HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-2822 BPAT MCCRORY GOVERNOR � M���. � � -e,�:, �- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTN�NT OF TRANSPORTATION October 8, 2013 Memorandum to: Meeting Attendees From: Wilson Stroud, Project Development Engineer Project Development and Environmental Analysis Un' ANTHONY 1. TATA SECRETARY Subject: NC 143, from West Buffalo Creek to NC 143 Business West of Robbinsville, Graham County, WBS Element 34508.1.1, STIP Project R-2822 B A CP2A Merger meeting was held for STIP Project R-2822 B on May 8, 2013 in the NCDOT Structure Design Conference Room. The meeting began at 2:00 p.m. and ended at approximately 3:45 p.m. Representatives of the following agencies were present (the sign- in sheet is attached): • NCDOT- PDEA, Transportation Planning Branch, Roadway Design Unit, Traffic Safety Unit, Hydraulics Unit, Structures Management Unit, and Division 14 • FH WA • USEPA • USFS • USACE • USFWS • NCWRC • NCDWQ • Southwestern RPO • Brookfield Smoky Mountain Hydroelectric Project • EA Engineering, Science, and Technology Below is a summary of the items discussed: • Highway Safety Analysis is underway - anticipated completion in October 2013; results will be presented in EA • Brookfield Smoky Mountain Hydroelectric Project - further coordination with Brookfield required for FERC license modification • Protected species - consultation with USFWS and USFS for Indiana bat and bald eagle will be performed after CP 3 • One National Register-eligible archaeological site (31GH227), located on adjacent USFS and EBCI lands; further consultation with SHPO, THPO, and USFS will be performed after CP3 • Design speed is now 45 mph rather than 35 mph • Sulfide-bearing rock is not present in Alternative 1 or Alternative 4 alignments based upon 2001 NCDOT tests • Sulfide-bearing rock is not anticipated in the Alternative 2 alignment MAILING ADDRESS: Te�epHONe: 919-707-6000 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-250-4224 CENTURY CENTER, BUILDINGA PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS WEBSITE: 1000 BIRCH RIDGE DRIVE 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER HTTPS://CONNECT.NCDOT.GOV/RESOURCES/ENV/RON RALEIGH NC 27610 R.4�eiGH NC 27699-1548 MENTAUPAGES/DEFAULT.ASPX • Requested that NCDOT differentiate between car and motorcycle crash rates in the EA; see additional information below: 0 44 of the 59 crashes reported from 6-1-09 to 5-31-12 involved motorcycles (75%) 0 46 of the 76 vehicles involved in reported crashes were motorcycles (61%) • USFWS and NCWRC expressed concern that the project could result in an increase in vehicle speeds and an increase in the number of accidents along NC 143 • USFS impacts will be in separate section of EA • EBCI resources - will consult FHWA with regard to the documentation of impacts • Verify Indiana bat survey dates • Southwestern RPO - Graham County Commissioners have adopted two resolutions against Alternative 2; EA should address impacts to the human environment resulting from Alternative 2 • Impacts of section of NC 143 bypassed by Alternative 2- if improved - should be included in the EA; this segment of NC 143 will not be improved as part of the project • Concern for water quality with respect to potential impacts to sulfide-bearing rock is a huge issue with EPA right now; concern that 10-year old data from sampling may not be sufficient; depth of cut will be a factor; EPA has done research on this subject and will provide that information to NCDOT; requested that information about potential impacts to sulfide-bearing rock be included in the EA; provide information about contingency plans if sulfide-bearing rock is encountered during construction. • Share EPA's forthcoming information with the Merger team regarding sulfide-bearing rock, provide more information about the 2001 sampling conducted along existing NC 143, and provide information on why no additional testing will be performed for Alternative 2 • USFS does not allow placement of excavated material on USFS property unless there are extenuating circumstances • Hooper Branch Crossing: o USFWS requested consideration of a bottomless culvert; questioned size of proposed culvert given narrow channel width o NCDWQ requested that benching be investigated o USACE noted that flow rate information is helpful during permit review; asked for preconstruction versus post-construction flow rates o NCWRC requested that continued fish passage be provided o NCDOT/Hydraulics noted that no bedrock was observed; suggested that the CP2A form be revised to remove proposed culvert details POST-MEETING: USEPA provided information pertaining to pyritic rock (05/28/13) - attached NCDWQ expressed concern with the potential for pyritic rock in the project area (06/17/13); requested a copy of the Geotechnical Report (2001 testing) and justification for not performing testing for pyritic rock on Alternative 2 07/18/13 letter (attached)- NCDOT provided results of hot rock testing performed in 2001 to NCDWQ (the 23 samples taken produced results that were not hot); stated there is low potential for hot rock on Alternative 2; stated hot rock does not present itself as a vital factor that favor the selection of one alternative over another; noted additional testing for acidic rock will be performed for the new location segment of Alternative 2 if selected as LEDPA Page 2 of 3 CP2A Concurrence - Concurrence was reached on the proposed drainage structures as presented in Table 5 of Merger Package. The CP2A form was revised removing details for the proposed box culvert at Hooper Branch. The CP2A form was sent to the team members for their signatures on 05/09/13. Concurrence received from all team members except USFWS and THPO. The CP2A form and USFS concurrence letter are attached. JWS Attachments: Sign-in sheet Resolution #2 from Graham County Commissioners (5-1-13) Pyritic rock information provided by USEPA DWQ letter (6-17-13) NCDOT response to DWQ with attachments (7-18-13) Revised CP2A concurrence form USFS CP2A concurrence letter (5-9-13) Figure 7 (April 2013) Page 3 of 3