HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211318 Ver 1_Revised PCN Impact Sheet_20211019Ne ,r,)
Lot b 1 10
Lot 73.74
I Tempory
I Smaii Basin Wetland
I Both 1 0.21 acres
2a. S777
Impact type
2c. Type of W.
2d. W. name
2e. Forested*
Type of Impact
12f. �2g,
Jurisdicitio are a
Small -Basin Weiland
ISmall-Ba.,ri Welland 'F��
drive way
ISmall-Ba.in Weiland
2g. Total Temporary Welland Impact
8-fiso 0.21 acres
2g. Total Permanent Wetland Impact
2g. Total Watland Impact
4.47,o- 0.28 acres
2i. Commeniq,
This irnpact includes the riprap located in the wetland. The impact from the sewer line is not forested, there is no maintenance corridor, impact is temporary since
the disturbance will be returned to as near as possible original contours.
E. Impact Justification and Mitigation
1. Avoidance and Minimization
Ia. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize tire proposed impacts in designing the project:*
Oil the Crossing we are using headwalls to minimize the impact. Oil lots 48 the fill in reduced to just provide a 10 foot buffer bpMeen the back of the
house and the wedand. Oil Lot 42 the driveway is being graded as close as possible to existing grade to reduce the amount of Vefland impact, see
notes on Sheet 3 of 3.
1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniqueq:
The remaining wetlands will be protected by silt fence locqted by a PLS so not to exceed the approved fill. the silt fence wit serve as a barrier to
protect the wetland from not only sediment but serve as a barrier to keep equipment and construction debris out of the weland. The construction area
and rill wit be stabilized with a ground cover immediately after construction.
2. Cornpensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State
2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State?
r Yes IT No
2b. Ifthis project DOES NOTrequire Compensatory Mitigation, explain why.
The proposed permanent viefland �mpacl Is less than the total permanent required mitigation threshold.
NC St,can, Temperature Classification Maps can be found under the Mitigation Conoepts tab on the V161mingion District's website.
F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR)
'" Recent changes to the sto�ter rules have required updates to this section .�
1. Diffuse Flow Plan
Ia. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules?
IT Yes r No
1b. All buffer impacts and high ground Impacts require diffuse flow or other form of stormwater treatment. If the project is subject to a state implemented riparian buffer protection
program, include a plan that fully documents how diffuse flow will be maintained.
All Stormwater Control Measures SCM)s must be designed in accordance with the NC Stornrwatei Design Manual. Associated supplement forms and other documentation shall be
What type of SCM are you providing?
F Level Spreader
F_ Vegetated Conveyance (lower SHVY7)
F Weiland Swale (higher SHWT)
f— Other SCM that removes mininium 30% nitrogen
W Proposed project wit not create concentrated storrawater flow through the buffer
i d�k al tr� apily)
i�or a list of options to meet the diffuse flow requirements, click
2. Stormwater Management Plan
2a. Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDors Individual NPDES permit NCS000250?*
r Yes r No