HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051457 Ver 1_FW Public Record Request from the Southern Environmental Law Center.msg_20130514Strickland, Bev From: Young, Sarah [sarah.young @ncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 10:13 AM To: Reeder, Tom; Tarver, Fred; Peele, Linwood; Ramsey, Dennis R Subject: FW: Public Record Request from the Southern Environmental Law Center Attachments: CCSD @knobcrk.pdf; CCW tipping point.txt; FW Cleveland County Water Intake (UNCLASSIFIED).txt; RE Cleveland County Reservoir Public Records Request.txt; RE Cleveland County Water_dr.txt; image001.png I have only received files from Fred. Does anyone else have anything? I would like to get this together by COB Friday. From: Tarver, Fred Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 10:20 AM To: Young, Sarah Subject: RE: Public Record Request from the Southern Environmental Law Center Sarah, I ve attached emails associated with recent public information request on CCW. Fred Email: fred.tarver @ncdenr.gov Phone: 919 - 707 -9029 Fax: 919 - 733 -3558 From: Young, Sarah Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 3:23 PM To: Reeder, Tom; Tarver, Fred; Peele, Linwood; Ramsey, Dennis R Subject: FW: Public Record Request from the Southern Environmental Law Center •- - .. to gather this? I was going to call the attorney and give him some sort of estimate. From: Reeder, Tom Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 7:33 AM To: Young, Sarah Subject: FW: Public Record Request from the Southern Environmental Law Center Tom Reeder Director, NC Division of Water Resources Phone: 919 - 707 -9027 email: tom.reeder @ncdenr.gov E -mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Laura LaFleur <Ilafleur @selcnc.org> Date: Monday, April 1, 2013 5:14 PM To: Tom Reeder <tom.reeder @ncdenr.gov> Cc: DJ Gerken <dlgerken @selcnc.org> Subject: RE: Public Record Request from the Southern Environmental Law Center From: Laura LaFleur Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 5:14 PM To: 'tom.reeder(d)ncdenr.aov' Cc: DJ Gerken Subject: Public Record Request from the Southern Environmental Law Center Mr. Reeder, Please see the attached Public Record Request, sent to you today via US Certified Mail. Please contact DJ Gerken at dlgerken @selcnc.org or via phone at 828 - 258 -2023 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Laura LaFleur Office Administrative and Legal Assistant Southern Environmental Law Center 22 South Pack Sq. Suite 700 Asheville, NC 28801 Phone: 828. 258.2023 Fax: 828. 258.2024 www.southernenvironment.ore RE Cleveland County Reservoir Public Records Request From: Tarver, Fred Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 10:46 AM To: Young, Sarah; Peele, Linwood Subject: RE: Cleveland County Reservoir Public Records Request Sarah, Did you /Linwood cover Woody's files? Fred From: Young, Sarah Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 10:10 AM To: Reeder, Tom; Fransen, Tom; Tarver, Fred; Peele, Linwood Subject: Cleveland County Reservoir Public Records Request Hi all: I just got a call from DJ Gurkin of Southern Environmental Law Center asking when we would have all of this information ready. I believe Linwood and Fred have completed their record search and Fred has also provided me with Jim's records. I still need to get into Steve's email, which I have yet to figure out how Page 1 RE Cleveland County Reservoir Public Records Request to do. Tom and Tom: you both have records too, correct? I'm going to call him back and ask for another week. Could everyone provide your records by then? You can put hard copies in the box on my back desk and electronic records in a folder marked SELC Request in my transfer folder. Thanks, Sarah Sarah M. Young Public Information Officer /Division of Water Resources 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1611 Ph: (919) 707 -9033 Fax: (919) 733 -3558 Email: sarah.young @ncdenr.gov E -mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Page 2 .tally V, 1997 kir- Nlikc T Dowd Nlc(illl Asqnciatcs, PA PO. Box 2259 A.sheville, North Carolina 28802 Dtar- kfi. Dowd. This 'is in response to yoijr letter dated June 26, 1997 reg Bard .n withdrawal limits for the pi-oposed withdrawal by the Cleveland County Sanitary District (CC SD) from Knob Crock and LhQ,L FiT-sL Bi,-oud River" We havc. n vic Acd the scale clrawill�� ' nd YOU pfcividcd a have ocincluded that. a Sep2iluLe I Ili []H 111-1111 flciw will riot be necessary fior the Knob Crock Intako, This dcto.rrninatloji Is basc,-d on tho, ractors [isled below. If any of this information change,,, or if we have inkinterpreLed the drawings, plea.e inlfurni th,Q Divl lon uf Wawr T e tar r e (DWR). The downstrealu edlce of t]iQ,. intak-c will be gaily about 250 foct fi-orri thk�' 1;01111ucllcct With the Fivqt Broad River. Based on the contour lines and edue of hater indicated on the plans, the water surface td,eVkltj9-)Fl act 11112 GUIlf1L1e17L:-e IS abOLLt 784 feet MSL. The �,eiitc•tint, bottom elevation. of Knob Uock, varies between T�2 atnd 783 4,-eL MSL ol'Lh� -Inl,uke. Therefore it appears that a ba•k-water exisi,5fi-opit thc tonfluciieu. LO tile imaku. Rcwirdinq nummum flow roquirguents for tho First Bi-pad RJIVCI.' foj_ the First r�-.), Th�, 7( 't J ad Kjv(.,r.1uqt, (IL amof Knob Crc k hay, tjvt:u esLiuiaLed at 71,.6 refs, or 46.1 mod Oettor front USG S dated March 4, 1996)- flit-',, propu6W Mal Qapaoty for the new wi t li d rawal po I ji t is 10,0 ni v d, or 21 6% ul"flic 7()l0. RLU1-U1-l-jVCr WiLhdr4wals in eXC4�Ss of 201% of the 7Q10 typically require mcorporatinji (if mill'111111111 flow 1-cquin�aicws nc(,essary to inaintain aquatic habitat. 13ox 27687 VacEi 919-733 4061 Puleigh, North Carolina N04EK C An Equal EMplcj-ye,--.r 27611 7687 �0%.recydadil M Posl-consumer paper July' 7, 1997 letter to Mike Dowd Par-le 2 In this (:use the proposed withdi-awal is onty 0-5 iilgd abcrve 20% of the 7Q] 0. FuFflicrincii-Q, I' AVK, lias previously uunducted a site - .peclfir field study Of insLreajit flows, and aquatic liabotat ill rhis reach of the First Broad River. Based on this -qudy and, the small amotlfl[ bV which Ifie proposed withdraw-al oxcccds the 20% 7Q 10 threshold- no ni-Iii-Imum flow cat' mthdr-awal coastraint will be required at the am iraakv. Thig dCLUI-Illinadon is based on the a�,� Ion I I umpt � that lho mm%irnum, instantanCOUS withdrawal rate w] 10.0 mp-d. Higher pumping rates would rNmrc of minimum flows Ajiv f1iti.ire of (fm withdrawal will aki) FC(11111-0 I-CViCW 0CIIliIliIT%jl`l flows needed to maintain RqUMIC. hablW, CC-SJ) S1101-11d, also imisult with the Division of Watcf Quality to determine ir'this wx,,irhdrmvaj will aft'C--U, the p0l-miL r,qulr ments for any do%viistroaai waAi-,uaIeT treatment plant discharges by mduc-Ing the. 11mv. available fir agsimilarive Cap ac.-IN. Please contact mo at 919/715-54,16 or Jim Mead at 9 [ 9/7 15-54,78 if ymi have any furifier cjuc tion,,;. S'HICQ.I-L Ay, Ar John SuflicrImad Water Plan'lling Si2uOull, Chief QC., Jim Mead. Steve RQ,- d, & Woudy Yonts - DWR Stt-phanio Goudreau -NV'R('' Carla Sanderson & Steve Znufaly - DWQ Jessica Miles - DELI. JL1110 26, 1997 Mr. Jot-in Southeriand, Chief Water Planning Section DiViSi011 Of W'Wff RUSOLIFUCS Nar0t Carolina Department of Environment Hc-altli and Namrai f(esources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina, 2761.1 RE Dear, 1Vlr. soullicrImid: J U L mr,mm ar- ft —Im RW'Vf M, RGCJLKcM fbE Withdrawal Limits Cleveland County Sanitary DigriQl On behalf of the Clm-,land. County Sanitary DiNtritt, we are hereby making a request ftir 1110 allowable withdrawal fimit� for to proposed raw waur in,14iko loc,�md bcmcen (tic First Broad River and, Knob Creek (see attached figm-c-,S). Wig WOUld also appreciate it if YOLL WOUld provide tiS with the Sniiii',iry District's whhdrmal thilit ',It [heir CUrrem intakp, on the First Broad River. At pEosuiiL, Llit Cleveland County Sanitary District is in the process of atiempting to obtain an cniurgenc y loan througii the Public Walser Supply Section of the Division of hrviroamental Healiji, aw(l any efforts to expedite this request w i I I be greatly appreciated_ Thank you in advance for ymii aisimamuc, If you have' any (ItAusliwis Liu uuimnents during your review, please do not liesiule to c-a11, Sincerely, M!cGILT. ANSOCIATFS, PA- ' z MIKE T. DOWD, U.I.T. EnulusUIC'S cc Butch SmIth Steve Oaldev Io ill Li 19712,4,1.{J }. S2qj Ll 0. dou - i n c c t- i n ) 0 P I i i L� t7 "4 (6 GeV A , r c", P. rj 1), %,4 , 2 .:4 Not 5 .9 uia X e I, A. , I, dir, --Vf :'.%"Ii yl A Z MvcR PROJECT LOCATION rt LAWNDALE s9w m AIPM, I C A N I CLEVELAND COUNTY SANITARY D15TRICT CLYDE E. SN11T.H, DISTRICT MANAGER PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION-- CONST-RUCT TWO (2) — u50' LONG RAW WATER CANA.L3 AND A IlolLVV 10 PM CD R.AW WATER PLIMP STATIOU LDCA-nON: M)NI'LUENCE OF FIRST BROAD RIVER AND KNOB CREEK COUNTY; STATE, PROJECT, RAW WATER INTAKE NC, i�2 NOT TO SCALE ADJACENT PROPERTY 1. BOWER INC. POST OFFICE BOX 188 CALIIQIIINI, II'NNI: `BSI 'F CLEVELAND J NORTH CAROUN�__ '3(7AL.E'v NONE DA T E7 J1.1 ME. 19 ENG1 ME E RING - FL&NN, INN - FINANCE FILE NAMI.: PROPOSED 2v 01 RAW WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN PROPOSED ti PROPOSEG AUTOMATIC RAW WATER FAR SCREEN PUMP STATION PROPOSED SLIDE GATE PROPOSED P AUTOMATIC -' 'su TE PROPOSED BAR JSCRtEN' rr PROPOSIM KNOB CREEK -CIQAQRE T INTAKE CANAL tr,a FIRST OROAD RIVER INTAKE CANAL PROPOSED F -ORM --24' DI PIPE FABRIC LINING PROPOSED rABRIC,FORA LININO V., 1.zp j EUI',­ON� A-E -0 4.1. WOO A V nW' 'AL 2' PROPOSEi) GRAVEL ACCESS ROADS WlkuOo APP'LICANT- CLEVELAI',I'D COUNTY SANITARY DISTRICT C LYD 7- 1 E. SMITI 1. DISTRICT MANAGI-P PROPOSED CONSTRUCIION, CC; N S TR LJ CT I ldY0 (2) — 150 ' I ON G R A %V V A TFR c A Iq Al a ANo A lAll.''N 10 k4GI) 1-1,AW INA IFq PUMP :: IA fION LOCATION: CONI-LI-ILNGE 01- I-IMS1 III '%"lVI:R ANT) KNOA 04-FK C DUN TY-. SlA I L: CLLVLLt D NORTH CAROLINA SCAIE, 100" DAR -- ILJNE ET ?CIE 2 PROJECT. NEW RAVW WATER INTAKE ADJACENT PROPILHlY OWNFIRS: BOWATER INC- PO ST OFFIC.F. HOX l," CALHOUM, TENNESSEE 37309 rILZ NAMF-1 M; \USERS\EVERYONE\( PSILt-0\97224,01\PERMITS�,'-)7224CCR FW Cleveland County Water Intake (UNCLASSIFIED) From: Kichefski, Steven L SAW < Steven .L. Kichefski @usace. army. miI> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 7:37 AM To: Brown, David W SAW; Tarver, Fred Subject: FW: Cleveland County Water Intake (UNCLASSIFIED) Attachments: CCW_screencapture.jpg Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Fred, David Brown from our office will be the county manager for Cleveland and I have copied him on this email. I am not familiar with any recent permits for that area /project, but will have to review files to make sure. Thanks for the information and we will see what we can find out. Regards, Steve Kichefski Regulatory Specialist Page 1 FW Cleveland County Water Intake (UNCLASSIFIED) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Asheville Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Suite 208 Asheville, NC 28801 (828) - 271 -7980 Ext. 234 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at our website at http:// per2 .nwp.usace.army.miI /survey.htmI to complete the survey online. - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Tarver, Fred [mailto:fred.tarver @ncdenr.gov] Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2012 6:16 PM To: Kichefski, Steven L SAW Subject: Cleveland County Water Intake Steven, Page 2 FW Cleveland County Water Intake (UNCLASSIFIED) I was putting together a map for our basin planning effort and was assembling lat /longs of water systems in the Broad Basin with an online mapping system and discovered this image that I've attached. The image is a screen capture of the Cleveland County Water intake at the confluence of First Broad River and Knob Creek. The image is copyrighted 2012. 1 remember when they proposed the new intake at the confluence a decade ago, but I don't remember the use of rip rap in both streams to provide backwater into the channel cuts. Do you know if there is a 404/401 for this fill? Thanks, -I Page 3 FW Cleveland County Water Intake (UNCLASSIFIED) Fred R Tarver III Division of Water Resources NC Department of Environment & Natural Resources 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699 -1611 Email: fred.tarver @ncdenr.gov Phone: 919 - 707 -9029 Fax: 919 - 733 -3558 FW Cleveland County Water Intake (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Page 5 RE Cleveland County Water_dr From: Tarver, Fred Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 2:21 PM To: Ramsey, Dennis R Cc: Peele, Linwood; Reed, Steven Subject: RE: Cleveland County Water Attachments: CCSD @knobcrk.pdf Dennis, This was part of the late `90's EA to relocate their intake to the Knob Crk confluence. See attached. Fred From: Ramsey, Dennis R Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 12:20 PM To: Tarver, Fred Cc: Peele, Linwood Subject: Cleveland County Water Fred I am trying to gain a better understanding of the water system operated by Cleveland County Water. In a Preliminary Alternatives Analysis developed for CCW by Page 1 RE Cleveland County Water_dr McGill Asso. dated August 10, 2011, they state (top of page 3) that CCW currently has approval to increase their withdrawal rate on the First Broad River to 15.47 cfs (10 MGD) in the future with the expansion of their water treatment plant. So far, I have been unable to find a document from DWR or anyone else that clearly commits that volume (10 MGD) to CCW. Are you aware of such a document? If so, do you know where I can get a copy? Thanks Dennis Page 2 CCW tipping point From: Tarver, Fred Sent: Thursday, July To: Reeder, Tom Cc: Fransen, Tom; Subject: CCW & tipping Tom, 127 2012 4:18 PM Reed, Steven point Tom Fransen asked me to investigate Cleveland County Water's future demand capacity and what "tipping point" may exist to shift the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative (LEDPA) from an alternative source back to the applicant's preferred alternative of a reservoir on the First Broad River. I called Henry Wicker and we discussed this issue. Here are the bullet points of our discussion: The Corps doesn't work that way. "Reverse engineering" a project to fit the applicant's preference may have legal ramifications. (He mentioned that Page 1 CCW tipping point the Southern Environmental Law Center has served a FOIA on the Corps regarding this project.) The evaluation is based on Purpose and Need, and the Corps sees no indication that current projected demands can't be met by one or more of the alternative sources. No "tipping point" yet exists. We didn't discuss what it would require to be considered a firm future demand outside of the present and projected service areas. Hope this helps. Please let me know if you wish to discuss further. Fred Page 2