HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000795_Fact Sheet_20211013 Fact Sheet for Renewal October 2021 -- NPDES Permit NC0000795 Page 1 DEQ / DWR / NPDES EXPEDITED FACT SHEET - NPDES PERMIT RENEWAL NPDES Permit NC0000795 Joe R. Corporon, P.G., Compliance & Expedited Permitting Unit / 919-807-6394 13Oct2021 Table 1 - Facility Information Applicant/Facility Name Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals, LLC / Greensboro 1 Terminal Applicant Address 6907 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27409 Facility Address 6907 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27409 Permitted Flow (MGD) not limited Type of Waste 100% Industrial, stormwater in proximity to fuel bulk storage Facility Class PC-1 County Guilford Permit Status Renewal Regional Office WSRO Stream Characteristics Receiving Stream UT to East Fork Deep River Stream Class: WS-IV; * Stream Segment 17-2-(0.3) Drainage Basin Cape Fear River Basin Summer 7Q10 (cfs) 0.0 Hydrological Unit [HUC] 03-06-08 30300030102 Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 0.0 Use Support Impaired (Cat. 4): Fish Tissue Hg; Fecal Coliform 30Q2 (cfs) 0.0 303(d) Listed Average Flow (cfs) 0.0 State Grid C19SW IWC (%) 100% USGS Topo Quad Guilford, NC Facility Summary - Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals, LLC / Greensboro 1 Terminal is a minor industrial facility (flow <1 MGD) operating an existing Surface-Water Pollution Control System for stormwater in proximity to above-ground storage tanks (ASTs) with surface bulk-storage of petroleum hydrocarbon fuels and ethanol exceeding one million gallons [exempt from NC Stormwater Rules]. This facility utilizes: • diked areas (secondary containment of ASTs and piping) • truck loading-rack drains routed to a 10,000-gallon oil/water separator with hydrocarbon sensor (contents pumped to settling pond) • lined settling pond (with outfall) • effluent pumps and totalizing flow meter (also an emergency 12” discharge pipe for gravity release only if necessary) • discharge control valve, manually operated, normally closed [a point-source discharge]. Receiving Stream – Outfall 001 discharges to an unnamed tributary (UT) to East Fork Deep River [Segment 17-2-(0.3)], a waterbody currently classified WS-IV; * located within hydrological unit 03-06-08 [HUC: 030300030102] of the Cape Fear River Basin. The stream segment [17-2-(0.3)b] is listed as impaired (Cat. 4): for Fish Tissue, Hg, and Fecal Coliform. The stream segment begins at its source extending downstream to a point 0.4 miles upstream of Guilford County Road SR 1541. Compliance History -- According to BIMS, this facility received no permit violations during the previous permit cycle. Fact Sheet for Renewal October 2021 -- NPDES NC0000795 Page 2 Reasonable Potential Analyses (RPA) – The need for toxicant limits is based upon an evaluation of reasonable potential to exceed surface water-quality standards (SWQS). The RPA is a statistical evaluation utilizing a minimum three (3)-year database of the most recently reported effluent data [40 CFR 122.44 (d) (i)]. This procedure utilizes: 1. 95% Confidence Level / 95% probability 2. an assumption of background-zero metals concentrations 3. use of ½ detection limit for “less than” values; and 4. streamflows to consider dilution [15A NCAC 2B.0206] and 5. dissolved metals criteria, effective April 6, 2016 [see permit Section A. (4.)]. RPA Monitor Only – Monthly vs. Quarterly. Although this facility’s parameters of concern (POCs) are dictated by historical storage of hydrocarbon fuels, many POCs were not detected during sampling and analysis. Therefore, their recent effluent databases did not show reasonable potential. These POCs include Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene, MTBE and Total Recoverable Phenolics. However, DWR considers two POCs (not detected) to be less threating to the environment; these are MTBE [a fuel additive, no longer used] and Total Recoverable Phenolics [an esthetic (organoleptic) parameter]. DWR hereby reduces the monitoring frequencies for these two (See RPA) from Monthly to Quarterly [see permit Section A. (1.)]. The remaining POCs (listed above) will remain at the Monthly frequency (no permit limit), as they are deemed significant to ongoing facility operations considering the number of regularly reported discharges (see Table 4). Table 2 Monitoring Data Summary – Effluent (Sep2018 – Jul2021) [45 Months] Parameter Max Min Average Count Units 00556 - Oil & Grease 18.9 5.15 6.01 30 mg/l 22417 - Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether <1 <1 <1 12 µg/l 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverable 40 40 40 30 µg/l 34010 - Toluene <1 <1 <1 30 µg/l 34030 – Benzene <1 <1 <1 30 µg/l 34371 - Ethylbenzene <1 <1 <1 30 µg/l 34696 - Naphthalene <5 <5 <5 30 µg/l 00070 - Turbidity 24 2.68 7.8 30 mg/L 81551 – Total Xylenes <3 <3 <3 30 µg/l CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended 25 <2.5 7.5 30 mg/l Table 3 – ANNUAL FLOWS in MGD (Jan2018 – Jul2021) = 4 ½ years. Year Maximum Flow Minimum Flow Average Flow Number of Discharges 2018 0.097 0.0485 0.070 91 2019 0.099 0.038 0.104 125 2020 0.305 0.041 0.082 162 2021 0.119 0.0001 0.092 99 Fact Sheet for Renewal October 2021 -- NPDES NC0000795 Page 3 Table 4 – MONTHLY FLOWS - Database Sep2018-Jun2021 To facilitate a reasonable potential analysis (RPA) required by EPA, DWR documents the highest reported monthly average flow as conservative to protect the environment. 2018 Average Flow Number of Discharges Per Month (episodic) MGD n Sep 0.094 15 Oct 0.079 22 Nov 0.066 25 Dec 0.056 29 2019 Average Flow Number of Discharges Per Month (episodic) MGD n Jan 0.056 30 Feb 0.132 17 Mar 0.109 2 Apr 0.140* 9 May No flow Jun 0.150 13 Jul 0.100 13 Aug 0.097 6 Sep 0.125 3 Oct No flow Nov 0.084 13 Dec 0.112 19 2020 Average Flow Number of Discharges Per Month (episodic) MGD Jan 0.0098 17 Feb 0.115 17 Mar No flow Apr 0.075 8 May 0.091 17 Jun 0.092 22 Jul No flow Aug 0.086 12 Sep 0.078 13 Oct 0.073 15 Nov 0.056 15 Dec 0.058 26 2021 Average Flow Number of Discharges Jan 0.076 13 Feb 0.079 20 Mar 0.113 13 Apr 0.118 8 May 0.071 21 Jun 0.108 24 * Highest Monthly Average [as required by EPA] during the last thirty-four (34) month period = 0.140 MGD (Apr2019). This figure is used to evaluate reasonable potential to exceed SWQ standards [See RPAEPA]. Fact Sheet for Renewal October 2021 -- NPDES NC0000795 Page 4 Changes from the Previous Permit: For renewal, DWR has made the following changes: • added pH monitoring, per EPA guidelines • increased the monitoring frequency for WET-testing from Annually to Quarterly. Rationale for Increased WET-Testing - During the previous permit cycle, DWR judged “Annual” WET-testing insufficiently frequent to protect surface water quality and is currently revising monitoring frequencies in all NPDES permits statewide. Therefore, this renewal reflects an episodic discharge Quarterly, Acute, using Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas), [TAE6C] as 24-hr definitive, LC-50 >100%. Current Acute WET test data demonstrates no toxicity issues, annual “pass” years 2019, 2020, and 2021 [See BIMS monitoring data]. This facility combines stormwater with potential product-contact wastewaters herein judged a complex wastestream discharging episodically to a local ditch under zero-flow receiving-stream conditions, 7Q10 and 30Q2 = 0.0 cfs (IWC = 100%). Acute WET testing @ 90% effluent concentration is therefore deemed appropriate to adequately evaluate end-of-pipe short-term impacts of episodic discharges, conducted. [REF Memo: Coleen Sullins, Director, DWR, 1999]. Proposed Schedule for Permit Issuance: Public Notice (estimated): October 26, 2021 Issuance (estimated): December 3, 2021 Effective Date (estimated): January 1, 2021 NPDES DIVISION CONTACT If you have questions regarding any of the above or the attached permit, please contact Joe R. Corporon, P.G., email preferred [joe.corporon@ncdenr.gov]. NAME: _____ DATE: 13OCT2021 NPDES Implementation of Instream Dissolved Metals Standards – Freshwater Standards The NC 2007-2015 Water Quality Standard (WQS) Triennial Review was approved by the NC Environmental Management Commission (EMC) on November 13, 2014. The US EPA subsequently approved the WQS revisions on April 6, 2016, with some exceptions. Therefore, metal limits in draft permits out to public notice after April 6, 2016 must be calculated to protect the new standards - as approved. Fact Sheet for Renewal October 2021 -- NPDES NC0000795 Page 5 Table 5. NC Dissolved Metals Water Quality Standards/Aquatic Life Protection Parameter Acute FW, µg/l (Dissolved) Chronic FW, µg/l (Dissolved) Acute SW, µg/l (Dissolved) Chronic SW, µg/l (Dissolved) Arsenic 340 150 69 36 Beryllium 65 6.5 --- --- Cadmium Calculation Calculation 40 8.8 Chromium III Calculation Calculation --- --- Chromium VI 16 11 1100 50 Copper Calculation Calculation 4.8 3.1 Lead Calculation Calculation 210 8.1 Nickel Calculation Calculation 74 8.2 Silver Calculation 0.06 1.9 0.1 Zinc Calculation Calculation 90 81 Table 5 Notes: 1. FW= Freshwater, SW= Saltwater 2. Calculation = Hardness dependent standard 3. Only the aquatic life standards listed above are expressed in dissolved form. Aquatic life standards for Mercury and selenium are still expressed as Total Recoverable Metals due to bioaccumulative concerns (as are all human health standards for all metals). It is still necessary to evaluate total recoverable aquatic life and human health standards listed in 15A NCAC 2B.0200 (e.g., arsenic at 10 µg/l for human health protection; cyanide at 5 µg/L and fluoride at 1.8 mg/L for aquatic life protection). Table 6. Dissolved Freshwater Standards for Hardness-Dependent Metals The Water Effects Ratio (WER) is equal to one unless determined otherwise under 15A NCAC 02B .0211 Subparagraph (11)(d) Metal NC Dissolved Standard, µg/l Cadmium, Acute WER*{1.136672-[ln hardness](0.041838)} ∙ e^{0.9151 [ln hardness]-3.1485} Cadmium, Acute Trout waters WER*{1.136672-[ln hardness](0.041838)} ∙ e^{0.9151[ln hardness]-3.6236} Cadmium, Chronic WER*{1.101672-[ln hardness](0.041838)} ∙ e^{0.7998[ln hardness]-4.4451} Chromium III, Acute WER*0.316 ∙ e^{0.8190[ln hardness]+3.7256} Chromium III, Chronic WER*0.860 ∙ e^{0.8190[ln hardness]+0.6848} Copper, Acute WER*0.960 ∙ e^{0.9422[ln hardness]-1.700} Copper, Chronic WER*0.960 ∙ e^{0.8545[ln hardness]-1.702} Lead, Acute WER*{1.46203-[ln hardness](0.145712)} ∙ e^{1.273[ln hardness]-1.460} Lead, Chronic WER*{1.46203-[ln hardness](0.145712)} ∙ e^{1.273[ln hardness]-4.705} Nickel, Acute WER*0.998 ∙ e^{0.8460[ln hardness]+2.255} Nickel, Chronic WER*0.997 ∙ e^{0.8460[ln hardness]+0.0584} Silver, Acute WER*0.85 ∙ e^{1.72[ln hardness]-6.59} Silver, Chronic Not applicable Zinc, Acute WER*0.978 ∙ e^{0.8473[ln hardness]+0.884} Fact Sheet for Renewal October 2021 -- NPDES NC0000795 Page 6 Zinc, Chronic WER*0.986 ∙ e^{0.8473[ln hardness]+0.884} General Information on the Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA) The RPA process itself did not change as the result of the new metals standards. However, application of the dissolved and hardness-dependent standards requires additional consideration in order to establish the numeric standard for each metal of concern of each individual discharge. The hardness-based standards require some knowledge of the effluent and instream (upstream) hardness and so must be calculated case-by-case for each discharge. Metals limits must be expressed as ‘total recoverable’ metals in accordance with 40 CFR 122.45(c). The discharge-specific standards must be converted to the equivalent total values for use in the RPA calculations. We will generally rely on default translator values developed for each metal (more on that below), but it is also possible to consider case-specific translators developed in accordance with established methodology. RPA Permitting Guidance/WQBELs for Hardness-Dependent Metals - Freshwater The RPA is designed to predict the maximum likely effluent concentrations for each metal of concern, based on recent effluent data, and calculate the allowable effluent concentrations, based on applicable standards and the critical low-flow values for the receiving stream. If the maximum predicted value is greater than the maximum allowed value (chronic or acute), the discharge has reasonable potential to exceed the standard, which warrants a permit limit in most cases. If monitoring for a particular pollutant indicates that the pollutant is not present (i.e. consistently below detection level), then the Division may remove the monitoring requirement in the reissued permit. 1. To perform a RPA on the Freshwater hardness-dependent metals the Permit Writer compiles the following information: • Critical low flow of the receiving stream, 7Q10 (the spreadsheet automatically calculates the 1Q10 using the formula 1Q10 = 0.843 (s7Q10, cfs) 0.993 • Effluent hardness and upstream hardness, site-specific data is preferred • Permitted flow • Receiving stream classification 2. In order to establish the numeric standard for each hardness-dependent metal of concern and for each individual discharge, the Permit Writer must first determine what effluent and instream (upstream) hardness values to use in the equations. The permit writer reviews DMR’s, Effluent Pollutant Scans, and Toxicity Test results for any hardness data and contacts the Permittee to see if any additional data is available for instream hardness values, upstream of the discharge. If no hardness data is available, the permit writer may choose to do an initial evaluation using a default hardness of 25 mg/L (CaCO3 or (Ca + Mg)). Minimum and maximum limits on the hardness value used for water quality calculations are 25 mg/L and 400 mg/L, respectively. Fact Sheet for Renewal October 2021 -- NPDES NC0000795 Page 7 If the use of a default hardness value results in a hardness-dependent metal showing reasonable potential, the permit writer contacts the Permittee and requests 5 site-specific effluent and upstream hardness samples over a period of one week. The RPA is rerun using the new data. The overall hardness value used in the water quality calculations is calculated as follows: Combined Hardness (chronic) = (Permitted Flow, cfs *Avg. Effluent Hardness, mg/L) x (s7Q10, cfs *Avg. Upstream Hardness, mg/L) (Permitted Flow, cfs + s7Q10, cfs) The Combined Hardness for acute is the same but the calculation uses the 1Q10 flow. 3. The permit writer converts the numeric standard for each metal of concern to a total recoverable metal, using the EPA Default Partition Coefficients (DPCs) or site-specific translators, if any have been developed using federally approved methodology. 4. The numeric standard for each metal of concern is divided by the default partition coefficient (or site-specific translator) to obtain a Total Recoverable Metal at ambient conditions. In some cases, where an EPA default partition coefficient translator does not exist (ie. silver), the dissolved numeric standard for each metal of concern is divided by the EPA conversion factor to obtain a Total Recoverable Metal at ambient conditions. This method presumes that the metal is dissolved to the same extent as it was during EPA’s criteria development for metals. For more information on conversion factors see the June, 1996 EPA Translator Guidance Document. 5. The RPA spreadsheet uses a mass balance equation to determine the total allowable concentration (permit limits) for each pollutant using the following equation: Ca = (s7Q10 + Qw) (Cwqs) – (s7Q10) (Cb) EPA default partition coefficients or the “Fraction Dissolved” converts the valu e for dissolved metal at laboratory conditions to total recoverable metal at in-stream ambient conditions. This factor is calculated using the linear partition coefficients found in The Metals Translator: Guidance for Calculating a Total Recoverable Permi t Limit from a Dissolved Criterion (EPA 823-B-96-007, June 1996) and the equation: _Cdiss__ = _______1_______________ Ctotal 1 + { [Kpo] [ss(1+a)] [10-6] } Where: ss = in-stream suspended solids concentration [mg/l], minimum of 10 mg/L used, and Kpo and a = constants that express the equilibrium relationship between dissolved and adsorbed forms of metals. A list of constants used for each hardness-dependent metal can also be found in the RPA program under a sheet labeled DPCs. Fact Sheet for Renewal October 2021 -- NPDES NC0000795 Page 8 Qw Where: Ca = allowable effluent concentration (µg/L or mg/L) Cwqs = NC Water Quality Standard or federal criteria (µg/L or mg/L) Cb = background concentration: assume zero for all toxicants except NH3* (µg/L or mg/L) Qw = permitted effluent flow (cfs, match s7Q10) s7Q10 = summer low flow used to protect aquatic life from chronic toxicity and human health through the consumption of water, fish, and shellfish from noncarcinogens (cfs) * Discussions are on-going with EPA on how best to address background concentrations Flows other than s7Q10 may be incorporated as applicable: 1Q10 = used in the equation to protect aquatic life from acute toxicity QA = used in the equation to protect human health through the consumption of water, fish, and shellfish from carcinogens 30Q2 = used in the equation to protect aesthetic quality 6. The permit writer enters the most recent 2-3 years of effluent data for each pollutant of concern. Data entered must have been taken within four and one-half years prior to the date of the permit application (40 CFR 122.21). The RPA spreadsheet estimates the 95th percentile upper concentration of each pollutant. The Predicted Max concentrations are compared to the Total allowable concentrations to determine if a permit limit is necessary. If the predicted max exceeds the acute or chronic Total allowable concentrations, the discharge is considered to show reasonable potential to violate the water quality standard, and a permit limit (Total allowable concentration) is included in the permit in accordance with the U.S. EPA Technical Support Document for Water Quality-Based Toxics Control published in 1991. 7. When appropriate, permit writers develop facility specific compliance schedules in accordance with the EPA Headquarters Memo dated May 10, 2007 from James Hanlon to Alexis Strauss on 40 CFR 122.47 Compliance Schedule Requirements. 8. The Total Chromium NC WQS was removed and replaced with trivalent chromium and hexavalent chromium Water Quality Standards. As a cost savings measure, total chromium data results may be used as a conservative surrogate in cases where there are no analytical results based on chromium III or VI. In these cases, the projected maximum concentration (95th %) for total chromium will be compared against water quality standards for chromium III and chromium VI. 9. Effluent hardness sampling and instream hardness sampling, upstream of the discharge, are inserted into all permits with facilities monitoring for hardness-dependent metals to ensure the accuracy of the permit limits and to build a more robust hardness dataset. 10. Hardness and flow values used in the Reasonable Potential Analysis for this permit included: Table 7 - Parameter Value Comments (Data Source) Average Effluent Hardness (mg/L) [Total as, CaCO3 or (Ca+Mg)] N/A No Metals Monitoring Fact Sheet for Renewal October 2021 -- NPDES NC0000795 Page 9 Average Upstream Hardness (mg/L) [Total as, CaCO3 or (Ca+Mg)] N/A No Metals Monitoring 7Q10 summer (cfs) N/A No Metals Monitoring 1Q10 (cfs) N/A No Metals Monitoring Permitted Flow (MGD) 0.0 No Metals Monitoring EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NCD000825547 NC0000795 KMST-Greensboro 1 Terminal OMB No.2040-0004 U.S.Environmental Protection Agency Form 48EPA Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION 1.ACTIVITIES REQUIRING AN NPDES PERMIT(40 CFR 122.21(f)and(f)(1)) 1.1 Applicants Not Required to Submit Form 1 Is the facility a new or existing publicly owned Is the facility a new or existing treatment works 1.1.1 treatment works? 1.1.2 treating domestic sewage? If yes,STOP.Do NOT complete ® No If yes, STOP.Do NOT 71 No Form 1.Complete Form 2A. complete Form 1.Complete Form 2S. 1 1.2 Applicants to Submit Form 1Required 1.2.1 Is the facility a concentrated animal feeding 1.2.2 Is the facility an existing manufacturing, E operation or a concentrated aquatic animal commercial,mining,or silvicultural facility that is n production facility? currently discharging process wastewater? w 0 Yes 4 Complete Form 1 l No Yes 4 Complete Form 0 No in a and Form 2B. 1 and Form 2C. c1.2.3 Is the facility a new manufacturing,commercial, 1.2.4 Is the facility a new or existing manufacturing, 0 mining,or silvicultural facility that has not yet commercial, mining,or silvicultural facility that c commenced to discharge? discharges only nonprocess wastewater? cr Yes 4 Complete Form 1 D No Yes 4 Complete Form No a and Form 2D. Q1 andFoForm 2E. 4:: 1.2.5 Is the facility a new or existing facility whose 0 Et El5dischargeiscomposedentirelyofstormwater E a associated with industrial activity or whose EGU18 2021dischargeiscomposedofbothstormwaterandnon-stormwater? Yes 4Complete Form 1 No NCDQ/pWR/NPDESandForm2F unless exempted by 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(x)or b 15 . SECTION 2. NAME,MAILING ADDRESS,AND LOCATION (40 CFR 122.21(f)(2)) 2.1 Facility Name Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals(KMST),LLC-Greensboro Terminal 1 0 2.2 EPA Identification Number Uo NCD000825547 a ra 2.3 Facility Contact w Name(first and last) Title Phone number Gordon Terhune 770)457-2507 Q a) Email address c Fi gordon_terhune@kindermorgan.com 6 2.4 Facility Mailing Address EcoStreet or P.O.box z 4064 Winters Chapel Road City or town State ZIP code Doraville Georgia 30360 EPA Form 3510-1(revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NCD000825547 NC0000795 KMST-Greensboro 1 Terminal OMB No.2040-0004 v;2.5 Facility Location Street,route number,or other specific identifier B o 6907 West Market Street c 0 County name County code(if known) 73 Guilford 0 E - City or town State ZIP code z Greensboro North Carolina 27409 SECTION 3. SIC AND NAICS CODES(40 CFR 122.21(f)(3)) 3.1 SIC Code(s) Description(optional) 4226 Special Warehousing and Storage,Not Elsewhere Classified a> 0 U U z 3.2 NAICS Code(s) Description(optional) m 493190 Other Warehousing and Storage U Cl) 4SECTION4.OPERATOR INFORMATION(40 CFR 122.21(f)( )) 4.1 Name of Operator Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals(KMST),LLC 0 4.2 Is the name you listed in Item 4.1 also the owner? nz 0 Yes No 4.3 Operator Status Public—federal 0 Public—state Other public(specify) o Private Other(specify) 4.4 Phone Number of Operator 336)855-4460 4.5 Operator Address o Street or P.O.Box Co E 6907 West Market Street City or town State ZIP code 0 0 Greensboro North Carolina 27409 roV fl Email address of operator demond_cushingberry@kindermorgan.com SECTION 5.INDIAN LAND(40 CFR 122.21(f)(5)) 5.1 Is the facility located on Indian Land? C 0 Yes No EPA Form 3510-1(revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NCD000825547 NC0000795 KMST-Greensboro 1 Terminal OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION 6. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS(40 CFR 122.21(f)(6)) 6.1 Existing Environmental Permits(check all that apply and print or type the corresponding permit number for each) NPDES(discharges to surface 0 RCRA(hazardous wastes) UIC(underground injection of N water) fluids) w NC0000795 a PSD(air emissions) Nonattainment program(CM)NESHAPs(CM) rn w 0 Ocean dumping(MPRSA)Dredge or fill(CWA Section 404) Other(specify) Air Title V 04739T21 SECTION 7. MAP(40 CFR 122.21(f)(7)) 7.1 Have you attached a topographic map containing all required information to this application?(See instructions for specific requirements.) Yes El No 0 CAFO—Not Applicable(See requirements in Form 2B.) SECTION 8.NATURE OF BUSINESS(40 CFR 122.21(f)(8)) 8.1 Describe the nature of your business. This is a bulk petroleum storage and distribution facility for gasoline,diesel,kerosene/jet fuel that includes butane blending operations. The terminal receives gasoline,diesel and jet fuel via pipeline and ethanol and butane via truck on an intermittent basis and at certain times of the year,blends butane into the product as it is piped to the loadingcum rack.The terminal stores petroleum products for customers and operates a loading rack that loads the petroleum products onto transport trucks for distribution. Kinder Morgan does not own the product stored in the tanks. SECTION 9.COOLING WATER INTAKE STRUCTURES(40 CFR 122.21(f)(9)) 9.1 Does your facility use cooling water? L Yes 0 No 4 SKIP to Item 10.1. 9.2 Identify the source of cooling water.(Note that facilities that use a cooling water intake structure as described at 40 CFR 125,Subparts I and J may have additional application requirements at 40 CFR 122.21(r).Consult with yourca NPDES permitting authority to determine what specific information needs to be submitted and when.) O Yp U c SECTION 10.VARIANCE REQUESTS(40 CFR 122.21(f)(10)) 10.1 Do you intend to request or renew one or more of the variances authorized at 40 CFR 122.21(m)?(Check all that apply.Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what information needs to be submitted and when.) Fundamentally different factors(CWA Water quality related effluent limitations(CWA Section ee Section 301(n)) 302(b)(2)) Non-conventional pollutants(CWA Thermal discharges(CWA Section 316(a)) r: Section 301(c)and(g)) E Not applicable EPA Form 3510-1(revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NCD000825547 NC0000795 KMST-Greensboro 1Terminal OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION 11.CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT(40 CFR 122.22(a)and (d)) 11.1 In Column 1 below,mark the sections of Form 1 that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section,specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority.Note that not all applicants are required to provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 0 Section 1:Activities Requiring an NPDES Permit w/attachments El Section 2:Name, Mailing Address,and Location w/attachments 0 Section 3:SIC Codes 0 w/attachments El Section 4:Operator Information w/attachments 0 Section 5: Indian Land w/attachments C 0 Section 6:Existing Environmental Permits Elw/attachments E 0 w/topographic 0 Section 7:Map map w/additional attachments cn o ElSection 8:Nature of Business w/attachments w El Section 9:Cooling Water Intake Structures w/attachments 0 El Section 10:Variance Requests w/attachments c N tEl Section 11:Checklist and Certification Statement w/attachments 32. 0 11.2 Certification Statement U l certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name(print or type first and last name) Official title Operations Manager not nc& cncJai1 Signature Date signed c,114000.7 S 13/21 Click to go back to the beginning of Form EPA Form 3510-1(revised 3-19) i'u9='1 DRAINAGE AREAS TO OUTFALL 001• TRUCK LOADING RACK TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA:1.22 ACRES N cA.dl;rl El:m TRUCK LOADING RACK TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA:1.22 ACRES r/ cb CONTAINMENT DIKE TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA:7.52 ACRES ' CONTAINMENT DIKE IMPERVIOUS AREA:7.52 ACRES TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA TO OUTFALL 001:8.74 ACRES E, b' 4,;:,, TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA:8.74 ACRES nr, 1' ti 7 P SST. x ' VDYr I C o SITE BOUNDARY DonaHeidHun cessr,A aK o TRUCK LOADING RACK y,IQ I'v } Wustttn i r,.nlfcrd I I o TANK DIKED CONTAINMENT i OUTFALL 001 14 LAT:36°4'35.4"N a n LONG:-79°55'41.52"W i FLOWS TO UNNAMED TRIBUTARY p a OF EAST FORK DEEP RIVER c• Ip a T._ti I g O 4 0 i yo,./.,1_.....„_------:_ N. L,m . i. I VI E6 s ca h A',RD i o 8Cf<HIVI}n. r:: 0 2,000 4,000 E FEET) 3 REFERENCE: s I_.J Tank Containment Dike Area Y GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM THE ESRI ONLINE USGS NATIONAL TOPOGRAPHIC g BASEMAR THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS 41 - 0„ _ Truck Loading Rack Area E. DISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED.THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION, 3 w Property Boundary r UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. E z7 0 SCALE: FIGURE NO. 010111 0 SITE MAP 1 ., = 2,000 DATE: III KINDER MORGAN SOUTHEAST TERMINALS - GREENSBORO I TERMINAL 2-27-21 1 6907 WEST MARKET STREET PROJECT NUMBER GREENSBORO, GUILFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 211299C • 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No.2040-0004 NCD000825547 NC0000795 KMST-Greensboro 1 Terminal U.S.Environmental Protection Agency FORM Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater 2E EPA WHICHMINING, FACILITIESNPDESMANUFACTURING,COMMERCIAL, AND SILVICULTURAL DISCHARGE ONLY NONPROCESS WASTEWATER SECTION 1.OUTFALL LOCATION(40 CFR 122.21(h)(1)) 1.1 Provide information on each of the facility's outfalls in the table below. o Outfall Receiving Water Name Latitude Longitude Number J 001 UT to East Fork Deep River 36° 4' 35.4' N 79° 55' 41.52" W ya 0 0 o SECTION 2.DISCHARGE DATE(40 CFR 122.21(h)(2)) w 2.1 Are you a new or existing discharger?(Check only one response.) ET New discharger Existing discharger-4 SKIP to Section 3. N o 2.2 Specify your anticipated discharge date: 0 SECTION 3.WASTE TYPES(40 CFR 122.21(h)(3)) 3.1 What types of wastes are currently being discharged if you are an existing discharger or will be discharged if you are a new discharger?(Check all that apply.) Sanitary wastes 0 Other nonprocess wastewater(describe/explain Restaurant or cafeteria waste directly below) Stormwater in Dikes and in truck loading racks n 0 Non-contact cooling water I- 3.2 Does the facility use cooling water additives? al to Yes No 4 SKIP to Section 4. 3.3 List the cooling water additives used and describe their composition. Cooling Water Additives Composition of Additives list) if available to you) SECTION 4.EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS(40 CFR 122.21(h)(4)) 4.1 Have you completed monitoring for all parameters in the table below at each of your outfalls and attached the results to this application package? El Yes No;a waiver has been requested from my NPDES permitting authority attach waiver request and additional information) -3 SKIP to Section 5. 4.2 Provide data as requested in the table below.1 (See instructions for specifics.) w Number of Maximum Daily Average Daily Source H Parameter or Pollutant Analyses Discharge Discharge (use codes if actual data specify units) specify units) per u reported) Mass Conc. Mass Conc. instructions) f6 co Biochemical oxygen demand(BOD5) 1 2.7 mg/L v Total suspended solids(TSS) 41 42 mg/L 9.62 mgi c c Oil and grease 41 18.9 mg/L 3.19 mg/ w Ammonia(as N) 1 0.10 mg/L Discharge flow 59 0.3046 MGD pH(report as range) 1 6.34 S.U. Temperature(winter) 1 9.1 C Temperature(summer) I Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e.,methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or 0.See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2E(revised 3-19) Page 1 1 i EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NCD000825547 NC0000795 KMST-Greensboro 1 Terminal OMB No.2040-0004 4.3 Is fecal coliform believed present,or is sanitary waste discharged(or will it be discharged)? Yes No 4 SKIP to Item 4.5. 4.4 Provide data as requested in the table below.1 (See instructions for specifics.) Number of Maximum Daily Average Daily Source Parameter or Pollutant Analyses Discharge Discharge (Use codes if actual data specify units) specify units) per reported) Mass Conc. Mass Conc. Instructions.) Fecal coliform d E. coli 0 Enterococci 0 4.5 Is chlorine used(or will it be used)? U w 0 Yes No 4SKIP to Item 4.7. n 4.6 Provide data as requested in the table below.1(See instructions for specifics.) 7 Number of Maximum Daily Average Daily Source o Parameter or Pollutant Analyses Discharge Discharge (use codes t if actual data specify units) speci units) per U reported) Mass Conc. Mass Conc. instructions) 3 Total Residual Chlorine w 4.7 Is non-contact cooling water discharged(or will it be discharged)? Yes No 4 SKIP to Section 5. 4.8 Provide data as requested in the table below.1 (See instructions for specifics.) Number of Maximum Daily Average Daily Source Parameter or Pollutant Analyses Discharge Discharge (use codes if actual data specify units) specify units) per reported) Mass Conc. Mass Conc. instructions) Chemical oxygen demand(COD) Total organic carbon(TOC) SECTION 5. FLOW(40 CFR 122.21(h)(5)) 5.1 Except for stormwater water runoff, leaks,or spills,are any of the discharges you described in Sections 1 and 3 of this application intermittent or seasonal? Yes 4 Complete this section. No 4 SKIP to Section 6. O 5.2 Briefly describe the frequency and duration of flow. I L SECTION 6.TREATMENT SYSTEM(40 CFR 122.21(h)(6)) 6.1 Briefly describe any treatment system(s)used(or to be used). E Materials come in via pipeline or truck(ethanol/butane)and are unloaded/loaded within a covered loading rack area. rn The storm water runoff in the truck loading rack area is diverted to an oil water separator. The oil is sent to a product c tank and hauled off site for reprocessing at another facility. The water is directed to the onsite settling pond. The E storm water collected in the tank containment dike is also drained to the onsite settling pond and then discharged mthrough Outfall 001. There are no pesticides,herbicides,soil conditioners or fertilizers applied at this facility. L 1— r Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e.,methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or 0.See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). I EPA Form 3510-2E(revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 NC0000825547 NC0000795 MST-Greensboro 1 Terminal OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION 7.OTHER INFORMATION (40 CFR 122.21(h)(7)) 7.1 Use the space below to expand upon any of the above items.Use this space to provide any information you believe the reviewer should consider in establishing permit limitations.Attach additional sheets as needed. 0 Co E 0I-c Q SECTION 8.CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT(40 CFR 122.22(a)and(d)) 8.1 In Column 1 below,mark the sections of Form 2E that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section,specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority.Note that not all applicants are required to provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 El Section 1:Outfall Location El w/attachments(e.g.,responses for additional outfalls) EJI Section 2:Discharge Date w/attachments Section 3:Waste Types w/attachments 0 Section 4: Effluent Characteristics El wl attachments 43 Section 5:Flow w/attachments in El Section 6:Treatment System El w/attachments Section 7:Other Information El w/attachments 0 Section 8:Checklist and Certification Statement El w/attachments 8.2 Certification Statement 0 I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name(print or type first and last5Ny\c\o,‘‘r-Signatname) Official title DAY)S Operations Manager Date signed Click to go back to the beginning of Form EPA Form 3510-2E(revised 3-19) P,;du 3 KINDER MORGAN Delivering Energy to Improve Lives August 12,2021 Wastewater Branch Water Quality Permitting Section Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center RECEIVED Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 J(i 1 8 2021 Subject:Delegation of Signature Authority KMST GREENSBORO 1 TERMINAL NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES NPDES Permit Number NC0000795 To Whom It May Concern: By notice of this letter, I hereby delegate signatory authority to each of the following individuals for all permit applications, discharge monitoring reports, and other information relating to the operations at the subject facility as required by all applicable federal, state, and local environmental agencies specifically with the requirements for signatory authority as specified in 15A NCAC 2B.0506. Individual #1 Individual #2 (if applicable) Name: Duncan Sinclair Title: Manager- Operations 1000 Windward Concourse, Suite 450 Mailing Address: Alpharetta, Ga 30005 Physical Address: if different) Email Address:Duncan_Sinclair@kindermorgan.com Office Phone: 770 - 751 -4116 Mobile Phone: 404 - 630 - 8096 If you have any questions regarding this letter,please feel free to contact me at o — ray erorgan.com or 770-751-4244. Robert E. Gray Manager- Operati s 2101 Gatx Drive Bob_Gray@kindermorgan.com 770-751-4244 610-587-3367 cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office,Water Quality Permitting Section EPA Identification Number NCD000825547 NPDES Permit Number NC0000795 Facility Name KMST - Greensboro 1 Terminal Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Form 2F NPDES PA U.S Environmental Protection Agency Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater STORMWATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY SECTION 1. OUTFALL LOCATION (40 CFR 122.21(g)(1)) 1.1 Outfall Location Provide information on each of the facilit 's outfalls in the table below Outfall Number Receiving Water Name Latitude Longitude 001 UT to East Fork Deep River 36° 4' 35.4" N 79° 55' 41.52" W 11 11 11 SECTION 2. IMPROVEMENTS (40 CFR 122.21(g)(6)) c E 0L E 2.1 Are you presently required by any federal, state, or local authority to meet an implementation schedule for constructing, upgrading, or operating wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs that could affect the discharges described in this application? Yes No 4 SKIP to Section 3. 2.2 Briefly identify each applicable project in the table below. Brief Identification and Description of Project Affected Outfalls list outfall numbers) Source(s) of Discharge Final Compliance Dates Required Projected 2.3 Have you attached sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs (or other environmental projects that may affect your discharges) that you now have underway or planned? (Optional Item) Yes No EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NCD000825547 NPDES Permit Number NC0000795 Facility Name KMST - Greensboro 1 Terminal Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION 3. SITE DRAINAGE MAP (40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(A)) w c: _ R co fQ m c 3.1 Have specific 4 you attached a site drainage map containing all required information to this application? (See instructions for guidance.) Yes • No SECTION 4. POLLUTANT 4.1 SOURCES (40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(B)) cnm to R a Provide information on the facility's pollutant sources in the table below. Outfall Number Impervious Surface Area within a mile radius of the facility) Total Surface Area Drained within a mile radius of the facility) 001 8.74 specify units acres 8.74 specify units acres specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units 4.2 Provide a narrative description of the facility's significant material in the space below. (See instructions for content requirements.) Significant materials including gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, ethanol and butane, have been onsite within the three years prior to this application. The materials have been stored within steel tanks in a diked containment area in a manner to prevent exposure to storm water. Materials come in via pipeline or truck (ethanol/butane) and are unloaded/loaded within a covered loading rack area. The storm water runoff in the truck loading rack area is diverted to an oil water separator. The oil is sent to a product tank and hauled off site for reprocessing at another facility. The water is directed to the onsite settling pond. The storm water collected in the tank containment dike is also drained to the onsite settling pond and then discharged through Outfall 001. There are no pesticides, herbicides, soil conditioners or fertilizers applied at this facility. 4.3 Provide the location and a description of existing structural and non-structural control measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. (See instructions for specific guidance.) Stormwater Treatment Outfall Number Control Measures and Treatment Codes from Exhibit 2F-1 list) 001 Settling Pond (after oil water separator and tank containment dike) 1-U 001 Containment Dike around Material Storage Tanks N/A 001 Roof over Truck Loading Rack N/A 001 Oil Water Separator (after Truck Loading Rack and before Settling Pond) 1-H EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification NCD000825547 SECTI0115. NON 5.1 Number STORMWATER certify under presence of discharges NPDES Permit Number NC0000795 DISCHARGES (40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(C)) penalty of law that the outfall(s) non-stormwater discharges. Moreover, are described in either an accompanying Facility Name KMST - Greensboro 1 Terminal covered by this application have I certify that the outfalls identified NPDES Form 2C, 2D, or 2E application. Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 been tested or evaluated for the as having non-stormwater Name (print or type first and last name) Official title tp Signature Date signed En 5.2 Provide the testing information requested in the table below. 2 N o Outfall Number Description of Testing Method Used Date(s) of Testing Onsite Drainage Points Directly Observed During Test d E L 001 Visual 02/26/2021 Inlet/outlets to pond O co OZ SECTION 6. SIGNIFICANT LEAKS OR SPILLS (40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(D)) 0 Q co LO oasdJ C coVw a Cl) 6.1 Describe any significant leaks or spills of toxic or hazardous pollutants in the last three years. None. SECTION 7. DISCHARGE INFORMATION (40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(E)) o 774 See the complete. instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and, in turn, the tables you must Not all applicants need to complete each table. 8•Yes d 7.1 Is this a new source or new discharge? 4 See instructions regarding submission of estimated data. 0 No 4 See instructions regarding submission of actual data. E Tables A, B, C, and D a 7.2 Have you completed Table A for each outfall? Yes No EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NCD000825547 NPDES Permit Number N C0000795 Facility Name KMST - Greensboro 1 Terminal SECTION 5. NON STORMWATER DISCHARGES (40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(C)) 5.1 5.2 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 I certify under penalty of law that the outfall(s) covered by this application have been tested or evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. Moreover, 1 certify that the outfalls identified as having non-stormwater discharges are described in either an accompanying NPDES Form 2C, 2D, or 2E application. r type first and last nape) Outfall Number 001 Official title itint-Coe/csi Date signed sted in the table below. Visual Date(s) of Testing 02/26/2021 SECTION 6. SIGNIFICANT LEAKS OR SPILLS (40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(D)) imeinat U) Significant Leaks or Spi 6.1 Onsite Drainage Points Directly Observed During Test Inlet/outlets to pond Describe any significant leaks or spills of toxic or hazardous pollutants in the last three years. None. SECTION 7. DISCHARGE INFORMATION (40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(E)) See the instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and, in turn, the tables you must complete. Not all applicants need to complete each table. 7.1 Is this a new source or new discharge? Yes 4 See instructions regarding submission of estimated data. No 14 See instructions regarding submission of actual data. Tables A, B, C, and D 7.2 Have you completed Table A for each outfall? Yes LJ No EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NCD000825547 NPDES Permit Number NC0000795 Facility Name KMST - Greensboro 1 Terminal Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Discharge Information Continued 7.3 Is the facility subject to an effluent limitation guideline wastewater? Yes ELG) or effluent limitations in an NPDES permit for its process 7.5. 0 No 3 SKIP to Item 7.4 Have you completed indirectly in Table B by providing quantitative an ELG and/or (2) subject to effluent limitations data for those pollutants that are in an NPDES permit for the 1) limited either directly or facility's process wastewater? Yes No 7.5 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-2 are present in the discharge? 7.7. Yes No 4 SKIP to Item 7.6 Have you listed provided quantitative all pollutants in Exhibit 2F-2 that you data or an explanation for those know or have reason to believe pollutants in Table C? are present in the discharge and 1 Yes No 7.7 Do you qualify for a small business exemption under Yes 4SKIP to Item 7.18. the criteria specified in the Instructions? 0 No 7.8 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 are present in the discharge? 7.10. Yes No 4 SKIP to Item 7.9 Have you listed Table C? all pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 that you know or have reason to believe are present in the discharge in Yes No 7.10 Do you expect any of the pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 to be discharged in concentrations of 10 ppb or greater? 7.12. Yes No 4 SKIP to Item 7.11 Have you provided concentrations quantitative data in Table C for of 10 ppb or greater? those pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 that you expect to be discharged in Yes No 7.12 Do you expect acrolein, acrylonitrile, 2,4-dinitrophenol, of 100 ppb or greater? Yes or 2-methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol to be discharged in concentrations 7.14. 0 No 4 SKIP to Item 7.13 Have you provided quantitative data in Table C for discharged in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater? Yes the pollutants identified in Item 7.12 that you expect to be No 7.14 Have you provided discharge at quantitative data or an explanation concentrations less than 10 ppb (or less in Table C for pollutants you expect than 100 ppb for the pollutants identified to be present in the in Item 7.12)? Yes No 7.15 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants Yes in Exhibit 2F-4 are present in the discharge? 7.17. 121 No 4 SKIP to Item 7.16 Have you listed pollutants in Exhibit 2F-4 that you explanation in Table C? Yes know or believe to be present in the discharge and provided an No 7.17 Have you provided information for the storm event(s) Yes sampled in Table D? FA No EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 4 EPA Identification Number NCD000825547 NPDES Permit Number NC0000795 Facility Name KMST - Greensboro 1 Terminal Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Discharge Information Continued Used or Manufactured Toxics 7.18 Is any manufactured pollutant listed on Exhibits 2F-2 through 2F-4 a substance as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? Yes 0 or a component of a substance used or No 4 SKIP to Section 8. 7.19 List the pollutants below, including TCDD if applicable. 1. 4. 7. 2. 5. 8. 3. 6. 9. N N m m Contract Analysis Information ° Biological Toxicity Testing Data 0 0 N 8. BIOLOGICAL 8.1 Do any 0 TOXICITY TESTING DATA (40 CFR 122.21(g)(11)) you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your Yes discharge test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made on within the last three years? No 4 SKIP to Section 9. 8.2 Identify the tests and their purposes below. Test(s) Purpose of Test(s) Submitted to NPDES Permitting Authority? Date Submitted Acute Toxicity Annually Required by Permit I Yes No 02/25/2019 Acute Toxicity Annually Required by Permit Yes No 02/25/2020 Acute Toxicity Annually Required by Permit Yes No 02/25/2021 N 9. CONTRACT ANALYSIS INFORMATION 40 CFR 122.21(g)(12)) 9.1 Were consulting 0 any of the analyses reported in Section 7 (on Tables A through firm? Yes C) performed by a contract laboratory or No 4 SKIP to Section 10. 9.2 Provide information for each contract laboratory or consulting firm below. Laboratory Number 1 Laboratory Number 2 Laboratory Number 3 Name of laboratory/firm ESC Lab Sciences PACE Analytical - Purchased ESC Lab Sciences Laboratory address 12065 Lebanon Road Mount Juliet, TN 37122 12065 Lebanon Road Mount Juliet, TN 37122 Phone number 615) 758-5858 615) 758-5858 Pollutant(s) analyzed Oil & Grease, Total Phenol. BTEX, Naphthalene,MTBE, Total Suspended Solids, Turbidity, Acute Toxicity Oil & Grease, Total Phenol. BTEX, Naphthalene,MTBE, Total Suspended Solids, Turbidity, Acute Toxicity, TOC, COD, BOD, Ammonia, TKN, Phospohorus EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 5 EPA Identification Number NCD000825547 NPDES Permit Number NC0000795 Facility Name KMST - Greensboro 1 Terminal Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION 10. CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (40 CFR 122.22(a) and (d)) Checklist and Certification Statement 10.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 2F that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to complete all sections or provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 1 wl attachments (e.g., responses for additional outfalls) Section 2Section wi attachments 3 mapSection0wlsitedrainage 4Section wi attachments 5Section wi attachments 6Section wi attachments 7 exemption request as an attachment Section 13 Table A w/ small business 4 Table B 0 w/ analytical results 4 Table C 0 Table D 8Section w/attachments 9 e.g., responses for additional contact laboratories or firms) Section w/attachments 10Section 10.2 Certification Statement I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) Bob Gray Official title Operations Manager Signature Date signed EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 6 EPA Identification Number NCD000825547 NPDES Permit Number NC0000795 Facility Name KMST - Greensboro 1 Terminal SECTION 10. CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (40 CFR 122.22(a) and (d)) c0) E a 0 cv 0 a) U 0 U 10.1 10.2 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 2F that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to complete all sections or provide attachments. Column 1 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Column 2 w/ attachments (e.g., responses for additional outfalls) wl attachments w/ site drainage map w/ attachments w/ attachments w/ attachments Table A Table B Table C w/ small business exemption request wl analytical results as an attachment Table D w/attachments w/attachments (e.g., responses for additional contact laboratories or firms) Certification Statement 1 certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) Bob Gray A Signatu cif Official title Operations Manager Date signed fc7.?,0 ( EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 6 EPA Identification Number NCD000825547 NPDES Permit Number NC0000795 Facility Name KMST - Greensboro 1 Terminal Outfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE A. CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS 40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(E)(3))1 You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table. Complete one table for each outfall. See instructions for additional details and requirements. Pollutant or Parameter Maximum Daily Discharge specify units) Average Daily Discharge specify units) Number of Storm Events Sampled Source of Information new source/new dischargers only; use codes in instructions ) Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -Weighted Composite Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -Weighted Composite 1. Oil and grease 18.9 mg/L 3.19 mg/L 41 2. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) 2.7 mg/L 1 3. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 25.0 mg/L 1 4. Total suspended solids (TSS) 42 mg/L 9.62 mg/L 41 5. Total phosphorus 0.050 mg/L 1 6. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) 0.50 mg/L 1 7. Total nitrogen (as N) 0.10 mg/L 1 8. pH (minimum) 6.34 S.U. 1 pH (maximum) 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 7 EPA Identification Number NCD000825547 NPDES Permit Number NC0000795 Facility Name KMST - Greensboro 1 Terminal 0utfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL POLLUTANTS 40 CFR the facility is subject for each outfall. See 122.26(c)(1)(i)(E)(4) and 40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vi)(A))1 wastewater (if theListeachpollutantthatislimitedinaneffluentlimitationguideline (ELG) that facility is operating under an existing NPDES permit). Complete one table to or any pollutant listed in the facility's NPDES permit for its process the instructions for additional details and requirements. Pollutant and CAS Number (if available) Maximum Daily Discharge specify units) Average Daily Discharge specify units) Number of Storm Events Sampled Source of Information new source/new dischargers only; use codes in instructions) Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -Weighted Composite Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -Weighted Composite Not Applicable -no ELGs /process wastewater limi 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 9 EPA Identification Number NCD000825547 NPDES Permit Number NC0000795 Facility Name KMST - Greensboro 1 Terminal 0utfall Number 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE C. TOXIC POLLUTANTS, CERTAIN HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, AND ASBESTOS or have reason to believe 40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(E)(4) and 40 CFR 122.21(g)(7)(vi)(B) and (vii))1 List each pollutant shown in Exhibits 2F-2, 2F-3, and 2F-4 that you know details and requirements. is present. Complete one table for each outfall. See the instructions for additional Pollutant and CAS Number (if available) Maximum Daily Discharge specify units) Average Daily Discharge specify units) Number of Storm Events Sampled Source of Information new source/new dischargers only; use codes in instructions) Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -Weighted Composite Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -Weighted Composite Oil and Grease 18.9 mg/L 3.19 mg/L 41 Benzene 1.12 µg/L 0.52 µg/L 41 Ethylbenzene 1 µg/L 0.5 µg/L 41 Toluene 3.5 µg/L 0.87 µg/L 41 Phenol 50 µg/L 20.73 µg/L 41 Naphthalene 5 µg/L 2.46 µg/L 41 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 11 EPA Identification Number NCD000825547 NPDES Permit Number Facility name NC0000795 KMST - Greensboro 1 Terminal TABLE D. STORM EVENT INFORMATION (40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(E)(6)) Outfall Number Provide data for the storm event(s) that resulted in the maximum daily discharges for the flow -weighted composite sample. 001 Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 Date of Storm Event Duration of Storm Event in hours) Total Rainfall During Storm Event in inches) Number of Hours Between Beginning of Storm Measured and End of Previous Measurable Rain Event Maximum Flow Rate During Rain Event in gpm or specify units) Total Flow from Rain Event in gallons or specify units) Provide a description of the method of flow measurement or estimate. There were no flow -weighted composite sampling events conducted. Only one discharge event is sampled per month. Click to go back to the beginning of Form EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 13 Drawing Path: C:\ Users\ mverbanic\ Desktop\ Remote GIS\ 211299C Kinder Morgan Permit\ Greensboro 1. mxd plotted by mverbanic 02- 27- 2021 0 DRAINAGE AREAS TO OUTFALL 001: TRUCK LOADING RACK TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA: 1.22 ACRES TRUCK LOADING RACK TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA: 1.22 ACRES CONTAINMENT DIKE TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA: 7.52 ACRES CONTAINMENT DIKE IMPERVIOUS AREA: 7.52 ACRES TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA TO OUTFALL 001: 8.74 ACRES TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA: 8.74 ACRES C ESSNA DR OUTFALL 001 LAT: 36° 4' 35.4" N LONG: -79° 55' 41.52" W FLOWS TO UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF EAST FORK DEEP RIVER BEEcrrwoo6 4,000 FEET) REFERENCE: GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM THE ESRI ONLINE USGS NATIONAL TOPOGRAPHIC BASEMAP. THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED. THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. SITE BOUNDARY Dons Hen der son Newcomers Sth TRUCK LOADING RACK vartnN0'="" t° : / , 11 Western / Guilford HS I TANK DIKED CONTAINMENT OORNADA 0 J Tank Containment Dike Area Truck Loading Rack Area Property Boundary SITE MAP KINDER MORGAN SOUTHEAST TERMINALS - GREENSBORO I TERMINAL 6907 WEST MARKET STREET GREENSBORO, GUILFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: 1 " = 2,000 ' DATE: 2-27-21 PROJECT NUMBER 211299C FIGURE NO. 1 Kinder Morgan Greensboro Terminal I - NPDES Permit # NC0000795 Stormwater Analysis Summary for Period of 3/01/2016 to 1/4/2021 Analysis Results with units MonthlyAvengeNow MGM Daily Max. Discharge IMGDI Tss Im9/2) Total RecoverablePhenolics Iw/L) Oil andGre,ze 150LI Benzene Ipg/U EMylbensene Ipe/y Toluene Ipe/1) xylenes I0/LI Naphthalene 114/11 Turbidity INTu) Acute Toxicity I%Mortality) Month/Year Sampling Date March 2016 3/1/2016 0.1738 0.1975 14.7 40 5.68 a 1 5 3 5 N/A NA N/A April 2016 4/1/2016 0.1713 0.1433 1A.4 40 5.81 1 11 5 3 5 1 NA N/A May 2016 5/4/2016 0.2303 0.2425 143 40 588 1 el 4 3 e5 N/A NA N/A lune2016 6/13/2016 0.1789 0.1789 10.2 40 5.75 1 1 5 3 5 N/A NA N/A lu1y 2016 7/11/2016 0.1565 0.1876 28 40 588 1 e] 4 3 N/S 1 NA N/A August 2016 N/S 0 0 N/S N/S N/S N/S WS WS N/S WS WS N/5 N/S September 2016 9/2/2016 0.1432 0.1746 28 40 556 1 1 5 3 S N/A 36A N/A October2016 10/3/2016 0.186 0.214 27.2 40 6.25 1 1 5 3 5 1 39.9 N/A November 2016 N/5 0 0 N/5 N/5 N/5 N/5 WS N/5 N/5 N/5 N/5 N/5 N/5 December 2016 N/S 0 0 N/S N/S N/S N/S WS N/S N/5 WS WS N/5 N/S January2017 1/4/2017 0.169 0.216 176 40 588 1.12 1 35 3 5 1 14 90 February2017 2/3/2017 0.1855 0.221 10.7 40 5.68 1 1 1 3 5 N/A 10.2 N/A March 2017 5/5 0 0 5/5 N/5 N/S N/S N/5 N/5 5/5 N/5 N/5 N/S N/S April 2017 N/5 0 0 N/5 N/S N/S N/S N/S WS N/5 WS N/S N/S WS May 2017 5/1/2017 0.1902 0.235 6.25 40 588 1 1 1 3 4 1 115 N/A lune2017 6/15/2017 0.2426 0.2426 12 40 5.81 1 1 1 3 5 N/A 14.3 N/A Iu1y2017 N/S 0 0 N/S WS N/5 N/5 N/5 N/5 N/S N/5 N/5 N/5 N/5 4484472017 N/S 0 0 N/S N/S N/S N/S WS WS N/S WS WS N/S N/S September 2017 N/S 0 0 N/S N/S N/5 N/S N/S N/S N/5 N/5 N/5 N/S N/5 October 2017 N/5 0 0 N/5 N/S N/5 N/5 N/S N/S N/5 WS WS N/S N/S November 2017 11/16/2017 0.0831 0.1804 42 50 35 1 1 1 4 2 2 1.3 N/A December 2017 N/5 0 0 N/S N/S N/S N/S WS N/S N/5 WS WS N/5 N/S January 2016 N/S 0 0 N/S N/S N/S N/S Ws N/S N/S Ws Ws N/S N/S February2018 2/5/2016 0.271 0.271 3 40 5.56 1 01 01 3 5 1 6.64 90 March 2018 5/5 0 0 5/5 N/5 6/5 N/S N/5 N/5 N/5 N/5 N/5 N/S N/5 April 2018 4/4/2018 0.17 0.1954 3.2 40 5.56 1 01 01 3 5 1 7.8 N/A May2016 N/5 0 D N/5 N/S N/5 N/S N/S N/S WS N/S N/S N/5 N/S lone 2018 N/S 0 0 N/5 N/S N/5 N/S N/S WS N/5 N/S N/S N/5 N/S luly 2018 7/25/2016 0.0539 0.0942 14.7 40 5.68 1 1 1 3 5 1 258 N/A August2018 8/1/2018 0.1068 0.1101 12.5 40 5.62 1 01 01 3 5 N/A 14 N/A September 2016 9/14/3018 0.0937 0.037 2.5 40 5.56 1 e] 1 3 4 N/A 115 WA October2018 10/1/2018 0.0751 0.0859 9.2 40 532 1 01 01 3 5 1 9.59 N/A November 2016 11/1/2o18 o.0656 o.oee) 9.e6 98 sA3 1 4 1 3 s N/A e WA December 2018 12/3/2016 0.0558 0.0558 2.5 40 6.02 1 01 01 3 5 N/A 0.28 N/A January 3019 1/2/2019 0.0595 0.0595 z.s 40 581 1 e1 1 3 4 1 0.77 90 February2019 2/5/2015 0.01326 0.1634 2.5 40 5.75 1 3 3 3 5 N/A 3.6 N/A March 2019 3/s/2019 oao93 oao93 zs 4D 6A9 1 4 1 3 4 N/A 6.21 N/A April 2015 4/8/2019 0.1359 0.1454 2.5 40 5.56 1 1 1 3 5 51 2.68 N/A M202019 N/5 0 D N/5 N/5 N/5 N/5 N/S N/S N/5 N/S N/S N/5 N/S lune2015 6/10/2019 0.1458 0.2252 6.4 40 18.9 1 1 1 3 5 N/A 597 N/A lu1y 2019 1]/2019 0.1063 0.1063 10 40 5.36 S e] 1 3 4 S 6.99 N/A August2019 8/5/2019 0.0969 0.0958 7.26 40 5A1 1 1 1 3 5 N/A 94 N/A September 2019 9/4/3019 0.1351 0.1251 305 40 SA9 1 e] 1 3 4 N/A 34 WA October 2019 N/5 0 0 N/5 N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S WS WS N/S N/S November2019 11/4/2019 0.034 0.145 14.1 40 5.75 1 1 1 3 s 1 503 WA December2019 12/2/2015 0.1121 0.1648 8.5 40 5.56 1 1 1 3 5 N/A 52 N/A January 2020 1/6/2020 0.0979 0.1459 3.6 ao 53e 1 e1 1 3 5 1 tat 90 February2020 2/7/2020 0.1147 0.1315 575 40 532 1 1 1 3 5 N/A 13 N/A March 2020 6/5 0 0 6/5 N/5 N/5 N/5 N/5 N/5 N/5 N/5 N/5 6/5 N/5 April 2020 4/12/2020 0.075 0.075 4 40 5.15 1 1 1 3 5 51 6.12 N/A May 2020 5/4/2020 0.0913 0.0335 2.5 40 5.32 1 el el 3 e5 N/A 5.96 N/A lune2020 6/2/2020 0.0921 0.0958 5.6 40 5.56 1 1 1 3 5 N/A 5.17 N/A luly-20 N/5 D D N/5 N/5 N/5 N/5 N/S N/5 N/5 N/5 N/S N/5 N/5 August2020 8/13/2020 0.0859 0.0914 10.3 40 5.49 1 1 1 3 5 1 7.59 N/A September 2020 9/9/3030 0.0785 0.0323 103 40 SAO 3 e] 1 3 e5 3 565 N/A October2020 10/2/2020 0.0728 0.0772 12.3 40 5.62 1 1 1 3 5 1 10.9 N/A November 2020 11/2/2020 O.G563 O.G563 10 40 sA9 1 e1 1 3 s N/A 991 N/A December 2020 12/3/2021 0.0584 0.3045 6.6 40 5.56 1 1 1 3 5 N/A 7.33 N/A January2021 1/4/2021 0.0763 0.0831 4.18 40 5.49 1 3 3 3 5 51 5.57 90 Number of Analyses 59 59 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 20 36 5 Lon -Term Avenge MIN Discharge 0. 9.62 20.73 3.19 0.52 0.5 0.87 1.51 2.46 0.53 10.59 Maximum Discharge 0.2277133 0.3045' 42 50 18.9 1.12 c1 3.s 4 5 2 39.9 900 NOTES: calculating Long Tenn Average Daily Discharges,1/2 of the MIA was used for those results that were below detection limits. 2. The maximum dolly discharge that occurred during the month for whIch the result was reported. 3. The maximum total monthly discharge reported from 2016-2021 MGD -mlllllon gallons per day Reported analyses are shown as BOLO N/A- Not analyzed. Not required In previous permit. N/5- No discharge this moron, so not sample collected. mg/L milligrams per liter u¢/L- micrograms per liter PERMIT FACILITY COUNTY REGION MONITOR REPORT MONTHMONITOR REPORT YEAROUTFALL/PPI/FIELD/WELL NUMBER LOCATION TYPE WELL ID LOCATION PARAMETER VIOLATIONDATE FREQUENCY UNIT OF MEASURE LIMIT CALCULATED VALUE % OVER VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION VIOLATION COMMENTLAST UPDATED BY ID TIMESTAMP Permit Facility Month Day Year Parameter UoM Value NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 14 2018 00070 - Turbidity ntu 11.5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 1 2018 00070 - Turbidity ntu 9.59 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 1 2018 00070 - Turbidity ntu 8.78 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2018 00070 - Turbidity ntu 4.28 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 2 2019 00070 - Turbidity ntu 4.77 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 5 2019 00070 - Turbidity ntu 3.6 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 5 2019 00070 - Turbidity ntu 6.21 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 8 2019 00070 - Turbidity ntu 2.68 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 10 2019 00070 - Turbidity ntu 6.97 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 17 2019 00070 - Turbidity ntu 6.99 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 5 2019 00070 - Turbidity ntu 8.94 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 4 2019 00070 - Turbidity ntu 24 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 4 2019 00070 - Turbidity ntu 8.03 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 2 2019 00070 - Turbidity ntu 8.2 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 6 2020 00070 - Turbidity ntu 6.12 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 7 2020 00070 - Turbidity ntu 13 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 13 2020 00070 - Turbidity ntu 6.12 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2020 00070 - Turbidity ntu 5.06 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 2 2020 00070 - Turbidity ntu 5.17 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 13 2020 00070 - Turbidity ntu 7.59 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 9 2020 00070 - Turbidity ntu 8.65 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 2 2020 00070 - Turbidity ntu 10.9 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 2 2020 00070 - Turbidity ntu 9.41 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2020 00070 - Turbidity ntu 7.33 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 4 2021 00070 - Turbidity ntu 5.57 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 1 2021 00070 - Turbidity ntu 9.13 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 1 2021 00070 - Turbidity ntu 9.96 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 1 2021 00070 - Turbidity ntu 7.55 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2021 00070 - Turbidity ntu 3.73 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 1 2021 00070 - Turbidity ntu 4.11 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 14 2018 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.56 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 1 2018 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.32 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 1 2018 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.43 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2018 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 6.02 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 2 2019 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.81 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 5 2019 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.75 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 5 2019 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 6.49 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 8 2019 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.56 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 10 2019 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 18.9 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 17 2019 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.38 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 5 2019 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.84 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 4 2019 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.49 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 4 2019 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.75 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 2 2019 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.56 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 6 2020 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.39 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 7 2020 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.32 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 13 2020 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.15 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2020 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.32 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 2 2020 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.56 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 13 2020 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.49 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 9 2020 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.44 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 2 2020 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.62 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 2 2020 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.49 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2020 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.56 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 4 2021 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.49 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 1 2021 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.56 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 1 2021 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.26 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 1 2021 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.56 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2021 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.56 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 1 2021 00556 - Oil & Grease mg/l 5.56 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 1 2018 22417 - Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 2 2019 22417 - Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 8 2019 22417 - Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 17 2019 22417 - Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 4 2019 22417 - Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 6 2020 22417 - Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 13 2020 22417 - Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 13 2020 22417 - Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 9 2020 22417 - Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 2 2020 22417 - Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 4 2021 22417 - Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 1 2021 22417 - Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 14 2018 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 1 2018 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 1 2018 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2018 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 2 2019 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 5 2019 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 5 2019 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 8 2019 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 10 2019 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 17 2019 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 5 2019 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 4 2019 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 4 2019 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 2 2019 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 6 2020 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 7 2020 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 13 2020 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2020 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 2 2020 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 13 2020 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 9 2020 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 2 2020 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 2 2020 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2020 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 4 2021 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 1 2021 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 1 2021 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 1 2021 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2021 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 1 2021 32730 - Phenolics, Total Recoverableug/l 40 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 14 2018 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 1 2018 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 1 2018 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2018 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 2 2019 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 5 2019 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 5 2019 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 8 2019 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 10 2019 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 17 2019 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 5 2019 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 4 2019 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 4 2019 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 2 2019 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 6 2020 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 7 2020 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 13 2020 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2020 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 2 2020 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 13 2020 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 9 2020 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 2 2020 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 2 2020 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2020 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 4 2021 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 1 2021 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 1 2021 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 1 2021 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2021 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 1 2021 34010 - Toluene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 14 2018 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 1 2018 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 1 2018 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2018 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 2 2019 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 5 2019 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 5 2019 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 8 2019 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 10 2019 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 17 2019 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 5 2019 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 4 2019 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 4 2019 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 2 2019 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 6 2020 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 7 2020 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 13 2020 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2020 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 2 2020 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 13 2020 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 9 2020 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 2 2020 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 2 2020 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2020 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 4 2021 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 1 2021 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 1 2021 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 1 2021 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2021 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 1 2021 34030 - Benzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 14 2018 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 1 2018 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 1 2018 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2018 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 2 2019 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 5 2019 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 5 2019 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 8 2019 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 10 2019 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 17 2019 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 5 2019 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 4 2019 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 4 2019 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 2 2019 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 6 2020 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 7 2020 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 13 2020 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2020 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 2 2020 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 13 2020 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 9 2020 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 2 2020 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 2 2020 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2020 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 4 2021 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 1 2021 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 1 2021 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 1 2021 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2021 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 1 2021 34371 - Ethylbenzene ug/l 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 14 2018 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 1 2018 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 1 2018 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2018 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 2 2019 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 5 2019 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 5 2019 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 8 2019 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 10 2019 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 17 2019 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 5 2019 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 4 2019 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 4 2019 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 2 2019 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 6 2020 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 7 2020 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 13 2020 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2020 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 2 2020 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 13 2020 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 9 2020 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 2 2020 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 2 2020 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2020 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 4 2021 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 1 2021 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 1 2021 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 1 2021 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2021 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 1 2021 34696 - Naphthalene ug/l 5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 14 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.097 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 15 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.097 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 16 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.097 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 17 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.097 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 18 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.097 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 19 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.097 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 20 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.097 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 21 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.097 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 22 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.097 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 23 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.097 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 24 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.097 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 25 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.097 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 26 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.097 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 27 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0485 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 28 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.097 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 1 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0757 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 2 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0757 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 3 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0757 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 4 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0757 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 5 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0757 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 9 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.077 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 10 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.077 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 11 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.077 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 12 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.077 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 13 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.077 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 14 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.077 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 15 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.077 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 16 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.077 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 17 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.077 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 18 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.077 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 19 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.077 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 26 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0859 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 27 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0859 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 28 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0859 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 29 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0859 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 30 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0859 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 31 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0859 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 1 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0887 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 2 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0887 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 3 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0887 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 4 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0887 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 5 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0887 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 6 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0887 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 7 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0887 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 8 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0887 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 13 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 14 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 15 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 16 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 17 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 18 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 19 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 20 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 21 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 22 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 23 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 24 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 25 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 26 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 27 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 28 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 29 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.055 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 4 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 5 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 6 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 7 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 8 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 9 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 10 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 11 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 12 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 13 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 14 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 15 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 16 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 17 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 18 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 19 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 20 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 21 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 22 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 23 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 24 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 25 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 26 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 27 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 28 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 29 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 30 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 31 2018 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0558 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 2 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 3 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 4 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 5 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 6 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 7 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 8 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 9 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 10 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 11 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 12 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 13 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 14 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 15 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 16 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 17 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 18 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 19 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 20 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 21 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 22 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 23 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 24 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 25 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 26 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 27 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 28 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 29 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 30 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 31 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0595 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 5 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0734 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 6 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0734 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 7 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0734 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 8 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0734 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 14 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1306 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 15 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1306 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 16 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1306 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 17 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1306 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 18 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1306 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 21 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1634 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 22 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1634 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 23 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1634 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 24 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1634 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 25 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1634 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 26 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1634 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 27 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1634 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 28 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1634 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 5 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1093 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 6 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1093 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 8 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1454 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 9 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1454 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 10 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1454 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 12 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1371 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 13 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1371 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 14 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1371 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 15 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1371 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 16 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1371 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 17 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1371 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 10 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1393 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 11 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1393 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 12 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1393 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 13 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1393 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 14 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1393 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 19 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.2252 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 20 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.2252 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 24 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1334 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 25 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1334 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 26 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1334 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 27 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1334 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 28 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1334 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 29 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1334 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 17 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 99787 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 18 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 99787 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 19 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 99787 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 20 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 99787 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 21 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 99787 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 22 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 99787 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 23 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 99787 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 24 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 99787 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 25 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 99787 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 26 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 99787 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 27 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 99787 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 28 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 99787 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 29 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 99787 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 5 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0954 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 6 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0954 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 7 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0954 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 8 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0954 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 15 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0998 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 16 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0998 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 4 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1251 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 5 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1251 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 6 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1251 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 4 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.145 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 5 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.145 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 6 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.145 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 7 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.145 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 8 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.145 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 12 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0381 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 13 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0381 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 14 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0381 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 15 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0381 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 27 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0537 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 28 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0537 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 29 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0537 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 30 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0537 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 2 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0647 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0647 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 4 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0647 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 5 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0647 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 6 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0647 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 7 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0647 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 8 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0647 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 9 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0647 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 10 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0647 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 11 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0647 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 12 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1648 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 13 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1648 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 14 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1648 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 15 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1648 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 16 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1648 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 17 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1648 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 18 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1648 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 19 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1648 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 20 2019 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1648 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 1 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0553 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 2 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0553 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 3 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0553 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 4 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0553 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 5 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0553 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 6 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0553 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 7 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0553 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 8 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0553 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 9 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0553 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 14 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1459 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 15 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1459 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 16 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1459 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 17 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1459 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 18 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1459 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 19 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1459 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 20 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1459 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 21 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1459 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 7 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1315 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 8 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1315 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 9 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1315 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 10 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1315 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 11 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1315 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 12 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1315 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 13 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1315 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 14 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1315 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 15 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1315 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 16 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1315 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 17 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1315 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 18 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1315 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 25 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0744 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 26 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0744 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 27 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0744 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 28 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0744 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 29 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0744 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 13 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.075 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 14 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.075 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 15 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.075 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 16 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.075 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 17 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.075 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 18 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.075 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 19 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.075 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 20 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.075 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0861 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 5 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0861 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 6 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0861 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 7 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0861 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 8 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0861 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 20 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0935 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 21 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0935 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 22 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0935 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 23 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0935 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 24 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0935 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 25 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0935 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 26 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0935 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 27 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0935 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 28 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0935 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 29 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0935 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 30 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0935 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 31 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0935 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 2 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0958 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 3 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0958 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 4 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0958 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 5 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0958 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 6 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0958 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 7 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0958 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 8 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0958 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 9 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0958 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 10 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0958 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 11 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0958 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 12 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0958 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 15 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0885 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 16 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0885 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 17 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0885 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 18 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0885 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 19 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0885 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 20 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0885 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 21 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0885 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 22 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0885 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 23 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0885 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 24 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0885 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 25 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0885 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 13 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0914 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 14 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0914 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 15 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0914 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 16 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0914 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 17 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0914 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 18 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0914 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 19 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0914 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 20 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0914 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 24 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0749 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 25 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0749 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 26 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0749 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 27 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0749 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 9 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.07 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 10 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.07 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 11 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.07 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 12 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.07 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 13 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.07 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 14 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.07 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 15 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.07 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 16 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.07 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 25 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0922 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 26 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0922 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 27 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0922 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 28 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0922 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 29 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0922 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 2 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0679 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 3 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0679 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 4 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0679 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 5 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0679 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 6 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0679 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 7 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0679 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 8 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0679 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 14 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0772 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 15 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0772 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 16 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0772 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 17 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0772 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 18 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0772 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 19 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0772 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 20 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0772 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 21 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0772 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 2 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0563 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 3 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0563 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 4 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0563 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 5 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0563 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 6 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0563 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 7 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0563 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 8 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0563 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 9 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0563 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 10 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0563 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 11 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0563 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 12 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0563 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 13 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0563 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 14 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0563 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 15 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0563 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 16 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0563 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 4 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 5 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 6 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 7 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 8 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 9 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 10 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 11 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 12 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 13 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 14 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 15 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 16 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 17 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.2423 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 18 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.3054 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 19 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 20 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 21 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 22 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 23 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 24 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 25 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 26 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 27 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 28 2020 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0405 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 4 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.00001 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 7 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0831 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 8 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0831 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 9 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0831 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 10 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0831 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 11 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0831 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 12 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0831 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 26 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0822 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 27 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0822 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 28 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0822 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 29 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0822 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 30 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0822 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 31 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0822 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 1 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0796 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 2 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0796 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 3 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0796 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 4 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0796 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 5 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0796 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 6 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0796 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 7 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0796 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 8 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0796 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 11 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.002 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 18 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.085 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 19 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.085 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 20 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.085 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 21 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.085 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 22 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.085 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 23 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.085 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 24 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.085 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 25 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.085 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 26 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.085 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 27 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.085 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 28 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.085 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 1 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1131 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 2 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1131 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 3 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1131 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 4 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1131 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 5 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1131 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 6 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1131 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 7 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1131 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 8 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1131 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 9 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1131 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 10 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1131 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 11 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1131 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 30 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1193 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 31 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1193 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 1 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1182 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 2 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1182 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 3 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1182 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 4 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1182 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 5 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1182 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 6 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1182 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 7 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1182 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 8 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1182 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0011 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 11 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 12 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 13 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 14 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 15 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 16 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 17 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 18 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 19 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 20 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 21 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 22 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 23 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 24 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 25 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 26 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 27 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.08 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 29 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0439 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 30 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0439 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 31 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.0439 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 1 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 2 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 3 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 4 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 5 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 6 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 7 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 8 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 9 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 10 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 11 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 12 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 13 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 14 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 15 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 16 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 17 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 18 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 19 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 20 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 21 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 22 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 23 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 24 2021 50050 - Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plantmgd 0.1084 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 14 2018 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 1 2018 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 1 2018 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2018 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 2 2019 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 5 2019 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 5 2019 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 8 2019 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 10 2019 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 17 2019 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 5 2019 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 4 2019 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 4 2019 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 2 2019 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 6 2020 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 7 2020 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 13 2020 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2020 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 2 2020 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 13 2020 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 9 2020 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 2 2020 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 2 2020 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2020 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 4 2021 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 1 2021 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 1 2021 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 1 2021 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2021 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 1 2021 81551 - Xylene (mix of m+o+p)ug/l 3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 14 2018 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 25 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 1 2018 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 9.2 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 1 2018 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 9.86 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2018 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 2.5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 2 2019 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 2.5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 5 2019 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 2.5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 5 2019 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 2.5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 8 2019 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 2.5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 10 2019 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 6.4 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 7 17 2019 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 10 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 5 2019 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 7.26 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 4 2019 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 20.5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 4 2019 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 14.1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 2 2019 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 8.5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 6 2020 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 3.6 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 7 2020 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 8.75 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 13 2020 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 4 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2020 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 2.5 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 2 2020 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 5.6 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 8 13 2020 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 10.8 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 9 9 2020 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 10.3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 10 2 2020 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 12.3 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 11 2 2020 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 10 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 12 3 2020 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 6.6 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 4 2021 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 4.18 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 2 1 2021 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 6.6 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 3 1 2021 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 2.98 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 4 1 2021 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 5.38 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 5 4 2021 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 3.87 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 6 1 2021 CO530 - Solids, Total Suspended - Concentrationmg/l 4.1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 2 2019 TGE6C - Pass/Fail Static 24hr Acute Pimephalespass/fail 1 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 6 2020 TGE6C - Pass/Fail Static 24hr Acute Pimephalespass/fail 90 NC0000795 Kinder Morgan - Greensboro Terminal I 1 4 2021 TGE6C - Pass/Fail Static 24hr Acute Pimephalespass/fail 1 Modifier LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN LESSTHAN GRATRTHN