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20211523 Ver 1_Shoreline Stabilization_20211020
c , OoZ/ /J OLD piCHID RECEIVED ' , :. ROY COOPER �1++J' �' OCT 2 0 2021 Governor ii4 MICHAEL S.REGAN cr «� �., 'Secretary ;`k ,0" - DEQ-WATER RESOURCES S.DANIEL SMITH NORTH CAROLINA 401 &BUFFER PERMI TII.G Director Environmental Quality State o Ort aroma Department of Environment Quality Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02H.0500—Water Quality Certification,Shoreline Stabilization FORM: SSGP 09-2020 Shoreline Stabilization Application Form Three copies of the application(including attachments)and the application fee should be sent to: If sending via US Postal Service If sending via delivery service(UPS, FedEx, etc.) Paul Wojoski Paul Wojoski DWR—401& Buffer Permitting Branch DWR—401& Buffer Permitting Branch 1617 Mail Service Center 512 N.Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Raleigh, NC 27604 NOTE: Before submitting this form, please ensure you have submitted the Pre-Filing Meeting Request Form as we will not be able to accept your application without this important first step.The Pre-Filing Meeting Request Form is used in accordance with 40 C.F.R.Section 121.4(a)which states"At least 30 days prior to submitting a certification request,the project proponent shall request a pre-filing meeting with the certifying agency." In accordance with 40 C.F.R.Section 121.5(b)(7), and (c)(5), all certification requests must include documentation that a pre-filing meeting request was submitted to the certifying authority at least 30 days prior to submitting the certification request. Click here to read more information on when this form is needed prior to application submission or here to view the form. Attach documentation of Pre-Filing Meeting Request to this application. Date of Pre-filing Meeting Request: th 4/ i S / ?.0 . i (required) i DWR ID# Version 1 (if applicable) A. Applicant Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)] 1. Owner Information Name: ruri•mt l-anti Mailing Address: I ti`f Ya:.ht- C nvG l--rr. Ash tyv,,,s v:ire..mi Art: / 1' !I Telephone Number: 7I Li-4 a.\ - (0 ti; 7 Fax Number: E-mail Address: treA lly r;:ihl`rna>V.- e y4hoo . coi-, Q �1) North linmo Quali I Resources 512 NorthCaro SalisburyaDepart Street ent 11617ofEnvir Mail Servicenmental Centerty Raleigh.Division Northof CarolinaWater 27699-16I7 D_E DeparfnroM nl EnrlrvnmenHQuWY� 919.707.9000 2. Agent/Contact Person Information A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signed this application form. (A form can be downloaded here: http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Portals/59/does/regulatory/regdocs/Permits/SAMPLE AGENT AUTHORIZ ATION FORM.pdf) Name: Va iteiii n Company Affiliation: k lemur, ffc .� P rr,*t Mailing Address: \At t (.nnc. Telephone Number: 76Y-1401-31W Fax Number: E-mail Address: c (AS1,, I9Q1-@��, ;(•CcM B. Project Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)&(b)] 1. Attach a vicinity map (i.e.street map)clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers,and roads. 2. Provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and proposed locations of vegetation clearing, buildings, retaining walls, docks, impervious surfaces, rip rap, excavation or dredging below Full Pond/Normal Water Level elevations, and construction access corridors. You may use the diagram provided at the end of this application form. 3. Attach a photograph of the shoreline/buffer proposed to be stabilized. (Include a scale of some sort-a yard stick, shovel handle, etc.) 4. Location of the property(where work is to be conducted) County: jrctjc Nearest Town: J44ccre_5V,IIe.. Lake/river/ocean adjacent to property: L e til rr,4n Property size(acres): 0- Subdivision name or site address(include phase/lot number): ` oe''t LA. F I7 Directions to site-please include road names and numbers, landmarks,etc.: F,o,n Key 156 r4� C,_, lU0'f1121.4A ate flMMOO 414/N v,,/-u 136(.41k( ryl/ tile., g p 04+0 yacht`cat Latitude (in decimal degrees) .?-)S. 5-2-I)-CC Longitude(decimal degrees)-'"-.e1 l6 L1 5. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application (residential, undeveloped, etc.): re 5;derl,1-,4r' 6. Describe proposed work(include discussion as to how hardening of shoreline has been avoided, or why it is necessary): Arp! conic,, c C(ass IS r:P rap }v cull-roteco. y) FORM:SSGP 09-2020 Page 2 of 5 7. Will work be conducted from land? J From water? [kil 8. Total amount of impacts below the normal pool lake level/Normal Water Level Permanent impacts (including all excavation, backfill, rip rap, retaining walls,etc.) in square feet: 0 Temporary impacts in square feet: 0 9. Total amount of impacts above the normal pool lake level/Normal Water Level and 50 feet land-ward Permanent impacts (including back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls,etc.) in square feet: jc Temporary impacts(temporary clearing,construction corridor) in square feet: 10. Please describe the vegetation above the normal pool lake level/Normal Water Level and 50 feet landward to be impacted (number of trees,for instance): 4,'ctrc�- 11. Signature By signing below, I, as the project proponent, certify to the following: • The project proponent hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief • The project ponent her by requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this A 401 certif. tion request within the applicable reasonable period of time ner/Agent's Signature' [15A NCAC O2H .05O2(f)] Date "Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the owner is provided. 12. Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan and provide dimensions for each item: a. All proposed vegetation clearing b. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond/Normal Water Level elevation c. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Full Pond/Normal Water Level elevation d. Location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks,etc. e. Location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond/Normal Water Level elevation FORM:SSGP 09-2020 Page 3 of 5 octt Lake (At Full Pond/Normal Water Level) Full Pond/ Normal Water Level �,.. �. .. ._ �-, , - > > > MNM inn NMil � MEM EMI EnIN .. -MOM ►L"`i c; cid ems -��; `1 x 7t. ¢� Shoreline �c �-<. 0�2 r t Ajd,n4 P`Q rqp lJ ^'.2PR x7Cfi tvry! Plan View Lake (At Full Pond/Normal Water Level) Existing Dock of 7h ��. �.�.�2.�.��.8.�. I.�.�RS 3 ft•150 ft lamege '4i_!=' jaim'�i LWOW full pond/NWL Full Pond Normal Water Level �._. *. �`horeTne a gto: ►XR Gftx150ft Above full pond/NWL additional clearing ' •if necessary [ AMP E Plan View FORM:SSGP 09-2020 Page 4 of 5 " ."- 13aldi Vic- aNz gyp. 2 i ,;,afP� gull col CuU ';t"'af ►',P'"+P 1-1 i i f G6. :. '' . , , �� r� K > . Lake (At Ful Pond/Normal Water Levu. c --, ,_.,, E 0 To — c o zvv) 0 Side View n Li- 3 ft below full pond water level 4 ft,above full pond water level 2 ft.additional clearing *if necessary I I I ' ••_ Existing bank ,,b , ,,� ' :11740 10 ft.bank % a height Dy� ,,,,Q~ oq Side View ` c9) FORM:SSGP 09-2020 Page 5 of 5 • , ...lai ?r/ 1 ,1hitii11"' aka,_..- P� - 'ik - ry .I ! ate= a-;} g`ay t teal : 'F� rail•i�w'i ''- -- �`"- F '''rim. ( ri .�H �,. r „+.MfP a ti f'` f 6 dp r ; u Yea Q _ _ as oa w m n ,,04r � a cre,. s ue► �.- ...; '� cF s • a! r �y si r, �yr i .F�1 ai� w � 1 °"'V iglig..'' } °l1i11 t'atflifili i 11011— ORll�ll ! �f I"II ..; ' ¢ ? _ Y. 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PROPOSED Sli1301 VISION ROAD O.495 ACRES .14LAMMIA.7.1:4711?"1 "...1 MOTU ON STANDARDS CERT 2.1,0411 ,. , ....;,t.; Are., 64., / "L'1 * ' 4, ''',..,. , 8,- , S12106.1EE 4.17. a, AA,E „,4 # • E, '4'.-..c.k-I,'4. ''4- * :" ' r*.Ki •-0 'I 12-17T'43 A,. Am'.AP •,S•"' Fr IIIMIR 10•11/1 'dal .. 7 4' t....'":". ...e.0.66.34•• 13 gill S,,,.-fr't lid.,LS 14,1..Et. DATE .... NOONAN C7H.' . :=g © i 7 • DUKE POWER COMPANY }.M , E----4.'s.0*&• "''''SSqb. in3.00.411, ,..„, INCA..COUN71 8.0 l',74 ACRES In GI g II 0.705 ACEEd .: IRMA.COMTE E t E 1.1 DOT 18 PAGE 9::' • DEES BOOK 346 PAGE 461-469 ... /... 0.689 ACRES 150.CID. 1 k 0.117 ACRES ''.A.1 0.b10 ACRES 14".-I. 0 Ell g) 3,1,3;107;411.E.366.75',.25.00 ..• CRE d 114a 35.00.4C8 Ai.r48 0o.r0 04.r v NOI.T 14507I3 8.Y eAa CB 09S E - . EE. l0A965 0493AR965 ""00 REN .E.®S.t030•'00 06. 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WET 6 ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS - N.it Pil WM V YACHT COVE Fe 47t5 PARK ROAD, SUITE 10E _L ... ...._ ANIL._. o.o. ..."..Z...7.do- ---161NAINce., 'ON vi 1.....,. 4'-'11414"".SI VAll N. WEI CHARLOTTE, C. 28209 alati/8 o...• DAVIDSON TOWNINIP RESELL COUNTY,NC. SLIMS .. ' UTE REVISION r (704)522-059S . RECORD MAP • .• ... . 9/17/21,7:43 PM 159 Yacht Cove Ln-Google Maps Go gle Maps 159 Yacht Cove Ln Go gle Map data©2021 100 ft • • 159 Yacht Cove Ln Building Directions Save Nearby Send to your Share phone c) 159 Yacht Cove Ln, Mooresville, NC 28117 Photos https://www.google.com/maps/place/159+Yacht+Cove+Ln,+Mooresville,+NC+28117/@35.5214913,-80.9182132,18z/data=!4m5!3m4!1 s0x8856ac668c... 1/2 9/17/21,7:47 PM 159 Yacht Cove Ln-Google Maps Go gle Maps 159 Yacht Cove Ln • 1111/1 - / ,, 00 � .. a. M k4N?`eH1iJ ds Google Imagery©2021 Maxar Technologies,Orbis Inc,Map data©2021 50 ft • 159 Yacht Cove Ln Building Q (9' Directions Save Nearby Send to your Share phone Q 159 Yacht Cove Ln, Mooresville, NC 28117 Photos https://www.google.com/maps/place/159+Yacht+Cove+Ln,+Mooresville,+NC+28117/@35.5213558,-80.9169585,227m/data=!3m1!1 e3!4m5!3m4!1 s0x... 1/2 DWR Pre-Filing Meeting Request Form NORTH CAROLINA FnWenaleMd Qw/py Contact Name Vaughn Enyeart Contact Email Address ` vaughn@lakenormandredging.com Project Owner Tanya Flanagan Project Name Tanya Flanagan Shoreline Stabilization Project County lredell Owner Address: Street Address 159 Yacht Cove Lane Address Line 2 City State/Bovine/Region Mooresville NC Mal/Zip Cbde Country 28117 USA Is this a transportation project? r Yes (7 No Type(s)of approval sought from the DWR: f 401 Water Quality Certification- I— 401 Water Quality Certification- Regular Express I— Individual Permit 1— Modification f' Shoreline Stabilization Does this project have an existing project ID#? c Yes r• No Do you know the name of the staff member you would like to request a meeting with? Please give a brief project description below and Include location information. Repair/Maintenance of existing rock shoreline.Work will consist of placing underlayment where necessary and applying class B riprap. Work will be done by water utilizing an excavator on a barge.Work is for the purpose of erosion control. By digitally signing below,I certify that I have read and understood that per the Federal Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule the following statements: • This form completes the requirement of the Pre-Filing Meeting Request in the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule. • I understand by signing this form that I cannot submit my application until 30 calendar days after this pre-filing meeting request. • I also understand that DWR is not required to respond or grant the meeting request. Your project's thirty-day clock started upon receipt of this application. You will receive notification regarding meeting location and time if a meeting is necessary. You will receive notification when the thirty-day clock has expired,and you can submit an application. Signature* efbvrrt Submittal Date 9/15/2021 CATAWBA RIPARIAN BUFFER NOTIFICATION FORM yl, -tak Project Name dress: t Cyt/ County: T-( 8l e Owner: LAM kn haytiV\ Print / Signature V Contractor/agent: G L.ttAivi Bu(' �'� ��i✓✓� Print Signature The approval is for the purpose and design described in your application. Impacts not indicated in the application is a violation of the Buffer Rule.Site specific work should be provided in the application.[15A NCAC 02H .0506 and 15A NCAC 02B.0243(8)] Trees are not allowed to be removed from Zone 1 of the Buffer(within 30 ft of the full pond elevation), unless approved.Exception,those trees that are severely undermined along the immediate shoreline can be removed. Minimal shaping and sloping along the immediate shoreline is allowed. [15A NCAC 02B.0243(6)] Benching and grading in the buffer is not allowed.Excessive disturbance of ground cover. [15A NCAC 02B.0243 (6)] Beaches,impervious patios,impervious walkways,etc.are not allowed in the buffer unless specifically approved by the Division. There are limitation on size for decks.[15A NCAC 02B.0243(4)and(6)] Work to be conducted from land must indicate an access and indicate any trees that are to be removed. The work corridor should be described.The approved access corridor shall be restored.Staging,spoil,construction material must be outside the buffer.[15A NCAC 02H.0502 and 15A NCAC 02B.0243(4),(6),(8)] Stormwater cannot be piped or channeled for direct discharge to the lake. All constructed stormwater discharges must be at the natural elevation and discharged prior to entering the buffer directed as diffuse or sheet flow at non-erosive velocities to the lake.[15A NCAC 02B.0243(5),(6)] Acknowledgement of Notification I, lY� & / t1 (it/� ,hereby state that I have been informed of the Catawba Riparian Buffet•Rule. Any work ceducted in the buffer,not specifically stated in the application and approved by the Division of Water Resources(DWR),is a violation and subject to enforcement.Due diligence will be taken such that the construction ' •• built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and B er Rules,t e approved pl s)and specification(s),and other supporting materials. Signature(ow er): Date: I IAA 6/0