HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051457 Ver 1_USGS streamflow and ground-water conditions in NC through Monday May 21 2012.msg_20120522Strickland, Bev From: John C Weaver Dcweaver @usgs.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 12:22 PM To: Jackson, Donna Cc: Ashley. E.Hatchell @usace. army. miI; brian.cullen @noaa.gov; Brian. Hai nes @ncdenr.gov; david.lane @ncdenr.gov; debra.owen @ncdenr.gov; eric.seymour @noaa.gov; gagalleh @duke - energy.com; garry_grabow @ncsu.edu; george.mathews @noaa.gov; harold.m.brady @ncdenr.gov; jamie.kritzer @ncdenr.gov; jcweaver @usgs.gov; Jeff.Orrock @noaa.gov; jim.prevette @ncdenr.gov; jucilene.hoffmann @ncdenr.gov; Lara.Pagano @noaa.gov; Linwood Peele; Michael .A.Young @saw02.usace. army. miI; michael.moneypenny @noaa.gov; mike.orbon @ncdenr.gov; neelufa.sarwar @ncdenr.gov; Patricia. Tanner @noaa.gov; Peter. Corrigan @noaa.gov; richard.neuherz @noaa.gov; ryan_boyles @ncsu.edu; sarah.young @ncdenr.gov; todd.hamill @noaa.gov; Tom.Fransen @ncdenr.gov; tom.reeder @ncdenr.gov; tony_dorn @nass.usda.gov; Torey_Lawrence @nass.usda.gov; Vernon. Cox @ncagr.gov; Wayne.Munden @ncdenr.gov; woody. yonts @ncdenr.gov; Brian Fuchs; Allison.Wash @va.usda.gov; Kathleen Carroll; Darin Figurskey; Glenn Carrin; Yonts, Woody; wly Subject: USGS streamflow and ground -water conditions in NC through Monday, May 21, 2012 NC Drought advisory group, Precipitation maps for the state (http:/ /water.weather.gov /precip/ or http : / /www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu /mpe departure) indicate a week with rainfall for the parts of North Carolina that did not receive beneficial rainfalls during the previous week. Parts of the Sand Hills region and southern /central Coastal Plain are indicated as having received 0.5+ inch rainfall with higher totals exceeding 2+ inches along the SC border. Other areas receiving 0.5+ inch rainfall are the central Yadkin River basin as well as parts of the central and northern mountains. Streamflows indicated on the current real -time streamflow map (http:Hwaterwatch.usgs.gov/ new / ?m= real &r =nc &w= real %2Cmap) continue to echo the effects of recent rainfalls with conditions in most of western NC and the souther Coastal Plain depicted in the normal and above - normal ranges, particularly in the upper Catawba and Yadkin basins. Below- normal streamflows are depicted for streamgages in parts of the Sand Hills region, northeast Piedmont region, then east towards the northern Coastal Plain. As of May 20 (Sunday), streamflow conditions indicate 6 percent of sites across North Carolina have percentiles for 7- day average flows falling below the 25th percentile for the calendar date (see graph below). This percentage suggests continued improvements in overall streamflows relative to 21 percent just a week ago. Groundwater levels at the Blue Ridge, Piedmont, and Sand Hills observations wells shown on the Climate Response Network in North Carolina (http://ogwOl.er.usgs.gov/crn/StateMaps/NC.html) continue to be depicted in the normal range for 6 wells, below normal for 2 wells, and continued record low for the calendar month at the Chapel Hill well in Orange County and Marston well in Scotland County. The Chapel Hill well, which was dry from last fall into late winter 2012, currently has about 0.5 ft water in the well (http: // qroundwaterwatch .usgs.gov /AWLSites.asp ?S= 355522079043001 &ncd =crn). Water levels in the 6 Coastal Plain wells are depicted in the above normal range for the well near Elizabeth City in Pasquotank County (http: // qroundwaterwatch .usgs.gov /AWLSites.asp ?S= 361829076163201 &ncd =crn) and near Grantham in Wayne County (http: // qroundwaterwatch .usgs.gov /AWLSites. asp ?S = 351849078163901 &ncd =crn). Water levels increased about 2 feet following the most recent rainfall this past week. Water levels are depicted in the normal range for 1 well near Simpson in Pitt County, below - normal range for 2 wells, and much below - normal for the well near Hoke in Washington County. A 1- category improvement was implemented for most of North Carolina with exception of parts of the Sand Hills and southern /central Coastal Plain regions, leaving most of the state classified as DO (abnormally dry). A 2- category improvement was also made along a narrow band from Polk County in the southern foothills northeast towards Iredell and Davie Counties in the Piedmont region, After the improvements made last week and based on the hydrologic and precipitation patterns, it may be appropriate to use "status quo" for this week's depiction. The only area that may qualify for improvements would be parts of the Sand Hills and southern Coastal Plain where rainfall occurred this past week. Some trimming of the D1 may be warranted in the Sand Hills based on the 30 -day percent of normal precipitation( ?). Comments and opinions welcome... Thanks. JCWeaver ****************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** J. Curtis Weaver, Hydrologist, PE USGS North Carolina Water Science Center 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: (919) 571 -4043 H Fax: (919) 571 -4041 Mobile: (919) 830 -6235 E -mail address -- jcweaver @usgs.gov Internet address -- http: / /nc.water.usgs.gov/ ****************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** -- USDM draft (if available) -- As of Monday afternoon, draft 1 for this week's version was available no changes yet indicated for North Carolina. Brad Rippey, agricultural meteorologist with the USDA's Office of the Chief Economist in Washington, D.C., is again the USDM author for this week's release. In the email accompanying draft 1, he made no specific comments concerning Carolinas region. USDM archive (you can select North Carolina from the drop -down box near the top, a quick way to see the last two USDM releases): htto:H drouaht.unl.edu /dm /archive.html -- Observed precipitation -- Sources of precipitation totals are available from the following: (1) USGS rainfall totals (sorted by county) for the last 7 days at http : / /waterdata.usgs.gov /nc /nwis /current ?tvpe = precip &group kev= county cd (2) State Climate Office of North Carolina at http : / /www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu /mpe departure/ (3) NOAA NWS's Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service at http://water.weather.gov/preci shown below pulled from the NOAA NWS's Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service at - -- rJ° a i� { w A �IpF 4, t P 1 4 � E { I j I kq USDM archive (you can select North Carolina from the drop -down box near the top, a quick way to see the last two USDM releases): htto:H drouaht.unl.edu /dm /archive.html -- Observed precipitation -- Sources of precipitation totals are available from the following: (1) USGS rainfall totals (sorted by county) for the last 7 days at http : / /waterdata.usgs.gov /nc /nwis /current ?tvpe = precip &group kev= county cd (2) State Climate Office of North Carolina at http : / /www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu /mpe departure/ (3) NOAA NWS's Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service at http://water.weather.gov/preci shown below pulled from the NOAA NWS's Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service at http : / /water.weather.gov /precip/ North Carolina: Current 7 —Day Observed Precipitation Valid at 5/22/2012 1200 UTC— Created 5/22/12 15:55 UTC -- Streamflow -- Focusing on current streamflow conditions... Current conditions are depicted as real -time, 7 -day, 14 -day, and 28 -day flows available in the WaterWatch series of maps at: http://waterwatch.usgs.gov/classic/?m=real&r=nc&w=real%2Cmap Current conditions... 4 Tuesday, May 22, 2012 09 :30ET WIM MUSIGS Last week's conditions... Tuesday, May 15, 2012 12 :30ET When viewing the USGS WaterWatch streamflow information, you can hover your cursor over a site and a pop -up box Explanation - Percentile classes ......,. Lew X10 1 5 -7 r 6 -90 > . � dol- ranked Ajr m ed u w __I , 4OW Ahpvp MUch abO �8l tral . rmal � When viewing the USGS WaterWatch streamflow information, you can hover your cursor over a site and a pop -up box appears with various pieces of information, including the percentile for the current streamflow AND the current percentage of mean and median for the calendar date. Highlighting current flows (May 22 morning) at some selected gaging stations (obtained from http : / /waterdata.usgs.gov /nc /nwis /current / ?type =flow ): Site number Site name (and County) Flow May 15 Current flow (% of) Median May 22 02053200 Potecasi Creek near Union (Hertford) -- 430 cfs 151 cfs 419% 36 cfs 02106500 Black River near Tomahawk (Sampson) -- 241 cfs 593 cfs 1860 318 cfs 02085500 Flat River at Bahama (Durham) -- 62 cfs 21 cfs 440 48 cfs 02096960 Haw River near Bynum (Chatham) -- 2,770 cfs 302 cfs 560 542 cfs 02115360 Yadkin River at Enon (Yadkin) -- 17,000 cfs 3,930 cfs 2030 1,940 cfs 02152100 First Broad River near Casar (Cleveland) -- 260 cfs 47 cfs 710 66 cfs 03451500 French Broad River at Asheville (Buncombe) -- 4,990 cfs 1,720 cfs 1020 1,690 cfs 03550000 Valley River at Tomotla (Cherokee) -- 215 cfs 149 cfs 780 190 cfs Focusing on the 7-day average flows... Visit the WaterWatch pages at http: / /waterwatch.usgs.gov /classic / ?r =nc to get the most recent data for sites of interest. Durations plots for selected individual USGS stations can be accessed at http: / /nc.water.usgs.gov /drought /duration.html The OVERALL 7 -day average flows by HUC map (http:Hwaterwatch.usgs.gov /classic / ?m= pa07d &r= nc &w =pa07d nwc %2Cmap) are depicted in the image below: Monday, May 21, 2012 I, SGS 6 To help provide more detail by major basin, the BELOW NORMAL 7 -day average flows by HUC map (http: / /waterwatch.usgs.gov /classic /index.php ?map type =drvw &state =nc) are depicted in the image below: Monday, May 21, 2012 As of May 20 (Sunday), the graph of 7 -day flow percentiles shown below indicates 6 percent of sites across North Carolina have percentiles for 7 -day average flows falling below the 25th percentile for the calendar date. And 2 percent of sites across North Carolina are shown as having 7 -day average flows below the 10th percentile or reaching new minimum for calendar date. Compared to May 13 (Sunday), the current values indicate continued improvements in overall streamflow conditions during course of the past week, considering 21 % of sites across the state were below the 25th percentile and 9% of sites were below 10th percentile and /or reaching new minimum for the calendar date. Below is a graph developed from the 7 -day average flow summary table available at: http: / /waterwater.usgs.gov/ classic / ?m= pa07d &r= nc &w= paO7d %2Ctable 1 f Less than 25th percentile Less than 10th percentile New min forthe clay Percentage of sites in North Carolina with 7 -day indicated percentile range or love Date M Another measure of the streamflow conditions is available from maps of median percentiles for 7 -day average flows for the previous 7 -, 14- 30 -, 60 -, and 90 -day periods updated through May 21 (Monday). These maps are intended to provide some kind of "long- term" index of the streamflow conditions (not available through the USGS WaterWatch pages) that is mapped according to the classification scheme for streamflow used by the U.S. Drought Monitor. Map images (via the above URL) showing the median percentiles for 7 -day average flows for previous 7 and 30 days are shown below. http: / /nc. water. usgs .gov /drought/dm- streamflow.html 8 Previous 7 days Monday, May 21, 2012 Previous 30 days Monday, May 21, 2012 Explanation No - No Drought ( >30 percentile) DO - Abnormally Dry (21 to 30 percentile) D1 - Moderate Drought (11 to 20 percentile) D2 - Severe Drought (6 to 10 percentile) D3 - Extreme Drought (3 to 5 percentile) D4 - Exceptional Drought (0 to 2 percentile) n/d - Not determined Unregulated Regulated a IM D ❑ 0 The following ArcMap screenshot shows the change in the median percentiles of 7 -day average flows for 7 -day period from last week (with last week's U.S. Drought Monitor in the background). In other words, at a given site, take last week's median percentile and compare it to this week's median percentile. Sites in red indicate a decrease in the median percentile from last week to this week (suggesting a decline in streamflow). Sites in blue indicate an increase in the median percentile from last week to this week (suggesting an improvement decline in streamflow). The size of the circles indicates the general range in percentile increase or decrease (note legend to left of the map). File Edit View Bookmarks Insert Selection Tools Window Help y y •y ` "� � _ iry' "(. � } �' � I:.�i�� I�,U�� _._..._._._._..._._._._.. El 0 Layers E] 2 Automated Dh1 maps (short string) CJ ❑�r (weekly change in 7 -day median percen. ' ®all othervalues> 10 to 25 percentile increase 25 to 50 percentile decrease Greater than 50 percentile decrease rrs p Edltor T I'Eute Nev,, Feeture Display Source Selection Drawing ` "` >' El trial 1 B" U A -- Ground Water -- 10 5 to 10 percentile increase 0 to 5 percentile increase No percentile change B to 5 percentile decrease 5 to 10 percentile decrease 10 to 25 percentile decrease 25 to 50 percentile decrease Greater than 50 percentile decrease rrs p Edltor T I'Eute Nev,, Feeture Display Source Selection Drawing ` "` >' El trial 1 B" U A -- Ground Water -- 10 Please visit the North Carolina Real -Time Network page at http: / /groundwaterwatch. usqs. gov /StateMapsNet.asp ?ncd= rtn &sc =37 (map shown below) for more information on ground -water conditions at selected USGS observation wells in North Carolina. Shown below are the hydrographs at four selected wells across North Carolina... real -time page for USGS ground water data in NC is available at http: / /waterdata.usgs.gov /nc /nwis /current ?tvpe =qw (MOUNTAINS) NC -144 at Blantyre in Transylvania County (http: / /waterdata.usgs.gov /nc /nwis /dv / ?site no= 351808082374302 &agency cd =USGS &referred module =sw) 11 New <f 1024 . ..................................... ................................ X25 7 75 9 >0 New ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ Not Low Mich Below Below -- Normal Above hrluoh Above' High Ranked Normal Normal Normal Normal Shown below are the hydrographs at four selected wells across North Carolina... real -time page for USGS ground water data in NC is available at http: / /waterdata.usgs.gov /nc /nwis /current ?tvpe =qw (MOUNTAINS) NC -144 at Blantyre in Transylvania County (http: / /waterdata.usgs.gov /nc /nwis /dv / ?site no= 351808082374302 &agency cd =USGS &referred module =sw) 11 12 USES 351 080823 '430 TR-065 (NC-144) AT BLANTYRE, NC (REGOLITH) 27.60 2119.50 CU Q. 27.70 2119.40 27.80 2119.30 z 27.90 2119.20 (U L m L CU (U 4J 28.00 2119.10 D 0 L O 28.10 CU 4J m 2119.00 4J CL C L 28.20 Apr May May May 28 05 12 19 2012 2012 2012 2012 ---- Provisional Data Subject to Revision ---- 12 (WESTERN PIEDMONT) NC -193, Piedmont RS near Barber in Rowan County (http: / /waterdata .usgs.gov /nc /nwis /dv / ?dd cd =01 72019 00003 &format =imq default &site no= 354057080362601 &set to qscale v =0 &begin date = 20070319) 13 USES 351 0808237430 TR -065 (SIC -144) AT BLANTYRE, HC (RE OLITH a 27.9 212919 m Q. 28.0 2119.9 4 2919 2118.9 � d Duo 39.9 2117.9 z Q0 31.9 2118.9 32.9 211519 } cu �} 33.0 2114.9 L C6 Q% cu G 34.0 211319 M J H C � a 35.0 L Jul Sep Now Jan Mar Nay 2911 2911 2911 2912 2912 2912 — Daily nean depth to water level Period of provisional data Period of approved data (WESTERN PIEDMONT) NC -193, Piedmont RS near Barber in Rowan County (http: / /waterdata .usgs.gov /nc /nwis /dv / ?dd cd =01 72019 00003 &format =imq default &site no= 354057080362601 &set to qscale v =0 &begin date = 20070319) 13 14 USES 354057080362801 FAO -149 (NC-193) PIEDMONT FMS 1 NR BARBER ( E OLITH) m C 4J 7.00 671.00 S �: GF 7.20 670.80 G Q} } Lo z 7.40 670.60 CU (y _ m L 7.60 670.40 au } Q C: L 7.80 670,20 CU +. L m � C Q 8,$$ 670 +00 C 0 Apr May May May ca 28 05 12 19 2012 2012 2012 2012 - - -- Provisional Data Subject to Revision - - -- 0 Measured depth to water level — Depth to water level 14 (EASTERN l T) Local number WK -284, NCDENR Lake Wheeler Research Station at Raleigh in Wake County (http: // groundwaterwatch .usgs.gov /AWLSites.asp ?S= 354404078403101 &ncd =rtn) USES 354057080362801 FAO -149 (NC-193) PIEDMONT FMS 1 NR BARBER ( E OLITH) a 672 +9 1 6 +9 0LITHWELL) 0 27 +15 CU 347 +85 � 6.5 671 +5 4J U 27 +29 7 +9 671 +9 G 347 +89 {y 27 +25 } L) z ' C 7 +5 679 +5 347 +75 L 27 +39 4 Z M 8 + � 679 +9 C (U � 27 +35 �} L 8 + 5 669 +5 +. 347 +65 Q L C6 Gi Q +} ° 9 +9 347 +69 669 +9 s J L 0 27 +45 r H � a 9 +5 668 +5 L Jul Sep Now Jan Mar May s L *' a 27 +59 2911 2911 2911 2912 2912 2912 — Daily nean depth to water level Period of provisional data c Period of approved data (EASTERN l T) Local number WK -284, NCDENR Lake Wheeler Research Station at Raleigh in Wake County (http: // groundwaterwatch .usgs.gov /AWLSites.asp ?S= 354404078403101 &ncd =rtn) 15 USES 3 544040 78403101 WK -284 LAK E' HEELER RS MW-3 S (RE G 0LITHWELL) 27 +15 347 +85 m 'U U 27 +29 347 +89 {y 27 +25 347 +75 27 +39 Z 347 +79 (U � 27 +35 y 347 +65 Q 27 +49 } 4ti 347 +69 L 0 27 +45 CU 347 +55 s L *' a 27 +59 c 347 +59 0 L C7 Apr May May May 28 95 12 19 2912 2912 2912 2912 - - -- Provisional Data Subject to Revision - - -- 15 UPS 3 544040 78403101 WK -284 LAK E' HEELER RS MW-3 S (RE G 0LITH'W at) 25.99 359.99 4 4} 25,59 349,59 N � G y 26.99 349.99 } Z G] 26,59 348.59 L L O *' 27.99 348.99 +4 r ° � 27,59 347.5$ y � 28.99 m 347,99 L Q +} G M >- 28,5$ N Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar Nay r- 0 2911 2911 2911 2912 2912 2912 0 ca — Daily naxinun depth to water level Daily nininun depth to water level --Daily nean depth to water level Period of approved data Period of provisional data Lowest recorded water level prior to MY2911 (27.89 ft Dec 12, 2998) (COASTAL PLAIN) NC -160 near Simpson in Pitt County ( http:/ /waterdata.usgs.gov /nc /nwis /dv/ ?site no= 353219077153801 &agency cd =USGS &referred module =sw) 16 17 USES 353219077153801 PI-532 (NC-160) NR IMP ON, NC (SURFICIAL,) 4.00 52.20 O 4.20 52.00 4.40 Lo 51.80 z CU D 4.60 (U L 51.60 '0 L CU Q 4.80 DO CU 4J 51.40 -" L O 4J 5.00 CU 4J 51.20 m 4J C6 5.20 Apr May May May L Lo 28 05 12 19 2012 2012 2012 2012 ---- Provisional Data Subject to Revision ---- 0 Measured depth to water level — Depth to water level 17 18 USGS 353 19077153801 PI -532 (NC-160) NR SIMPSON, N URFI IAL) O 4ti 1.9 55.0 Q- 0 ry 2 +9 y4 *0 S 0% 3.9 #$ 52.0 41 +9 51.0 �- #09t9 } CU �} r 4J 7.9 rl L C6 p 8.9 Gi 48.0 s N 9.0 C o Jul Sep Now Jan Mar May L 2911 2011 2911 2912 2912 2912 0 — Daily nean depth to water level Period of approved data Period of provisional data — Lowest recorded water level prior to MY2011 (8.97 ft Oct 23,24, 2007) 18