21 24 118.38 1.00 8.~ 216 CB 0.74 3.33 ••• • •• ••• • •• • ••• 377.05 372.02 371.82 24.54 24 169.71 2.37 12.0 215 CB 0.58 2.61 • • • • • • • • • • • 372.05 367.80 367.60 27.15 24 170.18 3.99 15.0 214 CB 0.83 3.83 °••••• • • •••• ••••••••• ••••••• •• • •••• 365.05 360.80 360.60 30.98 24 170.06 4.12 15.7 213 CB 0.73 3.51 ••••••• •••••• •••••••••• •••••••••• •• 357.85 353.60 348.91 34.49 24 24.50 2.65 13.3 212 CB 1.02 4.59 ••••••••• •••••• •••••••••• ••••• •• •••• 357.85 348.26 347.76 39.08 30 183.67 1.50 11.3 209 CB 0.39 1.76 ••••••••• •••••• •••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••• 350.19 345.20 345.00 40.84 30 58.95 1.27 9.7 208 CB 0.10 0.45 ••••••• • • •• • • ••• •• •• ••••• • •• ••• 350.72 344.25 343.86 42.55 36 231.86 0.50 7.6 207 CB 0.15 0.68 • • • • • • • • • • • • 349.15 342.70 342.70 43.23 36 32.50 0.50 7.7 206 CB 0.87 3.92 •••••• • • •• • • •••••• •• •••• •• •• ••• 349.15 342.54 342.54 47.15 36 112.45 0.50 7.5 205 CB 0.61 2.75 •• •• • • •••••• • ••• •••••• •• ••• 351.98 341.98 341.98 49.90 36 32.50 0.50 7~4 204 CB 0.54 2.43 • • • •• •••• •••• 351.98 341.82 341.04 203 END - - 52.33 ......... 36 ...... 94.30 .......... 1.10 .......... 10.8 ........ - - 340.00 2~0 CB 0.61 2.75 •• •• • • •••••••••• •• 375.02 - 370.08 2.75 15 284.20 4.44 8.7 219 CB 0.61 2.75 ••••••••• •••••• •••••••••• •••••••••• •• 361.60 357.25 357.25 5.50 15 32.50 1.02 5.9 218 CB 0.34 1.53 • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ 3 361.60 356.92 344.75 217 END - - 703 ......... 15 ...... 8 58 .......... 150 .......... 7 3 ........ - - 343.50 221 CB 0.23 1.04 •• • • •• •••• ••• •• 345.02 - 340.52 1.04 15 2384 1.01 3~9 221 CB 0.27 1.22 •• ••• • • ••• •••• •• ••• • •• ••• 345.02 340.31 340.11 2 ~26 15 106.78 5.63 7.5 223 FES - - ......... ...... .................... ........ - - 334.50 ..... .... ....... .... ..... 211 CB 0.18 0.81 •••• ••• ••••• •••• 350.02 - 345.02 0.81 15 32.50 u.52 3.0 210 CB 0.10 0.45 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 350.02 344.85 340.58 1.26 15 30.03 0.50 3.2 202 FES - - ........................................... - - 340.43 NOTE: 1. VALUES BASED UPON RATIONAL FORMULA; 10 MIN. TIME OF CONC., RAINFALL INTENSITY (I) ~ 7.50 IN/HR, RUNOFF FACTOR (C) -• 0.9 FOR PAVEMENT & (C) ~ 0.3 FOR GRASS, (C) - 0.60 FOR 3 DWEWNGS PER ACRE, AREA (A) ~ VARIES 2 ALL STORM DRAIN PIPE SHALL BE CLASS III RCP RIP RAP APRON TABLE Q-10 VEL. PIPE D50 Omin APRON LENGTH WIDTH, FT WIDTH, FT STRUCT. CFS FPS DIA., IN INCH INCH CLASS THICKNESS, IN. FEET ®PIPE ®END SD223 1.22 6.43 15 5 3 A 9 5 4 9. SD203 52.33 10.8 36 8 5 B 18 24 9 33 SD 217 7.03 7.3 !` 8 5 B 18 8 4 12 SD202 1.26 3.2 15 5 3 A 9 5 4 9 Upchurch Farms Residential Subdivision July 1 1, 2007 Maintenance & Operation Manual for Permanent Wet Detention Basin These procedures establish methods for maintenance and operation of the wet detention basin, to be constructed in conjunction with the development of the Upchurch Farms subdivision according to plans prepared by Rice & Associates and revised to follow current phasing and revisions. After every rainfall event or at least monthly the following maintenance activities shall be performed per the foregoing standards. The basin shall be inspected for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. Check and clear orifice for any obstructions so that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days. Vegetation -The wet basin embankments and slopes that will have a ground cover of fescue, which if properly maintained, will prevent erosion of the embankment and provide an easy surface for inspection. The grass will be most difficult to maintain in the area subject to water level fluctuation. Grass should be fertilized every October and April. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. Re-Seeding -Periodic re-seeding may be required to establish grass on areas where seed did not take or has been destroyed. Before seeding, fertilizer (12-12-12) should be applied at a minimum rate of 12 to 15 pounds per 1,000 SF. The seed should be evenly sown at a rate of three pounds per 1,000 SF. The seed should be covered with soil to the depth of approximately '/a". Immediately following the planting, the area should be mulched with straw. Mowing -Grass mowing, brush cutting and removal of weed vegetation will be necessary for the proper maintenance of the embankments and slopes. Grass should be mowed when the grass exceeds 6" in height. Acceptable methods include the use of weed whips or power brush cutters and mowers. Erosion -Erosion occurs when the water concentrates causing failure of the vegetation or when vegetation dies and sets up the environment for rill erosion and eventually gullies from the stormwater runoff. The basin should be inspected for these areas. Proper care of vegetative areas that develop erosion is required to prevent more serious damage to the site. Rills and gullies should be filled with suitable soil, compacted, and then seeded. Methods described earlier on vegetation should be used to properly establish the grass surface. Where eroded areas are detected, the cause of the erosion should be addressed to prevent a continued maintenance problem. Frequently, problems result from the concentration of runoff to one point of the basin instead of a uniform distribution of runoff. This can be corrected by reshaping to more evenly distribute the runoff to areas not experiencing erosion problems. Rodent Contro/- Rodents such as ground hogs, muskrats and moles are attracted to moist, wet areas and can be quite dangerous to structural integrity and proper performance of the earthwork and drainage. Groundhogs and muskrats thrive on burrowing into the manmade earthwork, which become pathways for seepage. In the event that burrows are detected within the wetland area, the rodents should be dealt with by removal. Trash & Debris -Trash acts as a barrier to stormwater infiltration and attracts unwanted pests. The basin should be kept clear of debris such as loose bottles, cans, food containers and other forms of rubbish. The basin should be checked for debris after every storm event and cleared as needed. MAINTENANCE OF STORM DRAIN SYSTEM AND OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE /nspection of Out/et Structure -The outlet structure should be inspected thoroughly once a year, including the joints. Pipes should be inspected for proper alignment (sagging), elongation and displacement at joints, cracks, leaks, surface wear, loss of protective coating, corrosion and blocking. Problems with outlet structures most often occur at joints and special attention should be given to them during inspection. Joints should be checked for gaps caused by elongation or settlement and loss of joint filler material. Open joints can permit erosion of the earthwork and possibly the piping of soil material through the joints. A depression in the soil surface over the pipe may be a sign that soil is being removed from around the pipe. /nspection of Storm Drain System -The storm drain collection system (catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) shall be inspected thoroughly quarterly to maintain proper functioning. /nspection ofLeve/Spreaders- Level spreaders shall be maintained every six months. All accumulated sediment and debris shall be removed from the structure, and a level elevation shall be maintained across the entire flow spreading structure. Any down gradient erosion must be repaired or replanted as necessary. OPERATION Drain Pipes -Drainpipes should always be operable so that the water can be drawn down in events of a severe rain or for repairs or maintenance. Operation of the basin should include recording of the following: Semi=Annua//nspection Reports - A collection of written inspection reports should be kept on record. Inspection should be conducted semi-annually. Copies should be provided to Mr. John Dorney, Wetlands/401 Unit, Raleigh Regional Office, NCDENR. Observations -All observations should be recorded. Where periodic inspections are performed following significant rainfall events, these inspections should be logged. Maintenance -Written records of maintenance and/or repairs should be recorded. OtherOperationa/Procedures -The owner should maintain a complete and up-to-date set of plans (as-built drawings) and all changes made to the wetlands over time should be recorded on the as-builts. Sedimentation and Dredging -Sedimentation from on-site and off-site soils will eventually result in the clogging of drainage pipes and reduction of storage and functional capacity. Sedimentation that occurs will have to be removed. Sediment should be removed after twelve inches of deposition, which results in the reduction of the permanent pool depth to a depth of 4 feet. In addition to the general deposition measurements and sediment removal, specific attention should be addressed to the outfalls of the two storm-drainage pipes located on the western edge of the permanent wet detention basin. These outfalls do not receive any pretreatment through the fore bay and are more susceptible to deposition of sediments. These areas must be evaluated annually to determine if sedimentation has occurred and if removal of deposits is necessary. The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. Ensuring that disturbed areas are stabilized with vegetative ground cover will restrain erosive forces, thereby allowing for the frequency of sediment removal to be reduced. This would include a periodic application of fertilizer and other treatment necessary to promote a stable ground cover and minimize sedimentation to the pond. The removed material should be hauled offsite to a suitable spoil site and disposed of in accordance with local, state, and federal rules and regulations. Responsible Parties: Mercury Development 5660 Six Forks Road Suite 202 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 861-5299 Person(s) or firm(s~ financially responsible I, hereby acknowledge that I am the financially responsible party for maintenance of the storm water detention basin. I will perform the maintenance as outlined above for this project. Signature: Date: I, , a Notary Public for the State of North Carolina, county of ,do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day of , 2002 and acknowledge due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. Sea I My commission expires Person(s) or firm(s) responsible for maintenance I, hereby acknowledge that I am the responsible party for maintenance of the storm water detention basin. I will perform the maintenance as outlined above for this project. Signature: I, Date: a Notary Public for the State of North Carolina, county of ,do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day of , 2002 and acknowledge due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. Seal My commission expires DATA FORM: ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION l1QS27 ('(lF. WPtlanrlc ileterminatinn Mannall Project#/Site: BSC #01-036 Upchurch Farms Date: 07/03/2007 Applicant/Owner: Mike Jones, Mercury Development County: Wake Investigator: Marco Hilhorst State: North Carolina Do normal circumstances exist on the site? Yes ® No ^ Community ID: Up Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical situation)? Yes ^ No ® Transect ID: Is the area a potential problem area? (explain on reverse) Yes ^ No ® Plot ID: F,GF.TATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Rhus co allinum shrub/sap NI 9. 2. uercus alba tree FACU 10. 3. Pinus taeda shrub/sap FAC 11. 4. Parthenocissus uin ue olia vine FAC 12. 5. Li uidambar s raci ua shrub/sap FAC+ 13. 6. Smilax rotundi olia vine FAC 14. 7. 15. g. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (Excluding FAC-) 80 Remarks: YDROLOGY Recorded Data ^No ^ Yes (Describe in Remarks): ^ Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Wetland Hydrology Indicators Prima Indicators: Secondar Indicators: ^ Aerial Photography ^ Inundated ^ Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12" ^ Other ^ Saturated Upper 12" ^ Water Stained Leaves Field Observations: ^ Water Marks ^ Local Soil Survey Data Depth of Surface Water: (in.) ^ Drift Lines ^FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Free Water in Pit: (in.) ^ Sediment Deposits ^ Other (Explain in Remarks) Depth to Saturated Soil: (in.) ^ Draina a Patterns Remarks: No indicators of Hydrology present c~ri c Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Drainage Class: Taxonomy (Sub roup): Confirmed Ma T e? Yes ^ No Profile Description: Depth Matrix Colors Mottle Colo rs Mottle Texture, Structure, (Inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) (Abundance/Contrast) Concretions, etc. 0 to 14 a l0yr 7/6 loam Hydric Soil Indicators: ^ Histisol ^ Reducing Conditions ^ High Organic Content in Surface Layer Sandy Soils ^ Histic Epipedon ^ Gleyed or Low Chroma Colors ^ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils ^ Sulfidic Odor ^ Concretions ^ Listed on Local Hydric soils List ^ A uic Moisture Re ime ^ Other (Ex lain in Remarks) ^ Listed on National H dric Soils List Remarks: No indicators of hydric soils present WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ® No ^ Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ^ No ® Is the Sample Plot Within a Wetland? Yes ^ No H dric Soils Present? Yes ^ No Remarks: DATA FORM: ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 C'nF, Wetlands Determination Manuall Project#/Site: BSC #O1-036 Upchurch Farms Date: 07/03/2007 Applicant/Owner: Mike Jones, Mercury Development County: Wake Investigator: Marco Hilhorst State: North Carolina Do normal circumstances exist on the site? Yes ® No ^ Community ID: Wet Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical situation)? Yes ^ No ® Transect ID: Is the area a potential problem area? (explain on reverse) Yes ^ No ® Plot ID: VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. uercus hellos tree FACW- 9. 2. Betula ni ra tree FACW 10. 3. Juncus s herb 11. 4. Carex s . herb 12. 5. Poa s herb 13. 6. Acer rubrum shrub/sap FAC l4. 7. Smilax rotundi olia vine FAC 15. 8. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (Excluding FAC-) 100 Remarks: [YDROLOGY Recorded Data ®No ^ Yes (Describe in Remarks): ^ Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Wetland Hydrology Indicators Prima Indicators: Secondar Indicators: ^ Aerial Photography ^ Inundated ^ Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12" ^ Other ® Saturated Upper 12" ^ Water Stained Leaves Field Observations: ® Water Marks ^ Local Soil Survey Data Depth of Surface Water: (in.) ® Drift Lines ^FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Free Water in Pit: (in.) ® Sediment Deposits ^ Other (Explain in Remarks) De th to Saturated Soil: I 1 (in.) ^ Draina a Patterns Remarks: cnir .c Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Drainage Class: Taxonomy (Sub roup): Confirmed Map Ty e? Yes ^ No Profile Description: Depth Matrix Colors Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Structure, (Inches) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moi st) (Abundance/Contrast) Concretions, etc. 0 to 5 a SY 7/2 7.SY 5/8 Common Distinct silty sand 5 to 14 6 lOYR 6/1 1 OYR 5/8 Common Distinct sandy silt Hydric Soil Indicators: ^ Histisol ®Reducing Conditions ^ High Organic Content in Surface Layer Sandy Soils ^ Histic Epipedon ®Gleyed or Low Chroma Colors ^ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils ^ Sulfidic Odor ^ Concretions ^ Listed on Local Hydric soils List ^ A uic Moisture Re ime ^ Other (Ex lain in Remarks) ^ Listed on National H dric Soils List Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ® No ^ Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ® No ^ Is the Sample Plot Within a Wetland? Yes ® No ^ H dric Soils Present? Yes ® No ^ Remarks: T .. ° ~F'. ' I td, _ . f~ t~*` ~.~. .xs~ '~ ~, 1 ?' f +~ Photo 3 -BMP Pond, looking southwest from overflow slope Photo 1 -BMP pond, looking west from wetland Photo 4 -Pre-treatment area, looking north from road Photo 2 - 15" Storm drainage pipe Photo 7 -Wetland, looking southeast from road Photo 5 -Wetland, looking east from road Photo 6 -Overflow slope, looking east from road