HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000408_30_Graham City Council Meeting Minutes - 9-4-07 - with Engineering Agreement_20211011112 square foot. We will try to keep the price up as high as possible and the way to achieve this is to have a more luxurious home inside, with additional features. Council Member Talley stated that with the Hanford Villas project Mr. Euliss had the opportunity to meet with neighbors that had concerns and address these concerns and change his project as a result and get a better product. Council Member Talley asked Mr. Burke if he knew about the petition before now, he stated he did not. Council Member Talley suggested Mr. Burke table this item to give him time to talk with the neighbors and maybe come up with some compromises that will improve the project. After further discussion Mayor Peterman moved to adjourn this public hearing until the October 2, 2007 Council Meeting and to be first on the agenda, motion seconded by Council Member Talley. Aye; Mayor Peterman, Council Member Talley, Council Member Cheek, and Mayor Pro Tem Linens. No; Council Member Albright, motion carries. Mayor Peterman asked that Item 11-C on the Consent Agenda be removed for discussion. Council Member Cheek moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: A. Final Plat —Phase Two Riverwalk. B. First United Methodist Church request that Market Street be closed between Main Street and Marshall Street on Saturday, October 20, 2007 for the annual fall festival. D. Approval of minutes for: Regular Meeting —August 7, 2007. Motion seconded by Council Member Albright, all voted aye. C. Tax releases. Mayor Peterman and Council Member Talley commended Cary Allred for his efforts in raising the homestead exemption. Mayor Peterman moved to approve the tax releases, seconded by Council Member Cheek, all voted Lye, Franz K. Holt, Alley, Williams, Carmen & King , addressed Council to amend the contract for City Engineering Administration Services. Mr. Holt asked the Council to consider changing the provision to allow Alley, Williams, Carmen & King to do some private work in the City of Graham. This would be on a case by case, or time to time basis. We have done private work in the City for forty years. There is a change in the amendment that would allow us to do this at the discretion of the City. Mayor Peterman asked Staff if we would have to acquire another firm to oversee this firm. City Manager stated that is correct. Item #11 in the Agreement addresses the "Conflict of Interest'. Originally a contract was approved for city engineering administrative services with Alley, Williams, Carmen & King in June 2003. Under that contract AWCK was not allowed to do private engineering work in Graham unless it was a client that they had 113 1' previously worked for and by getting the city's approval they could continue to do work for ° them. The way Item #11 is written now, AWCK could do private work in Graham and if they did, the City would hire another engineering firm to review their work on a specific project. l City Manager stated the only other change is Exhibit "A" where it designates Mark Reich as the City Engineer. Mark has always done an outstanding job on his projects and also representing the City. We have no problem with this change. Staff recommends this change. Council Member Talley asked if the rate per our has changed. Mr. Holt stated it has since 2003. City Manager compared some of the prices and Mr. Holt said it would be around 2 to 5 percent per year. City Manager stated Mr. Ward reviewed the agreement and changed some of the wording, there were no big changes made. Council Member Talley feels that you cannot serve two masters and would prefer to have all their loyalty to us. There is a reason they have this conflict of interest provision in the Agreement, I just don't want developers to think that if they use AWCK, that they are the City's engineer and they will probably get their project passed. With my position on the Council I feel you need to keep things separate, I'm against our city engineer taking jobs in Graham. I feel AWCK's reputation has always been above board. Someone might perceive it to be a gray area or a conflict when there really isn't. I just feel that the City Engineer needs to be the City Engineer and because he is willing to get the contract and get all the work from the City I feel he needs to recuse himself from doing work in that area. Council Member Albright moved to approve the amended contract with AWCK for City Engineering Administration Services, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Linens, Aye; Mayor Peterman, Mayor Pro Tern Linens, and Council Member Albright. No; Council Member Cheek, and Council Member Talley, motion carries. City Manager reviewed the following Capital Project Ordinance: CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE WASTEWATER TREATMENT DE -CHLORINATION PROCESS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAHAM, NORTH CAROLINA, that pursuant to Section 13.2, Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the following Capital Project Ordinance is hereby adopted: Section 1. The Project authorized is Wastewater Treatment De -Chlorination Process Section 2. The officials of the City of Graham are hereby directed to proceed with this program within the terms of the project. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ALAMANCE CONTRACT FOR CITY ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF GRAHAM THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 2007, by and between the City of Graham, a North Carolina Municipal Corporation (hereinafter called the "City") and Alley, Williams, Carmen & King, Inc., a North Carolina Corporation located in Burlington, North Carolina (hereinafter called "the Engineer"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City is actively implementing water, wastewater, street, stormwater and environmental engineering activities for the benefit of the community; and WHEREAS, the Engineer has expertise in providing City Engineering Administrative Services; and WHEREAS, the City and the Engineer desire to establish a definitive scope for providing Engineering Administrative services for the City of Graham: NOW THEREFORE, the City and the Engineer agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES: The Engineer agrees to provide and perform for and on behalf of the City all of those services stipulated in the Scope of Services attached to this contract as Exhibit "A", of which are hereby incorporated as a part of this contract as if fully set forth herein. The City agrees to perform in a timely manner all the necessary and usual obligations of a City that are required to support implementation of the Town Engineering activities and to support the Engineer in the carrying out of the Scope of Services. The term of this agreement is for the period , 2007 through June 30, 2008, unless earlier terminated as herein provided. This agreement can be extended on an annual basis by mutual consent of the parties. 2. COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES: In the provision of the aforementioned services, which are described in Exhibit "A", the Engineer shall receive compensation on an Hourly Charge Rate basis (included in Exhibit `B") for the actual time expended on City services.- This fee shall be paid to the Engineer in accordance with Section 3 below Any different or additional Scope of Services approved and authorized by the City in advance shall be compensated when authorized in accordance with the terms agreed to by both parties in a formally executed Contract Addendum. 1 3. METHOD OF PAYMENT: By the first (1 st) day of each month, the Engineer shall prepare and submit to the City an invoice statement for services rendered during the previous calendar month. The invoice shall include a description of actual services performed, hours of service rendered, the rate for each service, the monthly total for service and the cumulative total to date in comparison with the annual not -to -exceed fee. The City shall compensate the Engineer for services satisfactorily performed within fourteen (14) days of the date of said invoice statement. Fees for services outside the scope of this agreement shall be billed and paid in accordance with the Schedule of Fees included in Exhibit `B" which is attached hereto. 4. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT FOR CAUSE: If the Engineer shall fail to fulfill in a timely, professional and proper manner all obligations under this contract, or should the Engineer violate any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations of this contract, the City shall have the right to terminate this contract immediately by giving written notice to the Engineer of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof at least twenty-one (21) days before the effective date of such termination. In a like manner, if the City shall fail to fulfill in a timely, professional and proper manner all obligations under this contract, or should the City violate any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations of this contract, the Engineer shall have the right to terminate this contract immediately by giving written notice to the City of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof at least twenty-one (21) days before the effective date of such termination. In such event, all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs and reports prepared by the Engineer under this contract shall, at the option of the City, become the property of the City and the Engineer shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any work satisfactorily completed pursuant to this contract. However, the City shall not be obligated to pay any remaining charges for work satisfactorily completed where there exists a right in favor of the City for refund, reimbursement or offset in connection with any obligations arising from the Engineer to the City. 5. INSURANCE: Throughout the term of this agreement the Engineer shall provide and maintain the following insurance coverages: (a) Workman's Compensation Insurance and other insurance required by law. (b) Comprehensive General Liability and Property Damage Insurance in an amount of no less than $1,000,000 combined single limits, naming the City as an additional insured. (c) Errors and Omissions coverage in an amount of no less than $1,000,000. 6. LEGAL REMEDIES: The Engineer shall not be relieved of any liability to the City for damages sustained by the City by virtue of any breach of this contract by the Engineer. 2 7. CHANGES: The City may, from time to time, request changes in the Scope of Services of the Engineer to be performed hereunder. Such changes, including any increase or decrease in the amount of the Engineer's compensation which may be mutually agreed upon between the City and the Engineer, shall be incorporated in written amendments to this contract after appropriate authorization as called for in Section 2 of this contract. 8. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: The Engineer shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on account of race, color, religion, sex or national origin or because of handicapping condition or Vietnam Era Veteran status. The Engineer shall take affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunity with respect to all of its employment practices. 9. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This is the entire agreement between the parties and there are no terms, conditions, representations or warranties relating to the work to be performed hereunder which are not specifically set forth herein. 10. REPORTS AND INFORMATION: The Engineer, at such times and in such manner as the City may require, shall furnish the City such periodic reports as it may request pertaining to the work or services undertaken pursuant to this contract, the cost and obligations incurred or to be incurred in connection therewith, and any other matters covered by this contract. 11. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: The Engineer covenants and agrees that during the term of this agreement, the Engineer shall not provide professional engineering or land development design to any private client on any parcel of property located within the territorial and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City, except that this provision may be waived on a case by case basis by the City when requested by the Engineer. The Engineer shall submit all such requests for waivers in writing to the City, the City Manager/or his designee shall grant all such waivers except in those instances where the City Manager deems it to be in the best interest of the City to submit any such request for a waiver to the City Council for consideration of approval. In those instances where the City grants a waiver of conflict, the City shall retain the services of another engineer to review the work of the Engineer to eliminate any potential conflict of interest resulting from such exemption. Furthermore, during the term of this agreement, the Engineer shall be responsible for immediately revealing to the City any potential conflicts of interest that might arise. 12. LIMITATIONS OF LIBILITY: The Engineer may be reviewing the plans and work of other engineers, architects, surveyors, and contractors during the normal course of providing administrative services. As a result of such reviews, inspections, and administrative activities, the Engineer is not liable for any errors, omissions, construction deficiencies or construction repairs for work done by such other engineers, architects, surveyors, and contractors. K, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF GRAHAM BY: ATTEST: (SEAL) ALLEY, WILLIAMS, CARMEN, & KING, INC. BY: ATTEST: 11 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES Engineering Administration Services A. GENERAL SERVICES The Engineer will perform professional, technical and administrative work as the City Engineer. Generally, the Engineer will aid in administering land development construction activities within the City. Close coordination with the City staff and elected officials is required. The Engineer will serve under the general supervision of the City Clerk. Any disputes and conflict resolution between the Engineer and the City (personnel or department policy) will be mediated by the City Mayor. More specifically, the Engineer will: 1. Provide a person to officially serve as the City Engineer. At a minimum, this person must hold a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering, must be registered as a Professional Engineer (P.E.) in the State of North Carolina and must have at least ten years civil engineering experience. The City shall approve such appointment and any future reappointments. Mark Reich, P.E. is initially designated as the City Engineer and Mark Averette, P.E. will serve in his absence. 2. Provide adequate professional and non-professional staff to carry out the duties described herein under the direction of the City Engineer. A flexible selection of support staff of engineers, technicians, inspectors and administrators with a wide range of duties, responsibilities and initiatives are to be provided to carry out these activities. 3. Assist in the Development, implementation and management of Engineering Administration Services annual operating budget. 4. Assist with the City's multi -year Street Improvement (repaving) program. 5. Advise the City of known compliance issues relating to compliance to applicable local, state and federal environmental laws and regulations. 6. Provide engineering review of all development plans submitted to the City and provide written comments in regard to engineering issues. 7. Coordinate local, state and federal permitting for land development projects (site plans and subdivisions) to be obtained by others. 8. Inspect land development projects for compliance with submitted plans (when requested by the City). Inspection services frequency will be based on the projects under construction. Provide final signoffs to the building inspector on site development projects. E 9. Participate in the development of short and long range plans for infrastructure and facilities improvements including, but not limited to, Capital Improvement Plan, Water Supply Plan, Stormwater Plan, Water Distribution Plan, and Sewer Collection Plan. (Note: under this contract, services will be provided in the form of support staff; overall management of these studies and plans will be the responsibility of the City) 10. Monitor and analyze various technical reports for regulatory compliance as deemed necessary and within the realm of expertise of the firm. 11. Attend regularly scheduled staff level Plan Review Committee meetings (when requested). 12. Perform computer -aided drafting, mapping, plotting, printing and archiving as needed to carry out the duties described herein. 13. Attend the monthly meetings of the City Council and provide a monthly activity report( when requested). 14. Attend and make presentations to various boards and citizen groups as necessary and provide visual aids when requested. 15. Attend City Staff meetings when requested. 16. Provide technical assistance to other City departments when requested. 17. Prepare plans, specifications, and estimates for smaller scale projects not requiring public bidding for construction (when requested). 18. Maintain effective working relationships with City officials, consultants, contractors, land developers and the residents and business owners. 19. Receive and act upon citizen complaints that are of an engineering nature regarding ongoing projects and establish a complaint record of such when requested. B. EXCLUDED SERVICES Items not included in this scope of services include published document printing (e.g., manuals, plans, newsletters), sign construction and installation, City stationary, property posting signs, newspaper notices, postage on behalf of the City, and legal services necessary for the implementation of the services provided. Furthermore, services involving management and supervision of day-to-day public works operations are not included. n C. SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES In the event that special projects or supplemental services are undertaken which are mutually determined to fall outside the scope of services of this contract, the hourly rates on the rate schedule included in this scope of services will become the basis upon which any special project would be compensated. Furthermore, engineering design, construction plan preparation and contract administration related to specific City water, wastewater, stormwater, street, sidewalk, or similar projects are not included in the above fee, but may be added by Addendum as provided for in Paragraph 2. 7